Who Is The Holy Spirit?

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under schools [Music] is what I teach him a prophetic school is called body discernment of spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks here and I feel he died no he's not he let God speak when I'm watching news and there's something a lot on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you want a year God to receive prophetic impartation please register today for our prophetic school also found under profit passion calm under schools [Music] there is what I teach in a prophetic school is called body Decemeber spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks you and a few hidden no it's not him that's God speak when I'm watching news and there's something Hollywood on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you want to hear God to receive prophetic impartation please register today for our prophetic school also found under profit passion calm under schools [Music] is what I teach in a prophetic school is called body the same and our spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks you in life you hidden or it's not him that God speak when I'm watching music there's something hundred on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you want to hear God to receive prophetic impartation please register today for our prophetic school also found under profit passion calm under schools [Music] there is what I teach in my prophetic school is called body design mineral spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks you and I feel hidden no it's not him that's God speaking when I'm watching news and there's something a lot on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you once a year God to receive prophetic impartation please register today for our prophetic school also found under profit passion calm under schools [Music] is what I teach him a prophetic school is called body discernment of spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks you in life you hidden no it's not him that's God speak when I'm watching news and if there's something a lot on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] like god bless everybody watching me this is the cup of the Prophet password and I'm just excited that we are live in the rate and there is a blessing coming to you today with a revelatory experience that I have for you today I saw I believe some people are going to be rooted in the power of the Holy Spirit and I strongly believe this broadcast is specifically for you before we go deep into the revelatory experience we have for you for today I want you to copy the link of this live broadcast and I want you to spread it any everywhere we are not on Facebook we are not on Instagram we are not on all the platforms and this is gonna be a broadcast but I just want you right now to copy the link and spread it everywhere let everybody know that we in life whether you are in Singapore you in India and America in Jamaica send it to all your special what's up groups send it to all the people around you let somebody know that we alive right copy the link spread it on your facebook on Instagram on your Twitter on the strawberry on your status let somebody know that we are live so I'm giving you a minute just a minute for everybody to spread the link to spread the message this is the life in direct all the way from South Africa in Cape Town and I believe God is touching people around the world we are here to be a blessing people people in Guyana god bless you I want you to spread the link everywhere spread the link everywhere somebody's about to be blessed somebody's about to be cut up out into another that means that is going to be a real establishment in the power of the Holy Spirit after this live broadcast so I just want you to spread the link spread it everywhere let everybody know we are we alive thank God for the people joining in I see Anisha alluring the senior Shannon door I see Lord Lord Lord weak I see mercy I see VJ Raju I see gieta I see my son Patrick Hanlon I see love Ward ministry I see different people and guille kyon zolani bless you for your offering may God bless you for your faith offering of the day amen so everybody spread the link spread the link and I just wanna think and I appreciate all the sons and daughters and all our partners that have been standing with my self my self my family my ministry everything about me may God bless you and truly established in the realm of the prophetic and I also want to say to everybody right now it is so a blessing to have special people that makes these things possible we have where people like bows lasagna ping has to do this set up with properties around we saw Josh and who now himself and everybody involved may God bless you not forgetting my very special sons far away is in Devon right now his name is Emanuel Pillai for helping us with the networking for us to be possible to go on life and God is gonna bless you and touch you and take you to another dimension keep sharing the broadcast copy the link copy the link and spread it everywhere let everybody know we are live right now and the mystery that I'm about to review today it's simply who is the Holy Spirit oftentimes we've been praying to the Father but who is the fun we're praying to the Holy Spirit who is the Holy Spirit we is Jesus Christ we we we just want to touch that and we want to be a blessing Lamora love asan bless you Dora for your offering Mariama Jawara bless you for your another offering in fact before I start opening the scriptures I want everybody watching whether you're watching now or is going to be a blue rebroadcast I want you to go to the website prophet password form and give a solid seat be it $100 leader