The Psi-Titans of the Ordo Sinister (Warhammer 40k & Horus Heresy Lore)

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all that imperial scholarship has been able to discern about the capabilities of the audio sinister bar that information previously committed to record comes from one of two sources X loaded combat logs of the warlord sinister class battle Titan borealis thune captured by mechanical adepts in a redacted location and the sole disposition delivered to the Council of terror by one prefect Kellner anna has these precious scraps of information miraculously preserved can be taken in tandem with the information from one's previous discourse to infer a much broader picture the true and indeed horrific nature of this particular formation know then that this is a record in as far as one can be committed of the truest and best concerned histories the terrifying and forbidden SCI Titans of the Ordo sinister the testimony of prefect anahat is a particular interest as it is her record the only instance of a member of the Ordo sinister having had direct interaction with another branch of either the Imperium or mechanical governments in all of their perhaps dozen recorded combat engagements during the Great Crusade the Ordo arrived unbidden and unannounced and never in full force sailing into combat zones or planetary anchor under unimpeachable clearance codes of the Emperor's Imperial Household itself no explanation for their presence was ever given and no hails ever went answered they simply arrived engaged the foe or pacified the population and departed that a single communication to any other military or civilian formations within the local volume it was only under the diarist of circumstances that the Ordo chose to even reveal its existence officially let alone what it was capable of but the war masters great heresy approaching its zenith and the traitors forces victorious at beater Garman the ground invasion of terror itself was imminent the Council of terror under the direct command of Rogel Dorn primarch of the seventh Legion imperial fists was a-sayin lee still vast military forces under its direct purview yet something was amiss the true and full capabilities of the Imperial Household that is to say what the Emperor himself directly controlled were perennially kept occluded from the military hierarchy of the Imperium that was below the master of mankind the Emperor as the supreme ruler of humanity kept certain assets separate from the broader superstructure of his Imperium forces ilídio custodies are perhaps the most prominent examples serving in the Great Crusade as not just the Emperor's own life wards but as his finest soldiers and truest bearers of his writ and his justice to the most casual observer this was a some extant total of the Emperor's own private army but there were others whose roles were kept altogether more secret Malka door the sigil iced the Emperor's right hand commanded a regiment of his chosen Imperial Army troopers drawn from all branches of the exert us for the skills and talents they possessed handpicked by the sigil aiight for missions of utmost importance more occluded still with the order elucidate 'm you functioned effectively as Malka doors secret police moving amongst the greater bodies of the Imperium as bureaucrats or remember answers they were in truth operatives whose remit specifically focused on the destruction and repression of faith based systems of belief overseeing the destruction of sacred texts the removal of religious figures and the repression of all aspects of faith in order to pursue the security the Imperial truth aft synonymous with the Imperial Household but occupying a questionable position in relation to it with the assassins of the officio assassin Orem and the sisterhood of silence the latter nominally being lead visio investigate ease of the adept Asst Astra telepathic ax but rarely seen deployed unless under the Emperor's personal request operating under the necessity of such veils of secrecy yet also painfully aware of the encroaching traitor hordes it is understandable that the Council of terror wish to assay all that they could upon the defense of the Imperial Palace as such they petitioned the Imperial Household for disclosure through a representative of the lead yo custodies captain general Constantine val-d'or while it is unknown exactly under whose direction the Ordo sinister presented itself fact remains that they did dispatching to a session of the council one sole emissary naming himself as Kellner anahat a prefect of the order he was surprisingly forthcoming in just about all aspects of his Ordos nature and structure stating when one council member expressed surprise at this that the Ordo stood in defense of the homeworld as much as any loyal Imperial must he opened by confirming what most representatives of the council most notably fabricator general in exile Zagreus Kane had already suspected the order sinister was the product of the great oblation an order the Emperor had delivered to the mechanical for the delivery of no less than 25 warlord class battle Titans to the Imperial dungeons on Terra itself and additionally and a hat confirmed that yes the orders full-strength was still deployed upon the home world it was organized according to the prefect strictly upon lines dictated by the Emperor himself at the Ordos formation and was not to be deviated from under the pain of immediate death not even minor alterations to things like command structure assignment or engine capabilities the Ordo comprised of four self-contained fortress scripts all of which were fully self-sufficient and staffed by all the necessary menials engine sears and major arcana stays the fortresses were known by the cardinal points of an esoteric compass borealis Polaris orientalis an