"The Serious Sin of Somewhat" - Wayne Huntley

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would you welcome a friend of ministers and saints and churches brother Wayne Huntley to this point [Music] [Applause] [Music] and everybody said praise the Lord why don't you sit down just a moment let me kind of acclimate settle down here just a minute because I'm kind of wild right now I mean I'm kind of if bunch and breeze were here they'd say I'm awesome eyes I mean I'm just all surmised now I'm gonna say this and if I have any gifts at all flatteries not one of them my journey cut through the chase there call them like I see them but when he announced that John men was in this service tonight I feel like the Apostle Paul was here and I say that in sincerity we I just brought the subject up coming over to ask about you and I never thought I'd have the privilege of seeing you here tonight I told brother Woodward I said you know I think that perhaps brother John men is the latter-day counterpart to Simeon that he will live until the Lord's Messiah returns and so I'm watching brother men and my eye is on him because I believe he's gonna be here when the rapture takes place there's no way I could honor this man of God it's my Bible it's my Bible it's God's Word don't you see I wish I could remember some other words from generation to generation it's written down for me something like that maybe you need to have another verse he wrote that song and I'm massacring it right now but those the love for the word of the Lord and his deep commitment to evangelism and soul-winning Church planning I'm glad his last name doesn't start with H I might have a chance to be saved because man is way down the line from H and God won't have me to compare to him I'm glad I get to go first because I pity all those whose name begins with a letter after M it's going to be tough when the Lord looks at that man of God and judges the rest of us what a joy to be in this lovely lovely auditorium in this most historic apostolic region of the world an area that has given so much to the cause of God around the world I don't know that would have missionaries if it weren't for was not for you and Canada missionaries renowned preachers I talked to Gordon malar yesterday and told him I was coming here and he said all your going to my part of the world what every missionaries from here I think there's something in the water maybe it's in the snow I don't know but what a marvelous investment in the kingdom of God and the work of the Lord and I stand here today blessed and highly honored to be able to come to this North American missions conference I've been privileged to come to this district throughout the years and minister and see friends are in this audience fellow ministers and to see everybody going on with God serving the Lord what a marvelous hour that we are privileged to live in I gave honor to your North America missions director newly elected brother Cole and his team put together powerful schedule I've been looking over the schedule and tomorrow's going to be a very great day of instruction I will be here to learn to get what I can get and I'm thrilled to have that opportunity give honor to your district superintendent brother brewer appreciate the privilege of being in this district where he is leading you and I appreciated his voice for revival the evangelism and church growth the most serious sinister sin that could ever happen to this Apostolic Church right now would to be become negative we are on the positive side of revival and we need to exercise the the privileges and the power of God I give honor to the host pastor here brother Woodward he and I first met when I preached the camp meeting here and he was the day speaker and of course he was a resident of the district at that time and and when I came over to preach the camp meeting they were telling me that one of our own will be teaching during the day and you're gonna be blessed by his ministry and he and I hooked up the camaraderie although there is a great distance and difference in our age we became friends and we had him to come to Raleigh and he's been to Raleigh many many times and I I want to go when they introduced him as the host pastor or that he would be teaching tomorrow it was a it was a little head nod you know I think there's mostly all Pentecostals here tonight right I heard a little Baptists call for the method it's grunt you know across the audience when they said brother Woodward will be speaking tomorrow I noticed him and I said a Prophet's without honors saving his own country if you would said that in Raleigh they have been running the aisles that have been dancing running the aisles but that's alright I know what that's like this is the way it goes but he and I struck up such a marvelous friendship it's hard not to love Raymond Woodward because his excellent ministry is only superseded by his excellent spirit not only is he a great preacher he's a great man and a great Christian and he has served me and saved me and helped me we've done so many camp meetings together and conferences together and going out to eat after church together and just so many times he has assisted me and been a blessing to me now that I'm not quite as young as I used to be but I Got News for You I'm not as young as I used to be but don't ever doubt it I'm not as old as I want to be I may not be as young as I used to be but I'm not nearly as old as I want to be in other words there's still a mighty move of God in the land I want to be a part of it this is the North American missions conference so tonight I want to bring to you a burden of my heart from the word of the Lord and set the stage about what missions is really all about some time back in our local church the Lord brought this passage of scripture to my attention and it radically radically affected me and I ask you to stand for the reading of the word of the Lord tonight Revelation chapter 2 verse number 1 Revelation chapter 2 verse number 1 unto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write these things saith he that be holdeth that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labour and thy patience how that cats not bear them which are evil thou has tried