Guess Wrong and Face the Consequences

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I'm going to build a computer that's normal the part that's not normal is that I have to guess the price of every single component that goes into it I mean everything from the CPU to the fans to the graphics card to the mouse which seems like it should be pretty easy right well here's the catch the farther I am from the right price the worse my punishment from the wheel of Doom will be I have selected none of these parts I haven't looked up anything ahead of time and we're using regular MSRP from either neweggs listing or the product website no sale prices what we do have though is a sponsor like this one Govi turn a regular old wall into a showcase for your creativity with govi's curtain light with a DIY mode versatile effects and voice control the possibilities are endless it's also ip65 water resistant for when things get moist I don't know why you'd need that and I won't ask check it out at the link below the rules are simple I'm gonna guess the price when I go to install the product and depending on how far off I am I have to spend a different wheel actually and take my lumps if I am 10 off the price I spin the tier one wheel if I'm 20 off that's tier two and if I'm over 30 off that's tier three now hold on just a gosh darn minute here ah wear a wig get flicked with elastic I mean this must be tier one oh no tier three do a shot of the bomb wax a patch of your leg or arm good gravy I'm gonna have to try not to be uh 30 off well this will be interesting and guess what speaking of the tier three punishments if I am within one percent of the original retail price I get to make someone else spin any wheel I want hey um gonna have some fun first up obviously we're gonna go straight for the CPU I think this is going to be a relatively easy one for me now you know all the prices ahead of time I picked all these on all the prices I've put them all here we've got the list everything that's a slight Advantage for you let's actually give you guys a look at the components that we're going to have today in the overhead cam while Andy takes the teleprompter off of that camera I was just using that for the intro so we've got a core i7 13700k some g-skill Trident Z5 and 8 terabyte SSD my goodness oh you've picked some really tricky stuff here today like pricing for example on ssds has been moving extremely fast and then really okay that's just not fair special edition monitors I mean even if I could guess exactly how much this particular model of monitor would cost us I know exactly what the Evangelion markup is or the Sonic the Hedgehog markup is you're not really playing Fair are you no all right that's the point let's kick I don't want to get any of the bad punishments that's not no no no please don't guess like right on the dot please don't all right I'm going to start with a the first component we're gonna need and B what should be one of the easiest components the core i7 13700k now I know the core I9 13900k is about 400 because I looked at this very recently and typically the step down core i7 is about 130 dollars less I'm trying to read them right now I'm trying to see if he's sweating Stone things sweating like he's gonna sweat if he has to do a shot of the bomb his own face I am going to say 279.99 and I believe that's what the I believe that's what the envelope is for yeah open the envelope I love that you went with a core i7 because you knew I was less likely to know that yeah the I9 and the I3 and the I5 what the hell yeah you're way off is this U.S pricing yeah that should be a new egg I'll I'll double check right now but I am like 100 sure that it's 420 for an i7 so I'm pretty sure that puts you 30 percent oh no it's not high five yeah the I5 is cheap yeah you gotta start with the tier three I'm pretty sure no do like math do the math I am dead hold on we made a nice little spreadsheet earlier okay thanks to Dan uh yeah so what is it what was what was your guess like uh uh 325 oh no cheating 20 20 oh good that wasn't my guess I said 279. oh yeah you're way yeah that's thirty percent [Laughter] how much is the I5 should I at least hold on a second Core i5 I just I had the I5 in my mind I just I was thinking i7 top tier I5 next but we have a core I9 here now oh no oh no thirteen five uh you know it's a 13 600k how much is a 13 600k oh what even though what the car even that's for oh no that's yeah that's Canadian okay I don't even know how much it is in the US it doesn't it's about 300 so yeah okay that's what I had in my mind I guess I get to spin the wheel oh crap spin the tier three uh wait no this isn't the tier three I clicked the wrong thing f11 it's been a different one okay there you go oh my God okay yeah he's gonna need one of them yeah thanks man oh that's probably uh that's the worst possible first punishment uh it's over here just get just get it okay oh crap this is this is probably the worst way to start the stream at least for you uh at least I get my processor you know the intention here was for me to show that I'm actually not that out of touch but I'm clearly I'm clearly outdated oh my God this is gonna be pretty bad we're not expired no I doubt hot sauce takes the same hot sauce takes like forever to expire oh my God you won't do a full shot I mean that would probably kill you we'll we'll kill you but like okay that seems like a lot that's a lot of that's a lot of hot sauce okay okay where's my water bottle I'll do a water bottle yeah let's buy a water bottle okay that's not that bad okay yeah you took a tiny little tiny bit it's getting hotter yeah please yes thank you okay oh my God okay we're just gonna try to bypass the mouth to the greatest degree possible here we've got some whipped cream too if you really need it nope I'm fine okay okay oh I'm gonna feel that tomorrow okay next up we've got the Sonic the get Space cups we've got the Sonic z790 motherboard um it's from ASRock it's ddr5 so this is a little more on the premium side but the co-branded products like this can kind of be all over the place either they'll retain their premium because they're pricing up never gets adjusted because they never produce any more of them or they will get marked down significantly because they never ended up selling I have no idea which way this one went but I really need to get this right I'm gonna say for 19.99 oh no open the envelope that's your price you got to be kidding me what is it oh okay we're gonna remove we'll remove the Devon shot so that you don't have to take another shot you want to keep it there no oh my God okay so yeah okay I'm gonna double check but I'm pretty sure that's tier three again let's do the math okay yeah that's more than 30 percent over okay oh my God just to be clear I don't know if I can do it again remove the bomb shot we can buy you in the face we can wax you okay I don't want you to be able to finish the Stream oh I thought maybe they wouldn't have adjusted the price okay you know what fine okay that's the only one everything else we'll keep just so that you could actually finish them okay oh my God so it's pie to the face of the face the good thing is the whipped cream is gonna you know help with the spice okay oh yeah this will this will take like a couple you know like a minute to get ready so uh okay I'll put the CPU in the motherboard okay um ah okay let's get this thing unboxed I bet this thing was that price when it launched man that's actually pretty reasonable for like a co-branded product this must have taken the second path where it didn't sell and ends up getting marked down or it's not a super premium z790 design and it's just a more basic board but with fancy branding on it I guess we'll find out soon enough you know I think we were supposed to unbox this on short circuit a while back and just kind of never got around to it oh that de bomb is it's hot very hot I took a lot less and I'm feeling it too yeah okay I'm probably gonna need an m.2 screw so I'll grab that for later other than that we got this we should get a time I'm fine oh good you know I don't even mind spice like I'll do spicy but man that stuff is for like flavoring a pot of soup that is not for just just consuming a pretty nice looking board actually wow I really like the style look at that they even got the Sonic ring in like one of those um I don't know what are these even called those like kind of 3d-ish uh perspective changing doodads so it kind of spins on the board assuming you're looking at your computer like this or whatever um Apple fan headers not a lot of pcie slots but that's actually come to be the norm even for Fairly high on boards four m.2 slots though love The Branding on the back we'll never see it I see to keep the stream shorter you've pre-installed the mounting hardware for our CPU Cooler that's smart given that it's a hyper622 um cooler Masters Mountain Hardware and that's kind of okay um do you want to come get the close-up to our CPU installation process are you ready I will tell you this though I give you my personal solemn Linus Tech chips guarantee when I get one within one percent you are oh yeah I'm putting the bomb back on there and you are spinning the tier three wheel okay it's a deal it's really ready give it to me okay oh oh wow that went everywhere okay we got a towel we've got a towel for here let me scoop some of that it never be said that I would not do anything for my craft dignity who needs it get some of that whipped cream and you cooled off the Devon delicious ah okay look at this fan this fan towel that we happen to have with a keyboard inspired texture on it once again guys please if you could buy some stuff that would be great support this poor struggling millionaire as he gets yeah forced to eat hot sauce there's a bunch on your shoulder uncut well while the towel is very clean I'm going for the face here yeah yeah how's the beard it's most of the way actually yeah you're looking pretty good you got a little bit around the eyes my eyes are blurry I think I may actually have whipped cream in my eyes I had them closed too so I don't know what the deal is with that yeah okay um again this is much on your shoulders yeah don't pretend you're trying to other side's worse oh my God yeah it's like a big Clump yeah okay all right um okay okay good well um let's move on okay do I look fine for the rest of the stream yeah okay yeah you look great this guy okay that's not happening anymore do you even have another pie no okay so it's just gonna be wax strips from here on out if I get anything that wrong okay let's do Ram has come down a lot what the heck is wrong with you okay he picks the most obscure possible Ram kit ddr5 8000 24 gig modules how the heck am I supposed to know how much one of these costs that's the only 24 gig module set that we have and it just happens to be a really fast kit okay okay I can work backwards from here okay we did a video recently where instead of doing a 16 gig kit we did a 32 gig kit because it was only about another 30 bucks which put it at 120 dollars that was DDR five six thousand okay this is 50 more capacity and a significantly higher speed bin so I'm gonna say well first let's account for the capacity so 50 higher so it's gonna be about 190 then the higher speed bin I'm going to say 269.99 269.99 okay come on okay here it is 269.99 okay we'll make a pile the most obscure stuff here man I think the most obscure stuff top of the line top of