The SIMPLE Guide To FLUX Construct Farming in Tears Of The Kingdom

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what's up Gamers welcome to the channel I'm  currently in a flux construct boss fight and   in this video I'm going to be showing you how  you can fight a [ __ ] contract and not take any   damage pretty much and run through all these and  farm them all and all the things associated with   it you can have a lot of fun with this video so  get ready the hunt and farm some flux contracts   let's get into it you might be asking what are  the benefits of doing all these flux constructs   well one is that they all drop their green core  which pretty much you can fuse to a zonette weapon   which is going to enhance your damage you can  also add it to other weapons and that's gonna   make it look a lot cooler as well next they drop  zonai charges which you can use at dispensers to   get Zone parts sometimes they also Drop Zone  parts but it's not a crazy amount but the Zone   a charges are definitely going to be great for  dispensers and defeating bosses like these flux   constructs will raise your exp which will pretty  much eventually lead to Silver monsters spawning   in your world and higher level constructs like  the gold ones which are Level 4 Captain 4 and   Soldier construct Force I just also wanted to do  a quick disclaimer you can use any bill would you   want to beat up these flux constructs you don't  have to do exactly what I'm doing you could use   the silver Lino weapons from our Lino video or  you could even use some of the bone weapons that   we put in our gliox slaying video so feel free  to do it however you want I'm just giving you a   basic outline of what you can possibly do also  please feel free to write what you do in the   comments below it'll help everyone out so much and  it also helps me out and I really appreciate you   guys for putting all that information down in the  comments okay so this is a flux construct one and   you can start initiating the fight by just maybe  taking a shot at its head they're not too crazy   to fight so what's gonna happen is Lux construct  one is gonna run up to you and you can run right   underneath it and what you can notice about this  is that its core is always going to be in the same   spot and that's going to make it break apart and  then you can pretty much just nuke a construct one   these are probably the most fun ones to deal  with because this core is just not moving so   we're gonna see and prolong it just so you can  see what a phase two is of this or its next move   and it takes a bit like you have a lot of time in  order to completely do something here so look at   this this is pretty cool you can actually use the  blocks to your Shield as well just want to point   out there then they have this very little platform  on this little platform you can do either jump or you can do the completely  cool ability called the recall   which you can hop on it and it just jumps up to  it but like I said this one's not too hard to   reach you can literally go right underneath and  just shoot it and another thing that you could   do at this part of the fight is you can pretty  much just go underneath it with your Ultra hand and the whole thing's going to come apart and then  you can pretty much just finish off this thing   just like that fight is a really easy contract  one is the most easiest fight that you're gonna   have and it's a stable fight so you can use this  to get a bunch of Zone a charges and uh this drop   over here which isn't that op so if you want to  see what it looks like on a zonai weapon this is   my 10 mighty zoneite sword pretty much if we are  to do an ultra hand here this is what we're gonna   get a flux core one Pounder with a 20 Zone Sword  and the construct the one core is going to be 10   and the mighty Zone 8 sword is gonna double  up so it's 20 and 10 to give you a 30. that's   so much power this weapon is gonna have which  is funny because the master sword is actually   calculated to be a 30 damage so there you go you  just got the master sword damage right over here   on killing flux one if you want to know where some  flux construct One locations are there's one over   bravery Island is located over here there's going  to be two in the top left corner in the hebra sky   area so one all the way on this corner here  and another one over here on this sky island   and then the one that you can pretty much find at  the tutorial spot on tutorial Island at the great   sky island so there's gonna be four pretty much of  these in the sky now if we go down to the depths   you're gonna find one over here in this location  which is gonna be north east of this light route   over here you're gonna find another one over at  this location which is going to be pretty much   right in front of these two light Roots so you can  mark this one on your map as well and we're gonna   have one over here only at the bottom are the map  and the closest one I can get to you is this light   route all the way to here there's gonna be three  of them in the depths that you can kill now before   we move on to flux construct 2 let's go over a  couple of other important things that you should   know let's say for example you did fight a flux  construct monster and you decided to attach it   onto another weapon right not a flux weapon you're  like okay I need to save this for later well   luckily a lot of you know who watch my channel  but for those who don't know there is a spot in   Tarrytown where you can disassemble weapons and  take the parts you need and use it another time   on another weapon so pretty much we're gonna break  it down for 20 rupees then you select your weapon   you're gonna hear a little noise and then it's  going to separate the two items so now you can   pick up your soldier's Claymore or whatever  your original weapon was that you just used   as a temporary hold and then I can grab let's  