them which say they are they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and as born and has patience and for my name's sake hast laboured and has not fainted nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else or else I will come unto thee quickly and I will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent the Spirit of the Lord scorched my soul in my mind and my spirit with these readings a while back and it's challenged me greatly and it's also put a fear in my spirit about the Apostolic movement in this hour when the Bible said nevertheless I have somewhat I'm somewhat against thee so I want to preach to us apostolic tonight on the serious sin of some what I have some what against thee and excuse me and I certainly don't want to be romanced pastor Jack Lehman thank you for the privilege of preaching in your pulpit tonight this man I'm just amazed that you're able to stand right here I figured you'd be floating in here from what I've heard from him that you have wings and I don't see a halo but I'd figure you'd be floating around while I'm preaching you know I haven't maybe the brother beside you kind of holding you down to keep from being raptured or something because your pastor friend praises you and has made you run out across the fellowship give pastor Jack a big hand right now that's the truth well you help me preach a little while tonight god bless you may be seated the serious sin of some what Jesus did not completely define it although he strongly declared it neither the church nor the angel of the church denied it all the admirable qualities he listed of the church were not able to dismiss or disguise it but rather the serious sin of some what seemed to dominate his message to this church in the book of Revelation notice the list of admirable desirable and commendable attributes he talked about their works he spoke of their labors he talked about their patience they had a tremendous disdain and detest for evil they had a discernment and a dedication to truth they were strong they were enduring incredible qualities that any church would be flattered to have the Lord applied to them marvelous attributes of a great Apostolic Assembly however he injected one word that changed the whole flow of the scriptural scenario when he said never the less in other words I'm going to set all of that aside all these marvelous things I have said about you all these commendable characteristics I want to set all of that aside and I want to say I have somewhat against thee notice he didn't say something he said somewhat indicating that which overshadows and that which over where all of the preceding attributes so admirable the seriousness of the sin of someone is exaggerated in His divine ultimatum and eminent judgment I don't know of any other place in the scripture where the Lord spoke to a church and said you do this or else he gave them an ultimatum you take care of this or else and he spoke of imminent judgment three things must be done he said or my judgment will come first of all he said I want you to remember then I want you to repent and then I want you to return what would this most undesirable debilitating devastating dimension of punishment be the Bible said it is the removal of the candlestick from its place the Lord said I'm telling you if you don't deal with this scene of some what I am going to take my candlestick out from its place and of course that candlestick represents the illumination of God the revelation of God it represents his very presence in the church it represents the power of God in the church in other words the candlestick is what makes the church a church the candlestick is really what demarcates a church from a club a church from a place with pews and carpet and a steeple the candlestick being there is what separates it from all other places I must remind this church tonight it's not our decor it's not our decoration it's not our signs the thing that separates us is the moon of God in our congregation now I know in this world and I a lot of people come to our church in Raleigh and other Pentecostals and they don't understand what it is in Raleigh they call it energy man I love to come to your church there's energy there but what they really don't understand is God is there the anointing is there the power is there the presence of does anybody truly appreciate the fact that when we come to church we meet God that God is in this place so the candlestick is what makes the church a church and the Lord said if you do not remember if you don't repent and you don't return I will remove my glory my virtue and my presence I don't know about you but that makes me tremble that shakes me to my foundation brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen if God's not here turn the lights out we can't come in here play Church we can't come in here and be formal be traditional more than ever before we need a move of the Holy Ghost when we come to the house of God in other words the church will cease to be the anointed appointed place where I will work he said it will become a place of symbolism without substance a profession without possession clouds without water a place where Satan will go unchallenged sin will go be unsolvable souls will be unredeemable grace will become disgrace miracles healings and deliverances will be an old story vaguely remembered if somebody doesn't deal with a serious sin of some what it is imperative that today we as an apostolic movement and this is what I'm preaching because as I'm privileged to travel across the breadth of the Apostolic movement I'm not just preaching to you I preached it to me I'm preaching to Raleigh North Carolina I preached it to the whole Apostolic movement this is what I feel to be the most critical Word of God for this church right now it is that God wants us to deal with a serious sin of somewhat as a matter of fact I will say this message this warning from God is a matter of life or death for the Apostolic movement if we're going to continue to be God's people be the place where God works we're going to have to deal with the serious sin of some what because if the candlestick is removed it's over so what is the serious sin of some what Jesus came only as close as telling