The Influence of Jesus - Lee Stoneking

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we know that Matthew was written to the Jews to convince them that Jesus was the Messiah mark was written to the Romans to convince them because of his great power the Romans were interested in power and demonstration feats of strength but then Luke was a physician and he presented Jesus as a physician but the Gospel of John was written to whosoever will and in the last verse of the Gospel of John he sums it up in the most concise precise words here in the Gospel of John chapter 21 and verse 25 John after all he's written and stated and preached and said says this and there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if these should be written every one I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written his influence pray one more time the God will bless your mind and heart to understand what I'm about to say latosha love retial of the rakesh attire hot occultation of a rakish attire for akka on total of racial uh varicose a takasaka honda love race short of records of doctor handle of racial of a rake or satire of raqqa handle of racial of a rack or satire god bless you you may be seated [Music] we tonight are Apostolic Christians and we know this man called Jesus every other religion in the world is based on fable myth and imagination scientists for example live in a world of facts and figures and mathematics etc and yet on Sunday they all go to church and revert to fable and imaginations the Japanese for example are the most technological people on the face of the earth in the last thirty years they have become the most advanced nation in all of this outstanding productions and inventions of computers and all things related to that world with their tiny hands their brilliant minds they have excelled in the world yet they worshiped in myth and fable the gods of this world have blinded their minds from babyhood on we have all taken on this type of thinking for example in childhood we were taught nursery rhymes Hansel and Gretel Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cinderella bambi batman sesame sesame street it's all make-believe several years ago they made a film entitled et a robot received the academy award for best actor of the year somewhere a child has got to transfer from myth to fact somewhere a child has got to realize there is no Santa Claus there is no Easter Bunny the Greeks were known for their mythology drugs came into play in our society in my lifetime and it brought people into a state of almost unconsciousness and they were victims and they reached some kind of a high they said and he destroyed the minds of so many young people I remember when I pastored years ago on Webster Street in Schenectady New York I gave a lot of time to the drug addicts in that area and young people and I won this one boy to the Lord eventually but he came and he he he was on the front peel over here what night as I was preaching and all of a sudden he just curled up on the Pew like a little dog it just curled up and he was sobbing and my people knew how to work with me so they just didn't worry what I did I just left everything and ran down to him I got on my hands and knees in front of him I said I said so what's wrong what's wrong he's about stroking I can't think I just can't think and I took a hold of him and prayed and work with him people I thank God that we know that we know about the reality of this man called Jesus Jesus Jesus is real and he is factual I was working with a drug addict and he really was a drug addict he was really into it and I want him to God when his whole family actually but this boy had never ever opened a Bible ever in his life but the night he got the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with tongues I was with him he crawled to the front pew where he had been seated and took a hold of a Bible for the first time in his life and opened it and he came to this verse 2nd samuel 23:2 the Spirit of the Lord God spake by me and His Word was in my tongue I'm convinced this Jesus will turn the world upside down for you if he knows you want to find him he will go to extreme limits for example you look around here tonight you all look so respectable so wonderful ladies and gentleman young people a credit to society but many people would never guess where some of you have come from they would never know they would never believe it you know why because it's all been covered over by the blood of Jesus it's all been covered over by the blood of this man called Jesus that is shouting material right there he deserves a standing ovation a clap a shout he deserves a lifting of your voice this man called Jesus Oh photo kotteakos entire photo kori hush a pile of maracas we represent the greatest cause in the entire world one poet became so impressed with Jesus he wrote a poem entitled the old violin that Tom ends with these words and many a man with life out of tune and battered and torn by sin is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd much like the old violin but the master comes and the crowd can never understand the worth of a soul and the change that is wrought by the touch of the master's hand another poet wrote a bit of prose and poetry entitled one solitary life at the end of that it concludes with these words 19 wide centuries have come and gone and I am far within the mark when I say that all the kings that have arraigned all the navies that ever came into existence