say my mighty zoneite Spear and I can just go   ahead and Infuse that to the correct zonite  weapon because we're gonna get more damage   from these weapons so that's pretty much what  you're gonna do anytime you ever run into an   issue or you want to separate the piece from the  flux construct so keep that in mind Tarrytown is   your spot to go to to do this if you want to  upgrade your flux constructs even further well   over to the L Mountain area by Goron City and  I've marked up these spots where we love to do   this on our Channel called OCTA Rock enhancing of  weapons and we have a whole entire video just on   OCTA Rock enhancing and how you can create the  most powerful weapons of the game but as usual   for new people on the channel I will give the  breakdown of pretty much what you have to do   find your first octo Rock go ahead and drop your  weapon after you drop your weapon the octa-rock   is going to suck it up it's going to Sparkle  giving the weapon a modifier and then spit it   back at you go ahead pick it up you should see  that modifier this now has critical hit and then   go ahead and just shoot that OCTA Rock then head  over to another location on this map where his   second OCTA rock is then when you find OCTA Rock  number two what you want to do is go in front of   it exactly when it Burrows in the ground go  ahead and save and pretty much at this point   you're going to want to drop your weapon every  time you reload your game until you get yourself   a good modifier which is going to be the plus  10 I'm not gonna try to get that for the sake   of this video but you get what I mean so pretty  much reload your game if you didn't get it it's   gonna suck it up again Sparkle and spit it up  always save on the second one and I got attack   up plus eight okay we're pretty close pretty close  and now this weapon instead of dealing 40 damage   is now dealing 48 damage so two more we've done 50  per hit which is pretty good now let's talk about   Mighty zonite weapons and the easiest place where  you can get some these are gonna be located down   in the spirit Temple which is going to be a whole  entire Quest that you're gonna have to do you can   follow my video right over here if you want access  to the shop at all times now once you complete   that entire quest line you're gonna have this  construct sitting over here in this exact spot   if you finish my video You're Gonna know exactly  where I am and when you talk to this construct   it's going to basically tell you that you can buy  any of the weapons from here now it's only going   to be one in stock and when you purchase something  it's then gonna say it's not anymore in stock so   what you're going to have to do is just make a  quick campfire and when you do that and move to   like the next day or another time you can go ahead  and talk to the construct again and then you're   going to see that it's going to have it restocked  completely so this is a great place where you can   get yourself Mighty Zone at weapon in exchange for  some zonite which for a lot of people shouldn't be   too hard another great thing that you could do to  get powerful zonai weapons is going to be fighting   any of the constructs that you find throughout the  entire world as you get your overall experience   up in the game you're gonna get a lot of stronger  constructs showing up in the world so it's a great   thing when you start getting Soldier construct  4 or Captain construct four these are the gold   ones that start to appear on your map and when you  take these ones out it will drop base attachments   for the mighty zoneite weapons that you pretty  much can have as well as their horns they also   function as great attachments to power you up  so that's just another option on getting really   good zoneite weapons so for everyone who's curious  here's what the mighty zonite beer looks like with   a pulverizer on it here's what it looks like with  the double-handed sword pretty cool pretty cool   here's what it looks like with the single-handed  weapon but this is the the flux construct too this   is what the spear looks like without anything so  you get this little cool bluish glow just like   the zonai shield this is what a single-handed  sword looks like when you don't have anything   attached to it I kind of wish these always look  like this with the blue glow and this is what the   long sword looks like oh this one looks so good  look at that and pretty much is what it looks like   when you have the shield and the sword so you get  that nice glow effect so yeah that's pretty much   what they look like without any attachments on  them hey real quick if you're enjoying the video   can you hit that subscribe button that helps out  the channel a lot and you'll know when I drop a   new video now that we're done with all this let's  move on to flux construct 2. as you can see it's   vulnerability is not going to be right in front of  my face and it's gonna do a Teleport over to you   attack it's gonna slam the ground completely right  on a double hit then what it's gonna do over here   it's gonna either try to stomp you or take one  hand and lift it up and smash yeah that's a smash   attack now the cool part about this one is you  can start removing pieces of the flux contract too   this will make it so it can never step on you but  that can step on you that can do some damage okay   so in order to break that you're going to  have to remove the bottom part of it too   and now at this point it's never going to hit  you but you can see its vulnerability spot is   right over here and it's not really going to be  moving or anything like that I also wanted to say   that we can do some Ascension tricks on number  two which is a little more fun than doing it on   a one because we can get up to its weak spot  if we want this is so cool and now I'm right   by its uh weak spot so this is another option  you can do obviously arrows are like pretty   easy to do and then you can just whack this  part and it completely separates and then you   can beat this up however way you want and then  it's gonna do this attack where you notice that   flux one was actually much lower during this  attack but flux 2 is a lot higher than flux 1.   