"We Need a Ruth Revival” - Joel Urshan

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to close out this summer summit so I'll invite your attention to the Book of Ruth chapter 1 the Book of Ruth chapter 1 and I would like to begin reading at the eighth verse Ruth chapter 1 verse 8 [Music] hallelujah Ruth 1 verse 8 the scripture says Naomi said unto her two daughters-in-law go return each to her mother's house the Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me the Lord grant you that you may find rest each of you in the house of her husband then she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept they said unto her surely we will return with thee unto thy people and Naomi said turn again my daughters why will you go with me are there yet any more sons in my womb that they may be your husband's turn again my daughters go your way for I am too old to have a husband if I should say I have hope if I should have a husband also tonight and should also bear sons would you tarry for them till they were grown would you stay for them from having husbands nay my daughters were agreed with me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me and they lifted up their voice and wept again and Orpha kissed her mother-in-law but Ruth clave unto her and she said behold thy sister-in-law has gone back unto her people and unto her God's return now after thy sister-in-law and Ruth said entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whither thou goest I will go where thou lodgest I will Lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my god without Dyess will I die there will I be buried the Lord do so to me and more also if aught but death Part V and me by the help of the Lord tonight I want to preach to you on this subject we need a roof revival we need a roof revival we lift up our voices and prayer together and ask God to bless the remainder of this service Lord we love you and thank you for your goodness to us hallelujah Lord you are holy and you are worthy and I magnify your name in this house I pray O God that as we look into your word I pray that your word would have free course minister Holy Ghost among your people heal and set free and deliver break every chain o God we pray in the mighty and the matchless name of Jesus hallelujah come on let's lift him up tonight Lord let the word find good ground and grow up o God as a mighty tree in our lives fruitful productive and giving of life we love you Lord and we give you all praise and glory and everybody said in Jesus name and everybody said amen and amen god bless you you may be seated in the name of the Lord it is good to be in an apostolic Pentecostal camp meeting I believe that I'm in a one guard apostolic tongue talking holy rolling born-again heaven bound believing in the liberating power of Jesus name camp meeting a man am I right about that amen there are many things that that go into identifying apostolic Pentecostal people and I if I didn't know where I was if I woke up and didn't know where I was I could have walked in here tonight and known I'm in an apostolic Pentecostal camp meeting and that's camp meeting not camp meeting can't meet amen and I knew I knew I could tell from the way we worship that's one of the ways you can tell that we're Pentecostal people because the way we worship we really worship we praise God and we're like The Book of Psalms come to life we clap our hands we shout with a voice of triumph we sing we play upon loud cymbals and high sounding cymbals we praise Him in the timbrel and we praise Him in the dance and we make a joyful noise unto the Lord Amen and so that's that's indicative of apostolic Pentecostal people we praise the Lord if I were to find out that an individual speaks with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterance then I would I would venture to say that that they may be atmos taluk Pentecostal if I found out after hearing that they spoke with tongues that they baptized in Jesus name well now we're really getting closer and then if I found out that not only did they baptized in Jesus name but they baptized in Jesus name because they believed in one God and if I found out that they believed in separation from the world and being separated unto the Lord for His glory ladies and gentleman I'm really beginning to understand that that this person is apostolic Pentecostal if I found out that they believed with all their heart in the great commission of preaching the gospel to every creature going into the highways and into the byways and compelling them to come these are characteristics of the apostolic Pentecostal people and we must never lose those characteristics they are Bible based and they are identifiers of the people of God but jesus said something interesting and this is a quality that we must never lose and I think too often goes underrated jesus said that there is a way that people will know that you are my disciples he said I want you to know that when they look upon you and and examine your life I want them to be able to tell quickly that you are of me and he said by this shall all men know that you are my disciples that you have love one for another ladies and gentlemen if you want to represent discipleship to this world jesus said the way that you'll do that is to have love one for another if you are going to talk in tongues and even baptize folks in Jesus name and believe in one God you still have to love one another you can't do all the other stuff and then subtract from that that vital component of loving your neighbor as yourself it's a matter of fact if you say that you love God but you hate your brother you are a liar for saying that you love God while having hate for your brother how can you love God the writer said whom you have not seen when you do not love your brother whom you have seen it is incumbent upon us to have a loved one for the other the Bible says that when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and if I were to preach about Pentecost tonight I could preach about speaking in other tongues