The Precursor Of The Primarchs - 40K Theories

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[Music] [Music] during the Dark Age of Technology approximately 10,000 years prior to the events of the Great Crusade the man who would one day become known as the Emperor of mankind would journey to the world of Molech a planet that was located only a few short light-years from Terra it was upon this very world that the Emperor would discover a portal that allowed him to travel into the very realm of chaos itself as he journeyed through the immaterial the Emperor by either undertaking labors on the behalf of the chaos gods or through the use of deceit and trickery would re-emerge from the portal thousands of years later even though only a few short moments had passed within the material universe thanks to his actions within the realm of chaos the Emperor's already potent psychic abilities were enhanced to now unprecedented levels in addition to the augmentation of his powers the Emperor also obtained the knowledge necessary to begin the primark project by utilizing the energies of the warp and ancient arcane sciences the Emperor using his own genetic material as a base would create twenty individuals known as the prime arks these prime marks would grow to become in essence demigods being larger faster stronger and smarter than baseline humans as well as being far more durable and charismatic in addition to being theoretically incapable of succumbing to old age or disease the prime marks were designed to act as the Emperor's generals for when the master of mankind would begin the undertaking of his great crusade a mission to reunite all of the worlds that had been colonized by humanity and separated from one another during the age of strife under the banner of his Imperium of man before the promos could grow to maturation however the chaos gods would create a warp tear within the heart of the Emperor's G scattering the nascent pry marks throughout the galaxy the emperor would use the information gleaned from his experiments along with genetics samples that had been collected over the course of the project in order to develop a new breed of genetically enhanced warrior resulting in the creation of the 21st founding Space Marine legions of the liji onea starties over the course of the Great Crusade the Emperor would eventually become reunited with each of his gene sons before two of their number would be erased from the annals of history eventually fully half of the remaining 18 prime acts would turn one by one against their father culminating with this civil war known as the Horus heresy but were the prime acts themselves the Emperor's initial attempts at creating such mighty beings to act as his generals and enforces or did the Emperor instead create a long-lost prototype before the lack of a better phrase producing these beings of bulk it would be reasonable to assume that the creation of the twenty pry marks would not only require a considerable amount of time but also more importantly a significant number of resources as well be it of material equipment or even the manpower of laborers and geneticists to assist the Emperor curing the undertaking of the project as such it would be considered an unwise decision for the Emperor to begin the development of more than one let alone twenty such individuals from the outset without at least attempting to create a prototype Primarch in essence this proto Primarch as it were would be an individual whose very creation would act as a proof of concept so that the emperor could confirm with a hundred percent certainty that such a feat of genetic and warp engineering was indeed physically possible for him to accomplish without needlessly wasting time effort and resources in doing so but is there anyone that could reasonably be considered to be this theoretical proto Primarch there is indeed one mysterious being who could very well be none other than an initial prototype for the Primark project a living weapon that was also confirmed to have been created by the hand of the Emperor the essenti is known within historical records simply as the angel the angel was one of the earliest creations of the Emperor having been forged during the early days of the Terran unification Wars this being stood twice as tall as a grown man sported large wings that sprouted from its back and wielded a large sword reefed in a CEREC flame while its body radiated a brilliant aura of gold and light the angel was created to act as a tool to combat chaotic corruption and the angel would perform its task diligently as it battled against Farah Geller a demon prince that ran amok upon terror for centuries with the help of the angel the emperor would eventually banish and imprison the demon prince within the very bedrock of the world that would one day become known as Kerris settle on despite its sheer power and potential the angel would eventually become uncontrollable and would begin to enact a vicious campaign of genocide the angel would slaughter every man woman and child within a city known as caranas that existed upon a nearby world deeming the population unworthy of the Emperor's love and adoration the judgement of the angel would continue as one by one the neighbouring cities were purged of life until the entire world was rendered little more than a lifeless husk an act that's the angel accomplished him but a single day and night realizing that the Angels actions