all of the grace that have rained kings and queens have not affected the life of men as powerfully upon this earth as has that one solitary life we know this one solitary life to be none other then the Lord Jesus Christ if you are visiting here tonight you must understand this is why we clap this is why we lift our hands this is why we shout this is why we run this is why we laugh in the spirit this is why we make no apologies to you or anyone else because we were lost and now we are found and we are on our way to heaven and that is shouting material every time you walk through the doors into this sanctuary I don't think we'll ever clap enough but we'll never shout enough will ever dance enough we'll never do anything enough to thank him for even one drop of blood one songwriter wrote and said he could have called 10,000 angels one of the things I enjoy so much at Christmastime is to hear a live production of Handel's Messiah is one of the most incredible things because when Handel wrote it and I read something about his life and his composing etc he said that this came to him and he could not stop writing it just flowed like water the words every word every word that is sung in Handel's Messiah is not any word except direct quotes from the Scriptures themselves and when it was first presented in London when he presented it and they came to the Hallelujah Chorus at the end the king was so moved he jumped to his feet and when he did the entire audience stood to its feet it set a precedent for all time I don't care where you go to her Handel's Messiah if it's in China Japan Australia Europe this country whenever the Hallelujah Chorus begins to be sung the entire crowd will stand to their feet and just worship in reverence to this man called Jesus this man called Jesus this man called Jesus the mention of his name causes the air to tremble demos free balk lists Mozart Beethoven people don't realize this they got their inspiration to write the great scores they wrote and the masterpieces for all time in music they got the inspiration from the knowledge they had of this man called Jesus that's where it came from and they admitted it this jesus has been the inspiration for more poems and songs than all the mountains lakes dramas kings queens that have ever lived he is a constant stream of inspiration Kings have bowed at his feet peasants by the thousands have named the name of Jesus many have volunteered in his army than any other military base has ever been able to attract more have volunteered into his army I'm a volunteer you are volunteer more volunteers have come to his army than all the military posts in the entire world he has won so many battles and never fired a shot I want a boy to God and we were preaching us tent revival years and years ago now and in Schenectady and the neighbors complained so the chief police caught me downtown to see what I was doing hmm so I went but it took an extra guy with me the same boy I mentioned before I said Tommy go with me he's dead we walked into this chief of polices office he said he looked the part big burly guy big hands look like a rough character and I said your honor I'm here I'm Reverend strong King you've called me to come and to answer some questions he said what are you doing over there on that street corner in that area because I was right in the middle of the Mount Pleasant area there were seven Roman Catholic churches in that area in the middle of that we pitched a tent and we're having church every night with people getting the holy ghost on all kinds of things going on some of them had complained I'm not the noise a rock band had been there before a week before nobody say anything he said what are you doing over there I said well I said I brought a young man with me I want him to just tell you what Jesus has done for him and Tommy gave his testimony of how he had been a drug addict into heroin all of those things he were through the whole list and how bad off he was but there when he came to Jesus that got delivered him and tommy was anointed and I noticed because I'm very observant that that chief of polices hands were shaking a little bit he said he said nothing actually and I said to me honor that's what we're doing over there in that tent you couldn't help him the jail system couldn't help him his parents couldn't help him the schools couldn't help him nobody can help him but Jesus did you threw him out but Jesus took him and most of us were castaways as far as society is concerned but this man called Jesus he called our name and bid us come to him I'll never forget it that chief of police was he was visibly moved he said Reverend go he said I'll send police cars every night I'll patrol the area we'll protect you we had police protection for the entire tent revival with no more upheavals I'm telling you if you just hang on to the truth hang on to the truth Jesus will make a way for you where there is no way he is the waymaker he is a wave maker every miracle begins with an impossibility when the doctor sends you home to die you've got three months six months get your house in order there's another voice that says try me try me that voice belongs to this man called Jesus because when everything else fails he is a rescuer he is a rescuer he is a deliverer I have been set free I have been set free we have been set free [Applause] I am fascinated by the influence he has had in the world there was a man called William Booth he's the founder of the Salvation Army when he started