The Secrets of Abiding In Peace In Times Like These | #ApostleDropIn 9-17-21 (Live Stream Replay)

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all right this is a drop-in so that's where that's why i'm dressed like i am i came right off my bicycle to call my son and give him 20 minutes to get you on the line because the lord has spoken to me about something this morning and i want you to watch and broadcast from bill winston church on last night and new aspect and attitude of fate was was released and you need to listen at it over and over again and then uh i think it'd be a blessing to you this morning i'm going to do the three things that i did at dr winston last night i'm going to uh pray prophesize and preach to you a message that will change the whole spectrum of everything today father we thank you for this assignment we yield to your assistant of the holy spirit that everybody can hear see and understand what you're saying to us at this time we give you the praise and the glory of all who are on the line that you may speak to their lives ministries as well as people you may speak to their lives all over the world thank you for it in jesus name now here's the prophecy for this setting let nothing and no one interfere with the vision i have given you are given to you every person who's a child of god who've taken time to study god's word has a vision he should let nobody in this prophecy he says let nothing and no one interfere with the vision i have given to you listen very carefully now this next line in this prophecy is fresh from this morning this is your time of explosive blessing this is your time of the explosive blessing when things look bad i'm off to prophecy now when things look bad things get good with god the world must see you trusting me with divine results manifesting like never before so this is a time of manifestation let me demonstrate through you now keep functioning in all is well i'm abided in peace write that down all is well keep functioning and i'm abiding in peace no more stealing your joy and peace after this day turn them off and turn me on my sheep hear my voice of victory that's the prophecy he wanted to prophesy over here there night psalm 91 turn the psalm 91 the secrets of abiding in peace in time like these the secret not a world need to hear this message the secrets of abiding in peace in time like these psalm 91 revealed those secret but you need to listen to psalm 91 and not to use meter and politicians who trying to direct you in a way that you have heard from the holy spirit now listen to what he says next we are not only in a pandemic but in an epidemic of lies recall that the next time you hear someone say that god can't do it that's a lie don't panic you are not only in a pandemic of disease but you're in an epidemic or pandemic of lies that's right all right so my job as a pastor and as an apostle to prophet to those who connected with my ministry online and my memories is to give you a covering that is undeniable psalm 91 is a confident chapter those words are meant some things i'm going to say to you that this pandemic and epidemics of lies they are not going to bother you anymore and the reason that psalm 91 is a coffin chapter listen it describes the security believers can enjoy through faith in god so get that word security comfort and security and i want you this morning to take benefits from these set of promises in psalm 91 study them and enjoy them now i have maybe some of you don't know i have my congregation from supposed to be reading every day psalm 91 and hebrews 12. i do it myself every day take time to read it uh i know satan they don't read it but i i know that already no no god speak to you every day all right now your life to you this morning must become personal write that down and private no one should be able just to jump in your life are you hearing me no one direction in your life supposed to be powerful than god's word the church gonna have to come to that because the church has depended on a whole lot of voices no we need now he said my sheep hear my voice we need to hear the voice of god in this psalm is the voice of god for these times and i'm so i want to bring your peace and your joy back on your life on your home sit down and talk to your family about this your children your grandchildren i have some of my grandchildren in here now so it's personal and private uh in this time yeah i see lord make make your space personal and private don't let anybody get it everybody jumping in your space with ideas what's going to happen what you're going to do no keep it personal and private y'all got that keep your space personal and private now in psalm 91 it speaks of the safety of abiding in the presence of god the secret or the safety and the secret the safety of abiding in the presence of god this is an abiding song now to prelude this from the gospel in john 15 7 jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask what you will and it shall be done unto you i'll make a domain upon what is rightfully yours and it shall come to pass so in these time you got to make demand on your space demands on what how things gonna come out with you the man over your family the man are you following right now so the uh the security the secret the security and the safety write that down on your note i want you to look back over these new uh the these the the security the secret what else i say and safety three things security secret that's called secret for it security and safety now when i when i arrived this morning the lord told me to pick up a satan bible and i didn't know why i just want to pick it up and went on on sevenport in this in psalm 91 i'll be reading out the new king james version i'm going to read the first two verses and i'm going to make a declaration over your life for these time i got my staff in here now 586 on the line already he who dwells in the secret place of the most high on the line the word the wells the wells with the s not the word the whales so when you dwelling in the secret place of the