"The Curse of Meroz" - Wayne Huntley

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Oh my be great for you would you lift your hand we'll see you with us right now I'm singing Angie don't refuse me Oh it's a ball my for you that's the way you feel tonight would you clap your hands give God praise for it right now hallelujah if you will permit me I will dismiss all the pulpit etiquette and necessary thought to be necessary responses just let me say I'm very grateful to be here tonight I'm humbled by the invitation and I'm thrilled at what I feel in the spirit I know that a lot of it is the fact that we are in this building with this church brother Jackie Anse was a wonderful mentor and friend of mine I was so blessed of God to have opportunity to personally know him love to fish I mean I don't know that I've ever met anybody more than Jack Yangtze and he taught me something about fish you know I to me fish is casted out and wine and really on you catch fish that's it brother yachts made a science out of it brother Yan said that the color of a fish is greatly determined by the floor of the water that he is in and explained whatever's on the bottom of the lake or the bottom of the pond colors the fish and that's where he gets his color and wherever you have a meeting it's going to be colored by the facility that you're hosting it in it just can't happen that's one thing that makes a Alexandrian because of the time such a powerful meeting it's not just the gathering of the ministry it's a fact that it is in Alexandria Louisiana and I feel a thrust of missions and commitment and the call of God very heavy in this meeting because it's being held right here this local facility would you give the local church a great big hand for hosting such a great feat I'll do more to honor those who've been so kind to me since I've been here but let me get directly to the word of the Lord and let me say this before I launch into it I am NOT gonna approach the word tonight in the conventional manner as a matter of fact I am through right now ready to go where usually we would step up and they'd play like this precious lady give him a hand they've done a marvelous job and we have a little background music and you'd walk to the pulpit and you'd say now I will be preaching tonight from such-and-such chapter and verse and my subject tonight will be such-and-such I am NOT going to do that this evening I'm going to go into the message a little ways and then I'm going to give you my text and my title I don't think Peters stood up on the day of Pentecost and said now I'm going to be reading tonight out of Joel chapter 2 and verse 28 and if you would all stand with me as I read this you know I don't think that's the way he did it I think it has kind of launched into it the Spirit leading him and I like one of these young me in here whichever one can get up here the fastest I want to use them tonight as a little prop they're so excited to do this you better hurt one of it okay yes I want one of the guy in the orange took the lead there sorry pal he beats you now I mean let me give him his rules and his lay out his his part what's your name Samuel good man to be used of God Samuel hand he's got his part down step one out just a little bit more so they can see you that stand right there god bless Samuel he's we schooled and trained and worked for this moment for years and he is performing in excellence I want to give you a little commentary tonight on one of the most unusual chapters in the Bible to me until I got a little grip of my understanding on it it was a mystical book and somewhat hard to understand relative to Y it would occupy such a significance in the scripture the chapter that I am referencing is Judges the fifth chapter and as I read the book of Judges in the fifth chapter of Judges I became strongly convicted and convinced of the Lord that it appears to be the Holy Spirit's documented diary of God's desires demands and deserves when God declares war and launches a spiritual aggression if you want to open your Bible follow me in judges chapter 5 I will move into it right now judges chapter 5 gives us what God anticipates in the way of involvement and participation from the animate and the inanimate when God declares war he expects a ready response to the creator's call for instance let me give you my narrative here in commentary of Judges chapter 5 we'll start with verse number 2 the Bible said that when God goes to war evidently he expects the people to willingly offer themselves willingly offer themselves verse number 4 the Bible said the earth trembled and the heavens dropped the clouds also dropped water it's when God goes to war that people willingly offer themselves the earth trembled the heavens dropped and the clouds also dropped water it was as if the earth had ears and he heard God has declared war and the earth seemed to say well if God has declared war then I'm going to do what I can to assist God in his battle I can't handle a sword or a spear or aggressively attack God's adversaries but I'm just going to tremble and shake and maybe that will help God in his battle the heavens said I'm going to drop when I was a young man we were in the mountains of North Carolina on an outing with a group of young men and at 12 high noon the clouds came down and the heavens dropped over that mountain and you know what that meant it became night in the middle of the day it was as if the heavens said what gods in a battle not much I can do to assist him in the way of being a part of his military aggression but I'll just come down and when I come down if God's enemies need light I'm fixing to turn them out they're gonna be in the dark the cloud said you know I can't do much when God's in a battle but if God's in a battle I'll just I'll drop water and maybe maybe I can make some mud holes and I'll make it difficult for God's enemies to come against