40K LEGENDS - WHO IS GREGOR EISENHORN? | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/History

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we return to continue on with my series looking at specific individuals of note in the galaxy of the 41st millennium doubtless this series needs to pick up some pace but you know how it is today we will investigate a legendary figure within the Imperium who is also marked too soon spark a whole new wave of recruitment for 40k in Games Workshop's upcoming TV series so for those of you who are new to 40k I'll just note also that when it comes to specific aspects of the law there was almost no limit to how much detail you can draw down on especially when it comes to tangents or associated information related to specific figures of factions and as interesting and entertaining as this is it's not always helpful for staying say on topic so bearing this in mind now and forever if a detail or piece of subsidiary information is not included in any video this is usually by choice not by absence of memory also today for this video I decided to have siege Studios my channel sponsor paint up for me Gregor eisenhorn as you can see right here for one it seemed fitting to showcase but also it's very good opportunity to see the work that siege produces if you're interested in getting a quote from a siege or want to learn more about painting from their patreon check out the links down below this video and I'll note as well that this was not a freebie I paid up for it myself because the eisenhorn will be becoming an ever more important figure this year and I wanted to add him to my collection we'll take a closer look at the mini in detail toward the end of this video you want to find out more about siege as I say check out their links directly below the video so who is Gregor eisenhorn he is a human and a member of the Imperium mankind galaxy spanning Empire of over a million worlds which constitutes the bulk of humanity in the current period he is a member of what is known as the Inquisition an intelligence gathering and policing authority who are granted broad discretion in their judgments often operating alone but usually in command of an investigative or purging force inquisitors are some of the most feared human individuals in the galaxy this is primarily because of the highly minimal limitations placed upon their actions in short inquisitors answer only to themselves and the emperor of man we should briefly explore what an Inquisitor is they are far from being seen as the saviors of the Imperium as opposed to most other forces within the Imperium many worlds will actively do in fact all they can to avoid the attention of an Inquisitor this often means doing so by any means necessary those desperate reasonings of planetary leadership's in an effort to avoid the eyes of an inquisition is not unreasonable either because should you find an Inquisitor has taken a suspicious interest to your world then it's anyone's guess as to what this might mean for your planet but it's certainly at least uncommon that the attention of Inquisitor would pass without any consequences but on the lighter end of the scale an Inquisitor might call for interrogations and access to projects or details surrounding a planet's activities they might carry out say individual executions by their own hand upon anyone from a lowly slave worker to the highest members of a planet's nobility but on the more extreme end of the scale if a situation were deemed severe enough they might even sign off on the destruction of an entire world by the planet raising process of exterminators to enact any of this and more all that is required will be their word as no one with any sense would or should dare to question their authority even in pure our starties theoretically sit below and inquisitors authority as their glorious father the emperor sits rotting a carrion king upon a golden throne and he is in no practical position to remonstrate with those who might egregiously disagree with the inquisition I say in theory because of course summer starties could choose to evade the entanglements of an Inquisitor but others might readily aid them and seek their insight it suddenly been the case that on occasion inquisitors have say detained a starties who as loyal servants of the Emperor must bow to their will many forget that space coins are not the rulers of humanity but they are its protectors and although they wield power beyond estimation they serve ordinary human citizens of course this has been somewhat twisted over time as a result of the ecclesia key and the Astarte is now being viewed as the godlike progeny of the holy Emperor but all of these developments have at least to some degree muddied the water in terms of who serves and Abbes who powerful as they are though inquisitors are far from being the singular deciding force of power in the Imperium even though they do have a presence of that being the case in fact it's a vast bureaucracy from the Lord Commander the Imperium himself all the way down to anonymous scribes who might accidentally destroy a world by mislabelling a trade requisition inquisitors do represent some of the most concentrated individual power in the Bleak Empire of humanity they seek out would-be heretics their corrupted and the corrupting they hunt xenos mutant abominations and will without hesitation or mercy purge those who might seek to sow the seeds of disruption and chaos throughout the worlds of mankind except that not all inquisitors are tasked primarily with equal value or level of assignment as is often the case now some 10,000 years ago the Emperor last dictated his will many institutions of mankind are then now subdivided into ideological orders who bicker and dispute among themselves the correct interpretation of the Emperor's will and how this should best be carried out again much to the irony of it humanity has slipped back into the grinding attrition of opinions much like the religions of Old Earth and this was something the Emperor was always desperate to avoid but now has spectacularly failed to rein in so this is why many inquisitors will