as the spirit gives the utterance if I were to preach about Pentecost I could preach about cloven tongues like a sapphire sitting upon each of them I could very readily preach about a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filling all the house where they were sitting but in order for any of that to occur they have to be with one Accord in one place god forbid that we allow discord to keep us from being with one Accord in one place we need to be on the same page we need to be of the same mind we need to have the same Holy Ghost inside of us when we were baptized into Jesus Christ we were not just fulfilling some kind of an obligatory ritual we were baptized together into the body of Jesus Christ you don't get to pick who all was baptized into the body you don't get to say well I was happy to be one of them until so-and-so became one of them now I don't know if I really want to be a part of it anymore no sir no ma'am when we're in the body of Christ we're in the body of Christ together hallelujah the Bible says he has quickened us together the Bible says magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together the Bible says that we sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus you better get into the business of this together thing and here we have this woman this amazing woman by the name of Ruth who enters into the word of the Lord and and and I want you to know we need a Ruth revival we need a revival of the spirit of Ruth Ruth was the daughter-in-law of the woman Naomi Naomi was pleasant that's what her name meant it was pleasant Ruth was a Moabite us she was brought out of the Moabites and into this amazing family of God where that Naomi was her mother-in-law and and she had never experienced any any really any kind of life what she had experienced when she entered into this blessed life of the Israelites she forsook her Moabite God shamash and she walked after the Living God of Israel she was enamored if you please with the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob shamash was a subduer that's what his name meant he was a subduer to worship Him meant that you had to come into captivity he subdued you and put you in bondage and that's what the gods of this world do the gods of this world subdue people and hold them in captivity place bondage upon them that's the gods of this world but when she walked into a relationship with the God of Israel she had never experienced anything like a God who said I have a promise for you that I want you to have I have a land that flows with milk and with honey she had never experienced the concept of a God who is a loving God who is a provider and a deliverer Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider Jehovah Shama ha the Lord is present Jehovah Shalom the Lord is our peace jehova rohi the Lord is our healer Jehovah Rapha the Lord is our Shepherd Jehovah Nissi the Lord is our banner Jehovah sidqin ooh the Lord is our righteousness and yet she fell in love with this idea that God created all mankind made of men one blood upon the face of the earth for all nations to dwell and she was in a merge she was captivated by this great God of Israel and she had never heard it but she got used to hearing hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and him only shall you serve and you shall love him with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength in the morning they would talk about it and in the date they would talk about it and that night they would talk about it what a difference from the Moabite form of worship to the Israeli form of worship it was a complete difference of life a complete difference of mindset and mentality and she was just grateful to be a part of Naomi's family and then tragedy struck and when tragedy struck everything seemed to change naomi changed her husband died after the husband died then Ruth and Orpah her sister-in-law their husbands died there are no men in the family there is nobody to care for Naomi Ruth or Orpah Naomi's countenance changes the way that she treats Naomi or pardon me Ruth and Orpah all of that changes she becomes a different person as a matter of fact when people would call her Naomi she'd say stop calling me Mei homie naomi means pleasant she said I'm no longer pleasant my circumstances have changed me I'm no longer pleasant my name is Mara I am bitter I once was pleasant but that was before the Lord turned his hand against me that was before tragedy stepped into my world and so now I am a better person whereas at one time I was a pleasant person she looked at Ruth and Orpah and said listen you girls need you need to you need to go ahead and go back to where you came from because I have nothing more for you they both objected they said will not do it will not leave you she said you don't understand she said I told to have a husband and if I were to have a husband and even tonight were to bear a son would you wait for that child to be grown I have nothing for you there's nothing more for me to offer you all of my resources are completely drained and and you need to go your way and I'll go my way and Orpah said you know you actually got a good point she said I think I will I think I'll just go ahead and take off but Ruth was different Ruth said I will not leave you in this moment of great tragedy she said I will not part ways with you I'm sorry but but but I if the God you told me about is the God who is real then there's no reason for us to give hope give up hope right now if God is God like you said he was if he was able to make a way in the wilderness for Israel the way you said he made a way in the wilderness for Israel if he was able to give a land of promise to his people the way you said he was able to give a land to promise to his people then he can reach down into these circumstances and pull us up out of this despair and out of this tragedy so I'm sorry you may keep me at arm's length you might push me aside you might tell me leave you alone you might stop accepting my calls you may not look favorably upon my