The Secret History of the Ordo Sinister (Warhammer & Horus Heresy Lore)

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it should be noted at the outset of this particular record the subjects therein represent one of the most secret organizations within the entire history of the entire body of the Imperium indeed all the information one can glean comes only from the most secret of librarians and archives and none of it dates from any time after the enthronement of the master of mankind it has thus far been completely impossible for me to ascertain the mere existence of this organization subsequent to the great heresy it is possible given their remiss and indeed nature that the heresy was their end as it was the end of many of the smaller or more arcane branches of the Imperial regime should any information upon their continued existence come to life I will naturally committed to immediate record but for the time being this work should very much be considered as a record of a history long dead and considering the organization in question may have that be for the better for I know of few subjects within the body of the Imperium that come with such a miasma of dread as these fear is something inherent within the Imperium however one wishes to approach us our great human endeavor has always had at its heart fear this can be as simple as the fear that should one defy the will of the Imperium one will immediately receive the Emperor's just punishment likely in the form of Paden or death we are an empire founded upon that implicit threat a regime where the base level of control is as simple as a gun placed against a forehead such is the way of things for the universe is a cruel and unjust one and requires us as a species to guard ourselves against it to make trying judgments and to combine our efforts at all costs while the Emperor's grand wars of unification first upon the surface of holy terror and laterally abroad the stars on his Great Crusade were indeed utopian in their ideals to reshape the galaxy to better yield to the Dominion of man none can deny the ultimate choice alway word human regimes were given to submit or to die it was the binary decision at the heart of human unification and remained long after the fleet's of the Great Crusade had passed on annihilation waited in the eaves the Emperor had created a myriad of weapons in order to achieve this Imperial Army yes the ax star teased legions doubtlessly but what if forces entirely beyond the mundane needed to be harnessed what if the master of mankind held the belief that there were some weapons that despite their utterly abominable nature yet needed to be bent to mankind's will even for the deployment against his own kind the Great Crusade presented foes whose horror was beyond comprehension and Wars whose nature could simply not be reckoned with by those chained to the mundane the Emperor had created many monsters to fight his Wars to fight the most inconceivable to become fear itself he created monsters of an altogether different and more atrocious nature know then that this is a record of the left hand of the Emperor of the nightmare engines that stalked the dreams of the human race and brought ruination most complete to its enemies the sigh Titans of the Ordo sinister the exact foundation of the at least logistical side of the order sinister is impossible to ascertain which is something ones acolytes will have to get used to hearing when discussing this particular subject as with everything created specifically within the Emperor's personal laboratory ax its Genesis was recorded in data spools never intended for anyone's eyes but his or his closest advisors and these records are almost all either utterly sealed or were lost within the fires of the siege of Terra what records pertaining to its origins we do have largely comes from personal interactions or log entries from members of the former mechanic am of Mars given there quite literally unprecedented exclusion from the project with the signing of the Treaty of Olympus prior to the Great Crusade mechanic em had been indelibly bound to the Imperium and had enjoyed a favored and indeed central position in the research and development of the Imperium technological prowess flooding themselves on the long thought lost techno Arcana that the Emperor had recovered during his reunification of Terra during the latter half of the m20 s now in 967 m30 with the Great Crusade in full swing mechanic um hierarchy was stunned to its core when the Emperor issued a writ of compulsion demanding the shipment of 25 warlord class Titan war engines to the vault Imperialis upon terra itself in perpetuity lone warlord a bipedal Titan class second only to the Imperator in sheer destructive power remains to the present millennium a weapon to conquer whole worlds and annihilate whole armies 25 of them is a force to conquer a sub-sector reminding the sheer material cost of such a detachment the rate of compulsion near split the Martian sigh not with the Magi divided bitterly along religious lines some argued that as the ominous ayah of the machine God and the Martian deities earthly messenger the Emperor was do all that the Machine gods followers may produce and could lay his claim upon any of the