"The Serial Killers of Liberty City" - Haunted Gaming

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hello guys and gals me muta horn welcome to another episode of haunted gaming today we take a look at a rat man from gta4 the serial killer that supposedly was half man half rat and a totally psycho hobo that would hunt you down in Liberty City and cut you up into little pieces and in the subways god forbid if you were a head to head it down there now all myths and conspiracies in GTA 4 or any GTA game for example I've always kind of had a creepypasta attached to them in fact I've actually covered the GTA for Rat Man conspiracy or myth as you want to call it in creepypasta form it's actually existed as that entirely but this video is very near and dear to me because if you don't remember a while ago I actually completely tired out of my mind actually recorded me hunting for Bigfoot and grand theft auto san andreas it was one of those late night recordings and I was frankly really tired and it was one of those things that was in my head and I decided why not flip on the recording software and make a video out of it this is a very special thing to me because to be totally honest with you this is an era of YouTube gaming that quietly slipped away as a new era of YouTube gaming currently it slipped in the era where people attached x-files music to GTA san andreas or Grand Theft Auto myth hunting footage and left it where that is in to an extent every time I see an open-world game with a lot of these kind of mints I sort of see a resurgence of it sure it might not be you know let the hottie and let the bodies hit the floor type deal or you know x-files or any kind of that conspiracy theory music hitting you and aliens being shown in every segment shape or form but pretty damn close to it today we're taking a look at Rat Man now I personally have a history attached with this myself as a person in high school actually ended up hunting for this thing one late night which we'll get to really we don't know what rat man is rat man was the myth one of the maintenance in Grand Theft Auto 4 for the Xbox 360 Playstation 3 and the PC in it essentially what happens is as you're traversing through the subway network of Liberty City particularly in Algonquin which is the second island of the game you would come across a creature called rat man a hobo half half rat half man somebody that would run really fast stay silently and attack you with such great strength that you would die immediately coming across the care and as they were killing you would scream I am rat man basically scaring the hell out of any player a creature that is fast a creature that is strong and a creature that stays well hidden is something to scare the hell out of anybody traversing through these uh subway networks at night this actually kicked off from a photo that was posted onto the internet through whatever form was shared around to a bunch of places and the photo in question looks really interesting because you could see me go very well it's one of those photos that was captured off in the early days before cameras and cell phones I guess were very good and it was one of those myth photos that were captured with let's be honest it had that Bigfoot effect of photo capture it wasn't exactly perfect and we could probably tell why it wasn't first perfect but inside it you saw another character running at you which literally looked like a rat man and while it was being blurry a lot of people considered it to be real basically the entire the the myth basically presented itself as if you went into the eastern subway service entrance in Algonquin which would actually be close if not the same location you would actually go to or go go out from in the mission three leaf clover the bank-robbery mission of liberties of Algonquin of gta4 you could come across a blood patch an orange liquid rather people assumed it was blood which to me is really weird to be assuming his blood because blood usually when it's dried is a darker color I mean unless the person had so much iron in it that it would cause a lot of rusting I don't see how it would turn orange that way but then again I'm not an expert on blood color and blood typing and all that kind of stuff I just know a bare minimum now the scene blood actually shows up on top of the abandoned hospitals roof which is kind of a weird connection you know some people think that it's just blood from hospital victims that might have died up in that area but it is really weird to be assuming that because you know or at least assuming a connection between this or the subway it's just it's just kind of a weird place why those two patches that appear over there some people just assume it's actual motor oil stains if anything in the DLC versions of the game but other than that it's a big connection to be making while the game does sort of hint towards rat infestations you know you can even go to a job section of the crop list wet pages in the game the in-game internet and come across human lab rats the actual connection between a rat man and the idea of the blood being the primary evidence is a little weird yeah it's get you to see the blood being seen and at no point in the game throughout the storyline does a blood ever disappear you never get any explanation for it I'm like weasel museum game radio station or you know through the television news broadcasts or through the web page constantly updating while the webpage does update throughout every story event in the game it never really hints towards what the blood could be or those stains could be in both locations of the game