so when it drops these down you can just go  ahead and do a recall on this hop on that and pretty much it's just gonna  bring you right back to the top   it's pretty simple here now you  can shoot it with the arrow do   whatever you want at this point when  you're on top of it break it apart   now I always wonder what would happen if you just  did this it does not let you throw it off okay   this is another phase of it it's gonna do this  little Cube movement and something easy that you   want to do is kind of rip off its core when it's  coming at you you can rip off its core actually   at any time you want but this is the only time  you really probably need to rip out its core and   that's gonna completely separate it out and then  pretty much flux Contra 2 is just gonna rinse and   repeat and you can just do the same things over  again ripping it out under ripping it out under   grab its arm one grab his arm too he can't do  anything useless here hit the vulnerability spot   it drops you're gonna use ultra hand at any time  to grab it so or move any other blocks honestly can't do anything to you and you can finish it  off yes I kind of made that a little unnecessarily   long for flux construct too but I just wanted  to show you all the options you had when you're   fighting it that way you could pick how you want  to make cool Twitter Clips maybe of of a setting   up into it doing some cool attacks stuff like  that that's pretty much what flux construct 2   is like a little bit different than one more HP  and it's gonna drop this thing over here okay so   we actually have this from example one where it  was a mighty Zone 8 sword and a flux construct   one course so I'm just gonna go ahead and destroy  that so now you can see my zone 8 sword is back   at 10. I'm gonna go ahead and fuse the two one so  you can see what that looks like and now you can   see that my zonate sword doubled to 20 plus the  20 construct 2 core and I'm gonna have a total   attack of 40. that's gonna be 10 more than the  master sword so 40 per hit it's pretty good it's   not actually that bad alright so locations for  the flux constructs two let's go so right to the   west of the great Sky Island you're gonna find one  over here at the South Hyrule area so this one's   gonna be pretty much over a here next up is gonna  to be one over here by the leneru sky right over   here so a good jump Point it'd probably be right  from here at the Uplands we're on a Skyview Tower   to bring you up to the sky in order to get to here  now another one which is interesting is going to   be by the wind Temple area so this is where you're  gonna find another two going north of that at the   socala sky is going to be where you're going to  find one as well so luckily they put three of   them right in a row over here on the sky islands  now let's go down to the depths because there is a   quite a bit of good spots where we can hunt these  ones so this one's gonna be located over here this   is where Hyrule Castle is and this is the light  route here so the Neta minted light root and we're   gonna go south of that you'll find one right over  here now let's hit the ones North up here you're   gonna find one by the Kate Nim light root which  is going to be just a little bit Northwest from   that one over here you're gonna find another one  this is gonna be from the Taya MC light root and   it's going to be in its own individual room area  which is going to be interesting then all the way   over here we have another one just chilling and  the close this light rude I'd say was gonna be   either it's so hard to say these backwards this  light root I'm just gonna say this light right   over here is gonna be to that one or this one will  bring you towards where that construct 2 is now   going down we're gonna have one by the abandoned  lineru mine so you can get one over here if we   go further down to this spot we're gonna have a  whole cluster of them here now this one's gonna   be interesting because you just have to go down  the chasm in the nature snow field to find this   one and opposite over here you come down this  Chasm at the East Hill Chasm and you can come   down and you can hit these two flux construct twos  which are located right to the east of that one so   feel free to Mark those up and then our final one  that we're gonna talk about is gonna be located   right over here by the abandoned Gerudo mine so  that's another location where you can come down   to and fight the flux construct too and you can  feel free to screenshot the overall depths map   as well now it's time for flux construct 3. so  I'm gonna be making the flux construct 3 fight   very very easy for you so this one's in the sky  islands and this one just pretty much walks around   compared to the other ones that are just sitting  there on platforms with its eyes scanning where   the people are so this is gonna be so fun  all right so get your Ultra hand ready and   he's gonna approach you right so as soon as  he makes that run towards you Dash under its   feet as soon as you dash under get your Ultra  hand rip out one rip out two rip out his arm   oh oh we missed this arm okay if you missed  that arm then just jump and grab that last   arm there we go yeah now at this point at this  point it's not gonna be able to do anything to   you and you can just pretty much take pictures  with this thing in fact I'm gonna take a photo   there we go that's going in the album now I know  where I can find flux construct threes you see   that it did not even touch me and at that point  you can decide when you want to attack it how you   want to attack it but this thing is