Onion Rings - Perfect Crispy Onion Rings -The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making my mama's onion rings [Music] now of course make onion rings you have to have onions and you use sweet onions for onion rings and the very best sweet onions are Vidalia onions they're grown in Central Georgia pretty near where I went to high school at as a matter of fact and they are shipped all over the United States maybe even all over the world if you can't get my daily onions any sweet onion or like I said by the alien onions are best these little manual slicers are really good for keeping your onion slices even you don't have to have one but you want to slice your onions about a quarter of an inch thick and these will keep them at 1/4 of an inch thick it makes it easy and it's safer of course then using the knife these are not too expensive you might want to check them out now the ingredients I have here will do two onions about this size our one great big onion I did one the other day it was probably this big around and this many ingredients did it fairly well I mean you know I covered everything I didn't have a whole lot left over but it will do two minions this size now after you slice your onions you want to separate all your onion rings and pieces toward the bottom in like this really aren't good for making onion rings and you do have to take a little bit out of the center because they're not rings but you don't have much here and you can save this and throw it in some fried taters or something then people are doing all sorts of things too onion rings to make them crunchy crunchy onion rings have cornstarch in them now people have somehow forgotten that but cornstarch makes things crunchy if they're fried it makes french fries crunchy if you've ever had fast food french fries that have that little crunchy like coating on them that's corn starch so what I've got here is a half a cup of corn starch about three quarters of a cup of all-purpose flour now you have to have baking powder in these and I'm using a full tablespoon of baking powder in this and you have to have a little salt I'm using a teaspoon you can adjust that but you don't want to go down any less than half a teaspoon because then your onion rings the batter won't puff up and it won't rise and you also need an egg i season mine this stuff over here is kind of optional and you can change it a little bit if you have fresh buttermilk use fresh buttermilk I do not have fresh buttermilk I recently discovered the powdered buttermilk which keeps much longer and that way you don't eat so many buttermilk pies that you need a serious diet but I've got about 3 tablespoons of powdered buttermilk here but I'm just gonna add in to my dry ingredients and I'm gonna use regular milk the buttermilk acts with the wheat gluten in the flour and it really changes the texture of your batter on your onion rings so I do recommend buttermilk but if you don't have to drive under milk or regular buttermilk you can use just milk in these and people do all kinds of stuff to make their batter a little bit sweet they even add canned sodas and stuff to it or they add beer to it well I don't drink so it doesn't make any sense to me to go buy a beer to sweeten my onion rings and I don't like canned sodas very unhealthy I've talked about that before so just use a tablespoon of sugar it's not that much and it gives it that little bit of sweetness that really adds to your onion ring you don't have to be use it but it does make it better and I use a half a teaspoon of pepper in mind you can seize me or batter with pretty much any spice you like but just the 1/2 teaspoon of pepper I find this plenty some people use really really hot spices so the first step is you have to coat your onion rings with your dry ingredients and a ziploc bag makes this easy so just dump in all your dry ingredients come on starch and flour and baking powder that I've spilled a lot of I'm not trying to get just a little bit of that back up that should do my salt my sugar pepper and my buttermilk powder zip your bag up and give that a good toss okay that should be mixed good enough now this step here what this is going to do by putting the dry mixture on your onion rings that's going to keep your batter from pulling off your onion rings when they're cooked if you've ever had onion rings and you bottom and the whole onion pulls out of the batter and then you're left with just the batter that's you know that's not ideal it's not good so by putting the onion rings in here that flour and stuff sticks to it and then once we dip them in our batter it's going to stick to it and they won't pull out make sure you get some air in your bag when you close it up and then just give it a good toss all right now we want you to toss your onion rings and your flour you just shake off the excess and lay them out on a plate or whatever because we're going to dump the rest of our dry ingredients in a bowl and add our egg and our milk to it to make the batter like I said this much will do to onions the size that I had or one really beginning and I'm only going to fry one of these today because this will do at least three servings of onion rings I think I've got all it anything out now dump this in your Bowl all right and all we're going to do is add our egg and our milk and mix it up a little let's take these over to the stove now for the absolute best results you want to leave your onion ring sitting with this flower on them or at least 15 minutes before you dip them in your batter might probably have not been sitting well I know mine have not been sitting 15 minutes but that's okay and you want to get you have to have some oil to fry these in now you can't eat fine but if you're going to deep fry them there's another step you want to dip them in your batter then put them on a rack and let them drip because if you just dip them and then put them in a deep fryer in a basket they're all going to stick together and you're going to have a big onion ring ball I'm fry them in a pan and I'm using grapeseed oil you are going to eat a lot of this oil so you do want to pick a pretty healthy oil I've had my pan on medium for a little while and you can see it's good and hot you want to make sure your oil is good and hot and I only have about a quarter of an inch of oil in this pan maybe a little bit more and you're just going