The Tragic Fate of Daemon Primarch Angron | Warhammer 40K Lore

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in The Forsaken Realms of the eye of Terror a place where reality fractures and the warp bleeds through dwell the world eaters once hailed as the warhounds they bore the insignias of the 12th Legion proud and fierce among the Emperor of Mankind's first founding Space Marine Legions now they exist as a dark echo of their former selves Twisted by the levent energies of chaos this Legion now a band of traitors and renegades was among the first to forsake the Golden Light of the emperor for the shadowy promises of chaos and the warm Horus their Fall From Grace was not a Plunge Into Darkness but rather a surrender to a fury that had always simmered within their ranks they were brutal and relentless in their loyalty a pack of near inhuman monsters even before the Galaxy burned in the fires of horus's betrayal the transformation wrought upon them by the warp was not a creation of new Horrors but an unshackling of the most Primal and violent aspects of their nature the veneer of discipline and Humanity already threadbear was completely ripped away leaving nothing but raw untempered savagery in the swirling Madness of the eye of Terror they embraced the path of blood and War their armor once a gleaming Cerulean now runs with the icore of their foes their faces once Noble are twisted masks of rage and bloodlust they are the world World Eaters devourers of Worlds destroyers of Hope a ceaseless storm of Carnage and destruction here in the Heart of Darkness they Forge their brutal path a Relentless tide of Fury that knows neither remorse nor end now THS to the blood God corn the world eaters have become embodiments of war and murder living only to enact the chaos of Relentless Slaughter in his name k the chaos God whose thirst for blood and Carnage is insatiable claims their falty and drives their Every Act with a simple brutal mandate to kill and destroy the roots of their damnation Trace back to angron their Primark a figure of towering rage and unmatched brutality among the first of the Space Marine primarchs to cast his lot with Horus angron's defection during the seminal days of the Horus heresy marked the legion's catastrophic Fall From Grace under his lead they didn't just turn against the emperor they scorned the very notion of loyalty to anything other than the blood soaked Creed of corn fragmented by their insatiable Lust For Blood The Once unified Legion has shattered into desparate War bands each is a roving harbinger of Doom a marauding entity that swws fear and death across the Galaxy these bands of chaos Space Marines unhinged and unrestrained pursue their own violent ends each Act of Slaughter an offering to their Savage deity from their Inception the world eaters were engineered to be the most formidable of assault troops their legacy of brutality was no accident but a reflection of angron's own bloodstained past shaped by his violent upbringing they were honed into instruments of Destruction their every tactic and strategy imbued with a directness that shed finesse in favor of raw overwhelming Force while Legions like the night Lords could boast of subjugating worlds through the mere shadow of fear and packs such as the white scars and Space Wolves might descend without warning leaving nothing but ashes in their Furious wake the arrival of the world eaters heralded a darker fate for them to be Unleashed upon a campaign was to promise not just defeat but utter extermination to their foes this extermination came not from the distant and impersonal horror of virus bombs or atomic fire storms but up close with chainx and Bolter they waited through the blood of the Fallen planet after Planet leaving behind nothing but the stench of death and Echoes of Agony each world was not conquered but butchered drowned one by one in the Crimson Tide of its own inhabitants in this Grand and dark design the emperor sought not just compliance but absolute Dominion after the long night of the age of strife his vision was to forge human Humanity under a single unyielding Banner putting an end to the interent conflicts that had torn his realm asunder unified Humanity was to embark on the next stage of The Emperor's grand plan a Relentless March towards domination of the Milky Way galaxy this he decreed was necessary to safeguard the human species against the ceaseless threats posed by chaos Myriad xenos races and the perilous fragility of human nature itself as the emperor's gaze stretched beyond the Cradle of Terror he set about forging the armies for his Monumental ambition the great Crusade these armies were not merely mustered from the ranks of those who had turned terror's soil red during the unification Wars of the late 30th Millennium they were to be more than then to reclaim the scattered remnants of mankind flung across the cosmos the emperor conceived of the legiones estares the Space Marine Legions engineered to be superior transhuman Warriors these Legions were crafted to be the spear tip of his vision Relentless forces dispatched to bring the harsh light of the secular Imperial truth to every corner of the Galaxy they were the enforcers of a new regime Heralds of a unified empire under the single banner of the Imperium of man tasked with demanding compliance or imposing it by force among these Legions the 12th Legion later known to echo through history as the world eaters was shrouded in Tales of blood and fear the fragments of their origin that survived the cataclysmic Siege of Terror during the peak of the Horus heresy are pieced together like shards of a broken blade Imperial Scholars sifting through the wreckage of history have had to lean heavily on secondhand accounts from those few who fought by their side and lived to tell the tale and even more so on the whispered apocryphal stories of countless others who had ample reason to fear this most brutal and Relentless of The Emperor's enforcers from the outset the 12th Legion was drawn from the darkest corners of Terror their ranks filled not with any discernible favor towards the fragmented techn Barbarian tribes or city states but seemingly at random an indiscriminate draft of Warriors pulled From the Ashes of the unification Wars however beneath this surface of of Randomness there lurked rumors hints of a darker selection process circumstantial evidence pointed to a psychological screening aimed at distilling the most inherently aggressive and competitive Souls into an experimental Cadre this might be dismissed as mere supposition yet the fragments of records that survived painted a clear picture the 12th Legion was ferocious by Design a Melting Pot of hot-blooded savagery among these ruthless recruits ibram Greer emerged a figure of raw magnetic savagery Rising rapidly through the ranks gria embodied the legion's unrelenting thirst for battle soon assuming the mantle of the first Legion Master under his Ste command the 12th reputation as a legion not just of Warriors but of sheer unbridled ferocity grew exponentially their first taste of blood as a formal unit came during the sa Afric Liberation a brutal campaign marked by the legion's ruthless efficiency as shock troops despite their relatively small numbers they punched through Enemy Lines with a ferocity that bellied their size they were the emperor's spear thrust deep into the heart of resistance a Relentless tide of violence that Swept Away fortified positions and open armies alike the 12th Legion did not just fight they annihilated driven by a mix of raw courage and a near suicidal disregard for the Carnage they wrought in those days the battlefields of sa africk rang with the screams of the dying and the Relentless Roar of chain axes the 12th Legion even in its infancy was not a force to be reasoned with but a cataclysm to be survived a harbinger of the new order that the emperor sought to impose across the Galaxy in every drop of blood they spilled in every life they snuffed out the dark heart of the Legion beat stronger a grim Rhythm that would echo through the annals of the Imperium a promise of the Bloodshed yet to come in the turbulent years following their baptism by fire the burgeoning 12th Legion found themselves more often in the shadows than in the fry the emperor perhaps wary of their brutal efficacy or mindful of the tides of War that could turn on the whim of Fate kept them largely in reserve some whispered It Was Fear not of the enemy but of treachery from within that led the emperor to hold back his ferocious Legion as a final Gambit a hidden blade to be wielded against disloyalty among his ranks during this period of forced restraint the 12th Legion was a blade kept keenly honed their Warriors trapped in a cycle of Relentless training and growth their number swelled their thirst for battle sharpened with each denied engagement and when finally Unleashed their release was cataclysmic the aarti of the 12th delivered destruction with an almost gleeful savagery a