God verse number 5 the Bible said the mountains melted in other words the mountain said I can't really do much to help God but I'm just gonna i'ma lay low and if God's enemies want to hide they'll be exposed there'll be no place for them verse number 9 the governors of Israel willingly offered themselves verse 12 the Bible said Deborah uttered a song it's as if Deborah said did somebody say God's in a battle what if God's in a battle I'm certainly being a female I'm not given to violence or taking a life but I was just sing a song and maybe somehow my song will assist God in his battle verse number 14 the vitals Bible said out of Zebulun they the handle the pen of the rider the people of Zebulun were clerical and they were not very military minded but they said if God's in a battle somebody needs to take notes and that's what I'll do I'll just I'll just take notes verse 15 the Bible said berrak was sent on foot verse 18 Zebulon enough Alai jeopardy their lives under the death if God is in a battle verse 19 the Kings came and fought took no gain of money they just wanted to do what they could if God is in a battle verse number 20 the Bible said the Stars fought from heaven you know what that means when the stars begin to move everything gets out of Kelter directions are lost and people lose their way and the stars seem to say if God's in a battle then I'm gonna do what I can verse number 21 the river kai-shan swept them away it's as if the river said if God's in a battle I can't do much to help him but I'll tell you what I'll do if you will shove God's enemies into the river you can wave goodbye to them because I will carry them away and you'll never see them again verse 22 the horse hooves broken by the means of the prancing the horses were saying I can't handle a sword or spear but get them down below my feet and I will stomp God's enemies if God is in a battle and now we arrived at our text and our subject for the evening it's found in judges 5 and 23 the angel of the Lord said curse ye mete Rose curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof because they came not to the help of the Lord to the help of the Lord against the mighty while women were singing horses were stomping rivers were watching people away stars were moving mountains were melting and people were walking to get to the battle the Bible said there was a tribe called the people of Meera's and they were standing idly with their hands in their pockets and while all of that was going on when the angel spotted this people he said curse ye Meera's curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof because when God was in a battle you came not to the help of the Lord against his enemies I want to preach tonight thank you give him a big hand Samuel did a great job nobody could have done that better than you did it I want to preach tonight that no one in this room would ever be under the severe curse of mere Oz where God would say curse you bitterly because you came not to the help of the Lord against his enemies with sirens blaring lights flashing we interrupt this conference to announce heaven has declared war on demonism communism liberalism humanism formalism socialism and materialism and the call of the Spirit to the church is all hands on deck man the does take your positions enlist involved and invest find your place of employment in the Battle of the Lord it's a battlefield brother not a recreation room it's a fight and not a gain and no one must stand by with their hands in their pockets while God is in a battle clap your hands and say I want to be involved I want to be a master 12 and 30 of Jesus said he does not with me is against me as strong and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad i'm calling the church everybody say the church if you claim to be a part of the church i want you to know the middle ground has vanished there is no neutrality you are either with me jesus said or you are against me you're either helping me to scatter our you are together or you are scattering you're either part of the solution or you are part of the problem I want to tell you and expose you tonight to what I feel is the greatest source of spiritual warfare that's coming against the church in this hour what is our problem for carnality what is our problem from lukewarmness what is the basis of backsliding you may be surprised when I tell you it is not sin it is not Satan it is not society the greatest problem we're battling is boredom it's the fact that masses of people professing pentecostalism only come to church and go home come to church and go home they're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem the call of God tonight is for us to rise from the front to the back the left to the right and let God know whose side we are oh if we can mobilize this church we can take this world I don't care if you've got 10 15 20 or 2,000 the challenge is the mobilizing of the people of God from the children to the senior citizens there is no retirement in this battle there's never a day that we can sit by and just watch it happen if we've got our hands in our pockets we're gonna suffer the curse of me Roz her little unique story that I've often enjoy sharing I'll share it with you tonight it was over in one of the hollows of Kentucky deep down in one of those little wooded areas that was a little wooden cabin there and mom Powell had a little garden out in front of it and they were out working in their garden one evening went out of the woods came a big black bear they were so terrorized that ball and Paul headed to the cabin and a little wild Paul came out with his twice a barrel shotgun that he had taken from the fireplace and he was chasing that bear in him he was shooting at the south end of the north bound bear and it was scurrying into the woods when the bear was finally gone and danger was totally no longer existent he looked behind