A Human Supercarrier - Best of HFY Reddit Stories #31

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the hell do you mean we shouldn't try to subjugate Humanity by all accounts they only have 10 super carriers we've got well over a hundred I don't see any possibility under to's twin sons of humans presenting little more than their sword in surrender if push comes to shove Fleet Master braas had to pause to catch his breath and wipe the spittle from his clenched mandibles before continuing his rant how dare you present such Deus nonsense before the empress how dare you mock our fleet's ability how low do you think of us that we apparently couldn't even Silence with the words of the empress hanging in the air brackus stopped his ramblings immediately bowing his head in reverence as he let out one final indignant Huff of anger as you wish your majesty the empress Rose from her throne and walked toward the holographic display of the Galaxy before her in her thousand years of exalted tenure she oversaw the conquest of hundreds of species thousands of stars had risen to meet her Empire's might and Fallen all the same if one of her most trusted advisers for over a hundred of those Thousand Years said something was risky it was worth hearing him out at the very least please continue scoutmaster General scoutmaster uler clicked his mandibles and lowered his head with respect to the empress before speaking I continue to stand by the claim that the humans only have 10 super carriers I continue to ascertain that our 167 super carriers are insufficient in dealing with that threat Fleet master brackus was going red in anger but one glance from the empress was enough to subdue his rage into nothing but a particularly forced reshing of his mandibles for the time being he'd let UL speak but the scout master was unsure for just how long long this could last to elaborate on this I'd like to go over what exactly is classified as a super carrier as I'm sure both of you know a super carrier is any vessel purpose built to transport a complement of over 100 fighters to the battlefield with a wave of his hand the holographic display of the universe changed to a system cracker class super carrier the backbone of the Imperial Fleet and the bane of Untold numbers of spe species throughout the years with its mere presence in a system rebellions and Rivals alike lay down their arms in submission 700 M long meter thick Stellar steel plating four antimatter Fusion reactors a complement of 150 Janis class strike Fighters 20 Hulker bulk transports and absolutely bristling with Point defense Armament alongside a dozen class 3 rail guns it is the most feared and capable vessel in all of known space or at least it was the holographic display once more shifted now to a ship of a blatantly alien design instead of the Sleek gradual curves of any proper Imperial vessel this ship was Jagged blocky Rough Around the Edges weapon mounts were clearly visible all across its surface sensors antennas and lights erupted from the surface in great spires in a cluttered but clearly highly functional manner this ship wasn't pretty but based off of the massive blast doors and impressive Armament it was clear to both the empress and Fleet master braus that this was an incredibly capable craft when the empress glared into 's eyes to see if he'd beg for mercy she was shocked to see not remorse but fear not fear of her or of the nearly rabid Fleet master brackus or even of the saber pinned to his vital AR Aries but pure unadulterated Terror stemming from the holographic display behind her when she turned to look at whatever had caused UL such great fear she simply became confused what am I looking at UL with a saber still firmly pressed against his throat UL let out a somewhat stifled reply you are watching a video cap the human system braus the empress mumbled quietly let him speak as you wish but UL didn't need to speak because the video was speaking a billion words a second he spoke anyway to ensure no doubt of what they were seeing existed in anyone's mind you are watching a video captured from the human home system from what we can gather this is Humanity's home Fleet hundreds of tiny pin Pricks of light danced across the projection but upon closer inspection it was obvious the dots were anything but tiny each dot you see is a vessel of similar size to the Cairo there are thousands of smaller ships present but they are too small to see from this distance Fleet master braas was too stunned to speak for what seemed like an eternity before finally asking the inevitable I thought you said the humans only had 10 super carriers there have to be UL cut the fleet Master off before he could finish 228 to be exact and that even knowing it was coming UL was left speechless the star visible in the background of the scene began to dim as a vessel of truly gargantuan proportion entered into view eventually the entire scene faded into nothingness as the massive vessel eclipsed the star entirely that is a super carrier and they have 10 that we know of Fleet Master braas had to sit down to avoid passing out the EMP Empress had her claws tightly wrapped around the nearest railing to steady herself how much do we know of these super carriers scoutmaster UL shuddered as he uttered what we call Super carriers the humans call light assault craft the grand Imperial Fleet in its entirety could be housed supplied and fielded all within a single human supercarrier strike group the empress turned to the scout master with a vacant stare what are we to do preferably any course of action that doesn't lead to us acquiring an accurate count of super carriers fielded by Humanity the empress took one last look toward projection before clicking her mandibles in agreement thank you scoutmaster this intelligence has been invaluable to our decision today that is all
Channel: HFY Stories
Views: 74,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scifi stories, Sci-fi Stories, HFY, HFY Stories, humans are space orcs, science fiction audio story, reddit stories, space fantasy, space fantasy story, scifi the last human, science fiction the last humans, scifi the last humans, sci fi stories 1977, scifi, storytelling, fiction, audiobook, hfy, r/hfy, r/hfy humans, R/HFY, galactic federation, space force, humans are space orcs binge, humans are space orcs story, We don't Kill Humans, Not One Left Behind, the watch
Id: 2LM2pmhVoSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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