of a 70 to allow $77 even $7.00 even hundred dollars $10 $1 whatever you can give go to the website remember we don't give lest we give because we are already blessed blessed people give but kiss people never never it's impossible cares people will never give whether their family do not ever never give ten whether they have five thousand they'll never give even hundred wide it was easy we don't give to be blessed it's a sign that we are blessed the reason why we give so I want everybody to go and give their best very best offering Fabian Elias my grandson from probably Love You God bless you for offering god bless you for offering everybody who God give the best that you can right now pass the team in god bless you for watching and may God establish human god empower you today's revelation is gonna be Wow it's gonna be too much it's gonna be way way way way way way too much sinner Hanlon bless you for offering ah Daniel Palmer bless you for your offering whoo God bless you for your offering rebuke in the bones allahabad hating he wrong the key stand amigo profit again Abraha Takeda bravado elements of Perak ev'ry debouncing thank you Jesus [Music] I love rubber Sunday ba-ba-ba-ba-ba I believe if you are done with giving Chi Pharma bless you for offering more than a levy bless you for offering god bless everybody stretching their hands we are done with giving the step down so we can get into the teaching of the day somebody is getting ready to be blessed somebody is very ready to be cut up out into another dimension Thank You Holy Spirit [Music] mama-mama revolution [Music] [Music] I see some people ready done Vijay's done Praveen Kumar is done Maryam Pao is done Peter Suber is done I see Allah Wilson is done I see pastor Timothy is done all right god bless those that are giving we pray that God will establish you increase you and more blessings to rest in your lives herodicus caprara Honda kiss Cobra hug the era was Cobra das Cadabra heart thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] I did it teaching about two three years ago three years ago in fact I did a teaching I was in my studio in Maryland Chris our men on me either Almeida with a million blesser for your offering I did it teaching three years back I was in my studio in Maryland and I put a distinction between the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord and the Holy Ghost and oftentimes many they think it is the same thing outside is the same but it is different in operations so every title determines the functionality because one of the populations I gave in the past I I spoke about I spoke about the power be so I a spot about a pallet in live animals coming from there I I spoke about the power behind different powers and I say the major power above all powers is titled in name it is titled to a name right so when I say it is titled to a name I am talking about the power the islands for examples I can actually stand in a place [Music] I can actually stand in a place and after I stayed in a place the moment I'll give you a name it is the functionality that follows the name so I named to function is what I'm saying you name to function so before we touch with the holy spirit was the Spirit of God is the Holy Ghost you have to understand the power behind naming right Moses went into Egypt when the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob met him in the wilderness because Exodus after number three says and when Moses was flocking the flock of his father he said they saw fire on the bush but the bush was not consumed so he got confused Praveen Kumar bless you for offering prasun Rock bless were offered and she was confused why is it that his fire on resuming taking place a Bible is clear that when he went closer that he had God speaking from the bush saying do not draw near for the place where you are standing is a holy ground the place which you are standing is a holy ground remove your shoes and he said I beheld the affliction of my people I have seen whatever is taking place to my people but here me and him in the Holocaust I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so the one that sent him was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Eason I am cold God Almighty so he is going with the name God Almighty but one problem that Moses had to call true was simple his mental problem was every time every time but Moses is going to this specific place when he performs a miracle they will perform the same miracle why because the God Almighty was already known to the people of Egypt because Abraham had introduced God a'mighty needed Isaac came with coal oh mighty Jacob Joseph they all came with the God Almighty so because the name is related well and understood well the functionality is well known in Egypt they had to encounter the same miracles with Moses performed but around chapter 8 God said Moses I am making you a God and Moses shall be your profit in listen to this I every beauty of forefathers is Jehovah God Almighty but I'm sending us Jay over the first time in the name Jehovah appeared when he introduced himself as Jehovah kabra Basanti the Bible speaks a mystery behind the mystery that when they performed a miracle coming with the Jehovah the people of Egypt they could not perform the same miracles why is it other miracles they performed these ones also performed but when God changed the name they failed to follow the miracles why the power is simply behind the name you name to function the moment you name passion I began to function in passion in passion the moment you call your daughter charity she begins to operate in love I think they still noise from the other side so we are praying and declaring to the people that is names that are attached to some