hurricane of Gore that swept through foes with neither Mercy nor hesitation they were heedless of the dangers indifferent to their own losses embodying the very Ence Ence of war in its most Primal form it was during these years that the emperor himself bestowed upon them a new moner the warhounds this title was no mere Accolade but a tribute to their Savage and unyielding nature in combat a nod to their Relentless Pursuit and efficiency they reminded him starkly of the white warhounds once used by the yeses Warriors of Northern Terror creatures renowned for their Fierce loyalty and ferocity in battle embracing this identity the 12th adopted a new badge a red hound its jaws aape in a silent snarl ready to Rend and tear this emblem was more than a symbol it was a promise of violence to come and a declaration of their unbreakable bond to the emperor and their unflinching Readiness to deploy their savagery on command in this new badge they found not just a mark of Honor but a reflection of their own brutal nature forever etched in the animals of the Imperium as the sprawling epic of the great Crusade tore through the 9th century of the 30th Millennium and the scattered primarchs began to be reclaimed from the far reaches of the Galaxy each having been cast a drift by the Insidious minations of the ruinous Powers the 12th Legion found themselves fragmented temporarily divided into Fierce autonomous subcommands each several thousand Space Marines strong they were a legion splintered yet unbroken in [Music] spirit the mightiest fragment of this war Hune Legion was the 13th expeditionary Fleet boasting some 8,000 of the fiercest warhounds complemented by dedicated assault squads and a formidable Fleet support contingent this formidable Force soon to be feared across the stars as the bloody 13th became a name whispered on the Winds of War a Herald of Carnage and destruction these splin ERS of the original might of the 12th were flung into the harshest Battlegrounds of the Crusades front lines where the conflict burned hottest and the line between Victory and Annihilation was perilously thin here the warhounds served as the tip of the spear the first wave in assaults that would be sung of in agonized cries across the Galaxy alongside the feral space w the unyielding iron Warriors and the enigmatic Dark Angels they carved Paths of Glory and Gore through the stars in other War torn sectors where the great machine of the Imperial Army ground to a stalemate against entrenched foes it was often the 12th Legion that delivered the death blow they were the emperor's chosen instrument of Deadlock breaking a role that they relished with a brutal Gusto with a single ferocious charge they would shatter Enemy Lines an Unstoppable force that sent adversaries reeling breaking both body and spirit with their raw unbridled aggression yet as effective as the warhounds were on the battlefield their allies often found them a bitter pill to swallow they were unpredictable their Fury not easily contained often spilling over to consume combatant civilian and anything else that dared stand in their path they were a legion not just feared by their enemies but by those they fought beside rumors started to circulate like a disease among the ranks of the Imperial forces tales that were dark and troubling it was said that the warhounds would not hesitate to turn their blades on the human auxiliary regiments of the Imperial Army should they perceive them as failing in their duties such actions only fueled their isolation as they kept a guarded distance from other Legions who viewed them with a mix of awe and apprehension the officers of the warhounds enforced a code of discipline as severe as the winter frost on Fenris a necessity in the ranks of a legion whose warriors were as fractious as they were Fierce within the Brotherhood of these estares Bloodshed was a common currency and disputes between battle brothers often ended in violence this internal ferocity was a mirror of their approach to war uncompromising unyielding and utterly merciless as the great Crusade ground on chewing through star systems with the appetite of ravenous Beast the now Infamous warhounds was increasingly seen by the Imperial war council as a weapon best wielded for annihilation rather than the subtler Arts of compliance or Liberation they were a hammer seeking nails and the Galaxy was full of them reconstituted under the moniker of the bloody 13th they were a gathering storm of Wrath alongside them were assembled a collection of units that shared their dark Renown for unrestrained violence rather than military Precision their rallying point was the harsh volcanic world of Bot a planet that the war hounds had claimed years prior as a training ground its unforgiving landscape was a fitting backdrop for the Gathering of some of the most lethal and uncontrollable elements of the imperium's vast forces among them were regiments of feral World Head Hunters wild and Savage freshly inducted into the ranks of the Imperial Army and brute abhumans skirting the very limits of the imperium's tolerance for genetic deviant added to this volatile mix were units such as the titans of the liio AAC around whom a heavy pole of Suspicion lingered ever since the bloody Lauren Alpha massacres also present were the Newman gun Clans nomadic techno barbarians whose Fierce resistance against Imperial compliance had only recently been quelled their induction into the folds of the Imperium both grudging and resentful angron's return to the great Crusade marked a new chapter for the warhounds now under his iron fisted rule from the volcanic Garrison world of Bot fresh from he was granted an unusual degree of autonomy for a newly invested Primark there was no apprenticeship under a brother primarch no period of guidance under the emperor's watchful eye instead angron was Unleashed directly upon his Legion granted cart blanch to mold it in his own brutal image with a bellicose fervor that was his alone angron tore through the ex existing structures of discipline and training within the 12th the regime that had previously governed these Warriors was cast aside as if it were mere Shadow under his Relentless overhaul the very essence of conflict became their judge training was no longer a simulation of War it was War as visceral and deadly as the battles that awaited them across the Stars blood became the currency of worth live rounds and Beed blades the tools of instruction the fighting pits and gladiatorial Arenas on bot were a wash with the blood of angron's Gene Sons each contest a lesson in survival and savagery the Warriors of the world eaters were sculpted into even more efficient killers reforged in the merciless image of their genetic progenitor every scar etched into their flesh In the Heat of the volcanic Sands was a lethal education those who failed these bloody lessons perished their bodies left as warnings in the black ash driven by memories of his own horrific past and the cortical implants known as the butcher's nails that throbbed within his skull angron saw a way to elevate his legion's ferocity to unprecedented Heights he ordered his apothecaria to implant these devices into the skulls of every World eater enhancing their aggression and pain tolerance to monstrous levels far beyond the already superhumans capacities imbued by their Gene forged Origins under Skies choked with volcanic ash angron's decree was that his Legion should share not only in his triumphs but in his torment the butcher's Nails cruel devices hammered into the brain promised strength and stamina in battle by robbing the bearer of Peace leaving them a husk filled only with the joy found in the Carnage of War these implants which NW ceaselessly at angron's own mind were to be The Dark Gift he bestowed upon on his Gene Sons binding them to him in anguish as well as loyalty however replicating the butcher's Nails was a venture fraught with Peril angron commanded that his own implants relics of a bygone era of Humanity's lost Technologies be studied by the legion's tech Marines yet these ancient devices defied understanding their secrets as Elusive and dangerous as the dark dark corners of the Galaxy from which they originated the impossibility of removing the nails from angron without ending his life added another layer of complexity to the task the initial experiments driven by Apothecary Galan cac's desperate Innovations were disastrous each attempt to implant newly forged Nails into the skulls of volunteer aares ended in death the 100% mortality rate a testament to the barbarity of the procedure yet faced with such absolute failure angron's resolve did not waver his demands echoed like a drum beat Relentless and unforgiving he insisted that all his Warriors be subjected to the same Savage enhancement driven by a vision of unity in Fury and violence this merciless progression continued each failed implantation another body on the P of angron's ambition the corridors of the world eaters vessels became haunted by the