shift ideologies and attachment to specific orders throughout their lifetimes in fact such is the fractured and often clouded nature of reality in the 41st millennium and doubtless somewhat as a result of the hastily implemented founding of the Inquisition itself in the final days of the heresy it's arguably insufficient direction at its inception this consequently led to a slow fracture occurring over many millennia now resulting in polarizing ideological inconsistencies and these views are championed by different factions of the Inquisition who have slowly drifted into different ways of interpreting their overall mission role even though philosophical definitions of humanity and the Imperium itself this fragmentation over a scale you might judge as being objective and logical and loyal on the one hand to full-blown conspiratorial extremism on the other means that the different orders of the Inquisition may find themselves waging small-scale civil wars thankfully this is not something that is especially common nor is it desired by anyone despite their spitting hatred for those who they perceive to be actively working against them there is the awareness by all concerned that although as we noted before technically yes they do carry high authority it's unlikely that space moon chapters and other imperial forces would tolerate another civil war dragging the Imperium down no matter who is creating it this seems to be generally understood and so any engagements between inquisitorial orders are more likely to be skirmishes than anything else with senior figures wielding at least plausible deniability and any required further investigations it was a Vox communications error sir we had no choice but to open fire on them and so on the Inquisition itself though is primarily split into three orders the orders enos are the alien hunters the order heretics deliver brutal punishment upon the heretics and inquisitors of the order malleus are some of the few mortal humans who are able to stand against the nightmarish demons of the parallel void space known as the warp where only chaos exists and all of humanity's worst traits are physically poured into it saturating it across bodies anyway our perception of time gregor eisenhorn belonged to that first order of the Ordos eNOS to some the Ordos eNOS is debatably the order carrying the least gravitas they're important to be sure in the same way that we'd in your path in tending your lawn is important unless they become overgrown but trimming encroaching weeds offers little in the way of mystique the autos eNOS are primarily focused upon one core objective the extermination of that which is not of mankind when we say exterminate we mean total obliteration they serve to seek out and destroy the alien with extreme prejudice - brutally hack them to pieces beat and grind them into the dirt purge their foul ugliness back from whence it came and most importantly never allow them to contaminate or constrain the grandeur progress and purity of humanity for his only humanity who are destined to be the rightful rulers of the galaxy and in the eyes of the Ordos eNOS all others deserve nothing more than total annihilation now before I go on I will also just mention something that confuses many in relation to the Ordos and also in relation to Gregor eisenhorn so just because an Inquisitor is aligned or attached to a specific order like the xenos or malleus this does not mean that they are restricted singularly to that path of investigation and this path only for example an auto heretic could begin an investigation about reports of a heretical cult only to discover it has xenos related origins now at that point they could continue on and deal with it entirely themselves or maybe if they felt necessary they might call in a fellow Inquisitor who specializes in that area now this can obviously be played out in various combinations you may be directed more towards missions and tasks which involve that discipline as it were and I say this because a lot of what Aizen Hong gets involved in is relating to the dark powers of the warp which often leaves people asking where hang on I thought he was the Ordos eNOS he is but that is not really important without wanting to go off on a really huge tangent here I'll just also say that this is often true other narratives within the Imperium you often might hear about x-force dealing with X situation so you get the impression that they are the only ones qualified to handle that specific sort of task it's just not the case it's just that they're probably doing that because they're better trained or suited to it in one way or the other so Gregor eisenhorn initially aligned himself with what are referred to as Puritan inquisitors they believe in and enforce so-called traditional states of the Inquisition this essentially means that they follow the letter of the Imperial law yet they are still very hardline uncompromising a merciless they're polar opposites within the order of the Inquisition order known as radical inquisitors Puritans view this kind of thinking as heretical because radicals generally operate under an ends justifying the means perspective even if that means acquiring and using forbidden technology or xenos technology or dark powers the rationale for the radicals here is usually only the lines of the end being far more important than any contamination which happens along the way and when it comes to technology the idea being this stuff already exists so why not just use it if it enables us to reach our goals more rapidly this thinking is highly questionable for many in the Imperium already but it is entirely abhorrent and appalling to Puritan inquisitors from the very beginning gregor eisenhorn was like many individuals in the Imperium thrown into a dark reality that cares not for you or anyone you care about as an emergent psycho he was taken from his homeworld by the greatly feared black ships of the telepathic ax but would survive the ordeal and rise to become an acolyte and then qualified member of the Inquisition by the astonishingly young age of just 24 years old eisenhorn was of course capable of