A Redditor's Dive Into Turmoil

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[Music] [Music] they say that nothing on the internet is ever truly gone one of the most compelling aspects of this very resource that we use every day is the fact that for the most part any and everything has ever been posted online can be archived forever like a never-ending diary this allows the possibility for an incomprehensible amount of information gathered from the past and present available to us at any given time over on reddit a lot of strange disturbing and even depressing things have played out over the years leaving us with tons of stories and events to dig through what did in this past sea of archives though is one that really hit home for me back when it happened as it in real-time merged the realms of the internet and reality ultimately leaving people absolutely baffled at the resolution get ready because tonight we're going to head back in time to 2016 to explore the incredibly bizarre and heartbreaking story of a redditor by the name of Jason and Hal [Music] on the late evening of October 28th of 2016 a redditor named Jason in hell would make a sudden post has a relationship advice subreddits seeking counsel regarding a cheating situation that played out between his wife and neighbor his post is titled I'm having a hard time coping with my wife having cheated on me with our neighbor in the post he outlines an immense detail his experience catching his wife cheating on him over a year prior at the time though little did everyone know that this would be the spearhead of the absolute turmoil that he and his family would soon begin to endure so quick side note before we move on I did a story narration back in my redditor escapes occult video and you guys seem to like it for this one we're going to lay things out largely the same way we'll go through Jason's full story before diving into the aftermath of how things turned out the original post is about an eight-minute read so if you'd like to grab a snack or drink before we get into it now would be the time [Music] coping with my wife having cheated on me with her neighbor it has been 476 days since I confronted her about it how do I know because every time I catch myself thinking about it I tell myself it's only been next days maybe you won't think about it tomorrow so to go back to the beginning I just taken on a new project and new responsibilities at work I was working a lot of hours 60 plus per week and was noticeably stressed it was in May of 2015 that I noticed that she had a password on her phone when confronted about it she told me it was just because she was planning my Father's Day present and didn't want me to ruin the surprise about a week later she came to me and told me that she felt guilty keeping a big secret from me and told me that she was having her neighbour a contractor build a home office for me as my present it struck me as odd as in our six years together she's never said she felt guilty about anything and always insists that she never regrets anything in her life time goes on her phone is still password-protected and things don't feel right I see her using her phone and smiling to herself more and more often but when I ask her what she's doing she says nothing and puts her phone away so one morning I wait for her to get in the shower and I grabbed her phone before it requires the password I go through her messages and find that she's texting the neighbour I'm all covered in frosting you want to lick it off there were no other messages to the neighbor but I found out later that was because she had set up her phone to delete messages after a certain amount of time I felt uncomfortable with it but I knew she had a perverted sense of humor and I thought she would never do anything to hurt me more time goes by and the neighbours spend more and more time at our house but the office is being completed slower and slower I can't help but worry that something isn't right so I start checking her location using Google timeline it was at this point that I realized that there are large gaps in her GPS history because she was turning off her phone's GPS fast forward to July and at this point the paranoia is driving me nuts so I tell her that a need to install a new antivirus on her phone while she has it unlocked for me I install an anti-theft software so I can remotely turn the GPS back on and set up AT&T message backup and restore so I can read all of her text messages from that point on my computer the next day my mother asked to spend time with my two kids so my wife drops them off with her and as the day to herself i watch my wife's activity from work and she spends the day trying to meet up with a neighbor but is unsuccessful because he's busy with another job sites that night we get the kids back from my mom's house and we go to dinner with a neighbor his girlfriend and his son my wife and his girlfriend are having a good time drinking laughing and just joking around his girlfriend mentions that she'd like to see Magic Mike I say it's a good idea and I'll watch the kids so my wife in her can go so my wife and her go and the neighbour and I go back to my house so the kids can play video games together the kids are back in my son's room playing games and the neighbours sitting across from me on the other couch it's at this point that my wife starts texting him she's describing sex acts that she would like to perform with him and he's reciprocating she tells him to check his snapchat and at the same time I get a snapchat from her too and it's her fingering herself in a bathroom stall they keep talking trying to figure out when they can meet up and have sex they decide on Monday morning after I go to work so in my head I already plan to pretend to leave and circle back to catch them but didn't they tell each other they love each other and it's all I can do not to leap off the couch and knock him out but I contain myself and continue reading the conversation unfolding in front of me then he tells her you're my girl now to which she replies always have been ending with him writing and always will be my wife in the