specters of those lost to the trials each volunteer a stark reminder of the price of their primarch's legacy a legacy Written in Blood and etched in the very bones of his legionnaires in those early tempestuous days when angron took the Reigns of the 12th Legion he was a leader more in name than in spirit disdainful of his so-called Sons he found them lacking none possessing the fortitude to endure the butcher's nails that tormented his own skull in a fit of rage that was as sudden as it was fierce angron commandeered a frigate and vanished into the void abandoning his Legion as one might discard a blunted knife for two long Teran years the Galaxy swallowed him whole it was only through the Relentless Pursuit led by Centurion KH angron's aqu query that the trail of the waywood Primark was picked up again KH found angron on a desolate feral world living less like a demigod of war and more like a beast a Savage shadow of his former glory seeking death at the hands of any worthy enough to Grant it the sight of the primarch reduced to such feral despair struck K with a bone deep chill he chastised angron invoking the memory of of his Fallen comrades from neria whose Spirits would have raged to see their leader so diminished it was this a reminder of his past of those who had fought and died by his side that finally pierced the fog of angron's Fury reluctantly he agreed to return to lead his Legion not into Oblivion but to a greatness that would honor the Fallen thus reborn From the Ashes of his own self-exile angron led the world eaters back into the fry the Liber malus in its dark Pages recounts how entire star systems would lay down their arms at the mere rumor of the world eater's approach such was the terror they inspired under angron's command that worlds would rather surrender wholesale than face the storm of blood and iron that followed in his wake among the many critics of the 12th Legion none were more prominent than roboute Gillan the premark of the ultramarines Gillan had fought shoulder Tosh shoulder with angron and his Legion during the infamous cleansing of Arata and he had witnessed firsthand the horrific aftermath of their Siege on the basalt Citadel this Fortress where the last defiant holdouts of a non-compliant human world had barricaded themselves became the stage for a grim spectacle of Carnage gilaman watched with growing horror as the world eaters constructed a gruesome ramp made from the bodies of their own dead to breach the citadel's formidable defenses What followed inside was a tableau of Vengeance and SL Slaughter that shook even the seasoned ultramarine to his core the space within the walls was transformed into an abattoir drenched in blood echoing with the cries of the dying and the Mad laughter of the killers from that blood soaked soil angron's epithet the red Angel was born this title however was one that angron found particularly distasteful the Galaxy already revered an angel sanguinius the noble and winged Primark of the ninth Legion in contrast angron had no wish to mirror the so-called Fame mutant nor did he care for the saintly trappings and adulation that sanguinius attracted angron was starkly different he was a creature of rage and blood not of Grace and salvation ation he took pride in his raw undeniable individuality and in the fierce Independence that marked him distinct from his brothers despite his disdain for the title red Angel As Time wore on it became undeniably fitting encapsulating the Dark Legacy that angron and his Legion carved across the Stars the tally of Victories claimed by the world eaters came at a steep cost in an echo of his own Twisted triumphs angron driven by the memories of his former home World neria set his Legion a monstrous challenge to conquer targeted worlds within the span of 31 solar hours the same duration it had taken him to claim his greatest albeit ghastly Victory on that same world yet despite their Relentless Pace the world eaters repeatedly failed to meet this harrowing deadline each failure invited a horrific retribution from their genea a barbaric ritual known as decimation in this Grim Lottery of death one in every 10 Warriors was selected to be executed by the hands of the remaining nine in his unit a brutal culling that sowed as much dread within their ranks as it did among their enemies this merciless cycle of conquest and Punishment wore heavily even on the hardened Warriors of the 12th Legion The Strain reached its Breaking Point with one veteran officer during the notorious campaign known as the second compliance of GNA weary of the Relentless Bloodshed and the ruthless decimations this officer's descent marked the beginning of a critical Discord setting the stage for a violent Schism that would tear at the very fabric of the Legion GNA a forsaken human world was a technological Relic marred by genetic corruption its population Afflicted with rampant diseases had dwindled to less than a thousand Souls each sustained within the cold Embrace of Life pods gner had initially bent the knee to imp Imperial Authority without a shot fired yet as the years wore on under the Yoke of the Imperium the threadbear communications with gner ominously fell silent dispatched to uncover the truth the world eaters under the command of angron arrived bristling with the impatience and savagery that were their Hallmarks dialogue with the gons fractured swiftly when it came to light that they had ventured in into the Forbidden twisting their own flesh and dabbling with what the Imperium deemed abominable intelligence with typical rashness angron commanded an immediate Assault The Invasion true to the relatively new customs of the world eaters was given a chilling ultimatum subjugate the planet within 31 solar hours or face the inhuman ritual of decimation driven by by a dread of this punishment and hindered by insufficient support from orbital armor and artillery assets the initial Landing orchestrated by Centurion Margo of the 18th company was frantic and fraught with desperation Maro a seasoned Warrior from Terror understood All Too Well the high stakes of this Conquest each tick of the clock was a step closer to the potential Slaughter of of his Legion Brothers should they fail adding a feverish urgency to their campaign when the world eaters descended onto the scarred surface of GNA they found no human Army to resist them no Flesh and Blood Warriors to slaughter instead they were met by a sea of simulacrums billions of artificially intelligent constructs eily human in appearance but utterly alien in essence these unarmed beings swarmed the Space Marines overwhelming them by sheer number they fell in droves under the world eater Fury yet for everyone destroyed countless others pressed forward dragging down aartis after aartis in a tide of mechanical death despite Centurion maro's Fierce leadership it seemed for a time that the legion would be smothered by the unyielding wave of artificial foes just as the world eaters forced a breach Into the Heart of Genna's main city heavy armor and artillery support finally hammered down from orbit tipping the scales but Victory came too late they had failed to secure the world within the 31 solar hours decreed by angron leading to a with withrawal back to the flagship the Conqueror aboard the Conqueror the air thick with a stench of defeat angron ordered another decimation Maro pushed to his limits defied the primarch's order his refusal amused angron momentarily before turning to Aya as he then commanded Margo to personally execute the first of the doomed legionnaires when Margo stood firm refusing once more angron's Amusement curdled into a monstrous rage the ship's decks became a slaughterhouse as angron tore through his genan sons his Fury unrestrained until the blood ran like rivers in the iron corridors it was only the intervention of the legion's Librarians led by lectio Primus vorus that halted the massacre they wrestled angron into unconsciousness through sheer psychic force a desperate act that cost the lives of several amongst their number but angron did not stir from his induced Slumber and his immobility sparked a crisis within the already fractured Legion their next moves shrouded in uncertainty in the chaos that now enveloped the world eaters a new horror was forged from the ruins of GNA Apothecary Galan serac utilizing the remnants of the planet's advanced technology announced a breakthrough a method to reliably implant the butcher's Nails into the skulls of the estares this achievement meant that angron's Savage vision for his Legion could finally be realized with each Warrior bound to the rage infused archotech that had t mented their Primark Mago however saw this development not as a Triumph but as a curse the very thought of his entire Legion succumbing to the same uncontrollable Fury that Afflicted angron filled him with Dread alongside other Terran Veterans of the original warhounds Maro began to scheme desperately to prevent this future they were old wargs who remembered a time