Have Faith In God : The Master Key To Supernatural Faith | IFC 2021

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these four words have faith in god we have been trying to have faith in the word and left god out have faith in god they say have the faith of god have the god kind of faith you heard that before right no it's not dead it had faith in god from this night forward you will operate in supernatural ownership faith [Music] ownership faith in other words what you believe you're already on it when you have faith in god you start operating in ownership faith jesus was telling the disciples how he crushed that tree with his faith jesus said he didn't say half-fit in my word he didn't even say have faith in me he said i'm gonna tell you how i was doing this have faith in god have faith in god mean that you can operate just like god and god is a honor he's not a asker he make demand upon it because he's rightfully here mark 11 23 and 24 is just telling you how god created the whole world have faith in god is just it's the meet between the brain to let you know just like god operated jesus told you how he operated now tonight you're gonna go to operating just like that [Music] i love dr winston because what a great work he's doing and this is a serious business you got a beautiful family i talked to his wife and uh i'm here because we're a friend and also god had me praying for him and sending love to him right before he called exactly i was i was sending love to him and then when he called my secretary came in and says dr winston's trying to get a hold of you i said by calling back myself because i want to know what what he needed and so we're here tonight but we're here uh on in apostolic and prophetic assignment about faith now we've been teaching faith i've been teaching for i've been preaching 48 years but there's an area that where the pastor said ministers pastors there's an area the lord has taken me that i'm going to begin to minister tonight going to revolutionize everybody's faith that who's under the sound of my voice faith faith that seemed like it has not been working will begin to work it's not i go ahead of myself you did a beautiful job young lady yeah yeah you can say you can sing it before me anytime it's not a revival we need is a reformation [Music] revivals last two or three months two or three years but a reformation is a total change tonight there will be a fake reformation here you see all the schooling all the studies all of us many students of faith here many men of god who have taught faith the way things going now i believe these are the last days i believe we've entered into the last days and i believe there's a remnant of the righteous who going to excel in these last days so i need you pastors to pull with me i need to take my time tonight uh because it's an area sort of a virgin territory in faith isn't that something a virgin territory in faith now all the things we've talked you got the audacity to stand up here and tell us that tonight the holy ghost about to take us into a virgin territory about to take us somewhere in these 48 years i've never been before and for over 48 years i have studied at least six hours a day spend time with god ever since i or spend time with god and so we're going to do it like this i'm going to actually praise with me a few moments and then we're going to go into prayer then there's a uh prophetical word that i have to give you to prep and prime you to shift in your faith in a new place okay okay it's possible it's probably you know you know yeah you know you you never you never exhaust revelation revelation is gone on when jesus comes and still be going so we must not think that we have arrived we always arrive in are you hearing me we're always arriving the audience out on screen i'm talking all over the world i know it and i'm so glad to be here with dr winston and his family and the church family and so i just want you to lift your hand a few moments just to say lord i'm open yeah just just just talk to him yourself a few minutes just give him pray and tell him you love him and so you can i want you to be able to see i want you to be able to hear and i want you to be able to understand see here and understand different dimension of the spirit falling after the holy ghost we're all going to fall after the holy ghost i'm not here for i'm not a performer uh no this platform is not performing it's this platform is for purpose and uh i talked with my wife just what i got she said uh honey i know god by the huge i said yes sure is because i sense it in my spirit my my infirmities are getting bigger and bigger i know when it when he gonna use you you're inadequate sure [Music] pastors pay close attention tonight pay close attention now let's pray god i thank you for the opportunity thank you for all the speakers i thank you for this great man of god in this congregation and i think everybody listens tonight i i pray that that utterance and auction and understanding will flow in this house tonight and men and women will get every answer they need they'll know exactly what to do when this service is finished tonight there they'll know exactly and now lord i know we kind of separated but somebody's going to run in here tonight they're not going to be the heavens and let them run i know it because they're going to get so powerful in here i mean when this young lady was saying i couldn't take much more i couldn't take no money i couldn't take much more because the the singing she was putting out was addressing the