him and what he saw was amazing he saw mouse standing behind him with a hairbrush and he said ma what in the world did you think he could do against the banner with a hairbrush she said why Paul I knew at 12 much but she said I just wanted the bear to know whose side I was home I've come to this district for one word and that is whose side are you oh it's time to let God know it's time to let the devil know it's time to let your church know and it's time to let your pastor know whose side you really are own there's got to be some kind of response you can't sit there anymore with your hands in your pocket you got to let somebody know whose side are you all now you may have to fasten your seatbelt for this one because this is probably the hardest thing that I will say tonight but I truly believe it all you have to do as an apostolic Pentecostal to go to hell is nothing all you have to do to go to hell is nothing so I just want to pause and inject this before I move on what on earth are you doing for heaven's sake what are you doing what is your position what is your duty what is your office I'm preaching to the youngest to the oldest and I just will throw this into it's time for the Apostolic Church to realize we have neglected the greatest spiritual force in the church for years and years and years Paul said despise not thou youth I'm afraid we've been guilty of despising our youth there is an element of our church that the devil is so afraid of if we mobilize them we can take our world and it is our young people and it is our children if we can get them involved in the work of the Lord we can have a revival don't wait on your revival to come in it may be in your youth Department right now it may be in your Sunday school right now it may be a child that's in your church right now I shall never forget one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life I was privileged to assist in my estimation of the greatest camp-meeting preacher to ever live and that person was Orlin ray Foss some of you they have gray hair no doubt heard him preach I assisted him one summer I was having physical problems and he had sixteen invitations four camps that summer he was the greatest evangelist I've ever met in my life when I when I assisted him it was hail judgment last call every time he preached Sunday School lesson ended with somebody walk out of here and have a car crash I mean it was that way every service and I've often said if brother falls couldn't get you in an altar you might as well go ahead and forward your mail to post office box 666 bottomless pit because there's no no hope for you I mean he would scare the daylights out of everybody I watched him preach in a particular service there this church when he got through nobody moved nobody came to the altar the greatest evangelist in all the world and nobody responded and I saw a little boy how do you eleven years old this little boy was about eight years old we went brother Falls finished preaching nobody was moving everybody just sitting there seemed to be no effect at all this little boy about eight or nine years old stood up with his eyes closed he had his Bible in his hand and he started walking down the aisles and he was stopped in front of somebody and he was speaking tongues and when he walked off that man would run to the altar he had his eyes closed and he walked a little further to a lady here and he showed of the Bible he spoke in tongues and she would run to the altar what the greatest preacher in the world under the heaviest anointing anyone could ever have could not do one eight-year-old boy under the power of the Holy Ghost brought a revival to that church I'm telling you you're never too young to be used by God you're never too young to be anointed by God you're never too young to be powerful for God I want us to release our young people I want us to release our children let them praise God let them run the aisles let them dance in the spirit let them have a move of God it can shake this whole district I'm telling you the devil don't want the church to hear this but our greatest forces right here on these pews it's our children that God can use mightily now maybe men and some stuff I shouldn't meddle and I'll get back to my notes let them run the aisles let them dance in the spirit let them come to the front praise God and being wise enough to know that stuff like this is going to happen I watched my eight-year-old grandson the other day run the aisles and shout and dance and praise the Lord as soon as he finished worshipping praise God he went over to Peter lay down would sleep I mean he gave it all he had and brother teeny coined this phrase he's always quoted Brotherton he's always quoted brother teeny told me one time if you want to be quoted you have to quote and so this is a brother technically say he said just always remember this it's never far from glory to goofy with kids it's never far from glory to goofy I mean they may run the I'll speak in tongues one minute and be doing something stupid the next minute but I'm telling you we need to release them to be moved on by God we need to free them to praise the Lord we need to use them in the kingdom of God don't force our kids to wait till they're 40 or 50 to be used by God you can be used to the Lord right now you can pray a prayer God will answer right now you can teach your Bible study you can win a soul you can be moved of God all you have to do to go to hell is nothing turn around and somebody say nothing and the servant of Matthew 24 that was given two talents was called wicked if I say wicked slothful unprofitable he had the two talents taken from him and was cast into outer darkness where there is weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth not because he did not have ten not because he did not have five not because he only had two but because he did nothing with what he was given