mechanicals great works should he wishes others demurred seeing the purely political implications the tizen legions of the collegio titanica owed their fealty to mars and to her fabricator general they were part of the dense lattice of feudal loyalties and treaties that bound the mechanic him together and they expressly did not take direct orders from imperial subjects while ultimate human authority did flow from the Imperial Household the Treaty of Olympus had established the twin empires of Terra and Mars as an implicit partnership the Imperium requested not ordered the deployments of the mechanicals tag matter and their war engines to many within the Martian sign on the Rays of compulsion was not only unilateral bordering on tyrannical but a move designed to SAP Mars of her greatest creations to place them squarely under Imperial control it cried the move as the beginning of the end of red Mars as independence and cursed to the emperor a dictator open schism threatened to rend the sign out in twain until the Emperor himself met with the fabricator general of the mechanic am personally subsequent to this all further criticism of the writ of compulsion indeed that it had ever happened was actively suppressed from the peak of the mechanicals hierarchy the oblation as it is recorded in the diaries of Magi critical of the move went ahead with Mars herself bearing the lion's share of the commitment shipping eight warlords from her own collegial reserves to Terra the remainder of the demand saw the delivery of engines from the forge worlds of Voss Metallica Iraq Ness Farren and Charon Magna all of whom had been destined for use in titan legions all of which protested and the loss of so critical and powerful a weapon as a warlord and yet despite their scale and power all 25 delivered to Terra simply vanished into the Emperor's Palace seemingly never to be seen again 25 of the largest and most terrible weapons fashioned by the hand of man gone as far as most Imperial history is concerned the rate of compulsion may well have ended there it went recorded with some note as an act unprecedented for the Emperor did not often move in so unilateral a fashion when it came to relations with Mars aware as he was of straining the human partnership between his Empire and that of the fabricator general where are the Titans had went none could say for the vault Imperialis was at the core of the Emperor's most secret works and what transpired within its depths were not for the records of remembrances or even of the Ledger's of the administration it was not until the outbreak of civil strife upon the otherwise unremarkable world of Skagen 6 that the results of the Emperor's work in this area were first glimpsed located close to the southern border of segment and soul are not too far in galactic terms from Terry itself Skagen six had seen an easy compliance delivered by the fourth Legion estar teased with a little bloodshed however as the overcrowded worlds of the segment um's core emptied and migrants flooded to the world the rapid industrialization and urbanization were badly mishandled by a series of planetary governors causing the world to reach a level of instability that was bordering on civil war the currents Lord arbitrator had at the time desperately petitioned the war Council for aid claiming that their world was about to explode into a violence it had literally never known the response was entirely unexpected the Lord arbitrator had reckoned arbiters peacekeepers or exerted Imperialis regiments maybe even a starties elements to viscerally display imperial power what arrived in orbit was a sold titan conveyor one of the basilic on Astra's massive bulk haulers escorted by a cruiser of the saturnine fleece and even more surprisingly an augur frigate in the red and gold livery of the Imperial Household itself without any hails or acknowledgement a lander barked uncoupled from the conveyor and made for the star port of Decorah brakes that serviced the capital city place of the planetary regime from within its hold marched a single warlord class Titan be decked in a deep green black fur degree livery and bearing as it's only identifier a silver snarling lions head it bore no other recognizable iconography there were no kill marks honorific banners Li geo markers or even mechanical identifiers it's old Gothic lettering with the rest being an unintelligible if arcane looking script or the title or DOE sinister have or a domenech or above what was reckoned by those who observed it to be the Titans named Polaris Alba Delic this name was to become inconsequential for another and altogether more apt one was soon to be given to it by the residents of Skagen the king of terrors a warlord class Titan upon the battlefield or even at rest is a thing to instill dread into any who would behold it but this Titan was something altogether different for where it walked fear followed not just the simple or of seeing an engine class vehicle in motion but terror the most dreadful and primeval nature fear seemed to bleed from the skin of this metal Colossus a choking bludgeoning miasma of pure horror that stole the light of all that was good in the world from any who beheld it where it walked and walked forth it did tens of thousands simply