needed to be stopped and that the being needed to be contained the Emperor placed a piece of corrupted demon flesh with an especially crafted stasis casket lined with runic CIO's and Ward's of binding the angel was lured into the casket as it sought to destroy the source of chaotic taint within but it would become trapped within a casket and fall into a deep slumber as the Emperor uttered the following incantation to the darkness of time I send thee against the radiance of your being Michael signed the blood cools fire dies light the time of the angel is ended sleep the angel now imprisoned within its casket was then shipped back to Terra where the Emperor intended to destroy the entity for good though it would somehow be smuggled out of the solar system before the Emperor could take any further action against it the angel would eventually be hidden upon the world of Karass Cephalon where the knowledge of its existence and the location of its prison would remain unknown until the Inquisition would learn of it thousands of years later like the pry marks who towered over both baseline humans and a starties alike the angel was a large and powerful being who has stated earlier in a similar manner to the pry marks was twice as large as a grown man the large wings sported by the angel are also a folk ative to those displayed by sanguinis the prime mark of the bloody angels Legion and it's incredible psychic potency is also similar to many of the most psychically powerful pry marks such as sanguinis Conrad curse and Magnus the red as the prime marks themselves were genetically engineered creations if the angel was the initial prototype for the entire Primark project then the emperor after realizing the inherent flaws that became manifest within the angel could have quite feasibly rewritten certain elements within a Primark genetic sequence in order to reduce their power and make them more controllable as such traits could have become in essence recessive genes within the pry marks DNA this could explain as to why sanguinis had developed wings or why Magnus the red was more psychically powerful than the rest of his brothers not only this but the incantation used by the emperor to seal the angel away also refers to the angel as his son suggesting that perhaps the emperor didn't heed use some of his own genetic material within its creation much like he did with the pry marks in addition the stasis coffin of the angel also bears a particular symbol upon it as illustrated upon the cover of the book death of an angel this symbol is that of a winged sword which also happens to be the same sigil that is utilized by the Dark Angels Legion of the liji onea starties the Dark Angels are also noteworthy for being the first space marine Legion and by extension their prime mark Lionel Johnson is also the first Primarch whose incubation capsule was listed out of 20 as number one this in essence could mean that the angel was effectively Primarch zero indeed it would certainly fit fanatically speaking for the first of the prime ox created after minimizing the flaws that were displayed by the angel would lead a legion known as the Dark Angels in addition it is also worth remembering that the Space Marines themselves are known informally as the Emperor's Angels of Death the only problem with this potential connection between the angel and the pry marks in regards to the links made with the Dark Angels is that the Dark Angels themselves did not take their name until after they were reunited with Lionel Johnson which occurred during the later years of the Great Crusade not only this but according to the novel descent of angels the wind sword iconography that became synonymous with the Dark Angels Legion was also supposedly chosen by Johnson himself they were part of the first generation of Astarte s to be recruited from Caliban more tellingly they were among the first to wear the legions new wind sword insignia at their shoulder the first to call themselves dark angels this would then mean that any supposedly between the angel and the Dark Angels would be mostly if not entirely coincidental but since the angel bore not only large wings but also a flaming sword and radiated an aura of golden light then perhaps instead of being a proto Primarch what if the angel was in fact the first of the mysterious entities that would become known one day by the Imperium as living Saints the living Saints are well known for not only the bright and holy auras that radiates from their being but many of them also develop angelic wings from their backs and other still such as Saint Celestine also bear swords that can become immolated with purifying flame the similarities between the living Saints and the angel are indeed certainly visible so perhaps that may prove to be a more likely possibility but then again perhaps the angel is something else entirely with no actual connections to any other entities or beings aside from the Emperor himself what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 284,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, toys, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, primarch, great crusade, horus heresy, angel, the angel, dark angel, terra, unification, emperor, chaos gods, chaos, living saint, celestine, inquisitor, conspiracies, death of an angel, angel of destruction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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