don't tell me God didn't have something in mind when he gave you the Holy Ghost don't tell me God didn't have something in mind when he washed you in his blood there's something in you that God wants in his kingdom there's a guilt there's a talent there's a nobility there's something you can do for the work of God clap your hands and shout amen I said if all you can do is clap when the preachers preaching if all you can do is stand up and say man you need to let the devil the world and the church know whose side you are and I'll mail just some more go back to my notes when your pastor preaches the hardest that's when he needs you the most now I know every church is not like the church I pastor but I just tell you when I preach on what I think to be fabulous sermons and I hang their coattails on the Milky Way of Revelation inspiration they use it on say anything but when I preach to them like I'm preaching to you tonight all you have to do to go to hell is nothing when I get through preaching they lined up and say thank you brother Huntley thank you pass just won't tell you I'm standing with you don't make your pastor stand out there by himself like nobody in the world believes what he's preaching when he gets on the Devil's trail he needs to look behind him and see you there when he comes against sin he needs to see you on your feet you need to let God know whose side your own don't make us guess whose side your own come to your feet clap your hands shouting at somebody no I'm all gods perhaps the most cold cruel callous crowd at Calvary was those described in Matthew 27 36 while he's bleeding while he's scarred while his body is marred the Bible said in Matthew 27 36 and sitting down they watched him there there was a group at Calvary that was not a part of the nailing but they were not a part of the releasing they were just watching and sitting down they watched him there what we need in the Apostolic Church today is the fact we need a solution to our situation we've got too many city on the premises instead of standing on the promises to mediate Pentecost won't Pentecost to be a spectator sport the reason we have obesity in our youth in North America is because kids don't do anymore they watch their counts potatoes there aren't chair quarterbacks they just want to watch stuff happen and that spirit has come in to the church my passion is that someone here tonight will move from the bleachers as a spectator onto the field as a participator since it's a long time the next Christmas and I'll probably never preach this again I want to share my Christmas message with you right now I came across this verse and I got excited about it you know when David came to the battlefield his oldest brother Eli I met him and began to rebuke him scorned him and indict him he'll I've said to David I know the naughtiness of lying heart he said you have come to see the battle who that jumped out of the scriptures and I preached Christmas he knows if you've been naughty or nice that was my Christmas message he knows if you've been naughty or nice Eliab said it is naughty just to watch he said it is naughty to be a non participator he said it is naughty to be uninvolved Pentecost has its list of what we don't do and thank God for that but it ought to be just as equal on the other side that's what we do in the kingdom of Allah don't brag about what you don't do if you're not doing something else it's not enough to turn your back on the world if you're not going to give you a heart to the church not eNOS is an involvement man he couldn't have been more wrong in his whole life because David didn't come to watch the battle he came to win the battle he didn't come to see the battle he came to stop the battle we need in this part of the world people that will rise up and say I'm not gonna sit on the pews anymore I'm gonna be a part of the battle I'm gonna be a part of the war we're in spiritual warfare right now and we need the church to rise up and say I'm on the Lord's side the insulting indictment of the endtime Church is our high unemployment rate in the kingdom of God we have a high unemployment rate in the church most places I preach hate to be so real but most places I preach the worship goes three rows back it goes three rows back and Pentecost is the only place as an event that you are rewarded by sitting on the front by coming late because the back is full is that too real I was pressured to cheer while back some folks moving back but I said I'm scared I'm worried I'm afraid some of y'all gonna end up out there on Lake wheeler and you don't get run over by a car they keep moving back moving back moving back you get run over by a car if this was a rock concert every seat would be taken here if it was a ballgame that would be fighting over this front row if it was Disneyworld they'd be pushing and shoving to get on the front I'm telling you we need to rise up and get involved in the world of the law there's a huge sign on the door of every church every bus to every Church I saw it on the on the door of this church it doesn't matter if you run forty four hundred four thousand every Church has a huge invisible sign on the door that says Help Wanted apply within every Church needs help even his brother Kol brought to our attention the harvest is plenteous it's the laborers that are a few and of course simply understanding laborers are not college graduates they're not engineer geniuses they're people you say pick that board up bring it over here go get that trash and move that that's what we need in the kingdom of God is not all kind of intellect and and all kind of talent and ability we just need some laborers folks that will say I'm not gonna come to church to just sit here watch this there's something God wants me to do I've come to New Brunswick to appeal on the behalf of every pastor in this area and represent him tonight I shall on their behalf