The Secrets, Endings & Story of Mr. Tomatos Explained

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hey guys super horror bro mike here and in today's video we explore creepy indie horror game mr tomatoes taking a look at its many endings associated secrets as well as an analysis of the cryptic story hidden behind them so sit back relax and let's get started [Music] upon loading into the game we are greeted by a rather odd character with a monotone voice welcome to my game body this is mr tomato and this is his game one where we are tasked with feeding the ravenous red blob whatever he demands i want salami i want an apple [Music] i want fish i want a donut [Music] sometimes these food requests require us to get a little more creative blending two food types together to create the desired result however if we mess up an order mr tomato scolds us and his anger begins to rise this anger can fill up 10 points before it's game over this game over is where we see the darker elements of this cursed video game begin to emerge in fact our first ending comes as a result of angering mr tomato too much before reaching the end game check it out i want a carrot i did not ask for this [Music] but that's okay i'll give you my last chance [Music] foreign as you just witnessed mr tomatoes is not eating the food we think we are feeding him this rather normal looking kitchen and these very normal looking food types are in fact both an illusion instead mr tomato inhabits a hellscape where he consumes human flesh including brain matter a demonic voice reveals itself congratulating us and exclaiming that we may never return and that mr tomatoes is now in full control after being booted to the desktop a creepy image loads up it displays the demonic version of mr tomato with the tormented souls of other players who have lost his cursed game trapped behind him strange text symbols are printed at the top of the image this is wingding's font and can be translated to reveal the following message i'm inside if we attempt to open the game exe back up we are greeted with the following screen wingding's texts flash up in quick succession there are five messages here to decipher and they read as follows i'm already inside your system do not worry about her safety everything will be fine i have everything under control this suggests mr tomatoes now has full control of our computer and will use it for his nefarious plans we'll find out more about these plans later in the video but for now let's move on in order to evade this terrible demise we must first purchase accessories from the in-game shop to aid us in the kitchen these include scissors for cutting open bags and a flashlight for checking around in the dark two items in particular catch our ivo the first is simply titled by question marks and is not yet available but becomes crucial later on the second is a knife which when purchased allows us to defeat mr tomato before reaching the game's finale here is the knife ending [Music] oh i didn't think that everything would turn out that way you are either much smarter than i thought or you are just a monster like me well you won for now congratulations you finished the game goodbye now if we load back into the game the upbeat music distorts into something far more sinister [Music] when returning to the kitchen through the new game option we find no sign of mr tomato anywhere this place is like a ghost town and paired with that slow out of tune music it makes for an unsettling experience indeed [Music] before we get to the game's true endings there is one more ending to unlock to do this we must start a new game and then rather than feeding mr tomato simply blend up all the food and waste it do this until the red one's angry meter is completely full and the following ending plays out [Music] look what you have done now i have nothing to eat well well well i guess you know what's going on here right in that case you are not the one i need goodbye as you just witnessed in this ending we see mr tomato reveal his possessed demon form early he tells us that we are not the one and ejects us from the game there is more going on here and as we unlock future endings what this more is becomes clear the final four endings all revolve around either destroying mr tomato or losing to him at which point he devours our soul and hijacks our computer system the first two of these endings are born from either winning or losing the final feeding challenge you see if we complete five food challenges without maxing out mr tomatoes anger meter then he transforms into a demonic entity and begins floating around the kitchen [Music] congratulations you almost finished the game good job but not good enough oh don't worry your soul will be completely enough for me to ignore your mistakes and now yeah me your soul poison appears on plates before us alongside various food items to emerge victorious from this climactic boss battle we must balance poisoning the tomato and healing him with regular snacks to ensure his rage never takes over if we simply poison mr tomato non-stop then we get the bad ending which plays out like this [Music] after the jump scare the game ejects us and we receive a picture thanking us for our help in contrast here is for good ending [Music] it's short and sweet and once again returning to the game reveals that mr tomato has now been deleted from the program completely but if you're thinking hey these endings seem a little anticlimactic well you'd be right the true ending and its bad variants are harder to unlock and provide a wealth of lore in addition to more definitive closure [Music] in order to unlock for final ending you must reach the end of the last food challenge without angering mr tomato when we manage to do this he will speak to us about a mysterious text document and tell us never to return okay that's all thank you very much for your help you did everything perfectly and exactly as i planned unfortunately i don't need you anymore since you have already completed your work but i won't leave you without nothing here i just created a file on your computer i put there and where text that i found in the game code it is useless to me since i cannot read it maybe you need it i would have deleted it anyway now get out and don't come back here never again after leaving the game if we decide to ignore his warning and return to the kitchen we are met with the following highly creepy sequence did you forget what i told you don't come back i said