before angron a time before the legion's soul was so Darkly marred taking his concerns to Centurion KH Maro pleaded for a reversal of their damned course but his appeals were met with cold dismissal realizing that his calls for restraint vanished like Whispers In a storm Maro resorted to more radical actions with a Cadre of likeminded disenchanted world eaters Mago boarded the frigate hounds tooth their mission was desperate and clear sabotage Apothecary SX facilities to prevent the mass production and implantation of the butcher's Nails yet fate was cruel and their attempt to derail cac's work failed miserably in the wake of their failed sabotage KH ever the loyal executioner of angron's will became the first of the Legion to undergo the new stable implantation of the butcher's Nails his transformation marked a dire Milestone soon after a thousand more World eaters were subjected to the implants each Warrior emerged more ferocious more unrelentingly violent than ever a perfect mirror of their primarch's wrath as Sirac operations expect landed the legion teetered on the brink of total damnation each implantation a nail in the cofin of the world eater Humanity Maro watching the legion he once knew disappear into the Maelstrom of angron's Madness found himself standing on a precipice the future a gaping more of blood and shadows when angron Rose from his enforced Slumber he awoke spoke to a legion transformed his world eaters now fused with the butcher's nails were Keener instruments of Devastation than ever before with a viciousness Amplified by their new enhancements they hurled themselves against the gons with a visceral enthusiasm that was chilling to behold thanks to cac's macabra Ingenuity the world eaters were not just wild beasts but guided missiles he had reverse engineered genon technology to pinpoint the source of the command signal that manipulated the simulacrums the artificial beings that had swarmed the aares with such Relentless Force tracing these signals the world eaters Unearthed the true gons a meager Gathering of little over a thousand frail figures each ensconced within a life pod their minds tethered to thousands of simulacrums as these Last vestages of a Dying race pleaded for Mercy their voices drowned out by The Tempest of the world eater Fury KH the embodiment of the legion's fury delivered his verdict his reply was as cold as the void of space the Galaxy belonged to the Imperium without hesitation he orchestrated a massacre extinguishing the last of the gons in a ruthless Purge that sealed the fate of their world meanwhile Margo and his band of disillusioned Brothers watched the horror unfold their own Hearts sinking into despair the legion they had once known Bound by Honor and the thrill of battle was gone replaced by a hord driven only by Blood lust and the Primal Joy Of Destruction they were outcasts in their own ranks witnesses to a tragedy they felt powerless to avert with the resolve of the Damned Margo and his fellow conspirators plotted A desperate final Gambit they would attempt to subdue angron and any who had fallen too far under the sway of the butcher's Nails their plan was to capture these berserk Giants and present them before the emperor himself seeking a judgment only he could render after the execution of the last true gons the surface of their world had turned into a hellscape echoing with the last cries of a race extinguished into this chal scene stepped Maro and his band of rebels despair etched into their faces pleading with angron and KH to Cease the slaughter to see the madness that had cons consumed them their pleas met only the cold indifference of men too far gone and as words failed blood was the inevitable next language spoken the air crackled with the tension of impending violence and then everything erupted into chaos Mago found himself face to face with KH a brother in arms turned agent of Doom the battle between them was fierce and personal a tragic jeel of fading loyalties as maro's end came with the cold bite of Khan's blade at his neck he spat out his final words a bitter prophecy the 12th Legion will be damned by this path of blood and Shadow he declared their Doom a curse upon the path angron was dragging them down his head fell and the rebels now leaderless and broken ceased their struggle submitting to whatever judgment angron would decide upon with this the unity of the 12th Legion was grotesquely restored under the blood red banner of their Primark the world eaters now unopposed turned their Fury back upon gner in a single night they raised the planet to its bones a final Purge that that left no stone upon another no life hidden from their wrath the psychic screams of the dying gons tore through the warp this Monumental Slaughter could not go unanswered within the halls of the Teran Council outraged voices clamored for censure against the world eaters Margo's final declaration reverberated through the Imperium a grim reminder of the cost of unchecked power and rage in response the primarch Leman Russ and his Space Wolves were dispatched to GNA their mission was clear confront angron and his Legion halt the spread of the butcher's nails and curb the blood lust that threatened to consume the world eaters from within the stage was set for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of the Imperium after the atrocity that was the gner massacre the Wrath of the emperor descended upon the world eaters not through Bolts from the heavens but with a stark Imperial censure the order was unequivocal halt the use of the cortical implants the butcher's nails that drove them to such frenzied violence records from the annals of the Imperium tell of two primarch dispatched over the decades to end angron's will to the emperor's decree the first of these envoys arrived soon after angron was forcibly reunited with his Legion Post neria the second would not cross paths with angron until almost a century later by which time the die had long been cast and the tragedy of the 12th Legion had spiraled into Realms from which there was no salvaging the incident known in whispered tones as the night of the wolf occurred in the aftermath of gner charged by the emperor himself Primark lemon Russ and his Space Wolves were sent to bring the Wayward World eaters back in line it was a confrontation steeped in the inevitability of a storm long foretold they met on maloya in the barren fields that stretched like a bone yard beyond the ruins of the once genon City there the world eaters still reeling and raw from the brutal compliance of gner Drew up in ragged lines a stark contrast to the disciplined ranks of the Space Wolves before their Legions the primarch stood a study in contrasts angron a Visage of Carnage his armor drenched in the blood of friend and foe alike his flesh a tapestry of fresh scars and Old Wounds reopened opposite him lemman Russ the wolf King clad in battleplate that gleamed like the storm wracked Seas of Fenris his presence as commanding as the howling Winds of his icy World angron wielded his first axe the legendary Widowmaker a brute of a weapon that would see its final battle on this day it was an axe that had split countless enemies from Crown to Chin but its rain was nearing its end across from him lemon Russ brandished Kraken Moore an immense chainer whose Jagged teeth were rumored to be forged from the bones of a monstrous Fenian sea devil a creature from the dark Waters of his Savage home world's Mythos the air between the two primarch crackled with tension angron's eyes smoldering with Defiance as he outright rejected Russ's Authority he spat a warning at the wolf King a command to leave or face consequences he would regret but Russ was not a man to be intimidated his own eyes Al light with the unyielding fire of command he stood firm declaring that the emperor himself had ordered an end to the Reckless implantations that angron had form fored upon his Legion the wholesale Slaughter of human worlds like the recent Horrors on gner would cease the world eaters were to be shephered back to Terror by the Space Wolves there to undergo the removal of the malignant butcher's nails from their skulls angron sneered at these orders viewing Russ words as threats to his autonomy his legacy his very essence the atmosphere quickly grew anxious the promise of extreme violence just a breath away in the charged silence the origin of the first lethal shot would become a thing of Legend each side later claimed the other had fired first but in truth no command was ever given by either primarch it was as if the very air around them demanded blood and like the onset of a storm the two Legions clashed with the ferocity that mirrored their leaders enmity in that moment Widow Maker cleaved through air and armor until it finally shattered marking the end of an era for angron the battlefield became a cacophony of roaring chainswords and the cries of the dying a ballet of War orchestrated not by commanders but by Destiny itself what followed was a saga of blood