we need help most pastors are not going to go to the pulpit and be able to tell you that but in this building that's jam-packed give yourselves a hand for being here tonight what a marvelous crowd I'm telling you there's enough people here to shape New Brunswick there's enough people here to set a revival burning in New Brunswick and all you'd have to do for it to happen is go home and do something we need preachers I'm incident today that was a day that every little boy in Pentecost wanted to do one of two things he the one to play the drums or be a preacher we've got to have a resurrection of a passion for preaching we need our young people one more time to start lining up I want to be a preacher I want to be a prayer warrior we need worship leaders we need choir me I want to Mandal just a little bit more we need prayer warriors for years I went to Alexandria I got under heavy conviction because they have a 24-hour prayer chain going for a hundred years I don't know I mean that's not too far off 75 to 80 years I long time 24-hour prayer chain I got challenged by that I thought oh god we can't do that we would never be able to ever I said we can't do that right and so we feel good we can't do that it's not what we can't do it's what we can do so I felt the Lord speak to me and say well you can't do that but Lord said let me tell you what you can do our office hours Monday through Friday 9:00 to 4:00 in our church so we started a prayer chain about five years ago every Sunday night brother Woodward you'll see it when you're there probably already seen every Sunday night cool take Monday 9:00 to 10:00 10:00 to 11:00 9:00 to 4:00 somebody is in our church five days a week praying prayer chain continue 9:00 until 4:00 and and we have a sprayer chain people are there and since the day that started it has ignited a powerful move of God in our church people have turned their cars in from the street miracles of healing and deliverance because somebody's in that place praying you walk in now when I come in I'm a walk through the sanctuary I hear them praying somebody's in there all the time nine into four now when it preaches them in and I'll be kind I preach to you senior citizens and feel like you're in retirement while the rest of the world is working if you're not working why aren't you praying is this so rough I'll turn my back if you don't have a job why are you praying if you're blessed to retire you have health and you have a car why don't you pray and come out of retirement and get a retiring of the Holy Ghost you may be the key that will set your church on fire if some of the gray headed people some of the retired people would say you know what pastor I can't do a lot of physical stuff but I'm coming to the church and I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna pray and you may open the windows of heaven for your city we need prayer warriors we need worship leaders we need choir members we need outreach directors we need cleaning staffs that we're really metal here just submitting I think it's a shame that any church has to pay to have their church clean that you have to pay to have somebody to mow the grass you have to pay to have somebody do a little painting around the church if it's your church and God save you in it and you have any kind of gift any kind of talent you need to let God have it free of charge run the vacuum cleaner clean the bathrooms cut the grass paint the walls what can I do I may not be able to promise I may not be able to see dreams I may not be able to interpret revelation I may not know what Daniel was talking about but I can tell you one thing I can do I can run a vacuum cleaner I can clean a bathroom I can mow the yard I can pray we need lawn care staffs we need Usher's we need Sunday School teachers we need a home Bible study teachers we need soul winners we need vans drivers when he church planners we need missionaries and this is something we really need we need some of you folks to go to college to learn how to do something get rich and bless the church well is it wrong it's your job get rich and bless missions bless the work of the Lord bless your local church bless her pastor who's pouring his life out we need financial contributors Matthew 20 and 6 the Bible said why stand ye here all the day I know why are you in idle position and you know I'd always preach that and just recently I got another little twist on that he said why are you I don't I don't know if you can do it or not because I didn't give it to him and I think the next verse is what I won't watch this if you can do it give me the next verse if not I'll just tell him he said why are you idle all the day long let's see if they pull that up they said because no man hath hired I've come to New Brunswick to hire you to come to you and say what are you doing I got a job for you God's come to New Brunswick to hire you to tell you I've got something for you to do I've got a mission for you I've got a mandate for you I've got a place for you in the kingdom of God in mark 14 and 8 the Bible said the woman who broke the box and poured on Jesus the very precious ointment of spikenard meant criticism for her act but was defended and commended by Jesus with the most astounding words when he said because she had done what she could and he said from now on wherever the gospel is preached it's gonna be told what this woman did it wasn't something magnanimous it wasn't something gigantic the thing that pleased the Lord was it's what she could I'm telling you we could shake our world if everybody in the Apostolic Church would just start doing what you can if you would just do what you can your church would double you'd have to build a new building you could get new property you'd see the glory of God you'd see the power of God if everybody would just do what they can I'll quickly move on but I told a little bit of the story today for