Game Theory: The Dead Will RISE! (Andy's Apple Farm / Rabbit Knight)

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long ago there was a kingdom run by theorists they lived in peace for a long time then the animatronics attacked they took over the channel infecting every Theory they touched every good franchise was killed off one by one only one franchise remained a newcomer called Andy's apple farm and it knew what it had to do [Music] hello Internet welcome to Game Theory where today I need you to be very very quiet cause I'm hunting rabbits rabbit nights to be exact recently a new indie platformer game was released rabbit night and despite what the name might tell you no it's not another installment in the never-ending parade of Shovel Knight sequels but that doesn't mean that rabbit night isn't a sequel it is kinda you see back in November of 2021 developer M36 games released an adorable little Adventure called Andy's apple farm in it you play as the titular Andy the Apple who must compete in many games against his friends in order to receive a super secret special prize oh wow what's the prize it's the key to your house nothing says raising the stakes quite like getting the keys to your house stolen that said all the minigames are pretty easy sorting some fruit playing some Friday night playing I spy so I should be on the fast track to getting those keys back except that's not exactly what happens beat the mini games and your reward is getting locked inside of a barn to play tag against a mysterious new character Peter the pumpkin the game glitches out and suddenly we're treated to disturbing imagery of Andy's face melting and a whole lot of faded photographs of kids with their eyeballs blocked out yep we're not on the Atari anymore Toto this is one of those games we're talking about real life Horror in the ending we just saw is one of many I were playing the game and tackling the mini games in different orders purposely losing those games and just generally throwing your body against every wall you can find is start to unlock the real story of this thing the story of a family and the mysterious black goo that's been chasing him down for decades as we pieced together in our last Theory the real story here is that of the eastwoods Thomas a struggling game developer his wife Cameron and his two children Isabella and Lewis One Night in October of 1982 because let's face it all the scariest things in video games have to happen in the early 80s Lewis and Isabella take a boat out onto the lake near their family home two kids leave only one returns Isabella pushes Lewis into the lake where he then drowns in the wake of Lewis's death their father Thomas begins to drink heavily and obsess over his work the goal to make his latest game Andy's Apple Farm as lifelike as possible and if you've ever caught a whiff of an indie horror game in the past decade I think you could probably guess where this one might be headed fed up with Thomas's erratic and drunken Behavior Cameron kicks him out worried about the family in his absence Thomas asks his close friend Arthur to keep an eye on them but clearly something got Lost in Translation because the next thing we see is Arthur's Christmas stock and hanging up on the fireplace next to the rest of the families not for long though as the house mysteriously burns down with Cameron inside and angry Thomas accuses Arthur of killing his wife at which point he chases down and kills Arthur in the woods while Isabella watches from a distance gotta love those indie horror games and their Happy Endings right except there's one last character that we haven't mentioned mysterious black entity that appears to be following the family first in the boat with Isabella then later possessing Thomas to kill his friend then later killing Thomas himself but of course since this is an indie horror game or one of the characters as a game designer you know that means that no one has ever truly dead instead they're inside of Thomas's game Andy's Apple Farm where each character represents one member of the Dead family all back together again asking us to free them from their digital prison also the entities in there too in the form of Peter the pumpkin doing everything he can to stop Andy from escaping at least that was our theory on what was going on and for the most part pretty much everything was confirmed right by the game's Christmas-themed DLC so uh cool cool cool a really exciting apple game and all but um but does any of this have to do with rabbits again specifically the new game rabbit night well since last December the world's been patiently waiting for chapter 2 of Andes to release in fact it's so anticipated that YouTubers like the game salmon are now eating an apple every single day until it comes out gotta love the commitment to the bit wonder if he's had any medical issues since he started doing this you know what they say apple a day keeps the doctor away and all that I wonder if it's true do I smell a food Theory crossover anyway here we all are just waiting when all of a sudden M36 games quietly begins to release something completely different this other new game called rabbit night I don't know about this feels sus over the following months more screenshots would be dropped and soundtracks would be uploaded to the M36 games YouTube channel just building hype for the new game or there's something else going on here considering how much I loved Andes I figured it was at least worth checking out I listened to that first soundtrack release called danger approaches and at first it just seemed like any old 8-bit soundtrack till we get to the end [Music] that my friends is no ordinary audio that is a spectrogram basically a way of hiding images and frequencies of audio files by putting this particular track through a spectrogram you end up with this image the one and only Thomas Eastwood ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves a sequel and now that the full game's out we know for sure this game isn't just a cutesy platformer about a rabbit fighting for the return of his kingdom it's a game full of glitches and codes that connects us right back into the story of Andes giving us new characters and new events in the timeline so you're ready to Bob for some