neighbours girlfriend returned from the movie and I asked him politely to sit down I didn't ask the kids to stay in my son's room and shut the door I returned to the living room and confirmed my wife in the neighbor I say so you two love each other huh and my wife goes into full-blown denial mode and the neighbours girlfriend starts smacking him I asked my wife is she's been texting him she says no so I show her the text messages she admits to it but says it was the first time that it went that far I asked my wife if she sent in pictures she says no so I show her the picture and she admits it but says it was the first time I ask her if she's having sex with him and she says no because I didn't want to catch them having sex together I didn't have evidence to prove her wrong so that one stayed unresolved I tell her that I'm leaving her and she tells me that she'll make sure that I never see my kids again if I do she planned on using the fact that I had attempted suicide in high school to prove me unfit to have children she continues to say that it was my fault for being so busy with work and stressed out that she just wanted someone she could talk to then she gives me an ultimatum to decide what I'm going to do or she'll decide for me the neighbours girlfriend starts defending the two of them saying that it couldn't have been that serious if they weren't having sex and that my wife and I are too perfect together to let this break us up the neighbors go home and my wife and I argue for the rest of the night about what we're going to do we go to bed separately having not resolved anything we keep going back and forth on the subject all weekend and finally settle on we were going to separate temporarily while we figure out what we want I was going to stay in the house and she was going to take the kids and go to her mom's house that Monday I go to work and I get a text from her in the middle of a meeting with my boss is stating that she had explained things to our kids but they were upset and I needed to explain things to them also I get home from work to find my kids crying she had told him that mommy had to move out because dad was mad at her when my son wanted to stay with me she told him that he can't my son put it together that if mommy has to move out because I'm mad at her and he must move out then I must have been mad at him too my daughter was crying because my son was but I don't think that she was old enough to understand what was happening it was at this moment I realized that she was going to drag the kids through hell if I left her so I swallowed my feelings and begged her to stay she agreed and insisted that I apologize to our neighbor since we were still going to need to hang out with him because our sons are good friends I hate it but I do it anyway we still hang out with him from time to time and they come to our various birthday and holiday parties but I'd do anything for my kids and I behaved civil every time things die down for a while I still think about it constantly I worry how I can keep from making her so unhappy that she cheats on me again almost a year after the original incident around Father's Day again she sends him pictures again she claims that it was an accident and that she meant to send them to me instead I don't fully believe her but I move on anyway things have been quiet on that front for about four months now but I still think about it constantly this is going to sound stupid but I feel like I have a part of my brain that I can't shut off that's always thinking I used to use that to solve programming problems and it may be very good at my job but ever since this incident the only thing it thinks about is her and him and if I did the right thing my job performance has suffered and I feel like I haven't gotten sleep in months I'm afraid that after this much time and the fact that I begged her back left to say that I want a divorce now would only make her more vindictive towards my kids than I I just feel like I put myself so deep in a hole that I could never get back out I haven't really talked to anyone about this I didn't want to talk to my mom about it because I felt like she would treat my wife differently and I didn't need the two fighting any more than they already do I tried talking to one friend about it but his advice was to put my trust in God but that was not much solace for me as I'm an atheist so I have no clue what to do with my feelings or how to move on from this in response to Jason users chimed in with a mixed value of emotions to get the full picture on all the flack that he was getting for this here are a few examples I cannot believe you stayed with her I cannot believe you begged her Tuesday I cannot believe you apologize to your neighbor smack the [ __ ] out of that old man go to an attorney and talk about ways to get custody of your kids your wife's a [ __ ] staying in a marriage for the sake of the kids never works out she obviously was sleeping with him and then got you to apologize to him she denied it all she will put you through the wringer when you divorce her but you should do it chances are now she is a second phone and an email address to talk to him your wife is vicious and toxic and you have to decide if you divorce her now or when your kids have moved out the sooner the better so this all would be a lot for anyone to handle taking some of the serious grounded advice that a few people have thrown in there was pivotal for him to begin moving on from this and so we did four nights later on November 1st Jason would return to the relationship advice subreddits and make a follow-up post being titled I'm taking your advice he explains his next move instead of trying to fix something that she doesn't want to fix I'm going to get myself and my kids out I meet with an attorney next week thank you everyone for helping me see how far I had my head up my ass in response to this one reddit wished him luck in his endeavors reinforcing the idea that he's making the right move but then something strange would happen going through the comments a bit deeper reveals something a little odd like we said yes people were commending