The Mystery of Worship || Prophet Passion Java

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ready Bush and Arabic also Table Ronde PD Beatrice sacrum and a hear Deborah be enema subtly agree is called a burr on top AHA say read Dean Ambrose a dobrze husky de bruin Takeda beyond tosaka Raimondi thank you all this spirit King of Kings denying the high OH Terrebonne Salomon Brady consolidate ready bombs away you are show me what I see God we thank you all the spirit god bless everybody watching God bless you god bless you god bless you tonight is a good night for somebody who is going to take you and bless you put you in another dimension in the power of the Holy Spirit thank you Jesus thank you all the spirit Thank You Holy Spirit shed the broadcast let someone know we are here let somebody know we are here mmm I miss my wife Peter la bruce sutter Behati and i prophesy I'm a paso night glory glory bless you Timmy dance kingdom come is your favorite you're blessed here bread upon celebrity wish you're on Facebook said the broadcast if you on periscope invite followers copied the link and spread it all over what's up all over Facebook everywhere there's somebody lend a paw of worship let someone be blessed let's someone's might be taken to another dimension a reproach sad a bow hunter register they posted on behind a parody esta maybe beh beh beh beh beh a cetera et be under satty amended year terrible Soto oh thank you Jesus all the green bless you bless you bless you prophetic anointing to you Jesus name Brut rom god bless you macabre call Soho I bless everybody here I see the properties trees a sunless is watching bless woman of God a resident already esta very disturbed run test already esta run toasted BOHICA Prohaska DB on D or run toes Abram tacky DB on to suck Mahadi talk about a buck out a with a subtle right with a certain ride the chariot ride at the profit passion nor the empower me and impart me the prophetic god bless everybody selling their thumbs their hearts on Facebook and periscope man god bless everybody serving the broadcast copied the link and spread it let somebody also know the Prophet his life lives are changing during this broadcast God is touching many people God is blessing many people and he's taking people to another dimension and I pray that the anointing of the Lord be upon everybody watching me right now ready babe ready horn solo hundred leader husky the hostile Reed endo stabber indicate decade' cocoon high mass acrylic roscoe gaba destiny Mimbres a brand taka décadas today I'm just gonna walk you through the power of worship when I empower you in the realm of worship I was with a great prophet yesterday who happens to be great prophet la vie I was with a great prophet over yesterday and a lot of lives were blessed many people attached the anointing of God was in this place and many people really experienced the mighty move of God all wrong the radius top Raqqa Baja mirando sacrum and ekata radius ty rend oh stop raggedy Kaaba a set league recording thank you Jesus thank you all the spirit thank you Jesus so I'm just gonna walk you through what we spoke yesterday with a thread profit we had some I'm just gonna give you some Nuggets yesterday we spoke about the power of warship and step number one we dealt with we moved from understanding that God is the creator and is the object who he needs to be worshiped and he lives or he feeds or he abides or he abides under what he abide under the Tabernacles himself in the praises of the worship of his children so for worship to be there it he creates a specific place for God to stay so a human being god bless everybody commenting and sending their heart and atoms for everybody everybody for everybody who comes to be in a specific place of worshipping god creates a place for god he creates a place for god he creates a place for God to Tabernacle himself in you which is another teaching because they add dimensions of how God did happen echo himself in human beings they are levels now sticking to the power of worship or McQuoid Oh mister of worship I want you to understand that before we even go deep deep they are people that need to repent they are people that need to repent and go back to God there are people that need to go back to God because there are moments and seasons you were in a place of worship you never went to seek God for a car you never went to seek God for a house you never went to seek God for money you never seek God for a husband but I don't know what it then came and corrupted the focus you had in God you were going up the mountain to just say hallelujah my god oh I'm I that you have chosen me Who am I that you speak to me Who am I that you are mindful of you you were in a place of just praising God III totally don't know what happened to you they are days you used to fast every week you go on a fasting I'm talking to somebody every week you would see God go on your knees cry to God speaking in other tongues not to pray to be popular not to pray for God to do ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii parade you everywhere in the city no there are moments i'm talking to you and you know i'm talking to you there are moments you had t of God in you you were hungry for Jehovah you were extra hungry for God you would get up in the morning and go on your knees and pray worship Him sing songs to God in the afternoon see God you even told your boyfriend never to call you or text you because he wanted to sleep with you before marriage you had the fear of God in you that you were not even compromised you would not touch the type of God 10 percent was like a crime to touch it you would apply if you miss your tithing you were so close to God that even your dreams you would hear God you would feel God even in a sleeping can give you dreams and moving and and I don't know exactly what really took place in your life but God is putting your back in that season in a season where he is saying go back to the first love you had God back the faith love you had I am so shocked that these days we are now having young men young women there are starting ministries on Facebook on periscope because they know that if I go on Facebook on periscope people are going to know me people are going to see me as a great man of God people going to give me money and people are like this when we started growing live on K TV Africa our motto and option that we were pregnant with caring so much in my spirit that I felt it is a robbery to keep it to myself I ever had and I still have encounters with people like Daniel Daniel from the Bible people like Elijah in the Bible they come to me and they they teach me stuff and then I have an angel code la spontaneous my angel come teach me deep mysteries that are hidden in the scriptures things that are like what I have never heard of this thing and guess what I said let me go on KTV and release and knowledge to people and that people in Africa Europe who ever ever K TV will broadcast people can feel God speaking to them I come to a place where and let me raise sons and daughters in the prophetic because God gave me two two two two months in the prophetic I've had great men that you know great men of God calling missing are you for you for the things that you say when you professor I usually don't pay people are you sure you don't know each other with these people and I'm like what are you talking about don't you professor says profit to be honest with you I I pay people to be honest with you I do this and my reply was you need to repent and give your life back to go and it got back to the first love our Chi Chi dolly bless you free offering and go back to the first love that we had with God and God back to the first love that we had with God because what happens is the the at times we are twisted by the power of competition I was in jail for seven years I never professed that this man just came to Christ today and he starts prophesy beside better I look at someone who just came yesterday in church is not preaching animal preaching and competition jealousy envy comes in us and break us out from the place but let me tell you something important God is telling me to tell somebody go back to your first love