THE TITAN CRUSADES OF SHADOW & IRON | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/History

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today we will explore the conflicts which took place between titan legions that occurred during a specific period of the heresy and this coincides for the newly released starter set for the tabletop Titanic s game which has released only just this week Titanic is is a separate tabletop game to the core 40k and it focuses on the battles between world ending Titans as I discussed in the last video the game itself gives you the opportunity to fight these battles or play out actual narrative engagements that are focused on some of the most devastating battles which often caused planetary annihilation during the heresy period the new Titanic s is a little different to the first as its set contains River Titans war hounds and Knights and brings to us some new law around the campaign's of shadow iron and also some other very interesting little details which I discovered and I probably put into some other discussive videos but it also gives us more detail about sy Titans which I would also put into a log a video to follow after this if you're curious at all or inspired to try out your first venture into Titanic warfare check out the link that I provided below for information on both the shadow vines supplement and the titanica scheme itself and I'll see if I can't bring together some kind of showcase for you later along the line the Horus heresy was one of the darkest times obviously for all of humanity within the Imperium no one at any level of society really knew who they could trust and truth was seen as allies brothers slaughtered one another loyalists regarded many within their ranks with suspicions doubts pervaded all things exhaustion and paranoia eventually tore entire populations apart and as the heresy picked up momentum ever intensifying Crusades of titan legions and traitorous Tati's would raise entire worlds planets once filled with activity would be turned to ashes and crushed remains of bleached bones littered the ground that was turned to glass by weapons of power beyond the imagination of most skulls would turn to dust blew in the wind all seemed in consequence - those piloting the behemoths Titanic war machines which strode across planet surfaces laying down energy and missile barrage that turned the worlds of humanity into dead landscapes often ruined and bereft of any notable features for this would be a time of shadow and iron we're reckless hatred permeated hundreds of loyalist worlds with conflicts of unrepentant brutality and bitter vengeance towering metallic gods of the Imperium fought each other with technology originating from a Dark Age that none can now recall in the shadows of these giants entire worlds would exhaust our last living breaths on one side of the galaxy the traitors were tearing apart systems enroute to terror but there were other campaigns happening across the Imperium the main second theater of heresy was primarily the Galactic eastern fringe of the Empire most notably the ultra Mar system home of course to the ultramarines the 13th Legion who engaged with the traitor word bearers of the log are the 17th region and the world eaters of anger on the twelfth Legion the world eaters of course would become one of the few Space Marine traitors to fully commit to a singular god of chaos and who would eventually align themselves with the blood god of eternal war corn the Crusades of shadow and iron were as brutal as were happening throughout the Imperium an inclusion of titans mirrored what was seen throughout this time of devastating planetary engagements hundreds if not thousands of worlds were scoured during the heresy many were become bleak defiled planets often never to see human habitation again in what became known as the iron crusade you would see Titanic warfare spread across the five hundred worlds of the ultra Mar system and it paralleled the campaign's between loyalists and traitor prime marks of this time Titan legions sought to settle their differences that had festered for decades but now would finally spill out into the open and all of this was occurring in the ultra Maya system amid the brutal campaign of traitorous Dottie's known as the shadow crusade and this was a campaign that followed the infamous engagement known as the betrayal at Cal where loyalists would destroy a traitor word bearers vessel known as the furious abyss and in May starship thought to be unique in its class size but eventually would be revealed to be one of three that had been constructed they were the largest ships known to have existed in the Imperial fleet with only the Imperial fists phalanx rivaling them and they were armed with a prototype weapon known as a plasma lance and sonic charges which could disrupt navigator senses the ships were forged by a secret branch of the mechanic I'm loyal to the traitors but despite dealing some damage the ship would thankfully be destroyed before it were able to attack the ultramarines homeworld of macragge and thus form the opening of the battle at kal incidentally of this time nathaniel Garrow the ex death guard now knight-errant of mauka door would travel here to also recruit tireless Rubio as he continued his quest to create his selected elite circle of loyalists to start EES would form the foundations for the grey knights but another critical event would occur during this time as a log our Primarch of the word bearers sought the creation of the ruin storm this warp disturbance would be summoned by Erebus yes are set correcting now during the CAF battle but although it originated in this time it needed to be fed with