texts you might be finished with me but I'm not finished with you whither thou goest I'm going to go and whither thou lodgest I will Lodge your people you don't understand I will never go back to where I came from God brought me out of where I came from your people are my people and your God is my god ladies and gentlemen we need a Ruth revival we let people go too easily we let people backslide too often we let grudges rise up between us too many times so many little things divide us people can roll their eyes and other folks get offended people can have a bad day that has nothing to do with you at all and they might vent a little bit in your direction and that's enough to keep you from talking to them for another two years let it not be so name the Church of the Living God we need a roof revival we need a spirit to get ahold of somebody that says whither thou goest I will go whither that lodgest I will Lodge no I will not give up on having fellowship with you just because tragedy has struck in your life I will not give up on loving you and having friendship and having fellowship in the body of Christ just because things have taken a turn that none of us had ever expected but where you go I'm going to be there and where you Lodge I'm going to Lodge I will always pray for you I will always pray with you I will always worship with you I will lift up holy hands without wrath and without doubting against his neighbour go to him talk to him I tie heart to heart hallelujah speak up confess your faults one to another we need to have honest real Holy Ghost relationship with one another we need to have our Ruth revival we need to have a revival of unity a revival of Holy Fellowship in the name of the Lord hallelujah don't tell me that you are a oneness believer if you are not one with your brother just don't even bother don't you can quote Isaiah 9:6 all you want but the oneness of God doesn't just have to do with God the oneness of God begins with the oneness of God to have any one God believers in the house hallelujah for in Jesus dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power the Devils believe in one God and they tremble in that day there shall be one God and his name shall be one unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father and the Prince of Peace God was manifest in the flesh he was justified in the spirit he was believed on in the world he was seen of angels he was preached unto the Gentiles and he was received up into glory yes I believe in one God but my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said this that they all may be one even as we are one don't tell me you're a oneness believer if you don't believe in being one with your brother and your sister don't tell me you believe in one God if you have unforgiveness in your heart don't tell me you want a Holy Ghost revival if you can't worship in the same room as somebody without feeling a grudge that needs to be put under the blood of Jesus Christ we need a Routh revival we need a revival of the holy boldness that shakes off the grudge that says no I will not fall for that snare of bitterness no I will not fall into that snare of discord no I will not speak ill of my brother or my sister no I will not gossip I will not gossip I will not gossip come on folks when the song said go tell it on the mountain it was talking about the gospel not the gossip we've got to have a Ruth's revival one that says I'm with you on to the very end one that says you and I we're in this thing together hallelujah come on if we've been filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost we're in this thing together if we've been baptized in Jesus name we're in this thing together sometimes all that bitter backslider needs this for somebody to get rid of their pride and say you're not gonna be alone I'm sorry were you large I'm watching where you go I'm going I am with you you you're gonna have a hard time if you're gonna go to hell you're gonna have to climb over me you're going to hell you're gonna have to climb over my testimony and you're gonna have to climb over my love and you're gonna have to climb over my compassion I know you feel like giving up I know things haven't gone the way you wanted them to go but I'm in the middle of a Holy Ghost revival Holy Ghost takeover and I realize that I need you and you need me and we're all part of God's body one can put a thousand to flight hold the two I said two can put 10,000 to flock yes be careful about envy don't let envy get in your spirit hindi is a destructive device of the devil in me causes us to look over at somebody else's success and again become envious and jealous of their success rejoice with those who rejoice soon they'll be weeping and you you'll feel like a heel for rejoice or weeping when they rejoiced and begrudging them their good time rejoice with them that rejoice give God praise when they are blessed don't be jealous of the favor of God in someone else's life don't be jealous of the favor of God in someone else's church when you become envious of someone else's success then you are putting yourself at odds against the Lord it is the Lord that has blessed them it is the Lord that has favored them don't you stand off in your bitter corner and throw stones at them and say somehow that they don't deserve it if you just give God praise and you hope and pray that more and more and more people receive the Holy Ghost in their ministry you pray that more and more and more people are delivered through their ministry and God will honor you for rejoicing in their success I look at the word of the Lord and I I see Peter and John the Bible says that they came to the temple and they passed the gate called beautiful when they passed the gate called beautiful there was a lame man that was sitting at the gate he had been there as long as they could remember they had passed by him so many other times but the Bible says now listen this is what the Bible says the Bible says that that it was an hour of prayer and that when it was an hour of prayer Peter