psychic abilities once he'd been trained properly to control his skills he could use these abilities of telepathy and persuasion to compel others to follow his commands these are not the heretics you're looking for his powers in this regard were formidable he was able to focus this mind-control upon individuals or even whole crowds and as you can imagine this in many ways could be a far more powerful weapon than even those who use psychic powers for offensive action now some 18 years later and aged 40 gregor was on course with a career that had already been progressing well but it was around this time in the year of 240 m41 that things would become more complicated when he would encounter a servant of chaos named Myrddin iclone in the helican sub sector an old and important area of the scara's sector a cultural center within segmental obscurus and this is the area in galactic north iclone was a particularly unpleasant individual a follower of chaos and a psycho who would also use his powers to mind-control others and even Mindwipe them eisenhorn would hunt iclone for several years finally cornering him on the world of hubris and i do have to give you some detail about the world of hubris because it's so stupid it would be a crime not to the story goes that the original colonists who came to hubris long ago and used long-range scans to decide to settle there in the first place except upon arrival they found their systems had inaccurately represented the data of this world to them now after a 70 year voyage they were stuck facing a planet there was basically nothing more than an ice world it seems the nature of this was that whilst the planet was periodically habitable its orbit meant that it would annually become swathe in ice and essentially completely uninhabitable for 11 out of its 29 month solar orbit yet despite this the colonists decided they had a little option other than to now settle here and so they devised an ingenious plan to deal with the problem of living in a world incapable of supporting life for third of its year they would use their cryogenics from the ships long voyage to essentially hibernate during this 11 month freeze leaving behind a designated skeleton crew of 1% to maintain the facilities and this 1% lived in what was known as the Sun Dome to shield them and allow him to live somewhat normally during this period and it was on this world that eisenhorn finally encountered iclone after years in pursuit iclone had wanted to murder the entire hibernating population of the world so as to empower a figure known as Pontius Gor for now just know that gloor was a bad guy and as a result of Eisen Hans arrival this scheme would be abandoned although over 12,000 would still be murdered and I claim was subsequently killed in terms of that act itself it's important to remember that when you're trying to empower or if you're worshipper of chaos it's not enough to just kill a few individuals because in the scope and the scale of what chaos is a few individuals means absolutely nothing if you want to get the attention and the power and the blessings of chaos you need to be killing on a massive level and these events would also bring into Eisen horns retinue godwyn the fishing member of the adaptive Alberti's a highly capable individual both in combat and investigation and also Eliza Beth bakwin who joined him as a result of the incident on hubris Gregor was quick to recognize Eliza Beth as one of those rarest of individuals and null seikar otherwise known as a bank in Durham bethat null cycles are some of those who make up the dangerous individuals known as the sisters of silence and also the individuals who power the devastating sigh Titans despite the obvious problems this might create not least of all the repulsion eisenhorn felt from her very presence he recognized the high value she would bring to him and so she was drafted into his retinue similarly to fishing she proved herself adept at undercover an investigative operations all of this though would lead them into what is referred to as the necro tuck affair after the incident on hubris the investigations led them to become curious about this individual of pontius Gore who had been executed by another Inquisitor some centuries previous they decided investigating the house of Gore who had attempted to distance themselves from Pontius seemed a reasonable course of action and they would discover something known as the pontius this was a dark crystal containing the spiritual essence of Pontius Glore it became apparent that far from distancing themselves the House of gore were neck deep in her article activity and a cabal within their house had arranged to trade artifacts of a miner xenos race known as the Saru sea in exchange for the necro tube which they had by chance discovered a millennia previous but what was this necro tube while it was a book but a book of profane arcane power that the Cabal of house galore believed would empower them enough to be able to resist the Inquisition itself and fulfilling their promise to resurrect Pontius Glore [Music] through the actions of eisenhorn his retinue and Imperial Guard troops they were able to prevent the house of gore from acquiring the dark time but even slight exposure to it nearly caused his demise when he was assaulted by a Kaos marine known as mandragora formerly of the Emperor's children however he was tricked by eisenhorn who exploited him coming under the spell of the book similarly to himself and in that moment he was able to decapitate the Kaos Marine this caused the mandragora D to combust into which eisenhorn placed the necro tube and it would be this action which placed him in a conflict with inquisitors of the radical ideology who believed he should have retained the book for his research and to exploit its powers eisenhorn will be part of a subsequent assault on the suruĂ­ homeworld to purge and destroy the tainted xenos race after is revealed that the Saru 'they are more than happy to trade the necrotic as they already had another copy of their own this incident would lead to a critically important event where eisenhorn would first encounter the demon