functionality that are bringing you down because every function is coming directly from the name you have you're moving with the moment we say what is your name in another words we are saying what is your character because name is a normal each means character so if I say what is your name I'm saying what is your character and if you say cool 9 what you are simply saying is you are telling people that I have a character that you can overcome so it will be easy for many people to take advantage of you because your power is upon your mouth the Bible says whatsoever you like whether life or death is upon the mouth whoever likes it to eat of its fruit or whatever you confess follows you so the moment you say my name is my character is die you are stealing people here Victrola me so there are people with names that needs to be changed covering our meal that bless you for your big offering so they are people now that need their names to be changed let me make it easy Jesus came on earth to obtain any and he was given a name that is above every name the name Jesus and the name Caesar that was given he said I have given it a power within that name go and cast out demons in my name the way the name is Anoma which means studied in another words saying go cast out demons in my character that's why if a pastor comes and said to a demon come out in Jesus name out and the demon does not move out in the diamond is laughing why because the person is claiming to cast out a demon in the character of Jesus but when the demon looks at the pasta there is no character of Christ in the past so every name is named due to function so the moment you realize this terrible essence some of you you have to change your names I was named upon Ghana when I was born I have to change my name to passion Gordon to give me a spiritual name that attaches my physical movement with what is in the realms of the spirit so there are people that needs to know their spiritual names that is why it's very important for people to register for one-on-one because the reason why we open these prophetic platforms to talk and minister and probably certain people but the phone is simply because once you know your spiritual name you know how to function I taught a teaching that is John chapter number three verse number one then says there was a man of a of a Pharisee whose name was Nicodemus who also was a ruler name is Nicodemus and he's a ruler meaning he is a Pharisee that is his functionality Nicodemus is his name Rula is his office every person needs to have a spiritual office and everybody needs to have a spiritual functionality and every person has to have a name so you applied in office to be named so that when you are named you can function many people wants to function but they don't know their office many people wants to to to to to to to to to to know their split or names but they don't know their office everybody has an office I gave a better examined I said we know the angel Lucifer that fell and became Saturn but when he was Lucifer his office was of a kerubim but his functional it was not a factor OB miss functionality was of a Seraphim he was a worshipper and his name was Lucifer in another words Abraham is a prophet but his functional it is not prophecy his personality's faith and his name is not a brown his name is Abraham many of you your parents named you wrong that is why you are struggling now the reason why Abram can't fulfill the prophetic word of him being the father of all nations is because the name abram means the father of one so once he get one child he can't get more children because he is he is confessing my character is the father of one God gave him a spirit on him Abraham and what happened he began to function as the father of all nations right so everybody needs to know their names their functionality and their spiritual names i prophet is rather also hope provide hope i have a poster innocent that are ministering to people all my sons and daughters of ministering people together with me and South Africa and I'm also doing one-on-ones with people over the phone to give them direction what is your office what is your name what is your functionality is very important so if you would want the one-on-one just quickly go to the website join or the platform is under one-on-one private person calm you go through one-on-one and you click the embrace of on one with my son's or with myself then or any one of us will be able to bless you in ministry when back to the topic who is the Holy Spirit in fact let's say who is God because God is not a name God is simply an office of creation G or D God simply means the Creator so if God wants to create a get in the office called God so who is he he is simply the world in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God right so many people are struggling to know who is God simply because they don't really know who is since until Roger blessed for a big offering the MND me in the Holy Ghost in the beginning was the word and the word created so we named it according to his functionality in its office we say God God is the creator so in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God so when we say G or D is God many people be like who which one we have Jesus with the Holy Spirit we have got the father so we have got the father we have the son in the Holy Spirit who exactly is God and the answer is simply easy Father Son and Holy Spirit is what we call God pastor on Java is the Prophet passion Java is the husband passion Java is the president of kingdom members passion Java he is a CEO of some businesses but I'm still the same person right so what makes me me is all that is surrounding me so God in the vibe of the cheeki I've got 72 name that are giving him