at all at least to my knowledge and it doesn't really happen in the DLC versions of the game either whether it be lost or Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony but that's really the reality of what we've seen in GTA 4 now there's multiple other myths over there but I think the biggest one out of it and the biggest one that a lot of people could still believe the possibility of is Rat Man it still holds a level of believability which is almost rivaled by you could think Bigfoot from San Andreas some people still might think Bigfoot exists in San Andreas even though both of these when you look into the game files has been proven to be absolutely false nowhere in the game files do you see any 3d modeling of Rat Man or any sound clip of Rat Man in any situation but this character has been linked to gta3 Starkel which is actually a much more interesting topic in my opinion if you don't know anything about dark hole at one point a character was actually designed to give you missions about blowing up school school buses and flying planes into buildings but given the release date of GTA 3 and it being around 9/11 that idea couldn't really work too well for obvious reasons and honestly just given the nature of the game itself those are still too dark emissions to be given a GTA 5 on the other hand is actually a more interesting a scenario with Rat Man as well because you get at least a little bit more I guess evidence so to speak of it for example in GTA 5 when you go into the Metropolitan subway tunnels of downtown Los Santos you can actually hear laughter coming from blocked off areas and the tunnels alongside that laughter though what's really weird is you could potentially hear the strange breathing noises all the way down in the tunnels which may be the sounds of a rat man appearing somewhere in San Andreas as well now of course the reality this kind of stuff existing is a little interesting you know it's something that hasn't been proven in any way shape or form and given the fact that when these games had come out on the xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3 it was a little harder to get into the file data and look at exactly what the internals were but given the fact when the PC versions of the game had come out whether it be for GTA 4 GTA 5 there was no evidence given at all that either these things existed if it did exist we would have been easily able to find it using software such as open 4 which has a full on model viewer for anything in the game files at all now you could always run into the conspiracy that these characters did exist in the console versions of the game whether it be on the you know last gen or the current gen of GTA 5 or on the ps3 and xbox360 but that would be a little bit of a stretch given that myth like this I would think rocks toward one people to find in some way shape or form and even if this existed in GTA 5 given the fact that we're able to look into the files of at least the ps3 version of the game into the xbox360 to an extent what kind of proved otherwise that Rat Man would exist in the game is it weird to come across this yes it is but given the fact that we've never been able to find it in GTA 4 and 5 and I'm not counting GTA 3 even though some people made the connection it frankly couldn't appear in that game and it really couldn't appear in 4 & 5 I'm gonna write this creepypasta or a segment of haunted gaming office something that is utterly false it doesn't really have any basis and believability but it would be just off if I had left the video off like this frankly telling you guys about Rat Man the reason I wanted to make this video is it takes me back to a personal era of my time I actually did an investigation although back in the day I never had any recording equipment and I couldn't exactly record the experiences of me coming across or above not really coming across rather my initial investigation back in the days of Xbox 360 when the update came out allowing us to create Xbox Live party gruesome you know my friends got together we made an Xbox Live party a private session of GTA fours online free mode and tried to find ratan em now if anything it's probably easier for you to find a rat man in the single-player version of the game given the fact that the single player has more the AI loaded into it in just a multiplayer segment of itself and I think the same goes for no matter which GTA game you're playing whether it's four or five back in the day me and two of my friends we went down into Algonquin tunnels we did about a 40 to 50 minute search of this section of itself did we find anything no but one of the biggest spots that you could find is the actual hobo village inside GTA 4 inside it we did actually come across somebody running through the area as well now given the fact that we were firing guns all the time we were popping off shotgun shells pistols whatever you name it rocket launchers to an extent at some point certain characters will spawn down in that area and run across if given that moment none of these characters screamed I am rat man so I was never put into any sort of serious physical danger by a GTA mythical spooky Skellington but I figured if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go back and show you guys those same areas and sort of guide you through a real-life investigation so let's go into GTA 4 and check that out real quick alright so this is going down into the GTA 4 Metro tunnels and over here you basically can get this to the north part of Algonquin you can get a car stuffed in here if you really wanted to so we're gonna keep on driving until