psychic energy in order to realize its true potential when we say psychic energy we mean the torment despair and suffering of mortal humans and so resultantly the shadow crusade would begin and quickly permeate through the ultramel system the word bearers continued to assault worlds across Ultima with the goal of ensuring that the Runestone become fully formed this warp storm essentially cut the galaxy in half meleave the eastern realm of the Imperium cut off more importantly its topsoil ist's from aiding the Imperium and terror and this was of course the ultimate goal of lager but the ongoing ferocity between loyalists and traitors would lead to an engagement at the world of new Syria curiously a world in the ultra Mar system which is the original homeworld of anger on the primark of the world eaters the ultramarines sought vengeance for the betrayal and appalling losses inflicted at Cal the battle here was waged both in the space around the planet and on the ground forces of both the starties and titans would engage one another from the traitor lee geo or the ember wolves versus the Loyalists lysander sentinels at the edge and Lee JR over on resulting scared of slaughter and agony emanating from the engagement would lead to the successful growth of the ruin storm which led to only further chaos across the eastern galactic segment 'im they were completely isolated from the rest of the Imperium meaning that not only the ultramarines but also the dark angels and bloody angels were forced to gather in the ultra mass system where robot gulaman would enact the drastic decision to form the Imperium secundus and this was a failsafe plan to ensure the survival of the Imperium that if terror should fall this would become the new center for the Imperium so as to rebuild it but Malka door the city light was where or at least suspected that Gillman might take some action along these lines and this only further exacerbated the fears and doubts that defined this period of imperial history there was great concern the Gulman similarly to the traitors could threaten to somehow break away from the Imperium and the Emperor the Imperium secundus would of course be ultimately abandoned not least as it was controversial and many considered it heretical finally Gilman's sanguine es and Lionel Johnson led the bulk of their respective legions through the ruin storm in hopes of reaching terror and aiding the Emperor but only sanguinis would succeed in this effort for the titanic iron Crusaders this period the fighting was often so intense that entirely geo could be lost in a single day not to mention millions of Imperial Guard fighting and supporting estar T's the betrayal at health decimated loyalist forces for on the world of cows they'd avoid docks of the city of Ithaca a principal port for the ultra mass system his transport yards contained many hundreds of thousands of imperial troops as well as their hardware and of course Titans the planet had been preparing forces here for transport and a significant quantity of Titans were already stored and knocked down aboard the transport vessels scores of these would perish at the hands of traitors never having had the opportunity to die amid the glory of battle and service to the Imperium a massive transport ship known as return made ready to leave a planet but then it would come under immediate fire by traitors it was struck down crushing with a terrible gouging into the city's surface of Africa further Titans would perish as they were mercilessly preyed upon and like confused stunned animals they were subsequently butchered the titans of lee ji-su devoured the fire masters came out into the open for the first time now they had orchestrated this betrayal and they rampaged forward to destroy what remained of the loyalist titans and their considerably sizable Imperial Army support the loyalist titans of liege air procedures were rudely awoken to the horror now unfolding all around them unsurprisingly they had little intention of dying quietly Africa would quickly become one of many sights to suffer this kind of all-consuming traitor assault where during the opening of the engagement confusion was very much as dangerous an enemy as was the shocking treachery princeps and commanders who dared even hesitate in defending themselves may be paused even for just a moment to wonder by who or why they were being targeted on world's only station with their own forces and they were not given any opportunity to reach such conclusions they were slaughtered quickly but those who did have the presence of mind to immediately defend themselves quickly replaced shocked with bitter determination and an all-consuming fury to engage those perpetrators who dared to give such a brazen and disgraceful a trail still the initial surprise of any such assault was so devastating that many titans would die simply by their reactors being underpowered and unprepared often any void shields that were able to be raised collapsed quickly under fully charged firepower of the traitors the Royalists lijo were additionally badly outnumbered and only the quick thinking of master princeps Rico Trieste could save them from being overrun immediately she understood that using the city itself was the lee Geo's only hope of survival not least because of their disorganized an already crippled state her assessment led to leading a brave but very obviously hopeless charged with nine warlord Titans versus the many hundreds of traitor Titans from the fire masters they straight forth across a battlefield to engage with the hope of delaying the advancing traitors and chests would subsequently fall along with the other nine warlord Titans who led this suicidal