the line memory kit 400 just do the math it's zero over thirty percent Jake helped me pick the memory for what it's worth well let's spin the tier three wheel again will it be wax leg to the arm or wax leg and arm Patcher will it be wax leg and arm patch warm me up some wax I got some memory to install you couldn't pick anything easy like what is this keyboard I don't even know see I thought that you would get like the i7 I thought you'd get the motherboard I think you'll get the power supply you know how was I supposed to get the motherboard well Sonic Edition motherboard you know it's it's things have derailed a bit more than we expected them to we were also good 48 gig memory kit what the heck's a 48 gig memory kit ddr58 nobody even buys ddr5 8000 when's the last time we used ddr58000 in a video when's the last time I would be shopping for ddr5 8000 this is stupid memory don't buy it your integrated memory controller isn't even gonna hit these speeds if this system's not compatible what's your punishment yeah that's what I thought so you included stuff no one should buy let's get our memory installed here it is not the lack of tech tips that leads me to not know how much this costs it is the abundance of tech tips that leads me to not care how much these things cost I'm good fully recovered from my last two challenges I guess we should pull the float plane chat and ask them if it's going to be a leg or an arm I feel like it's the least we can do given that they subscribe for you know five ten bucks a month so they can decide is it going to be arm or leg let's move on to our SSD once again these guys are trying to bone me here but I think the answer is 420. it's an eight terabyte I know it's an eight terabyte okay look I already gave an answer I realize you're trying to help me here but like two terabytes are like a hundred bucks now yeah but do you remember how much that eight terabyte used to cost they've come down in price but not that much it's a thousand dollars you're more than thirty percent just get the wax strip where's the wax drip all right let's just do it it looks like we're doing two legs then two they voted leg yes well this is a perfect opportunity for me to show off our Tech pants these are an upcoming product that are um that we're expecting on sometime hopefully in the next like three to six months or so basically they're like uh they're Tech pants but not for necessarily you know like your your cable line technicians right they're more for if you work in a tech like office job and you need something professional looking but you also do Tech work so more like white collar Tech work so the idea is there they look professional like kind of dressy but these things are jam-packed full of all your favorite Pockets so you got a zipper pocket on the right you've got a second zipper pocket back here nice stealthy little zipper pocket I keep my air pods in there you've got a back pocket you've got a second back pocket that is perfect for the phone assuming you don't have a dumb dumb phone like I do that's foldable or whatever so that's kind of if you're a back pocket phone kind of character you've got just a regular back pocket oh wait there's a second zipper pocket if you like to put your change in your back pocket or if you like to put your wallet in a zippered pocket regular zippered pocket here but wait there's more zipper pocket over here so they're kind of like cargo office attire um really excited about these ones they're super comfortable and they're coming off all right nice so it looks like we're going to be doing first your leg then your arm first my leg then my arm okay well I'll let uh PLU fall let you decide then actually we can do the lower leg I guess yeah don't forget the underwear don't we don't have to take the pants off today okay well not yet we'll see what float plane chat says the next time I get one wrong by 30 percent all right because you've burned through it all of the tier three challenges already do you want to move the tears up a little bit nope nope okay I've committed to the challenge I guess generally you would shave the hair a little bit before you wax it yeah um yeah everyone knows what he's doing okay are you a wax expert ah you don't look like you've done this before uh why don't you just do the arm while we wait then yeah you know what go for the most visible spot thanks for that that was sarcasm no actually verbal irony dang I had done a whole thing in the pre-stream talking about the difference between the two and I got it wrong ready I mean I'm as ready as I'm gonna be give it a real good pull con e yeah don't show the people that that's disgusting that's what they give the people what they want that's uh that look look we've got the bear patch here though you can see the bear patch silky smooth um yep can confirm hair removal very effective okay all right it's done oh whoops sorry it doesn't be there we should have told me something to witness it he wanted to pull the wax oh he wanted to pull it well I'm sure it'll happen again don't worry let's get this SSD installed I'm gonna go with one of the easier access 7.2 slots how about this one oh did I say the reform.2 slots on this board there's three plus one that is Wi-Fi specific Where'd I put that screw man speaking of things that you can buy from to make me feel better don't forget that the best way to interact with the stream is through a merch message merch messages will show up in the bottom if you have a shout out for your so or for your mom or whoever else watches our streams or occasionally they will be curated by our producer badan over here and he will read them out to me to address for you all right SSD is installed all right the way to send a merge message is to head over to and then in the cart whenever we're live you're going to see a little field for Merch messages and all you got to do is type something in there and check out any order Works whether you're picking up something that you need right away or just grabbing a gift card for something that you want to pick up down the line like say for example one of these classy knock to a Edition LTT screwdrivers it'll be available in two color ways so with the cream base and brown accents and with the brown base and cream accents this is a we don't have the accent rings and cream yet but that will be accented this color so you can kind of imagine what that'll look like we've got a sign up sheet on the store so if you guys want to get a notification once these are ready to ship then you're going to want to make sure you sign up for that because initial production is going to be somewhat limited and if you want to get one right away you're going to want to make sure that you've got the notification sent to you all right we've got everything loaded up on the board other than the cooler I think from now on I'm just gonna have to assume that every single one of these parts is messing with me and I have to either take what I would assume is right and go way higher or way lower hyper 622 Halo white dual Tower hyper something um can't be that expensive it's Cooler Master you can ask questions as long as it's not how much does this cost I've got questions I don't got questions I I know it all right compatible with all the latest sockets it's a new model and I know that Cooler Master has been jacking up the prices of their coolers lately even though they're Cooler Master um 69.99 here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go I got it yeah you're pretty close I'm actually wow okay I'm only off by like seven percent yeah yeah yeah you're safe oh I got nothing no punishment first one all right success-ish uh let's get this thing installed then uh Dan do you want to hit me with a couple merch messages while I do that absolutely yeah I've got a couple here let's see um did you ever look into widget modular switch for your light switch issues oh I think I know which one you're talking about it looked super cool um but if I recall correctly oh man there was some obstacle either it was very expensive or it was like zigbee and I'm all in on Z-Wave or something or they didn't have millimeter wave um presence detection yet I can't remember what it is but I'm pretty sure I know the one you're talking about and it's super super cool they're these like smart light switches that have all these different like modular sensors and stuff that you can put in them like really really cool Tech but I think right now I'm waiting to see how project Linus from inavelli shapes up hoping for the best given that the code named the product after me um they also have taken pity on me and said that they will send at least some I don't I don't think I would expect them to send enough to kid out the whole place but at least some for me to try out and make sure that they're going to work properly before we commit um okay oh oh I feel so good it feels so alive I smell pie forever and hit me with another pie no oh okay uh let's see here uh you'd like that though wouldn't you so Anatoly here is saying that they will buy another tech sack if this one gets curated hello Mr Tech tip how long until engineering capacity will be enough to send a meme pillow to the Moon wow that's um I was gonna say that's a good question but it's not it's kind of a stupid question but I love it anyway we do not have that kind of capability and based on how that recent you know wealthy people foray to the bottom of the ocean went I don't think I'll be sending myself or any Tech pillows on a recreational trip to the moon anytime soon so I'm gonna go with not in my lifetime that is my that is my final answer all right Dan hit me again sure thing let's see what we got here this isn't how I want to do this when will Linus do a beat saber stream I just got to top 1000. oh wow um man I guess I haven't streamed lately it's been really inconvenient because um beat games keeps updating their game which is not inherently a bad thing it's good to update your game but the way that they update it is with these tiny little meaningless updates that happen extremely frequently that break mod support and it's a lot harder to stream when my mods aren't working properly so what I've been doing lately is I've just been playing and I haven't been I haven't been streaming it because every time I freaking go to stream they've issued some tiny little update alongside a new music pack that breaks support for third-party songs because they're you know yard into the game and so I guess they have no incentive whatsoever to make it any easier for us and I know there's guides for how to prevent the game from ever updating again but steam removed that functionality natively long long ago so it's some like stupid hacky work around now and I just haven't had time to sit down for the like 30 to 60 Minutes that it'll take me to figure out like what the whole process is you have to like set it to do you have to like set the folder to copy somewhere else and then update the game and then copy the files back in something something like it's not it's not like I can't handle it or whatever but it's just I just haven't put the time into it yet and so I just haven't been able to stream also I kind of have a broken wing right now I have no idea what happened what I've done to aggravate it but it feels like my old rotator cuff injury or maybe a slightly different one is back so for years I basically like couldn't lift my children and rely on my right arm like I had