that we had for me go back to your first love that you had for me I'm not going to take you back but I am telling you to go back to the first love he had for me haribabu mama CBB Andre Dvorak aha let me start my teaching of the day because what takes place is the everybody there is a place for everybody there is a play as pass a sign for you there is a space assigned for you there is a space for everybody who is listening to my voice and God does not meet you everywhere yeahmaybe sandy anywhere in the Holy Ghost God is everywhere at the same time but you don't meet God everywhere God is everywhere but you don't meet God everywhere I don't meet God everywhere so where do you meet God you can only meet God in your specific place God has blessed you that's where we start a portion there is a specific place just for you and that specific place for you can bring it and around in your life acaba kondareddy baby enemas on top prophecy god bless you - of judge Sanders up with the bishop judge Sanders in Houston Texas 2nd week of November meet me in Houston Texas but watch this it is in your place when you get the hidden secrets of your calling where you get the hidden secrets of your type of worship because worship is personal worship is never the same we worship Him by the power of Revelation that he puts in us let me explain there is a place where God has a secret unless you are found in that place you never hear any secret from God that is why many people have never had secrets from heaven what is that place the Bible says in Psalm chapter number 91 a that dwelleth in the secret place of the Lord so abide under the shadow of his wings they that abide under the secret hide under the secret place so there is a secret place it is that secret place where secrets are revealed to you I wish I can talk to somebody God is looking for people that can abide under his secret place why because it is in a secret place where God's secrets are given to you so without these secrets you can never without a place you can never be exposed to God secret that is why when when the disciples came to Caesarea Philippi mission of Revelation which was tied in a secret world and he said to them who do you say I am why is he not asking them in Galilean efficience in Ephesus in in Corinth why is it taking them to Caesarea Philippi it's because there is always a place with secret I reviewed so unless you are in the secret place secrets can never be revealed to you I'm walking with you Jesus then took Peter James and John the Bible says he took Peter James and John the Bible never said he took John Peter and James or James Peter in John the Bible says he took Peter James and John why because this was order of how God was going to reveal secrets to them in line as he have called him Peter is history after the book of Peter you go to the book of James after the book of James you go to the book of Revelation where John rotted and when he took them according to those ways he went up the mountain with them and when he went to a secret place where the Adhan the Bible said in that place Elijah and Moses rebooted themselves to Jesus I may ask you a question what did the letter say to Jesus I'm asked a question what did Elijah say to Jesus what did Moses say to Jesus the disciples were told never to say any word to anybody because what they've been exposed to it's a sick glass horrid opus on telepathy at all way hidden viewed himself as God here this he revealed himself not as the Son of God but as God he is the first started shining like the light that glory came down the voice spoke but let me ask you a question did you Jesus remained in the form of God did remained in the same level of glory no why it's because when you are introduced to a secret place John Peter James and John when you are revealed to a secret place it is in that place where you are supposed to bring worship to God because God dwells he lives his days in fact he dwells in the places and the worship of his children so if they had fell down on their knees and began to say hallelujah and worship Him and praise him he was going to be maintained in that state because God can only do well so that God part of Jesus was came to a fullness but it was not maintained because they lacked worship a burrito combust in a Monday busted remember we can only grow when we eat if we do not eat we cannot grow if we don't eat we cannot grow and God also eat and what God it is worship therefore because there was an in that mountain he revealed the secret and he revealed himself as God but he left them many of you God revealed himself a lot of times to you but you failed to maintain God Hoka basanti you had the voice of an angel but you couldn't maintain that presence of God and the angel never spoke again you had a dream you had a dream and you hadn't counted that wind but it oka Brasa tava has a so it is in that secret place where God introduces you in a dream in a vision in prayer wherever you can be really viewed himself he reveals himself in that specific place and when he reveals himself what happens he has to be sustained and what sustains that dimension or what sustains you in that specific place is the power of worship so God is seeking for those that can worship Him in spirit and in truth when we pray Jesus is first of all say our Father and direct your prayer to the Father who art in heaven and expose the Plus way is because it is in a place where he reveals himself Kaaba santé let me say though I wanted to stay Lord but let me say it God does not stay in heaven your own Bible says God doesn't stay in heaven God does not leave in heaven and that is why before God created heaven and earth he already existed God was already there and Ephesians chapter number four verse number seven to nine exposes that God is not in heaven because it says when Jesus ascended he first descended to the lower parts of the earth and when he ascended you went if far above all heavens check your Bible Ephesians 4 verse number 7 - 9 he says he ascended far above all heavens so if you believe there are two heavens three 1 billion evens whatever happens you believe they are the Bible says you went if far above all heavens where was he going to his secret place that is the place now where he was before even created heaven and earth that's what the Bible says the heaven is not pure to contain God and the Bible says the heaven itself is that it is the throne and a thesis food store he is too big to fit in heaven therefore he says when you pray say our Father who art in heaven why are you saying who art in heaven you are directing him to a place where he meets you because you cannot to go above where he cannot meet you that why that's why you see that Devil fell the reason why the devil fell he failed because he wanted to go to the secret place of the father what is to God he visits heaven to meet his angels and he says I want to go far above the throne meaning they was he knew these another place above the throne of God Narada basanta lady de Borgia somebody told me that the throne of God sits in heaven in the specific place where above that place there is nothing because God is the highest of the highest and I said no you are not getting it well that deficit I'll build my throne above the throne of God because she knew that the is a place where God is coming from to sit on his throne and I also want to go to that place and God says you are not worthy to be their God down instead of going up so you say our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name hello will be thy name you begin to worship Him before you say father give me money father give me a car father give me what what what you have to say is a hollow world be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day you start asking bread letter but before you go to ask bread and for forgiveness what you use to approach God is worship hmm that is why you see that God is moved when you worship Him than when you ask him so that devil who put you in a place where you have to ask God for shoes as God for a chest to grow as God for your wife to be faithful to you as God to restore your marriage as a God why am i wonderwhat wrong am i doing look my wife is not cheating