FFXIV Lore- Gods, Dynamis, Retcons and More!

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this video is rated B for you'd better back on out of here if you don't want spoilers buddy the gods are lying to you that or the writers didn't oopsie again so let's talk about that good day my friends I hope everyone is doing well and have been able to enjoy patch 6.3 I for one have been collecting data from all sorts and I'm shocked at what we've been able to learn so far especially when it came to the new 24-man raid so I wanted to take some time to discuss what we found out and how it's relevant to what we already know while I may be focusing on the raid today do let me know if there are other aspects of the game or story you want me to cover whether it be the msq or side quests but with that out of the way let's discuss what we learned about the 12. when we first met members of the 12 in the first instance of the raid we learned that they weren't primals but they wouldn't elaborate any further as to what they were all we knew is that they wanted to fight us they purposely provoked us into a duel just to see what would happen was this a test to see how strong we were was there a deeper meaning to these fights we didn't know and honestly even though we're in part two of this raid we still kind of don't know the 12 have been rather vague with what they want though they have been clear in saying they do want something what that thing is we likely won't learn until the final raid but even with that out of the way we now know what the 12 are and it's all thanks to the inclusion of The Watcher now anyone who's caught up in the raid series was able to read the epigraph with all the other NPCs the epigraph outlines the 12 and their duties along with an unnamed 13th this unnamed 13th God was confirmed to be the Watcher on the moon and thanks to dialogue within the msq event Walker we now know exactly what the 12 are and why they were made when asked about what he is the Watcher responds and admits that he was created by heidelin in the likeness of the Ancients to watch over zodiac that it was his duty and when I say created in the likeness of the Ancients I really do mean that more than likely heidelin modeled the 12 and The Watcher off of ancients she knew this is why the Watcher looks so so much like an ancient but technically isn't one we also know it was well within heidelin's power to create living entities as she also was responsible for creating the labyrinths so we now understand that the 12 like The Watcher were created in the likeness of ancients to serve a particular purpose within the world while the Watcher themselves was made to observe zodiac on the moon the 12 were responsible for the source because if the source fell apart their world would end and all the reflections along with it and thanks to the epigraph we know exactly what roles every member of The Twelve was designed to do but then that raises the question why do the 12 look as they do now when the Watcher looks so much different why is the Watcher unchanged from their original design while the 12 are so much more but thankfully The Raid answers this question for us as well that the reason for this is in fact dynamis so what exactly happened to the 12 and how is dynamis involved well thanks to what we already know dynamis is able to respond or react to intense levels of emotion from various people it's likely that the original worship of The Twelve dates as far back as the second astral era that would mean that even with Zodiac's rules smothering the existence of dynamis on our world enough was able to sink in over thousands of years of worship that the 12 were able to change ever so slightly but there are a few interesting things that we are able to glean about dynamis from this firstly is that dynamis changed their form not their function when people imagined the 12 they imagined what they would look like what powers they had and their personalities we even have creation myths surrounding the 12 and why they are the way they are while we know those creation myths are entirely false now it is curious to see how this belief did shape them into looking the way they do now but the most interesting note is that it didn't change the core of who they are of course they were originally worried that might happen hence why they wrote the epigraph something to remind them why they exist if they ever were to forget but one of the greatest examples of this is helloneay when talking with the player halone actually enforces the idea that she felt when the dramatic amount of faith and understanding was shifted towards her by ishgard this dramatic sense of worship and ideals likely happened at the start of the Dragon song War as they rallied behind the idea of the fury to protect them against The draconic Horde so with nearly a thousand years of dedicated worship across multiple Generations she steadily became what we see her as now even her Heaven Wasn't unaffected as we see statues of dragoons lining its halls but what's interesting to note is that while she may look the warrior goddess and even have statues of dragoons she did not approve of the Dragon song war indeed in fact she lamented the fact that the ishgardians were fighting the dragons in the first place which actually goes against everything the ish Guardian Orthodox Church believed during the height of the Dragon song war but when you think about it this makes sense hallone like all the other gods was a creation of heidelin and Heidel and herself welcomed the dragons onto the source so it only stands to reason that the 12 gods including the Watcher would be okay with the dragon's involvement as well in fact when you get to holone's duties on the epigraph there are absolutely no lines of dialogue that state that she is supposed to encourage men to battle or war or anything of the sort her Duty was simply to hold the melting ice at Bay and imbue men with constancy and Tranquility so while her very nature would be to fill the hearts of men with resolve it never was made to encourage battle or combat this is reflected in the other members of The Twelve as well as while dynamis may have changed their form their function has remained the same what we learned about the 12 actually reinforces what we already knew that dynamis Above All Else required two things numbers and time when I say numbers I refer to the amount of people needed to actually create a tangible result and time as in the amount of time required for those changes to set in the end singer is actually a good example of this because while what we see is one entity it's actually dozens of creatures all working together all believing in the same thing and second is time we