Occidental as' each supported a chamber of five warlord Titans which prefect anahat confirmed to the council were specifically modified completely beyond any Orthodox or holy mechanical design by His Word and to the stunned ears of the assembled luminaries he declared that the twenty warlords of the Ordo sinister note at this point the loss of five warlords from the oblation numbers an interesting and disturbing discrepancy to be correctly termed tyrannic pattern warlord sinister sigh Titans each one completely rebuilt around an emperor designed psionic amplification matrix called the Seri crux anima 1 must diverge from the prefix testimony here in order to elaborate on the nature of psychic weaponry it must be perfectly understood by any and all viewing this record that the experimentation with and development of psychic weaponry was and remains banned at the highest of possible levels on the pain of the most severe of punishments to the modern adapters mechanicus it is a heresy of the highest order permitted only to the most select Magi who operates in the most important of roles vital to Imperial and mechanicus survival during the days of the Ordo sinister such technology had been outlawed by the Emperor's own remit and humanity had not argued this the scars of the Age of strife that hideous epoch where the powers of the warp had run rampant across thousands of worlds where mad warp fueled sorcerer kings had wielded the powers of the immaterial for ends dark and terrible were yet fresh only scant centuries before had tara been all too accustomed to the sheer madness of psyche anatec its ban the destruction of excellent weaponry had been one of the emperor's guiding principles during the unification Wars yet it should come as no surprise that the master of mankind yet pursued it under his own guidance the Emperor was and is a being of pure less psychic might and control and in his desire to Shepherd his race he placed the development of that dread fusion of Sai Khanna and technology in the hands of his best and brightest scientists and Magi a similar ban of warp Tec beyond that most robust such as warp drives of starships had occurred on Mars during the foundation of the mechanical but the Emperor's ban on techno Arcana of that nature had additionally been one of the foundational clauses of the Treaty of Olympus that had United the twin worlds it is a known fact that the desire to pursuers had been a key facet in the defection of senior mechanical leadership to the traitors side and while a record therein must wait it should serve as a perfect example of the corrosive nature of SCI Kaunas research and development the temptation to fuse the incredible power of the warp with the mundane might of tecnológica forever has it but evil to the minds of those who are Ken to the secrets of both the truth behind the Ordo sinister sight items was and yet remains often beyond the wildest imaginations of those outside of a very select series of circles within either the Imperium or mechanical in a disturbing and perhaps ominously prescient symmetry the warlord sinister functions in a manner similar to that of the astronomical at most holy and vital of devices the astronomic on is the ferrous from whence the emperor's light is projected into the galaxy to guide the starships of man but it nonetheless takes an exacting toll from our species requiring for its power the very life essences of 10,000 individual psychos burning their souls in psychic fire as they sing praises of torment to their destiny for the good of the Imperium consider a warlord sinister to be similar albeit in a much smaller scale and for a much less noble purpose mechanical sanctified STC patterns were torn asunder by the hands of the Emperor's own Magi and rebuilt purposefully around a central device wrought by his own hand the seer crux enema the origins of this utterly abominable device lie deep within the shadowed years of the Dark Age of Technology believed by some to share commonalities with the very first attempts to weaponize human psychic abilities while its exact works are not and it likely never will be again understood its purpose is clear the harnessing of human lives for the purpose of utilizing their power through the anima much as with the astronomic on the souls of the Damned and repentant psychos are slaved to the machine itself their essences harvested through arcane and damnable technology to fuel the weapons systems and shield wards of the warlord Titan they are shackled to and not just any psychos no for those destined to be entombed within the warlord sinister our alpha grade the most dangerously powerful of their kind prefect anahat was asked to comment upon the selection of these individuals for what would destined an alpha grade seikar for such an incredibly rare fate well his comments were oblique at best with the prefect stating that for some it is a punishment for their crimes and for others a blessed relief from their torments and that a balance was maintained in order for optimum conditions to be met it can be inferred from this that perhaps some sort of resonance effect could be achieved when psychos whose temperaments rested upon different ends of an emotional spectrum and whose characters embody different cardinal points of the humors would be slaved to one single device such knowledge is however far too arcane for one of my station and I'd best set aside such supposition no good can come of it suffice it to say the selection of the fodder for the engine was precise and carefully scrutinized but that that oh that is nothing compared to the selection of the pilots it did not go unnoticed by those attending but when presented to the Council of terror an order of revulsion appeared to cling to prefect anahat it is comfort that all those attending became