useless so  what you want to do with [ __ ] construct 3 is   it's gonna shift its parts around completely right  you see that part that's going to keep going back   and forth wherever it needs to well you don't  even need to jump up to get to that part you can   remove more parts on this thing to make it drop  down so you can't step on me so I'm just gonna   take out another part here that's number five and  that's number six so it looks like six parts are   enough to knock a flux construct three down you  can go ahead and just beat up the part foreign and then it's gonna come back together so this is  pretty much the same thing as flux construct one   and flux construct two it's gonna throw something  down here and you're just gonna want your rewind   ability pretty much on this thing I said rewind  I mean like breath of the wild I mean recall   there we go and that's gonna bring you all the way  back up to the top at that point you're just gonna   float wherever you need to go and get to work  on that I get my master sword out just you know and you can still just keep doing  damage on this thing it's fun   and it has one more phase  which is the the block phase   there it is this is the block face so what you can  do here is pretty much also rip out more blocks   and you can just Target the core one if you want  and when you target the core like this the whole   block will break apart so that's going to be  the simple way of pretty much checking out the   flex construct 3 but if you have a strong weapon  you won't even have to bother seeing any of the   phases besides the first one and that's how you  do it looks construct three and I'm gonna fuse   this on my mighty donut spear so this is what it  looks like here and if you're curious about the   spear damage the flux construct 3 core is going  to add 32 damage onto it so that's going to bring   me to a total of 50. you can basically add this  to any of the weapons and just get a 32 Plus on   top of it but specifically you want to stick with  flux construct weapons because those base weapons   damage when you attach a part of a construct to  it or a zonai part now let's talk about the flux   contract number three locations because you saw  how fun it was to take those out so there I have   a bunch in a row pretty much when you look at the  sky islands you're gonna have one over here at the   tabanta area at light cast Island so you're gonna  have one here and as we move down North Gerudo Sky   you're gonna have one in the West area as well  over here on this platform right above Satori   Mountain then we're going to keep going down over  here and we're in the farron sky area this is   right above the Hyrule Bridge you can have another  one located right here so you could be hitting   all these pretty much if you have a nice flying  machine coming down smacking these up and then   we have one located in the Thunderhead aisles this  is what it looks like when it's uncovered but for   those who have a storm you probably don't want to  fight this one until you uncover this area right   to the west of that we're gonna have another  one over here this is going to be the South   nacluda Sky area and then right above that we're  gonna have another one over here that's gonna be   located over here uh so it's seriously a beautiful  continuation of these flux 3 constructs together   it's a very clean line of luxury constructs all  the way here and then as we go all the way up   there is one located right over here next to where  the Labyrinth is speaking of labyrinths I did make   a video on all the labyrinths on how to get the  spirit armor and pretty much a spoiler when you   get to the bottom of the labyrinth on each of the  labyrinths you're going to be fighting a flux 3   construct so these are going to be located there I  think these are only going to be a one-time fight   because I did come back during a blood moon and  I noticed they did not respawn so those two up   there and then we're gonna have one right over  here these are going to be the three Labyrinth   ones they do not respawn again so once you take  them out you're done the other ones that we're   going to talk about is it's gonna be located close  by to the abandoned Abra mine the closest light   root I could say is this light root and you'd be  heading over here in this quarter and then you   have another one over here which is going to be  west of this exact light route and it's going to   be right there on its platform so you'll be able  to see those ones on this side going down on the   west side we're gonna have another one located in  the Gerudo Canyon mine so this would be right via   the chasm from the Gerudo Summit coming down and  you'd be able to come over and fight this flux   construct 3. moving over here at the bottom right  corner of the map we're gonna have a flux 3 over   here and the closest ways you could come is via  this light root and then head down to this little   Edge this is where the nice geoglyph is above this  and finally we're gonna have a flux construct 3   over here which is going to be easily accessible  from this light root over here coming right down   to this and those are pretty much going to be  all the spots where you can fight the flux 3 and   I know those are going to be the most important  because they have the best drops so really this   video comes down to hunting flux 3 constructs now  you're a professional flux construct Hunter Farmer   so you should go ahead and check out this video so  you can be good at this too seriously click on it
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 235,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, Flux Construct I TOTK, Flux Construct II TOTK, Flux Construct III TOTK, Flux Construct Farming TOTK, Flux Construct locations totk, Flux Construct Drops TOTK
Id: sL79kNr2pCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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