theories if so open wide and take a bite out of this in rabbit night you play as Rory the rabbit the last surviving rabbit in a kingdom that's been Infested by evil mushrooms you platform your way through one short level fighting these mushrooms avoiding Bottomless Pits you know classic platforming stuff at the end of the road you encounter a boss another rabbit that's been infected by the mushroom Invaders beat it and Bam You've Won in true M36 fashion were met with an error screen there is clearly more hidden inside this thing but in order to find it we're gonna have to break this game apart already off the bat the plot of the game sent up some huge red flags a rabbit who's the last surviving member of his kingdom sounds a lot like Isabella the last surviving member of the eastwoods everyone else dies from a mushroom infestation sounds remarkably similar to everyone dying from a dark evil entity infestation but to truly know for sure we need to access these glitches so of course the first thing I did was throw myself at every possible wall and bounce on every possible mushroom to see if there were any gaps in the Collision detection I'm not bad at games I'm just looking for lore I swear every death's intentional and you know what me concussing my little Lapine friend paid off by bouncing on the top of this specific mushroom you end up above the ceiling textures which causes the game to play a television news report about the Christmas Eve house fire that ultimately killed Cameron a 13 year old girl was the only person founded the scene after waving down a family in their car for help police arrived on the scene shortly after and if you walk through this wall in stage one we see Isabella sitting on a bench outside of an office we're given this audio recording of a police officer interviewing her about the event yeah me and Mama used to set up cameras in the forest wasn't there with the cameras no I don't think I don't think so then why are you telling me show us what Isabella show us what clearly she's implying that these cameras will show them Thomas murdering Arthur out in the woods the exact event that we just witnessed so true to my hunch it does seem like this new game is going to be focused around Isabella's story giving us details about what happened to her after the events that we saw in Andy's apple farm this is also supported by the game's title screen when you boot it up we see the copyright for Eastwood games 1986. the last time we saw the company was an Andy's apple farm that game was released in 1983 the same year that Thomas died so it seems like the business was able to carry on after his death and sure enough that's exactly what we see in stage 2 there's a hanging ledge if you jump through the wall you end up setting off a ton of glitches including the reveal of a letter written by a new character named Jeff telling you guys all this blunt force trauma to my rabbit totally worth it anyway the letter reads as follows dear Susan and my daughter summer as you know after my brother's death we took in his daughter Isabella as our own I know she may seem quiet and reserved but you should try and open up to her I know she may seem a little odd but I think Isabella and summer could become great sisters try talking to her a bit more okay she's been through a lot she could use a little bit of support from you too love Jeffrey notice that Jeff says his brother's death this new character is then Jeff Eastwood Isabella's uncle and suddenly the title screen makes a lot more sense he's the one continuing the family business that's how rabbit night was able to release in 1986 when everyone we knew at Eastwood games was presumably dead in 1983. so okay now we know Isabella has been taken in by her Uncle Jeff but it seems like he may have gotten a bit more than he bargained for by falling into this specific pit which might seem like an arbitrary pit but the clue here is that it's a tough pit to die in considering there's two layers of crumble blocks protecting you we get this death screen it's game over not for rabbit night for Jeff he dies August 22nd 1986 shortly after taking in Isabella no good deed goes unpunished right but uh listen you hear that it's more audio code by shoving that into a spectrogram we get this a distorted face which is Nightmare inducing on its own but there's also some text I just wanted a safer life for her it wasn't just Isabella I took in something else came with her but you don't have to take Jeff's word for it the entity tells us this exact thing you see after you get an out of bound secret the game drops you into a black void full of assets from rabbit night except one of those things doesn't quite belong the oddly Sinister gourd Peter the pumpkin he glitches out and chases you across the map in a massive creepy eyes lose the race and yet this a wall of numbers which the dedicated theorists amongst you might recognize as hexadecimal code though some of the ones near the top are a little tricky to decipher I mean yellow on yellow come on man anyway at the expense of my eyesight I did manage to decipher it and got the following message Jeff you did this to yourself you should not have tried to interfere you took her in the Smee in she should not be trusted just like her father looks like the adoption was a two for one deal get the cute little girl and her demonic blob friend comes along for free what a steal apparently it goes where Isabella goes and wasn't just satisfied at only killing one branch of the family tree but what is this thing and more importantly what is its goal just killing off struggling game designers well if you do manage to outrun Peter during that final chase you can keep running getting closer and closer to a Sprite character that looks a lot like Isabella only to be cut down by a mysterious black tentacle at the last second so very naive Jeff you cannot save her she is mine to control all you have done is drag yourself into a hell you cannot Escape From The Entity seems to feed on Grief maybe because it makes people easier to manipulate and control Thomas was devastated when Lewis died so that gave the entity an entry point to control Thomas then after everything that happened in Andy's Apple Farm Isabella is now in a similar situation she's