most high it doesn't matter what's going on around you now when you come out of that secret place and start looking for something else that's when the enemy gonna get you but he that he who dwells d-e-w-e-l-l-s in the secret place of the most high everybody says secret place three times anytime phil come at you right now you're gonna understand that i'm abiding in a secret place shall abide under the shadow of the almighty oh my goodness how powerful can this be abiding under the shadow of the almighty in a time like this not mighty almighty his greatness his power his glory his victory his majesty first chronicle 29 10 is around me he runs heaven and earth he's around me so i'm about to give you nobody give you something before you i haven't given you the first uh promised words yet verse two said i will say so you're dwelling abiding and saying oh i won't dance now you're dwelling see i'm dwelling abiding and saying i'm in a safe place no matter what come up i'm in a safe place all right personal verse two poisoner did he say we will say oh oh oh sometimes you got to be by yourself in a crowd everybody else saying some mail but you say i will say of the law look at those two words he is my refuge and my fortress you see it i want to quiet down all those who connected to the apostolic anointing and released this apostolic importation the first promise in verse one and two is god's presence sure you're in god's presence now because you're in god present you don't have to be lonely because there's a lot of time you have to take a stand by yourself but remember you're not by yourself because what huh i mean i mean his brother i'm abiding in this prison listen listen i'm dwelling in the secret place i'm abiding under the shadow and then i'm saying something so secret play shadow and speaking you got to stay in your secret place but you can't be quiet you got to speak the word in a time like this i think what the man said in matthew 8 when he's trying to get his sermon here speak the word only so we're abided in the word now we under the safety of the word and we're speaking the word only and the word during this time is our security secondly verse 3 and four of this song look at the first word i'm reading the new king james look at the first word i think it's in the king jam but the first word is surely well what you're wondering about right right right why you think god saved you 20 years ago for a time like this you you can't be guessing now you have to be sure your faith has to be sure your mouth had to be sure your heart has to be sure your answers to those who question in god has to be sure surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the father and from the uh perilous pestilence listen you see the word deliver that say i'm delivered verse 4 now he shall that's another word now what that word in verse 4. he said what what cover cover i'm covered you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge my my mind now what is verse three and four talking about i know verse one and two talking about god's present oh my god god's protection remember my sons and daughters you are under thus said to the lord you are under my protection that's why you got me out to this morning see see you're dealing with a possessed man i'm possessed with god and i'll do anything at any time i just flew him from chicago last night we ain't got home to one something i preached preaching that conference faith conference last night but the lord i mean i gotta start walking and riding my bike this morning he started talking he said i want to get the fear out of my people and i want them to know that they are under my protection so anytime doubt or any time a report comes or anytime a relative talk to you or somebody talk to you like you don't know what you're doing i dare you to answer them i'm under god protection now if they say something else after that leave them because they're stupid if you if you decline decree i'm under god protection according to psalm 91 3 and 4 and they still got some statistic or argument they're coming up with something wrong with them get them around i'm under god's protection so if i'm under god's protection if i need to do something else god's going to tell me that's right huh come on see that now see that now because fear worry and double mindedness trying to hit good people but i'm not going to let it happen to you you're going to stay singing minded and your singer minding this is i'm i'm i'm abiding in peace because i'm abiding in god so you have divine protection that's what uh daniel knew that's what the three hebrew boys knew that's what david knew when he faced goliath that's what the 2 out of 12 spies knew when god told him to take the lane they knew they were operating under god's protection so let's stop reading these stories history and not getting the mystery out of it the mystery out of the hebrew boys when he was able to answer when everybody else was falling on their knees the hebrew god boy said our god is well able how can we not say that right now how can we panic when we got protection how can we park out when we got protection how can we think procedures is more powerful than god's word i decree you see you're under god's protection i am part that in your heart that everybody come around you they're gonna know that you are protected by god did the hebrew boys come out the fire were we coming out the pandemic then who the hebrew boy i said we're gonna get about the fire how many doing when they look how many they saw god in there with you boy god with us he's he's he's invisible he manifests when he needs but he's always there if i'm saying so uh members and and and connected partners who respect my ministry i want you to know that you in god's presence you can't fail and you're under god's protection that can't be moved hallelujah now in reading verse five and six his truth oh my god shall be your shield what jesus said by the truth you should know the truth when you're dressing up in that armor what do you say put around your what the girdle of