written in the annals of the Imperium a testament to the tragedy and the rage that consumed brother against brother Legion against Legion under a sky that wept for lost Unity they called it the KN of the wolf the Imperial archives ever the diplomats in their recounting termed it the gner scouring a deliberate omission of the brutal clash between the world eaters and the Space Wolves for both Legions the conflict was a paradox a source of both pride and hidden shame each claimed Victory yet each nursed a secret fear of defeat the truth was as bitter as it was inconclusive a Slaughter that resolved nothing a fry where honor and shame were twin harvests reaped in the aftermath angron as rebellious as ever ignored the emperor's edicts the implantation of the butcher's Nails not only continued but intensified angron commanded his Tech Marines to drive the cortical implants into the skulls of nearly every Space Marine under his command embeding the devices of Rage deeper into the legion's soul as the legion carved its path across the Stars blood RS and Savage gladiatorial combat became pillars of their dark rituals further staining the world eater's hands with a Gore of friend and foe alike the legionnaires vied not just for victory but for the grotesque tally of skulls claimed in battle a competition that fueled their descent into madness this insatiable Lust For Bloodshed began to manifest even away from the clashing fronts of War a demonstration to the corrosive power of the butcher Nails yet the efficacy of the world eaters on the battlefield blinded the Imperium to their growing chaos for a Time the emperor and his advisers chose to overlook the legion's barbaric practices a dire oversight that would soon haunt the halls of Terror for the seeds of corruption were already sown the world eaters their souls marred by Fury were slipping inexorably into the grasp of Thorn the blood God and when Horus the favored son of the emperor turned his back on the Imperium to plunge the Galaxy into Civil War angron and his Legion did not hesitate they were among the first to side with the warm ready allies in the cataclysm that would be known as the Horus heresy as the 31st Millennium dawned the world eaters descended further their acts of violence becoming more monstrous with each campaign angron's brother primar disturbed by the legion's cruelty raised their voices in concern to the emperor but the emperor ever distant had already turned his gaze Homeward leaving the sprawling great crusade to Stew in its own turmoil in his search for a solution the master of mankind turned to Horus the primarch he trusted above all others charged with reigning in angron Horus was dispatched to draw the Wayward Legion back into the fold but the emperor was blind to a dire truth Horus had been twisted his soul stained by the darkness of chaos during his campaign on the cursed plague Moon of Davin to Horus angron was not just a lost brother to be saved but a potent weapon to be wielded he saw in angron a deep-seated bitterness a raging storm of resentment towards the emperor for perceived betrayals particularly the harrowing events at neria it was a simple matter for Horus a master of manipulation now turned dark Puppeteer to stoke the fires of angron's Wrath to paint the Emperor as a feeble Overlord Unworthy of loyalty Horus whispered sedition into angron's ears crafting his words to match the darkest desires of the world eater's heart he offered visions of a new order one where the might of the primarch would not be chained by distant uncaring rule but where power would be taken by those strong enough to wield it by people like Horus himself it was on the scarred surface of istvan three that angron Unleashed his Legion in the first ground assault his targets were not just the sanesi rebels who had claimed this world but also the remaining loyal estares of his own Legion and those of the three other traitor Legions who had survived the initial treachery the Betrayal began with a monstrous Act of deception Horus under the guise of crushing the Rebellion had orchestrated a saturation bombardment of istvan 3's planetary Capital Coral City the virus bombs reigned down from the traitor Fleet each one a harbinger of death releasing the life eater virus a voracious entity that devoured flesh and Bone leaving nothing but ruin in its wake the psychic death screams of billions of Innocents snuffed out in an instant were said to R reverberate louder than the sacred Beacon of the astronomican itself a whale of Agony that tore at the very fabric of the warp yet in a twist of fate marked by heroism amidst treachery nearly 2third of the Loyalists survived the orbital Onslaught this unlikely salvation came thanks to the foresight and bravery of Captain Saul tarvitz of the The Emperor's Children who defied his own traitorous command to warn his fellow Warriors of the impending doom angron leading his world eaters in a frenzy found not the easy Slaughter he had envisioned but a bold force of loyalists battered yet unbroken ready to stand against the tide of betrayal the Battleground became a crucible of Fury and Valor a test of every Warrior's medal in the face of overwhelming betrayal each Clash of chains her to ceramite each Roar of Bolter fire was a Defiance of horus's vile Gambit after the initial bombardment proved insufficient angron ignored the war Master's next schemes and he took the Reigns into his own blooded hands a second drop pod assault was launched containing 50 companies of the world eaters they descended upon the plaza areas west of the pentor palace there they would seek to slaughter their own Brethren the loyalist World eaters were massacred with coold deficiency the plaza ran red as if the very Stones were weeping with the blood of betrayed kin as angron led his legionnaires in a Butchery that scorched even the tainted conscience of the heresy Horus though insense at angron's Reckless Disobedience found his hands tied by the Carnage below the lingering atmospheric turmoil from the life eater virus which had whipped up a global Firestorm thwarted any attempt at precise orbital strikes grudgingly the warm commanded all traitor forces to engage in a full ground assault hoping to claw order from the jaws of angron's Havoc for nearly two Rel Relentless solar months the scarred surface of istvan 3 became a Relentless Battleground the loyalist survivors entrenched amidst the ruins of their own making defied the traitor Legions with a tenacity that derailed the warms Grand designs their resistance though Valiant was ultimately doomed as traitor reinforcements poured onto the blighted world a ceaseless tide of arms and fury when the skies above istvan 3 finally cleared allowing for the cruel Precision of orbital bombardment once again Horus seized the opportunity with a vindictive urgency the subsequent rain of fire and death from above tipped the scales irrevocably the last of the loyalist holdouts were crushed under the overwhelming might of renewed traitor assaults in the dawn of the Horus heresy lar the embittered Primark of the word bearers commanded his closest confidants First chaplain arabus and dark Apostle cor Faron to exact a brutal vengeance upon the realm of Ultramar This Bitter directive was borne from a need to avenge the humiliation inflicted upon the 17th Legion who had been compelled to kneel in disgrace before the emperor and roboot gilan's ultramarines on Cur this indignity ordered by the emperor himself during the Great Crusade for their failure to uphold the Imperial truth had festered like a wound in lorgar's Soul with a fury fueled by their disgrace the word bearers orchestrated a crushing blow at the Battle of Cal the ultramarines proud Defenders of the realm were crippled their might shattered in a stroke that ensured they could no longer obstruct horus's March towards Terror in the chaos arabus completed a dark and blasphemous ritual on Cal's War torn surface unleashing the beginnings of the ruin storm this monstrous warp storm more formidable than any witnessed since the age of strife began to rip and tear at the very Foundation of reality on the Galaxy's Eastern Fringe concurrently as calth was ravaged lar and his closest men joined forces with angron's World eaters in a campaign known as The Shadow Crusade together they would carve a path of death across the 500 worlds of Ultramar annihilating 26 worlds in the process this dual Onslaught was not merely about retribution it served a darker purpose the devastation wrought by the shadow Crusade was used as a source for the energies needed to sustain the ruin storm as a result vast expanses of the Imperium were rendered impassible isolating Ultramar from the emperor's light shrouding it in a Darkness as profound as the void itself as the ruin storm raged on it carved out a swath of isol that choked the flow of Aid to the Loyalists horus's Advance on terror was shielded behind this Tempest of chaos effectively severing Terror from the rest of the Galaxy nothing could