to kind of left arm it up and then like I'm fine once I'm in here but this motion there is like excruciating and this is okay up to here but there's like a I have a problem in my shoulder right now I don't know what I did but I'm not going to be playing any beat saber for a little while which is really upsetting because I wanted to take on Challengers at LTX which is coming up in gosh I think just over a month now hopefully I'll be healed up by then um I'll just be kind of doing what I did last time I guess which is kind of doing lots of little zero load rotations kind of trying to build the muscle back up but um yeah I'm really really frustrated right now honestly so no beef saver for the time being wow this is a really janky mounting mechanism how the devil are you supposed to put enough pressure on this thing thanks Cooler Master yeah thanks for that thanks for nothing ah really it's not catching got it oh yeah there we go I don't know if I want to tighten this down all the way my goodness oh nice break the freaking socket no that seems okay all right about the pressure down hit me with one more sure let's see what we have here [Music] um just moved into a new place setting everything up and doing some cable management hey any word on when the magnet system will be coming okay man you guys are asking the tough questions today uh let's uh let's go into Story Time Again it's my fault the product is done the packaging is designed the team has been waiting for me to figure out the branding for it and I finally made a decision a little while ago actually earlier this week it's been waiting on me for a month at least a month actually I finally made a decision and we got some pushback from particularly our incoming CEO and he's not wrong and I think we might end up just going back to the drawing board on it and the problem here is that we can't release it until we have packaging we can't finish the packaging like we've we figured out the the physical shape of the packaging but we can't design the packaging so we can't figure out the design of the packaging until we have branding we can't do branding until we decide on a name and we can't decide on a name until I decide on a name so it's all delayed because of me essentially um the problem is just that you know we're trying to come up with something that's cool but not too cutesy but that gives us room to expand the product line in the future so you know one of the challenges that I the garbage can go oh thanks oh ow oh the challenges that I brought up see the problem with a rotator cup injury is that when you're just doing things that don't hurt it doesn't hurt and then you forget and then you're like here you go buddy um anyway we will figure it out uh right right so I brought up that I didn't want to have anything to do with magnets in the name because what if we expand to a whole lineup of cable management accessories some of which are not magnetic and all of a sudden we have this like weird Legacy magnet branding right it's like uh I don't know maybe it doesn't matter I'm sure General Electric makes things that are not powered by electricity then again maybe they don't maybe they thought of that what are we doing next um the hexa mountain Macaulay Mouse killing me here I guess let's do the tower fantax nv7 full tower where are you at okay come on Andy let's go have a look oh wow this looks nice this is one of their new ones eh yeah it's huge uh oh crap oh this is the big one right there's the the three yeah yeah there's an N5 and an N7 and an N3 fantax always very reasonably priced though so even though we've got like uh like a bezel-less front and side window here man this is this looks really nice Cable Management out the back I guess and down the bottom so you've got this clean look even on the back that's pretty sick oh I guess we should make some room and actually bring it over there if we're gonna start installing things uh no I'll guess the price first I'll guess the price first it does not come with fans it doesn't come with fans no there's none there it doesn't come with anything's more like no fan tax got him um 160. if it was ended to be clear that's not because I don't know what a tempered glass case is worth if it was any other brand I would have said like 220 230. but fantax they tend to go really aggressive shoot 20 or 20 percent I just said it I just freaking said it tier two it's not tier three you don't have the wax anymore oh good we get to explore a whole new wheel of punishments Louisiana hot sauce that one's not as bad that's right it's way less way less spicy way less spicy way less pricey yeah just a little bit where is the line between punishments and actual torture well walk on Lego soak my socks and tweeze a nose hair or mustache it's your decision okay well tell you what you can move the cases and I will spin the wheel it's so heavy oh good more wax wait walk on Lego oh joy it's being at home simulator it's even closer because Yvonne brought this Lego Yvonne brought the Lego oh good so this is my actual Lego yeah that gets to take your sandals off oh I see yeah you're not cheating that you know of yeah just on the ground well for sure okay and so what you know I was thinking just like a good solid step on each you don't have to do a full fire walk kind of thing just like do a good one of one of each there and I do or I don't get socks no you get socks I get socks you'll get socks okay no shoes okay how okay some of these are pretty flat maybe my wife loves ow loves me still after all [Laughter] stupid okay well you know it could have been worse yeah thanks you're welcome could have been worse not a joke I'm gonna go through all of these punishments by the time we're done Dan hit me with a merch message while I get this stupid motherboard in this stupid case that costs too much it doesn't even clearly I recognize the value I gave you guys the price I just thought my bro fan tax had me with the wicked value on this case okay cheese okay I can't wait until you get your badminton courts project going would you ever do a come play badminton with Linus event um yeah I could see us doing something like that just to kind of promote the new center or something I know we're definitely going to be doing some content in it I'm gonna have like a crazy camera setup I actually did a video about making a Badminton Center camera setup I can't get this case open um a while back and I want to do an upgraded version of that that's like way more balling out although one thing that's going to affect the budget is that we went from planning to do Seven Courts to planning to do 14 courts and so when your costs scale linearly with the number of courts that you have um let's just say the Panasonic camera is what I was hoping for are probably not happening and we're probably going to go with actually oh I still have those hiccups ubiquity has some really cool security cameras that will run it up to 50 frames per second which I think is good enough for you know like a casual Sports recording and so if we could use those it would mean a few things it would mean that the importing the stream into OBS is as simple as just grabbing um I think they do ndi right they do ndi yeah it would be some as simple as grabbing either an ndi or rtmp Network video stream which is awesome and second of all it means that if we wanted to offer a service where people could take their games that they played whether it's a tournament or like a casual session if they want to look at it with a coach or they want to or they just like made some epic you know saves or whatever and they want to put it into their you know Cod Montage badminton Edition or whatever right if we want to have a service where people can take that footage away with them easily using ubiquity for that would be awesome because you'd basically just be using their NVR you would just go to the timestamp and like any security camera you just go okay from here to here on this camera and then you just have a file on the desktop and they just take it away with the USB drive or something like that I'd have to figure out the oh these are not right I'd have to figure out a more secure way to do that though like workflow wise obviously it would be really fast to have people just give us their thumb drive and we copy the files to it but that is not very secure unless this is a machine that I don't know is no we couldn't have it isolated from the network because it would have to be able to I don't know we'd have to we'd have to figure it out how to not plug mystery USB Keys into a system that's on our Network um maybe we just make people buy a USB key I mean they're so cheap these days you can get like five packs of them for like 20 bucks so like I don't know at least I think you can what do I know what things cost apparently nothing um In fairness to me In fairness to me they went out of their way to be dicks about this you know I had picked a whole bunch of other stuff and Jake was like nah that's too easy he's gonna get this he's gonna get this oh that eight terabyte drive it's come way down in price he's gonna guess like 1500 bucks and then you want the complete opposite way I can't believe you thought it was like 400 well based on the price per nand chip I'm not wrong about what it should be but it's also a pretty unique product in the market I don't think anyone else has an eight terabyte m.2 right now so there tends to be a premium for that anywho Dan hit me with the merge message maybe that'll make me feel better sure sure thing uh let's see do we have a planned release of the multi-colored screwdrivers been looking for a specific color for my father uh oh if you're looking for a specific color the only way to get that is to either go to LTX or make friends with someone who's going to LTX people are going to be building custom drivers in any color combination they want um actually there's someone grabbing that Lego before Andy trips yeah I'll pick it up I moved it I moved it out of the way a little belt already but I'll pick it up we are going to take our leftover parts and just do random drivers after but we just don't have a workflow to to take custom requests for that and put them together exactly like the warehouse is not set up for that so um right now the answer is I don't know um yeah sorry to be the bearer of bad news but anyone going to LTX will get an opportunity to participate in the booth it is going to be at a slightly higher price just because there was a lot of Costas I mean how many thousands of dollars did we have to pay for like Arbor presses I think yeah like if we spend a fortune on this stupid Booth not to mention all the short run like small plastic color runs that we did um but it's not going to be like outlandish I think it's like an extra 20 bucks but it's a whole experience you it's like kind of Build-A-Bear Workshop you build it yourself all that kind of cool stuff all right let's do the power supply this is really confusing Focus px850 now the last time I looked closely see Sonic's Focus brand was their budget tier but there's nothing budget about an 80 plus Platinum fully modular power supply with a 10-year warranty foreign what are you 850 watt power supply I would expect somewhere in the neighborhood of like 100 179.99 or something like that um for like a quality unit like this but I have to assume they've thrown me a curveball here somehow you know what I'm gonna mostly trust my gut I'm gonna go 189.99 yeah let's