The RTX 4060 is the strongest argument to buy AMD

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okay so it's official embargo lift day for the RTX 4060 and let me tell you right now I'm really starting to hate graphics card reviews EK waterblocks nucleus series aios are a closed loop and maintenance-free way to keep your CPU nice and cool for maximum performance compatible with the latest Intel and AMD CPUs the nucleus AIO comes in both the Luxe Edition featuring argb lighting as well as a dark version for a clean light free aesthetic and an ultra clean look daisy chain fans allow for a super easy install while the thicker cold plate provides an improved cooling experience versus the competitors to see the full list of specs and sizes follow the sponsored Link in the description below okay so just just to address a couple of things on that teaser holy cow did I underestimate how much people would hate us just giving you some early information regarding a title that we already used I just need to set something straight here like first and foremost the only thing Nvidia told me I couldn't do which one 1440p which I think was kind of stupid considering the fact the card actually performs decent in 1440p regarding all those settings and stuff that I toggled and turned on I did all of that so I I mean whatever I guess whatever imaginary paycheck you guys think I got for that clearly bought a house or something I wish that were the case but it's not but you know what for those of you that are still here and appreciated the fact that all I was trying to do is give you some early information to maybe make a buying decision on was not intended to be a part of some Nvidia marketing conglomerate but if anything I should have learned from the past because I remember when Linus did the 8K gaming thing for the RTX 3090 and realized what a fiasco that was but anyway Lessons Learned I even had a conversation with the media today saying this was all a bad idea and I don't mean like working with us in terms of doing well maybe working with us was a bad idea but doing early teaser stuff never goes well and it even went very poorly for AMD back in the day so with all that said if you're still here I'm gonna go ahead and give you some uh too long didn't read right up front my recommendation having now tested the 230 to 299 dollar range and then put the 4060 TI in there just because it's the next tier up from the 46c in terms of nvidia's product stack offering by the 6700 XT like there it is right there because what you're going to see in these charts moving forward is the 6700 XT and its recent price drop from AMD across the board puts it at a very significant Contender at the same price of the RTX 4060 and even better than it in many titles and it's not Nvidia if you don't want to support Nvidia so there is that but anyway moving on let's go ahead and get into the benchmarks here the fun thing about this whole mid-range um shootout is the fact that we actually have three contenders Intel's Arc series The a750 Limited is what we use for Intel because a770 I guess are just shortages on that card for some reason and the prices are really ridiculous like over 700 on Amazon which is really odd but the a750 you can still get for 230 bucks something like I have all the pricing in here and we'll we're going to say pricing to the end when you see exactly how all these cards shape up with not launch pricing but today pricing and I think that's one major thing I'm going to change when it comes to doing some of these these um comparisons comparing launch pricing means nothing because as new products come out price is usually adjust so we compared prices to today on Amazon us and uh either Newegg or Amazon I don't use Micro Center their pricing's far too low and their availability is far too limited for people that don't live within driving distance of one because you can't buy online anyway so with all that said 40 60 TI just because it's the top 60 series that you can see how far behind it is a750 rx 6700 XT the um the found I say Founders the OEM card the 4060 dual which is the Asus card that was sent to us by Nvidia I even said this in the video and a lot of people were like I thought you quit an Asus you big liar it's like I didn't ask for this card I wanted the MSI they sent me this anyway the RX 7600 which is the mid the mid-tier offering for the current generation for AMD the RTX 3060 tough which is the obviously the previous um 60 series card 2060 super and the reason why I chose the super rather than going with the 2060 non-super is if you recall when Nvidia like turned tsmc back on to start making 20 series 2060 again when 30 series was so hard to get it was actually the super cards that they made I think that's just because of the fact that there was a little extra performance there costs them no more to make make and they were able to make money on those and the 6600 XT Merc which is again right around that price range now this the the pricing stack between 200 bucks and 300 bucks is extremely crowded there's a ton of cards spanning multiple Generations like the stupid thing is the fact that you could spend just as much right now on a 2060 super on Amazon as you would for the uh 6700 XT like that that's just stupid and no wonder why people are super confused but anyway starting off with Port Royal which is just an RT test it's a synthetic it is designed to make small differences look larger on charts but it is a test nonetheless so as you can see right here ironically the a750 dominated that one now remember Intel recently got some major driver improvements that showed across-the-board improvements on their a series A700 series graphics cards so the a750 started performing like an a770 and the a770 started performing like an a780 which doesn't even exist in fact their little star asterisks was like up to 30 performance gain in certain titles what that really means is one title gave 30 everything else might have been like 15 to 20 but whatever percent is percent and it didn't cost you