and John went up together at the hour of prayer now that's significant because Peter and John they weren't like best buddies you read the Gospel accounts Peter and John had had some words every now and then when Peter thought misunderstood that Jesus was saying John would live forever he had a problem with that well what is so special about him why does he get to live forever and Jesus said you know what first of all it's not what I said and second of all if I did say that what is that to you I think it's interesting how many knew that when they were running to the - how many knew that that that John outran Peter to the tomb did you know that go ahead strays your hand did you know John outran Peter to the tomb you know how you know that John put it in the Bible that is hilarious to me he wanted it forever settled in heaven yeah he might have preached a great message at Pentecost and at Cornelius house and to the Samaritans however when it came to running I think we know who had the upper hand there was a little there was a little back-and-forth between Peter and John but when it came time to pray they went up together they went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer listen I don't know how well your personality meshes with somebody else's personality but we've got too many laying people sitting around the temple for us to get caught up and who's better at what when it's time to pray you put it all aside link arms and say let's go to the temple to pray because when we get it together God will pour out his miraculous power the scripture says behold how good how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment how would you know that unity is like the precious ointment hallelujah and like the precious ointment unity is a combination of ingredients it's not just one straight form of olive oil but there are many ingredients that are broken down and crushed up and and crushed together and completely broken from their original state and then they are poured separately into that holy oil hallelujah that's the way unity is it's not just me and it's not just you and it's none of us in our normal state the only way we can have unity is if all of us are broken down crushed the way Jesus was crushed in the Garden of Gethsemane the only way we can have unity is if each of us comes to a place where we say not my will but thy will be done then we can have unity because then I'm crushed down out of my original state of Joel Ocean with all of what I think I have going for me and whatever talent or whatever gifts somebody told me I had just break me down into a place where I can easily flow into the holy oil of God and when I get into that holy oil of God there's gonna be another crushed ingredient somebody who thought they had Talent somebody who thought they had giftings but they were broken down and gets M&E and poured into the holy oil that's what unity is like that's how unity happens it's been all of us say together in our own place not my will but thy will be done and then they all get into that holy oil we become a power-packed substance that the prophet of God can pour hallelujah upon kings and prophets and priests and something happens when that unity falls upon kings and prophets and priests it'll take a man and turn him into a man of God it'll take a woman and turn her into a woman of God hey Atlantic District do you see these young people that are up here dancing and shouting when you and I come into unity with one another it's like pouring holy oil upon these young people they become anointed with our unity they become empowered by our unity in Jesus Christ you watch what they'll do they'll part Waters in Jesus name and they'll lay hands on the sick and they'll see them recover in Jesus name let it not be a name only but let's give them a genuine gift called the United unite head United United Pentecostal church throw away your pet peeves throw away your pet preferences throw away your crutches the way you are you have against your neighbor lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset your soul the bitterness and the resentment and the unforgiveness it's hard to have a roof revival it's time to have a roof revival if we don't have the Spirit of Ruth in our midst we become ruthless unkind uncaring doesn't bother us when our brother suffers I wonder how many people in this building know of what your neighbor has been going through how many of you know what challenges they faced in tooth in 18 I wonder do you know how many times they almost gave up do you know how many times they face depression how many times they face burnout how many times they started to doubt the truth do you care what if you did know would you would you stand back and say I knew they weren't very strong or would you run to them and grab them up in your brain said Lord bless my brother give him a new strength and a new faith oh shut can I tell you there are there are thousands of ungodly Devils who would like to come in the in the in the false face of a of a friend if you please a friend who would love to wrap their arms around them and lead them astray and send them down some false doctrinal trail not on my watch not on my watch so what everybody I know - no I love them and I'm praying for them in the name of Jesus if you know me and I know you you better believe I love you and I'm praying for you and I want to be a blessing in your life [Applause] repent and be baptized every one of you I know you already know it don't you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins see here's where we get that scripture wrong I know we don't think we caught acts 2:38 wrong but we do we all do the scripture says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins we usually say for the remission of your sins but that's not what the Bible says the Bible says for the remission of sins because when you're baptized in Jesus name it's not just your sins that are washed away when you're baptized in the name of Jesus Christ there is a washing away of all sins connected to your life