truth in ephesians chapter 6. it's true jesus says in john 14 6 what he said he gave us a three our trinity in john 14 6. i am the way the truth and the life he didn't say when the time good i'm always the way i'm always the truth i'm always the light no matter what's going on we can't let statistic and society and this system rule us without communicating with god his truth shall be your shield good god almighty and buckler you're going to protect your entire now you should not be afraid oh oh oh you should not be afraid uh uh uh oh you shall not be afraid repent of the terror of this pandemic it's night in the world isaiah 61 says the great darkness is covering the whole earth but the glory of god shall be seen on those who trust in god hallelujah yeah the cross he says gross darkness shall be on the people but you shall be walking in my life that's my assignment as a man of god i'm telling every pastor listen to me talk to your people give them courage preach the night and pray psalm to them live it yourself my my mind here's true you know there's no other truth his truth shall be your seal and buckler you shall notice the worship not be afraid of the terrible night nor of the arrow that flies by day glory to god you got to throw it get ready for the third promise here in verse five and six god's peace god's peace i don't know if it's isaiah 26 3 that the scripture said thou will keep the imperfect peace a thou will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee and then you got philippians 4 6 be careful be answered for nothing but enter everything about prayer and supplication let your request be made known to god and the peace of god which passes all understanding shall keep your heart and ho keep your heart in mind through christ jesus your heart and mind need to be kept through christ jesus see be answers for nothing be careful with nothing enter everything including the pandemic time and the hurricane time and the storm time and the earthquake time these are the last days make sure you have the oil of faith in your land make sure make sure that's all you gotta do make sure oh my goodness oh my goodness so those two scripts i want you in peace i want you to read philippians 4 6 through nine because i proclaim to be a leader because i am a leader and the night voice is the things that you learn heard and see in me do see i i i don't want when i when i minister to my members of a minister you know i'm ministering on behalf of god now they have a leroy i want you to pay attention i want you at least meditated meditate what i say to you because i'm not yet to control you i'm here to cover you so now so now this drop in this morning the secret of body in peace in time like thee you're under god's presence in verse one and two you under god protection on the verse three and four you under god's peace in verses 5 and 6. i want you to write those words down and go over those words the words are real powerful all right now let's read 7-10 and i'll give you another insight oh let me go back up go back to verse 3 and 4. when we talk about god's protection write this down you know nothing is the risk with god all right nothing nothing is a risk with god but it seemed like i'll just give it to you like as you take initiative and risk god keep you safe because today you learn your creative you want if you don't want to do certain things let me say that again today everybody calling you stupid if you won't do certain things all right y'all can read between the line go back to verse five and six i gotta go back over it whoo i love this well i had to read verse five and since again uh his true shall be your shield and buckle you should not be afraid of the terror by night no of the arrow that flies by there's things flying and coming you see no other pessimist there's another thing that walks in darkness no of the destruction name that lay and wait at noon day uh terror arrow pestilence and destruction you have to be afraid of it that you saw it you see that can nobody give you a statement this this i think this is what i'm out here for you don't i think everybody need to write this down repeat it and write it down you don't have to feel insecure in unknown territory oh my goodness you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but you know what's going to happen to you these these are unknown territory but listen is it you don't have to feel insecure in unknown territory because there's no unknown territory to god god knows what's going to happen tomorrow you know we're going to happen the next day and you just be with him all right now verses 7 through 10. these are this is a foundation that the holy ghost is lame that we must walk on during this time let's look at the seventh verse a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it will it shall not come near you but it shall not come near you i'm stuck but it shall not come near you but it shall not come near you get that in your spirit but it shall not come near you it will get better only with your eyes so you look and see the reward of the righteous no they say wicked look at it they say wicked ain't saying righteous wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place look at the end of voice 10. no evil shall befall you you see it y'all getting it verses 7 and 10 is talking about god's perspective how god see the whole deal this pandemic is a trump to god he have seen whole thousand million attack and he got him out this is nothing to god so verses 7 10 today we must live in god's perspective now i'm gonna give you what god uh perspective is you ready for this here's god's perspective god gives an eternal view of life that keep you steady god gives an eternal view of life he said i'll be with you always i'll never leave you never forsake you isaiah 55 11 he said look listen what i say not coming back to me void all right if i tore it to you it's going to process it way until you sent it god's perspective god gives us in the seventh to the tenth verse an eternal view of life that keeps you steady stable in a time