we get somewhere close to I guess an entrance and I'll show you guys the hobo village over here as well real quick so of course you can see it's pretty quiet you'd have to watch out for any potential there's a train coming by you have to just basically watch out for any training but there are entrances subway entrances where you can essentially find your way to see the Rat Man blood we're gonna head out there real quick I'll even show you guys a map blip location once they get there so this is actually hobo village for those of you are wondering what this location was now at this point this is where we essentially had congregated at and found out about all the this is where we essentially spent like a majority of our 40 hour long hunting session for hobos now in the online there were no NPCs that were spawned down over here at least to our knowledge at the time and boom we actually played on the Xbox 360 at the time - this game wasn't even out on the PC as we're kind of rushing through we don't really see anybody over here so basically you can get them all out of the game location real quick if you just shoot away they actually did not even wait a minute there we go now they're gonna run away so basically over here at this point to hope should like despawn or at least like stay still or not make any noise but this is essentially where you would find like where you're supposed to find rat man one of the exact locations obviously walking through the area we don't really see anybody sort of pop in the only thing that runs through your trains from time to time and you got to sort of watch out when you're on the track unfortunately because they can kind of come in from anywhere again none of these NPCs really spawn over here that dudes just running away but what you would essentially witness over here is as you're walking around what would happen is some dude would run add you scream I am rat man to basically try to hunt you down and kill you that way but yeah that would be one of the many things that you can see through this area if you really wanted to so inside there this is the actual segment where the actual service entrance for the game really is so at this point in the map which is actually in Easton looking around over here one thing to note is you can actually see where the blood patches are the little uh is you can see that's where the orange little spots are located as well so further going into the place and I actually just bring out a gun truth be told and you can actually keep looking around it as much as you want this is a part of the mission three leaf clover when you have to actually escape from this segment now over here there's not really any blood at all in this room but going upstairs there's gonna be I think a bigger blocks of blood if I'm not mistaken so running your way up over here this is just a service entrance for the actual map you should be able to find a bigger block just somewhere over here if I'm not mistaken this is where the NPCs are at but no actually no that's about the only bit of blotch of blood you can find over there - so going down over here the only thing you can really see is if I can just do a quick little jump down here no nothing over here nothing at all this is another segment of it but going back up over here we should be able to just see the blood blotches which is right down over here so that's where the first stain starts where the other stain goes to so it's like you slowly traverse down over here you should be able to see every little bit of stain but yeah that's about all that really is over here it goes all the way from over here there's like he's a little blotches if you look very closely it's almost as if it's the exact same sprite it's just rotated and twists it around a little to make itself look different see how the see the pattern of how the how it spreads out compare that to each and every single one of them it's literally just the exact same one just it's it's it's the exact same model just it's been rotated and skewed a bit just to just to change up its appearance but it all stops over here it's not like there's little drippings or little snippets of it as well and it's about the only place where you'll actually end up seeing this kind of stuff happen and that's really where it's all that so as far as your encounters can really happen they're always in this general location so you can always get you could always encounter Ratman in this location if you so felt and at any point you know in the darkness you could run outta juice so obviously using the cover of the darkness that is available in this you could have gotten assaulted at any point so you could literally come out and because of speed strength you would have no you would actually have no hope of surviving really unless you were totally tooled up and ready to go and that would be the whole investigation of Rat Man so the blood is real unfortunately the actual creature is not and that can be verified by just looking at the in-game files anyways so this is the area you're supposed to go to this would be this would actually be the first place you would escape through in your first heist in the game all spoilers are obviously mentioned but in this section of the game first saw only have a pistol unfortunately you're supposed to hear the laughing as soon as you get to the end so we're gonna increase the audio as we get closer to that great over there to hear that heartbeat absolutely so we're just gonna switch out of character I'm gonna go switch to Franklin real quick because I feel like I listen I wasn't really listening to anything as Michael for a