51 MIND-BLOWING Ways To Use Sages (Tears Of The Kingdom)

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what's up Gamers we're gonna be talking about a  lot of the things that sages can do in this game   and there are probably a bunch in this video you  may have not known because I didn't know until I   recorded this video so let's go see what all the  sages can do okay one of the biggest Pro tips   before we get into this entire video and I have  all of the sages out is whistling if your sages   are all involved in combat whistle and they will  all run back to you and stop engaging with the   enemy always use this in a chaotic situation and  then you know you can bring them all back and go   to work and and start to destroy the enemies with  all your sages so whistling okay don't forget guys   very important because I saw a lot of people  complain about the sages not obeying them and   listening this is toolin and something you may  have not have known is that when you put on a   Divine helmet guess who also puts on the Divine  helmet right how cool is that so I'm gonna be   using this Divine helmet for the entire section  of Tulin besides being able just to push you in   the air and make you go further Tulum can actually  do a lot of other things in the game now something   fun that I like doing with Tulin is going to be  able to place a bunch of bombs down in front of   an enemy you can do this with a lot of enemies  and I go for the max amount of bombs until it   completely despawns so let me just put these  all together and put this one right over here   so they're all in a nice pile and then what we're  gonna do is go ahead and grab tool and activate   that Gus make sure you're placing yourself right  in front of that bomb pile and then fire away baby   and see what happens and the high knocks just  goes down goodbye so great use of bombs with   toolin another great use of toolin is being able  to clear sand piles I did this one in the desert   temple so there we go in the electric Temple yeah  that's it and you can find stuff under the stands   very cool another great use that tillen has is  going to be able to use it on a sale now I know   everyone has motor boats and things with bands but  you know when you're in the early stages this is   fantastic this will do the job if you don't have  a fan okay maybe it's not as efficient but if it   blows your sail toolin can also go ahead and  blow sleds across the sand so it's pretty nice   and surprisingly it gets pretty good movement if  there is some sort of incline and yeah just don't   fall on the pit this also works really well on a  sled in the snow with out using any Vehicles so   just jumping on a regular sled does the job one  of my favorite things about tuning is just just   being out and able to land crit headshots just  like that while you're in the middle of a fight   and I'm just jumping around here just showing  that hey this thing does the job pretty well   there you go took out the enemy for me uh this  is why tuning is probably the most OP one okay   now here is something really fun that you can do  with toolin comboing it with something special so   if there's a group of enemies like for example  this whole Goblin and all his friends you're   gonna want to grab something very icy and this is  this is what I'm doing over here I'm throwing some   keys ice eyeballs oh I only got the boss here  and I'm gonna throw this at the squad okay the   whole entire Squad is frozen and what I want to  do is place myself with toolin and you can kind   of see what's about to happen here I'm gonna  go ahead and just blow all of them in the water   and well goblins don't really last in the water  so you can see some of them die okay he went for   Overkill there just shooting one and murdering it  and then you can see the boss but goblin just died   so uh ice combos until then very op especially if  you're by water another instance is just using the   gusts on its own to just blow away bokoblins and  stop them from attacking you and you can see it   does affect it a couple of times and up there's  that nice crit again a very good combo you can do   is using your Nobu to cause a fire line on the  ground and then using Tulin to push you across   that area so can't bring these two stages is  a great thing to do it can help you get across   lands very easily this is what you knowbo looks  like without the mask and when you put on the   Divine helmet this is what you know but looks  like it's so cool now some of the basic things   that you know who can do is simply just run up  to enemies and whack them on the floor because   he's holding a double-handed weapon but he's so  powerful he can hold it with a single hand and   it just knocks enemies off completely and besides  ginobil's basic attacks with his weapon and his   rolling attack there's a lot more that he can do  one of my favorite things to do is Cobble this   one with Iced Out enemies it's like her own Tire  bowling pin and just knocks them back completely   so really powerful attack by you Noble doesn't get  all the enemies though because some of them are in   the back and he hits them directly hard but that's  what he does yunobo is very good at breaking rock   walls because he makes an absolute mess when he  breaks any of these objects so use them for that   whenever you're in a cave don't really use them  for getting oars and stuff because the oars and   all the stuff you need to collect fly around  everywhere but don't worry I'm going to show   you sages that are very good or breaking rocks and  collecting