charge all were destroyed but she succeeded in slowing the advance enabling the remainder of her lijo and their knight allies to reach the moderate protection of the city sacrifices such as these were common in the coming battles of these dark days and continuing shock assaults led often to impossible situations Princip commanders were left to calculate decisions that stood on a knife edge and could do gnarly geo and entire wards to either obliteration or survival its Raqqah burned at the commands of the promethium obsessed eligio of the fire masters and while the loyalists initially appeared to have slowed the momentum of the traitors with some even believing that they had caused something of a tactical retreat it seems inevitable that this was soon to be revealed to be of course a mistakenly placed hope an important detail worth bearing in mind when talking about any campaign that's occurring in an imperial system is that while this sounds like a smaller area of space the distances between worlds are still significant and as a result communication between forces and worlds of the Imperium is far from being an easy or exact thing when sending communications between worlds it's not just like beaming a message that then comes through nice and clear Astro Pathak communications like so many aspects of the Imperium still require the warp to reach across the vast distances of the galaxy and this is why something like the tyranids shadow in the warp is so devastating as it inhibits not only warp travel but also communication so anyone sending a distress call from a world may mean that it comes through fragmented or have questionable quality at any time and this can then take days or even weeks to decipher its specific meaning Plus once the detail of a message is approved it still would have to be debated as to what action can be taken by rulers of a specific world receiving the message such is the ever consistently agonizing nature of bureaucracy because why take an action when you can talk about it and then talk about it some more and then the thing that you just talked about all lay the foundations to hold a discussion so during the heresy period the considerable disturbances in the walk that was associated with it plus not to mention the clouded loyalties that were existing everywhere meant that communications might never even reach those who were meant to hear a message or if they were and debate could arise as to the authenticity or the intentions of such a communication and you must remember that again many if not all were also extremely ignorant about the war and just what it was capable of by the decree of the Emperor himself humans had no concept of just what was occurring initially in heresy time not to mention the concept of a starties and members of Imperial organizations turning traitor was just simply unthinkable in fact the suggestion of such a thing was as likely to be met with your own execution by those that you were trying to protect as Nathaniel Guerra himself discovered as he pled his case to rogue or dawn at the inception of the heresy and what this all means was that regularly delays and bureaucratic inaction would often occur and these were delays that could rarely if ever be afforded by the loyalists that were struggling to survive against brutal heavy shock assaults that caught them totally unprepared this was the situation for the loyalist Legion procedures on Cal their cries for help were met with debate not action and it wasn't until many weeks later that the loyalist princeps understood the fate of those on Cal as much as many wanted to save and then pay reckless vengeance upon the traitors the lawyers had to decide the best course of action some wanted to just dig in and defend the Lee Jo's forge world of Gant's but it quickly became clear this was not an alone rogue lijo of titans they learned that traitor starties legions as well as two other Lee Gao had turned traitor the objective to defend the 500 worlds of the Ultima system and if possible destroy the traitors in an ambush became their new core mission the forge world of Gant's Michela complete vessels began to amass the semi-conscious titan spirit stirring within restless and aware the battle undoubtedly awaited their instincts and Easter enthusiasm was a lay locked in the transportation bays of countless starships well the forge world itself ancient Titans were worked upon some had lain in a criminal state of disrepair and what glorious II returned to life the forges were entirely filled with sparking lights heated metal an anonymous workers scrambling around like ants to make ready for engagements which could define the nature of the system for millennia if not permanently hereafter as the Titans of the procedures otherwise known as the messengers ready to depart along with their assembled loyalists titan allies their thoughts were singularly focused on the vengeance they would deliver upon the traitors who had sought to destroy their kind in the most despicable and dishonorable act and now they'll be made to pay for this travesty the starships left the orbit of Gant's carrying the gigantic war machines of the mechanical the crusade of iron had begun as far as the loyalists were concerned the hunters were now the hunted and the traitors would soon face merciless obliteration they stained the glory of all liji oh and they must be exterminated scoured from the surface of any worlds they dared to walk upon a sincere of our vengeance from the departing loyalists may have been it didn't alter the fact that during this time spent deciding just how or what they would do the traitors had meanwhile been raining down a carnage across the worlds of the ultra