preaching in the streets of London England way back there Queen Mary was in power at that time Mary was the Queen of England at that time we in booth went under the streets with his children and began to preach the gospel and those Londoners kemal those hotels with their chamber pots human excrement and waste and throw it on him dumped it on his head third in his face he did not stop preaching he continued to preach no matter what they did to him all of a sudden God stepped on the scene and people began to repent and cry out to viki's is that he was preaching on the streets revival hit it spread so rapidly and so powerfully that that brothels began to close that taverns begin to close crime was absolutely diminished the whole city was revolutionized by the preaching of this William Booth so much so all his children became missionaries his daughter went to India as a missionary this fair-skinned beautiful young girl went to India by herself to be a missionary and they had a high rock they put her up on and she would stand there and preach this gospel and they weren't interested but there was an aged man among them an old Indian grandfather who had a thorn in his foot and they could not get it out because they didn't have instruments they didn't have tweezers or anything like that they were just in the wilds of India but this girl saw this this man was in pain she had him to be seated and she got down on her knees in front of him took his foot in her hand and fastened her teeth on the point of that thorn and slowly pulled it out of his foot when those Indians saw that they said this young woman would take the most precious part of her body and touch the soul of a man's foot we want to know the god that she serves and revival broke out in the entire area all of his children were missionaries Queen Mary of England when Booth passed away his funeral was conducted at Westminster Abbey the Queen of England disguised herself as a peasant woman and came to westminister abbey and set way back there on the back on the end of that pew no one recognized her as she was seated there a woman came in and sat down beside her she came in late they carried the coffin with both body in it down that center aisle right by the Queen and this woman next to her on the end of the pew there was one rose that had been laid on top of the coffin the woman whispered to the Queen that rose I placed that there I used to be a harlot in the streets of the city but that man brought Jesus to me and rescued me and saved my life that the Queen broke down and began to weep because what her scepter couldn't do what her crown couldn't do what her authority couldn't do the man Christ Jesus can do [Applause] there is a burning desire or should be inside of us to serve Him something needs to happen for us that has never happened before Jesus is where it's at Jesus is where it's at Jesus is the answer to everything he is the answer to everything no matter what the problem is he is the answer Jesus is the answer you have a problem here's an answer there is nothing inside of anyone here today that's bigger than Jesus I repeat myself it doesn't exist I don't care what the doctor told you there's a man called Jesus the master healer the healer of all diseases this Jesus he told the storm to hush and the wind became silent he caused the sea to rage no more because the wind to become still because the blind man to see he called deaf ears he caused deaf ears to open he told death to flee in fact he turned a funeral procession into a praise service he taught leprosy to depart and it was gone but yet he said I thirst i hunger I'm weary but the elements obeyed him one of my favorite characters in church history is Polycarp they burned him alive because he believed in one God this Jesus and tied to the stake they said old man if you will but recant we will set you free his timeless to me like immortal words were these eighty and six years have I served him and he had done me no wrong no I will not recant I will not deny him Michael Servetus Calvin was behind this one they burned him out of steak they put sulfur on his head according to what I have read and set it on fire it took 30 minutes for that sulfur to burn through the skull and touch the brain before he died he stood there crying out to Jesus Lord Jesus have mercy Lord Jesus have mercy he died in the faith I said this before I'm sure but I haven't suffered people I don't know about suffering I know nothing about suffering I really don't when you consider what people have paid the price they have paid for you and me to have what we have here today I I don't want to stand beside these people when the rewards are passed out I don't want to stand near these people I'll be at the back of the crowd somewhere when we get on the other side I'll sweep the streets I just want to get through the gates I want to see Jesus I don't care about the crowds and all the rest of it I just want to see Jesus that is the Gulf 'el inside of my heart my life I remember in Bible School sister Nora's touch chance at college it was an incredible class she was a master teacher she - PS PhD in psychology she took us to a nursing home where people were much less fortunate than we are because she wanted us to see what can happen to humanity and I remember my whole class he took the whole class we went to this nursing home I never been anyplace like it when we walked in somehow I was at the back of the crowd of students and these people they had mental problems very