grieving she's lost every member of her family and so the entity is able to latch onto her and slowly take control troll now we've ever seen this one before oh yeah it's just like we see with the final boss of rabbit night a member of the rabbit Kingdom has been corrupted by an evil force and when someone tries to save him they fail Jeff is Rory the rabbit the rabbit Knight and Isabella is the final boss a being that's been corrupted by an evil force but again for what going back to the Christmas DLC for Andy's there's one scene that shows us that the entity is what's dragging people into the game world it's also something that we see happen in rabbit night remember that obituary picture of Jeff and the spectrogram code that we saw from earlier well after everything Fades away we see a brief glimpse of a pixelated sunflower we see that same sunflower digitized into a scene from Andy's Apple Farm after the she's mind to control ending and we know that this has to be Jeff because in a Flash the words thank you for playing become thank you for playing in my world Jeff if you manage to beat the first two stages of rabbit night without dying instead of a boss battle you're treated to a new scene where we play as Isabella you walk through the hallways of a new house presumably Jeff's house until you reach the main room where you find find Jeff lying on the floor in a puddle of blood a trail leading out the window The Entity has brought yet another person into the game yet another victim maybe it's trying to NAB a bunch of people to make the first ever atari-era MMORPG I would need a lot of NPCs you know although something doesn't quite add up Thomas was aware of what he was doing in Andy's Apple Farm after killing Arthur he looks at his hands and proclaims what have I done but here Isabella asks why does this keep happening she isn't aware of killing anyone and the trail of blood leading out to the window along with no blood being on Isabella tells us that this wasn't her doing either the entity hasn't yet got full control of her yet or someone else is doing the entity's bidding so where does all this leave chapter two well we know that eventually Isabella is gonna wind up in the game the first chapter in its DLC heavily implied that she's Melody the moon girl but we still have no idea how she's gonna get there we do know that by the end of rabbit night Isabella is most likely homeless again having killed off or at least been partially responsible for her uncle's death enter the mysterious character Dr Bailey the bee who is teased heavily at the end of the last game and since then has been introduced to us via an unlisted video on YouTube here we see a new character named Sam picking up Andes and melting into the game being told that she'll be reunited with her again soon seems to me that the story of a lost and homeless Isabella having a run-in with a former friend of her own age is the most logical Next Step here from there the two will join forces in an effort to solve the tragedies that keep happening around Isabella and the chapter ends with Isabella getting sucked into the game the final Eastwood inside of the cartridge like the unlisted video said you'll be with her again soon as Sam is in the process of entering the game which means that Isabella is presumably already in there or you know maybe there will never be a chapter 2 to Andy's apple farm and instead the story will keep getting told through odd 8-bit spin-offs like rabbit night if that's the case well the game salmon better get ready to eat a lot of apples but hey well we're all waiting to go to the fun fair that's expected for chapter two you don't have to wait around to get tickets to some real world events thanks to today's sponsor SeatGeek few years have been kind of quiet on the Live Events front from pretty obvious reasons but hey concerts Sports and theaters are all back in full swing now and I don't know about you but I'm determined to go to it all lucky for me SeatGeek literally has everything I could possibly go to in one place so I'm getting the best tickets for anything I could want to see in the same convenient location and it makes me confident about the price I'm paying seat geek has a simple color system that tells you at a glance if the seats you're paying for are below at or above normal pricing green seats mean that you're getting a great deal just like watching shows on a green themed channel uh no offense film Theory all joking aside though I recently used sea geek to buy some hockey tickets to see the North Carolina Hurricanes with Steph for a date night go canes uh but cheap actually had to drop out because of some work stuff so instead I got to take my other best buddy Ollie it was his first game ever which was pretty darn awesome I later made it up to Steph with tickets to go see Moulin Rouge the musical also available on SeatGeek like I said I'm trying to film my evenings with a lot of variety so fill your evenings up with some entertainment too if you download the app using the link in the description below and use the code Game Theory that's g-a-m-e-t-h-e-o-r-y all one word then you can get twenty dollars off your first set of tickets that is twenty dollars off whatever you wanna go see that is huge savings which means that your tickets are getting even better value those green seats has got a whole lot Greener so once again go down to the description download the app use the code Game Theory and save twenty dollars off your first purchase go to some experiences that you're never gonna forget and as always remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,040,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy's apple farm, rabbit knight, andy's apple farm chapter 1, andy's apple farm chapter 2, andy's apple farm rabbit knight, andy's apple farm christmas, rabbit knight andy's apple farm, andy's apple farm explained, rabbit knight explained, andy's apple farm ending, rabbit knight ending, andy's apple farm theory, rabbit knight theory, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory andy's apple farm, game theory rabbit knight, andy's apple farm game, andy's apple farm secrets
Id: oi_UIEC8HpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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