The Secret to Crispy Hash Browns - Perfect Brown Potatoes - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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hiy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making homemade hash [Music] [Music] browns [Music] okay this was actually a your requested video video and I was supposed to have it up a couple weeks ago I'm sorry it took me so long to get it up sometimes life gets a little hectic around here there are a couple tricks to making hash browns one of them is hash brown is actually a grated potato and if you don't have a food processor and you have one of these lovely gadgets here you might lose some finger skin but um you just grade them I mean it's not a real trick it does take a little bit of effort and when I'm making hash browns I like to use a firm Tater um Red Skins or yukon gold or something seems like Red Skins did a little better in the garden this year so I've got more of them that's what I'm using today you don't have to peel them because the Skins are really thin um and you know this takes a couple minutes not hard it just is kind of time consuming um if if you're going to make a big batch of these to feed a lot of people at breakfast or something like that you can do this part the day before or the night before cover them with water and put them in your fridge cover them real tight and then all you have to do in the morning is rinse them off and cook them so if you want to make these for a lot of people that's something to keep in mind now if you're really fond of your finger SK skin and you don't like leaving on the edge when you get down about this small you can toss the rest of that but I'm going to push it through the greater and just be kind of careful now one of the tricks is you want to make sure that you rinse your ters off really well and um the water that's on them now and I do have a little water in my bowl I grated them in a little water so that they didn't completely turn brown it's super dark but you want to rinse them in cold running water or under cold running water until they come out completely clear you don't want any more brown stuff you want to try and get as much of the white starchy stuff off as you can so take your time and rinse them you can put them in a collander if you want to rinse them off but you know I'm not making a ton here so I'm just going to rinse them in the bowl and hold my hand over it but if you're making a big batch again I would use a collander put them in the collander length of water run over them and shake it around a little [Music] bit let me see if I can kind of show you over here how Brown that water is you can see it's almost like a red color that's the ters are actually causing that and you want to rinse that until that water in there is clear so I'm going to take them over the sink now rinse them [Music] off okay you can see here my water's all clear now uh it does take a minute to rinse them enough to get all of that brown stuff out of them and the next thing you want to do is you want to take them back over to the sink and drain them which I wouldn't have brought them out of the sink if I wasn't doing the video but I wanted to show you you want the water clear you want to drain them really good and after I drain the water out I'm actually going to dump them all out on a paper towel now if you were making these for breakfast the next morning this is the point where you would put them in an airtight Bowl put them in your refrigerator and just leave them like this until in the morning and then you can take them out and cook [Music] them so after you get all the water drained off of them or almost all the water just take a few paper towels and dump them out on the paper towels and let it soak up the extra water and um I'm doing this because I don't want them mushy I mean rinsing them good and drying them off that's what's going to make them really Brown and really Brown hash browns or really good hash browns okay I always cook my hash browns in butter uh you can fry them in whatever you like but a potater cooked in butter makes a really tasty morsel and I don't make hash browns a whole lot so it's not a big deal frying them in butter it's not something I would eat every single day but like I said it's an occasional dish so dry them in some butter you want to let the pan preheat let your butter get hot and start to sizzle before you dump them in there if you want onions in your hash browns you would add them now when you start cooking the ters and you would have to chop them up pretty fine because we've grated these and they're really small pieces and if you don't chop your onions up fine your onions won't get done and your ters will be mushy before your onions even start to cook so if you do onions in them chop them up really fine put them in as soon as you add the tatoes I also use a um no stick pan to make these in and I'm going to cook them on fairly warm heat um like a medium high heat so that they Brown instead of getting mushy okay my potatoes are pretty dry my butter is sizzling you want to be careful when you pick these up because that paper towel might tear on you just dump them in there and this is only three ters they were pretty small too I mean they weren't big ters so it's going to cook down quite a bit this will make about two servings what I've got here you want to add salt and pepper um I am pretty generous with the salt and pepper on these but you do it the way you like it and I'll actually add a little more salt and pepper the first couple times that I stir them so that it gets mixed around in there good you do want to stir them a little bit before they start to cook too because they will all get tender pretty quick and you want to get your butter mixed around on all your potato so that they all brown not just the ones that were on the bottom when you first put them in a pan okay these have been cooking for just about 8 minutes and they're actually tender now and I've stirred them a couple of times you do want to keep an eye on them but I'm looking for that brown right there so I'm going to turn them over a few more times so that they continue to Brown because I want a whole bunch of potatoes to look like that stuff right there when I first started cooking these I was flipping them over about every 3 or 4 minutes now I'm only waiting a couple of minutes and then I'm flipping them and you really want to be careful at this point because if you wait too long you'll end up with hash blacks instead of hash browns and if you take your spatula and you kind of mash them down a little bit like that when you flip them over it will help them stick together a little bit and hash browns are supposed to kind of stick together and you're supposed to have those big brown chunks in them they're getting really close now they're sticking together in big chunks they're getting super brown that's what you want right there um I'm probably going to let m brown on this other side and I'm going to call them done you can bust up the chunks if you want and and cook them literally till every single straight of Tater is brown but I think they're better if they have some chunks in them they're more moist they get a little too dry and a little too hard if you bust them up too much so at this point like I said I've got this whole side here pretty brown I've got a lot of brown ones mixed in um they are sticking together in chunks that's what I want and you get those chunks by mashing them down a little with your spatula so I'm I'm going to L the bottom Brown and then I'm going to take them out and I've been cooking them about 18 minutes so I'm going to give them 2 minutes so about 20 minutes and they're completely cooked I said the prep time is the biggest part of this I mean it's the hardest part is the prep the great in your potatoes if you happen to be fortunate enough to have a food processor that has a greater attachment you can do it in just a minute um the the only tricks are to grate your potatoes make sure you rinse them good in cold water dry them off and then when they get close to done mash them together so that you get those big chunks and you'll have perfect hash browns every single time if you want onions you can certainly add onions in them but I don't usually and you can fry them in something healthier if you want but some days you know a tater and some butter just makes the whole day better keep an eye on them for that last little bit of Browning because you definitely don't want to burn them right at the very end and I think mine are done oh yeah that looks great dropping them everywhere you can see how they're sticking together they're super brown and these are good um with breakfast you know any kind of breakfast like I said if you're making a big breakfast for a lot of people gr them the night before stick them in the fridge um they're good with dinner we really like them with um SOS um Brett enjoys them with sausage links and things like that and you can check out our SOS video um SOS scrambled eggs and hash browns are a great dinner but that's all there is to it hash browns are really pretty simple thanks for joining us again in the hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like And subscribe before you leave and all you people that have been saying you'd like to see me taste your food and I said I couldn't because I had to get pictures I've already got a pictures of these and I just made them for the video so these are going to be my lunch and yes I'm going to eat this whole place of Tes and butter y'all have a good day and we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 135,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, homemade hash browns, hash browns, how to make hash browns, hash brown recipe, frying, Cooking, Food, country cooking, southern cooking, bacon and eggs, breakfast food, how to cook hash browns, laura in the kitchen, best hash browns, perfect hash browns, fried potatoes, crispy Hash brown potatoes, secret hash brown recipe, Tricks to get crispy hash browns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2015
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