go spin the little blue get over here okay okay okay which one oh here's the bad one three boys okay Adam back I'm putting them back for if we get a pie we'll just double you can slap me with some five in your hand that's fine yes the same pie reuse the same pie same pie let's go okay the bomb uh semi spoon yeah yeah all right let's go there's a spin button I just click it yeah you just click it oh my God the pie I'm okay with the pie okay I'm okay with the fight I could do that you know all right now I get to prepare the pie add some whipped cream add whatever you want Oh My Gosh look how stupid it's pretty gross it's pretty gross oh that's all we get oh oh it's everywhere sorry okay hold on hold on shake it shake it like no no that's not the issue it's just down to the bottom yeah yeah yeah we've got a little bit I mean it's pretty aggressive okay you ready step away from the car okay we ready yeah all right ready one [Laughter] oh no we don't even have a flashlight I don't want to open my eyes um it's good enough is that on the table yeah yes my vengeance is sweet sweet like whipped cream I can't believe you were right on the money too like literally exactly 189.99 she made me have to be within one percent okay the odds of me getting any of these exactly right freaking slim as we've seen oh yeah man after how close I was on the case too where I actually said where I said yeah I had it exactly right and then I'm like no let's get something else man I was feeling betrayed by myself you feel Vindicated played myself now I have unplayed myself ah ah yes all right let's get this power supply installed wow this is a really compact power supply good job seesonic that's not just because you're a regular sponsor of the show we love working with CSUN those guys just good people good products good company um okay let's see if I can good figure out how to open up this case oh man sorry I'm not trying to be like a sore winner or anything but for the number of things that I had to do already I don't consider myself a winner I'm just a um um a commiserating Loser yeah enthusiastic commiserating loser uh okay hello okay so the top has to come off first I guess man you pick a confusing case yeah a weird layout and just trying to kind of bone me over one part after another here I'm gonna get cleaned up I'll be right back all right I'll be right back oh you go don't get to go click you use the towel already you gave me a dirty towel that's all I had left don't guess a price until I'm back okay this must come up but there it looks like there's a stopper here super weird um interesting interesting see look I see these things these are supposed to slide up for sure um but it looks like there's a little tab here that's preventing it from doing it I'm sure for people who know how this case works the answer is very very trays obvious um but I haven't seen it before hmm oh there's a screw well there's your answer I just was not tall enough to see it story My Life got screwed over there yeah that's the weak one it's a weak one hit me with a merch message Dan I'm gonna get this power supply installed sure thing let's see what we've got here pump for LTX is there somewhere where we can see the show exclusive merch I saw a desk pad somewhere on the platform that you said would be at LTX but can't seem to find pictures online has all the show exclusive merch so there's the three um what are we calling them artist Edition Artisan Edition I forget what we're calling them but basically uh three of our artists Lloyd Maria and Sarah all created special designs just for LTX so we have three desk pads that are all like LTX exclusive um we have a tie-dye shirts that look amazing we have tie-dye hoodies I think we have some lanyards uh I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff but if you go to we're going to have all the awesome show swag and if you're not going to LTX but you want to get a chance to pick it up all you need is the digital LTX pass on and the past is very simple you just have to subscribe at the 10 4K tier and as long as you are subscribed at the time that you are shopping and during LTX then you will be eligible to get the LTX exclusive merch it's one of those things where where I realized that me pitching this as like a feature will probably set off some of your cynicism alarms like oh wow I should be happy I'm allowed to buy this stuff but the reality of it is we were planning to make it exclusive to the show which makes the logistics a lot simpler for us and then people were really upset because they couldn't go to LTX but they wanted it so we came up with this as a compromise because you don't just like if a band goes on tour they don't sell the tour t-shirt like just to everyone like they it's for if you went to the show so we had to find a way to create like a digital access thing so that you could you know participate remotely but still you know get the T-shirt or whatever so we're trying to find a compromise right um that's what we came up with let's run some cables oh man can't believe I nailed that power supply thank you see Sonic for your predictable pricing you know just a reasonable price good quality product so happy with seasonic right now even though they had nothing to do with this video uh Dan you want to hit me with another sure we got lots here today um has lmg ever considered sponsoring a charity Marathon whether it's via money equipment or prizes uh yeah we have oh wait like a literal Marathon literal Marathon no but we sponsored ufd Tech doing like uh like the uh Cannonball round or something like that going across the country in the U.S um uh ufd was raising money to fight um shoot I forget exactly the uh the name of of his son's condition but they were raising money to fight it um trying to think we have dropped large donations on Paul and Kyle's like 24-hour streams before I don't think there was any running involved no offense Paul and Kyle I'm sure you guys could run if you really needed to um yeah I don't know it's one of those things where I don't think we've specifically sought out like like like Marathon things but um yeah I mean it's one of those things where if you reach out to info at um you know generally speaking we can't like we can't support everything but we do try to we do try to find causes that we're aligned with from time to time and and try to support those so you never know um yeah I guess that's kind of where am I running these I guess that's all I have to say about that for now CPU power connector get me down being that I want to purchase multiple as holiday gifts what's up with the stubby screwdriver when can we expect that we are still hoping to deliver the stubby screwdriver in time for LTX so that would be sometime in the next month or two that's the goal I'm really excited about the stubby screwdriver it's the same great ratchet um like it's not the stubbiest screwdriver here let me just grab it it's not the stubby screwdriver ever you can see the length relative to this noctuay Edition full size one that I have right here but it still has the in handle bit storage even if it's half the capacity and it still has the same great ratchet mechanism as the full-size driver and we did we did end up knurling the shaft so you can more easily manipulate this with your finger and thumb if you want to kind of get in there I'm really really excited about this one just when you're working in small spaces or whatever sometimes there just isn't room to fit a full-size driver and we had a lot a lot of requests for it hit me down I'm going to be cabling for a little bit so um you can you can burn through some of those here sure let's go for it hi Linus what was the worst PC case you have ever worked on and why oh the worst one that I ever worked on um is going to be uh it's gonna be a bit of an unintuitive answer because the actual worst or I shouldn't say unintuitive but maybe unfair the actual worst case I've ever worked on is probably you know some weird one-off small form factor thing or something but I'm not going to count that um I'm gonna I'm gonna count cases that should have been good you know that had sizable engineering budgets behind them and came from reputable companies that should have known better and I'm gonna go with the antec dark Fleet df85 it came out at a time when gpus GPU sizes had been on the rise for some time systems were getting you know hotter and um more power hungry and antec as a company actually had a lot of solutions to deal with these problems you know they had these they had larger cases and they had oh man people were people were starting to put lots of hard drives in their computers and stuff like that so they had they had cases that could accommodate tons of hard drives and they could take like oh man they created this CPX power supply standard that was like a a larger power supply so that you could put a 120 millimeter fan at the front of it blowing straight through and the idea there was that it would have less restricted airflow because it didn't have to the air didn't have to go in an L like you weren't blowing into it and then out the back you were just blowing straight through it super cool idea it never really took off so antec had all these ideas for how to solve these problems and then they took all those ideas and they put them in a fire with the dark Fleet 85 it's like they they designed this case and then never not even once built a computer in it with any of their other products to ensure that it would actually work at all it was just it was just shocking how bad the design was like it had these covers on the front of the of the CD-ROM DVD ROM Bays that just had to be completely removed from the case if you actually had an optical drive because if you tried to open it while it was in there it didn't automatically move out of the way like the covers on other n-tech cases that would just kind of flip out of the way and allow you to open the bay it just stopped it and it had a clip on it you could unclip it but then it would just hang there and probably get broken at some point like it wasn't spring-loaded or anything it had it had this like movable hard drive modular thing inside but it was basically impossible to install anywhere other than the default position that it was in if you had a GPU I was like K I have a GPU anyone buying this case has a GPU it was really expensive and it just yeah it was just it was shockingly shockingly bad for for what it was and from a company that had so much experience not just as a case manufacturer but as an innovator in the space it's so disappointing um I'm trying to think man I had another I had another really like utterly disappointing one in my mind but I have I've forgotten now worst one to work with yeah unfortunately I forgot yeah but you know what name some case manufacturers it wasn't Corsair fractal wasn't Cooler Master wasn't fractal phantax thermal take antex thermal I mean thermal thermal takes had some bad ones over the years yeah so still not Silverstone not Cooler Master I don't think of course there yeah I don't know it's not coming to me it's okay I'm over it oh this isn't what I was thinking of before but the one that I designed is really awful to build in uh we made we made some serious mistakes um in the design process because yeah no offense to Taryn um old Terran not new incoming Taran um who designed it uh you know he's not a case designer or even a 3D modeler really uh but he did his best