fled before it in unreasoning animal panic there subconsciousness overridden by the primal terror that even beholding the titan brought about others simply prostrated themselves before its passage their limbs refusing to move and giving them no choice but to fling themselves upon the ground in abject debasement the engine made no hails even its iconic war horn did not sound all that could be heard was it slow thundering steps and the screams of those it passed he's not recorded for exactly how long the king of terrors remained on Skagen but the effect it had was profound even days after its passing the dreams of those it had walked past loyal or potentially traitorous alike were dark things filled with cold Oblivion's and specters of impending doom violent tendencies were quelled grievances were stilled their bearers unable to raise them in the face of the inchoate horror the Titan had brought the Ordo sinister departed Skagen six shortly thereafter leaving a planet cowed and obedient without a single weapon having been fired word of the Skagen incident was not widespread and there is evidence its occurrence was actively suppressed from divisio military records by those within the imperial household eyewitness testimony did however make its way into the hands of those who watch for such things and eager if hushed discourse upon the nature of this Ordo sinister was replaced with theories of the capabilities of its titan immediate speculation fell upon what was to those with any knowledge in such matters clearly the use of psychically resonant technology maybe even the weaponization of sci kana itself a thing expressly forbidden by the highest rate of both the Imperium and the mechanical psychic weaponry was a facet of the Dark Age of Technology and the age of strife that had wrecked untold devastation and suffering upon the human race and its outright ban was one of the core tenants of the Emperor's Imperial truth old night was dead and buried as those within the Imperium believed an arcane Sakana with it what could it mean now that the emperor was seemingly experimenting with it second time in recorded history that the Ordo Sinister's involvement in a battle could not be disguised was one where such direct involvement was lightly specifically and deliberately chosen to test their capabilities far more robustly than Skagen the campaign known to the annals as the defense of Healy oriT focused upon the prosecution of the eldery craft world of Magath RAL xenos of this world ship were by any example yet encountered the most grief-stricken and deranged of their foul breed that the Imperium had ever seen driven near mad by the loss of their stellar Empire millennia before they had fallen upon the planets of the Healy oriT sector with a savagery unseen burning world after world for the crime of their mere existence upon the worlds of Luxor and rat did the Imperium yet resist with scores of exerts Imperialis regiments tag matter from the forces of anvil assess and in Khiladi on and even a demi liji o of the lee geo fury ins barely resisting the eldery onslaught for the enemy possessed far greater than average numbers of their own titan class war machines outright disaster was narrowly averted by the intervention of the Primarch sanguinis and fully one-third of his Ninth Legion blood angels and while the estar T's could not secure outright victory they did succeed in driving the xenos back to the splintered halls of their craft world itself Magath RAL was far from toothless however and as sanguinis led the Imperial invasion force to make world fall they unleashed their army of the Dead tens of thousands of elderly Wraith constructs foul and detestable necromantic machines animated by the very souls of dead Xena's were deployed against the invaders towering above them were fully a dozen titan class engines and out there for the most dangerous of all eldery technology a warlock Titan a construct animated by the psychically fueled souls of all the degenerate xenos I curse that yet remained housed within the craft worlds bones the landing force was fully stalled and even the Titans of the liji o fury ins were no match for the fury unleashed by the al-douri engines from out of the Imperial flotilla stocked a Titan conveyor making directly for the Imperial landing zones flanked by red and gold brocade at Imperial Household cruisers it itself bore no markings but the three Titans who stalked out of its belly to walk upon the surface of Meg's sacral were unmistakeably the same argent lion bearing warlords as the king of terrors the craft world was said to have audibly shrieked as if the very presence of these machines revolted it while the carapace bore the standard titan class turbo laser batteries and their right fists on Orthodox yet still nominally baseline Arioch power laws the weaponry equipped on their left arms was a pattern unlike any seen by any imperial element presence no matter their experience nor origin the mechanical and the estar T's were both equally stunned for from these elongated single barrel guns spat beams of pure silent darkness a black bar that appeared to swallow all light along its path and whose impact seemed to devour everything attached indeed wherever such a beam impacted it