host known as cherub l [Music] roughly a century passes since the incidents surrounding the necrotic lies in Hong continues his investigations for the imperium encountering corrupted Imperial Guard as well as suffering personal losses and injuries to himself by three three eight of m41 though you begin a new line of inquiry that is possibly is most notable an infamous investigation that of the Inquisitor quick sis on the hive world of thracian primaries a great parade known as the triumph was taking place to celebrate the victory over a civil war taking place in the hill irken sector the parade was set to reach as far as 20 miles containing several starties chapters as well as anything like half a million guardsmen it also would include 300 members of the Inquisition including Gregor eisenhorn and another Gideon Ravenel the parade though was assaulted by chaos aircraft and many thousands were killed this sparked a brief period on the planet of unrest on rioting it led to the escape also of rogue psychos from Imperial holding and this was believed to be the goal of the assault that took place at a time when the Imperials would be preoccupied with their self indulgent displays of success and power more troubling though was that the escaped psychos were classed as alpha plus these designations are the rarest class of positive sonic level psychos and alpha plus are basically beyond the scale of measured psychic power their powers are far beyond the hype of the individual being able to control them and the Imperium consider them to be extremely dangerous individuals and an immediate threat to the Imperium itself to put into perspective how dangerous an alpha plus psychic could be if they were able to control and channel their power they could for example slap a Titan in half like a dry branch or indeed summon entire legions of greater demons of chaos whereas ordinary psychos and cultists will have an extremely difficult time even summoning 1 alpha plus psychos are like white-hot loads of war power in the real space thankfully they are very rare but they are just off the scale in the danger that they present to the Imperium and one might reasonably question the logic of holding all these individuals in one place but regardless eisenhorn began investigations immediately and they seem discovered that it was apparent that the escape of the psyches had been assisted by fellow inquisitors a extremely disturbing discovery and this is when eisenhorn found an Inquisitor like ho in the company of cherub el and the unexpected reappearance of this demon host was very troubling for eisenhorn to say the least eisenhorn would then decide to focus his further investigations on this reappearance and the significance of cherub el which would bring him to Cadia his arrival and investigation here on Cadia will lead eisenhorn and his retinue to encounter another powerful demon host known as profanity but nots about how you imagine it was only thanks to the null bakwin that they were able to survive this encounter at all but the demon was still powerful enough to physically melt eyes and horns power sword eisenhorn would vaporize the host body of the demon host but then simply took possession of one of his associates and escaped and this is when we see the beginnings of trouble and the muddied waters of loyalty begin in the mind of eisenhorn who would then also be arrested by one Inquisitor Ozma for consorting with demons the events leading up to this and their resolution for me highlights the problematic nature of life for inquisitors through no real intention or fault of their own their activities and investigations may unusually will bring them into contact with or result in the manipulation of demons Zeno's and other warp entities as well as associated condemned technology and I think it's all too often assumed and presented very simplistically that inquisitors are just hunters of the catch all enemies of mankind as well as the insinuation that they get off on the power trip of condemning any and all to death on the slightest whim this caricature this meme of Inquisitor is commonly how they're very lazily represented a condemned to death first ask questions later kind of raw power tripping mad a position that represents a little more than ultimate power trip except more often it appears in reality this is a very misleading representation and that even the opposite is true yes they do have far reaching an undeniable power yeah their existence is far from comfortable or all about just carrying out death sentences as and when for any minor infraction they are far more occupied with investigation that are wrought with difficulty in terms of navigating the very fine line between just what is and isn't acceptable in the eyes of specific elements of the Imperium and fellow inquisitors the subtlety of what inquisitors do within the impairment is far more than just casual executions because they feel like it and this is why if you're not familiar already with the Aizen home trilogy of Xena's malleus and heretics these are essential leading and you should read them as soon as possible or audio book them on audible but returning now to eisenhorn and Inquisitor Ozma who charges him with heresy and consorting with the demon they also relate to accuse him of being involved with the Thracian primeras incident when the escape of the alpha plus psychos after three months of eisenhorn being interrogated by Ozma's staff Lord Inquisitor Watkyn had apparently persuaded Grandmaster Orsini to have eisenhorn extradited to thracian primaries where he would stand trial before a magistrate tribunal of the order malleus and the oficio of internal prosecution but before the black ships arrived to transport eisenhorn his retinue would break him out and they fled aboard a rogue trader Maximas ship at this point eisenhorn is now declared an outcast by the inquisition and an enemy of the Imperium eisenhorn himself was obviously now all too well aware that clearing his name was absolutely paramount and so he needed to now refocus on both locating quick sauce and has brought him to engage and discuss with the spirit of Pontius