like this all right i have two more i want to give you you got god present you have god protection you got god peace and now you got god perspective live in god's perspective now let god show you his eternal power you are trained you are called you will develop for this hour let nothing steal your vision of a long life let nothing steal your vision of health joy and peace in a time of trouble let not your heart be troubled you believe jesus and god also believe in me verses 11 and 13 now for he shall give an angels charge over you oh my goodness last night i was praying flying uh flying to go to chicago about two hours flight i had four men five six men flying with me and uh i was here in the center we were praying earlier about the meeting and uh the lord showed me some faith angel he said send him to chicago so i thought it was true he said no there's another set i want you to send there's a i want you to send some hope angels to chicago all right lord i said they were there too oh lord they were there they covered the cover the whole sanctuary then he says i got another group i want you to send i said yeah he says yeah i want you to send out love angel to chicago they're in you know fade angels i send fake angels hope angels and love angels to your house right now to strengthen you you see he said they said give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways you still with me you're still here all right all right look uh verse 12 in their hand they shall bear you up hold me up angels they shall they should dash your foot against a stone you shall trade up on the line and you know and you can't and you can't get the cobra where snake cobra you trade on them that's that's that's luke 10 19. hold on i'll give you a power to trade i'm gonna say the uh core of it and all this stuff is a disciple why don't you walk on and stop letting it walking on your mind all right voice 13 you should trade up on the line and the cobra the young lion and discipline you shall trample under foot [Music] here it is god's provision that's the next one god's provision and i'll give you the benefit from that regardless of your needs god meets them regardless of your need god meet them let's see see god provision is un whatever it is uh in in is inexhaustible so it doesn't matter what you need god provides jehovah and let's read 14 through 16 and i'll just about be through because he has set his love on me and they talk about you now you love him don't you dare follow what what do you say i'll do what because he said love me who do what i will deliver him now did he did he say uh what he couldn't deliver me did he say that now some i deliver him through something but i sure can't deliver him through kobe i mean the report they give him about kobe it's bigger than me oh that's a lie therefore i will deliver him i will deliver him i will set him on high now let go tell him because he have known my name he caught he shall call upon me and i was what i will answer him look what he said next i will be with him in trouble god with me i will deliver him i'm not only with him and listen this your protection now is an honor from god no y'all y'all your my protection now is an honor that is coming from god with long life so i must be not going to die will i satisfy him and show him my salvation that's why i want you to read that over now we got god's present we have god's protection we have god's peace right we have god perspective we see the way god see it you know what he said in the first corinthians 2 9 our eyes had not seen no your heard neither mentioned the heart of man to think that god had prepared for them but the spirit so in these times my brother and sister keep letting the spirit of god reveal to you your next step as many as led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god step by step the steps of a good man is ordered by the lord you're walking through dangerous time now you're walking like you're walking in a jungle of unbelief and doubt right now you have to be led by the spirit of god god's present say it with me god's present i'm under god's protection i'm under god's peace i see everything from god's perspective i have god's provision and then verse 14 and 16 is god's power in adversity god's deliver delivers and help you reach your goal i want you to read those verses like i gave them to you uh now when you're reading the psalm and put these words to it and say i'm out loud sometimes it's very important let me read read this uh prophecy to you one more time without interruption let nothing and no one interfere with the vision i've given to you this is your time of explosive blessing the world must see you trust in me with divine result manifesting like never before let me demonstrate through you now keep functioning in all is well i am abiding in peace no more stealing your joy and peace after this day turn them off and turn me on my sheep you're my voice of victory i love you i hope this helped you in this drop-in i'll be dropping in during this time as an apostle and a prophet of god to give you god's government and give your god decrees give you god's declaration that you'll be able to stand strong in a time like this you can have doubt in your head and fade in your heart and your heart will whip your head every time flashes of thoughts come to us all but it's what you do with the thoughts when they come i declare and decree as an apostle of god that because of our connection or because of your connection with god and your connection with this ministry that you are fully covered even if you're attacked you're coming out i can decree that now that god has his hand on you according to psalm 91 live in that song living those living living god's presence living god protection living god's peace living god's perspective living god's provision and live in god's power we'll see you next time god bless you you
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Rating: 4.9443479 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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