appears to cause some form of invisible shockwave utterly lethal to xenos constructs which simply fell like puppets whose strings had been cut the Eldar II immediately alerted to the sheer horror and lethality of these titans rounded upon them in force with the attacks of the which Titan causing a curious and absolutely devastating feedback impact whenever it struck one of the Warlord's void shields coruscating which lightning mess a cold white barrier causing an imperial force blowback that leveled whole districts of the eldora's World City it was clear to all watching just what the Ordo sinister Titans were SCI Titans of the Emperor's own creation Imperial forces rapidly withdrew as more and more were becoming caught in this titanic battle of eldritch energies and consumed as reality began to locally fragment under the force of sheer colossal psychic powers being unleashed battle was to last for three standard hours costing the Ordo one of their warlords until finally all of the elder titan constructs had been overcome and the two remaining Imperial Titans tore the very head off the which engine with its death the craft world of maxitrol began to die fragmenting and splintering with the al-douri defense becoming a rout easily wrapped up by the Ninth Legion from the Ordo sinister no communication was ever received as the two warlords gathered up the remains of their fallen comrade and made for their Lander departing the sector with haste these two engagements form essentially the entire scope of Ordo sinister deployments during the span of their confirmed existence eally horas is the best recorded largely thanks to the diligence of the Ninth Legion blood angels in their record keeping but there are scant a dozen more each bearing similarities to the two chronicled here the presence of a completely impossible enemy usually psychic in nature or the subjugation of a world through a supernatural fear the order Sinister's remit such as can be parsed from these records is fairly clear to be the Emperor's personal apocalypse deploying macroscale weaponry utilized by literally no other branch of the Imperial or mechanical militaries to annihilate foes of such a horrific danger that there were none else who could oppose them not even regular Titans of the collegio titanica for such enemies did indeed oppose the human hegemony not just the witch engines of the al-douri but the Hellespont void forms in slaver alpha incursions and worst of all the rank an OC of wars that had claimed the lives of uncountable starties and imperial forces given their performance and the scale and frequency of their deployments it is not clear whether the order sinister occupied the role of an experimental testbed for the necessity or simple battlefield testing of entirely proscribed weaponry or if they truly did embody the ultimate in military capabilities for the Imperium short of X term Attis they remained exclusively within the purview of the Imperial Household at no point were any of the Ordos engines placed under the command of anyone other than the Emperor not even the war master Horace looper Cal following his ascension to the role subsequent to the UH Leonor campaign just as wit Skagen and Healy Oris the very presence was at all times never announced nor did they communicate with any of the forces they fought beside as with similar branches of the Imperial regime during the latter years of the Great Crusade it is entirely possible that their true purpose whatever it may have been was curtailed or simply ended by the outbreak of the war masters treachery whatever the Emperor's ultimate aim for the Ordo sinister was or is we will never know the full scale of the Ordo sinister strength and capabilities recruited from the Imperium for the entirety of the Great Crusade existing essentially in the territory of rumor given the events on Skagen and Healy or at all we know about their technology comes from one disposition given by an order sinister princeps immediately prior to the siege of terra itself a record which shall have to wait for another day is a true and terrible nature of their site Eisen's acquires a more in-depth discussion than my exhausted frame can cope with at this time until I make such a record available Ave Imperator gloria in excelsis terra this video and this channel is made possible through the incredibly kind support of my patreon subscribers if you'd like to help support the channel head on over to patreon comm forward slash oculus Imperia if you want to kick me a buck or two to help keep the lights running and the scripts flowing you can keep up to date with channel news if you follow me on twitter at butt stuff guide you know not changing that name anytime soon and new this month if you'd like to support the channel with some merchandise my very first t-shirts are up for sale on teespring comm ford slash oculus Imperia join the channel on discord as well a link to all of this will be in the description below
Channel: Oculus Imperia
Views: 138,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Lore, Forge World, Games Workshop, Astartes, Primarchs, Space Marines, Adeptus Astartes
Id: u0cU-MvwmQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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