him on his decision but about a week later people began jumping back into the post linking a news article that seemed to align with this situation which striking accuracy good evening i'm jeff smith.thanks for joining us to Montgomery County children are dead tonight their mother 30 year old brandy Worley says she is responsible for their deaths News 18s Krista Henery joins us now live from the Tippecanoe early Montgomery County Courthouse tonight with more on this developing story Krista well Jeff this morning when I asked Sheriff mark Castillo if Worley showed any kind of remorse he entered with no and then went on to say quote she and fact acted very matter-of-fact according to ABC 6 Indianapolis on November 17th of that year a Montgomery County mother was charged with two counts of murder after police say she admitted to killing her two young children according to the probable cause affidavit brandy Worley told police that her husband was divorcing her and I did not want him taking them so I stabbed them the children's father Jason Worley was sleeping in the basement at the time of the crime according to court documents Jason had filed for divorce on Wednesday citing an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage as the reason for the divorce now this definitely carries tons of parallels to the original story here we have a woman named brandy Worley who in cold blood murdered her children citing the fact that she didn't want Jason taking them as her motive on the other hand on reddit's we have this story by this Jason and hell guy who has the same first name might I add about his unnamed wife being unfaithful and how he just filed for divorce and lastly in his original story he relayed the fact that his wife claimed that he'll never see the kids again at the two split back when this was unfolding people were speculating that this might be the same guy tons of signs were pointing to this but most were simply trying to maintain that tiny sliver of skepticism that was until November 21st when Jason would return to do one last follow-up essentially confirming everyone's preconceptions thank you I would like to give a heartfelt insincere thank you for the advice and support I've received here no one could have foreseen the tragedy that resulted from me filing for divorce you guys perform a wonderful service to those in need and I hope you continue to do so in the future below this he attached a link to the same news article outlining the situation and it was at this moment that everyone realized just how real this entire thing actually was [Music] eerily Brandi was the one that stoic Lee reported this to the authorities on November 17th 2016 at approximately 4:30 in the morning she'd make a phone call [Music] Montgomery County 911 where's your emergency honest and shake come on town Darlington hey what's going on there I saw myself and I killed my two children you stabbed yourself and killed your two children mm-hmm okay I want your name and you only Brandi why why okay how you spell your last name dang it oh la la why and where they were their children at my daughter's name on everyone in your daughter's room 104 okay and and what caused you to do this today my head no I did the horse I went to pick my kid and what want him sound like it okay and how old are your children hold on three 10:03 so one seven three mmm okay and where did you stab yourself at my okay are you bleeding oh okay where are you out dispatch in my living room you're near living here according to court documents the two children Tyler in Charlie Worley were stabbed resulting in deep lacerations on both of their necks Brandi had stabbed herself in the same place as well but this surprisingly didn't end up killing her shortly after this brandi was treated at the hospital for her stab wound and about a week later was admitted to jail or she sent for 476 days up until her final sentencing in 2018 she was convicted of two counts of murder totaling at 120 years in prison according to Fox 59 Brandi was expected to claim the insanity defense but ended up settling for a guilty plea she appeared to be just as unremorseful as she did in the 9-1-1 call she spoke in a very matter-of-fact manner when describing her crime it was heart-wrenching to hear her speak as she did all I wants and have ever wanted was to have her out of sight and mind so I can move forward from this horror [Music] to this day brandy Worley sits in the Rockville Correctional Facility in Park County Indiana serving out her time in prison for the remainder of her life as for Jason he's made a return to Reddit under the nickname Jason encode giving everyone a much requested update on how he's coping here he claims that it's been incredibly far from easing and at times he's considered taking his own life due to the anguish caused by the passing of his beloved children regarding the sentencing he believes that Brandi shouldn't have gotten the death sentence because that's what she would have wanted and after nine years of giving her exactly that he wanted to avoid it in any way he could overall though Jason mostly claims that he's doing better and becomes more so with each passing day if I can impart you on something that I have learned through all of this it's that you should always take the time to be with the ones you love it doesn't matter if they're asking you to read the pokey little puppy for the millions time we're asking you to play smash broz even though you know that they'll wipe the floor with you every time just do it because you never know what time will be the last time always make sure they know how much you love them I had the fortune that the last thing my children ever heard me say was I love you good night I'll see you in the morning [Music] thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one I love you all and good night [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 3,302,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jasoninhell, u/jasoninhell, creepy reddit, reddit documentary
Id: 87N24uZ2Fl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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