me I was on Facebook I saw my wife doing this this and this with this guy ABCD no no no no no God the first of all is saying when you pray say our Father direct to the Father who art in heaven expose him to a place shall we be the never believed him up praise Him worship Him when you worship Him you get his attention Abreu shabad aha that is why yesterday I gave you job chapter number 1 job chapter number 1 fist from verse number 1 there was a man in the Land of Oz the men that feared God a suit of evil and this man was upright and perfect in all his ways and this many at 7,000 cat was 7,000 what what 3,000 sheep and ABCD and that many feared God and that he was the richest of all of them in the West and what happened and when the Angels would Accord the sounds of God came to present themselves before God that there was among them and no matter how many angels were them God first did not notice angel Michael or angel Gabriel or angel Raphael or angel mal no God the festival notice did the devil himself white when the devil was coming among them at the angels wanted to hold him like we already threw out we will then he started shouting from our part from my father God I am darkness but you alight I am a lie but you are the truth I don't know where future holds but you are the Alpha and Omega when he began to worship God notice the sons of worship and he said the Saturn Saturn Saturn where you coming from why is he not saying Michael take care of Lucifer Ischia Campbell worship no matter you have not repented because in the order of prayer repentance comes later it will come later our Father art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come the letter will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day give give give give use us you start asking later so before the devil asked Eden I believe he approached God with worship and God got attention and God says wait wait wait I commenced from I was moving to and from and casas have you noticed my seven job yes Lord is it not because you put your head or Abbas under particle Higa if you can tell God we ease and did then ask for that Lamborghini it's a done deal let me tell you something eating demons the purposes Amen was posted with the six thousand demons and when Jesus came to the costs of Gallagher Galilee the Bible says that men with six thousand demons they did not attack him to fight him they said the son of God thou at son of God have you come to destroy us before our time he knows God is our destroyer he knows there is a specific temple him and he called him the son of the Living God in which when Jesus asked Judas look Matthew Mac but alone o me all the disciples who do you say I am they sipped their mouths but a demon is telling Jesus who is the moment that demons told Jesus who it is the next thing they did they asked it the two thousand pigs they can we have guess what Jesus gave demons six thousand two thousand pigs says go and get him that's what up to not some people they don't eat big hog pop back on trotters why is it they don't eat because they believed that demons are in that are demons took care of the pigs that they were given not all the pigs that are in the world but the pigs that they were given why is Jesus giving a demon a pig because a demon knows who he is and they know how to lift him up acaba who stem embalm asakadai if you can know how to lift up the name of the Living God he shall empower thee he shall take you to another dimension little more Sombra take EDB Angela praça dos TI I pray for you today by the mighty power of the Holy Ghost I pray for you today that the grace of the Prophet the power of God exposes you to a specific place of your assignment a place of Secrets with God that you make alive with the presence of God her Abbas and ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba now you understand now that the first step to the power of the mister of worship is a pleasure for writing write it it is a place why a place if you go to the book of revelations chapter number 12 verse number one says they were they appeared a sign in a wonder in heaven behold a woman clothed with the Sun with moon under her feet having a crown of twelve stars and she was pregnant to give birth and they appeared another sign in one than heaven behold a red fairy dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown upon each head and its tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven and did accosted them on earth and the dragon came and stood before the woman to devour a woman as soon as you give birth to a male child who was to rule with an iron rod and the woman gave birth and the child was taken to the throne of God and war broke out in heaven verse number seven war broke out in heaven the Papa what happen Michael and Lucifer are fighting and all the angels that are stolen by by Lucifer they are fighting with un de ba ba ba ba ba bum and that devil lost the battle the verse that I want now it says in verse number 8 and 9 that is the devil fought back but he was defeated and there was no longer a place found for him in heaven any longer this number 10 says and I had a loud voicing war to the inhabitants of the earth for the for the world I am the accuser of Britain who accuses them their night have been defeated for we overcame him by the power of testimony and for the word of our testimony and by the power of the blood of the Lamb the vest that I'm touching is the Veda says they was no longer a blessed founder for him in heaven there was no longer a place they was no longer a place found for him in heaven there was no longer a place a place a place a place Mock the word blessed if you are reading your Bible that there was no longer a place found for him so God is seeking for a person who can be in a place of worship because once the Lucifer was removed from that place that place became available for somebody who occupy the place so there is a place with a missing object and that place is the place of worship that place is a place of worship so that very moment it the devil lost in the place it became vacant even for somebody to occupy it that is why now some night to understand they would that abide under the secret place of the Lord he who abides not ehue stays not youth stays but you who abide under the secret place God is not looking for people that are staying in that place because what we are doing as Christians with us staying in a place of worship but staying at good and expiring date I can tell you I am going to Dubai I am going to do a prophetic school in Dubai first week of November but watch this when I go to Dubai I'm going to stay for six days celebrating my birthday and prophetically empowering people that are in Dubai if we undo by Satya that's for you now watch this I am not abiding in Dubai but I'm going to stay I'm not going to I'm going to stay I'm not going to abide I'm going to stay to stay means we've got dates but to abide means you are there forever and ever and that is why pastors come in church and they say let us sing so that we can be in the spirit or the worshipers comes they are today I put people in the spirit ah reason why people are being put in the spirit it is because they are being put to be taken out you can only put people in a place where you can take them out people they need all this way to come down let us invite the Holy Spirit the reason why people say let us invite the Holy Spirit they are not in any permanent place people are in a temporal place but God is not looking for people that can stay under the secret place he is looking for people that can abide under the secret place now how do one a bad it's okra Bassam Nellie Borgia hottie how do one abides how do one abide under the secret place of the Lord I want you to grow with me in the Bible in the book of Proverbs chapter number 7 verse number 9 and 10 and also I want you to go to the book of first Kings chapter number 10 verse number 5 there is a prophetic secret that is found in first Kings chapter number 10 base number 4 and 5 no randos acaba day I hope someone is being blessed I hope someone is being blessed a great a bundle abracada ski on dobro combo Santa I'm going to read here is King James Version first