a functionality and oftentimes it creates situations in order to bring revelation that is why many of you you want revelation from God but you don't want to go through situations however it is in situations that the revelation is given back Abraham here to go through the situation of barrenness in order for him to come out with the revelation of who is Jehovah Jireh if Abraham was never in a situation of barrenness he was never going to meet you over Jack so many times running away from situation is running away from revelation so he calls himself Jehovah Jireh he provides the moment you name him Jehovah Jireh you are asking for the functionality of provision jehova shamma jehova nissi hello him all the names that he has he has to come and be your banner he has to come and be your healer he has to come and do ABCD according to the name you are giving him so let me balance the Holy Spirit now the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God are totally different the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God are totally different let me break it down when we talk about the Holy Spirit and talking about the Holy Ghost it's totally different in this way in the Old Testament we don't have the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament we don't have the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament we have the Spirit of God interesting we have the Spirit of God let me break it up the first time here but the Spirit of God is Genesis 1 verse 2 and the earth was without form void and formulas and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord says and the Spirit of God was Wolverine on top of the waters the Spirit of God was wolverine was not in water it was roaming Wolverine on top of the waters right number two who is the holy spirit if you check in the scriptures you're going to find out that the entire Old Testament nobody was filled with the Holy Spirit nobody was able to come to a place with the are carrying the Spirit of God in them right no Ella Alameda bless you for another offering god bless you for that so it's so simple to understand that the Spirit of God and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are different that we break it down the Spirit of God he is a body I may call it flesh remember we are created in the image and the likeness of God and we have less it is however in the book of Genesis chapter number 6 verse number 3 that brings the revelation easier to us it says my spirit this is the father speaking he said my spirit shall not strive with man for ye also is flesh he also is flesh ye also is flesh he also is faith so he is also place that's the spirit he can walk he can touch he can feel that is why because of him people need to come to a place where they can smell what they can see a God the Bible speaks about them hearing the voice of God walking in the garden and God they visited Sarah God is a visiting meaning is not everywhere but he is some God blessed is we limini for offered so he is standing someone and pretty sure about we bless you for offering so he is in a specific place and it is however in that specific place where you come to a place of understanding you can touch God you can smell but you can feel God in the home you can hear his voice you can see him he also is flesh Genesis 6 verse number three does the Spirit of God because he also is flesh he can possess you it can't enter into you because she also his flesh so the Bible say and the sweet of the room come upon somebody and cause that person to prophesy he would come upon somebody and cause that person to destroy the Philistines like sons Samuel getting into the New Testament the first thing we know here now is the Holy Spirit he came and Mary was found pregnant Mary was found pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit however they did it we don't know but what we know is the Bible says in in the book of Matthew chapter number one Mary was found pregnant with a part of Holy Spirit so the father of Jesus is not Joseph the father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit so every time Jesus with chiefdom uses when you pray say our Father is talking about qualified but when he is praying says my father not our Father when he said oh my he's talking about the Holy Spirit that's why he said I cannot do things of my own I do what I see my father doing which is the holy spit then Jesus then come to a place where he said it is best that I go because if I don't go he will not come who is he talking about it's now not talking about the Spirit of God no he is not talking about the Holy Spirit he's talking about the Holy Ghost he's saying if I don't die you can never have a wall he goes why because a ghost is somebody who died in this spirit came back in the Living God is simply a spirit of somebody who died and came back among the living so in another words in the Old Testament we don't have the Holy Ghost because nobody died in Matthew chapter one nobody's dead but when we reach to a place where Jesus says it is better that I go that he may come he then died and resurrected and now accept the truth the Holy Ghost came down and the Holy Ghost came to fill everybody now these are the three functionalities of the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost Jesus Christ was baptized by John and the Spirit of God led him into the wilderness the Spirit of God is ahead of you he leaves you your fault [Music] number two the Holy Spirit here comes and you receive it you receive the Holy Spirit but the Holy Ghost comes to fill you with an upper flow let me explain you can be unknowing turd with the spirit you can be anointed with the anointing and you can also be anointed with the spirit I'll break it up