second so I'm gonna go back in through the other entrance basically the last one is where we entered in through the heist so the other entrance for the actual area is somewhere alongside over here if I can actually just find it there it is these storm drain entrance is where you escape from when you're initially doing the van Jellico heist we're gonna go down this way if I can actually drive the vehicle but truth be told and at some point we should be going up to the place we need to be headed to so I'm just gonna drive really quickly and get off the bike at this point so I think it's slightly up here it's a little longer of a drive but here you got the other NPC characters doing it I don't know if this is recreate able in GTA online probably not given the fact that GTA online is a little bit different than just the single-player version so here it is and I think from this point in we can just walk up so listen for audio as we go through hey Franco where'd you come from me and you got business somewhere else get your skates on bro okay cool see you later it's been about 20-25 minutes on the on the record and not once have I heard the actual laughter coming in from here but throughout the video we've actually heard of the breathing sound that was apparently reported for it and if you guys have been hearing these like a weird heartbeat that's going on about it too I'm gonna raise the audio levels throughout the investigation on the edit just so you guys can hear a little bit better but that being said I think that's all I can really say about GTA 5's version of rat man progressing through further in the area I might net you more more more things for you to uncover but I don't think there's much more for me to find over here maybe it might happen a little bit different in the single-player campaign or maybe online that'll have to be for a later date or potentially a haunted gaming escolar extreme we're gonna go back to actual haunted gaming analysis now in GTA 4 well you got to see what some of the blood smears and all that good stuff and the hobo village was just that the hobo village now in no way is the PC version as far as I'm considered they're all pretty much identical and in no way shape or form are you finding Ratman and in any of the in any of the versions whether you're playing the online version of the game or the single-player version of the game but if you want to give it a shot give it a shot and if you actually end up finding ratman by all stretch and imagination share it with the world as far as GTA 5 is considered that one I really couldn't exactly find anything in either I mean some of the stuff it may be it could have some foreign believability into especially considering the fact that GTA 5 did in fact acknowledge Bigfoot in one strangers in freak encounter but as far as any of the games are considered ratman remains that nothing but a myth but hey maybe GTA 6 might offer it in at some point shape or form though leaving this video off the real serial killer at least 4 GTA 4 exists entirely if you look into Eddie lo one of the strangers and freaks for that game which is wanting to introduce for those of you don't know random encounters were thing in GTA 4 where characters on the streets would randomly give you missions and Eddie Lowe is one of those people you meet him two times in the game one of the times are actually dumping off human remains and the other time Nico apparently is judging Eddie Lowe for his sick depraved actions causes a combat encounter and you Niko Bellic completely have to waste him or die - Eddie Lowe if you want to you're going to his in-game internet webpage is really weird as well too you can go to their parody versions of MySpace and actually see some really Dupre's side it's almost like looking at an episode of deep web browsing with some satanic cult to be honest with you but any low remains just that a character that you eventually kill off canonically and he's not rat man or a no point was this ever at least hinted to be rat man he gives no idea of him being half rat in any way shape or form doesn't have crazy amounts of speed or strength but rat man to in itself remains just where he is I don't know if he's a hobo that exists in the game or not I don't even know if it's a slight reference to manhunt scarecrow you know the hobo in that game which was a actual scarecrow if you could part of the scarecrow gang that was cut from the game whether it was a reference to that or whether Rat Man exists in any way for the Grand Theft Auto franchise all I'm hoping is maybe in 6 we might get an answer to it like we get with Bigfoot in GTA 5 it's a myth that's been running for quite a long time and the Grand Theft Auto universe and while it may not be as Premanand endeavor as everything else it spawned a creepypasta and some form of fandom surrounding it so with that being said sit back relax look up some GTA investigation videos from the old YouTube days and let me know what you thought about this video in the comment section below this has been another episode of haunted gaming if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it let me know how we can change this to keep making it better this is me mood har and I [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 336,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, serial, killers, of, liberty, city, liberty city, gta 4, gta 5, gta iv, gta v, ratman, myth, sog, some ordinary gamers, some, ordinary, gamers, haunted, haunted gaming, creepypasta
Id: LeK3sM236h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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