mass system the word bearers in world eaters conducted their shadow crusade bringing as much slaughter as they could to further swell and give power to the ruins store the loyalist defenders of Ultima had no real understanding as to the purpose of this campaign most curiously they were often caught off guard as the traitors would ignore strategic locations and plow straight into softer target worlds slaughtering innocent bathing the worlds in their own blood before the loyalists could even pivot to counter assault the war was by now evermore a tempest amid the pain anguish and suffering unleashed by the atrocities committed at the behest of the log R and Ingram storms were already becoming worse and travel even around the optimal system itself was becoming difficult communication with the rest of the Imperium had by now been lost but it seemed fairly irrelevant as all of their efforts especially that of the 13th Legion were consumed by the devastating engagements taking place across their system the trait eligio though unlike the authorities of the war master had been focused far more on the strategic sites that would the loyalists and slowed the ability to defend and counter-attack against the traitors so it was not before time that now the loyalist titan legions would begin to arrive and harass and engage the traitor Lygia if this was not made easy by ever-worsening warp disturbances which slowed them coupled with fractured elements of night houses some fighting between themselves or just rival houses it was in defense of the world of torus that a new and nightmarish force would appear thankfully aligned with the loyalists of liege a procedures the Titans of black armor and their black bulbous heads devoid of any notable features would emerge they were like a specter of death itself and for the traitors that's exactly what they would be for these were the extremely rare creations known as the sight items a cyborg Titan known as ureters infected traited titans and knights with intense emotional overloads of despair the vast godlike war machines were effectively crippled just by their emotions their voice shouts remained completely intact but soon their overall state would be their doom as they were savagely broken apart by loyalists who seized upon the opportunity unable to counter such assault the traitors were soon fleeing any engagement with the side titans and they became mercilessly hunted across heroes during both the Shadow Crusade and crusade of iron while Botha studies and Titans could be fighting simultaneously on a world they were largely also fighting their own engagements Titans were far more concerned about other titans than they were the tiny ants running around in their shadows however this could lead to situations where Titan princeps totally underestimated the danger that these infantry represented notably for example when the ultramarines destroyed of fire masters also now known as Li Jia Infernus warlord Titan the site Titans as well impressive and rare as they were also illustrated not to be the final word on Titanic warfare on the world of espen door loyalists laid an ambush awaiting for the inevitable assault of the traitors yet when this came the overconfidence of the loyalists with their sight Titans led to the traitors wielding heavy psychic infantry forces of their own to shield themselves against the attacks of the darkside Titan and while they did still inflict heavy damage to the war hounds of the traitor Li geo or Dax the site Titan would eventually be dragged to the ground by use of what were known as Ursus claws this was a weapon that was originally designed for use on the ships of the world eaters but a modified version was mounted to some war hound Titans and this enabled them to essentially hunt down enemy Titans as a pack and used these large grappling hook like projectile claws to drag loyalist Titans to the ground this was especially effective as being a physical weapon it was able to bypass a void shield although it did mean they had to get closer to actually engage throughout the heresy these were then adopted by both loyalists and traitors we found that capturing an enemy Titan could be more beneficial than just their destruction of course how easily one could be crude with an opposing faction and sync with the machine spirit is another matter it's far more likely they would instead just be cannibalized still it was clear that these rare and terrifying war machines the side Titans would not be singularly enough to stand against the traitors who had already adapted to shield themselves from psychic attacks and so the Titans will have to continue their battles in typically devastating fashion as many as half the traitor or Dax war hounds were cut down as they strayed into a thermal minefield the survivors then limping away like wounded dogs and heavy artillery fire from loyalist pdf' positions but the loyalist Titans were still hell-bent on meeting out their furious vengeance and they sought to capitalize on the weakened traitors coupled with strong security by Titan hunter tanks the wallowed Titan pride of Kohinoor roared into the traitors its initial strike with a claw tearing the head of an enemy Titan clean off while simultaneously engaging with its son fury cannon rendering the betrayers into molten slag with an unflinching determination of bitter fury Princip commander verges aggressively smashed through the ranks of the enemy to her ultimate target of enemy commander or can Rex fumbling to react in time verges on the plight of cone or grasped the head of organs Titan in the mighty power claw with an act of definitive revenge slowly the claw crossed the head of the traitor commanders