and there were just some oversights like it's uh it's almost impossible to get the water cooling runs to the two radiators that are in the front uh the power supply holes don't align so you can only actually screw one one hole on the power supply in I think no two so when you go to plug in the power thing it goes every time there's a bunch of there's a bunch of problems with it it's a nightmare to build in all right Dan hit me when will we get LTT sandals oh yeah I know every YouTuber's Gotta Have Footwear now now that uh now that Marquez has it um I think you guys know this the reality of it is that I'm not going to release something if it's not up to my standards and we have not gotten we haven't even managed to do socks that I'm willing to ship yet never mind sandals and there's a man there's a lot involved with doing a shoe like Marquez for example like it's it's not like he did his own shoe he partnered with a company that makes shoes there's a lot to it and you know we actually at some point did reach out to Echo who makes the sandals that I like they're okay but there's things that I would want to improve and I just think we straight up didn't even hear back from them so given that they're already the kind of the closest to what I would want and they didn't even reply to our email it doesn't bode well so we'd either be starting from way further behind with someone else or we'd be starting from scratch on our own and like learning how to make shoes which man with all the molds involved with all the different sizes and all the complexities with stalking all the different sizes I mean again back to how Marquez did it right because obviously you know we we try not to reinvent the wheel when we can avoid it um he just did an initial small stock right and then took back orders for the rest of a single drop because trying to stalk something like shoes in the longer term gets really complex just all the different skus that you have to carry and then people are going to want different colorways and stuff and it's it's icky and honestly I just don't think it's going to move the kind of volume that we would need to move the needle compared to some of the other really cool stuff that we've got coming down the pipe man do we ever have some like cool stuff coming in engineering but it's look how long this screwdriver took you know it's going to be a year two years three years before you see a lot of it that's okay I'm patient I've definitely proven that and I have oh no I'm not quite done I need a couple say to power uh go ahead and hit me with one more down while I hook up the I guess the case lights or something like that there are there's two flipping SATA power cables here oh one of them is a fan controller and oh my goodness they both go to the fan controller what kind of amps are you expecting me to drive through these fansex it doesn't matter we'll plug them both in anyway hit me Dan Linus loved the channel what do you believe is the true value of a video review won't a couple dozen Amazon reviews be more indicative of consumer experience sure are they real did they test it properly did they get a kickback from the manufacturer for posting their review um I think the value of video review is like the value of I mean it comes it's the value of the publication that's behind it right when we publish something you guys can trust that that's our real opinion you might not agree but you can trust that if we say hey this is our review of this product and this is what we measured that that's what we got and you know borrowing a couple of typos which have actually also improved a lot lately with the labs's help um I think that we are a lot more trustworthy than some review on Amazon there's also man this is this is a complicated one to talk about there's a lot more to evaluating a product properly than I think some people realize like when we bring in a new writer just off the street and we say Okay evaluate this thing no offense to our writing team but almost to a man they just completely get it wrong they just Overlook stuff that matters a lot and focus in on stuff that doesn't matter a lot it's hard to have the perspective of other people and to force yourself to do it ploof for example cannot relate with people who don't buy thousand dollar monitors hey we've had we've had some conversations recently there's cheaper ones did you know yeah yeah so so you know so what we all have blind spots and I do too but what I do is spend all of my time reading comments and I use that feedback from you guys to help fill in my blind spots and I've been doing it for over a decade whereas anyone coming in again like off the street they don't have that experience they don't have that blind spot compensation so I remember having a conversation with him recently about two different monitors where the price Delta was what like 30 bucks it was something like that I think it was more like 50 yeah and he was right the obvious answer was to spend the extra 50 bucks save 50 even if it takes you one more month to save it up get the better one however the perspective that we hear a lot from the audience and that he didn't have the benefit of having drilled into him is that for some people save an extra 50 bucks is just not the way their life functions either they buy the thing now or they will that that extra 50 bucks will get eaten up by something else and probably the budget for the monitor so if they're if they're going to treat themselves this is it this is the budget and another fifty dollars is simply not the budget and um you know that was as someone who's always shopped based on value how much bang am I getting for my buck I've always had the same mindset as him which is why it's so relatable for him to come in and say yeah but it's only another I don't even think it was 50. I think it was like it was cheap it wasn't much yeah it was it was not that much in the by the time you're buying a monitor like that that's another thing too but again just because you're buying a monitor for 420 bucks doesn't mean that you're buying one for 450 and that was something that really blew my mind uh back when I was working at NCIX as well is you'd have you'd have all these gpus and I'm sitting here going well why would you buy a premium GTX 460 TI when you can get a 470 for just a little bit more like the amount you paid over a regular 46 46 460 ti so this is old right the amount you paid over over a regular one for this premium one it's like that much again and you're getting a completely different class of GPU why does this thing exist and yet they would sell because for some people that is the budget and that's the best thing they can get for their budget whereas I'm always sitting here going well my budget can be a little you know I want to get the best value for whatever my budget is so it's just it's a different way of thinking about it and so we just have to train ourselves to think in different ways and try to present both sides of the story um okay let's spin the wheel shall we maybe oh yeah maybe maybe how about let's not spin the wheel how about you spin the wheel again okay oh God these fans ah so to clarify yeah singular fan one 140 140 millimeter fan I'm opening it though okay that's fine that's fine you can look in the box yeah Lee and Lee's oh my goodness they come in individual bubble wrap well that's not a good indicator of value they come with little PCI cover covers okay uh oh these are those cool daisy chainable ones with that addressable RGB mm-hmm okay fan screws included Plastics feel pretty premium as well rubber noise isolating grommet doodad oh that peel though whoops there we go got the peel hmm this fan is 29.99 this is a 30 fan are you getting up to spin the wheel let's go all right well there's no pie CE there's not much pie left there's no whipped cream there's no pie the precedent is already set for us to remove things uh once we've already used them okay she's as hairy as I am uh that's very interesting but we're not gonna see oh it's gonna be the bomb all right all right all right I actually I'm not gonna gloat too much on this it's spicy it's pretty I took even just like a like it's like a finger fall you know what we will count your previous finger full towards you should take a little bit of not much we'll take a little bit off just a touch I'll Dole it out over here it's over here I'll get a spoon we have like four man I have either been way off or way on or pinpoint Precision right on there is no in between for me today I like hot sauce but yeah this is a bit much Delta more I'm working on it I'm a long time to get too much man well okay I'm gonna help you out there you know what I think that's enough that's about I think that's enough well hold on you didn't give them a look they need to see it the people need to see yeah I came in there and I can assume Andy's fast like you know he's pretty quick so we call him fast Andy you put it right on the tongue are you crazy man swirling up oh get it on there I need water just watching you carry it oh okay stop making that noise you guys that's very unpleasant for the people it's a it's a meme there's a whole video yeah you might as well you might as well hang around it's hot yeah they can enjoy my my pain and suffering yeah for a little while Andy got close he got close in when I was crying so you can see my tears it's starting I saw you do that it's it's starting to go it's start oh yeah it gets I can smell it it takes a good like 30 seconds I can really smell it activated you shouldn't have done the thing you did you know probably not mistakes were made oh my goodness is you only pay for those mistakes two times ah yeah next is wax you're gonna get another one like perfect at that oh my God okay I need some water oh man I'm sorry dude okay you had to do it too you started with it I uh Julie I actually do not take pleasure in seeing you suffer like that sure most of that most a little bit dear the people night that's pretty rough it's hot but hey how's that water bottle no it's great I got stickers like some of the morality store stickers not all of them but some of them oh man yeah that's rough baby I don't think I ever want to do hot ones I thought I wanted to do hot ones I don't think I want to with wings I think it'd be more maybe a little better yeah like not having the wings is pretty uh just straight hot sauce man it's not pleasant [Music] sorry dude all right hey there you go that's the beauty of Daisy chainable fans that is sick uh how many fans did you say you wanted me to put in here just do three so it doesn't get ridiculous no you can't fit four I don't think are you sure I think you can just like it oh on the side there sure yeah yeah quad 120 though yeah do that yeah that's freaking awesome that looks great okay and we'll just do one of these and then this bad boy goes on to the Pogo pins here hey at least you don't have to host a video right now yeah I know uh I'm a little confused though this does not seem to be the one for oh you got the wrong one oh this is for the 140. and oh do they use a different yeah it's a different connector we have them all here okay you got it yep that's fine I'm good all right cool this guy goes right here uh Dan want to hit me with a merch message yeah sure thing um let's see we've got a couple here lightness are you a ham radio operator what sorry what was the question a ham radio operator am I a ham radio operator yes no do you think I