The SECRET of Pristine Weapons Revealed! (Tears Of The Kingdom)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

To summarize the first part to make sure I understand. - You won’t find a specific weapon until you have broken the decayed version through use (Attacking, cutting trees, or anything that takes up durability.)

  • Once you render in one of these pristine weapons they are set to what is rendered in until you take it from the ghost. So if you check a pillar and it is a Traveler’s spear it will be that until it’s removed.

  • Removed weapons will be replaced with a blood moon.

  • Each pillar is set to a specific type of weapon (sword, broadsword, or spear) and a specific set of class of weapon (traveler, soldier, guard, royal, etc.)

  • Modifiers aren’t set until you take the weapon.

Do I understand all that correctly?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/CalebTGordan 📅︎︎ May 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

Hero! I had just made a discussion topic on this r/ to gather info. Pretty solid.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hooty7734 📅︎︎ May 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

The video initially mentioned all the offerings below Central Hyrule Field would be Traveler/Soldier, but will these always be Traveler/Soldier and we should look elsewhere for Knight/Royal/Royal Guard? Showed us where some render, just trying to understand the rules.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Especially-Tired 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

I’ve watched a bunch of your stuff over the past week or so. Good stuff. Thanks for all the information I’ve gotten.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/phntmvw 📅︎︎ May 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

some1 post a map of all the ghost weapon spots ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JohnGreed9 📅︎︎ May 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

You can also get pristine versions from amiibos. I was able to get a Zora Spear and Gerudo Scimitar today after just a few reloads. I was also able to get a pristine Gerudo Claymore, but it took a lot longer due to the amount of drops Ganondorf has. So long that in between I decided to seek out and break a decayed version, just to make sure!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Few-Supermarket3183 📅︎︎ May 31 2023 🗫︎ replies

So i found a royal guards claymore, broke it, went into the depths and found a pristine one, save and loaded the to try and get a modifier but after 5 or so attempts it never got a modifier it always stayed at base value, does this have to do with a hidden exp system or something or what?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/duckyonfire 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

Am really looking for an answer to know if the Shadow Soldiers under the central areas of Hyrule aka Hyrule Field/Great Plateau can have anything better than Soldier weapons.

So far I haven't seen a single Shadow Soldier in the central areas spawn with anything better than Soldier's gear. Is it possible for them to have anything better in the central areas such as Knight's gear perhaps?