message so what what she saw and what i'm going to minister you're going to be able to do [Applause] so thank you lord let others flow in jesus name amen now i'm not going to let you sit down on this prophecy because it's so powerful it's uh after about two hours of praying in spirit in the sanctuary my sanctuary about this meeting he said i will impact impart impart and invade your fate now i uh i believe i better let you sit down and take notes on the prophecy impact impart importation generation it didn't come just to do a mission importation going to take place absolutely and invade your fate now i will not create a revival of your faith but i'm releasing a reformation faith to you and in you now the forces that have destroyed your faith will be erased tonight [Music] every faith i don't want to call it project any faithful spiritual move you have been trying to make with your faith and have been blocked in some way is erased tonight [Music] now i'm repeating after him you see it's a prophecy yes sir i urge you to listen thoroughly at my servant tonight for he is speaking of many experiences i have manifested in his life by this kind of faith in every area family nine grandchildren yes sir married for 50 years yes sir total 17 we eat together every sunday in my house so so you know i might have a little room in my house 17 eating you know pandemic didn't stop us from eating [Music] so here's what he's saying family ministry personal and financially and then i i'm gonna say something uh the lord your faith will not beg again [Music] your faith begging days are over y'all y'all don't understand what i'm saying over and over again saying the same thing got it all upside the wall no that day is over [Music] your faith will start flowing with manifested and manifold blessing yes sir the enemy cannot set up faith schemes in your life no more all of your fake dreams will start flowing tonight y'all got to get a better response it's from the lord it's not from leroy he's saying how many all got some fake dreams well man look what i said whatever the lord said all your faith dreams gonna start flowing tonight [Music] this this this is the prophetic word he gave me i'm just taking my time and give it to you i'm almost in there i'll start mentioning the word tonight yes start flowing and so praying in the spirit sometimes i get words so i try to write them down uh the best way i could do i was praying and tony said uh she and i know she now knows what is that lord what what what that she not know she not know and i asked what what what did that mean he said it's about to happen now there shall be no more fake rapes [Music] no more faith abortion the baby will be delivered i better shout better with your dude and then the end of this prophecy and we're going into the scriptures y'all ready to shout this this the end of the prophecy you ready what he said a short seltzer delivery is at your door now anybody been waiting on a package anybody got their fate out there waiting on something the law should tell your delivery is at your door now come on what if it's healing is that your door if it's finances is at your door if it's family solving a family problem is that you know [Music] you may be seated let's turn to mark chapter 11. mark chapter 11. now i'm not responsible for what happened here tonight cause i feel the glory how many of y'all feel the glow i'm not responsible what's going to happen i've been here tonight god love us you know and we we love each other right right something about the flow up in here tonight mark chapter 11. now don't give me no familiar hearing [Applause] because the word of god is pregnant and never run out of producing more because a lot of time when we know scriptures we shut down but you can't shut down on no scripture because scriptures stay pregnant and so i want you to stay open because the territory we're going in is so powerful i don't know how far maybe to get uh oh my god but but i'm i'm aiming to do something i'm i am the florida holy ghost you're in mark 11 you guys you got your bible how many of y'all got mark 11. you're there i want you to write three words down to impregnate your faith i want you to write the word demonstration down demonstration i want you to write the word delivery [Music] and i want you to write the word demand yes sir from this night forward your faith is going to domain deliver [Music] now jesus in mark 11 uh here showed us something and uh he dealt with something and he did something with faith that shook the disciples up uh let me get exactly what where he did this that so we can because i'm a little ahead of myself but that's okay [Music] you know the glory's gonna hit this place right you know we know you know we're just warming up here the glory gonna hit this place look at looking at the 20th verse of the eleventh chapter twenty verse now here's a demonstration well that's why the tree tree dried up i want to get away to fig tree uh verse 12 and and on the morrow when it will come from bethany he was hungry and seeing a fig tree of far off having leave he came if happily he might find anything their own and when he came to it jesus he found nothing but leaves now this wasn't in the lesson but uh your faith gonna stop producing leaves yes yes sir yes i'm talking about your faith tonight your faith gonna stop just producing leaves you need to have some fruit come from your faith you are you hearing me when you look on your faith tree tomorrow [Applause] [Music] i just thought you might hear that and seeing the fig tree