have time for hobbies um no I mean it looks like exactly the kind of hobby that like Teenage me would think is super cool but I have never gotten into it sorry to disappoint you if you heard someone on the ham Airwaves that sounded like me or something like that will you ever consider making an LTT desk lamp desk lamp we have something kind of resembling a desk lamp that's coming it's more of like uh like a kitschy novelty like um illuminated squishy thing yeah Lloyd showed it to me it's really cool yeah it's uh it's like a it's a retro computer inspired so it has a big blocky monitor on top of a desktop Style it's on the short circuit set oh uh Colin do you mind grabbing it we can show the people that'd be super cool um I know what he's talking about I'll go get it uh oh I do not know how this comes off oh Colin presumably there is a way but it is not obvious to me has anybody worked with this case before um oh man uh I nope I know oh wow uh sorry guys I realized what I'm trying to do is get access to the rails to screw in these fans back here um here I'll just turn this around and we can all figure it out together okay chat this should be the last kind of tedious part of the build and then we're going to be just on throwing in the GPU and getting all of our peripherals going yeah this thing there how's that for a desk lamp for you I don't know this is a prototype so don't read too much into it but it'll be kind of like this there's a little puck down here ah there we go this all had to be custom done so that the lighting uniformity would be a lot better than what they originally sent us we also changed the shape so that it would be more Square so that it wouldn't just look like a like a circle that's lit up in the middle so they had to do a bunch of custom electronics for this uh as well as uh what did we end up doing on the battery so I think we ended up I don't want to get this wrong so we either removed the battery outright and it'll just have to be plugged in all the time because we don't want the battery to swell or we might have changed the charging circuitry so that the battery only charges to half and we just put like a much bulkier battery in it or something like that I can't remember what we settled on and it's going to be RGB as well it'll be controllable but like with a kind of sketchy app so we have a remote and we're just going to recommend people just use the remote there is technically an app that will allow you to do way more stuff but it's from like some some Rando company and we were like yeah we're not going to recommend people install this app but yeah that's it I have no idea what the retail cost is on that so don't ask it'll be something though uh hey ploof do you know how to get this open uh no I've never worked in this case dang it oh man why is nothing ever easy are there screws somewhere that you're not seeing I oh top or bottom I like the way you think um but I don't see what if anything that does you know there's a better solution we just put the things I love it um this is where the fans go okay we unplugged that or we unscrewed that which freeze it oh wow the whole yep there you go there you go buddy we're not going to put a ton of screws in this let's put two I'm thinking for the whole thing four one there one there no okay two and two yeah all right fine yeah two and two Dan hit me yeah sure thing hold on I just opened this other window here will you be designing LTT GPU support brackets no uh there are plenty of GPU support brackets including ones that you can 3D print I just don't see a lot of value that we'd be adding in the GPU support bracket Space by designing our own hey Linus are you still maintaining the Asus are you still Manning the Asus monitor for your gaming PC you've been thinking of getting one myself uh yes I am getting a little bit of image retention on it so that's something that you should probably keep in mind but you don't run the refresher but I haven't run the refresher so that's something that you should keep in mind um the other issue that I would point out is that it's 120 hertz which is good but it's not 240 hertz which is better um I don't think that you know your gaming performance is likely to be markedly different from 120 to 240 but in that budget you've just got to consider what's most important to you it looks great you know it's OLED high contrast all that good stuff but if what you're after is every Competitive Edge there are probably monitors out there that would be a better match for you one that I'm actually considering swapping it out for is the Corsair Xenia on Flex not because I think I would want to constantly fidget with the you know curvature of my monitor or whatever but because you can set it exactly the way you like it and it really is a pretty cool immersive experience I've always liked the curved monitors though and they're not for everyone but what I like about that one is it's a little bit lower resolution which means it's easier to drive so you can run at higher frame rates and it's a higher refresh rate display um which means that it's just smoother you know what monitor is this lineup uh oh the one that I'm using yeah adds the PG whatever the 42 inch OLED I can't remember exactly the model name but I think it's been updated I think the new version of it actually does 144 or 165 Hertz Army I think mine does 144 and the new one does 165 I can't remember exactly but I have the older one oh my arm okay can I line up this screw come on buddy where are you at I don't even see it at all not even one little bit what are you mashing you're gnashing something oh wow okay yeah I was mashing that cool all four fans in that was quite painless relatively speaking nice and then we can just wire these right up to our integrated Fan Hub wait is this a Fan Hub or is this an RGB hub in the case oh this must be an RGB Hub looking at the connector on this yes that explains why it has multiple channels too hmm I see I see and where are you going and what are you doing um I see or rather I don't see uh we're just gonna have to power this up and then we'll figure out what happens so I'm just going to plug this into a fan header and then we'll be good to go on that ah came down hit me sure thing waiting for the noctuous screwdriver for a new PC build how surprised were you when noctua wanted a collab with the cooler and or the screwdriver ah not that surprised because we were the ones who reached out to them at the time of the fan collab it was more about you know hey should we Branch into doing products right like we were still testing the water with merch and we were kind of thinking well we're not going to be able to put the time and effort into R d'ing something that is up to our standard ourselves at this point so how about we just find whatever the best thing is and partner with them and so noctua was that thing and that's how that came to be as for the screwdriver I just thought it'd be cool to do a knock to a themed screwdriver it's amazing the way the community and I think alike on things sometimes because it was not I think it wasn't even weeks after that the first post popped up in the subreddit with someone suggesting a knock to a themed screwdriver which was shortly followed by some of the other ideas that we had also been kicking around internally we're like oh now it's not going to look like we thought of it and that's okay yeah so I'm really happy that noctua wants to work with us you know for me it's kind of validating right because we try to have a really similar design ethos to them where you know nothing's done until it's done right but the fact that they agree and love the product enough that they're willing to associate their branding with it is oh that's a good feeling you know when when people you respect like your work and want to be associated with it you know that helps you respect yourself for me anyway hit me hey Elena's loving my screwdriver and use it daily for work any thoughts on maybe putting out a toolbox tool bag at some point maybe specifically focused around networking or infrastructure tools I.T stuff yeah um not soon the thing about just uh like like boxes right so you talk about like a toolbox is that they're kind of commodity at this point right like you go to Walmart or whatever and you can buy a box in basically any shape you want that'll hold screws or tools or whatever um and it's like 14 or 12 or whatever and I'm kind of looking at that going okay am I really going to be able to compete with the the rubber Maids of the world or the you know yeah random you know random Factory name you know Plastics Corporation you know tool boxes of the world no so in order for us to do something like that we'd have to really come up with a need that's not being served by the current toolboxes on the market and we'd have to find a really clever way to address it um I just I see a long and difficult path to that and so I just don't think it's the kind of thing that's going to happen anytime soon wait do Lee and Lee and fantax use the same RGB connector that's awesome I mean it's not awesome that the world is full of stupid proprietary RGB connectors but at least this one is compatible across the two brands that I happen to be using today well no I'm not I wouldn't say I'm used to Corsair I get annoyed by Corsair if that's what you mean yeah okay CPU fan two you know what sure yeah let's have the back fans work in concert with my CPU fan making kind of both blow air together across the CPU area nice oh this is great this is really coming together yeah next up I think we do the GPU yeah I don't know I hope you get it so wrong at this point because I'm a very hairy boy and I don't want to kill I know I know shall we I know look I don't even have to roll up my sleeve it's bad enough I don't even think you're any worse than me yeah like man I know this weird patches yeah mine's worse so maybe I don't have a patch maybe I have bald spots yeah okay it's having a lot more fun when you were getting them wrong 40 90. 