items when it comes to Blue High knocks   the ones with little armor on their feet your  Noble is gonna be so good for this because check   this out when you aim at it look at it it catches  on fire completely so uh something really cool to   start off your fight and then you can just easily  nuke the high knocks as you choose after you start   off that opening attack if you ever encounter a  rock enemy you Noble is gonna be easily able to   take them out by simply that's it they're dead  just whacking into it using his ability very   simple unobo is also very good at causing forest  fires but in this case it's going to be just to   take out these ever mean trees they are going to  stay on fire and their HP is going to tick and   burn very slowly they don't seem to die right away  but over time they will melt um so you can give it   a few whacks that's a fun way to take down ever  mean trees just besides you know the typical Chop   Chop now one of my favorite things to do is bait  out moldugas with yinobu and shoot some time bombs   on the floor to kind of bait them out first before  you go ahead and do this and that time bomb okay   all right that was not supposed to happen oh boy  well that kind of Saved Me modugo jumped in the   air and then I'm just gonna go ahead and shoot it  with a bomb Arrow now once the moduga drops down   you want to hop on a ride that you created in this  case I have my little sled here for the desert and   the cool thing is you Noble's gonna go ahead and  be able to attack right but you can spam you can   keep spamming the enemy with you Noble non-stop  on a monster look how crazy this is and you can   literally do this on any single Monster you come  across including while you're flying in the sky   with gliox so go ahead and try it out whatever you  want it's a very fun thing to do this is what riju   looks like without the mask and when you put on  the helmet and this is what region looks like with   the mask on pretty cool actually while making this  video I just discovered that sages do not like to   be zoomed in on they literally will run away when  you that is insane if you want to take a picture   with them check this out ready one okay that's a  discovery Now read you has a really cool ability   that when you select and hit a on her she makes  a whole entire area of effect and the cool thing   about it is you can either do a single shot or a  multi-shot on the enemy if you shoot the ground   just like that all the enemies will scan better  it's almost like a complete explosion versus when   you want to hit one enemy you just have to be  able to have the electric follow-up and be on   top of that and when the radius is there on it  shoot the enemy and it'll do a nasty amount of   damage so you have to make those split decisions  in battle whether you want to use the single oldie   multi-shot which can help break a whole entire  group of enemies now you can also combo region   with Tulin by shooting the ground using the  flame to get up and then having that nice push   pretty much almost the same thing like unovo and  tillen Rego is also really good at breaking and   shooting Rock enemies so you can use that as well  another big bonus is using read you when you're   in the depths if you can't see for some reason  this almost acts like a sonar that you can see   things so it'll highlight the Rocks around you to  highlight the floor around you you see how it just   highlighted that tree it's very cool and the thing  is you can keep clicking on read you over and over   again because you're not using the ability so if  it times out or if she gets far away from you you   just have to click on it again in order to use it  I use this a lot in the depths when I wasn't smart   enough to use different ways of lighting it up  and this was very good in the early game game now   something maybe you didn't know is that riju is  very good at baiting out moldugas in the desert so   simply what you have to do is use your ability to  light up a radius in an area then shoot an arrow   on the floor which will attract the molduga  to that spot see that question mark you got a   little bit curious there and that moduga's gonna  jump in the air just like that and you can use a   bomb to knock it down on the ground so very good  for baiting and you could probably combo this with   the noble earlier to hop on a ride after you get  it baited up in the air if you're enjoying these   kinds of videos make sure to hit that like button  and subscribe real quick okay let's keep going   this is sidon without the mask and when you put  on the VA Ruda Divine Helm this is what cyan looks   like I'm not too big of a fan of the elephant  helmet compared to the other ones but you know   what it'll do its job let me show you the things  that sidon can do now Sodom creates a bubble   around you and that bubble can do cool things  when you press y to attack it'll just throw a   water attack using the bubble but if you go ahead  and aim with your weapon like you're gonna throw   it then you can direct exactly where the water is  supposed to go there's a bokoblin in a watchtower   and oh people Goblin hit now another one and dead  so yeah it matters where you aim for this and I   actually didn't realize this to a lot later now  something else I noticed with side on depending on   what weapon you're holding is the amount of water  that would come out so with the sphere you notice   it was very direct and straightforward if you use  a two-handed weapon you'll notice that it is a lot   bigger area when you're attacking an enemy because  