the sins you've committed and the sins that were committed against you so when I go down in the watery grave of baptism I know and a lot of people know that when they go down the watery grave of baptism they are cleared of every wrongdoing they've ever done and they rise to walk in newness of life you weren't the only one cleared when that happened the moment you went down in Jesus name you were accepting forgiveness of your sins and you were extending forgiveness for their sins against you that's why the Lord's Prayer said forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors it is happening simultaneously as you forgive me I'm forgiving them it is happening at the very same moment and if you get up out of that tank of baptism of water and you start shouting of he brought me out he sent me free he cleanse me of my sin all my lies and lust and hate and envy and greed but you're gonna hold a grudge against your neighbor you have taken the name of the Lord your God in vain the name of God has not been actually placed upon you until you forgive them as well as receive forgiveness for yourself okay you can get up out of that water and say no I will not hold it against you what you said about me what you did to me see unity isn't this utopia where everybody's sweet and kind all the time unity has a lot of praying through bad feelings in it but you better get through that junk you better get down on your face and talk in tongues until the Lord gets ahold of your whole body don't you know ladies and gentlemen that when we speak in other tongues hear what I'm telling you how many how many know we speak in other time okay we speak in other tongues as the spirit gives the utterance there's a reason why God baptizes us with the Holy Ghost and we speak with other tongues because whatever the tongue is saying actually affects the whole body the body is bridled when we yield our tongue to God there are a lot of apostolic Pentecostal people who like to speak in other tongues but don't like to speak with new tongues speaking with other tongues is when you are speaking in a language you don't know it could be tongues of men it could be tons of angels it could be a foreign language to you it's going to be an unknown tongue and the Spirit of God is giving the utterance but when you speak with new tongues that's when your language changes you don't talk like you used to talk you don't talk about people the way you used to talk about people you don't mistreat people the way you used to mistreat people when you find out some bad thing happened in somebody's life you don't get on the phone and go tell somebody guess what I just heard you won't believe what I just found out about so-and-so no if you're gonna call anybody up it's gonna be Jesus and guess what he's on the main line you can tell him what you want take it to God in prayer in the name of Jesus don't let it be named in the body of Christ that we would ever take advantage of the opportunity that somebody is suffering and we would somehow lash out against them no sir no man no no no no we need we need a Ruth's revival the Bible says be kind one to another it does not say be nice one to another it says be kind nice is different than kind nice is what you are when you're walking into a family reunion and you don't want to be there and your wife says to you as you're walking in because she's scared to death of how you gonna treat everybody and as you're about to open the door she looks at you and gives you one last admonition be nice that's nice nice is when you put on a fake smile and you walk into a social setting where you really don't want to be there but you're gonna pretend like you do nice is when you say cans but you're gritting your teeth nice is what you do socially because you know in just an hour you can leave and everything everybody will have believed you like them that's nice Bible doesn't say be nice the Bible says be kind kind is different kind has to do with family it's where we get our word kindred that's where we get our word kinship it's in fact in the book of Genesis the Lord when speaking of one generation but getting another generation and in terms of the animal kingdom he said they will bring forth after their kind it has to do with family so when he told you to be kind he was saying treat one another like family let me make it more plain if their kid messes up treat it like it was your kid that messed up let me make it more plain if it if it's their parents who are getting a divorce treat the situation like it's your parents that we're getting a divorce you don't get on speed dial you don't make passive comments on social media you hear what I'm telling you you treat it like family you grieve over it like it's happening in your world you grieve over like it's not like it's ripping your heart apart this is the body of Christ that's not an analogy that's not an allegory that's not some kind of a metaphorical speak it is a real body with real hands and real feet and we are members together of one body as a matter of fact he said don't even don't even just treat it like family he said he said when when someone Falls then those that are strong restore such an one considering yourselves you treat it like it was you who fell oh it's easy it's easy to look at somebody else who fell and start to start to draw conclusions and make and make little statements and snide remarks but how would you want it to happen how would you want it to be treated if it was you he said the only way you can do this restoring thing effectively is if you do it while you're pretending it's you you're considering yourself in the process oh we need a Ruth revival in the United States there's been a racial divide for many years I don't believe in the word race as the world uses it there is no such thing as race as the world uses it the Bible doesn't use the word race it only uses the word race in the context of running like a marathon or something he said let us run this race that's the only race the Bible talks about in terms of compartmentalizing