the Bible says and is how Jesus was anointed with the anointing and how he was anointed with the spirit so you can actually be anointed with the spirit being anointed with the spirit is simply being given the ability of the Holy Spirit but being filled with the Holy Ghost means he's taking over your life so we have people that are ministers of the gospel they are simply anointed with the spirit then we have others that are filled with the Holy Spirit and my sitting here today is to encourage everybody to be filled with the Holy Ghost to be filled with the Holy Ghost to the extent that they will begin to do signs wonders and miracles let me break it down however to check in the Genesis chapter number 6 Noah building a key found favor from the Lord building ark after he built the ark were happy he got inside and the rain came down so number one we have the Ark number two we of the water filling the atrium number three Noah took a Robin send it out never returned number four he took it out which represents the Holy Spirit send it out and it came back without not anything pratik dun dun bless you feel free and send the DA for the second time in the Duff came back with an olive leaf and it tastes send it for the third time nothing came and remember it says that in the heavens were shot right so I would say the ark represents heaven so the earth up is Evan the ground which is the earth represents the edram and the waters represents people and the Robin represents the devil and the Dove represent the holy spirit the olive leaf represents the anointing oil cause if you crush the unwitting or they the only believe it brings out the oil then lastly the Dove never came back so let me break it down again if you check in the entire Bible the whole Bible you are going to see that when the devil left heaven he came down and never went back to him what is he doing here on earth is moving to and from that's why you need to scribe his movement on earth in the Bible the Bible speaks about him going to job and he says I was going to in front and when that dog was released from the ark which is heaven that da the Raven never came back the Bible says and the Robin was going to and fro so the Robin represents the devil and the agribusiness heaven and Noah is representing God the Father I'm not saying is God the Father he is representing God the Father right then he took a dove and you released it out that dog represents the holy spirit remember that Davi have got nine strong feathers on the right which represent the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and nine strong feathers on the Left which represent the ninety attitudes the nine blessings blessed that the poor blessed that up is Mary blessed nine of them and all this tell they are five strong feathers which represent the fivefold ministry and the two legs represents the Old Testament and in the New Testament and many people they say that dove is the only bird with breasts because Paul says when doing spiritual children I fed you with milk right so he never came back representing the holy spirit because there was no way to land the Holy Spirit is only a way for it to come into your life and by one you have to have Jesus and by true you have to have the Word of God in you if we don't have Jesus or the world the Holy Spirit will never come upon you if you don't have the anointing or lesbian or gonna come the unknowns you in order to enter into you our explain that the second time that Doug was sent and what happened the Dove came back with an olive leaf white it can only land where there is anointing the olive leaf is the only that if we squeeze it brings you olive oil which represent afternoon tea so once you are anointed the Holy Spirit comes to fill you then the dog was in again and what happened they dove never came back why because there was no word for the Holy Spirit to land upon so the heavens are closed and in lays letter Solomon the prophet in The Book of Proverbs remember prophets is prophetic events a verb is a doing world he's writing order and Gotha songs of Solomon and he says I am looking for my dad and he could not find it out so in the entire scriptures from the days of Noah you don't see the operation of a dog why because the dark can only land what is the anointing or whether is the world now the anointing already has been landed he came with an olive leaf waiting for the time for the world to come when John the Baptist began to baptize me Jesus is in the water and who is Jesus is the word of God the Bible says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God base number 40 says and the word became flesh and we do have beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of mercy and grace and we beheld his glory so jesus is the word in flesh not that there is the word of the Ephraim the Bible says the same heavens that we suffer from the days of noe today I opened and the Dove that left from the days of Noah was seen descending on Jesus my god there is somebody watching me right now who is hungry and thirsty for the Holy Spirit he is about to fill you he is about to touch oh yes I wrote a book after inspired by pastor bayless book called good morning Holy Spirit I brought mine called good evening Holy Spirit which I shed my encounters when the Holy Spirit visits you and your hair your skin will report every fact of your body will respond to his presence you'd feel electricity moving all over you teeth your eyes will be burning as if they are closed off I own it oftentimes you fall down in you vibrating when you are shaking many times your father is if you are a dead man I'm telling you tonight wherever you are whether it's now always gonna be a broadcast there is somebody current about sukira Tata godblessu