to dip your onion rings and one at a time let them drip off a little bit and add them to your pan and list of course you want to deep Prime and if you want to deep fry them do this put them on a rack let them drip until they stop dripping or you can even freeze them and deep-fry them that way but you can't just take them straight out of this and throw them in the deep fryer because they you'll just have us stuck together a mess it doesn't take very long fry these if you're frying them in a pan it is going to take you a few minutes of course because you're dipping them an admin admin them to the pan one at a time I think of it as one of those foods that takes a little love and patience to prepare but it doesn't take that long and all you can see they're already starting to get brown and they just put them in a pan you do have to keep an eye on them you want to slide them around the pan and rotate them so that they don't stick together and so that they don't stick to the pan now we're pretty much just gonna keep them moving until they're all cooked because as soon as I get one done I like to put another one in the pan that keeps my oil from getting too hot and my pan from overheating just keep an eye on your pan while you're cooking these and if your oil does start to get too hot turn it down a little bit if you cut your onion rings too thick your batter is going to get brown and burned before your onion gets cooked and tender so it is really important not to get the onions toothpick and if the onion doesn't get done if it's not fully cooked and tender that's another thing that causes the onion to pull out of the finished onion ring okay I'm sip at 15 minutes really does make a difference now I'm getting to that point where mine have been flowered for about 15 minutes and my onion rings are coming out of little puffier and they're a little bit smoother starting with a really hot pan of oil also makes a difference if you start with your oil hot it makes the entire cooking process from start to finish faster I turned my pan on when I first started my cameras so I probably preheated my oil for at least five minutes before I came over here and actually started frying you do want to give that paying time to get good and hot okay we're almost done with this and you can see here I could definitely do another onion I have plenty of batter left and it doesn't take too awfully long to cook them in a pan if you want to deep fry them if you've got time to let them sit on the rack and drip a little bit or you've got time to put them in a freezer and freeze them before you beat from you can certainly eat from and they're very good that way I usually just do them in a pan though because you don't have to do that extra step and you can keep an eye on each individual onion right when you deep fry them sometimes some of the ones in the bottom start to get too Brown because you can't really flip them without breaking them can't stir them up without busted them up so I prefer a pan when I bake them I haven't have enough oil here in my pan that I could probably try the whole whether onion over there if I cut it up and you're not going to get that with anything other than the grapeseed oil I don't believe and that's because the grapeseed oil doesn't soak in your food as much as other oils do so it doesn't make it as greasy I had already used some out of this bottle so I probably did not have half a cup of oil in here and I bet if I drained it I would have very close to half a cup of oil when I'm done it still fries it you still get that really crisp taste but it doesn't the food doesn't soak it up the way it does a lot of other oils so it doesn't taste a little heavy and it doesn't taste a little breezy besides its nutritional content that's another good reason to use it a lot of people who have gone later Crohn's and things like that it just can't handle all the grease grapeseed oil is a really good option okay we can cut paying off now and our onion rings are all cooked like I said it doesn't take too long to cook them in a pan a little longer than it would have deep fryer but it's much easier to keep them from burning and it's easier to get them all kind of perfect if you do it in a pan now we want to show you this one's still super hot this one's been out for a while it's pretty cold it's still crunchy and the onion does not pull out of it you don't end up with that big bunch of Bagger gosh those are so good okay don't forget the corner starts whatever you do even if you have a recipe that you like and you like to add something to them like you're really into the beer batter or really really like the club soda that's okay but don't leave the cornstarch out and a lot of people are doing bread crumbs to try and keep them crunchy after they get cold that's not necessary and it totally changes the texture and it changes the flavor they don't have that same flavor that complainingly supposed to have so get these things to try like I said it's one of those things it just takes a little love and a little extra effort to make because so many of you have subscribed to the hillbilly kitchen and like their videos and commenting on our videos watch their videos we have something to share with you we have a lot of product developers and marketers who have contacted us and one of us to try their products and because there are so many of you we're able to get extra stuff that we can share with you so we have a lot of giveaways coming up and our very first giveaway is from contempo home in kitchen this is only ten piece utensil set and they sell these on Amazon they are giving you a discount code the link to these and the discount code will be in the description of this video I really really like these and they're going on my Christmas list for everybody who cooks the big big big thing that I like about these is it is a one piece handle and what that does is like this is a farmer where spatula I think these things sell for like six eight bucks just this one piece in Walmart and you can see all over this thing all this white stuff on this is dish water that ran out of it when I hung it up over there by the stove and if you take one of these utensils that hasn't been hanging it up you've just washed it and you go to stick it in your food that dish water runs in your food and even if it is drive before I use this I have to clean that off