Octoroks Create The Most POWERFUL Weapons In Tears Of The Kingdom!

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I'm gonna be showing you the secrets of how to  be getting extremely powerful in this game by   manipulating modifiers on your weapon and playing  around with some secret stuff in the game in order   to become really Op with these unlimited upgrades  you can easily Farm any strong enemy in tears   of the Kingdom let's get into it so there's two  there's two places I need to introduce you guys to   in the game the first one is going to be located  all the way in Tarrytown over here this is going   to be completely East from Lookout Landing so if  you're at Lookout Landing and you're starting the   game still make all your way all the way down to  get to the Tarrytown location in Tarrytown you're   gonna find a shop in the middle of the area and  it's gonna be really obvious because this is our   guy who's gonna be responsible for everything  his name is pelison now what pellison's job is   to break down Fusion items and keep them in top  pristine shape so let's just say I went ahead and   I decided to fight a Lionel and after fighting  maybe a silver liner I was like hey let me be a   smart guy and fuse my Lino blade to my wooden club  right which is not like the greatest option to do   so my sturdy thick stick has it and it's like okay  that's decent but why would I want a base weapon   that has an attack of seven right that's probably  not the best choice for me to fuse a silver Lino   horn with that does a 55 damage and maybe I  get a better weapon for example and I'm like   oh wait this cool Gloom sword is 4 31 and I might  want to add my Lino blade on that giving me like   very close to a hundred damage what this guy is  essentially for is that exact reason so when you   talk to him so he'll say I'll break it down soon  and done pellison's break apart shop and it'll   cost you 20 rupees so this is the 20 rupees part  here remember this one is very efficient only for   switching out Fusion items so what you're going  to do is I'm going to take this thick 30 stick and   give it to him right so he's gonna break this down  completely and what happens is you can hear sound   effect something's gonna happen and then you're  gonna see your Fusion piece completely separated   from your weapon usually when you try to remove a  fusion piece on a weapon the thing that happens is   you cannot get rid of it though the only thing is  you hit destroy and that's you get your original   sword back so this is going to be very good for  that so what I could do now is I could take my   Gloom sword and I could just fuse it with this  sword and now I have a 96 attack single-handed   weapon which is pretty cool and now this dirty  thick stick doesn't need to be used anymore   making rendering it to be absolutely useless  to me and that's how you pretty much upgrade   the base part of your weapon so the initial  Fusion weapon and if you have a better Fusion   top so this is how you keep upgrading and moving  above so let's go to the next part which is going   to blow your mind completely real quick before we  move on make sure to hit that subscribe button so   you can see more extremely amazing videos like  these it helps so much okay thank you just hit   it real quick it's somewhere down below now the  next place you want to head to is located all the   way up in the outen area and pretty much right by  Goron City there is a shrine that you can get a   fast seller port to so if you haven't done that  go ahead and do that it's the mara kuguk Shrine   so this one overviews the town right below now the  weapon that we're gonna be using in this case is   gonna be the Royal Guards Claymore and the beauty  of this weapon is that when it's about to break   when durability is low it's going to double its  damage now pretty much what you want to do is have   this be completely broken down because I'm going  to show you how to restore its durability in this   part of the game for free okay it says the Royal  Guards Team wars badly damage at the smacking a   few times and now if I click on it you can see  that the attack is 64. we're gonna be using this   one as an example of upgrading by the way if you  want to grab yourself a royal guard Claymore all   you got to do is quickly just fly over to a Hyrule  Castle it's going to be in the throne room climb   up the steps it's going to be left of the throne  if you face it up those steps and right behind the   statue that is against the left side so go to the  statue on the back you'll find that there's your   sword your Royal Guard Claymore once you get that  it's going to spawn every single blood moon right   exactly at the spot so if you in case you lose it  you know exactly where to get it that way you can   customize your weapon with me in this video if  you choose to now this creature in front of me   is an octo Rock and there's a bunch of game and  you've probably come across them they jump out   of the ground and they spit rocks at you but the  ones up here in Eldon are very different because   these ones are going to do a little suck before  they blow Sonic they're gonna suck up something   before they spit it back out at you pretty sauce  but that's what they do what you're gonna be doing   is gonna be walking up to this rock it's gonna  go down you're gonna drop your weapon and back up   all the way when you back up a bit and it's gonna  then suck up the weapon and spit back the weapon   at you but the beauty is while it's sucking  it up and it's inside of it you're gonna see   a bunch of sparkles on screen when those Sparkles  happen that means the Octo rock is enhancing your   weapon and adding a modifier on your weapon so  when he spits it back out I'm gonna open it up   and in the bottom right of my screen you can  see that there is now a modifier now let me   explain to you exactly the modifiers that exist  in this game the list of modifiers in this game   are attack up which increases the strength of  a weapon depending on the value of the modifier   so this would be plus five plus six plus seven all  the way up mostly to plus 10. an attack up is only   going to be applying to melee weapons and your  bows so for example like the sword gets attack   up the next one is going to be Shield guard up  Shield guard up relates to how much damage The   Shield's durability takes from an attack the  higher the shield guard up value is the less   damage the shield will be blocking it can also  stagger or disarm enemies while blocking if the   value of Shield guard up is high and this is only  going to be affecting your Shields critical hit   the critical hit modifier deals critical damage  on the final hit of a combo this is only going to   be affecting melee weapons durability up increases  the durability of a weapon the higher the value of   the modifier is the more sturdy a weapon is which  means it's less likely you're going to be able to   break this is going to affect everything from  weapons bows and shields long throw is another   modifier that increases the distance of a weapon  when thrown this is only going to be affecting   melee weapons if you happen to get that modifier  quick shot is