ten years I drove the little community going deer hunting every year back and forth through that little place it's like a third world country I think the biggest crime they're stealing bicycles everybody's riding bicycles guys are standing on the street corner buildings are boarded up I can't through there for ten years and every time I'd come through I'd mumble to my wife and I'd say somebody needs to do something here I come back next year had nothing's changed this is awful somebody needs to do something here I did that for ten years about the tenth year I came through and I started that same rigmarole somebody needs to do something about this place and when I said it the spirit spoke to me as clear as I'm speaking to you why don't you do something about it and I said I will and the end result was we had a crusade in that little town 88 people received the Holy Ghost the mayor was speaking in tongues the Chief of Police was speaking in tongues and while I was on that platform God said pay attention to this I got a plan for this and in the next two years 21 churches and preaching points were started in North Carolina through me just simply saying I'm gonna do what I can if you will do what you can God will do what you can but it's not gonna do what you can't until you do what you can that ideas gone to different districts it's gone overseas and I may be it I know I'm very premature but I'm gonna go ahead and let it out tonight just a thought if things work the way others have taken that one little thought about doing what you can it's very likely in the next few years you're gonna see something that's never been done matter of fact ten Crusades in one County has never been done in the history of the of the North American Church never we weren't trying to make history we were just trying to do brother McCarty walk again I want to do what I can and God said you did what you could now we'll do what you can't it's very likely you're gonna hear from future that through the programs of the United Pentecostal church of st. Louis Missouri it's very likely that before too long we're gonna do 50 Crusades in 50 states at one time and leave 50 preaching points or churches in one day in one day because we are going to do what we can the only way you're gonna be saved and it commended is if you do what you can a servant of naman took his master to miracles school and he said in response to the name his refusal to go down in the waters of Jordan he said if he would have asked Ali to do some great thing what a cell not have done it some are always waiting with bated breath and a chance to do the great but they resist involvement with the small allowing us to conclude if you're too great to do the smaller you are too small to do the great we had a little guy come to our church he hardly could recognize his own name writing totally illiterate his name was Wayne Jones Wayne was most pitifully unlearned uneducated person I've ever met in my years of being in Raleigh literally couldn't write his own name but that didn't matter to God God still forgave him of his sins filled him with the Holy Ghost he got baptized in Jesus name and I'm gonna say to you tonight it shouldn't matter to us either if we go after doctors lawyers engineers and smart people brilliant people and that's all we try to reach we'll never be able to church because God checks motives first and this is a principle I found to be true for you missionaries if you will love and welcome the people that nobody wants God will give you the people that everybody wants whether they ride a bicycle a moped or a Lamborghini you preach the gospel to them and you love them without anybody telling Wayne you know Wayne would never be on our church board you've never seen a special you never play an instrument you'll never get a microphone but every Sunday morning church has some road frontage highway frontage and thoughtless people almost every week drive by though beer cans in our churchyard those cigarette packs the McDonald's boxes in our yard and so way Wayne saw something he could so every Sunday morning when I'd come to church early Wayne would beat me there and he'd be out of the church yard with a sheep brought blood bucket and Wayne would be walking along Church picking up all the trash and thrown in the churchyard I didn't ask him to do that I didn't give him that detail I didn't get him that job but Wayne had a an attitude of I want to do something for the Lord and so he found something that he could do for God again I just want to ask you I'm not concerned about how long you've been in the church I'm not concerned about what person what possessions you have I'm not concerned about how your estate in the church for your notoriety what I want to ask you tonight is what do you do what's your place what's your office what's your job you know my daughter taught me this I close with this that what a child gets punished for when they're little many times they get paid for to do when they're adults matter of fact one time she told Huntley when he was a little boy she said Huntley son you are expressing a lot of incredible adult attributes and characteristics but you're a little boy and right now that's gonna get you in trouble see I kind of believe that because all the spankings I got when I was a child none of them were for doing every spanking I ever got was saying I had a smart mouth and every spanking I can remember getting my mom got boy you're not talking that way you don't mean straight that mouth yours out she didn't know she was meeting a preacher but sometimes you got to beat the devil out of them before they be a preacher we just got a harness that mouth I told you that to tell you this a lady to come to our church for some time she missed several services even several weekends so I called her about three weeks after she had been gone and she started letting me have it well I don't