breach this barrier of warped energy not ships not reinforcements and not even the desperate screams of astropath messages during this campaign the world eaters found themselves clashing violently with the ultramarines on the war world of armatur it was here in the charred ruins of the capital city that the ultramarines sprang their trap as angron and his berserk legionnaires charged the ground beneath them was sundered buildings rigged for demolition collapsing in cascading torrents of rubble in This calamity the world eaters including angron himself were buried beneath mountains of debris the red Angel's twin chain axes gorea and Gore child sang their last in this confrontation their teeth shattered against the ultramarine defenses when angron finally emerged a beast clawing out from its burial he cast aside Gore child with a curse deeming it broken Beyond use yet in the blood soaked aftermath as the dust settled over the devastation of armatura KH angron's equiry dared to defy his primarch's bitter decree finding gorch child amidst the ruins KH was moved by A Warrior's respect for the weapon that had reaped so many Souls despite angron's deep-seated superstitions remnants of his gladiatorial past that scorned the ReUse of inherited weapons as harbingers of ill Fortune KH salvaged the axe as the Crusade continued lorgar watched angron with a growing sense of dread the butcher's Nails buried in angron's skull were a ticking Time Bomb tearing apart his mind far quicker than anyone had anticipated the Dark Legacy of neria was not just a torment but a terminal sentence the neural degeneration had accelerated alarmingly in the wake of the Carnage at Cal the cruel irony was that these implants these nails had never been intended for the Divine complexities of a primarch's brain angron's own physiology waged war against the intrusions striving to repair the ceaseless damage even as the nails dug ever deeper an endless cycle of Destruction and futile healing seeing the Fate that awaited his brother lorgar proposed a pilgrimage back to the blood soaked Sands of neria there the masters of the gladiatorial Arenas the very architects of angron's Agony might hold the secrets to slowing perhaps even halting the Nail's Grim harvest the dark promise of understanding the full horror and potential of the cortical implants beckoned them lorgar's plan was twofold unearth the secrets of the butcher's nails and then unleash a wrath so profound upon neria that its cities would melt into glass its sins cleansed by fire in this act of ultimate Vengeance angron would confront the ghosts of his past the chains of his torment possibly shattered at last for lar whether angron met this proposal with resistance or resignation mattered little his brother's Trust his hatred even his sanity were but Shadows against the greater Destiny lorgar envisioned for them both a destiny intertwined with the will of the gods they now served lorgar was determined to drag angron if need be into the Embrace of immortality promised by the dark gods for in that lay the Salvation or damnation that would define them both on the scorched surface of neria angron returned to the place where he had been forged in Blood and suffering Desh elica Ridge where the bones of his fellow Gladiators his brothers and sisters in Chains lay scattered and bleached by the sun became his somber pilgrimage site there among the remnants of those who had died beside him in a doomed Rebellion the the ghosts of the past clawed at his soul each memory a fresh wound compelled by a need to confront his past angron traveled to the citystate of desia the very place that had claimed ownership of him to see what had become of those who had once held his chains but the truth he found there was a mockery of his suffering the slave master's tale painted him not as a martyr or a hero but as a coward who had fled the field at the Battle of Desh elica Ridge abandoning his comrades to their Slaughter the perverted lies ignited a fury within angron that could not be contained betrayal and rage flooded through him fiercer than the butcher's Nails could ever provoke with a wrath as cold as it was Lethal he decreed a reckoning the death of every soul in Desa followed by the extermination of every life on neria as angron's Legion carried out this massacre a new Shadow loomed robut gilan with vengeance and Justice in his heart led a retribution Fleet across the Stars the ultramarines having tracked the rest of the word bearers since the cataclysm at Cal arrived just as angron's Butchery reached its Zenith Gil man's Flagship the courage above all emerged from warp at the system's Edge heralding the arrival of a formidable ultramarine Armada 41 vessels strong the ultramarines Armada though battered and hastily assembled from disparate elements of the 13th Legion bore down on the traitor fleets with a determination that beled its Cobble together nature it was not the pristine War awfully typical of such a grand undertaking but rather a ragtag strike force gilan's makeshift Lance sharpened for the heart of his foes as the space around neria became a melstrom of fire and metal gilan's Cruisers and battleships ran a beam of the enemy Fleet they Unleashed volley after merciless volley engaging in the ballet of broadsides each exchange OCC a copon of Destruction these ships too massive and potent to be ignored captivated the enemy's attention while the smaller elements of the ultramarines fleet executed precise Lance strikes from the relative safety of distance in a strategic play The ultramarines Divided their assault potential with surgical Precision part of their focus was to obliterate lorgar's Flagship The fidelitas Lex while another contingent launched a daring boarding action against the world eater Flagship the Conqueror ultramarines vessels bristling with drop pods Landers and gunships surged towards the planet surface they cut through the void like swarms of insects yet Lara sarin commander of the Conqueror was not one to yield her ground easily her defenses were a storm of fire and debris turning ambitious ultramarine ships attempting to breach naria's orbit into spiraling wrecks despite the formidable resistance the sheer number of ultramarines ultimately wore down the defenses of the Conqueror the world eater's Flagship while successful in transforming numerous enemy ships into flaming debris could not Stave off the Relentless tide forever the ultramarines finally breached the orbital defenses and made landfall the ultramarines ever tactical and disciplined carved out strongholds in the chaos securing defensible positions from which they could funnel in more troops but for each Bastion they established another was torn aunder by the frenzied charge of the world eaters who fought like rapid wolves or crumbled beneath the tide of the word bearers their Advance heralded by ominous chance with the butcher Nails ging at their sanity the world eaters reveled in the Carnage enslaved by the Ecstasy of battle that pulsed from the implants buried within their skulls above the Carnage on the surface the battle Among the Stars was no less deadly the fid us Lex once a proud Flagship of logar's fleet was now but a shadow of its former glory pockmarked and breaking under the assault of the 13th Legion the ultramarines with calculated wrath had reduced its Cathedrals and fortifications to Rubble their ships darting in and out of the fry hammering the once Mighty warship with a barrage of broadsides the fidelitas Lex was dying a behemoth bleeding into the void its armor cracked its Shield shattered yet it fought on its remaining weapons Spitting Fire in defiance as it rolled in the glow of its own P smaller craft swarmed like vultures around it drawn to the spectacle of its demise commanding from the courage above all gilean directed this Symphony of Destruction his strategy was Mercy ously clear the felita Lex would fall first its death a slow erosion under the Relentless ultramarine assault as for the Conqueror angron's Flagship it would not be bombarded into Oblivion but boarded its end to come from within its corridors brimming with the clamor of ultramarine boots and the cries of its crew the Conqueror found itself isolated unable to Rally to its sister ship's side each traitor Legion Flagship was left to fend for itself beleaguered by the onslaught of the 13th legion's Fleet as the fidelitas lexs bled into space salvation pods and heavier mechanicum crafts spilled from its gaping wounds A desperate Exodus of those who hop to flee the doomed Colossus the ultramarines battle barge armsmen maneuvered aggressively into position against the Conqueror assault carriers and boarding Torpedoes launched piercing through the void toward the world eaters Flagship as the Conqueror contended with the onslaught of borders smaller vessels from the 13th Legion exploited the chaos launching a salvo of drop pods gunships and Troop carriers past its faltering defenses back on the surface the first of the drop pot s had