immediately aware of the mistress of the astronomic and could barely retain her seat such was her extreme distress and clear physical pain those of the council are wise in many matters and no doubt had met those of Anna hats kind before but each time they did it took effort to even remain in such a beings presence the prefect was a null a blank one of the untouchables an extremely rare human in version of the psychic gene where the individual in question has no presence whatsoever in the warp they are effectively if prosaically without a soul in sub Sigma level psychic humans this will simply cause a feeling of inescapable wrongness to cause them to avoid such a person to sigh kurz they are anathema beings of sheer existential terror proximity to whom causes agonizing physical feedback loops as their psychic essence withers and their nerves while a true discussion of their nature must wait for a further record blanks are rarer still than psychos and their utilization by the Imperium restricted to at that time the division investigate ease of the adapter sastra telepathic ah the silent sisterhood and the clade calexis of the officio assassin Orem here now was another branch of the Imperial military for whom nose were carefully selected and again one at the beck and call of the emperor alone upon exactly why and under what conditions the nose of sinister were selected prefect anahat refused to comment merely stating that the criteria of selection was completely different from those of the sisterhood or the clade the statement is interesting in and of itself for despite their natural soullessness annul is for all intents and purposes a slain human they are not necessarily faster stronger or smarter than the rest of us but naturally should they turn out to be such a null would find themselves prized for utilization by The Sisterhood or the collec see what interests one here is a facet yet undiscussed but fascinating when brought up prefect anahat when asked confirmed a query that stunned the fabricator general and came as no small shock to the others he warlord sinister is piloted by a single null a battle Titan is a monstrous creation of staggering complexity requiring an entire crew in order to maintain effective operation this ranges from mindless weapons and system servitors to tech priests engine seers to helmsman and steersman and finally Monterey Bay and the princeps who oversee at all through the mind impulse units of each the crew commune with each other and the engines machine spirits in a new spheric neural system known as the manifold this closeness of shared thought not only ensures a speed of reaction and decision-making impossible otherwise it also ensures clarity of instruction beyond compare the crew are not just piloting the Titan they are one with us an almost Gestalt entity United in holy destructive purpose for the warlord sinister it is another thing entirely ordinarily such a Titan would have a crew complement of at least seven not counting servitors this helps spread the burden of the neural in loads for the human brain he even augmented would shatter under the weight of a Titans bellicose machine spirit it would appear given prefect anahat statements and the days are surviving from the warlord sinister borealis thune that this is diffused through the minds of the machines psychos who are in turn slaved to the will of the prefect attendant this completely contradicts accepted mechanic am Dogma regarding the treatment of the warlord engine something fabricator general Kane was no doubt quick to express but is in and of itself a fascinating alternative whether or not the psychos themselves commune with the manifold the utilization by the prefect attendant fulfills the same purpose as mater a tea and bears the brunt of the usual resonance feedback caused by engines enduring damage it is unknown whether for example it is the psychos or the Ordo prefix that sustain the usual princeps stigmata as battle takes its toll upon their engines regardless of the questions and hats testimony in this area raised the sheer fact that a soul prefect command the power of a warlord yet alone one rebuilt around forbidden sigh kana and prescribed our Kyo Tech he's simply staggering and to the assembled council a no doubt disturbing realization of the sheer power the master of mankind had at his disposal and kept close to his chest the soul further source one possesses access to is an odd thing to say the least it purports to be the combat record of a warlord sinister sigh Titan designated borealis thune engaging a demonic enemy at a location that has been entirely redacted considering that the subject itself is one of the best-kept secrets of this chapter in imperial history the need for the household archives to keep the mere location of its engagement occluded from one's eyes is well to say the least deeply troubling I shall have to make further if subtler enquiries into this matter but to the subject at hand the data X loaded from borealis soon prior to its destruction and ultimate loss provided limps of the inner workings of such a machine the prefect attendant in this case a man named Hydra Kyurem pilots the Titan from within a sphere of steel rods each representing a fascist of the arcane alignment matrix used to guide and drive the site item known by Hydra gyeom's account as the crucible the operation of this machine is possible only by the null prefect of the Sinister for the runic language of the rods is arcane beyond imagining and redolent of the darkest and most terrible secrets known to humankind through this commands are dictated by the attendant and carried out by a trio of governors essentially servitors that form a diffused human mind named by Hydra Kyurem as pain darkness and silence it is presumed given their role within the surviving