what it is by saying it's leaving your first love it's leaving your first love so the question begs an answer what is the Christians first love he said you have lived your first love so what is the Christians first love I found the answer in Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 and you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me the first love of every Holy Ghost filled individual that I have ever known was to witness so in personal evangelism reaching others gotta tell somebody when I got the Holy Ghost when I was 13 years old I couldn't wait to that camp-meeting in Georgia was over so I could go home and tell my brother and tell my backslidden mother and on the same Sunday night my brother got the Holy Ghost my mother prayed back through and all three of us were baptized in the name of the Lord the same night but the first love I had when I quit speaking in tongues I got to tell somebody I gotta tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to share this the first thing that every brand new freshly Holy Ghost baptized Christian wants to do is tell somebody and the Lord said to the ephesian church you have left this you have left this and it is the serious sin of some what I'll never forget walking into our fellowship hall years ago where a new convert was there she was on the telephone and I just kind of stood back and listened to her she had just received the Holy Ghost in a few weeks period of time and she was just she was fired I'm so excited she said I got the Holy Ghost and I spoke in tongues Sam got the Holy Ghost he spoke in tongues Ronald got the Holy Ghost he spoke in tongues bad he got the Holy Ghost he spoke in tongues she spoke in tongues and Lois got the hold ago she spoke in tongues and and honed down the lad she was this one got the Holy Ghost spoken as this one got this one got those and finally when she hung up the phone I didn't stood there and I said Elizabeth who are you talking to she said oh that's the pastor of the church where I used to go I like for God to rebaptised us with that same kind I don't care if you've had the Holy Ghost 20 years 30 years or 50 years we need to deal with a serious sin of some what the call of the Spirit to the Apostolic Church is remember repent and return he said from which thou has fallen indicating stay with me now the highest plane of spirituality and ministry is not gifts it's not talents it's not positions it's not programs it's not props it's not professionalism it's not proficient speaking the greatest ministry in the church is a soul winner I'm telling you we need a baptism of the love individually for the lost that will cause every one of us to bring somebody with us to the house of God I don't mean the spirits to speak condescendingly or judgmentally but let might make my point clear how long has it been since you brought somebody to church how long has it been since somebody set beside you how long has it been since you told the pastor these are my friends that I brought to the house of the Lord the Lord said if you don't get back to that then I'm gonna move my presence out of the church because that's really what I put my presence in the church to begin with so that people could be born again of water and spirit clap your hands and shout help us holy else we have lost our personal love and responsibility as a soul-winner individually I'm not gonna ask you what office you hold in the church I'm gonna ask you have you want a soul I'm not going to ask you are you in the choir do you play an instrument ask you have you wanted so I'm not gonna ask you are you some type of high profile thank God for it individual in the church but have you won a soul I'm not gonna ask you how many years you've had the Holy Ghost I'm gonna ask you how many of you brought to church this year the Lord said I'm not calling you to remember I'm calling you to repent and then he said I'm calling you to return because if you don't I'm taking my presence out I will exaggerate that more momentarily people seeing here but this is not an entertainment hall and I don't mean to offend anybody if I do forgive me I got my hangups you know I hate to hear anybody say this is a stage I just got a problem a stages for entertainers and performers this is not a stage this is a platform to present the gospel and we're not celebrities and we're not entertainers and we are not starstruck heroes of the New Testament church we are here to evangelize our world and reach souls people sing here but this is not an entertainment hall people fellowship here but this is not a fellowship hall matter of fact in my travel in Pentecost amazing to me pastor Woodard pastor layman I don't mean to be so real but I've been there I see this I've preached to the dentist churches in the world until they say you're dismissed and it gets so loud then you came here yourself think is that too real I saw a sign I put in front of a place of business it said if you don't think the Dead come back to life be here at quitting time I've been to Pentecostal church their quietest church - as long as church is going on soon as it's over there screaming there's hallow there even running the aisles they even run in the aisles they're screaming at friends across the church they're all fired up this is not a fellowship hall people play music here but this is not a Symphony Hall people scream and they cheer here but this is not a stadium we must remember repent and return to the reason that all of this simply exists this is a soul-winning station people don't delay of cigarettes down here don't be laying bags of marijuana down here makeup is supposed to be running down the faces of ladies people are becoming to an altar crime under the convicting power of God ladies and gentlemen that's what church is all about I think sometimes we need to be reminded that Jesus does not camp come here to simply perform he doesn't come here just to please and he doesn't just come here to prosper he comes here where sin can be remitted lives can be put back together eternal destinies can be rearranged the shout let's run the aisles let's talk in tongues let's fling the bobby pins in the old-fashioned way but when it's all said and done let's have somebody being baptized in