Cadiz of a offering there is somebody that God is going to fill with His Holy Spirit and your life will never be the same God in the three dimension he is like gas solid and liquid the Holy Spirit is the gas form of God is not gas he really is represented by the gas Jesus is this solid form of God and the father is the liquid form of God when we talk about gas we are talking about let's say we spray gas in this room it does not move from up coming down he says from down and going up that is why there is a difference between receiving the holy spirit and being filled with the holy spirit many have received it but they are not yet filled with the holy spirit because gas starts by moving from down on the bottom going up it's like if I spray in this room after 10 minutes or one hour everybody in the room they don't smell this man was always moves from below going upward but anybody comes in for the first time who smell it likewise they are people that they have received the holy spirit that's what Ezekiel in 14th chapter 47 he said I was turning in the valley before the waters came and covered my ankle height and the waters increased and covered my knee height the orders increased went to the hip height went to the shoulder height until the waters covered me and I could not control myself these arm live was where the Spirit of God is coming upon you he comes into angwa he comes into knee height he comes into your new hip height he comes into your shoulder height and till he fuses you the Bible says David says and the unknown he anoint my head with oil my cup overflows it is in the dimension of an overflow when the Holy Spirit overflows in your life I'm talking to somebody that's been confused why is it I'm I have Jesus I speak in tongues but there's a way to come into my you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit there's somebody here saying I am a child of God but I keep going through do all these things you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit future husband can't touch you when you're filled with the Holy Spirit they are things that you don't need to be praying for you just need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and your life will never be the same again Jesus is the solid form of that is why I said I have to go that he may come because Gus is can be everywhere but Jesus is solid it is only present with his disciples way is right now he's not in China if he is there he is not in America if easily in Islam is not in Italy he was in one place as the solid form of God but he said I am to die to myself to displace somebody watching me you got to die to self in order to be filled with the Holy Ghost there is no costs and list of his death you got to die to yourself so that the power of the Holy Spirit can cut up all you to another dimension horeb remember Solomon didn't about Soto I want to pray with everybody before I leave Oh hungry and taste for the move of God people that are say I'm going to die for Jesus people that are saying I don't care about money I don't care about houses I don't care about whatever the virus that is why and this is my voice to everybody put your mask wash your hand sanitizer every day lock yourself in the houses have time with the Holy Spirit but no matter what no virus can touch you you are a child of God you have Jesus in you who is not the healer but who is the healing you are already healed before anything touches you bottom line there are people that are hungry entails for the Holy Spirit there are people that about to receive the power of the Holy Spirit filled with the Holy Spirit and then knowing thing of the Holy Spirit is gonna move in time some people and I want to tell every pastor that is out there to know how to behave I am receiving news about the past and the church that is that could have rested in Tampa Florida for just going to church because we are children of God we are children of God we are children of God we have to call the church needs the healing power of God and so if church cannot bring life to people why he judge has to be done listen me talk to you John the Baptist was not supposed to die the way he died he simply shortcut his ministry because he did not for long he did not follow Christ for he blessed favoring it did not follow place for a big of him he did not to follow and respect the leadership and the powers once people in power say a word listen and obey very important never oppose powers my father Bishop Noel told me it is never in life of horsepowers never cross that line and I want to encourage everybody if the president says lock yourself in the doors do so Jesus grew in the favor of God and in the favor of man I always tell people if God favors you and men doesn't favor you it becomes a so for you what God can say in the next 30 days preaching the stadium but if the president says no church gathering for the next twenty-one eight days you got ass at the door because you need favor of meant for you to be productive in other words I'm talking to people that are ready to receive the Holy Spirit and people that already receive the Holy Spirit want to be filled with the Holy Spirit Kariba was a man led maybe akasha mahogany bones I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you today it's simple it's just your desire I was sitting I was a young boy very young I believe I was 12 years old years ago and I prayed one simple prayer let your will be done in my life as it is in heaven I saw what seemed to look like a cloud but when the cloud was descending I saw that this way angels holy hands seven of them surrounding me and they spoke with a loud voice when angel stood in front of all the angels and said to me do you mean the words you have said