anything but the 6700 XT which I don't even have one on here I have the 7600 right here um was our winner in Port Royal which is funny because remember AMD is on a previous gen RT but it's just the 6700 xt's price drop is why it's even in this chart which means now you got an upper tier card like the 6700 XT for previous it says 46. no one cares uh 6700 XT previous gen AMD card now performing in a in a price point that makes it compelling even though it's previous gen and it's not Nvidia and it's not Intel so people can buy that and be happy about it but if you look at the stack it pretty much has a pretty linear chart to it 2060 slower fairly by like 20 points than the 30 60 tough remember the super is higher than a 60. so if I had a 2060 it'd be a bigger Gap but 2060 super is what you can buy today at the near same price point um the 7600 this little bitty guy right here definitely holding its own in RT but if you move on to time spy extreme which is a rasterization test the 4060 TI is barely edging out The a750 Limited from Intel they're starting to feel like an Intel review to be honest again no but it's like the card series it keeps on giving right behind that again the 6700 XT again these are synthetics they're designed to really utilize uh the engine and the core architecture perfectly and then make little gaps look way bigger on charts but anyway the 4060 dual coming in like right in the middle right behind the 7600 like literally 30 not even 30 points behind it so we're talking about real games though not synthetics we're going to start with Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is a heavily heavily AMD optimized title but no one ever gets mad about that people only get mad if anything is even somewhat skewed towards Nvidia so I use Borderlands 3 because it's a balance system some titles will favor Nvidia some titles will favor AMD this one is heavily AMD favored at 6700 XT giving us a 1080p performance at 135 FPS oh and yes by the way my 40 60 in this particular charts like I said are running 1440p because I think a 300 card better be able to run 1440p and I said that in my video about the teaser I should have pushed back harder and told Nvidia no we're going to do 1440p but anyway moving on 19 or 93 FPS in 1440p for the 6700 XT if we look at the 4060 dual it's literally right in the middle again 95 FPS 1080p 67 FPS 1440p maxed settings those are the badass settings remember they have like interesting names for the settings those are badass settings so why on Earth and video would have wanted to hide the 67 FPS in 1440 is beyond me but maybe it's because the 6600 XT Merc is 107 FPS versus 95 and 73 in 1440 versus 67 again heavily AMD optimized title I could just stop it right there and be like AMD is the best but we can't do that because obviously the titles simply tell the bigger story as you move on and the 2060 super if anything it shows if you're and you'll see as these charts go on if you're on the 2060 super any card on this chart is an upgrade okay the thing is if you had to get if you had to pay full price for it it probably wouldn't be worth going from a 2060 to a 30 60 or even a 40 60. you would have to get like most of your money back for your card to make it worth it cyberpunk 2077 RT on here comes all the show comments once again our RT settings are always set to to high or or Ultra actually no our settings are not set to ultra we said we do ray tracing High because of the fact that I feel like Ultra is more performance hit without as much visible eye candy so I feel like that's a terrible setting I turned on Ultra and our teaser because I wanted to see what is the worst possible performance you could get out of a 4060 but all that turned into was was the worst possible teaser you could do as a YouTuber so moving on because of cyberpunk definitely is good at utilizing dlss and dlss 3.0 these are non-frame gen by the way we do not turn on frame gen in our tests because of the increased latency and the fake frames so fake frames and smoother FPS for increased latency in terms of input latency is not something that I'm personally interested in so none of these tests include frame gen rton is also no dlss so I need to point that out this is RT on no other upscaling down scaling features this is just raw performance with rt cores doing all of the calculation 4060 TI of course at the top 40 60 dual right behind it again this is because of the fact that we are on third gen RT cores for NVIDIA and second gen RT cores for AMD the 30 so it goes 40 60 TI 4060 dual 30 60 tough then a 750. just still not terrible although you can tell there's no upscaling happening because we're talking like the best card on here and 1080p is getting 45 FPS which is absolutely like terrible nobody would ever want to play that way the 2060 supers down to 24 and then the um the a750 is getting 28 and 13. so again these numbers right here are awful and this is why I use cyberpunk because of the fact that the game without any of the upscaling Technologies turned on no xcss which would give Intel uh obviously optimized boost there no FSR which would give AMD a boost and no dlss which would obviously give Intel abuse this is just core for core performance numbers right here moving on to no RT you can see that those numbers jump up significantly and that's just because cyberpunk and that was not with the full path tracing either that was implemented into the game that's a whole different setting that's off because turning that on would probably cut those numbers in half again if you take a look at the numbers though again the 6700 XT is right behind the 4060 and it's a hundred dollars less well just about a hundred dollars less that's like 85 dollars less less so you guys will see the prices I figured out here and then right behind that the 7600 then the 4060 dual so again that optimized Nvidia Shilling stuff as you can see AMD and this is my fault this is my fault you know why because I told Nvidia I'm going to compare our teaser against AMD cards and guess what I didn't do I didn't