Jesus name let's have somebody speaking in tongues for the very very first time that's what church is all about we must be reminded and it's so easy for us all to do this it's easy for us after a while that this is not a museum for the saints it's a hospital for the sinners he said if you don't regain revive and return to your first love which is loving others and reaching others the Lord said I'm out of here that's what he said basically I'm leaving here I'm taking my presents out of here if you're not gonna love the lost and evangelize and reach people and love people then I'm gonna leave here you see I came up with this I was thinking about an airplane today in Pentecost you can come to church and enjoy church and be a part of church we have our standards we have our rules we have our regulations but I really don't know one church that I've ever preached in that said you can't sing in the choir if you don't win souls that's too real are you folks are used to this you can't be a sunday-school teacher if you're not winning souls you can't play the guitar if you're not winning souls can't have a drama that's not winning souls we got our choir our platform standards we got our regulations we need to add one that I think Jesus would want us to add you gotta be a soul winner so you can do all that in the church and enjoy church but jesus said I won't I'm not coming if you're not gonna love the Lost and you're not gonna bring sinners to my house and you're not gonna take my grace to them and shed my love on them as I've said it on you then he said I just simply ain't going to come to church here I will remove my candlestick that is the greatest nightmare that Apostolic Church could ever experience and I'd preach to some of them that were pretty dead and I thought they were dead because of this I thought they were dead because of that I thought this is the reason they were dead now come to understand from the Bible why they're dead the reason is they're not reaching the loss and God is not going to show up if you're not reaching the loss you want to see a move of God feel your church with sinners you want your preacher to preach good fill the pews with sinners you want to see God get excited fill the pews with lost people because that's the heart beat of God lift your hands and ask the Lord to help us right now [Music] it's a serious sin if somebody said I'm gonna move my candlestick if you don't go back to your first love I'm gonna quit entertaining you I'm gonna quit amusing you I'm gonna quit amazing you I come to seek and to save that which was lost we're in the most powerful pivotal hour of the Apostolic movements around faced as far as opportunity and the devil's trying to slide us substitutes hoping that we will accept them and be happy with them if the church across town splits and half the people come over here your church is not grown I will make it plain because I know where I'm at and I know who I'm preaching for and I know his heartbeat if people move from the states or wherever to come sit under the ministry of the marvelous Raymond Woodward who's a revelation has an appeal and Saints want to come hear him and this place is dynamically filled with Pentecostals we still haven't done the will of God we have not done the will of God it's almost like some places in the apostolic moves that they have recruiting programs where they know how to recruit people from all over the place to come to their assembly to work with them I'm telling you that's not church growth that's not revival you scream revival you pass out but proselyting and recruiting is not revival the only true revival is sinners repenting being baptized in Jesus name being filled with the Holy Ghost and God's not gone in the Atlantic District while he's shaking the world he wants to shake the Atlantic District and the way is gonna shake it it's what somebody falls in love again with lost humanity we are absolutely too comfortable to pleased just to come to church and be blessed just to come to church and be blessed and we become professional judges of how good the message was how good the choir was a little off tonight but like the joke heard one time not bad for a quarter you know preachers jokes are old you know and you talk about something getting exciting Church would really get exciting when we become soul winners when we start bringing people to sit beside us that don't know God and watch the power of God get ahold of their hearts and watch them walk to an altar and be filled with a baptism of the Holy Ghost we can't trust our Proficient ministry we can't trust our lovely choirs and our decor and all that God has blessed us with and we thank God for every bit of it but he said if you don't go back to your first love I'm gonna take my presents out of here I'm gonna take my spirit out of here because the reason I'm there is to touch the Lost the great General William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army was once in the conference time of their celebration they were all together and he was sick and he was unable to come and so he sent a message to the conference to be read in his behalf and so the gentleman said we have a message from our leader stepped to the pulpit to the microphone and he opened a card William Booth had sent his greetings to the conference and it was simply one word others others all I have to say to you he was saying is this is about others it's about others if we're not careful we can be like the chief Butler even though Joseph gave him a word that would set him free and exalt him and put him back into the favour of the ruler Joseph said there's only one thing I'm asking of you when you're restored to your place remember me when you're out of the prison and you're free and you're back to a place of honor and liberty he said I'm only asking one thing remember me and the Bible said that when the chief Butler came to a celebratory party that they were having that he forgot Joseph is it not very possible and likely that when we have been liberated by God and we now enjoy the party of Pentecost every weekend that we can become so inebriated with the spirit of celebration and all the festivities that are going on around the church that while we're in our party attitude