If not then I'd very much like to know as there's no need for me to mark them all in those central areas then.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Redskins4thewin 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
what's up Gamers this is going to be a very  big video have you ever found yourself Roaming   In The Depths and then you find a weapon  with a sparkle at the end of its name well   these are known as pristine weapons and I'm  gonna be showing you how to get every single   pristine weapon in the game I spent over 24  hours researching and exploring the depths depths any information they find on top of the  information that I provide in this video here   are the basic rules and information to follow so  please don't skip this part pristine counterparts   will have a higher attack and durability compared  to their decade versions finding these weapons   are not tied to your story progression at all  for example you don't have to start the Zora   storyline to get access to Zora pristine weapons  or beat any dungeons or temples you must find the   decayed weapon version and break it that will  unlock the pristine weapon version on the Ghost   Soldier in the depths you can use amiibos 2 to  spawn and decayed weapons to break them faster   and they might even give you pristine weapons  too but I suggest doing it for the decayed   weapon so they unlock in the depths now that you  understand how this works let me tell you some   very important information for the depths for the  ghost soldiers now when you remove a weapon off   a statue it'll no longer spawn in another weapon  you will need a blood moon to occur in order for   the weapons to respawn blood moons do not cause  new weapons to replace the previous ones that   you have already loaded in or rendered in on the  ghost soldiers if you saved after rendering in a   bunch of Ghost Soldier weapons they will remain  as the same weapon even after a Blood Moon you   must throw it off the Ghost Soldier that you  already rendered in you can save before you   render in a Ghost Soldier to see the weapon  that it may hold if it isn't the weapon you   want you can reload from your save point that  you didn't already render in the Ghost Soldier   I like to use light Roots as my hard save then  you can reapproach the Ghost Soldier to see if   you get a different weapon now here's the really  cool part once you see the weapon you want you   can save right in front of it before you pick  it up this will 100 lock in the weapon and you   can pick it up and look at the modifier and if  it's not what you want you can reload the save   in front of the weapon and pick it up again to  find a different modifier the higher modifiers   might be tied to your experience in the game so  if you're not getting anything good just kill more   bosses in the game which I have so many guides on  to be able to farm them and get you a lot of exp   each ghost soldier holding a weapon has their own  typing of weapon which I marked up on my map with   symbols to help you star symbols mean ghosts  have single-handed weapons sword symbols are   ghosts who hold two-handed weapons person symbols  refer to ghosts with Spears and Crystal symbols   are special spots with multiple ghost soldiers  I also have heart symbols here but I'll explain   that later in the video now let's move on to the  weapon types and locations hey real quick before   we move on to the next weapon you should hit that  subscribe button because it helps out the channel   a lot and you get amazing information like this at  no other channel covers first now soldiers weapons   and travelers weapons are gonna be very common  in your game and pretty much you've probably   already grabbed a bunch of these and broken them  so I'm already gonna just start this section off   in the depths this is going to be the light route  right underneath Central Square of Hyrule Castle   Town ruins and I marked up the map very well  well over here for you guys to see there are   a lot of single-handed weapons and Spears over  here pretty much there's platforms everywhere   here and I can just show you one as we approach  this spot over here it's gonna be just basically   a lot of traveler stuff it's nothing too exciting  but as you start your game pretty much everything   down here is going to look like these until you  start breaking the higher tier weapon so if I   jump up here you'll just see it's gonna be pretty  much basic weapons there's a traveler's sword and   then if you look across there that's going to be a  regular traveler Spear and pretty much this entire   area is going to be filled with Travelers weapons  now there is one hot spot which is the diamond on   the map with three of these over here it is going  to have the traveler spear the Traveler's sword   and The Travelers play more so if you want  to just collect the trifecta of The Travelers   weapons you can come over here pretty much and  just get anything everything here is pretty much   your Travelers or anywhere on the map where you  don't have anything good so keep that in mind   um pretty basic stuff here so yeah I just wanted  to get the traveler stuff out the way now I know   a lot of you are going to be very interested in  getting the Royal Guards Claymore pristine weapons   so I'm going to be showing you a really nice spot  in the depths where you can get yourself some   nice spicy weapons that are royal guards Royal  Claymores and Knight Claymores as well as well as   like anything within those lines for double-handed  or single-handed all right so what you want to do   is go to the Quorum light root this is going to  be right here on the map if I go to the above area   this is going to be right below this area so the  sahasra slope area right underneath it so pretty   much from sahasra slope Skyview Tower going under  here the moroch shrine the best entry point would   be the East Hill Chasm to go ahead and get down  here now once we're down here pretty much what you   want to do is look at these markups so straight  ahead of me is going to be where you're going to   be getting the best weapon in the game for Lino  slaying and mostly all Royal weapons and all   the fancier