farm in verse 13 heavenly he came if happy might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leave for the time of fig was not yet and jesus answered and said unto it now here here is genesis chapter one what what's going to happen tonight god more of operating in faith jesus mode of operating in faith will become your mode tonight of operating in faith genesis chapter one put that down because i want you to read i might not never get to it but when god god was operating in faith showing up high should go saying it call it create it looked at it it was good that's the way your faith gonna be from now [Music] [Applause] whatever you do with your faith after the night gonna come out good [Music] i see i see some of y'all don't believe me i believe that there's an import there's an anointing there's an impartation you you're not you're not this meeting wasn't called by chance you you here for a reason something about to happen in your life that never happened before you bout to go somewhere you've never been before don't sit down and act like god ain't talking to you [Applause] before i finish the night something going to happen in this place that gonna shake chicago shake a miracle because god is more powerful than chicago and god is more powerful than a miracle and the anointing is more powerful i'm just trying to get i'm just trying to get the scripture out man i can't hardly hold it man come let me y'all help me get the scripture on all right so so the future jesus christ the future right all right now sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down now now go to the 20th voice because the 20th i'm about to tell you the points line i'm about to tell you the nitty-gritty we're going to be dealing with tonight i'm about to tell you that new aspect of fate that you're going to walk in from this night forward and and and i could tell you right now now now this is this is bold of all the fake men have been taught you never heard this before yes sir pastors in your world jesus see but see see something about to take place in your faith they're going to cause things to happen so fast i don't care what you're dealing with i don't care what it looks like i don't care how long i don't care how long you've been dealing with it tonight tonight we're going to deal with it the holy ghost the word of god we're going to deal with i don't care i'm beginning with 25 years tonight it will be dealt with by the power of almighty god you better shout here's what the holy ghost told me to tell you now what i'm about to tell you you better shout because you're already out you better shout you better shout you're out of debt you're out of sicknesses you're out of confusion you better shout now you're already out i say you are ready out you better shout tell three people already out [Applause] i am so happy for the body of christ tonight this thing this thing will open up i'm so happy for the body of christ tonight things gonna happen some of y'all love god so much but yeah but you're not moving enough this this is gonna enable god to love you more go ahead on the screen then [Applause] oh he's gonna get thicker look you we just on the shadow we shadow water right now this thing boy this thing gonna get so deep tonight [Music] dr winston and i said this was god planned i was supposed to be here tonight [Music] so all the rearrangement i believe was by god not putting nobody down but he was rearranging it you have no idea listen listen listen sit down it's 24 24 in the morning they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots see that all right and peter caught in the room and said to him master behold the fig tree was thou cursed is withered away now here is it in verse 22. here's something we've been passing up here is the answer and jesus answered answer and said unto him now these these four words yes sir have faith in god now watch what's saying now watch what we're saying watch what i say we have been trying to have faith in the word [Music] and left god out [Music] have faith in god all the faith teach now let me show you something else the greek scholars they say have the faith of god you know what i'm talking about have the god kind of faith right you heard that before right no it's not dead it has faith in god from this night forward you will operate in supernatural ownership faith [Music] super natural ownership faith psalm 24 back it up psalm 24 back it up you when you have faith in god you start operating in ownership faith jesus [Music] was telling the disciples how he crushed that tree all right [Music] jesus said he didn't say half faith in my word he didn't even say half faith in me [Music] he said i'm going to tell you how i was doing this have faith in god who else up and y'all don't see this he said listen he said who else don't see this don't see that your fate of change don't sit down and act like you know about this you don't know about it yeah catch a hold of it yeah yeah yes sir have faith in god mean that you can operate just like god [Music] and god is a honor he's not a asker mark 11 23-24 is just telling you how god created the whole world and have faith in god is this is the meet between the brain to let you know just like god operated jesus told you how he operated now tonight you're going to go to operating just like that [Music] hebrews chapter 11 and verse 6. say the same thing hebrews 11 6 say the same thing hebrew 11 6 is saying have faith hebrews 11 6 is saying mark 11 22. yes sir yes sir but without faith impossible prison for he that comes