we forgot the other prisoners that we forget the other prisoners planning churches is about winning souls revival is about winning souls evangelizing is about winning souls and I've come to tell you tell me tell us all the Spirit is saying to the church if you don't repent remember repent and return I'm gonna take my presence away from you and it will become shallow and Hollow and just a form without any powerful representation our power of God I understand Bible School students you're musicians come get ready understand this Bible College children young people here tonight right I'm gonna ask you how many souls have you won while you're learning all the epistles and all of the deep profound things of the word of the Lord there is no greater revelation in acts 2:38 when it's shared with somebody that's in sin there's no message deeper than acts 2:38 there's no revelation higher than acts 2:38 while you're in college you need to ask God to restore you to your first love and that is sharing this gospel with some one else I know it's not a popular message we don't talk about it much anymore but he said if you don't go back to your first love I'm gonna take the candlestick out so we've got to start preaching it and we've got to start practicing it and we've got to start promoting I'm talking about personal evangelism bringing somebody with you to the house of God getting a burden for somebody and praying and fasted and inviting and loving and visiting maybe buying meals for them doing whatever you can and then one day they walk through the doors of your church and when the pastor finishes his message your heart will explode when they rise to their feet and so would you come pray with me I need to be saved I need God it is so serious that the Lord said do this or else [Music] remember repent return or I will we used to sing it Lord lay some soul appalled and love that soul roomie and man hi [Music] that's so lift your hands let's sing it as a prayer [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's so we're gonna continue to sing it I want to have any folks and walk to the front tonight and make a commitment I want to be a soul winner it's been a while since I've want somebody to the Lord it's been too long since I saw somebody I worked with filled with the Holy Ghost how do you ever what is so have you ever brought somebody to the Lord [Applause] [Applause] make it a prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the Lord said if you don't do it I'm out of here go I'm finish I'm tired of playing Church I'm tired of programs tired of parties tired of promotions I come to church to save somebody I come to church to change somebody I come to church to deliver somebody I'm out how did I cry out of a hyah reach over lay your hand on somebody right now pray for them God send a renewal of first love renew our first love our backsliders and our family that we've learned to live without in church we learn to come to church and never think about them we've come to drive by their house and never ask but would they like to come we've learned to come home and have a famous great and glorious in church never thought about inviting somebody to come with us Oh God let a burden sweep through this auditorium tonight Oh God review us refilling three busyness refire us restore our first love don't take your candlestick out of our church Lord don't remove your presence from our church Lord we won't the glory of God we won't you virtue we won't your presence we won't your power hallelujah bring back the tears over my lost children bring back the tears over my back's lend relatives bring back the tears over my lost neighbors come have been one more time so can all to with my tears because my city is lost because my majors are lost Oh God take me back to my first love [Applause] lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me conclude just like this and I'll turn to service back to our leaders you got to understand I was 13 years old my father was in prison my mother was raising me and my brother the only man I knew that knew the truth was my uncle my dad's brother-in-law my uncle was married to my dad's sister when I was 13 years old my uncle came to my mother and said they think I'd a youth camp going over in Georgia and I'd like for you to let Wayne go with me to that youth camp I'll take care of it I'll pay all the expenses won't cost anything I'll see this take care of you you let him go with me my mother said he can go the second night of that camp not fill me with the Holy Ghost I was 13 years old you never heard the name of WJ Padgett he never preached one of our camps he never preached and you brunch I have a his picture in my office brother Woodward you sit when you come soon Debbie's a pageant and below it it says my name Ruth when I was 13 years old he just said can I take him with me to this camp he didn't know what was gonna happen but years later I would preach the funeral of the man who preached the camp dole Spears was preaching that camp I was privileged to preach his funeral I was privileged to preach my uncle's funeral all because my uncle just said would you let Wayne go with would you let me take him that camp my mother didn't have any idea my uncles certainly didn't have any idea and I'll tell you what I surely didn't have any idea today I would be preaching in his marvelous Church with these wonderful people because somebody understood why Jesus comes to church and that's to save somebody that's the change God's call this apostolic church back to our first love and he said if you don't I will remove my presence I wish somebody lifts her hands help God don't do that oh Jesus please don't leave us Lord will become soul winners we're gonna be revived we're gonna be renewed we're gonna be revealed [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 13,097
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: wayne, huntley, the, serious, sin, of, somewhat, ccc, capital, community, church, engage, conference, nam, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, apostolic, pentecostal, upc, upci, preaching, preach, sermon
Id: 5GyzjVgA6G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
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