weapons are gonna be found right in  Hyrule castle at the start of the game so you can   go ahead get those those weapons break them all  and then they will start unlocking down the depths   it's the easiest way to do it seriously just  grab everything from Hyrule castle and when you   approach this ghost over here you'll be able to  see the sword of your choice now I have an example   where I reload my game multiple times and when  I come here it's sometimes going to be the Royal   Guards Claymore and if you save and reload from  the light route it can be the knights Claymore   it can be the Soldier's Claymore it can be pretty  much any Royal Claymore or any of these Claymores   anytime you reload and the cool part is which we  also showed at the beginning of this video is that   when you save once you decide what you want you  can keep reloading again and again until you get   the one of your choice and pretty much I was going  for a plus 10 here and you can see as I reload it   once I saved in front of the weapon it's almost  like using OCTA rocks to get the enhancement you   want on a weapon so keep that in mind as well now  straight north of this marker here where we just   came from is going to be this marker over here  for single-handed weapons and you can see that   there is a royal broadsword in front of me but if  you see again here at this other recording this   is where I was able to get the royal guard sword  this will also adjust and be different depending   on what you re-roll with your saves now if you go  further north east from this star all the way up   to Here by this person icon which I'm using as a  spear you're going to bump into some Royal Spears   right in front of me is the Royal halberd but in  another save and another reload or a different   blood moon that happens I got myself a royal guard  Spear and the beauty of the royal guard weapons is   that when they're on their last few hits they do  a lot of damage which is why we go usually for the   Royal Guards Claymore on the lionels and we use  it for that but here you're going to be getting   some good weapons uh for durability so if you want  just some throwaway weapons in battle for flurry   rushes and other things definitely come to this  spot over here by the Quorum light root but this   one is pretty much close to this light root over  here which is the Cora cut light root if you want   to get the spear some so yeah go ahead and enjoy  yourself some good weapons here let's discuss the   importance of Gerudo weapons because why would you  want to get them well Gerudo weapons are very very   special because if I was to go into one you'll see  that it'll always say attaching material greatly   enhances the materials power or doesn't add as  much durability so you could see that this Gerudo   Claymore currently is a 32 with an attack up 10.  so it's basically a 22 with a bonus of 10. now   if I was to take for example use this Lino horn  and I was to fuse it okay didn't that it's 32 we   are adding the Lino horn on it and now this blade  does 142 damage naturally on its own doesn't have   to be broken to do that much damage if you can  see the silver Lino saber horn is actually 55 in   fuse power but when it's attached to the weapon it  actually doubles up and goes to 110. so the item   that is attached is always going to get doubled so  keep that in mind when you are attaching things to   the weapon and that's pretty much the importance  of Gerudo weapons now let's show you where you can   get some of these weapons okay now I'm going  to to show you a technique that you can do   in order to get the weapons of your choice in the  specific region that you are now I'm currently in   the Gerudo area and yes even though it's looking  really cold I am still in the Gerudo highlands now   I'm going to show you a little trick that we use  to get the specific weapons we want so that we can   get the decayed weapons further down so for those  who don't know I'm at The atutsum Shrine which is   to the east of Gerudo Highland Skyview tower now  what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hop off   this thing over here and it's going to bring us  to a really awesome spot which you can use as   well it's just a statue of the eighth heroine  and if you drop down here you'll see two like   likes okay when you see them when we get here  we're just gonna go ahead just save your game   the reason why we save our game is because these  like Lakes are going to have RNG to them when they   finish dropping something so I'm just gonna aim I  was living fire at it because your boy ran out of   arrows and I definitely need to go Lino farming  so I'm gonna have to watch my video to get all my   spots for the linals again all right so this guy  dropped a chest and we saved beforehand so let's   go over to this one too I'm gonna go ahead with  the fire fruit yeah there we go and beat it up and what I want specifically is a Gerudo  weapon Gerudo Claymore or whatever weapon   you're looking for specifically so I'm gonna  open this one up I got a Gerudo Shield okay not   looking for a shield not interested and  this I'm hoping to get a grudo claymore   got a scimitar then what I'm gonna do is  I'm just gonna reload my game again at the   exact same spot where I saved and try again  and I'll come back when I get what I need after a couple of tries got my guard but you  can also go midterm here if you want to or if   you don't have one after you get the claimer just  go ahead and uh you can break it or just waste it   on the enemy whatever you want just you have to  break it oh yeah all right oh that should spawn   underground another great spot to get Gerudo  weapons is going to be from this place over   here by these bones this is called the Wes Gerudo  underground ruins and basically all you got to do   is just fly out of grudo Highland Skyview Tower  and head over to that direction over here on the   map now once you arrive here you'll notice that  there is an electric light Lake on the wall make   sure to just go ahead and Save in front of it and  what we're gonna do is pretty much just save spam   until you get yourself a Gerudo Scimitar or a  claymore I'm going for a scimitar