serious some of them officer not dangerous because they were allowed to be out and move around but they'd walk up and just touch you as you walk by this take hold of you and that was very different experience for me but if the back of that group we walked by what looked like a big baby crib on the floor and the mattresses on the floor with a like looked like a baby crib around it was an adult size and I I don't know I just walked over to it and I took a hold of the the top rung here looked over there was an old grandmother lying there on that mattress on the floor and in my way of doing things I said can't can't this Jesus do something before and I began to sing a little chorus that I knew the healers coming down the road the healers coming down the road he could save and he can heal just tell him what you need Jesus is coming down the road but I started singing that the Holy Ghost fell on her tears literally shot out of her eyes she threw her hands in the air and God filled her with the baptism of the Holy Ghost on that mattress clap a little louder it's for Jesus it's for Jesus it's for him I have a gold at this point in my life and I work with it all the time I've said Jesus help me to get you out of the ink and the paper of the Bible help me to get you out of the Bible so that people can look at you so they can see you so they can feel you so they can touch you because if they see you touch you feel you they will fall in love with you and they will serve you people we've got to get this Jesus out of the ink and the paper of the Bible he's in you alive and you are his mouthpiece you are this vocalization to a loss and a dying world oh he would not condemn a harlot yet he allowed man to condemn him his hands fondled children had touched them and loved them and held them and yet those same hands picked up a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple he was the kind of man who told Peter before the crows you will deny me thrice I'm sure it was just an ordinary barnyard rooster but when that trumpet of dawn sounded it awakened in Peter something that drove him to tears and repentance what trumpet have done will God have to blow in our lives to get our attention to bring us from this world that is cascading into hell god help us god help us people God helped us lift your hands and let your voice out there's a powerful reaching of the Holy Ghost [Music] ohshit Africa shot Akasha Oaxaca should not occur hoppity here shut up a record should not occur how many of us think he's worth living for dying for what do you think of this man called Jesus who took our sins away who delivered us from the clutches of the devil but took away our emptiness took away our loneliness delivered us from drugs alcohol drinking immorality what do you think of this man called Jesus that has such power and such authority years ago I went to a place called Martha's Vineyard I was asked to come there by a Jewish boy that had been converted to this episodic truth and doctrine his name was Gary and he knew about me he asked me to come to Martha's Vineyard it's across from Hyannis Port where the Kennedy family lived in that type of thing so I drove there from where I lived and I went to preach this weekend revival in Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard is a place where great movie stars have summer homes there Martha Graham has a summer home there I saw a lot of very famous people live there they have residences there in the middle of that environment we were in a rented facility all he could find it was an old like gothic Church of some kind and they had a high circle ultra rail out here in the front the platform up high as was their standards of worship and format anyway I was there preaching what was interesting to me is that each night about 15 minutes after the service started there'd be six or seven or eight people walk in about 15 minutes after the service started well I don't understand in humanity among the elite people they always arrive about 15 minutes late they do it purposely so they would come in but they were dressed very casually but I could tell by looking at them just watching that they were from the elite society of that area and maybe the whole country so I got used to that after about the third and fourth night there were some people came in and the woman had on this magnificent silver and gold brocade dress beautiful high blonde haired oh the man beside her wore glasses two or three others with him they sat down so I knew that they were someone prominent but I preached and did what I knew and people who they were moved by God the whole place it was a great move of God there were a number of people got the Holy Ghost in that meeting but anyway when I came to the end I felt to do this I came down off the platform and I came around this this high altar railing circular and I walked down a few steps and I pointed to the lady that had this magnificent silver and gold brocade dress on and at that point they were standing and I said to her I said please come she just without hesitation she walked right out she walked right down toward me well when I got to her I began to pray for her for she fell to the floor but I knew she was all right but I didn't know if she knew she was all right because this is the Holy Ghost and this is what we know so I get down on the floor and it the boards were old it wasn't a clean place than you know fancy and already the tears there were two puddles of tears on those old boards and I