Glore and finally when he would locate Inquisitor quick suss he would also encounter the demon hosts of profanity and chair about once again with the heretical time of Crixus Aizen Hall was able to banish the demons back into the war yet as he conversed with chair about the twisted plans of the demon become all too clear as chair abbas said itself when the warp is in you as it is in me you see ty from all angles you see what will be and what will come what someone here now will do in a century or two what someone there has done a thousand years in the past you see the possibilities it's small fragments like these as well which go into the puzzle piece of how time is perceived in the warp and then that many of you want me to get toward that discussion of time in the warp again but you said small fragments like this that enable us to see the demons and other entities in the warp really able to see a broad picture of time and the events that occur in real space in a much more kind of fluid and disorganized fashion seeing everything all together but it was only after isin Hall to banish the demon host did he come to contemplate how he had been manipulated musing to himself I saw the years of enslavement it had endured at crixus hands the torments of its binding the great forbidden texts of the mollusk Edition whose arcane knowledge Crixus had used to create his demon hosts and I realized that I given terrible exactly what it wanted after all freedom eisenhorn would then find encountered Crixus and it became apparent that as a radical Inquisitor Crixus believed that he would be able to recreate one of the pylons of Cadia powered by the alpha plus psyches so as to collapse the eye of terror itself this had been his grand radical scheme eisenhorn would kill Crixus in combat and his plans dismantled the psyche is recovered in imprisoned on black ships most too dangerous to be held permanently and were executed after this great achievement in revealing the whole torrid affair and defeating the demon hosts and Crixus not to mention recovering the psyches and great quantities of documents and materials the accusations of Inquisitor Ozma could no longer stand lies in Haun's period as an outcast and renegade was obviously rescinded it turned out though that eisenhorn had kept a dark tome of knowledge known as the malice condition used by Crixus for himself and this would become an instrumental tool for the downward spiral there was the next chapter in his life eisenhorn greatly resented the way that cherrybelle had manipulated him with the kadhi see'em he would learn the dark skills needed in binding and creating demon hosts just as Crixus himself and learned [Music] terrible is an infamous demon because of its association with Aizen home but also because it stands as a great example of just how demons are able to manipulate mortals in the dark future demons are able to see a far broader nonlinear perspective of time via the war and they're capable of planning vast schemes that are beyond the understanding and the comprehension of mortals they may not have the mind or the knowledge capable of realizing just how they are being used this has happened on many occasions to inquisitors another example being Inquisitor Sabbath II cherub R was originally a demon Prince of the feral world clan r2 and held dominion of the local population who without much effort came into worshipping the demon as a god Inquisitor Crixus defeated him and then by use of the mollusc odyssia enslaved it as a demon host a demon host being basically a demon that is bound to a living human enslaved to their will while this is quite obviously insanely heretical this is an example of something of radical Inquisitor might attempt but more commonly chaos cults or seek to summon demon hosts offering a host soul for possession the difference being that a cult will usually be subject to the will and power of a demon whereas a radical Inquisitor will often be able to dominate and control the will of the demon although they are not necessarily entirely successful at this and especially over time as already stated a demons grand scheme can undermine the apparent control immortal has over them either that or their insidious nature will slowly poison the mind of the Inquisitor over many many years the following period quickly becomes dark and by now an unstoppable descent into radicalism for eisenhorn while originally his encounters with demons were unjustly reasoned by Inquisitor Ozma as being corrupting and evidence of eisenhorn consorting with demons his manipulation by terrible his acquisition of the malice condition and the seeds of radicalism signed by Crixus were leading eisenhorn down a path from which there would be no loot back eisenhorn zone associate godwyn fishing once had told him that he had been warned to stay away from any of radical sympathy stating to him trust me eisenhorn if I ever thought you were I'd shoot you myself eisenhorn would once again encounter the heretic fade thering who had killed one of his retinue midas bettan core back then fade was merely a minor chaos cultist but he had escaped the revenge of the Inquisitor now eisenhorn encountered him after travelling to a world of Dura where chaos titans were being stored eisenhorn and his team caught up with thering but not before he managed to activate a warlord chaos titan eisenhorn himself had no deep understanding of titans but he knew enough to know they primarily operated by means of a psychic interface and that therefore their problem could be overcome by the use of psychic power something that they had plenty of options of using to approach the situation the objective would be to destroy the link between thering and the chaos titan an eisenhorn speculated that by using a rune staff he and another psychic could use their power to break into the titans consciousness and then his associate back when the blank would also hold on to this staff and using her null ability they would amplify this to destroy the psychic connection of the Titan completely eisenhorn and associate Rossi found themselves in the world of the war and the mind to the chaos