to god must believe that he is [Music] a reward of them that didn't just see him so mark 11 22 in hebrews 11 6 saying the same thing have faith in god yes sir come on yes sir ownership faith you see it the lord told me to take the mass off your faith tonight [Music] let me hear what he told me take the mask not off your face off your faith that is that mass you got on now is not the first mass you want satan's been having a mass on our fate but we coming out tonight [Music] [Music] let me show you what the law have taken we went mark 11 22 right then we went to hebrews 11 6. now now now i told you don't don't take these scriptures like you know him because i want you to hear with the what the lord saying just tonight yes sir go to ephesians 3 20. and lock ephesian 320 and hebrews 11 and 1 together [Music] yes sir yes sir because you now you are a fate owner [Applause] and your faith owns what god owns [Applause] [Music] and satan make you thinking you got to hustle and hustle but it's already yours and from now on your fate is your passport now your faith put that voice back at me to 320. now your faith don't work like this yes sir now under him that is able to do extremely abundantly above all that we actually think according to the power that workers in there now if you read that prayer that prayer was talked about by faith in the inner man talked about faith and love the trinity that you want to be show your god in place is in first corinthians 13 13. faith hope and love is the divine trinity that your faith must work with got it faith hope and love oh my goodness my goodness my goodness my goodness are you ready to move in dimensions of faith that cannot be stopped by no other force [Applause] actually my brothers and sisters we're talking about ownership faith not just relationship faith or partnership faith come on write some of this down or fellowship faith actually mom actually we're not talking about we're talking about ownership faith not just relationship faith or partnership faith or fellowship faith yes sir no have faith in god is ownership faith meaning is already mine [Music] now what do you think they're going to do to your confession what what what you think they're going to do when you're meditating the scripture hits you and you claim that scripture what do you think we're going to have now get out of the waiting line i hear the spirit of god said tell my children get out of the waiting line you've been waiting long enough it's time for something to happen now it's time for your health and healing to come it's time for your money to come it's time for your family to be happy i said it's time all right you didn't shout that time i'm gonna say i'm gonna say you're gonna shout this time it's time for you to have your dream house don't tell me you can't have your dream house because i have mines paid for [Music] by god that's right yes sir so i'm speaking the same thing over you right now you got your dream house paid for by god you're going to shout out what you're going to shout shout like your god shout like your god shout like your god listen i need you to take a lot of notes sit down i need to take a lot of notes now have faith in god is the master key to supernatural faith have faith in god is the master key to supernatural faith so he said to tell you tonight you will unlock all miracles and signs and wonders in your life you heard it all miracles all signs and all wonders are unlocked in your life tonight i don't care what side of the track you from i don't care what color your skin is i don't care what your hair texture is all miracles all signs and all oneness is unlocking your life somebody help me run a little bit somebody somebody somebody help me [Music] what what look what he says here supernatural demonstrations and power will be released everywhere you go oh man come on supernatural demonstration plural and power will be released everywhere you go from this nightfall because you're going to be operating in ownership [Music] and then he said just a minute see how important this is to us he says uh living outside of supernatural faith today is suicidal you you will not be able to make it with regular faith that's why this conference is open see uh how how did how did you say that lord and so i can say it right now uh let's see you told me let me say it i need to say it i need to say it [Music] so all right all right taking the mass off your faith tapping into the mystery of faith traveling into the maturity of faith i got now i finally got down to what you want me to say you pastor all right uh boy you pulling i'll tell you that i could feel i could feel like a string he pulled it huh i don't know him but he pull it listen [Music] we're talking about apostolic governmental faith and prophetic decreeing faith [Music] from now on your faith gonna govern every situation yes sir from now on you're gonna decree it and walk away with it in your hands [Music] lord of god [Music] oh my goodness lord this at the end i'm on my you said i'm on my ipad but i'm gonna read this out because i want you to notice what who in here yes sir fake angels invade chicago tonight he told me in prayer they would be in this meeting so they're all around watching your action do you really believe what i'm saying to you because i'm about to go to work for you this building tonight is full of fate angels hope angels and love angels all three set of angels are all around this building walking the streets of chicago tonight [Music] matter of fact they're at your house waiting on