going to be able to fire an arrow   much more quickly this is only going to obviously  affect Bose and the final one is the five shot   burst modifier this one one is the op one is  going to be allowing you to shoot Five Arrows   all at once so once you approach an OCTA Rock  the thing that you really want to do is run up   in front of it and go ahead and drop your weapon  so I've dropped my broken Royal Guard Claymore   right in front of it and I move away from it but  you need to be in a certain range like right about   there and then what it's going to do is going to  eat up your thing there's a Sparkle and then it   shoots it back and make sure you Shield up I'm  gonna go ahead and grab this sword and then I'm   gonna see what these stats are exactly on it so  I look up and it says okay attack up plus four   not bad but not good either but that's not really  important so once it basically puts my attack or   modifier up I want to take it out because what's  really important is by killing it you're going   to need it to respawn eventually at a blood moon  so once it does a modified Sparkle on your weapon   and gives you that it's done so what you do after  that is you go towards a second one because having   a second one is going to be really important  because what you need you need one to bring   you to a white modifier or a blue modifier and the  next subsequent one that you find is always going   to bring that white or blue one up to a yellow  one so that is going to be big so whiter Blues   get to a second one so always do two on a monster  it doesn't matter what you roll on your first one   the second one's rule is gonna matter so here we  go I'm running up to this one over here and I'm   just going to go ahead and drop my weapon you can  see it's fully restored at 36 because it doesn't   have double damage anymore and it's only gonna  have double damage when it's extremely weak and   I have that extra attack up so I'm gonna go ahead  I drop it in front of it just like this again move   a certain distance and then it's gonna suck it  up there's a Sparkle and it shoots it back out   now if I click on this Royal Guards play more we  look at it now you can see that it says attack up   plus six and it's modified to yellow and I can get  this up to a maximum amount of plus 10. so that's   what you want to roll for and Save in front of it  ahead of time when you're doing this if you don't   save in front of this one and you decide to do  it later you can just go into another OCTA Rock   and throw it in and that's basically how you RNG  but the best thing you need to do is always save   before your second one and then re-roll to  see what you get and going back to Tarrytown   let's just say I accidentally only had a silver  Lino blade like we mentioned at the start of the   game fuses something else I just do the entire  breakdown take that fusion part out and attach it   to my Royal Guards Claymore so now with my attack  up plus six my Royal Guards Claymore and my plus   55 silver Lino saber horn I'm going to have a  total attack of 93. when I go ahead and damage   it because of the way the Royal Guards Claymore  works and it's the total attack on this weapon   is gonna be 186 but I found even more OCTA rocks  and I'm going to show you exactly all the spots   on the map where you can get it on my map here are  the locations of the OCTA rocks I encountered in   this exact spot there's one over here there's one  over here if you walk follow the train tracks to   the end of the train tracks by this area on this  wall you're gonna find another one those are the   three in this area if you go back to Goron City  and you start walking and you head over towards   this waterfall area you're gonna follow down  this waterfall pathway you're gonna find one   first immediately in this area as you drop down  then you're gonna continue down the river and   you're gonna find another one towards your right  side as you're going down the river it's going to   be located here on the map but as you're coming  down your character will be facing on the right   and then as you go further down past the whole  entire water area you can find another one so   that brings you to a total of six after rocks  what that exactly means for you is a very big   benefit so what else was I able to do because of  six OCTA rocks now because there were six of them   I was able to one upgrade my silver liner blade  just a little bit further by mixing it up again   with the yellow modifier and getting the attack  up to plus 10. that plus 10 attack modifier and   then be damaging the weapon is going to lead me to  have a 194 attack and now that we have it at 194   look how fast I can nuke lionels this is amazing  and I'm gonna have a whole entire video about Lino   farming so you're gonna know exactly what to do in  the next one when it comes to Lino farming now I   also wanted to increase my Hylian Shield because  I've been using that since the beginning of the   game it didn't break yet but I'm pretty sure  the durability was wearing down over time so   what I did was I got to one octo Rock threw it in  I got my white modifier and like I mentioned the   white modifier to me does not matter on the first  octa-rock I go to the second one You're Gonna Save   in front of your second one and then eventually  I was able to get the durability increase on my   shield after getting the durability plus increased  yellow modifier on my shield I was like all right   let's do the bow next and I noticed I had a Lionel  bow already in my inventory I went ahead to my   first octa-rock threw it over there the OCTA Rock  sucked it up and spit it back out at me and I was   able to get my next modifier after that I went to  another one to get my yellow modifier and that was   able to get me my times five attack I didn't save  on my first try and the after rock hit me and then   I lost all my progress so the moment you get your  weapon of your choice that you need make sure that   you do save your game very important after that  you're gonna then have all the op stuff that you   need in order to go ahead and do what you want  so remember two OCTA rocks you're gonna only care   about saving before the second one if you're  upgrading one weapon so basically run a melee   weapon run a bow and run a shield and rinse and  repeat this every single night during the blood   moon and your character will be extremely op and  have high damage weapons I guarantee you this is   gonna be the best thing you've ever done in this  game now that you're a professional at modifying   your weapons and shields you you should check  out this video over here seriously click on it
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 494,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, Tears of the kingdom, TOTK, Repair weapons free TOTK, Recover fused weapons Tears of the Kingdom, Octorock Location, Octorock creates powerful weapon in TOTK, Powerful weapon in TOTK, Royal Guard Claymore powerful totk, Powerful Hylian Shield tears of the kingdom, Lynel Bow powerful TOTK, How to upgrade weapons totk
Id: LalOuqMRV4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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