in chapter 10 verse number 4 in 5 it says and when the Queen of Sheba he had this scene all Solomon's wisdom and at the house that he had built I wanted to underline the word built built built built built built right like building building accent is different built is like building when so first step is built verse number five continuous ended the meat of the table number two underlined meat meat KFC of the table ended the sitting of the seventh ended the attendance of his ministers and their apparel online apparel apparel apparel underline apparel and he is a cup bearers and his accent underline accent underlying accent by which he went up unto the house of the Lord there was no more spirit in hell there was no more spirit in here there was no more speed there was no more spirit and at the time we want to talk about but right now I wanted you to do to understand the stages there is faith underlining is built you have to be built you have to be built you have to be built now people are built differently and how you are built a that destroys your future or build your future it is a lie when we say God anointed soul to be the first king of Israel step number one they had a spiritual King already before so and that spiritual king was Samuel because it is a king that ordains another king you cannot be a king without being inaugurated by another king that is why you understand that when when people said we want a king like other nation they did not say we want a king they said we want a king like other nations why other nations that physical kings but only Israeli the Spree talking and the splitter King was Sam so when summer began to cry God says they did not reject you they rejected me many if Sammy was rejected as a spirit o king therefore they needed a physical king to be inaugurated and whoever Nagaraju is the one that was already king so so now was not inaugurated as a king check when he was placed in power now the Bible says in 1st Samuel chapter number 9 when his sauce father lost the donkey by the name kiss his sent his son saw and the seven to go and look for the lost donkeys and they went to five cities looking for the donkeys and they could not find the donkeys and if the seven said look here they is a great prophet Isaiah in this city who can tell you where the donkeys are whatever he says comes to pass and associated how shall we go to meet a prophet without a CD to put in his hand so that he can prophesy us how can we go and see the prophet without a seat for him to prophesy us and then it took seven said I've got a foot part of a circle of silver that I'll give unto you that you may give him and when they were going the Bible says so was he handsome and he was a tall and his shoulders were above all the description the Bible is telling us haka basanti the disciple that the disciples are telling us bless you see now the disc description which the Bible is telling us is of a warrior that is why now in Chapter number nine and the number 10 verse number one the Bible says and the summer took a flask of oil and they poured it upon the head of soul and said is not that the Lord is it that the Lord he have anointed you to be kept hen not King but the Bible says captain check every best check every Bible it is he is anointed day to be captain of the inheritance of Israel why is it being anointed to be captain is because it is viewed as a soldier therefore soldiers they don't have Kings so just they have got captain so God can only unknown - according to the mechanism of the how you a butte to operate so the revelation that I give you every day what they are doing the a building something in you come rasatala Mondego Horsham you can never house a spirit in which you did not prepare a household so if somebody is the rent in the House of Lies he was a butte to be a liar so s lying spirit is easily going to come upon that person because he was built in that house somebody was built in a music-hall place therefore it's easy for that person to make music you can give you four words five words and in two minutes they've got a song but some people take six months to write a song Oh Brava ba ba ba ba ba ba ba has secured a what is happening what's happening is if you are doing things that you are not a beautiful you take ten years instead of taking two days so the a people that are trying to do ministry which they are not a beautiful yes God called you to be a prophet before you in a matter soon but then you were built to be an evangelist when you talk you sound like an evangelist when you preach you vandalize on the poopit everything you do you are looking for demons to cast out why you were built to be an evangelist so the house is that now God says Jeremy I have called you to go and break down and to build to destroy into be how can one be caught to destroy is because there are people that are build in a wrong place so there are wrong buildings that must be destroyed so that the anointing of Jeremiah can rebuild the right building in a person you call yourself a saboteur an apostille you call yourself prophet but you an evangelist you call yourself evangelist but you a teacher the way you were built before eight that destroys you or builds you up so so so so so so profit what I said I am saying that devil made a big mistake how did he make a big mistake go to the Book of Ezekiel chapter number 28 verse number 18 it says you were the unwanted carob and you were perfect in beauty and the pipes trampolines and the hubs were engrave it had in you in the day were created you were built of pipes and tambourines and hives as an instrument of worship but then in Revelation chapter 12 we are seen you trying to be a warrior but you are not a beauty like Micah with a warrior you are built to be a worshiper cabaco gamma see devil and indeed to protect either so that devil knows what brought him down from heaven is to operate in a plus way he was not able to operate so what he does is when he knows that you are cold mighty by God he does not have time to take you out of church law he has only time to build you wrong so that you carry a wrong spirit because you can only house a spirit which you have a house with your beautiful so warship begins when you know your place and when you are built in the right place if you are beaut well because we worship God in our assignment we glorify God in our assignment when we healed the SAP we say glory to God it is not a passion but God what makes me to be you the sick it is the bless and the power of my assignment or Ramos tebron debe Dickens Allah Quran the key DB and Allah music raha CD I pray that today God would empower you tomorrow come here with prophecy prophets with my sons one I choose one of my cells to come and prophesy people what are beautiful what is your place because he who abide under the secret place of the Lord shall abide under the shadow of his wings there is a secret place it is called a secret place because it's a place for secrets it is a place where secret I reviewed Kabana bakit secret hottie so that debo lost his place because you went to stand in a place of warfare when he was made to be in a place of worship and the Bible says there was no longer a place for him so God is looking for one working abide in his place but the problem we are doing is we are only waiting for Sunday service to go and worship God we are waiting for midweek service to go and worship God but once you understand a place and you are built well you worship God 24 hours you abide in that place where God is seeking for he who can worship Him in spirit and in truth after that you have to understand the Bible said that in verse number five that when Sheba looked at the Apollo they are closed for worship there is a government of worship which the Bible says put on the garment of worship there is a cloth there is a garment that is for worship let me explain the Bible says in the book of Proverbs chapter number 7 verse number 9 in 10 there was a married woman it says there was a woman that was standing in the streets wearing the clothes of a prostitute the clothes of a harlot and she looked and saw a man mallanna Allah bless offer a big offering and she looked and he saw a man a young man and he said