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hey welcome to the Seidman human rumor has it Harry foxy sister right first rumor has to excitement rumor Kellerman Cal freezy were invited to we're invited to join the Seidman but rejected oh it's a road it's a rumor roomie are you getting the video is that people did you know no one ever gotten by trains no we tried to make a youtube group team trains is way before side but yeah but we like we tried to make a youtube groups with ali-a syndicate you you opal fish you local peer crowds I got in the group for two days okay security hates the abuse from the other boy as it plays along because it's nice it's usually sometimes it used to bother me my way back good because I think it's your thing it's my thing it helps you to not your brown hair what people thinks you're Brown to thick skin next rumor you hate each other's girlfriends yeah despise them okay I used to hate frere [Laughter] yeah I heard something like JJ said some men went split up if it wasn't for the district on a podcast is that true heard it somewhere and it wasn't lying it was [ __ ] sake off it was just we're stagnant well we will split up is the right you know best when the backs against the wall we split up and then we come back the fans really want another seidman podcast this is essentially a podcast well yeah you don't have to leave your house to do yeah you can play Dragon Ball Z each other only in it for the money and [Laughter] [Laughter] I remember reading a comment on one of Josh's videos a while back which made me think the lunette was actually never a thing Josh just created the fake trail so he could get relevant in case that would be a trail of the free is coming through all the footage for it you just may not back then you would have a halfway done and you had done going if you like it you're like yeah halfway like we display the I heard the rumor that Ethan was wanking and JJ walked in and joined in true I should be afraid you've seen my penis before you complement it to my penis when moves pissing once don't remember that but do that yeah he can come and pissed in the cubicle to cubicle you just look down when I don't know if you remember they measured it once you get yourself quite a compliments your penis this time it hold fisting parties every Sunday no don't like it we do we celebrate the video coming out all right 15-time know what is the same off-camera no you're right because being on camera you just a bit more enthusiastic but we're not the same person oh you're just a bit explain it before yeah everyone's just us we're just no energy most of us most of us fire shots well go on some changes are completely different personality on yes yes levels pace I am real no one I mean please like me right now that's what mean imagine if our main channel videos we just like my lads like just seven Toby's don't want to enable dictation no oh why guys next one I heard that JJ was secretly retire before Simon of bears what other JJ was secretly retire Leah before Simon and bears will do forever for Josh and bears right so essentially JJ's was Talia before you guys were thing secretly and then apparently I was a bit afraid before use with Freya before meeting me put me a new met before me and you so I was just yeah just about reaching out to afraid she's good though once you go why don't you go black you don't go back so you didn't do your job you got a white dick game Simon can actually see definitely not that's nightmare for me though ice white dream in live a nightmare know how you want to leave the sidemen but stays because the merch money is word on the street is harry keeps a special jar of pickles under his bed so read in it you would have done that wouldn't you like not everyone wants to fatty from back because case I guess the fat jokes now it was more fun when you're fun right out of ideas so they use clicks ideas instead they started Kanchana because it's not like great and I did is it true that Tom Jizzle has never had a girlfriend now actually is it actually is coughed am i coughed so you got oh no no another one about Toby goes to quad Toby has really long toenails yeah mile no I got them the other day I don't know if my feet are dry honest I don't have big toenails me about JJ failed his driving test twice yes what is that a room or did you say that no how many times did you fail any party drug test I failed I failed I failed once the first thought to hold that I've passed the prop the theory the theory across the 31st time I felt the practical first time and then posture so I filled my imagine I meant driving in Guernsey just like driving around up plecos I love to drive me still under my theory three times every five time [Applause] driver's side men are going to visit India what would that be if they want to do that then maybe no the only tow will go is if we did like an event yeah I don't get any belly Vic was cloned after his collarbone surgery how are you don't actually like each other I've heard loads of Stan accounts talk about it yeah the name Seidman actually came about by each member taking a letter from their name ie the S comes from Simon and by combining them to make the name sidemen how smart you think well we would have chosen this yes we're not that clever he's got AI D ology day yeah you there's one person in the group that none of you like I know who is if you don't know who it is [Laughter] [Laughter] Harry's already rumor has it there is a Seidman game releasing there was we tried the Harz I've been caught racing the sideline formed as a group due to the crew I speedy and sidearms you know why this is a thing yeah yeah so it's good someone explained properly we literally just played those two and a story play GTA GTA and then you called us the ultimate assignment and then Harry joined big drain future was broken and then imagine if you're still not smelly but like 100% used to sweat smell though I often get told how nice I found out the main channel Hopey secured the barrier find out the final one for today I heard a rumor that there's a possible series two for the sidemen show [ __ ] off [Laughter] the other side about us there's a chance there's a small chance was it a small chance [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,317,236
Rating: 4.9570723 out of 5
Id: lneVvR-HpuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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