here because   I got my Claymore from the other spot once you get  your Guru Scimitar just go ahead and break it and   once you've broken it it's officially unlocked in  the depths as a non-decayed weapon if you need the   Gerudo Spirit there's a simple place to get it and  that's gonna be right in Gerudo town so teleport   where the shrine is and drop down from the shrine  and you're literally gonna go right over here   drop down right over here and your spear should be  right over here grab your Spear and then uh just   break it and then right after this it'll break and  congratulations your Gerudo spear will now show up   in the underground and not be decayed all right  it's time to go to the depths to get ourselves   some pristine brutal weapons now that we're in  the depths this is going to be a very easy hunt   for our Gerudo pristine weapons because it's going  to be right exactly underneath Gerudo desert and   the entire area that you're going to be needing to  search is just going to be this area we don't have   to go anywhere else to get our pristine weapons  which are going to have a lot higher attack than   their decayed counterpart let's go hunt them here  is a spot where I got the Gerudo spear this is   located right by this light route over here by the  abandoned caracara mind down in the abandoned I   mean just right below the Gerudo area I mean look  at that the light Roots right there the spears   right here which means you can go by that light  and save before running up to this spear over here   so this is a great spot now here are some other  spots for the spear you have one a little bit   towards the east of it as well and then going down  South we have another one over here and then by   this light route we have some more Spears a around  this area so two to the west of that and then one   over here southeast of that so these are a lot of  areas where you can get your chances of spear here   is a spot where I found a Gerudo Claymore and  is located right over here marked by the sword   icon and it's pretty much just a ways from this  light route so South East from this light root   and then there's other spots I also have marked  on the map where you can get these double-handed   Gerudo playmores the pristine ones to show up it's  all marked by these and they all have a chance of   pretty much becoming the pristine version and you  can see how close they are by certain light Roots   so feel free to also take pictures and Mark these  up on your map as necessary that way whenever a   Blood Moon respawns you can come and get them  at any time this is a Gerudo Scimitar and this   is the location where I have mine on my map for  context this is going to be in between where this   light root is and where this light root is you  can see that it's a diagonal directly from the   abandoned Gerudo mine just you have context where  it is exact and I'm just going to zoom out for you   guys so you can see it now other spots where they  can spawn is one is directly right to the west   of it you have one that can also be over here one  literally right by this light route from the mine   and basically all these stars that you see on the  map have chances of becoming the Scimitar so you   have a lot of chances depending on the spawn  for this one now that we're done with all the   gerudo's pristine weapons let's go and get some  Zora pristine weapons so there's gonna be three   weapons that we're going to be going for the Zora  sword the Zora Spear and the Zora longsword now in   order to get these weapons the most simple thing  to do if you're maybe mid game late game and you   forgot where you got your original ones if you  broke them if you replaced them out is going to   be the caves surrounding zoro's domain for this  example I pretty much did all my hunting in the   Uplands zorana by Road cave which is pretty much  just south of Uplands Arena Skyview Tower it's   a second one down over here and inside I was  basically going to farm a light leg now when   you find a like like the Zora domain you're going  to want to go ahead and save your game instantly   before you even attack it because what happens  is the game is going to create an auto save as   soon as you beat one and you don't want that to  happen so go ahead save right before one and then   beat it up until it drops its treasure chest once  it drops it you're gonna see an item that appears   and it could either be your sword your spear or  your long sword and pretty much You're Gonna Keep   spamming whatever like likes you find until you  get the weapon of your choice now I basically   did this one after three Blood Moons because I was  just too lazy to find another cave but if you know   your caves well you'll be able to find any weapon  a lot easier at that one time now once you get   these weapons you want to just completely break  your sword break your Spear and break your long   sword by breaking all three of these Zora weapons  you'll then be able to have access to them in the   depths and unlock their pristine forms to be on  the ghost statues down below now let's talk about   the Zoro pristine weapons and why you should get  them these pristine weapons are very interesting   because when you are wet you're gonna see an act  activation over here when it you have that little   blue symbol that means you are wet so typically  Azora pristine spear is going to be doing 11   damage but when it's wet it's going to be doing 22  damage now here's the cool part when it's wet it's   also going to have the attachment do double the  damage so if we were to drop this Lino horn which   has a attack power of 55 and we're gonna fuse  it with this weapon look at that look at those   numbers jump up and now we look back the zorus  beer is going to also double up the attachment   power of the silver Lino saber horn so now you're  getting a 55 going into 110 plus the 22 which is   really cool and you get a whole 132 damage with  this weapon the same is going to be applying   for the swords as well so fun weapon to use this  is pretty much why you want to get these higher   durability and higher damage now let's go to the  depths to get yourself some pristine Zoro weapons   okay