to him my husband has gone out for a long time on a journey I've spread my bed with a linen cloth from Egypt and I've spread it with more therefore let us go and I will give you good time and the young man was drawn to that place the baboon if I said this woman was a prostitute the Bible is clear to tell us that she's a married woman and a baboon ever called a prostitute but the Bible says she was wearing the clothes of a prostitute which means the is a dress code for prostitutes there is a dressing for prostitutes and got assigned Moses and said Aaron shall wear this mystic cloth there is a type of of clothes that is specifically for a priest meaning everything have got its own cloth that is why people interpret you according to the clothes that you wear ha they just want me for my body this man want to use me all the men that I have prophet pray for me they just want to sleep with me no check the way you would dress yourself because every dressing have got a language every dressing have got its own language their father is a government of worship home mama CD buyer that is the very garment which is the devil defile and when he defied it he changed his form and he became a dragon but I want to teach you something important here how is the devil becoming a dragon that devil was growing from the Old Testament to the New Testament how is he growing because he's eating if a child does not eat it the child doesn't grow you can only grow if you are eating so that Depot grew why because he was feeding because if you go to the first appearance of the devil in the Bible he appeared not like an angel but he appeared like a snake Genesis and it is the same snake now and in the book is of Job chapter number 41 it says cousin not they woke up on Olivia tan that that krokodil of the sea so lucify have changed now from a snake to become what to become a crocodile why he is a feeding and growing and changing in nature because it's feeding but when we go to the last part of the Bible Revelation chapter number 12 exposes that therefore as a dragon so is the snake he come a crocodile and now we read him as a drunk on how he is feeding go to your Bible in the Book of Isaiah chapter number 27 Isaiah 27 says and on that day the loss of punished with his great and mighty word that spirit of the old that Leviathan the snake of the old or serpent of the odd that monster of the sea that dragon of the air the forms of the devil the reason why is growing and and promoting himself on one level bless you Mughal era for offering from a snake to a drug of truth from his neck to a crocodile crocodile a dragon is because he is feeding so what is the meal of the devil does he eat Nando's know what is his Moo if God can feed from worship what is the food which the devil is from that devil eats from fear that is why the devil cannot to do anything from you unless he gives you fear because it's a real food Thank You Lorena his main main course is seen but is seem to be done it has to be introduced by fear because that Devo is pleased when he sees fear in you and God is pleased when he sees faith in you the map says without faith it is impossible to please God without fear it is impossible to please the devil that is why job said everything that I feared him them came on in my life that things that I feared the most those are the very things that came in me what the devil does he gives you fear when you accept it he destroys you why because the devil feeds from fear he introduces the fear to cause a scene because it's insane the more you are in sin that more the devil inhabits in you when God abides on the praises and the worship of his children that they will abide on the scene of the doors that sins but for sin to take place it introduces fear when God too wants to move God introduces faith so now what's this it is impossible to please God without faith and remember I'm coming to Australia first week second week from the 62d from the 6th to the 10th of December up in Australia Sydney Australia what's this God it is impossible to please him without faith that therefore it is impossible to please him with our fear so when you're afraid that your husband is going to leave you what are you doing you are pleasing the devil and after please then what happens you eat when you that's what a man when he is pleasing by the food he is it when it's pleasing by a woman it goes after so you can never go after you cannot go after what does not pleasing please you what pleases you is what you go after right so watch this one now the Bible says when Eve saw that the fruit was a pleasing to the eye she took it and she added after pleased the next level is eating so when God looks at faith in you faith introduces you to worship God for what he already did no matter you have it or you don't have it because God is God whether you have Ekta oh you don't have a come there for faith cause things that are not is the day I begin to worship Him even for the Chi I don't have praise is only limited for what he already did for me what I've already touched but if faith goes past the past the present and the future because God lives in the present in the past the present and the future therefore he is a place and when he sees faith in you and it is a faith that introduces warship therefore true worship comes when you are in a place of faith o proper casaya so job says that things that i feared the most those are the things that came in my life when you are in fear that devil is prison and when you please the devil he comes to eat from you because his sin so there is an apparel which is the faith proof fear proof it blocks fear from the devil acaba caught alimony when you worship God you don't have fear that is why when the soldiers when the soldiers in the book of chronicles chapter 20 we were in fear that not rebuked them and he says do not be afraid fear not for the battle is not yours the battle is mine all you got to do is to praise and worship me rock about noon dilemma sikap I faith comes from hearing the moment he had he had a fear that pleased God and they began to worship God how are you matching with the soldiers behind because you are no longer in fear if you fear you walk with two guns four guns at the same time six guns what you are in fear but if they took all the guns and put the guns behind them hmm and they said we don't put our trust in guns they bless the praise and worship us in front and they said we don't care of what we have had because the fear comes from hearing and hearing by the devil and the faith comes from hearing and hearing by God now we are to fear because our enemies told us news Ronda Lama CdeBaca bran Takeda that there for you someone next to you to send a word of fear that is why the Bible says all the sevens of job wake you do all the animals wicked but the devil would make sure one is kept and go and enter job because all you wanted was job to panic and be in fear don't be afraid when you hear that your boss wants to fire you worship God thank God because you know there's a better job or there's a promotion coming to do therefore when you have faith and you worship God in that state God has something better but when your fear terror is the only thing that pleases the devil and makes them to move more and more and you always put you in a place of fear there are people here you have fear of the unknown you wake up afraid is my child going to die is my husband going to leave me am I going to be broke am I going to be like this how am I going to pay my bill how am I going to do this that is why you can't even give and the most dangerous part of not giving is this the biggest way or the highest level of worship is done by giving horrible katate Baca Seto Rhonda kita Pakistan de that is why when who or Amazon debatable MST kataka body at a telepathy when abacus anuradha waka shakira waka Santa when when God hide HIDA team from Abraham on his way going to Sodom and Gomorrah with a program to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah when it Abraham cooked the food and again and again to God himself in the Angels God said we can't keep this secret anymore fastest secret was reviewed next day but this time you are gonna get bit but all