you to get back home i release them i release them i release them on your home i replace them on your ministry i'll release them on your life there ain't release them somebody shout hallelujah somebody said glory to god somebody said my life will never be the same again i'm operating in ownership of faith i have faith in god you see it are you seeing this glory glory glory that's a 500 chain [Music] you know believe me tell me hebrews 1 14. fade angels invade chicago tonight to bring manifestation and demonstration of this fate revelation let me say it again fade angels invade chicago tonight to bring manifestations and demonstrations plural of this revelation of ownership fake you see what you see with hebrew 1 4 uh 114 says by their menacing spirit for their salvation all right let me give you a few more now i'm at the bottom outline so i couldn't start at the top but the bottom i'm at number 21 22. so i'm going to go from the bottom because i'm saying i don't want to miss and i mess around i don't get it so we got to fade in you oh faith shame leave you tonight [Music] your faith will never be shamed again it always will produce exactly what you believe god for [Music] and i heard the spirit of god said all faith fairytales are over [Music] turn to john chapter 7 look at verse 37 yeah y'all about to lose me i'm doing the best i can now y'all you're ready john 7 37 let me read let me read in that last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried santa fe man 30 let him come under me and drink go to that next verse 38 he that believes on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water right go to verse 39 but this speak he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified get ready for this may the rivers drown all the rebels that are against your faith every demon that is rebelling against your faith will be drowned the night by the power of god by the blood of jesus every every every river everything that's been trying to hold your faith down drowned in the holy ghost tonight [Music] i dare you to say what you're believing for again after the night i dare you to say it you just say it again i dare you to say it again you watch what happened all the rebels that fighting your faith are drowned demons and all [Music] the lord said to tell you your faith has holy ghost power your faith will be stronger than it ever has been when the holy ghost get through with you tonight [Applause] [Music] yourself i received something a lot of money though this happened everywhere i mean it just made money i can't go to the supermarket barbershop trying to pay for my hack i can't pay for it most of the time one man i just quit him paying for i said no you didn't spend it up now son [Applause] i'll release that anointing on you it's anonymity it's another it's just anointing god placed on my life it belonged to the body of christ it blown to be a winston that's why he's so blessed yes i know you're blessed before that but but but she build builders a partner with my ministry that's why i'm gonna receive the offer tonight and and i'm gonna give ten thousand dollars myself so y'all get the envelope right ten thousand dollars on it when i get ready to get his office and uh and then uh and then yeah yeah that's and i don't receive offer from the minister i have to trust you i don't i don't receive offering bill i can receive offer i trust him i know he battles i'll receive it so i just started all right when i do receive i'm gonna put ten thousand dollars in there first you can't be receiving if you're not gonna give nothing got the rebels drawn right now not now now your faith must always be saturated with god now you have no idea what i'm saying here but i'm about to show it to you first chronicle chapter 29 verse 11. when corporal moon when your faith is saturated with god there are five things that your faith functioning found in that verse from now on five divine manifesting dynamics will work every time you use your faith if that verse is kind of mark 11 22 is just unfolding who you have faith in [Music] come on some of you ladies talk to me i just hear men talking some of you ladies talk up y'all [Applause] in this ownership faith you're going to be operating in god's greatness your faith will be operating consistently in god's power your faith will be operating at all times in god's glory your faith from this night forward every time you use it you're going to operate in [Applause] talk to me up in hell wait we're not through yet there's another step another stage your faith has leaked into [Music] number five [Applause] your faith will operate in his majesty how many of y'all see it [Music] five things have been added to your faith tonight permanently y'all not treating god right you're not treating me right five things hey hey i'll take it all back with me y'all if y'all are not gonna receive it i'll take it back when what [Applause] [Music] there you go girl i'm going to take your run that's right these five five these five dynamics greatness from now on your faith gonna be great power glory victory and majesty listen for all that is into heaven [Applause] [Music] see now let's go we're back to mark 11 22. see mark 22 is saying all that to your faith go again go to the next word go to my food oh all of these dynamics spiritual dynamic or divine dynamics are added to ownership of faith it just comes from mark 11 22 have faith in god not just have faith in the word not have faith in your confession the bible says search the scripture for them you think you have