it's slower but more powerful just like that and   if you use a single-handed weapon this is what  the weapon attack would look like so bigger than   the spear but smaller than the two-handed another  huge benefit of this Water Shield is well let me   show you I'm gonna go up to a silver bow Goblin  that's gonna hit me and look at that I completely   survived the attack so it helps you take one  hit completely undamaged while you have that   Watershed on so it's a very important thing to  try and use now before this part I just wanted   to go ahead and grab this pristine Zora spear from  the depths now pristine weapons are going to be a   lot more stronger with their attack as well as the  durability being a lot higher so they don't break   as quick so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw a  weapon away here so I can go ahead and grab this   there we go and I have a full video on my Channel  showing you all the op pristine weapons so you   should totally check that one out now the really  cool thing about pristine weapons especially the   Zora pristine weapons is that look at that right  now it's 51 damage right with attack up plus eight   but if we go ahead and activate cylon's ability  okay I'm white look at that it just doubled to   102. and now you can just go ahead and start  racking enemies a lot easier and the spears do   a lot of DPS even though they are 25 less damage  than they say they are the DPS will compensate   for it so it's really sick what they can do and  how much damage output you can have now if you're   ever trying to go mining and collect items using  sidon is probably going to be a very good option   because when you break something with sidon's  water ability it's not going to explode all   over the place like riju and yonobo uh it's gonna  be very very in your face and the items will drop   right in front of you so use this if you're trying  to mine zoneite use this if you're trying to get   the rare ores like rubies sapphires diamonds all  that fun stuff and as you can see here it doesn't   protect you from Gloom so if you're curious there  you go now you know that it doesn't protect you   from gloom and you can just go ahead and nicely  pick up your items okay moving on when it comes   to fighting enemies of an opposite elements like  fire and water is gonna obviously destroy fire   sidon's gonna be very useful for that because when  you use a water attack on a fire enemy it's going   to completely stun them so let me just go ahead  and get that water bubble stop running away there   we go and then I'm gonna throw my weapon at it so  I can make a nice hit and you can see look at that   instant fall of the igneo talus and I told you  about the damage earlier that it gets doubled up   so because we're wet I'm gonna go ahead and take  out this and yeah look how fast this goes down so   you can see two things in the application here the  stunning and the double weapon uh damage with the   wet ah so nice now something really cool if you're  in a fireplace and you have a bomb usually it'll   just blow up especially in areas that are inside  of volcanoes and places that are flammable but   if you do have this water bubble around you which  I actually just found out while I was making this   video uh you hold the bomb look at this and you  can throw it and it doesn't affect you so the   bubble is also going to protect you from explosive  of damage which is huge so you can explore caves   and just pick out your bombs and that's just  another way of getting through all these crazy   rocks in caves and uh I was able to find uh the  entrance of a secret Shrine instead of this fire   came the you see Sim shine okay let's move on now  something I wanted to test was when you make this   water bubble and you shoot an electric item or an  electric monster part at it what's the damage like   I just shot a regular Arrow okay we can see what  that does now I'm gonna go ahead aim but I'm gonna   use something electric like this yellow chew jelly  and shoot look at that area of effect that's a lot   more damage so I think using electric is going  to affect a lot more like wow that was that was a   large area and I also am going to try this without  the effect so here we go let me try using The Chew   jelly without the water bubble and you can see  it's not as much as it is with the yeah it's   not as crazy without the water bubble so keep that  in mind a good sheet to use when you have sidon's   water bubble now a really cool Wambo combo that  you can do with side on and read you is going to   be taking out Gloom hands now sidon's water attack  is gonna be able to knock a good amount on it and   boom so you can see it did a little good portion  almost like I would say like 40 damage on each one   about actually like 30 to 40 damage now when you  combo that with reju you sign on to do the initial   attack then all you need to do with read you is  get two AOE effect hits with this on Bloom hand   so I'm just gonna hit the wall to get the AOE  boom and it does some damage and I'm just gonna   get another one here and shoot and the Gloom hands  just go down like that and then Phantom again is   gonna show up but that's not what this video  is about just about comboing these two to take   out Gloom hands now if it wasn't obvious before  you can get burned but when you tap on side on   especially in these volcanic areas you can start  to get a water cooling effect which is going to   protect you so you can go ahead and and take out  enemies and you don't even need flame resistant   armor as long as you have