let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven I said yes I want to live for God I wanna live for Jesus and that specific time they told me prepared Allah Jesus is coming to meet me I saw two ladders they ascended with another ladder other angels descended there were a lot of angels and Jesus appeared in front of me when Jesus appeared in front of me I went powerless I fell on my face I could see him but my face was on the ground and he began to speak to me about later will be done on earth as it is in heaven asking me if I meant it and I said yes I was taken by the hand the batteries were taken from the or taken from from the table and they were suspended in the end I was told to immediately take the batteries and put them down I place them down immediately my spirit was taken to the heavens and a scroll was given to me and I signed it and it was written normal my will letter will be done in mine life as it is in heaven that day something changed in my life I gave my soul to Jesus the Lord took over my life thus the day I began to move deep in the prophetic I've had people helping me in the prophetic event providing to unlock him in the prophetic opposed to travel between our great men of God European as I was growing as a child but that day changed everything about my prophetic about my spiritual life about my prayer life I began to hear people's thoughts I began to hear God's voice clear I began to feel heaven I don't know how to describe the spiritual realm is so sweet as I'm coming to an end I want somebody to cry to God and say father I've been in the clubs I have been everywhere I've been doing ABCD but today Lord I want you to take over my soul take over mine life I give you my life all heartedly let your will be done in my life as it is in heaven I'm talking to you and you're watching me it is your call leave everything on the side and say let your will be done in my life as it is it happened and I know that I know that I know that I know your life will never be the same I want to challenge some people before I go I believe there are seven people watching me and it's not God speaking it's me to find the seed of 220 dollar if you believe in prophetic instructions called my website or go on give on this YouTube platform and give a seed of 220 dollar and pressing Lord in 2020 let your will be done in my life as it is in heaven let your will be done in my life as it is in him and I tell you your life will never be the same again I'm going to play a song for you as I play that song I want you to go to the website profit passion calm and the donation and give your two hundred and twenty dollar offering or you can give on YouTube I know God is gonna do something great for you so I think we are going to know us a instrumental from the computer day but I'm going to play this song here oil egos spectrum is my song from my studio in the States wrote it myself produced by profit all the same by Alona it's a powerful song [Music] nicely [Music] before me and I'm green if I'm dry here martyr me when I rise not fall you tickle for me [Applause] my hands hi I screwed up listen me my roof rely I will soar on your wings like eagles where you I will go release me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless god bless God bless I just wanna pray for everybody as we are coming to an end of this broadcasts and my prayer for you is Cabo mamama hosaka DK ba ba ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba hey chickadee hey congee mcmaster que debe Hector majestic Addis I pray father that you may touch everybody watching right now and the people that watch Arriba those people that are stretching over their hands to what touch the screen I pray that you visit them tonight let them have a moment let them have an experience a visitation from heaven angels to manifest and appear in front of them that their eyes be open to see the angels around them as you open chaos eyes I personally unlock people in the name of Jesus I pray that you bless every voice and every person that is watching me let them be blessed today with a pout of Holy Spirit let a spirit of corapi and their dreams in their visions in all areas of their lives in Jesus mighty name I pray amen I wanted to rewatch the video and this time I want you to watch it with your book on the side so you can write notes then Pauline messages that is a lot of Revelations in this message some of you have to change your names because name is character and what you confess is what you become change your name if you don't know your spiritual name register one on one we will help you to get your spiritual name number two everybody should know why you are born why are you on it what is your assignment what's your functionality and watch your office on that and we are here to help you go and register for one on one and we'll be able to help you number two who is the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God paramount important revelation that will change your life forever I just want you to know that the Spirit of God spoke to me as a coin says Jesus the bottle come but the word is not a spread around the world I'm looking for people raising an army not too much and bring water repellent revival and prepare the coming of Christ but behold the laborers of you and the harvest is plenty so I want everybody to find time to pray REE watch the video and cry to the Holy Spirit oh I need needs to be filled by the Holy Spirit this is the gaff of the Prophet passion Java signing out until then keep on keepin on and God is going to take you higher and higher the son of Bishop John
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 9,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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