this time what would you give it when he doesn't know it was hidden the secret was released whenever you worship God something happens number two God says how can I hide anything from my seventh Abraham all the Angels read the secret that we are going to eat destroy Sodom and Gomorrah but God says how can I do this thing without telling horror Baba Baba Baba Baba the ad thinks God should say how can I do this in her family in his family without revealing to her or him or abba-baba-baba who remain dear EDB kaka'ako Tatara becausse I feel a strong anointing here God is about to bless you God is about empower you God wants you to be in the place of worship the Bible says when Queen Sheba verse number five when King Queen Sheba yet their accent there is an accent of worship number one it is when you cry number two it is when you scream number three they are groomings you you Karuna machine Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam bahu she King got a Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Sica Rebecca T Kaakha Kaakha Kaakha bond le coeur Ahoskie they are groomings in the realms of the Spirit there is a barber in the realms of the Spirit - and ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba chikara hottie there is a level now that you don't open your mouth your legs begin to move rambo stop racket can you your legs begins to move you begin to praise and you begin a worship God with your legs huh Ireland are enormous and you begin to dance to just dance before God you begin to dance before God Maribeth the bekesy Khepera kacica there is a dance that brings down angels the Aramis and etre go to touch somebody right now and release that praise dance in the realms of the spirit there is a dance that when anointing of worship hits you you begin to dance in a dance that you have never danced before you begin to scream with a scream you have never had before you're picking a shout out with a shout we have never had before Aramis and Abba hatted Rena donkey was on a crusade and during prison worship time the musicians were late and there was nobody to play the keyboard huh he took one young boy who never touch the keyboard lady hands on him Horeb råsunda Baraka taught Arabic asuka-dono watch the video fatty lady hands on the young man and the young man sat on the keyboard began to play more than the musician that they played for years why is an anointing that you worship God with your hands - Anuradha bakashot Rahman dairy cattle cassia congregate eage green decapitated shandricka stenography become the dead anonymous under Ibaka chakra hoon Derek attended the bachata there is a praise and worship that when you begin to use your hands to play the drums to play the keyboards to play the divine Ling's the tambourines whatever you play but there is another type of warship it's an anointing that hits you and you become drunk in the Holy Ghost and according to the physicality blehh blehh bless you tell me tell me for your big offering the the in the realms of the Spirit there is an anointing of worship that when it hits you you become drunk I feel strong anointing right here Aqaba so until agriculture haughty rubbish under a de Baca haunting the anointing hits you so bad a pre beyond to Auckland Ikeda you become drunk in the Holy Ghost sometimes you roll on this floor sometimes you scream in the presence of God sometimes you lose the balance you don't fall but Aqaba Sunda Basanta bahasa you you you you you you get lost in his presence the Bible says when this anointing hit the men could debit he began to dance and to his clothes were rendered her who broke is a clause it was the movements on his body that he didn't even notice that the clothes were torn apart hakama so take a beggar Santa God wants it to lock yourself in the room and get lost in his presence and become drunk or a ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba is Aramis Santa bracha siga bhajante ira moon descartes Italica protocol basanta the bible says now when the people were logged in the temple they were not logged like the gates were logged and the doors were locked him a Bible says they only lifted up the voice of worship and when they began to praise and worship Him the Bible says the glory of God is eat the temple not anointing but the glory of God tempo Hoka Basanta Rakata kapapapapapapa arimasu de la Macomb bracha diggable entre Hoss seeder Feud anointing take it in the name of Jesus target in the name of Jesus or Amanda Roca Totoro debacle she commanded a Boca Chica time the moment the anointing came down the glory of God instead because anointing is not a glory and the glory is not anointing the anointing is the rest Joo ma fufu mercy really of the glory Karen Dobis SATA bahattin now this time it was not unknown it was the routine the glory of God and the Bible says when the glory came down people that were outside they wanted to come inside but there was a restriction something was blocking them and that something is the glory that can only be found in the place of worship that is where when God came down in Isaiah chapter 6 he did not come down alone he came down with Seraphim why because he needed to be sustained when he was down here Isaiah could not sustain him because Isaiah blamed his lips I'm a man of unclean lips I'm not worthy God God God I'm a sinner no no no no God is saying don't waste your time saying I'm a sinner you are not a sinner yes you have made mistakes you are my child you are my son you are my daughter I don't care you have been wrong all this time I'm looking for he who can give me praise and worship and when Jesus came to a prostitute by the way Rebecca more hing bless your offering when Jesus met a prostitute as well Jesus did not say you you you have a manual a funny cutting within your house right now does that not say you yet man was sleeping with fat men before Jesus a repent Jesus said one thing now is the time the day that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth come on Jesus how can you tell approach you to worship you it's because let everything that got breath not every past and every prophet but let everybody who got breath if you can breathe it don't care you have alcohol breath it don't care you have got mud wanna breath it'll tell you if drunk breath they don't kill you but a stinky breath as long as you got breath let everything that God breath praise the name of the Living God mock about every debacle Santi Marika Tara debacle she Tata Tata Tata Tata Bachus anthem everybody wherever you are I dare you to praise Him I dare you to worship Him I dare you to lift up your voice and give him all the praise give him all the worship lift up your voice and talk to Jesus he's calling you in a place of praise he's calling in a place of worship in Amazon Delhi repond ready esta redundant lumen redundant lean in Grady akan bracha Bosco brach adiga rendered a stellar member attack Radhika and Erica Daraa Castellini no no Salah Hadi God says walk pass your situation walk past what you are going through walk past what men and women have said over your life what pass what do you antigen law you're divorced people you have said against you lift up your hands and give me praise lift up your hands and give me worship if you can worship me tonight if we can wash me at this hour Oh Rama Sita ballet today baby baby anima so they buried yesterday ingre ha Scooter Braun takeda come on lift up your voice bless you and Providence Angela for your offering lift up your voice everybody and just worship Him wherever you are whoa cowboy at Attica Bacchus and I moravica tender ad Becca son de la vaca Shiki Braun Takada I dare you to praise Him I dare you to worship Him I dare you to give him all the glory Miranda Miranda Moretti Barry and Erica sukoon gondola neon so am Brigadoon dilemma rhaggy a Caprica diakon Kumasi Doubront acaba Casa Katia be drunk in the Holy Ghost and the highest level of praise and worship is done by giving find something to D and go to the website provide passenger calm give the best you can the best of this hour and worship him with your substance worship him with your voice worship him with your dance worship him with your hands lift it up worship Him with all