The Minotaurs EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal Mohammed takes inspiration from a lot of real-life things in history whether it be ultramarines been inspired by ancient Rome or the Empress children been inspired by registered sex offenders or hammer does it all if a warhammer character faction or race is inspired by someone or something badass they will generally also be a beast the matura and Crusades saw the warhammer equivalent of Alexander the Great conquered so much territory for the Imperium who would have made the Empress bony face blush hence when you have a spacer in Chapter inspired by Sparta you know they're gonna cause some serious trauma for the enemies of the Imperium and the allies of the Imperium and the Imperium itself yeah these guys are worse than the Marines malevolent not because they're bigger douches and no no one is a bigger douche than a Marine malevolent it's because of how wildly effective they are if a malevolent marine what's the ruin your day there's a good chance you'll be sweet so probably struggle to get to you if a minute all wants to ruin your day you may as well just break your own legs and hope they take pity on you spoilers they probably won't today I will Grover who the Minotaur's are and what their deal is we'll also have a look at their very mysterious origins as well as what's going on with their own version of Leonidas Asterion malach let's get into it long before the 41st millennium a humble scientist that went by the name of the god Emperor of mankind ah decided that he was bored and that the milky way needed to get milked hence using danke science he created 20 demigods super soldiers called pry marks and used their DNA with even more dank sites that create 20 legions of super soldiers called his starties the Minotaur's were not one of these twenty original legions see every space marine in the galaxy can trace their lineage to one of these twenty as since an unfortunate event called the Horus heresy occurred the legions were broken up into chapters and different foundings some tapped Azhar like Oh yep no worries I'm nice I look like chocolate and I have a big schlong I'm definitely a salamander successor and some are like omniscient Child ding da I am different Rio right scar succession whereas other chapters such as the Blood Ravens minotaurs are super unique and all their records of their original lineage have been lost or sealed this can be for a variety of reasons for the Blood Ravens it's because they're likely a thousand son successor which is extremely heretical whereas for the Minotaur's it's likely because the Imperium messed with the Emperor's space marine template to create them and saying that though the Minotaur's also have a decent chance have been from a trader gene seed as well as a rule of thumb it's super heretical to mess with any of the Emperor's original designs unless your name of courses bas arias call then it's fine either way it would only be in recent times that the Minotaur's as we know them today would emerge to be clear they did also exist in a 38 millennium but the Canon of that is questionable as back their narrow insane berserkers were the one of the fugly simmers difficult to paint styles I've ever seen the modern-day minotaurs are a lot more cold and calculating they also don't make me consider suicide whenever I look at their paint scheme while some space free chapters have specialized a siege warfare arranged warfare or close-quarter warfare the official specialization in the Minotaur's is killing other space marines something they're pretty stoked about whenever there's a renegade spacer in Chapter the Minotaur's will be line their full force Massacre 80% of the chapter still their gear and make them beg for forgiveness they're literally fueled by Space Marine tears during the 8th Black Crusade that Abaddon launched you know having failed 7 of them already it was the Minotaur's who backed up the custody's to wipe out a force of knight lords and iron warriors who threatened terror itself after this they were hand chosen to become the attack dogs of the High Lords of terror themselves only obeying orders given to them by the High Lords and return being given the best weapons in gear available when the previously mentioned match Arion the alexander the great of 40k died the regions of space he had taken over fell into civil war it was the Minotaur's who spearheaded the attack onto the heretics and slaughtered the traders during this mockery and heresy there was a lot of confusion about who was on what side loyalists fault loyalists just as much as renegades did the doom warriors and in scepters two loyalist chapters were caught in a fight with each other the Minotaur's came in and beat the [ __ ] out of both of them forcing the do morris to retreat the interceptors to suffer a humiliating defeat now the interceptors are an ultramarine successor so kicking their ass is like punching the rich kid from your school in the face his daddy is gonna get very angry and will try and sue you which is all well and good until you activate your trap card and inform them that your dad is a corrupt politician so they can't do [ __ ] to you needless to say the Minotaur's are not welcome in Ultra MA another incident was when Judah tits ditched pulling a fast one numerous loyalist chapters were turning in C Imperium including our good but unlucky boys though elementor's well been unlucky already sucks been unlucky and also been the target of the Minotaur sucks even harder whilst the Imperium in the succession is fought the Minotaur's beeline for the lament is and kicked the [ __ ] out of them decimating their chapter and stealing most of their war gear and a number of ships if you haven't been able to notice by this point I'll make it very clear