know why you're calling me I mean I've been out three weeks nobody has even called me nobody has even asked me why I wasn't there nobody's even tried to get me to come back told the Brethren of the table I'm very defensive of the church so that smart aleck stuff started coming up in me and I felt prompted I said well just a minute you mean you've missed three weekends and nobody has noticed it whose fault is that you should be so involved in your church if you miss one service something's not done that ought to be done everybody else where's brother Jones at where sister Jones at and they're always praising God they're always running the aisles they're always in the prayer room they're the first ones at the altar Wentworth we can't get the church bulletins done today they're not here you need to be so involved in your church that if you miss one service everybody knows it all you have to do to go to hell is nothing when I was 16 years old God called me to preach it was a long drawn-out process that week after week after week my father had been a preacher before I was old enough to realize it so I didn't know anything about it and I didn't know what was happening I thought I was losing my mind I'd go to church and everybody to pray and shout and have a good time I felt like somebody had their hands on my shoulders pushing me down I was 16 years old I couldn't figure it out so finally one day I went to my mother I could always talk to my mother she was my friend my mother was my pal and I would go to her and I said mama I don't know what's happening to me you told me that my daddy was a preacher I never knew him as a preacher I only knew him as a drum I said how do you know if God's calling you to preach was I think that may be what's happening in my life and this was her patented answer she always whenever I asked her questions she always had two words and will always come out of her mouth and I'd love to hear them again she's already going on now I'd love to hear it again she would always say Wayne honey I can hear it right now Wayne honey she said all I know is it's a burden it's a burden so I was praying struggling with it and I didn't know what was going on finance it god I don't know what in the world's going on in my life but I said it could it be that you're calling me to preach and I felt like I just nothing no voice or but I felt like the Lord just let me know that was in it and so I said alright you're not gonna believe this this is what I said I said all right if you're calling me to preach I'm gonna tell you right now you're making a big mistake cuz I said I have absolutely nothing to offer you you don't want me I have nothing but I said I'll tell you what I'll do I'll do everything I will do every I can God's not gonna ask any of us to do what we can't but if we don't do something we're gonna be under the curse of my wrath my hands and our pockets at the greatest hour a potential for the church the world has ever known are you part of the solution or are you part of the problem I want to give an altar call right now and I'd like to see some people step forward who would say I want to be used of God I want to do something I don't want to just come to church pay my tithes and go home Thailand does not free you from the responsibilities of involvement some folks think if they pay their tithes the preacher I'll leave them alone tithing does not ride God not to demand something out of your life how many would step forward tonight and say I want to be used of the Lord I want to do something you brought years you could shake this part of the world corresponds to the word of the Lord tonight boys screaming my I can't just sit here and watch I got to do something Oh lift it up see oh my years ago I had a precious lady in our church she came to me once son and she said pastor I feel like the Lord has given me a job to do and I said well what would that be sister Carter now I'll introduce you to sister Carter when you come why would that be sister Carter a little simple precious sight of God she said brother Huntley the Lord told me that I need to iron your shirts for you I noticed you like your shirts iron nicely she said tell sister hunt me to bring me your church your church every Sunday night every how many you got I order out I'll find them for you and I'll have them back for you the next Sunday and she said brother honey while I iron your shirts I'd say God God in the past god protect my pastor for years I preached an anointed church that sister Carter said this is something I can do this is something I can do for God the service is not going to end tonight we're gonna pray some more but there's one more thing I want to ask you to do I want every one of you when you get home I want you to go to your pastor and say pastor what can I do to help you where can I work I want a job I'm tired of just sitting here there's got to be something I can do in the kingdom of God find me a place friend of mine in North Carolina has a severely young man in his church the severely young man wanted to work for God you know what he does every Sunday morning goes into the pastor's office and he gets bottles of water and he brings them and set some inside the pulpit every Sunday morning he brings water for the platform people there's something you can do reach over pray for somebody right now so I want to find my place in the kingdom of God and if you'll be faithful to the small things he'll make you ruler over many what can I be I wanna do something
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 11,843
Rating: 4.8756475 out of 5
Keywords: the, curse, of, meroz, wayne, huntley, engage, conference, nam, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, apostolic, pentecostal, upc, upci, sermon, preach, preaching
Id: gI55cYKZ9hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
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