welcome to the depths and pretty much where  we're gonna be hunting for these pristine Zora   weapons are going to be right underneath domain  yes look how smart I am by transitioning to this   place right under where I was right over here is  where we'll be going for our weapons now the first   weapon that we'll be hunting is going to be our  spear the Zora pristine Spear and what's really   cool about that is it's right over here at this  light root right here the UI nog Lightroom or you   know what however you say it I'm just gonna say  it's this light root to the left of the abandoned   lineru mine and I have a very high success rate  of always finding a spear right over here so this   is one of the most fantastic places you can go  in order to grab one of these pristine Spears   now I've also marked up other spots around here  that do have Spears and these may have a possible   chance of giving you your Zora spear so keep these  in mind and check these out when you are exploring   the area it can go up to the wetlands up to here  and if any of you guys find any new spots for the   spear you can also let me know in the comments the  Zora sword is going to be located right over here   where I am and it's going to be from the anihi  light root which is going to be to the east of   the abandoned linneiru mine right over here  and then it's going to be right at this spot   here and that's where you're going to be able to  get the Zora sword now the other spots where you   can get it are going to be marked up with the  Stars on the map so you can get one south of   that and get one over here you can get one even  at this location pretty much here as well there   are also a lot of other star spots so if you find  any please write that in the comments as well for   everyone so they can get themselves a Zora sword  but my spot should help and you should be able   to refresh this one specifically now this is the  Zora long sword and this is one of the locations   where I found it on my map pretty much from this  light route over here let me zoom out here so you   get exactly the proper distance so Central  here's the here's the center part where the   abandoned leneru mine is and then you're gonna  come down over here and you're gonna find this   at this light root and from this light root you're  gonna climb up a hill so where I am is currently   up up up up up up up up up a hill so you're gonna  have to have a flying device to bring you up here   um as this one is in the higher terrain but this  is where I got it it's been pretty stable two or   three times other locations it do include these  other sword marks on my map within this area so   um these are other spots where you can get it if  it does spawn but this one specifically has been   very consistent for me so I do suggest you do  some resets over here and try to get this one   also mine looks really cool because I attached  something to it congrats now you have all your   pristine Zora weapons but now it's time to move  on to something special that a lot of people don't   know the pristine Forest dweller weapons well  you might be wondering what on Earth are Forest   dweller weapons well these are very interesting  weapons that can only be unlocked via cleansing   the quest in the korok forest so pretty much  the Deku Tree is going to be really sick and   you gotta go have to go inside of it to the bottom  and fight a Gloom hands as well as a phantom Ganon   once you clear that out the whole entire Quark  Forest is going to be completely safe and sound   allowing you to progress on with this Quest now  let me show you something here once you're done   and the force looks all nice and happy you're  gonna pretty much go to the top of this tree in   order to get the base weapon so come up to here  and Ascend right from the middle of its mouth   keep going up one more layer or if you found a  better way to the top then just get to the top   okay and when you arrive on top of the tree  you're gonna find a little korok here that's   gonna basically talk to you about a treasure  hunt and it's gonna initiate a quest line and   pretty much you're gonna find a forest dwellers  decayed spear right over here and you're gonna   pick up that weapon and you're going to smash it  and completely break it I already smashed mine   for the sake of the video but this is where this  one's located and if you want the sword it's going   to be located right up here right by him now the  only way these red weapons will appear is if you   initiate this questline you cannot come up here  and find this on its own so remember that now let   me tell you the cool thing about Forest dweller  weapons the best part about Forest to other   weapons is that they have a special ability where  you can attach an item to it and this item can be   used over and over again example this Dazzle fruit  can be smacked every time it recharges and you can   go ahead and flashbang pretty much any enemy you  want at any time you can also add muddle buds on   this and muddle buds will confuse enemies and you  can keep on using it now the benefit of the forest   dweller spear is that it's going to have a higher  attack that is counterpart which is decayed one   the pristine ones are always going to be great and  they're going to have longer durability that means   you can use these more and more to initiate fights  with enemies and once you get the forest dweller   sword make sure that you go ahead and break  it you can also attach a puff shroom to it so   you can smoke screen yourself completely so you  can be a ninja when you're fighting the enemies   that you face now let's go ahead to the depth so  you can get your hands on these pristine Force   to other weapons so this is pretty much going to  be right underneath the korok Forest right below   this is where we're gonna go in order to do this  now I did explain earlier that you did need to do   a quest in order to get here and the spot to get  here is actually right here in the minchi woods so   you're gonna have to go here and uh then a Gloom  hands is gonna show up as you're approaching here   so get ready to fight a Gloom hands but then  you'll have access to this area and