the Minotaur's are really really good at killing space marines sort of at this Spartan King Asterion malach arguably one of the most powerful space rings to ever live a Marine who was extremely old always fights on the front line has been reported dead multiple times yet always returns in complete fighting form well Games Workshop have kept him pretty mysterious he never removes his helmet which has given rise to a number of theories about him and how he's so powerful for a space rain there's literally a quote from a named custodian who was a beast in combat been like brah I'm not even sure I could beat this guy for context custody's are known to cut through Space Marines like butter well first off it's thought that malach is an enormous space ring it's thought that he received even more genes seed and experimentation than normal prolonging his life dramatically and making an absolute beast that's theory one theory too is that a steering has undergone extensive cybernetic rebuilding making him a Space Marine terminator this would also explain how he survives needeth experiences and also why doesn't take his armor off his armor is a part of him theory 3 is that he's actually a custodian or the result of a custodies Space Marine hybrid this is backed up by the fact that his spear appears to be a remixed version of a guardian spear Spears only custodians can use and finally the theory that I find it interesting is that it's been confirmed the Minotaur's employer mind washing technique which basically lets them upload data and personalities to their space marines brains giving them extremely fast recruitment rates what I think could happen is that when a Starion dies they upload a backup of his memories and abilities to the brain of a powerful Minotaur then equipped them with Morlocks war gear and bam there you have it he's back this would also explain why so powerful he's had years of combat data spread throughout multiple merlocks uploaded into him also explains why such a massive dick that kind of mine rape ain't gonna come for free now none of these are confirmed to be true but regardless of why all that matters is us Theron will kick your ass down a well if you gain his way in more recent times the Minotaur's have gotten themselves into a bit of controversy killing some Sisters of silence and even a custodian see when gunmen took over his lord region of the Imperium he flushed the swamp solving at most the holds of terror they weren't super keen on this hence hatched a plan to overthrow him now a human attempting to overthrow our prime arc is like a white person trying to dunk in basketball it's just not gonna go well there was a big fiasco which eventually led the Minotaur's and custody's fighting the custody's obviously killed numerous minotaurs but were able to suffer one death before the final fight can begin a legendary shield captain of the custody's professed to fight malach and after assessing him cannot find a single weakness that he can exploit and feels the closest thing a custodian can to feel concern before they can fight however the situation is resolved the trader Lords are killed and everyone goes on their merry way pretending like nothing ever happened the Minotaur's is usually the High Lords sucking them off got early access to the primaries DLC and said Primus minotaurs running around before the other chapters these guys are very much paid to win after the hectic custodian killing heresy that everyone pretends didn't happen the Minotaur has joined the dominators crusade in full strength they were recorded as encountering some thousand suns for they swiftly bent over and destroyed from behind with the power of their throbbing bull [ __ ] we haven't heard much about the Minotaur since that scene however the coming of the indominus crusade novels as well as the Minotaur's recent popularity in law it's not hard to imagine we'll see more of the Spartan soon because they have attitude and overtly [ __ ] miss the minerals don't play nice with others they're known for high rates of friendly fire not attending war councils and randomly rampaging through war zones the Minotaur's of killed imperial fists blood Angell's grey knights assistance of silence custodians and many more loyalist factions in the Imperium purely either due to misunderstandings or simply because the in fending party was in their way Games Workshop have been really clever in the way that they expanded the different space ring chapters allowing them to have nearly endless fun and creativity I loved covering the more unique and especially badass space ring chapters and the Minotaur's were no exception and that does us for today guys the Minotaur of space ring chapter in weimar 40k I really enjoy the law of a loyalist chapters who are [ __ ] especially when they are Spartans if you have another space ring chapter you guys want me to talk about then let me know in the comments below and I'll see what I can do about it if you enjoyed the video I want to support the channel that patron is the place to be only one dollar gives you access to a boatload of warm hentai and $10 gives you access to the premium magical hentai calendar along with other benefits hit the subscribe button that hid the real subscribe button for more aggressive kick down well content during the disco for more memes and I'll see you in the next one pace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 402,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Space Marines, Primarchs, Astartes, Minotaurs, Sparta, Rome, Majorkill, Australia, Australian, space, Gamesworkshop, Fantasy, Star wars, Epic, Legendary, Lore, Explained, Guilliman, Asterian Moloc, Age of Sigmar
Id: 6suSo19c1D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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