life but they testify of me both riches and honor will manifest in your faith from this night forward hallelujah your faith shall reign over all [Applause] and in thy hand is power and might oh my goodness [Applause] oh my goodness somebody shout hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] everybody's standing up just one time you sit right back down everybody i just i just want to get a unity yet before i say a few more things everybody if you're able to stand you're standing for a few minutes because i want to get a little unity here because i'm about to take it deeper everybody go a little deeper all right all right sit back down sit right down take a little deep breath come back to claws if you remember [Music] so jesus taught this kind of faith paul taught this kind of faith then hebrews 11 6. love is the fuel of having faith in god properly galatians 5 6. i told you about the threefold ingredient of this kind of faith in god first corinthians 13 13. now i'm going to give you this dynamic get ready to frame everything in your life by the spirit of faith second corinthians 4 13 we having the same spirit of faith you remember that right all right go to hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 for a moment because i'm about to close a little while hallelujah let me make the statement over here get ready to frame everything in your life by the spirit of faith [Applause] [Music] is divine money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is divine money faith spinning heaven yes sir yes sir and heaven ruled all the other money that's right yes sir so when you're not katana mesha cutter when you know how to operate in faith money will never be no problem you got the shot clothes [Applause] you can ignore it if you want i gotta hurry say if i lose it tonight faith opens a divine bank for you never never say that for my life i've never said that before in my life never said it before in my life [Music] [Applause] i got ten thousand right there at ten thousand no that's another ten thousand that's twenty thousand dollars right there [Music] when you when you're killed that's what happened you know [Music] i got a card in the back of my bible they just sent me a stack of 100 bill and told me he said man you're not only teaching us you know examples before i love you so much i think she had eighteen hundred forty dollars in there in the back of my bible right now because i want her to get something back so i appreciate it with me yes sir to check this minister give me in my pocket i like to let that anointing while i'm preaching get on it and come back to the come back to the ministry come back to the ministry come back to the ministry come back to the ministry i say come back to the ministry come back to the ministry when you're anointed you're just amazing baby that's all i mean all of my instruments and inadequacies and english and all that stuff i don't know about that no grandma no karma and all that stuff i just talk but when i get in my g wagon people wave at me [Applause] sometimes i go back home and get my wife g wagon i'm bragging on god hey dragged on joel abraham yeah you got to tell it i'm not going to hide it i'm blessed man [Music] man walk up here bring 20's out let's brought it up here look at hebrews 11 3. i'm gonna go over a little bit bill we're tight like that didn't look good he wanted to put it he wanted he he loved you and that's why you bring us here for you to get it there come another chat i'm gonna just run me down it's a countdown knowledge too [Applause] [Music] i saw a woman with a bag i was waiting late in my bed i saw a woman slip side my bed and laid a check down there and it was millions of dollars and she went back and got in that helicopter i saw that a few days ago i don't go after money money looking for me [Music] and i place that anointing on you tonight from this night father money gonna be looking for you everywhere you go that's another check yes here's a three three thousand dollar check [Music] yeah i know it now listen through faith we understand that the world will frame by the word of god right through faith we understand that the the by the word of god so that things which are seen was not made of things you appear so you're going to frame your world now in this ownership faith now how many and don't you lie i'm gonna call you out you've heard ownership faith you heard ownership before ownership faith before you got your hand up you heard ownership faith i know i'm going to call you out you heard ownership faith all right all right tell me the truth then honestly honest your faith i want you to agree on with your bad self tell me have you ever 48 years i never heard it until i was praying [Music] and the lord said i want you to take apostolate and take this to the body of christ tell them have faith in god yes sir come on oh my goodness jesus christ write this down faith in god is persuaded faith that activates the supernatural faith in god mark 11 22 is persuaded faith that activates the supernatural look at romans 4 20 quickly let's go a few more minutes romans 4 20. he's standing not at the promise of god through unbelievable strong in faith giving glory to god i love this go to the next voice oh jesus and getting fully persuaded and being fully persuaded that what he had promised somebody shout he was also able to perform shouts and shout tell somebody this my night all my believing about to come to pass tonight i got it i got it i got it [Music] i got it you know in the old baptist church when we