understand that when medeon left to join her sisters that they weren't able to immediately begin their bombardment of the universe they had to come together they had to gain the numbers and belief before shaping dynamus into a torrent that could smother the universe this is also reflected in what has happened to The Twelve they did not become like this overnight these took hundreds if not thousands of years of dedicated thought and prayer and when you think about it it does line up with already established lore things like our jobs and our limit breaks do not use dynamis because the two requirements are not being fulfilled no one person has enough willpower to control dynamus well not in any tangible or meaningful way and limit breaks are simply the gathered Aether of the caster and their allies in order for a limit break to be made of dynamis by the rules we have learned every single member of the party would have to uniformly agree that that's the form a limit break would take which is not the case at all as how would a Red Mage even begin to understand how the Monk's final Heaven is supposed to look not only that but we also understand that the 12 are still ethereal beings while dynamis may have changed their form they are still using Aether for all of their abilities talents and spells for a good example one of the abilities used in this new 24-man raid is quite literally called ethereal blizzard no dynamis involved here and while I could go on and talk about dollar mood and its interesting relationship with men finna I don't want this video to drag on for too long simply put I've come to the theory that belief in dollar mood being the wolf of menfina originated at some point in the fourth astral era giving just enough time for dolomood's Essence to coalesce from Memphis power the two are now intrinsically connected if menophena were to disappear dalamud would likely vanish as well and now that the allegan's red moon is gone from the sky there's no telling if this wolf will stick around as belief in dalamud wanes and disappears it's possible that he will as well and again I would not use the Gathering Quest chain in Ultima thoul as a reference point as the rules of nature in ultimathul are fundamentally different than that of the source but the last thing I want to go over in this video are the possible retcons or at least continuity errors that were recognized in this patch myself and many lore keepers of Final Fantasy 14 notice that patch 6.3 was guilty of a few continuity errors which was rather surprising because usually the 14 Riders are very good at avoiding these some of these errors I discussed with one of my good friends the azalean collate their channel will be in the description so don't be afraid to go and say hi to them but before I move on I feel like I need to reinforce something yes Final Fantasy 14 is guilty of writing mistakes and continuity errors I've come to realize that a lot of people think that 14's writing is somehow perfect and does not contradict itself at any point which is a lie it has done this more than once and the errors in 6.3 were particularly obvious what I do not know is why I do not know if these are intentional retcons to the story or simple writing mistakes maybe the lore is so old that they forgot about it but we didn't and some of you may be wondering what on Earth am I talking about well I speak of none other than the twelves stones in the 24-man raid it stated that all thick created these stones with the emblems of The Twelve to act as Timeless keepers of information however if we're following the Laura is written this is a lie as it directly contradicts lore that goes all the way back to 1.0 as it may surprise many of you we actually already knew how these Stones were made and why they were here indeed this lore has been around for more than a decade and they have just changed it the original lore about these Stones was that they were made by the good old man himself Louis suaveer back during the height of 1.0's campaign he made these stones and emblazoned them with the symbols of The Twelve to inspire worship to create anchors places of prayer that people would be able to Rally around and fuel the faith required for his summoning because as some of you may know from my previous videos he was indeed trying to summon primals in the shape of the twelve and one of the requirements for summoning to Primal is unyielding belief so he confesses that he created these symbols as rallying points for which people can entreat the twelve for sucker and to some effect it did work just not in the way that he was expecting so as you can see this is directly contradicting what the new lore is was this a simple Mistake by the writers did they forget that Louis Suave made these stones or are they intentionally trying to change the lore and right Louis swall out of the Stone's lore I'll admit I don't know the answer to that question but I will say this I'm disappointed if that is the case we have so little lore involving our grandfather Louis Swan anymore it would be a shame to take away even more data involving him but I feel like I've rambled long enough for now I just wanted to get some of my ideas and thoughts out before they slipped out of my fingers after all patch 6.3 has been Rife with information for me to enjoy so until my next video I encourage you my friends leave a comment saying what you think the end goal of the 12's mission is why do they want us to fight them why are they encouraging us to learn more and do you think this changed the lore of the stones with the twelves markings is intentional or a mistake these are the kind of things you Ponder as a Wandering lore keeper but with that out of the way I do hope you all have an amazing week and until next time stay safe my friends [Music] thank you all for watching to the end if you enjoyed this video why not subscribe and share this with your fellow adventurers with your help I'll try to reach out even further and bring even greater stories to you although I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge my biggest contributors a grand thank you to papaya cyan rovokis potato Sage Mouse vavala Soma cizani pterodox and net with an additional nod to the scholarships on screen links to things like my Twitter and that of my channel artist caddy can be found in the description thank you all for your viewership as well as your support and I hope all of you have a wonderful day class dismissed [Music]
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 18,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, mmorpg, mmo, lore, gaming
Id: zY1J7PuH_PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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