titan the crew revolt describing this as the titans memories its mental landscape and this was revealed to them which incidentally contains yet another specific reference to the fact that titans originated from the Dark Age of Technology not created originally by the mechanical on Mars when they found themselves within this Titans consciousness eisenhorn spoke about what he saw within the memories of the Titan may the god emperor spare me I saw such things then I stood on the brink and peered into the abyss of the Titans memories I saw cities die in flames I saw legions of Imperial Guard incinerated I saw Space Marines die in their hundreds scurrying around my feet like ants I saw planets catch fire burn to ashes I saw imperial Titans proud warlords burst apart and died under the onslaught of my hands I saw the gates of the Imperial Palace on terror through a blizzard of fire I saw down many thousands of years they saw Horus vile and screaming his wrath I saw the whole heresy played out in front of my eyes I saw the age of strife and witnessed firsthand the dark age of technology that preceded it I fell plummeting through history through the stored memory of kurivolt I saw too much I started to scream Rassi slapped me hard around the face could I go come on now we're almost there this was when eisenhorn null companion bakwin would take the staff and was tragically killed in the process while being a null the process that eisenhorn had speculated could bring down the Titan created what might be described as a psychic backdraft as bakwin connected herself to the powerful amplified psychic rod the all-powerful sentence of the Titan had entered her mind and all were thrown back from the stars but back when he was tossed as much as 12 meters back away from the staff and as she did so bones shattering upon her hitting the stone walls of the chapel they rested him bakwin had been Aizen horns companion for a significant period of time and the grief of this coupled with the fact that his plan had failed to take down the Titan and the chaos of thering it was still bearing down on them caused him a considerable degree of guilt and despair and it is of course situations like this when people will hear the whispering calls of chaos and the warp to take out the easy way to listen to the promises of the demons more of Aizen horns entourage will be killed by the Titan and in the depths of his despair knowing he had no way of countering something like a Titan after waiting so many years to carry out the revenge on fade thering his last option was an unthinkable one eisenhorn held the rune staff and recited the words he'd spent decades studying from the mollusc addition he attempted to rationalize his actions to himself hearing the years of conversations with his associates from centuries previous yet he was not in that place and time now for eisenhorn the line between heresy and purity were no longer clear or black and white the line between the two have become thinner and thinner over time and now that fine line had become a blur it was not distinct or clearly marked this was the moment that eisenhorn would finally cross into the ideology of radical inquisition he would unleash terrible and command it to destroy the titan it was moments from killing them all the skull facing of the titan would crack and explode from the inside out a huge war machine coming crashing to the ground one single release of demonic power terrible had killed both the Titan and Aizen horns phone fade thering if the demon was not acting at the command of eisenhorn he had unleashed it into the material and now it turned its attention upon him it was not bound to a demon host he had no weapon to fight it and terrible of course did not hesitate in tormenting Aizen home with his impending doom chair bells assault was paused when an old man dronicus pushed it back by use of an Aquila from the chapel screaming the words of worship for the emperor in this milder delay enabled Aizen on to commit further acts of unthinkable heresy Bastien vivec was a young idealistic Ordos eNOS Inquisitor a strict Puritan and formerly Inquisitor Ozma's interrogator he had barely served the Inquisition for half a year when he was sent to the world of Dura to assist Aizen horns hunt for heretic thering vivek proved to be quite the annoyance by his proximity to eisenhorn with what might best be described as apple-polishing behavior lyric had been badly wounded though by the titan assault and now lay in a terrible state within the chapel eisenhorn approaching the young Inquisitor who assumed that eisenhorn was there to comfort and help him however his line of questions to verdict immediately made him panic as to the older inquisitors intentions and with fair reason as eisenhorn proceeded to then use virwox own blood to mark out symbols across his broken body the old man Jonas was heard outside screaming his cherub all had finally found the power to melt the Aquila in his last moments the innocently naive Inquisitor Bastian Verbeck still did not fully comprehend just what it was that I horn was attempting to do as he used the boy Inquisitor as a tool by which to entrap terrible with the few words in servitude Tim abdic oh I'd bind the fast forever into this host and it was done and cherrybelle was once again trapped Bastien verdict was of course dead his corpse floating above the ground while eisenhorn fashioned a leash to tow him along much to the complete abhorrent disgust of Godwin fishing he questioned eisenhorn that verdict was dead before he was used as a host wasn't he - a J'son honk gave no answer all of these events would prove greatly suspect for his retinue who were becoming evermore troubled by the actions and evasive answers of their master Inquisitor eisenhorn by now was already questioning things himself on the one hand believing that he was headed on the right path with a renewed sense of purpose but on the other contemplating the possibility that he was now no better than the heretic Crixus and had become trapped in the same darkness so easily and without even realizing it he would also ponder on the possibility that the malice