the whole   korok thing anyway now that we're down here pretty  much there's gonna be a very few spots that you're   going to be able to get these weapons because  these are not gonna matter as these are going to   be double-handed weapons and we're not hunting  those when it comes to going under the korok   force we're going to be focusing on the forest  dweller Spears which are marked by these guys   and be focused on this which is the sword pretty  much these are the locations where you can get it   I've gotten my Horus dweller sword about three  times already this exact spot right over here   this is where I got my sword and if it's never  showing up as a forest dweller sword and it's   always a traveler's spear well then you either did  something wrong where you didn't break the forest   dweller's sword or you just have to reload from  The Shrine in order to get it and like I mentioned   this is the only spot that I was able to find a  sword and it's right from this light root over   here now this was the location where I found  this Forest dweller spear the pristine version   it's going to be right at this spot but there is  another spear spot just to the south of it but   this is pretty much the one I found and it's going  to be cross intersection between this light root   over here as well as this light root over here so  just go ahead and save spam at a light route to   get the spear if you don't see it right away and  it ends up being a traveler's Spear and then you   should be able to get both your pristine Forest  dweller sword and your pristine Forest dweller   spear these are the only two ones in the game  there is no Forest dweller Claymore nothing else   just sword and a spear so good luck it's time to  move on to our next pristine weapon now let's talk   about the next weapons that we're gonna be getting  which is going to be the pristine Rito weapons   also known as The Feathered weapons so we have the  feathered beer and The Feathered Edge that we'll   be grabbing in this section now the cool part  about these weapons is that when you attack they   actually send out a gust of wind so you can just  imagine the fun possibilities when you can combine   these weapons with other fusions like Elementals  and using an elemental you can push back into   their enemy so there's a lot of fun things that  you can do with this specific weapon now here's   the important thing to know no in order to get  these weapons one of the best strategies is going   to be able to go into caves now the cave that  I pretty much just went into was the bright Cap   Cave which is located by this Shrine southeast of  the lucky clover Gazette so this is the one I went   to in brightcap cave there is a like like that is  there when you come in you after you get past this   horblin and this like like is going to actually  contain RNG drops for these specific weapons so   what you want to do when you come in front of  this like like as we previously said is save in   front of it after you save in front of it you're  then going to go ahead check out the like like   and you should be able to get the weapons of your  choice The Feathered speed here and The Feathered   sword now when you get the decayed versions of  these weapons you're going to want to make sure   that you immediately break them and as soon as  you break both of them you'll then be able to   have them spawn in the depths in their nice crispy  pristine forms which have higher attack and higher   durability Also if anyone knows other spots and  other great caves where you can Farm these weapons   please let us know in the comments below now let's  head to the depths to get these weapons so when   we're in the depths in order for us to hunt these  pristine feathered weapons we're gonna have to be   able to look at this entire area now what I mean  by that is if you're looking at hebra the entire   area basically hebra Rideau Village the Samantha  area this is all going to be possibilities where   the drops for these feathered weapons can happen  now if we go to the map you can see that I have   the Stars marked on the map and I have the people  figures marked on the map so that's going to   indicate our sword and our Spears now one of the  most consistent spots where I get feathered Spears   is going to be located right over here let me jump  up here as you can see I'm already holding one   and I have found another one so you can see that  consistency right there and this is pretty much   going to be right over here at this light root at  this light root where this water puddle is pretty   much south of the abandoned hebra mine keep going  south this light root over here if I was to give   you an Overworld location it would be right under  the piper Ridge so this has been very consistent   for me and also you'll be able to fly down from  this light root to this you can always save spam   to get the correct spear if it's not this one now  this next location is going to be over here on the   map where I got the feather sword pristine version  and this is going to be located all the way by the   top right area of this region by this light route  so from this light root you want to make your way   down to this star and you'll be able to get the  sword I've gotten the sword a couple of times over   here but there are other sword spots I have marked  up on the map just in case you wanted to get to it   like this one over here and like this one here  here as well as once around the mid-center point   east of the abandoned hebra mine so right over  here so you can use this light root to get over   to this one so there's a couple options and you  might bump into more than I have so feel free to   also mention that in the comments below and that's  pretty much how you're going to be able to get   your feathered sword or your feathered Edge which  is basically a sword and just like that congrats   you now have your feathered weapons and we can  go ahead and leave this area and blow everything   away because you know that's that's what it does  it's a feathered weapon let's move on to the next   pristine weapons now let's talk about some awesome  yiga Clan weapons pretty much this is going to be   the