landed as the doors burst open the ultramarines emerged not in the pristine cobalt blue of parade ground armor but clad in the cracked and scorched ceramite of Warriors forged in the fires of Cal as the battle consumed the heavens and the Earth of neria the burning Hulk of the fidelus Lex tore through the atmosphere a fallen star descending with a Grace that belelli its colossal Mass with agonizing slowness it plummeted toward the ocean its massive plasma engines pulling the stern down first in a final tragic bow it met the sea far from the shore the impact sending a cataclysmic spray Skyward within this chaos the gold and blue giant gilaman hunted through the clamor for the architect of his wrath on the blooded Fields he finally found lar the confrontation was not marked by Furious blows or shouted vows of Vengeance it was a quieter more Dreadful thing when the brothers clashed it was with the terrible solemnity of a fate long foretold gilean wielding twin weapons faced lar whose cus extended his reach they met not in a flurry but in a single Monumental explosion power fists against War mul the energy fields from their Godlike armor repelling each other with a force that sent ripples through the surrounding melee the combatants Drew back the air between them crackling with discharged energy around them their sons born from their genan seed fell in droves the ground Sanctified by their blood yet the primarch spared barely a glance for their fallen lar with a slow Shake of his head flicked residual lightning from his cus his expression one of denial their battle resumed movements too Swift and Powerful for any mere Space Marine to follow those who fought around them could scarcely believe that these Paragons these pillars of the Imperium now sought each other's destruction with such unbridled spite the crash between gilaman and lar had intensified even further gilaman his anger forged into Cold Steel struck lorgar squarely across the sternum with a gauntleted fist the impact resounding like the tolling of some great mournful Bell lorgar reeling from the blow summoned a wavering burst of telekinesis repelling his brother just enough to regain his footing with a snar lar swung his cus in a wide Arc the weapon power field crackling with lightning as it connected with the side of gillan's head the force akin to a cannon Ball's brutal kiss into the battle angron emerged like a beast unleashed his armor was nothing more than a ruin of what it had once been shattered and slick with the blood and gore of his foes his chainswords were frenzied blurs flinging ceramite and Scarlet in Wild arcs upon his chest he bore a ghastly trophy a Bandelier of skulls from the Fallen at theel Ridge each now smeared with the fresh blood it was a macabra consolation to angron that the bones of his Fallen kin could taste the blood of battle once more roaring with a ceaseless Agony and Thrill The Butcher's Nails in parted angron threw himself into the way of his foe targeting gilan with a hatred as raw and viseral as the gaping wounds across his body the sudden assault by angron shifted the Dynamics of the combat instantly where gilaman and lorgar had been locked in a duel of Might and will now Gillan found himself reeling under the Relentless onslaught of the world eater Primark blows rained down like Hammer strikes each hit a note in the Symphony of Rage that angron conducted gilaman for all his strength and battle prowess was pushed back parrying and countering as best he could but always inexorably losing ground to angron's advance as the two primarchs engaged in battle gilaman managed to land a punishing blow across angron's chest the impact shattered of the skulls hanging from the chain across angron's breastplate fragments of Bones scattered across the churned Earth gilaman took a step back his boot crushing the remnants of the skull into dust angron witnessed this desecration and something Primal and terrifying awoke within him a howl tore from his throat a sound so raw it transcended the boundaries of mortal pain l witnessing the act and its aftermath felt the warp churn tumultuously behind the thin veil of reality at that moment as gilan's boot grounded bone to powder lorgar began to chant in a tongue unknown to living Souls his words weaving seamlessly with angron's cries in his fervor lar summoned the ruin storm to newera tearing the sky asunder the Heavens bled a deluge of crimson that seemed composed of the anguished Spirits from a 100 devastated worlds reigning their sorrow upon the battlefield the landscape itself webt blood A fitting tribute to the Carnage unfolding below as the sky split and bled lorgar focused all his Arcane might upon angron he called upon the darkest entities of the warp the neverborn to sear angron's flesh and soul the primarch's muscles seized his synapses ignited as if his very nerves were a flame spasms of transformation racked his body each convulsion alchemizing his blood to Mercury then to molten lava and finally to a Blasphemous fire angron's very flesh began to betray him muscles tearing and senu stretching grotesquely as his body expanded ascended transmogrified by the dark blessings of the warp this this was the ghastly culmination of a Lifetime marred by Agony and rage the horrific dawning of angron's demon Hood above the tumult the world eater Librarians Untouched by the corrupting butcher nails and still capable of psychic sensitivity detected the dark Forces lar summoned from the depths of the warp in desperation the remaining 19 Librarians linked their minds forging a psychic entity known as the communion a collective Consciousness rought from their United Wills amidst the chaotic surge of lorgar's ritual this communion strove to wrench angron's soul from the precipice of damnation it was within the immaterial realm of the warp that this psychic confrontation would unfold the communion crashed into the dark Powers summoned by lorgar each entity grappling for the fate of angron's Soul yet despite their Valiant efforts The Librarians were outmatched lorgar's Mastery of the warp rivaled his prowess in the physical domain and the communion faltered against his overwhelming might the transformation was complete angron reborn as a demon Prince Rose in terrifying Splendor his essence now an amalgam of Fury and Chaos his first gaze as a newly forged being fell upon the Librarians those psychers whose very presence had tormented him for decades their psychic auras intensifying the agonizing choir of the butcher's Nails within his skull now with his Ascension angron regarded these men in a new light they had opposed his transformation sided with lar in his moment of vulnerability when the word Bearer Primark was wounded and kneeling one-handedly trying to fend off the psychic assault angron's wrath no longer bound by the limitations of his former flesh was an inferno that promised obliteration angron's demon Hood swept away the last vestiges of the world eater Humanity with a fury that was almost Divine in its Purity angron destroyed the remaining Librarians each meeting a demise uniquely horrific their psychic screams Fading Into Oblivion in one Fell Swoop the remnants of the original warhounds the librarius of the 12th Legion were extinguished this purging delighted Korn the blood God who abhor the very existence of syers among his Warriors under lorgar's dark Covenant the 12th Legion was wholly offered to the blood God's insatiable appetite for violence now the world eaters would know nothing but the Rush of Blood The Clash of arms an unending ocean of Carnage to appease their new deity as the dust settled on new Syria robut gilaman Gravely wounded both in body and spirit retreated from The Nightmare his brothers had succumbed to he could could scarcely grasp the depth of their fall the horror of what angron had become was too vast too alien for him to confront meanwhile the world eaters in their blood lust scoured life from neria until no human breath remained on the cursed planet angron now a monstrous Avatar of Korn's eight-fold path turned his back on the world that had forged him in pain and never looked back in the Twisted corridors of lorgar's mind his actions were Vindicated a Salvation he believed from the agony of the butcher's Nails in his eyes he had freed angron not only from the implants but from an existence of suffering Without End it was lar who had conceived the path to Salvation who had acted to rescue his brother from an unbearable fate now with angron reborn in the image of their dark patrons the shadow Crusade could press forward leaving the ashes of Ultramar behind as they set their sights on terror back aboard the Conqueror angron now more demon than primar spoke his first commands in his new terrifying form he ordered KH to descend into the bowels of the ship and Slaughter the slaves their skulls to serve as the foundation for a new Throne a grotesque Monument to his Ascension in the forges of the dark mechanicum a weapon befitting this new Lord of War was crafted