condition had been slowly poisoning his mind and that this was how he found himself able to cross the line into binding a fellow Inquisitor as a demon host yet he also saw that via the neck retreat and the code is ium he had been able to achieve great things that he could not have done so otherwise it was a difficult ideological argument for him to wrestle with and one which he found to be increasingly challenging to rationalize eisenhorn noted though that unlike other demonic artifacts and tomes which often seemed alive to speak or whisper in some manner the kadhi see'em had always seemed silent the silence was suspicious to him was it benign appearance as just a book far from that truth and then in reality it had been doing far more damage than any other dark object that he possessed that unlike other things which an Inquisitor would know were evil the danger and power of the mollusc odyssia was that it did not present itself in this way it was instead an insidious thing that poisoned your mind without you even realizing it and by the time you came to understand this would already be too late miss epiphany deeply troubled eisenhorn but he was already too invested to do much about it by now pontius glory in the echo de cross isin horns lifetime beginning far back with his investigations on hubris and discovery of the necrotic the house of galore in the discovery of these cabal's factions and individuals who sought to use chaos to their own end Klaus can suitable intelligence and his personality have been preserved in a sigh crystal by his noble family and this had been what the House of gore had been attempting to resurrect him into a mortal body with so long ago this crystal had been entrusted to the care of may just bureau and some years later eisenhorn had conferred with glory using the crystal which had led to his discovery of the demon hosts and this had then ultimately led to his execution of Crixus and his relationship with terrible however in order to get Gore to cooperate eisenhorn had promised that my just pure would fashion a body for galore to inhabit believing quite stupidly that even if this was fashioned he would never be able to escape but seemingly inevitably escaped clawed did and now eisenhorn and his entourage found themselves investigating events that had seemed to point toward them being at the direction of Pontius Glore many members and sites of Eisenhower's operations had been coming under attack or even been destroyed and murdered and after considerable cross-referencing they came to the conclusion the Glor was the prime candidate for these crimes yet eisenhorn also speculated that it may well be that Glore was not specifically seeking revenge against him and his followers but the perhaps Glor was simply looking to eliminate any who held any knowledge of him so that he might be able to then carry out future plans without the fear of somebody recognizing speaking up about the threat that he posed to the Imperium eisenhorn would reveal all of his actions so far to the rogue trader tobias maxilla who had originally helped him in pursuing iclone all those years ago but after laying out all of his controversial actions he felt sure that maxilla would condemn them but surprisingly to Gregor he did not in fact on the contrary maxilla gave the analogy that all those who had died as a result of eisenhorn missions his associates who died because of demons and heretics were still all doing the great work the Emperor that ultimately all eisenhorn was guilty of was making difficult choices so as to best serve the Emperor that we're a general might command infantry on a battlefield he uses people and elements of society to achieve his victories while eisenhorn had likely suspected while contemplating the kadhi sium that he had by this stage Lenten heavily toward the radical view it was his conversation with maxilla that cemented his realization that he was doing the Emperor's work even though it meant bending the rules as it were but using a rogue trader like maxilla who by his own admission regularly broke the rules of the Imperium cleanly for nothing more than to just satisfy his own desires was not perhaps the most objective point of reference to be gauging oneself by but still it helped calm the conscience of eisenhorn this though would also lead eisenhorn to realize that he was absolutely isolated and could not call for help from the Inquisition how would he be able to do such a thing as he exclaimed what could I say Pontius claw is exterminating my forces where did he come from my lord Grand Master what to be honest I've known of his existence for centuries but I kept him hidden from you and he's only up and around now because I decided to give him a body and this was not to mention of course any omission related to things like the Cadiz ium and chair about this was only further confirmed as his a longtime friend and associate Godwin fishing abruptly left the retinue one evening Aizen home was able to track him down but ultimately they would part ways unable to reconcile their differences that were now laid bare with no way to reasonably resolve the situation this unfortunately led not long after to fish it believing it be in the best interests of all to turn eisenhorn over to the Puritans to save him from himself and present his actions having any further consequence that might cause harm to the Imperium all those around him Inquisitor Ozma who had never apologized to eisenhorn for his previous attempts to sanction the Inquisitor along with Inquisitor Haldane and a host of storm troopers took custody of eisenhorn his retinue and boarded the ship a scene they didn't much approve of rogue trader maxilla either whose body had been significantly all rented over centuries and after a brief interrogation cherrybelle would burst from one of the ships Astro pods and a brutal fight broke out with Inquisitor helding taking on the cheerful terrible who was burning Guardsmen seemingly at will meanwhile Ozma was fighting one to one with eisenhorn and again eisenhorn struggling to hold his own but maxilla would deliver a fatal shot to Ozma vaporizing his head clean