side on with you let me  just take out these over here and I'm starting to   burn here we go there we go it's taking some time  and just tap it there you go so you tap a you keep   getting this back because you're not using it  but there's also a good practical use with this   with lava so if you go ahead and maybe get a big  two-ended weapon and throw it across you can get   a bunch of platforms like look how many platforms  I just got over here okay I'm side on I am burning   I gotta eat food there we go in my food and then  I can just hop across here and basically throw   another water attack and keep going so it's really  cool to use this for platforms sidon is is nice   very good very useful especially if you get side  on before coming to the volcano area in Eldon this   is mineroo and unlike the other stages minero  doesn't have a Divine Helm but if you wear the   zonite helm then mineral gets the helmet just  like me and we look like twinsies also you can   hop on Mineral which is really cool and can ride  it around but let me tell you all the things that   mineral can do besides the obvious this hop on  minerals back and ride it one of the cool things   that you can do with mineral is attach a fan onto  its back so you can attach things all over mineral   but putting it on its back you can do some crazy  things so look at the speed you get when you put   it on minerals typically slow but it goes pretty  fast once you start adding the fan and just to   show you this is what happens when you pass by  enemies and you can actually out speed enemies and   it does a little Naruto kind of run I love it with  their hands behind the back also I tried using the   fan to blow away smaller enemies it does not seem  to do the job so so don't try to do that at all   you'll just die don't do it now some people may  not know this but you can actually shoot arrows   while on Mineral just like this easy to take them  out so you could aim at any of the enemies without   jumping off and just just go ahead and shoot them  another very cool thing to do on mineral is to go   into bullet Time by pressing b and a while on top  of it to get off that way you can start nuking a   bunch of enemies with arrow time it's one of the  best things to do so if you come across a Lionel   and maybe minerals there we can just do that  simply again just press B and a just like this   and start taking out your enemies unless they have  shields like that annoying Red Bull Goblin over   there oh cool some other fun stuff to know is that  mineral does not take any fall damage this is me   jumping great sky Island and the hands wiggling in  the air is probably the funniest thing but we just   go all the way to the ground and nothing happens  so zero fall damage which is pretty convenient   when you fuse a wing onto mineral's back mineral  will actually start to Glide so here we go I'm   just gonna put on the back but you have to make  sure that you activate the back part why when   you're falling down so here we go and why and you  can safely Glide down to wherever you need to go I   wonder if you could pair this with tullen I don't  know I didn't do it so let me know in the comments   if you're able to try that out can you can you  double up on these two that would be amazing and   then here's land making it on the way all the way  there and then there's it's gonna disappear the   Long Way hold it putting a hover Stone on monero's  back is probably the coolest thing I I say   everything is cool but like this one is very cool  right because the hover Stone allows you to kind   of float and check this out you start the walk on  air when you place it on the back and hold it so   you have to press y while you're doing this which  makes it a little uncomfortable when rotating but   it's just so cool to see that you could literally  walk in the air it's the funniest thing ever like   I I want to walk the Hyrule castle by just having  this on my back maybe someone should try that   actually someone tried that in the comments and  let me know if you could walk to Hyrule castle   by jumping off somewhere so cool being on top of  mineral is also really good for grabbing fairies   because usually when a fairy sees you the fairies  can get scared and start to raise to elevated   Heights so let me just show you uh how the fairies  start to move when you get close it's like this   one's flying away but you got it and fairies are  gonna be really essential for when you get hurt   and bring you back to life like I'm running up  on this one this one's trying to fly away but   you know what we're so tall that we can grab it  so yes use it to get fairies now I've talked about   this with side on but you can also attach a fire  hydrant to Mineral and yeah you could you could do   some damage to these igneodaluses by completely  numbing them out so that link can get on top of   the back and get to work on it so very cool stuff  to do with miniru so you could use it against   actually a bunch of different types of enemies one  of the favorite monsters that I like fighting with   minoru is going to be the frogs uh you're gonna  be using two things to combo here to to do it so   when you approach it you can do the ba off of the  back to hit the I so completely immobilizing it   and then mineral can actually climb on top of the  Frog so if you have the metal arm that you find   in the bokoblin camps you can start slamming and  breaking all the pieces of the back now the frock   is going to lift you up in the air and it's not  gonna open its mouth and try to eat you because   you're