got down on my knees in front of her I said are you all right she said oh yes she said Reverend I have looked for this all of my life there are so many people out there that have been looking for you and I have all of their lives I said let me pray for you God filled her with the baptism of the Holy Ghost she began to speak with tongues it was absolutely wonderful absolutely wonderful well I said you needed baptized in Jesus name would you like that she said oh yes just like that well it was a whole missionary setting they had a horse tank over here that we watered cattle with on the farm and I was just a big oval thing you know like the years on farms and that's all they had and it was not in the spring the water was cold there's one thing about baptizing people in cold water they come out of it with stammering lips so you're pretty close to the Holy Ghost so she said I want to be baptized I said well we have a chip we'll have a change of clothes over there for you and they'll help you so she it was amazing she called her friend up okay and she reached up to this hairdo and lifted off her head it was a head it was a hairpiece and gave it to her friend and turn walked over here to get baptized while she was getting ready for that I walked back to her husband I assumed it was and it was I think his name was head Eddy Hayward he was a great jazz concert pianist in New York City famous and they had come to this particular meeting and I said to him I said Eddie look your wife has received something called the baptism of the Holocaust don't be afraid everything is going to be all right he said it's fine I'm not worried at all I said great some went back they baptized her in Jesus name she came out of that water speaking with tongues at the end of that service I got her phone number and I stayed in touch with her I called her over once every two or three days and every time I talked to she's really strong King I'm still speaking with tongues I'm still speaking with tongues I'm still speaking with tongues I'm still speaking with tongues people I've talked to you for two nights about I am a believer I am a believer you are believers this is the power we have in this man called Jesus in your way of doing things for just a moment just lift your hands and entertain him any way you want to but let your voice out because the Holy Ghost this Jesus is speaking to us individually and as a conglomerate oho Takahashi Tata khadisha Takata handle of the racial America Satya Veruca autocut acacia lover rock oh sheeeeeit I have Erica in this country which surprised me I was working in altar service what they was in Connecticut and there was a girl standing and she was crying and I walked over to her said man it may help you some way she said brother stone King is it possible that the Jesus you preached died for me I said yes yes it is he did die for you why do you ask so they could I saw him hanging on some kind of a wooden structure and I realized that was him that he had died for me people that happened in the United States we assume people know they don't know people do not know I walked in a place one day and sit down just to have a malted milk in my area and I went down about three or four stools away from the guy sitting here just minding my own business and ordered what I wanted and he turned to me and he said you send forth powerful vibrations I said would you like me to tell you what it is and I told him about the whole cost yo for Akash a type of Ibaka if you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost I want you to lift your hands and let the whole ago speak through you right now mist everyone that has the Holy Ghost the spirit North how to pray when you do this there will be miracles of healing among us here tonight in this place Oh toka shot at ever ricotta Keisha totally shot Akaka mundo total have a Rico take a shot out of a record Shotokan photo Co shot a total never Dakota Chris Shattuck a photographer from Dotel have a records at I have a ricotta quiche Attica 400 evidential oven a kosher title caretakers Ithaca no horse Oliver Rico take a celebrity case Oliver a catechist at akitoki Soto taka-taka-taka-taka taka-taka-taka-taka taka-taka-taka-taka taka-taka-taka-taka taka-taka-taka-taka shot america technotrekker when dr. Luther Rico take a shoot over a critic is at the castle with a ha ha ha Turkey turkey is so topic is to target a case Attica yeah together the case of Touhou talkative Ithaca satire and the location of antiquity if the Holy Ghost is on you if you can feel Jesus right now I want you to stand to your feet if you really feel him what took it to occur and if both hands and just continue to worship that's it that's it that's it ok Turkish Attica whatever record take a shot or toca toca dickish Attica you took it there shut Ithaca shut the take a window to get there sure doctor can they show thought the cachaça TECA [Applause] [Laughter] take a sadhaka Africa trick you should take a second hahaha Sitka I should tap ok taker should not make you something [Applause]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 38,848
Rating: 4.8672376 out of 5
Keywords: capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, preaching, sermons, sermon, raymond, woodward, jack, leaman, matthew, bible, study, biblical teaching, the, influence, of, jesus, the influence of jesus, lee, stoneking, lee stoneking
Id: Qfd3Zc-09_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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