say shout out it wasn't me and shout your mouth you know when we say shout it mean you get up off the floor and i'm about to tell you right now i'm about to tell you to shout the old baptist way when i say shout i want you to get off the floor shout out the lord has given us a victory i received i i didn't get halfway through i didn't get hammered [Music] [Applause] somebody else up in your run somebody run now run run somewhere one up somebody move up in here somebody needs to move up in here god have spoken to us tonight move up in heaven give god the glory pray praise his name praise the lord glory glory somebody shout [Music] [Applause] if the person next to you didn't shout i want you to ask him what's wrong with you if the person that you didn't move i want you to ask him don't be scared of him what is wrong with you now i'm gonna give you one more time one two three shout again and give us the victory out out shout out the glory is here the glory is here good god feel the glory the glory the glory is here oh i got a clue tell somebody tell us about it tell them the glory is here i'll receive something tell them the glory is yours the glory is yeah say it i'm healed from the top of my head [Music] that's all we'll see [Music] [Applause] that boy had a fool where he dressed there get them short pants on i thought another check no i thought everybody ate it out of the fifty dollars good dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] let me tell you something too don't y'all ever stop people from giving don't ever don't ever do that but probably the body of christ you know no don't ever don't never hold people up from giving no don't do that that's not right not right always always let people give and it won't give see i'm you you know uh i i i'm just not i'm trying to finish i'm not i'm not waiting on ocean i'm not you know because because people give it no i don't have to do that yeah yes sir already got money [Music] my ministry on half of the time [Music] i'm industry on 600 acres of land you just say i'm god didn't you you probably before you came that way that time and you come another way yes i'll see [Applause] you got i told you 11 13 put that in your note i'm not going to it look at mark 5. could you put mark 5 34 in the amplified bible format mark 30 mark 5 34 amplifying bible and he said to her now watch this daughter your faith [Applause] you see your trust and confidence in me [Music] springing from faith in god has restored you to hell go in or into peace and be up put it and continue to be and he said to her daughter your faith your trust and confidence in me jesus talked to him springing from faith in god you see it how many of y'all see it that's mark 11 22. that's what you just move into i don't have moisture [Music] love have mercy i gotta quit [Music] rehearse faith versus real faith having a form of faith denying the power of faith a lot of time we're just rehearsing [Music] we're not reversing nothing but from this night forward your fate all the training you're receiving faith you added to this oh my i don't want to see you coming down the street because i don't have no room to pass by you [Applause] all of god's possibilities plural is residing in faith all of god's provision or in faith all of god pledges or in faith well this is his last one you ready all of god's presence [Music] is in faith now every day of your life no matter what it looked like no matter what happened in the past you will now live in the finished faith [Music] every time you use your faith from this night forward it is [Music] you don't have to go back on 19 time you praise it yeah you don't see no manifestation you don't see no demonstration but you know you got it so you just going praising yeah because you brought enough work up and bring that money huh look at one thousand dollars i better quit i better quit he got the whole world [Music] i'm a clue you you gotta you you you got i couldn't teach it all tonight you see i'm saying i i'm gonna go on and just just just uh [Music] you know get me in trouble with bill you ain't giving me ah i believe you have enough yeah let me read my introduction [Music] you heard some of it but i'm going to read it so you have the whole thing tonight you will unlock all miracle signs and wonders in your life supernatural demonstration and power will be released everywhere you go living outside of supernatural fate is suicide fading god create a supernatural atmosphere reverential faith is more powerful oh you're going to hear this i'm closing with this reverend interfaith is more powerful than reward faith write these scriptures down hebrews 11 6 first timothy 3 9. reverential faith is more powerful than rewards faith now i want you to stand up and give god the glory [Music] tonight did you receive anything has has your faith been changed tonight you'll never be broke another day in your life hallelujah i felt i felt some love of them the other night man i felt i i prayed i prayed i was praying i prayed for pastors i know i've seen the past because i was watching on screen i started praying for the pastors and praying for ministers both male and female i thought praying for them today and that that we can be open enough to receive this message and i think we have [Music] you
Views: 9,513
Rating: 4.9495797 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: AJyjRwJeXE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 44sec (4784 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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