the Black Blade a massive run sword Dark As the void itself was forged and given to angron this weapon would enhance the Carnage he was born to wkak after the cataclysmic end to the shadow Crusade demon primarch angron and His World eaters descended into a frenzy of Destruction once again carving a bloody swath through the Galaxy heedless of horus's summons to muster at Anor for the final assault on terror perturbed by angron's disregard Horus tasked perturabo the primarch of the iron warriors with corralling the Wayward butcher at any cost perturabo's led him to delu a world that now bore the full Testament to the world eater savagery the planet's population lay slaughtered their bodies heaped into mountains of the dead as the iron Warriors made planetfall they were met by a charge of cornate demons and the world eaters lost to Berserker rage in this confused Madness angron's boots hit the ground with a crash the entry of a demon of unfathomable Fury and power the battle between Pabo and angron was a spectacle of brute force and Iron Will angron driven by the dark thirst of corn wielded overwhelming strength yet Perabo ever the indomitable tactician weathered the storm of blows his own armor pitted and rent but holding perturabo taunted angron his voice a cold Lance of Truth through the chaos angron had begun Life as a slave and had become one once more a puppet of the dark Powers he had embraced using his Keen strategic Mind bolstered by the disciplined ranks of his iron Warriors and the formidable iron Circle perturabo managed to outmaneuver and systematically dismantle angron's forces the world World eaters were beaten back hammered into submission yet just as victory seemed assured the sudden arrival of an ultramarine Fleet overhead shifted the balance once again angron laughed at the prospect of their Mutual destruction perturabo unyielding shot back with a Bobb that struck deeper than any physical wound reminding angron of his failure to save his own own from The Butchers of neria stirred by this reminder angron's response was as catastrophic as it was desperate summoning a warp storm of terrifying magnitude he ensured an escape for both The Battered iron Warriors and his own blooded Legion together they slipped away from the ultramarine grasp setting their course for Anor by the onset of the siege of Terror angron was a creature of pure rage his mind wholly bound to the will of corn he pushed for a direct assault on the Imperial Palace a suicidal charge that he demanded of Horus caring little for the emperor's psychic defenses that promised certain death for any who dared reach them prematurely the decision to assign the death guard as the Vanguard of the assault on terror instead of his world eaters pushed angron Beyond the brink of his already tenuous restraint anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path inside his Flagship was slaughtered his judgment indiscriminate and absolute Lara serin the human captain of the Conqueror watched with mounting dread she knew all too well that this could be the beginning of the end of the warship if the tech priests tending to the ship's vital Plaza reactor were to fall to angron the consequences would be catastrophic in desperation sarin forged an unlikely alliance with gendor scok the notorious painted count of the night Lords and even KH angron's own favorite Champion together they conspired to remove the demon Primark before he doomed them all with grim resolve sarin and her co- conspir s enacted their plan they would use the teleportation arrays to send angron not into battle but into the labyrinthine horrors of the Nightfall a ship as much a torture chamber as a flagship where Conrad cair had long indulged his darkest whims KH coerced and conflicted yet seeing the desperate necessity of their stratagy confronted angron the scene was one of tragic necessity a once loyal son forced to betray his genan father for the greater survival of their Twisted cause with the raw tension of betrayal hanging thick in the air KH faced angron setting the stage for a confrontation as perilous as it was pivotal this strategy was successfully deployed and angron saw himself banished to the corridor doors of Nightfall there the demon primarch's Fury would be contained not by chains but by the endless shifting passages that had broken the minds and bodies of countless captives before him in this dark maze angron's rage would find no purchase and the siege of Terror would proceed on without him as the treachery on terror unfolded the traitors orchestrated a string of dark rituals finally eroding the emperor's psychic Shield that cocooned the throne world with the barrier weakened the stage was set for their most monstrous allies to descend upon tera's scarred surface from the depths of the Nightfall angron now a demon premark was expelled into the cold void of space hurtling towards the planet below as he breached tera's atmosphere angron blazed like a comet a massive Inferno marking his return when he crashed into the planet the very ground shuddered and the shock wave of his arrival claimed the lives of both traitor and Loyalist soldiers alike armed with a Black Blade he carved a path of Devastation through the emperor's loyal Defenders his Fury and the Blade's power cleaving through flesh and bone as he stormed towards the walls of the Imperial Palace it was there he encountered his brother sanguinius the Angelic primarch of the blood angels with a primal Roar angron issued a challenge a call to battle that would have Frozen the blood of lesser beings sanguinius ever the epitome of Grace Under Fire responded not with v Ence but with a solemn salute declining The Duel he spoke of a prophecy not yet fulfilled declaring that the day of their Reckoning was not upon them with those words he retreated into the sanctum of the Imperial Palace leaving angron bellowing into the wind thwarted by the remnants of The Emperor's psychic barrier which still shielded The Retreat the traitors would eventually claim the Lion's gate Spaceport as the emperor's psychic Shield contracted further to protect only the sanctum imperialis angron LED his blood drunk World eaters over the eternity wall there they Unleashed themselves upon the already pressured loyalist defenders in the days that followed it was the world eaters who had the honor of spearheading the charge against the very heart of the Imperium the Imp Imperial Palace itself the surviving video logs from The Siege captured the gruesome spectacle the world eaters a tide of crimson Fury breaching the palace defenses led by the Monstrous figure of angron his run sword a light with malevolent energy KH ever the most bloodthirsty among them was at the Forefront of the assault despite the proud clim from the sons of Horus it was angron's demonic Black Blade that brought low The Great Gate of the Imperial Palace cutting through adamantium as though it were wheat before the sythe the world eaters SED death across tera's soil their Rampage a harvest of souls yet they fell short of the Ultimate Prize with reinforcements the Dark Angels and Space Wolves hurtling towards Terror Horus driven by desperation lowered the void Shields of his Flagship the vengeful spirit and issued his final fateful challenge to the emperor in the shadow of this scheme the emperor ascended to the vengeful Spirit to confront his Fallen son their Clash was apocalyptic a duel that transcended the physical and ventured into the Realms of the psychic and spiritual it ended only when the emperor sacrificing all that remained of his Humanity extinguished horus's very essence from the cosmos this Victory condemned the emperor to an eternity bound to The Golden Throne a pic victory that secured the Imperium at the cost of its Visionary leader the forces of chaos crumbled with the fall of Horus their Unity shattered along with their dream of Conquest angron defiant and unbroken was the last to retreat from his Dropship he cast a lingering gaze back at the Imperial Palace which had withstood even his fiercest onslaughts retreating into the chaos infested sanctuary of the eye of Terror angron led the remnants of his Legion to a demon World fashioned for him by corn yet without the iron discipline of their primarch the world eaters fractured devolving into roving bands of chaos Space Marines driven by the unending demands of corn for blood and skulls they turned on each other their Legions bonds dissolved in suspicion and rage to this day they remain unmowed each War band a nomadic horse unto itself they roam the Stars aboard whatever vessels they can seize their only Creed written in the blood of the slain a Creed of Eternal Vengeance against the Imperium they once swore to protect
Channel: Imperial Drone
Views: 5,243
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Id: ayppU0Ju3QM
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Length: 99min 8sec (5948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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