86 I know oh I see 40 90 is 1600 MSRP 40 80 what is it it's 11.99 think so so this is a premium 4080. this is a pro art which means what I don't know nothing um it means it has a triple fan cooler on it oh oh is it only two slot okay that's pretty unique I could probably get a little bit extra for that foreign nice poker face no this one's not bad oh why did I go 29 we're both safe I'll take it all right I'm only off by 70 bucks I'm off by five percent yeah I'm about close all right okay no punishment I just installed a GPU uh before you do that oh our sponsor oh yeah but before I do that the show is brought to you by this company looking for a new laptop to do in part business things that doesn't also look like a fax machine from 1995 then it's the perfect time to get up to 300 off a Microsoft Surface during Best Buy's limited time sale in addition to its iconic design the new Surface Pro 9 adds a powerful new processor and optional high-speed 5G connectivity then there's a surface laptop 5 with a more traditional laptop design but that doesn't mean it skims out on performance it's got a lightning fast 12th gen Intel processor a vibrant touchscreen in 13.5 and 15 inch varieties and a thin yet sturdy chassis you can get so much business done with these click the link below check out Best Buy our sponsor that Dan was supposed to remind me to do like an hour ago that's okay Dan tries he's busy replying to all your merch messages speaking of which Dan hit me with another yeah sure let's see it all what else we got here um after many years of watching you guys I started a new embedded software job so I had to get a desk pad Linus what are your thoughts on a possible valve index too do you think it's happening oh I mean they've said I think I'm pretty sure they're on the record saying that they're still committed to desktop VR I just have no idea what form it's going to take I got to tell you guys you know when the HTC Vive the first one when it came out I thought we were about to see a frenzy of development in desktop VR you know we were gonna we were gonna see yearly iterations on these on these headsets and there was going to be a clear upgrade path uh for for not just the one that I was getting today but the one that was going to be after that and the one after that and it was gonna be like better every year and that has just not happened at all we've gotten these incremental upgrades and I mean yeah the resolution's not very high by today's standards but in terms of of tracking in terms of the uh the Motion Performance you can go get an OG Vive or an OG maybe not at least that's the resolution says I'm sorry lost your mic oh oh my battery's dead again that's the first time yeah give me that you can have this no good old batteries how do those work I don't know they're magic little magic sticks yourself back on there hey lovely as I was saying you can pick you can pick up those first generation headsets and especially if you go with like a like a 1.5 gen headset like a rift s even the resolution is like pretty darn good you know but we're not I thought by now we'd have 240 hertz OLED displays on everything you know we're still I mean Apple just released a 3 500 headset with a 90 Hertz display so we're still there I guess and to be clear 90 Hertz is fine but 120 hertz is better and particularly in VR it matters more than it does in a lot of other applications so I guess what I'm trying to get at is yeah I think valve is still committed to desktop VR but I have no idea what form that new hardware will take because we've only got two real Generations in the last what is it like six years seven years now um and so the first gen valve just worked through partners for steamvr right like HTC for the second gen they did their own Hardware but then they operated the tracking and they did their own headset to go with it but then they still made it compatible with an ecosystem so given that in the only two generations that have existed so far they've basically completely reinvented it I have no idea what's coming I hope it's outside in tracking because personally for me I have a space that I custom built to accommodate that for everyone else I can see how inside out tracking might be a little bit more convenient in terms of setup so I I could definitely see why they might go that direction but then they already have an install base of these index users but then just because they have an install base doesn't necessarily mean anything to them because apparently they'll just you know be like oh yeah no you need new base stations we're doing an entirely new thing last time around so I I have no idea my wish list though um I don't even I don't think I even need to go faster than 144 Hertz I think that 144 which you can do on the index now is pretty solid I would definitely like to see OLED I tried it on the what's it called the big screen Beyond or something like that is that what that thing's called um I tried it on that oh it's amazing I'd be dailying that thing if I didn't have some streaming related issues with it not what I've been streaming lately but um I had some weird issues where the mic wasn't picking up properly when I had OBS open and something something yeah it just wasn't working properly for me but man that oh that's cool oh so good so I'd want an OLED screen I love the work that valve does on audio the steam deck way better speakers than it has any right to have the index way better Mike and speakers than it has any right to have and so you know I would I would have some loyalty to valve just for that if they bring their a game on the audio again so many people will tune into uh like a beat saber stream wow what mic are you using integrated micro my index yeah like nothing's nothing special other than it's a really good integrated microphone um and I yeah I hope I hope we get an x-gen but I'm almost just like I'm almost just sort of so tired of waiting that I I I'm afraid to hope for anything um they clearly you know the hardware team clearly has other fish to fry right now I promise you they've sold a heck of a lot more steam decks than they have indexes indices I think it's indexes when it's a proper noun anyway I need some velcro ties how you doing over there poof how's your uh I don't feel any hot sauce anymore it feels great yeah I'm 100 okay it doesn't take that long it burns for a little while and then you just power through my tummy is a little upset yeah my minor is just still just a touch but I'm a little worried about the uh rest of the products I think you're actually going to get the most of the way there so I'm really hoping I don't have to wax I don't know we'll see we'll see I think some of these are going to be pretty tough I have no idea what an Evangelion monitor is worth I mean sure that that's good enough for me this is a stream this is not my finest work to do it again I would probably put it under but it's there now thank you Nvidia for gifting us the 16 pin adapter freaking love it guys all right that's it that's the tower right did I do it yeah did I do it Paul you've just got peripherals now thanks Paul uh where does this thing go I took this screw up before you know what it doesn't matter we'll figure it out sure okay let's do some peripherals we're gonna start with this monitor that I think is going to be a bit of a challenge I need to figure out some specs real quick here this is the xg27aqm is that the 360 Hertz no it's 240 hertz I'm pulling up some other specs Now give me a sec all right it's got g-sync but does it have a g-sync module or is it just g-sync compatible I think it's just g-sync compatible g-sync compatible 270 Hertz 1440p it's 270 Hertz I know fine fine fine 70 Hertz weird Oddball stuff why do you do this it's probably like 240 and then you can overclock it to 270. Sure uh thousand one contrast ratio fast IPS 97 DCI P3 coverage HDR 400 certification 350 and it's typical yeah so basically a gaming monitor for gamers yeah okay 5.99 I just have no idea how much the Evangelion is worth I gave it like 50 bucks extra shoot shoot you're about 25 under so tier two tier two how much is the Evangelion tax oh probably like 200 bucks or something you're probably close without the anime attacks yeah all right let's roll the tier two punishments yeah Shinji I really don't want to do more hot sauce man the other ones aren't as bad as the bomb you know that's not so bad hey it's gonna be medieval torture yeah fantastic where do you want it that makes perfect sense I'll let the audience pick Dan give them some options those are not options Dan oh everyone's saying nipple I don't know give the people what they want no I'd rather not we not get demonetized yeah male nipples for some reason are fine yeah we got to make money here okay oh this is not a DP to DP cable oh the heck it's DP to mini DP oh yeah that's weird uh we have cables here yeah okay we'll figure it out okay all right we're gonna need power though start getting stuff hooked up man this is classic top mounted power supply who to thunk it I'll grab a DisplayPort cable you can hit me with a merch message in the meantime Dan unless you're too busy hold on let me just finish yeah this will work okay let's see how we do I think that poll is out where is it there it is let's have a look at those revolts okay um Linus have you considered a skinnier versions of the Jess pad some of us aren't packing 12 inches of desk but that 200 or 250 millimeters would be lovely options for a smaller desk to folk don't we have skinnier ones wait 20 centimeters yeah like really skinny I mean is there a lot of demand for that um I thought 30 centimeters at 30 centimeters I got to tell you guys 30 centimeters does not sell very well that is that is not a big move do you have the power adapter for this though uh yeah I was here I think all right well I'm relying on you to plug that in yeah okay uh you know what short answer no I don't think we have any plans for that right now um Paul is in no sorry the pole is in oh okay where's it going back of neck between your shoulders back of neck between the shot oh that's rough oh no a few people yeah we had arm back of hand elbow collarbone shoulders nobody wanted elbows and what's up with the size of this candle that's just to get some wax going you know we wanted we wanted to make sure it's been burning for a little while to get the pool nice and flowing you know um okay back of the neck between the shoulder blades jeez all right well just do it all right give me here I'll do that before I plug the monitor just do it and hope I don't get anything else right because then I'll spin this one too you okay mean person oh I'm just gonna do a little what's wrong with you people are you ready don't get it on my shirt though I don't want to bring my shirt don't ruin my shirt just over the shirt right now right now it's pretty hot it's a little bit that's tier two things I do this is far from the worst I've injured myself at work I mean it doesn't count if you're the owner right it's not like you can sue I mean float plane injured you I guess technically all right I don't know and you played a part in this okay you gave them the options that's right you could have given them options like bottom of the shoe I didn't even consider that I think Luke would have been upset you know I'm gonna mute your booth okay yeah oh wait that doesn't go there that goes there perfect what's next WoW we don't have that many things left but the devil's a Sony H7 Sony H7 oh what a headset how the hell am I supposed to know what a Sony wireless gaming headset cost is wirelessly anywhere from 129 to 3.99 it's wireless I know it's wireless I can read for PlayStation 5 excuse me which means knowing Sony it could be anywhere from like cheap gaming accessory price to oh I don't know the cost of a PlayStation 5 if the psvr 2 is anything to go by ah PC software USB transceiver environmental packaging initiative no plastic how fun I mean no this is cardboard two even the hanger wow nice honey um how that hurt the head cushioning breathable ear pads you know what I'm unboxing they never said I can't I am going to feel the materials and see just how premium I think it is that's okay and again it's Sony so like I don't know oh okay these are big oh wow these feel really cheap uh 149.99 okay I'm off that's uh 30 that's a tier three that's 30 shut up it's almost half one you said 149. I think it's a 139 no I said 149. I said 140 I said 149. 