because that is just yuck you don't have that with these the green life is the same thing the dishwater gets up in the handle and it runs out they're actually a little bit better than the farmer where it ones but it does still get dishwater in it there's no water that gets trapped in any of these the West minute does have holes obviously where the wires go up in it so you do want to drain it really good but a coated whisk is a necessity in the kitchen if you're using non-stick pans it will whisk up your gravies and stuff like that and you know if we're about scratching your pan I had a really hard time finding one of these before I got this set and I had to buy it individually and I think it again was like six dollars they just get really expensive and this is a nice one it's a good size you can use it in a small pot or in a bigger pan and it'll take care of both of those on the other thing these spatulas this stuff says that it is good up to 480 degrees it won't melt they're coated with silicone and a lot of you commented on my candy stirring spoon it's a nylon spoon that I use to sturb my pledge and stuff with and it really doesn't look good it's brown and it looks like it's about to break at any minute and I've used it for quite a long time but I've tried spatulas in my candle before and they don't want melted a lot of them trying to make candy but being that these are good for up to 480° I can't wait to try this making fudge this Christmas because it would definitely scrape the sides of the pan bitter and it would keep the bottom clear you know so you don't get burned stuff at the bottom of your candy pots but like these you can't use that for making candy not only does it get stuff in they inside the head of it because the handle is not one piece but your candy gets down in there and then all that stuff that stuck in there comes out your candy the same thing with this one this one here came from a commercial kitchen supplier and the handle just it's not sanitary it gets nasty stuff in it and that gets in your food so the one piece handles are a big plus and the fact that these are coated with silicone nothing sticks to them I did the potato pancake video not too long ago and I did it right before I got these and if you watch that video the cheese is sticking all 2-mile on spatula and i had to stop in the middle of making it and scrape the cheese off well if you watch that video you also know brick didn't get any of the potato pancakes that had the cheese and the bacon and the peppers and the onions in them so I had to make him some more and I did a whole batch for the cheese and I didn't get any cheese stuck on my spatula with this so that was really really nice they come with a set of tongs and the tongs are big enough you know you can grab a hold of it your corn then in a pot of water are they're small enough that you could even get pasta out of a pot with them if you were tasting it to make sure it's done the tip of them is it's grippy so if you're taking something small or something sleek out you can hold it without crushing it I do like them like I said because they open up pretty wide and then you have that little bit of grip on the end of them that you don't have even with regular metal uncoated tongs that's nice does have a spaghetti spoon or pasta spoon everybody needs one of those but they said they have a discount code and I think you can get these are $20 a set with the discount code it's pretty close to that on Amazon and that's only $2 a piece that's cheaper than the cheapy ones and they're much better quality the handles inside of them I'm pretty sure they're not on inside but they're very stiff break resistant for sure if not unbreakable and the fact that they'll stand up to that 480 degrees means you can use this for candy so like I said I'm excited about that can't wait to make fudge this Christmas and try this out hey if you would like to win a set of these we have three sets that we will be giving away in July I will select a winner every Friday for the first three weeks of July that will in this drawing on July the 19th comment on this video you have to comment on this video start your comment with contempo because they're by contempo Holman kitchen that way I know you want to be entered in the drawing now you can comment anything you like on the video just after you leave the word contempo that way I know that colony is meant to be entered in the drawing and you do need to subscribe to the channel like the video you can leave up to 10 comments which will give you up to 10 entries and every week I will post a comment that a lot to the top of the comments so when you go to the video it should be the very first comment you can check to see if you're the winner I'll also do my best to find that your original comment and reply to it once I've selected the winner so you should get a notification on youtube that way and I will put the names of the winners in the description of the video so you can check the description if you can't find the comment to see if you won now if you're the winner you do have to reply back and give me your address so I can mail these to you but check these out like I said they're for the price and so they cannot beat them they're less expensive than any of the other utensils that I've got over here and that one piece handle is it's just great it's so much cleaner so much neater and it's healthier we appreciate you joining us in the human kitchen we really appreciate all the subscribers everybody who is coming in sharing this video for us and help us grow and we will continue to bring you these giveaways as often as we can and as many of them as we can it is everybody likes a free gift until next time remember to put God first [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 78,579
Rating: 4.9624267 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, onion rings, how to make onion rings, onion ring recipe, old recipe, 100 year old recipe, betty's kitchen, laura in the kitchen, southern cooking, country cooking, breaded onion rings, fried onion rings, crispy onion rings, frying, healthy onion rings, healthy cooking, peach cobbler, vidalia onion rings, giveaway, free stuff, onion recipe, fried onion, homemade onion rings, deep fried onion rings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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