people there are no races of people there are nations there are peoples there are kingdoms there are tongues but there are no races of people it's a Darwinian term it's an evolutionary term it was meant to divide people into groups and and put them in competition against one another so so so hence the word race and America is divided so severely but in the name of Jesus is going to be a healing power of God and it's going to come through the Church of the Living God in the name of Jesus we are not divided listen we don't even have different skin color we don't even have different skin color you look at that skin colors and end and there's only one skin color it's earth tones from the lightest of skin to the darkest of skin it is an earth tone if you were to walk into somebody would call me white if you were to walk into a paint store and ask them for white paint and they gave you something look like this and you painted that on your wall you need to take that stuff back that's not white this is white but this ain't white that look at the devil does he puts he tries to compartmentalize us and put us and reduce us to a color we're not different colors we are earth tones we are earth tones because God formed man of the dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life we are the Bible calls this body and earthen vessel the Bible says we are of the earth earthy so we are earth tone and the devil tries to wedge his way in be vigilant child of God be vigilant and be sober and know that you have an adversary that wants to do anything to divide the body of Jesus Christ but the Bible says you are a chosen generation hallelujah notice that we're not multiple generations somebody said I'm a fourth generation apostolic preacher I understand what they mean but but I'm actually I'm in the same generation as my great-grandfather because this is the generation of Christ so we are a chosen generation we don't have competition between the ages we don't have the elders and the young people at odds with each other that's not how it works in the church listen when we sing songs I don't care if it was written 100 years ago or last night if it exalts the name of Jesus my hands are in the air and I'm dancing before the Lord with all my might because we're not multiple generations we are a chosen generation we are one generation and we're a royal priesthood which means there's not varying states and classes of spiritual superiority if you're filled with the Holy Ghost buried in the precious name of Jesus you lay hands on the sick and they can recover you don't have to have a super profit to come in and do it you have the power inside of you the gifts of healing and working of miracles and the word of knowledge and word of wisdom it's in you and he said you know what you're a holy nation so let national differences break up the church no no no no no no it cannot be my brother married his wife he was he was part Iranian and part German she was part Jewish and part Italian I said my goodness Nathan your kids are gonna hate themselves and I jest but but in the church sometimes people can bring their old man in with them and start saying well you got a pardon me I tell it like it is you know why I speak my mind because well you just got to know my family I come from an a name you can name it I've never heard an ethnicity yet say that that oh well you know my family and you go way back hundreds and thousands of years and we've always been kind warm compassionate people no no if somebody gets a bad attitude they blame it on whatever heritage they've got it's not about the nationality it's about people people can be mean in their flesh they can be mean they can be arrogant they can spout off and they can tell you like it is when they're not really telling you like it is they're telling you like they think it is you need to be careful with all that I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind if you give out too many pieces of your mind you're not gonna have very much left there's some folks I want to stop I'm like no no no no I don't think you have very much left you need to you need to you need to conserve you know we don't give people a piece of our mind we give them peace of mind if you let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus ha ha then the words that you speak will be words of healing and words of love and words of forgiveness and words of deliverance and words of freedom we need a Ruth revival we need to grab one another and say no I'm not letting you slip off into an abyss of bitterness but we're gonna be in this thing together and we're gonna have revival some 1:33 said that that unity is like the precious ointment that descended from Mount Hermon notice that he said there the lord commanded the blessing it is in unity where the Lord commands the blessing when you link arms with your brother and your sister and you say we're in this thing together and we're gonna fight the devil together and we're gonna fight this disease together and I'm not gonna let you anguish alone and I'm not gonna let you suffer alone the scripture said David said I encouraged myself in the Lord God forbid that anybody here would have to encourage themself let me come up beside you and speak a word of encouragement [Applause] Paul said I think myself a happy I can just see him floating on a broken piece of ship I can see him I can see him languishing in a prison thinking himself happy reach out reach out I can just hear God when we lift our hands to praise Him I can hear God say no no before you praise me love them love them before you before you ask me for revival again I want you to go love your brother and your sister God can't bless bitterness come on Naomi don't be bitter it's time for Pleasant let's behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity I wonder if somebody right now could lift up your hand to the Lord right now right now right now lift up your hand to the Lord come on lift up your hand unto the Lord hallelujah and I want you to say God I want you to wash away