actually on the robot so look at that it's  not opening up its mouth you're gonna fall right   down and then as soon as you recover guess what  you can do again b-a if the I hop right back on   Mineral climb back up on the frogs and get right  to work on breaking it again now when the frogs   does its suck attack or it's yeah it's basically  trying to suck you in you can shoot the cannon   in it and it kind of acts like a bomb so you see  the frogs just basically blow up there it is and   it's dead so you can use the cannon you can get  on top of it there's so many things you can do   with minoru and Destroy these frogs I think I said  frogs but I meant frocks minoru is very good for   walking in Shallow lavas you can get across any  lavas but just make sure it's shallow all these   examples are very important to know that they have  to be shallow so lava's a great one mineral can   also go ahead and walk in shallow water if you're  going to Deep Water mineral would just despawn so   do this only on areas you know that is shallow  I I keep saying that again because I don't want   you to mess up like no Philly it doesn't work  please don't be that person in the comments and   it also works on shallow tar here is some nasty  tar that you'll normally sink in and I almost   thought I actually was gonna drown here but it was  shallow enough for mineral to walk on so all three   of these you can get through even icy waters that  are pretty much shallow if you attach rare Jewels   like the Ruby topaz or Sapphire mineral basically  becomes like this Elemental Mage that will throw   out these balls when you're fighting enemies so  here's just a quick example of it there is the   Ice combo with electric and something interesting  is when an enemy is frozen and you hit it with the   electric it amplifies the area so let me just give  you a quick example I'm gonna avoid that armored   guy over there and we're just gonna go ahead Dodge  this and let me get let me let me some of these   Elemental attacks right here so here's electric  going out and here's a mix of ice and you can see   the area of effect of the shock by just hitting  a nice enemies so just comboing these things uh   does a lot of fun stuff so see if you can build  yourself an interesting Elemental mineroo with   maybe the fire one as opposed to the electric  or ice I'm using remember the fire on its back   literally doesn't do anything I tried the Ruby on  the back it does not activate it's just there for   show so let me know what combinations you're  trying out with mineral when it comes to gems   and stuff like that I also wanted to experiment  with some monster parts so on my left hand is the   glioc frost horn and on my right hand is going to  be the silver Lino horn which does like 55 damage   so mineral is now going to be doing a good amount  and if you freeze something that 55 is going to   be times three because it's times three with ice  so 55 times three yeah you're pretty much gonna   one shot these guys I'm pretty sure Red Bull  coblins die anyway on one shot of the ice so   that's a lot but we also have a silver bull cop  in here so look at this boom it just like flies   across the area so there's so many fun combos you  can do with and also let me know what monster part   combos you're going to be doing with mineral now  a lot of these examples that I'm using is going to   be with the ice because I just feel like ice is so  overpowered but here we go we're gonna grab uh ice   and we're going to also attach it to weapons  because weapons are really good to put on to   mineru because why not we can do weapons we can  do monster parts we can do everything so here's   just an example of raising an enemy and then  just hitting it with a Zoro spear boom blocks   the enemy and then I have a silver basketball  Goblin chapter in the corner so this is going   to be a very fun example of showing a 19 powered  spear with just freezing it so three times attack   every time so just whack you can freeze it again  just hit it again and even if you're not doing a   lot of damage the three times kind of elevates  it so you don't have to do anything crazy here   just freeze and combo it's so fun I think Frost  emitters are probably the most broken ones when   it comes to minerals so yeah just look at the  silver boss will come and just go down with   something not even that powerful but my favorite  one to combo is going to be the Canon and the   ice the Ken and the ice are great because you're  gonna be able to break armor you're gonna be able   to blow apart enemies all over the place like look  at that you're just breaking the formation Armor's   shattering everywhere you're getting times three  damage you're just it's just chaos and the freeze   is just so nice where the enemies can't really  bother you obviously it's not as much damage as   the weapons but just being able to blow up enemies  and knock them away it's just uh it's just so fun   best combo ever Cannon and Ice emitter if you  enjoyed this video make sure you go ahead and   check out this one over here you'll learn a lot  and it'll help you you seriously click it [Music]
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 409,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, Tulin sage totk, Riju sage totk, Yunobo sage totk, sidon sage totk, Mineru sage totk, hidden sages totk, secret sage totk, 5 sages tears of the kingdom, 51 MIND-BLOWING Ways To Use Sages (Tears Of The Kingdom)
Id: PQhShhlOq80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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