Titan fire and sparks bursting out between the digital's of the power claw and the crushed metal rolled away for the body of the god engine collapsed to the ground yet verges his aggression had been somewhat blinding and she realized the Loyalists was still badly outnumbered thankfully loyalist Titans would cover her retreat some sacrificing themselves and princess verges lived to fight another day their point had been brutally well made they would not rest nor restrain themselves the commanders of traitor Titans knew that they were far from being untouchable they might command God engines but they were not invincible and they would be hunted with a bitter fury by their loyalists the on crusade would span the equivalent of two years Taron time loyalists and traitors continued their struggle of godlike proportions battling across the five hundred worlds of Ultima some were turned into dead wastelands others defended some liberated but a great many more simply burned the campaign of both the shadow and iron Crusades proved difficult to suppress and defend by the loyalists primarily because the main objectives of the traitors were not conquest they needed not to establish outposts or be concerned with limiting damage in fact the opposite they could deploy and rain down apocalyptic fire leaving cities turned to ash entire populations of hive cities exterminated and then just move on their goals meant that they could focus on soft targets leaving fortified strategic worlds completely ignored and this was problematic not only that it made it difficult for loyalists and know where to commit their forces or to react quickly enough but also the enemy rarely slowed down more standard campaigns are usually punctuated with engagements which are tough for an enemy to crack and this can buy time for the defenders to assess a situation bring in reinforcements fortify formulate wider plans and so on this rarely took place during the shadow an iron Crusades it was a non-stop constant slaughter one world burned after another and another and another and truly few of the loyalists knew how such a campaign could really be brought under control did the engagements of attrition between the Titan agios was slowly wearing down all participants toward the ends of the Crusades both sides were seeking an exit strategy and it would be the traitors commander near who would ultimately engineer it deliberately slaughtering whole populations across a string of worlds his intention being to force the commander print server just to bring her Titans to engage him and BGO Infernus in a location of his own choosing an application will be Druce to a desolate radiation-soaked world which inhibited the loyalists from scanning the surface verges they was sure of the enemy presence and deployed 600 kilometers away from the known primary landing site using the curvature of the planet itself to protect their deployment as the loyalists slowly proceeded toward what her just knew to be an inevitably massive battle the truth star itself would ignite the surface of the world creating an unimaginable scene of titans finally engaging fire against each other whilst walking toward their enemy than the surface of the planet burned around them with radioactive fire war hounds raced across the battlefield attempting to drag down enemy Titans or hit them with distracting assaults in hopes of creating errors in sustaining void shield integrity the Warlord's and Riva Titans sought to exploit any opportunity one lights below them battled the trench lines and heavily fortified defenses many of which if not destroyed by the Knights were crushed by the might of the god engines passing over them as the battle progressed in the titan forces finally came into closer range things became ever more desperate and intense war hound traitors crashed into Titans with critical reactive explosions effectively creating a suicide bombing Titan which then brought down the larger war engine consuming both multiples arresters Long's and lights approached a downed traitor warlord Titan whose arms have been severed its armor melted like wax the Knights delivered to the traitor coup de Gras simultaneously impaling it with their Lance's igniting its radioactive core the traitors they became ever more enraged and insane pouring their corrupted minds into their Titans spirits and as they descended upon the loyalists it seemed as if they might take control of the fight but as they did so the dark figures appeared from the loyalist ranks the warlord decide Titans who let wrecked with beams of psychic power invisible to the naked eye their powerful psychic blades carving through the enemy with no resistance at all It was as if they passed through the air but the traitor Titans fell apart where the blades met them they spilled out the internals of their machines and they might not have been organic but it was a sight that still somehow seemed disgusting to observe as they spilt themselves across the battlefield bisected easily by the walk channel powers of the side Titans the traitors could not enjoy this and multiple war machines threw themselves upon the dark engines of the loyalists dragging them down and tearing them apart princeps verges warlord would now finally face the traitor commander near as they exchanged continual salvos of fire steadily returning shots with their mighty god machines each round hitting their voice shields each Titans struggling to maintain their shield integrity she was determined that this would end here and now they would not allow more worlds to fall to these butchers and they would reclaim the honour of Legion procedures that they had lost in that first day so long ago on Cal under