every ounce of unforgiveness I want you to cleanse me of every evil envious thought in the name of Jesus come on all across this building right now there's a Holy Ghost revival there's a Holy Ghost revival hallelujah come on that's it young people I want you to get a hold of God right now and say Lord let me love my brother let me love my sister let me love my neighbor if somebody else gets opportunity and somebody else gets promotion I'm not gonna begrudge that I'm gonna support that in Jesus name I'm gonna support it God takes note of every time you love your neighbor as yourself come on lift up that praise unto the Lord lift up that praise unto the Lord lift up that praise unto the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] because the very epicenter what brought division I have declared my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray I will hear I will heal this land and I will forgive this Hey I want every person in this house that has a hunger for Holy Ghost apostolic unity in New Brunswick I want you to come forward right now in the name of Jesus I want you to step forward right now in the name of Jesus if you hunger for Holy Ghost unity the scripture says that there were devout Jews out of every nation under heaven that were gathered in the upper room and they walked into that upper room and they said what does this mean we hear these men speak in tongues wherein we were born what what are we hearing what what is this and there were others there mocked it and said these men are full of new wine but Peter standing up I know Peter preached the Pentecost message but he didn't do it alone the scripture says but Peter standing up with the eleven and in the face of that mockery from their generation all 12 of those preachers stood to face down the mockery and to answer the questions what does this mean I'm gonna tell you something Church we have a lot of questions being thrown at the Apostolic Church in 2018 we have a lot of mockery coming at the Apostolic Church in 2018 but when we stand together hallelujah when the ministry stands together preach a girlfriend a preacher right now go do it go do it go find a preacher right now and put your arm around them in the name of Jesus saying that God find a saint of God right now and put your arm around them in the name of Jesus heal Allah Abba hiya in the name of Jesus young person find a young person right now put your arm around them in the name of Jesus come on we're a chosen generation we've got answers for this generation they don't know they don't know which way is up which way is down they don't know the difference between a man and a woman any longer this generation is confused this generation is confounded but we have the answer it's time we stand up with the 11 and declared this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel come a pass to pray for one another right now I want you to pray against Burnout I want you to pray against fatigue I want you to pray against depression come on child of God pray right now against worldly thoughts against carnal mindedness pray against self hatred play against bitterness and resentment I tell you another hotcha yet another level shutter higher yes yes yes come on pray for them like it's you crave it in like you're praying for yourself crave it in like you want them to pray for you eat I love OSHA plead the blood over their family plead the blood over their children plead the blood of Jesus and some of that marriage pray for their healing pray for their healing pray for their healing Kyleigh any bitterness down right now lay it down in the name of Jesus lay down bitterness lay down strife lay down envy if it's in you it's coming out right now in the name of Jesus Christ if a root of bitterness has been inside of you release it now to God in the name of Jesus hallelujah envy is coming down you are being set free from envy in Jesus name every ounce of carnal jealousy is coming down in the name of Jesus God is putting a new joy in your soul a new joy in your soul come on that's it release the competition that ungodly spirit of competition against your brother against your sister put it under the blood of Jesus Christ on another high oh Jesus in the name of Jesus Hidalgo cochon de novo SATA hyah he'll Amish and Alana vesicular Bahia come on young people that's it that's it that's it let a Holy Ghost anointing come on you let a Holy Ghost anointing come on you let the Lord bind your generation together let the Lord bind your generation together come on let a new commitment hey yo son de Baja let a new commitment apostolic truth and apostolic revival get a hold of Oh sundaramma Hashana da da da hai halleluja halleluja hallelujah come on that's it that's it God has a new and a fresh anointing God has a new and a fresh anointing for those who will forgive God has a new and a fresh anointing for those who will be one God has a new and a fresh anointing hallelujah for those who will lay aside the weight of envy AHA shot Ana Ana higher hallelujah hallelujah come on I want us to pray for New Brunswick right now come only got to pray for a blue Brunswick right now and not one pastor is gone against the principality of this province alone we're going together in Jesus name we're going together in Jesus name we're going to encourage one another and support one another come on that's it you're not by yourself you're in this thing together you're in this thing together you're in this thing together I rebuke the spirit of loneliness off of you in Jesus name be encouraged be encouraged be revived hallelujah in the Holy Ghost [Music] he Italian on eboshit ah I shot because shout out of our city
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 15,476
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: we, need, ruth, revival, joel, urshan, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, atlantic, district, summer, summit, family, camp, 2018
Id: vGNLnsceZYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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