Eightfold Long Blade which is really cool  because its description pretty much says it   cleaves the wind and creates vacuum so when you  attack with this weapon boom it throws out a whole   entire look at that it's so freaking cool yeah  a little razor wins that can chop the enemy up   and this is the Eightfold blade which is going to  basically yield you very powerful sneak strikes on   enemy so you just put that with a nice armor that  does some sneak attacks and you're really good now   in order to get these two weapons you probably by  now have fought some yiga clan members throughout   your entire journey and then sometimes I never  really picked up the weapons so a very consistent   spot where you can go to always fight them is  going to be the ancient akala Tech Lab located   all the way in the Northwest part of the map now  I'm gonna go ahead and uh just knock in this door   and this is where the two clan  members are going to pop out and the fight will begin so there you  go you can see the the weapons in action and then I'm gonna just pop up  over here be careful this guy   what he doesn't know is I got the pristine version and got him you didn't see that coming so pretty  much when you're done with these guys you're gonna   pick up this Eightfold Long Blade from the  bigger yiga member and you're gonna pick up   the Eightfold blade from the smaller Yugo guy the  the easier one right over here and what you want   to do is immediately grab them and go ahead  and smash them to the ground and break them   you'll be able to have these unlocked down in the  depths below now let's head down to the depth so   you can quickly get the pristine versions that  I'm currently holding right now okay now that   we're in the depths this one was actually very  very difficult to figure out because the [ __ ]   Clan is everywhere on the map and I literally  had to go through every part of the depths to   figure this one out now this location is going  to be pretty much right under the dueling Peak   stable area this is all the location where you  need to go and when you look at the underground   here yeah you can see it's pretty nicely marked  up with a lot of good spots here and we're not   gonna really care about this icon over here  because these are just going to be Spears that   you can find obviously check them out if you're  interested I said but these are just basically   pristine Spears in the area now the ones that  we're going to be focusing on are the sword   icons which are going to be for the double-handed  ones and the star icons which are going to be for   our single-handed weapons now I know this weapon  looks super cool with this exact fit I'm wearing   because I look like just a straight up Shogun  Samurai this I cover in an entire video that   you should definitely watch it's gonna be on my  channel here it's called The Secret Mystic armor   set you must get now you know why you must get it  that's not really clickbait you look like this and   you get this weapon come on you gotta click you  gotta watch that after this anyway let's continue   on and go for our weapons now there's a very  very consistent spot that I've gotten in about   three times already and it's back to back weapons  it's gonna be right over here in this location so   if you can see this is the light route over here  that you can access this is the dueling Canyon's   mind and right Northeast of that at this star  location let me zoom out for you so you can   get a better context and zoom in is going to be  exactly where you're going to go so right here   is gonna be where I find always or usually I'm  not gonna say always because it could be different   for you guys but all you gotta do is save spam in  order to get what you want is the Eightfold blade   which is the single-handed weapon right over here  for sneak striking this is the pristine version   and check this out right across there it's gonna  be the pristine Eightfold Long Blade right there   so back to back weapons now like I mentioned  on my map you want to follow these swords these   are gonna be options for you in order to get it  the swords and the stars and there's other spicy   places within this area and I might as well  just show you guys while we're here so yeah   you can see like look this is a totally RNG other  sword that I didn't get as I go further down just   so you guys have context if we go further down  here is a random Knights broadsword so you can   see like sometimes the markers will be a little  bit different now if you haven't seen I do have   a diamond spot marked on the map which is really  close by so let me just head over and show you   this diamond Mark okay so this giant Diamond  Mark I have which is by this Coliseum over here   is pretty much where you're gonna have three  spirits on my maps you'll always notice these   Diamond spots but this one is right over here  by dueling Peak so check this out if you want   any of these style weapons here and sometimes they  might rotate so you might be lucky or they might   just you know sometimes just remain the same but  there's a bunch of spots here that you can check   out as well well so that's pretty much going  to be the dueling Peaks area in order to get   your yiga weapon so yeah this is this is dope  you should definitely get these next up we're   going to be talking about boomerangs to give you  a little break before we get to the next section   and boomerangs also come in pristine weapons  there's going to be a big Boomerang which is a   two-handed boomerang and a very little Boomerang  which is a single Boomerang right now I'm at the   location where you can find yourself a nice big  Boomerang and I want to show you exactly where   that is on the map this is going to be in the  Eldon area Death Mountain right exactly where   I have marked this sword so go ahead and Mark this  up wherever you want to go swords are usually for   double-handed weapons so this is a double-handed  weapon this guy is always going to be having a   double-handed boomerang and I've used one to a  glioc weapon so we can hunt it down here we go   so this is what you're gonna do just fly in on it  just like this he's gonna be like what happened