evermore punishingly time shot nears void shield would finally collapse under the weight of fire from princeps virgil's she would land a final overcharge shot from her Titans volcano cannon right between the eyes of the traitors warlord with that it was over she had defeated the enemy and delivered a final victory that would help alleviate your unending horrors endured by the Ultima system a Titan itself was in a ruined state to be sure but no matter or can be repaired is the enemy would undoubtedly now retreat her jaws felt satisfied that all this had come to such a final conclusion between her and the bitter enemy she had hunted for so long that was of course until the unthinkable happened the warlord of near Mon Signum rose up out of the fire his faceplate was burned away and the incinerated remains of near on full display like a wretched shriveled maggot whatever remained of near was now irrelevant though her own title was so weakened it could not survive long and any further fire and she knew there was only one thing left to do she would complete her objective and destroy the dark mechanicals forges here on the world drew too had a gravity elevator extended above her position with a final shot through her volcano cannon the result was a cascade of explosions and a massive gravity shockwave that brought the elevator down to the planet destroying vast sections of the surface below it and any Titans who were still fighting including their jaws as for the trait of titans the final engagement had shattered what remained of their unity and they soon withered away despite this debatably Pyrrhic victory the campaign of shadow across the ultraman system was undoubtedly a resounding victory for the traitor legions this also saw the transition of anger on from primark into full demonic Prince form as the log art channeled his incandescent rage it also saw a rubric Gulman failed to defeat anger on in a duel and this coupled with the ultra means failure to contain the heretics of both kauth and the subsequent crusade of bloodletting and burning across the ocean our system can barely be seen as anything other than a catastrophic Lee humiliating defeat thanks to the mass carnage and pain unleashed across the system the word bearers were ultimately successful in strengthening the rune storm creating havoc across the Ultima segment 'im in dividing the Imperium in half the shadow crusade only ending because the traitors decided they had achieved their goals the remaining loyalist legions in the segmental were isolated from Terra namely the ultramarines dark angels who bloody angels as I mentioned before the result of this was the Gulman would draw the concerning conclusion that his only hope was to make a contingency plan for the destruction of the Imperium in the solar segment him creating his Imperium secundus a troubling decision on many levels and one that left more than a few questioning his line of thinking here in the period and the circumstances were these seeming reasonable goals the true intentions of the Primark thankfully these fears were proven to be misplaced as Gilman would dissolve his second imperium when it became clear it was no longer and necessary fail-safe Gilman would ultimately become arguably the Primark who would have the most significant impact on the loyalist Imperium over the next 10,000 years writing the Codex of studies and orchestrating the second founding of which the ultramarines legion was the greatest source of new chapters he would also of course eventually return to become in the current period Lord Commander of the Imperium the high loads of Terra no more he stands as the sole leader of humanity's Galactic Empire as for the loyalist Titan legions the darkness of the crusade of iron was a period that left them in a crippled sorry state to be sure while they would retreat to their home Forge wells to recover and repair the losses on both sides had been catastrophic but worse was still to come for the Titan legions they could not know that the walls of the heresy would become ever more bitter and extreme the beta Garmin's star cluster would need to be held by the loyalists in his battles including Titan death would become the stuff of legend to a degree they may well eclipse the engagements during the crusade of iron if these first battles felt more shock rage and sacrificed to be endured as a result of an incomprehensible betrayal that led to the slaughter of so many Titans and their princeps the scale of a battle can be large or small but the bitter desire for vengeance was perhaps never more strongly felt than by those commanders of the Legion procedures the true messengers as they were one of the most ancient Titan legions founded on Mars they embodied the spirit of the VGO and for them the dishonorable assault upon their Titans was something that was intolerable and could never stand unanswered the iron crusade had been bloody and costly and in many ways it was a defeat for the loyalists despite this the messengers made sure that even though they had been outnumbered and outgunned every step of the way by the Infernus Leggio and the other traitors they doubt back to them consistently more damage of them was received they wore them down and ultimately crush them the war for the ultra Mars system was a great loss but the Loyalists lijo had clawed back their honor they had won their personal battles but the greatest battles for the Imperium was still to come [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 547,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition, Titanicus, Calth
Id: a1dFcODEKkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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