don't come back never again i was so kind to you and you ignored me well i guess there i have no other choice upon being booted to the desktop this time we are met with a notepad document which reads as follows the game no longer belongs to you now it's mine only mine only mine only mine only mine only mine it seems not only does mr tomato want total control of our computer he also desires total control over the game he resides within this is elaborated on if we open the useless text document he spoke of previously upon opening this note it seems pretty nonsensical a series of meaningless numbers right upon closer examination these numbers have one common value 20 these 20s when deleted and replaced by a space allow this document to be translated from numbers into letters and a hidden message is revealed hello i hope someone finds this message i will change each letter of this message with a number so he cannot read it so if anyone is really reading this i want you to know that everything is not what it seems never trust him he is much trickier and smarter than you think if you do everything he wants he can get incredible power and he knows about it for more particles of code he absorbs into himself the more power he gets with that power he can do anything inside the game you have already begun to notice changes in his behavior try to access the console and erase or progress writing where the console is located will be very dangerous because with his power i am afraid he will be able to translate even this text try to find the console before he finds it that is all good luck the password is 13335 as you can see this text provides us with answers to everything the food and flesh this demonic creature is consuming is in fact computer code which makes him more powerful with every bite so feeding him we are actually making him more powerful this is how he is able to eventually transform into a floating entity that we must destroy this is also why mr tomato tries to take control of our system and escape the confines of the game code by doing this he can feast on as much code as he likes and eventually escape into the internet itself where limitless power exists for him to grow into an evil entity of unstoppable strength one able to harvest the souls of users worldwide we must stop him and in the true ending using the information provided within the useless text we can firstly we now have the password this is randomly generated and different for each player however in order to use the password we need to reach the aforementioned console the console is activated via entry of yet another password this one located on the developer's itch dot page the code is tsomato1b191a21 after entering this code we are taken to a command console and here we are able to enter the passcode and delete the game and its files at a global level eradicating all trace of mr tomato worldwide and essentially wiping him from the face of the planet there is a catch though if we attempt to do this without a certain key item then mr tomato will discover our sabotage mission and put an end to it triggering yet another bad ending oh well i didn't expect to see you here i have to say you are as dumb as i but despite this i'm still smarter than you i'm still stronger than you with this power i can do whatever i want i am a god now wait why do i need this game when i can take control of the whole system i need last words because the system no after ejecting us from the game mr tomato begins hijacking our computer and deleting all major files at a system level now he has total control of our pc though it should be pointed out that these messages are only tied to the game and it's cursed narrative and no viruses are being spread or harm being done to our actual computers in real life so don't worry about downloading this game if you wish to try it for yourself this also explains why when wasting food and refusing to feed mr tomato he tells us we are not for one and kicks us from his game i guess you know what's going on here right in that case you are not the one i need goodbye like most demons this one relies on tricking the naive into helping him so how can we fully end this entity without detection well remember that mystery item the one that looked like a name tag if we grind out 999 points we can purchase this useful accessory and it is revealed to be a fake id one that isn't stable but allows us to operate under a different alias preventing the evil fruit from tracking our whereabouts inside the system now using this card we can finally delete mr tomatoes and obtain the true ending check it out [Music] wait wait what now so you managed to get around me after all that i managed to achive you still managed to get around me i didn't think that everything would be so uncomplicated it doesn't matter anymore you whine but i will definitely return with mr tomato deleted our computer and soul is safe once more as is the rest of humanity but while this chapter of the cursed game series comes to a close developer ox toured games seems to be cooking up a sequel which may elaborate on the motives behind this dark entity residing within in addition to the introduction of some new characters so keep your eyes peeled for that before we end off this video i just want to give a shout out to another channel here on youtube called jayskibean through his video i was able to work out what the useless message or that decimal code meant and translate it into that secret message that we read earlier in the video so i do want to give him a shout out and also you'll find his channel linked in the description below this video so go and check him out subscribe if you enjoy his content for now though we're going to wrap up this particular video looking at the endings and secrets of mr tomatoes if you enjoyed this video remember to leave a comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and i will see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 6,301,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr Tomatos, mr tomato horror game, mr tomatos horror game, mr tomatos story explained, mr tomatos all endings, mr tomatos secret endings, mr tomato secrets, mr tomatos game theory, mr tomatos explained, mr tomatos perfect ending, mr tomatos true ending, Mr. TomatoS, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro mr tomatos, superhorrorbro explained
Id: 9xUle7GQH8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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