compare it against AMD cards so the the absence of AMD in that teaser definitely made it look like some sort of an advertisement and I intended to do it this way but that was a video created in haste and that's my bad but the a750 is getting 78 FPS in ultra settings these are all ultra settings there's no RT just Ray tracing off which I think a lot of people still tend to do just for the performance hit which I think you should do in a mid-range card especially with a game like cyberpunk 78 versus 54. now you can see right there though why they didn't want 10 1440p on in this test it's 47 FPS and 1440p for 40 60. in fact it had almost the lowest 1440p numbers so that goes to show even though it's an eight gigabyte card with the uh higher um L3 cache it doesn't help in this instance because it's still obviously having plenty of Misses which means it's going to vram and obviously less vram uh holds less data and that's going to affect your FPS so there you go moving on Shadow the Tomb Raider another older title that um really allows the cards to sort of ramp up to see what their their Max FPS can look like I mean we're talking 6700 XT is 165 FPS in 1080. again that's another AMD Title by the way Shadow the Tomb Raider is an AMD somewhat biased title even though it has dlss in it which is kind of interesting 113 FPS for 1440. you can see the 4060 here is right under the 6700 XT but still a pretty pretty big drop from 165 to 152 and 1080 and 113 down to 97 and 1440. again highest settings they call it highest in this game uh let's go ahead and turn RT on which is just Shadows by the way uh and Shadow irony shadow of the Tomb Raiders Shadow Ray tracing drops things you know quite a bit but still again the 6700 XT right on the heels of the 4060 TI and that's a 100 more card versus the 4060 non TI let's move forward now to Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy no RT the 4060 TI is almost hitting the FPS cap but 6700 XT again right behind it at 156 FPS for 1080 113 for 1440 40 60 again right behind that and you'll see these numbers really do like kind of keep most of their particular like ordering sometimes they reorder a little bit but they almost stay in the same hierarchy in most of this in fact this is where I need you guys to get a little bit of feedback I'm debating on these charts instead of having them reorder fastest to slowest having everything maintain its spot and then you see the charts move I I personally like when they order highest to lowest but the thing is you'll have to stop and then re- kind of adjust your your indexing of your vision as to like what cards are on the left I think maybe we should start leaving them in one spot and having the bars just move sign off down below which one you think is going to be better for you to review to absorb the information but if you look at Guardians with no RT look how cluttered look how cluttered the bottom half of this chart is between the a750 the 6600 XT the 7600 the 2060 super and the 3060 tough is a difference of 10 FPS and then if we look at 1440p 91 81 91 88 and then I can't actually see what we're getting for they're in 90. so it's 91 89 91 88.90 literally like those those five cards are like identical in the performance there turn on RT though and then everything kind of like whoop stretches out and again you have first gen RT for for Intel second gen RT for AMD and third gen RT for uh Nvidia and then that's exactly how that stat goes no surprise there I still don't think RT should be something you base your buying decisions on especially in this price point because of the fact the performance hit is not worth the eye candy unless you're taking screenshots all day which I don't know anyone that actually does that Gears of War 5. um pretty stretched out title it's interesting though if you take a look at the 2060 super it performs pretty admirably in 1440p versus the 6600 the a750 and the 7600 and that's just simply because of the fact that it has more vram but Gears of War um it's pretty I mean the charts are kind of linear in this sense except for the 2060 super ironically it's getting decent FPS in 1440p faster than the 6600 XT faster than the a750 by quite a bit and just barely slower than the 7600 and then moving on to Forza Horizon 5. um again 4060 TI at the top should be its most expensive card it should be at the top on every test which it is that card aside the 6700 XT once again at the top you can see why I said that too long didn't read too long didn't watch version at the beginning of this video I'm like 6700 XT CBR recommendation when it comes to the price point in this particular card there's plenty of them new on the market these charts definitely speak for themselves because if we turn on RT with Metro Exodus you can see things spread out and then ironically again the AC a750 limited just punching above its weight class going what the hell guys don't forget about me because those Intel devs and those Engineers are definitely hard at work you know they're not stopping with the a770 I'm excited to see what their future looks like but you've got a pretty big spread between 1440p in the 2060 super at 39 and the 4060 TI at 64. but again the prices are much closer together than these FPS spreads are which means it starts to become harder to make a GPU decision in that price point because they definitely are like doing this with each other and then they're all around the same price point be quiet is proud to announce their all-new white lightwings high performance argb fans available in 120 and 140 millimeter sizes all fans are pwm and available in either a 7 Blade or a 9 blade high performance model lightwings fans feature argb Lighting on both the front and the back allowing for a customized appearance no matter which way the fan is facing available in either a single fan or a triple pack with a Fan Hub included the new white lightwings fans from be quiet or an obvious choice for PC enthusiasts who demand performance and Silent operation to see the full list of specs and availability follow