Hash Browns - Hash Browned Potato Recipe - Classic Breakfast Potatoes

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[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes.com with hash browns that's right this classic breakfast potato is so easy to make but apparently many people don't know how this is done so i'm going to show you and it starts with two russet potatoes and i'm using two because i allot one potato per person for hash browns alright i got my peeler ready you don't have to peel them but i recommend you do and then you want a box grater all right something nice and sharp so after our potatoes are peeled we're going to go ahead and grate those into a bowl of cold water and that is plenty of footage of me grating so moving on after they're grated we're going to go ahead and want to rinse off that starch see how cloudy that water is that starch is one thing that will prevent a nice crusty hash brown now you can just put this in a strainer and run it under water in the sink but i can't get a camera in my sink so i decided to do it in a bowl so i actually rinsed this twice so that was the first time i drained it added more cold water always cold water gave it a little stir poured off that starchy water and at that point it was de-starched enough for me so i drained it you want to make sure they're really dry so let them drain well and then for extra dryness i like to put them on some paper towels and give them a little squeeze so long story short grate some potatoes rinse them and make sure they're as dry as possible all right we're headed over to the stove and i'm going to put some clarified butter in a heavy skillet on medium heat and you know clarified butter right we microwave it and we just use the oily part we try not to get any of that liquid that settles at the bottom i'm recommending a non-stick pan or a very well seasoned cast iron pan when you believe the butter to be pretty hot go ahead and throw in your potatoes and we're going to cook this on medium heat pretty much the whole way so i want to even those out and we're just going to let those sit there getting the initial crust while we season and the seasoning on hash browns should be very simple so we're gonna go with some salt a generous sprinkling of salt some cayenne pepper of course some finely ground but freshly ground black pepper by the way get a pepper grinder why are you using pre-ground black pepper that was probably ground in 1997 and last but not least a little bit of paprika gives it a little color gives it a touch of sweetness and really that's it that's all i think should be in hash browns having said that as you well know you are the boss of your breakfast potatoes so put what you want all right so after about five minutes i decided to give this a little stir and you can really see let me give this a little flip you can really see that crust starting to form so at this point if you've done everything as shown there's really no way to screw this up you're just going to cook these until they're done now there's two schools of thought you can just let them sit leave them be the outside will get crusty and the inside will stay kind of white you know look like shredded potato or you can use my method i like to keep stirring the crust as soon as it forms back into the potato so i let it cook for two or three minutes i take the spatula i flip it over that crusty surface comes up sort of gets mixed back into the potato and then it re-crusts so right about here most normal people would be thinking they're done and they would be but i really like mine cooked well done i just like to let mine sit and get crusty and crustier and crustier and the inside almost turns into like a mashed potato but that's just me you do it how you want all right so that's what mine looked like when they were done of course it would look better if i'd focused the camera but you're going to see in a second they looked amazing i threw it on a plate not surprisingly next to a couple eggs and you know what i like on my eggs that's right a little cayenne anyway there we go classic hash brown potatoes super super ultra simple technique but maybe if you've never seen it before you didn't know that's how easy it was all right time to dig in and don't get me wrong i love a nice home fry but there's nothing like homemade hash browns crispy crusty buttery on the outside soft and tender and comforting on the inside it's just magnificent and in case you're wondering yes i do and yes i did i loves me a little ketchup on my hash browns and proud of it take that europeans so i hope you give that a try soon head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,283,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Potato, Hash, Browns, Browned, Recipe, Classic, Breakfast, brunch, diner, chef, john, foodwishes, side, dish, starch, Food, Cooking, Kitchen, Recipes, Allrecipes, recipe, recipes, Hash Browned Potato recipe, how to, how to make, how to cook, make, cook, learn, food, potato, hash brown, breakfast, easy, simple, delicious
Id: pYhiIrlXY7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2012
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