and then that's it he's gone and then you can  go ahead and grab that giant Boomerang and make   sure to break it so when you're breaking it  you can just smack it on the floor or use it   on an enemy and this is the decayed one that's  how you get the giant Boomerang okay now this   section where we're going to go ignore that death  marker is gonna be from the shrine over here and   we're gonna be in the leneru wetlands and we're  gonna be approaching a monster Fortress here so   pretty much on your map this is exactly where I  am so you can see a nice zoom in all right great   I'm gonna equip on my Majora's Mask so enemies  can't really see me now I'm going to show you   exactly where our Boomerang Target is going to be  so I'm just going to go past these guys over here just ignore me everyone no worries I'm not the  bad guy and we're gonna go over to this platform   and there is one guy right over  here that has what we need and   that is the that's the boomerang right  there so I'm just gonna hop on over they're gonna wonder what's going on over here  and something that you could probably do here is   take out anything electric you know let them all  come close to me that's fine it's fine they don't   know what's happening they don't know what's  happening and yeah that's not a threat to them I just take the boomerang and go you pretty much get my point just don't die like  me get that Boomerang and break that small one as   well now let's head to the depth so you can get  these nice pristine boomerangs now you're gonna   have to really trust me when I say this is gonna  be the location where you're going to be getting   the giant pristine Boomerang it's gonna be at this  diamond mark on my map if you need to see that and   have better Clarity it's going to be pretty much  north of this light route over here and it's going   to be underneath the Marietta exchange ruins which  is right by lindor's brow Skyview Tower so you if   you want to match up the map to the sky it's gonna  be right over here okay and when you get there   you're going to see a giant giant Stone pillar and  on top of that stone pillar is going to be pretty   much three ghosts and one of them will have your  Boomerang this is one of the hardest weapons I had   to find in the game I looked all over the map I  just could not find the large Boomerang and this   is going to be the spot where I found mine and I  really suggest to save yourself some time please   go ahead and go to this exact spot now something  pretty cool right from this spot there is actually   going to be another location that has a boomerang  RNG close by to it that is a small Boomerang and   here is where a pristine Boomerang spawns I  marked for steam boomerangs with a heart but   usually they randomly rotate between single-handed  weapons there are a couple more Hearts I did put   on the map so you guys can see we have one over  here all the way to the west by this light route   I found one all the way up here by this light  route so they're in random spots I don't know   what exactly determines it but that's 100 saw  that has one so anything with a heart on my map   you can grab that and RNG for a regular Boomerang  if that is what you want so there you go there's   a big Boomerang of the little boomerangs now you  know where you get them now if you're looking for   a pristine Cobble Crusher Elden mountain is going  to be your hot spot to get get it hot spot because   it's hot no that wasn't the point this is gonna  be the best spot to get it and one of the caves   that I like to go to because listen like likes are  pretty op and they give you whatever you want when   you save spam in front of them is the lake into  knock cave and within this cave you're going to   be finding a like like as you break rocks and get  towards this lava area it's going to be really   important cave to go to because there is a hidden  Shrine down over there anyway what you want to do   is save in front of this like like you can keep  reloading for a specific weapon of your choice   and we're gonna be going for the Cobble Crusher  because that is going to be our Goron weapon   pretty much that we need so let's go ahead knock  this like like and start beating it senselessly and it's dead and let's hope we get our  Cobble Crusher and we're gonna reload and we got ourselves a cobble Crusher there  we go after a couple tries so just take your   Cobble Crusher once you get it from any like  like or from anywhere in the Alden area and   just go ahead and break it and once you break it  it's going to unlock the pristine version of your   Cobble Crusher down in the depths so let's go  ahead and grab that pristine Cobble Crusher all   right and as you arrive in the depths you should  come across yourself a cobble Crusher now this   Cobble Crusher is located right over here on  the map but I have gotten multiple ones from   this so this is literally right underneath  Death Mountain I marked the swords up for   you guys so you can see that there are multiple  locations where there are double-handed weapons   so there's one over here there's one over here I  marked a few also over here by this uh abandoned   Elden mine I was mostly Lucky in getting the  Cobble Crushers in these three specific areas   in Elder Mountain so yeah there it is a pristine  Cobble Crusher that is not decayed and that does   a lot more damage and is a lot more durable than  the other ones in the game so attach that with a   stone and or something really tough and you could  break a lot of stuff so enjoy your Cobble Crusher   now you know how to get every single Steen  weapon in the game so you should subscribe and   check out this video over here seriously  you'll learn something else in the game
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 351,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, Powerful pristine weapons totk, pristine weapons depths totk, ghost soldiers totk, shiny weapons totk, non decayed weapons totk, phantom weapons totk, ghost statues totk, statues underground totk, where to get pristine weapons in the depths totk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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