that you can worship Him with and as you can worship Him something good and something rare is gonna happen the anointing of the Lord is gonna touch him God's blessing God's power Rome mamacita I give you a two minutes as I play the song to go on the website and give lift your voice and wash it and lift up your legs and dance give him a praise give him a warship he is in this place there is an anointing for somebody in this class thank you Jesus thank you all this Grabbe dushala hottie Hiba Doba Davidov SI what she be monty are drunk tonight that's in the morning where you are after noon worship him until you are drunk worship him right now worship him right now pero la dia de la maza pedal a diode alarm on dia dia de la moneda lana saya Dorland le donde esta Brenda berry acai Roboto Roboto Roboto stop ah David Irenaeus ah bless those that are giving made a lot empower you made up of worship rise in your spirit in the name of Jesus no no no no you can say I have nothing to give right now no no no no everybody got something to give you may not have money but you have something to give you kebab bah bah bah bah bah bah ha give him your voice give him a dance give him something find something material give your sister give your brother I know it's important to give an anointed man but if you don't have access to him right now find someone nearest to you give him a tie give her a shot give her a suit give somebody something if something give a shoe or Raimondo remain ready a carrot this town refugia cosa I wish I was in church to just lift him up and give him all the praise and find something to give to somebody Mele brickowski takahasi berry deeakron domestic Lacroix wooja bruschetta brought here Arabica Chantal Ahava I gave a last minute left for the song to finish go on the website to give the best you can maria baburaj bless you Nerva Karuna and everybody giving god bless you for your offerings and I pray that as you give God that worship as you give God our offering as you give God that dance I pray that in your praise in a worship call lie with God meet with God and the life will never be the same again the secret of every prophet Muhammad Ahmad thank you Jesus and to Jesus the secret of every prophet is in worship he is in singing songs of worship or praised God puzzle or she breaks the atmosphere and makes God to speak yesterday I spoke about how David danced and played the hums worship the God and to even saw we had an evil spirit began to dance in the presence of God Rhonda mercy Deborah if someone with an evil spirit could come to a place of worshipping God because of prophesying from God because of worship what more of you who is an anointing probably avi said yesterday noise Thomas has ended I enter into the costs of heaven with a joyful noise and it says noise there's no order if you still wanna be smart you haven't wanted to reach the place of worship God is with you the way to Madison bless you for your offering I pray that a pop worshiper hit you if somebody puts on a bikini and go to the beach we don't say she's clothed with the clothes of a prostitute no la cerva Tessa Kaaba by often why there is a dressing of a prostitute there is a dressing of an i-team person there is a dressing for FBI people there's a dressing for Polish people there's a dressing for a judge in the court there is a dressing for lawyers there is a dressing for pastors but above everything put on the garment of worship there is a cloth for worship you have to be built be educated I will not sleep if I find a man like prophet passion who can revel let every day and bring fresh revelation in my life I will not sleep watching video after video video after video even repeating one video six times seven times guess what there is what is called spiritual virginity which are different virginity's for example there is a prophetic word that was given to you the first prophecy received the broker prophetic virginity that prophetic word you head for the first time becomes your foundational keyword that you must always connect to that word to sustain you for the rest of your life and there is a video that ii watched a settlement of god it would be professional another prophet that if video block into your spirit in that video keep repeating and watching it every time there is a video of a certain prophet that I keep watching even when I'm about to going what and prophesy there's a bid video of Bishop Norton that I always watch when I want to go and preach I repeated I played it love mother maybe more than 500 times now since I started watching him from 2004 why that video brought an impact in my preacher world therefore it sustains me that prophets that broke into you it sustains you if I am to go and preach I take a seat and I showed my father why it's a prophetic principle I have a lot of sons my many sons all of them they give $24 offering to me every Sunday when they are brought to one minister they give 24 why because i toted teaching about the number of accuracy and I said 2 plus 2 equals 2 for 2 times 2 equals 2 for 2 and 4 are the only numbers of accuracy if I say 1 plus 1 1 x 1 to x 2 to x + 2 1 plus 1 7 times 7 7 plus 4 it doesn't give you the same number but it took brings you back to 4 and the seat of 24 brings accuracy in the prophetic it's a principle and a culture that is in our prophetic family and it went for a lot of people some of myself now they give like $1000 some they give 500 some they give 200 according to their ability of giving but the secret is they connect to collect it because they understand ways now watch this when it comes to worship you cannot say Amen unless you give him something worship itself is in the power worship is in the power of giving worship is only giving you are giving him words tears your sweat your dance your clothes your money your house your talk everything you do in worship is all about giving and I pray for you today that the blessing of the Lord would take you from one level to another level one dimension to another I'll take only three questions and I'll close I never sleep l I'm to go and see my baby my wife gave birth to a very handsome bouncing big baby very huge those of you that are coming here Marilyn for my birthday you'll be blessed to see my my son very handsome I don't know what he was going to go me plus my very cute beautiful wife the answer was obvious plus grace from Yahweh so I need to sleep any so I can go in the morning and see my baby and my new baby my baby and my new baby God is tremendously blessing us and I want a really appreciate his name is called passion the fourth passion Raphael Java and pass on the first my firstborn is passion Pierre Java and the second one is called passion Lamia Java and third one is called passion Raphael Java and all those are biblical name theory is Peter valera dosed of rat Ikeda Acosta heartily Hideo so our Abraha Z and I wanna appreciate those people that have been giving what do you call them what were you giving today what do you call it guess for the baby a position where the baby I don't know why I used to say offerings or friends but we ever gave their money towards the giving birth of the baby may God bless you in power you and much time to be on my phone today extra busy we had they been busy with other things but God bless people that have been supporting me my wife our ministry people that stood with us to buy a building and people that are standing in to us right now we are decorating the place buying lights new decorations in the studio in the main sanctuary in the offices and and I just want to say thank you all especially my partners I respect you and may make the conquering father of heavens the Lord Jesus Christ ever smile in your life may ever and ever and ever smile and smile and smile each and every day all the days of your life when ever he lifts me up may he leaves you up when he answers my prayer may answer your prayer may he answer my prayer on your behalf may he answer my fasting on your behalf may he bless you all may be earth when ever he is to give me a blessing may that blessing reach you fest I pray for every connection you did with me connect to collect collect every blessing every anointing every impartation