the link in the description below speaking of price this is what the pricing looks like 3.99 for the 4060 TI Fe 8 gigabyte and 4060 dual at 299 6700 XT at 299. now what I said about these prices these prices are what I found them for right now about an hour before making this video seeing what current availability on brand new cards are if you're willing to buy used you're going to get an even better deal than this 299 for the 4060 dual versus 299 for the 6700 XT and here's the crazy part you can get a 6750 XT which gives you even a little bit more performance bump for about 25 to 29 more so now you're talking like 329 or so to get a 67.50 XT which gets you more performance boost than that percentage extra in cost so realistically the 6700 XT I chose it because it's like right at that price point but if you got a little bit extra money to spend 6750 XT definitely worth it same thing goes for the 6600 XT and the 6650 XT do you remember the 50 Series 6650 67 50 69 50. those came out as like mid generation cards for the 6000 Series where they had better yields and they were able to push the cards farther and get more performance out of them and they kept them at roughly the same price so it's a little bit bumped but AMD has recently dropped prices on cards that made it to retailers and e-tailers very quickly and time for this review which is why you're seeing the 6700 XT coming in at 299 now here's the crazy part a 30 60 tough and yes the 30 60s do have 12 gigabytes of vram and some of these tests showed on 40 60. you still can run out of uh cash which means eight gigabytes at the same price that's why people were very upset like give us the 12 gigs and Nvidia is really leaning into the whole let's make the cash larger thing so the buffer pool won't matter as much but you still have to feed the cash from your buffer pool and vice versa they have to communicate like all misses have to go to the vram and guaranteed with titles what they are today even in 1080P you can easily start to run out of a video buffer and that's the real reason why they don't want 1440p tested with these cards like even in the bench like The Benchmark guidelines and stuff which for the most part we don't utilize for NVIDIA they all talk about this being a 1080p card 1080p 1080p 1080p I think it can perform fine in 1440p if you're willing to make caveats in certain or concessions in certain settings but the 8 gigs in 1440 will definitely find situations where it's running out of cash anyway but the 360 like I started to say 289 still so for ten dollars more I'd rather have the 40 60 sure I'm still stuck at eight gigabytes but you have a faster card but that's only if you're not willing to consider the 6700 XT I would still take that card over the uh the 30 the 360 for sure and over the 40 60. because that's exactly what AMD did they gave you 12 gigs on the 6700 XT and that's definitely helping it I think in its case here the 7600 at 269 I don't feel like I feel like I'd rather spend the extra money get the 6700 XT versus the 7600 XT again newer version card their next Generation RT cores and stuff but at this price point I don't think RT should be your buying uh influence at all and I I would take the 6700 XT with 12 gigs of vram over the 7600 all day long the a750 though you saw how well it was performing it it's really high on some of the charts and towards the bottom bottom of others but it's 240 dollars 240. that's really hard to scoff at anyway and then the 6600 Merc at 229 clearly the cheapest card but also definitely had the biggest ups and downs outside of the Intel card in terms of how the particular titles hit it so that's the thing is you if you take a look at the the price spacing the 6700 XT definitely looks like the biggest value right now the most cards aren't going to be available forever they are previous gen they're not making them anymore there's still a surplus but that's not gonna last forever so if you're watching this video and you're leaning towards a card and you are agnostic you don't care about if it's AMD Intel or Nvidia it's really hard not to recommend and say go buy the 6700 XT if you're an Nvidia Fanboy and you're charging at 3 300 or you're looking at 300 bucks you're going to spend it on the 4060 anyway or maybe a previous gen card like you could definitely get yourself like a 3070 for that price and then that would that'd be a better card than a 4060. the gap between 40 60 dual or not the Dual but just 40 60 and the 4060 TI both price and performance wise just makes no sense I don't know why Nvidia could have made this card faster and kept the price where it is they could have given it more vram and kept the price where it is but this is just their business model currently anyway there we go take the information for what it is watch out all your other favorite reviewers there's a you're going to find a lot of contrasting ways of doing testing and you can take your time these cards aren't selling out no one's running out to buy Cards these days so if you stuck around this long kudos to you thank you for watching we appreciate all of you guys I need your feedback though on the charts do you want the cards to stay in their spot and then their bars just move that way you can easily see like oh these two cards how they compared rather than reordering them top to bottom uh I think that's what you guys are going to lean towards but I want to hear it and confirm with you guys anyway thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 308,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4060, rtx 4060, 4060 ti, rtx, nvidia, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia, jayztwocents, pc gaming, pc, computer, computers, personal computers, best gaming gpu, best gpu for 1080, 1080p gpu, best gpu for gaming, cheap gaming, inexpensive gaming, 300 gpu, $300 gpu, $300 video card, video card, 6700xt, 4060 vs, 4060 vs 6700xt, 4060 vs 2060, 4060 vs 7600
Id: WmcrikP7ALA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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