data spool that their functions roughly correspond to weapons servitor sensorium servitor and void shield servitor although in the case of the latter there is significant evidence from the record that the voids of borealis foon and indeed all warlord Sinister's are further augmented by projecting the psychic nullification qualities of their pilots while this cannot be confirmed in its entirety it would be a decent supposition given the foes that have been deployed against us in combat the pacification of Skagen 6 and the defense of Helio at both record phenomena similar to that which a human null displays albeit of a vastly scaled up scope most visceral however is the surviving footage of borealis Thune's weapon vid captures 4 it sheds further light upon the weapon around which so much of the warlord sinister is clearly designed to function the Sinestro Manas tenebrae or in low gothic the left hand of darkness the first recorded usage of such a weapon is noted in the annals of the defence of Healy Oris elaborated upon in one's previous record upon the order of sinister the Imperial forces that witness the order in battle most specifically the Ninth Legion Blood Angels recorded that each warlord possessed a left arm weapon of a device unrecognizable to any presence a gun arm that spat forth what was described as a beam of the purest and most malignant darkness these beams made no sound for they appeared to eat all ambient noise and devour all ambient light a single line of infinite shadow whatever it struck was simply annihilated from sight and given the testimony of Anna Hass and the footage of borealis soon it was not only that the Sinestro Manus Tenebrae is effectively speaking a weaponized starship warp drive a device that breaches the veil between reality and unreality and channels the latter in order to affect the complete obliteration of all matter in its path whatever the beam touches ceases to exist borealis thunes weapons footage additionally demonstrates the sigh Titans ability to fire the weapon as a sphere causing a significant area of effect upon impact it is not only those caught by the weapons fire that face its wrath those within proximity to the beam are ravaged in an altogether different manner having their very Souls stolen from them by the sinestro malice they simply died their bodies falling like dolls unmarked and unblemished yet utterly cold this this weapon fed through the anima wielded by the null in their crucible this is the truest horror of the Sinister it's ammunition is people human beings psychos yes with human beings whose torment and anguish and suffering are torn from their bodies and forged into pure cannot be in their crystal caskets do they dream blackest dreams until they are finally fed to the thirsting Moloch of the anima searing which fire-eating their souls so that the enemies of humanity may be brought to ruin that such a weapon exists would be utter blasphemy and affront to the nature of all creation were it not for the need the Emperor's saw for it the concept of a gun that can channel the psychic screams of enslaved humans in order to mete out the most total and complete annihilation it is too terrible to even contemplate the existential pain the existence of this brings the wait threatens to crush me are we so damned that we have created these monstrosities or are were we truly so perched upon the precipice of destruction to deem it necessary is the universe to utterly loathing of our mere presence that it would range against us foes of such horrific nature as to warrant the creation of this atrocity perhaps mercifully that is all that can be obtained of borealis students combat records at the time of penning this Chronicle given the abruptness of the records and it would appear the warlord sinister fell against a greater never born at this undisclosed location it's sacrifice was recorded and remembered but by whom well one cannot say such as the nature of the sinister prefect anahat upon giving his disposition vanishes from record along with the entirety of his Ordo and all further details pertaining to their existence history and capabilities given that so much was lost in the fires of the siege of Terra and the chaos of reconstruction it is possible that such records existed and were simply destroyed given the nature of the Ordo and it's specific remit it is equally likely that they met their end in their entirety during the heresy and the siege perhaps all 20 of the remaining warlord Sinister's fell in the same unknown location as borealis tun or perhaps some were ranged against the war masters armies as the walls of the palace came tumbling down in the seconds ticked closer to midnight one cannot say and one does not exactly wish to the sight heighten is a thing to bring only horror both of mind and the spirit it is a hateful creation it simply should not be all that is good and pure and true in the universe withers before it for it exists only to annihilate in totality and does so by means unspeakably foul it wheels powers that man cannot and should not it exploits the worst of all Universal systems and the most damnable facets of our genetics and our sciences in order to accomplish on speakable deeds better they remain dead better they remain hidden and buried dreadful what the day ever be if a king of terrors walks again Ave Imperator gloria in excelsis terra this video and this channel is made possible through the incredibly kind support of 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Channel: Oculus Imperia
Views: 107,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Lore, Forge World, Games Workshop, Astartes, Primarchs, Space Marines, Adeptus Astartes
Id: mQu-g8K7qtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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