every impact every every implantation the replication I pray that let the anointing I carry in Revelation be in you the unknown thing I carry in power be a new the anointing of prosperity carry in may be new the anointing of excellence and may be new all the gifts of the Spirit I carry be in you I to all my partners may you be blessed today and forever and I pray that the anointing of worship abides in you Cindy more pita bless every offerings made that grace of the prophetic the anointing of the father reached out to you and it take you to another dimension take you to another level in the mighty name of Jesus I pray Sandu critique league in Ganga ricotta tarde esta praça da pronto prejudiced La Cumbre Takeda Ansel ego Umbra takeda bun tacky land juice TV Cumbre Alec isn't Ala Moana geek risque in Jesus name I bless you all amen any three questions before I leave neither go sleep and see my baby in the morning congratulations to me my wife and my family God has blessed us and we're expanding do you have a branch in Sydney no I'm coming to Sydney Australia for a prophetic school at first there will be a prophetic school Friday we start a conference with a great big profit Bishop in in the fish shop bought a Australian profit party and it's gonna be a huge and powerful God is gonna be blessing us I prayed that blessings of fraud Josep the website is Crawford passion calm just a prophet person that complex for forgiving god bless you for your for your giving in Jesus mighty name La Mina Anjali Parmar bless my offering the teaching is awesome when you build Alice Wien dollars every every Monday from the first week of November we studied our new branch in in Dallas so every Monday I think the address should be the on our website if not better it should be there we have our new branch that is running very very good in India we have our branch in India in a place called channel we are also in Tanzania see the profit the great prophet is ver doing very well Claire Melissa raised by proper hope himself he is in Tanzania doing very well you finished building the church from the foundation and is filling the bidding crazy his prophesying crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy event Antonia God their branches in South Africa different walk a lot of branches mainly we have big like main three branches then other branches that we have there but we've got a blessed us and we have branches in Zimbabwe the path awesome Bob I saw him here from my single try England she read the branch those three branches this the pasta is watching us right now and we have a very very session and we have Qigong is a certain that Zimbabwe then we have Zambia then we have Bahama Jamaica the pasta was yet onceá now and I'll be coming to Jamaica next year for a branch service it's gonna be super sport Oh speedy speedy speedy rent but here in America God is blessing as well we have Bishop Sanders was leading Houston Texas and out be in history Texas they just work in November system when am i coming son I forgot the date should be on the trough the trough of November yeah 12 November I am in eastern Texas for branch and then Dallas we are doing every Mondays and California my son Lobby has this branch in I forgot a place but if you go on website on Facebook on Instagram and they just type our CJC you'll see is doing very well so we are also in New York City we will be changing our venue next month next month God is blessing us so we will be will be changing prophet green plane are you here in can tannaz something that like that in California revered ever see us aha prophet please answer us what is it Edea Venice yeah in Venice we're in Venice that's profit La Vie is worshiping at night the best time yes it is the best time all time is the best time but one item is the best time why because everything is closed we are not thinking of cool driving to KFC you are not thinking of waking you're not thinking of these nobody's disturbing everybody's asleep therefore you have good time if you go on Facebook and attempt green Prem we can find us all pass and India running the Chennai branch and you can get more details I'm not sure if we've updated our website but if not we'll be updating in the mana oh so we don't have to questions about today's teaching the forensic class is starting on the first week of November and I'll be doing it with these phones and if you have not signed for the forensic go to the website now and sign let me check if it's already up more and about certain as well the forensic is another level it's Dibley mum rabbit aha you go to the website you go under school prophetic school and then you click enroll now angels oh these are la Brasada passatti I am in Pasco I'm in Pasco Washington on the 14 15 and 16th of November it's gonna be super sport Oh speedy speedy round what about was she been fasting yeah that's what she pees in there November yep wow I'm just seeing myself on the website on the website I'm just saying why did I get married but to uncensored if you are married I tell you you need to watch this one it is it a obsolete changes your life changes your life I was supposed to be doing one-on-ones tomorrow but because of the new baby this week I think I will do one-on-ones Friday please rebroadcast could you go back over kings oh you got interrupted please I don't how to explain what I was saying so if you read the Bible who God anointed so to be captain over the people of Israel the Bible says was amended to be captain because he was a beaut as a soldier God can only make your house what you are beautiful it can ever house a prophetic spirit unless you're built for the profanity as you need their house to live in spirits also need their house that is why the Bab says don't you know that you are at temple Adam other another speaker says don't you know you are a city so some people are as small as slow as a temple some people are big like a city some people like Jacob are a nation was as you are a nation it because of how you are built how are you big you can never be international unless you are built to the International so if your calling is international in your beauty to be local you have a struggle ministry you know inside of you you are great but you never respect witness because of how you appeal so many people need to revisit how they were beautiful because it is in how you are beaut it is in how you are built that determines where you are going who builded you who raised you what knowledge did he put in you you speak in terms in a way that you are built that is what you can never speak in a tongue you have never heard of some of you you start speaking in Lorena movie La Marina you've never said marina before why when you hear profit passion speaking in tongues you are being built in that language you are being built in the language brain radius that Ricardo's tamahagane so we are coming to a conclusion on I hope you have been blessed and I want to thank him bless everybody pray what should be may you to be something less where you will be drunk in love oliver's between powered be fair that and be rooted under the anointing with all of us and till you come to about under the sickness of God it's called a secret place of God because it is a place where Eve uses secrets we can never get secrets unless you are in that yes and you can only be in that place and when you are built to be in that place check how you were built and where you are going who is going into who are you following who is leading for God is seeking for those that can worship in spirit and until again this is the graph of profit Hashem signing out if you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 24,703
Rating: 4.8427949 out of 5
Keywords: noel jones, mystery of worship, best worship songs, kirk franklin, tasha cobbs, passion java, benny hinn, cindy trim, juanita bynum, fred hammond, td jakes, brian johnson, hillsong, housefires, sons & daughters, bethel music, dan mohler, todd white, heidi baker, apostle b java, sonnie badu, rodney howard brown
Id: dPJkhs-ncJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 57sec (5937 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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