from his shoulders killing him in a single blast the shot had come from a ring on the Rogue Traders finger which still glowed brightly a rare digital weapon relic of ancient times Inquisitor Haldane had been trapped and was slowly now being burned alive by psychic fire chair about bored with the dying human teased eisenhorn but his impending suffering as he always delighted in doing eisenhorn stood firm with another newer member of his team aleena coy a blank in and null who was far from being described as weak but certainly not of the strongest mental disposition her null abilities were all that stood between them and destruction but regardless she was still crying and scared beyond all rational thought at the sight and threats of the demon terrible eisenhorn would recall some of the words of the mollusc odyssia m-- and it would be enough to drive back chair about temporarily as it reeled from the power of the tomes words eisenhorn and aleena would flee only to run into his old friend godwyn fishing now aboard the ship fishing tries to convince eisenhorn once again to choose between surrender to the inquisition or death but fishing is tragically executed by one of Aizen horns retinue Inquisitor Haldane would then survive this incident with the demon that was horrific Lee wounded and would take a great deal of augmenting to recover his incinerating all over burns strange II he'd never revealed to the Inquisition the ultimate fate of Grand Master Ozma and the reasons for him doing this are unknown Aizen Hans team did succeed in binding cherub are once again but as was often the case it ended up being a traumatic affair which resulted in the death of yet another of his associates Charbel though would become greatly necessary for they would soon face because shortly after their confrontation with the inquisitors eisenhorn and his retinue finally came face to face with Pontius Gor their inevitable showdown would ensue Gor being considerably more powerful than eisenhorn and although he has cherub Al Gore's own demon host was again far more powerful but through some sly misdirection eisenhorn would use the promise of the mollusc odyssia man all of its knowledge and information to focus the attention of Glore who could scarcely believe that Iceland would be stupid enough to have brought such an item with him that he himself coveted so greatly yet his wide-eyed desires quickly turned to despair as Aizen home tore the book apart and immolated it before his very eyes go on panicking him distraught at the critical loss of dark knowledge turning to ash before him was scrambling around to collect what he could at the darker tone but this wild distraction was exactly what eisenhorn desired he would tear into the hosts cybernetic body constructed by the mechanicus slashing of its chest driving it back with followed blows and finally splitting Glaus head apart sending metallic shards and glass shattering across the floor after vanquishing his nemesis completing his centuries long saga eisenhorn which strangely disappear from sight it's reasonable the loss of so many of his associates had taken its toll coupled with his own uncertainties about where he placed himself and his value within the scale of inquisitional ideology the deaths of nearly all of his closest companions though seemed to always wait especially heavily upon him not to mention his continual manipulation by so many other corrupting external forces he did appear from time to time after these affairs but his death was speculated upon but never confirmed there were no further records of Inquisitor eisenhorn listed within Imperial archives and nor is there any mention of an entity known as cherub all but given the darkness the impure of mankind currently faces could it be that a eisenhorn has survived to this time and could even make a reappearance somewhere in the future now we're finished today by taking a look at the fantastic eisenhorn miniature that siege TD has painted up for me now siege specialize in painting characters and single models they of course provide services for full army builds as well and I know several people here who have already used their services and showcased these to me CG also offer both painting services and tuition and I've been signed up to their patreon for while now now as you can see here through patreon they provide video painting tutorials like this eisenhorn model itself this isin whole model actually was up there so you can see how they painted it the different techniques they used for various stages so that you can obviously follow along this is gonna be far better than just a PDF download alone as I've been getting back into my miniatures I've wanted to collect more and more pieces and some individuals that I can just keep as singular miniatures to look at it's really happy with how this eisenhorn turned out well though as you guys know painting is a really big part of Warhammer for me and I recently showcased my own painting skills but it's still sometimes nice to actually have somebody else produce a miniature for you to just add to your collection and I like this combination of law with miniatures from time to time so probably get some others done in the future but if you want to check out siege find out more about their services or get a quote for your own project check out the link directly below this video go straight on to the next big video which is going to come out very soon and I think it's one that you guys are going to enjoy very much I'll just finish by saying obviously eisenhorn is going to be soon developed into a series this is one of several projects Games Workshop seem to be working on this is primarily the reason why I wanted to give you guys an overview of eisenhorn so let me know your thoughts about how you would like to see that series styled down below thanks as always for your continued support guys I'll be seeing you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 520,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition, Inquisitor
Id: f23PZWn3igs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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