149 is still under 161 is the 30 percent limit did I say 149 I said 159 [Music] how do they get away with charging 200 this US Dollars it's wireless always costs more noise isolation is pretty good oh are they ANC I didn't think to check no I don't think they are ANC no ANC it might do that would have been more like 320 minutes yeah oh balls okay fine you want to wax well no there's three option there's all that's left is the wax strips okay Colin get the wax ready and Dan get a get a floor plane pool going for where they want to go yeah arm or leg we're not going anywhere else let the people choose you people in your nipples if you want to see Linus without a shirt on you know just go to the yeah it's not that hard to find all right we've also got a keyboard and mouse wear my keyboard and mouse at here's the mouse here's the keyboard all right great we've got a brand I've never heard of yep which means I have abs oh Chinese brand I've never heard of can you translate okay uh well can you just verify for me that this is in fact Chinese it looks like Chinese it's Chinese okay good okay it's a Chinese brand it's hot swappable hot swappable it comes with holy Panda switches holy pandas which are nice switches I'll tell you that much A lot of flex in it though um Wireless four thousand four thousand milliamp hour battery okay you can connect up to three devices at once okay it includes some extra keycaps nice little braided cable [Music] medium cable though could go either way that could be either because it's a cheap product or because it's a very expensive product and they just don't expect you to use it comes with a little peanut um it's got RGB 249. you are more than 30 over oh come on come on cut off was 234. well just take the top two responses of the pull then and we might as well do the most while we wait just do the mouse while we wait for the wax to warm up we'll do all the wax in one go I heard that's the better way to do it I'm not sure if I am convinced oh man you know what I've got enough to at least see if this thing posts that would be the most painful part of the stream if I make it all this way and the system doesn't even post okay we ready let's do it yay oh you got a cable somewhere fixed that's a nice looking build not bad not worth the pain but not bad hey there it is look at that we posted however I told him it had to all be actually compatible I um percussive maintenance oh where's the F10 I hate these keyboards a function button it's fine you don't you don't need F keys dude I'm kidding I love F keys I have a full size at home it's not stupid it's just not for me I spend more of my time diagnosing computers than actually gaming on them so it's very important for me to just have proper all the keys okay oh shoot you ready okay yes yes yes restart I want to see XMP turn on what did I say you get a tier one punishment I think it was it doesn't work I think it was tier one if it doesn't work all right tier one if it doesn't work properly it probably it probably won't 8 000 is real fast and even just for the 24 gig modules you actually need the latest bios update which we did get the latest bios update for the board but oh yeah I don't know maybe unplug the other keyboard so it's only getting one signal just in case that's doing something weird yeah that's weird it did not detect is it it's F10 on astrock right uh what am I doing I'm pressing F10 no it's not F10 delete I'm clearly not on my A-game today yeah I was pressing F10 and it's like some HP oh yeah it's if F2 or delete usually dumb there we go all right let's see ddr5 8000 CL 40. good luck I'm gonna spin the wheel now okay you just let me know if that posts we haven't even seen tier one oh wear a wig flicked with an elastic Sriracha shot oh there's hot sauce here too oh good cheese whiz I hope I get the cheese whiz for you where other someone else's merch okay that I don't want you to do uh use a bad screwdriver oh I'm glad I didn't get that at the beginning of the Stream yeesh so you would rather choose the worst possible hardware and not even care about whether your system even works worse just to punish me that's an incredibly fast kit that's not the worst possible kit computer that doesn't work well is the worst computer it works eight thousand Mega transfers come on over here come on um oh I got my face you know what I don't mind cheese whiz you're the one who hates it I'm I'm okay with this I'll take a big heaping Spoonful this is no problem I don't do I want to eat this all right fine I get as much as you want oh come on oh God all right and it goes it's a lot worse when it's by itself swallowing is not good those aren't toast would be fine oh man you told me it wasn't gonna be like when I've got to do like five swallows to get it all down it makes it a lot worse I'm not done there's like a whole oh that's all of it oh man oh my God you know I told David I'd probably eat this whole jar for like a hundred dollars I don't I'm not doing that anymore there's no way I'd do this for a hundred bucks oh okay honestly I'd rather do the hot sauce at this tier yeah like I I do not I do not like cheese whiz um it booted but hold on give me a sec oh yeah probably booted after reverting changes yeah in safe mode oh but to find out well I guess we won't what what is it control shift Escape that's the one but it might be hard to navigate down to Performance boom 3 600 megahertz okay yeah okay you didn't do it for nothing I'm that makes me feel slightly better slightly better yeah it's pretty awesome it's not good I still think I got the worst of it today wow I mean he had to do I would say that I actually did most of it you did the two worst punishments on the board I think the cheese whiz and the the bomb were probably the worst ones uh okay okay guess the mouse the mouse this is the mountain makalu 67 Mouse and now his nicer kind of all over the place these days you can have a wired freaking Mouse that's worth like 150 bucks and then you can have a wireless mouse for 19.99 on Amazon now mountain is a reasonably premium brand so I'm not going to assume that it's going to be that second one Wired Mouse though it's clearly one of these weight saving designs non-ambidextrous wow people still make palm mice that's a that's a Palmer and a half right there if you're a Palmer you might say you're lucky that's not a good joke um 49.99 false you're 10 okay tier one tier one ten percent pretty close all right I guess I get to spin the wheel maybe you get the cheese whiz don't remove it I don't hit the remove button no no clothes there you go all right okay no cheese whiz no cheese whiz no it's not gonna be the cheese sauce oh easy wear away that's fine you got lucky we got a nice red one easy mode we got a nice red one here you go there you go we got demand putting that in please yes please however don't forget that you've got two waxings coming up oh shoot oh shoot I forgot about those all right I really like the back of this case let's get it done I like the wig oh thank you very becoming yeah yeah is this is this a good look for me it is you guys are liking oh do you mind unplugging this one oh yeah yeah we'll lose this one I'll plug this back in let's let's let's run it the way it was intended to be run today here as broken as that configuration may be now there's one extra envelope here oh another isn't never mind I lied oh okay waxing by the way did you plug in the network as well oh no I didn't oh you thought when I said and the Nick I was talking about me yeah but you know what you can do is you can wax while I uh while I get this plugged in here all right and where will it be so floatplane has voted for your leggy and your arm my leggy and my arm oh that's what we did last time I mean it's arm or leg that is the uh oh those are the choices yeah they come up with new options you want me to do that again hit me again let's go oh my God oh that's quite a lot hotter this time no no you're good yeah just do your thing I say if you're gonna do it Go For It Go for a big big Swatch swath right by the bone yeah why you gotta be like that should have gone anywhere and you show us there literally anywhere and you chose that my wrist why my wrist okay she's bare she's bare like that ow that was a lot I think you're supposed to rip with the grain Colin he went against the grain get your wax out of here see if this thing games please tell me you actually have any games and stuff yeah yeah yeah there's Halo infinite in there all right we're gonna play a game there's some other games all right oh okay hi everyone does it work only one way to know for sure hey you said I had a Halo yeah I should be there oh maybe through Game Pass it's my scroll wheel not working Wow way to go 59 Mouse use a search feature uh whoa steam doing I don't know you drunk steam's been a little messed up since the big update I blame Steam not the mouse at this point hey credit to the mouse for tracking well on this croptastic surface that we've got here thank you what it's fixed oh we should probably put the side panels on though hey oh yeah we'll put our cute little accessory here remind people to go sign up for a notification for when the noctua Edition screwdrivers get launched it's over on oh Dan do you have any other merch messages yeah I got a few left here if you want to go through them sure have you ever considered doing a deep dive into how active noise cancellation works I think uh I understand the basic of the basic of it but it would be cool to hear about it in detail you know what um I forget the exact model of Bose headset that we did it on but we did a video where we actually went in a plane for the video to demonstrate um you know a use case for active noise cancellation and or not a use case the original use case for active noise cancellation and I'm pretty sure we went into a fair amount of depth in that video uh you'll have to let me know another time if I'm wrong and actually that was very surface level but we talked about the history of it and we talked about how it works I'm pretty sure it was was it the qc35s qc25s I don't remember but it's some Bose wireless headphone review it's definitely something that we've talked about in detail in the past if not we almost certainly have a tech Wiki on that have you ever been hired for a job but then told something different how did you handle that I was saying what now to uh but then we were told something different I think like uh the job ended up being something different I was hired as a network engineer then told I would be a systems administrator oh that sort of thing uh wow I actually haven't had a lot of jobs to be truthful with you I when I was in school I lifeguarded and so I I did all of my training at the same facility that I ultimately intended to work at so I did exactly what I expected to be doing and then from there I did the student painting thing and then from there I worked at NCIX and in all cases I did do the job that I was expected to do and then like I got promoted so there were you know changed eventually but no I can't say I've ever had an experience like that can we get some more live angles of the tech pants are they only going to come in khaki I think to start with they will be khaki um in the longer term Our intention that's cool cable management at the back we'll have to get you a look at that after guys I think in the long term Our intention is to add black as well here we'll decorate the space with LTT merch hey look we got cable ties we got a water bottle uh and yeah if you guys if you guys want a closer look here how much wax is oh yeah I'm not gonna mess up the inside um yeah they're kind of like uh like a relaxed fit fairly straight cut they're going to be available in two different inseam lengths so I'm wearing the short boy one obviously but there's a longer in seam um we're still working on some aspects of them so right now this zipper in here is like way inside and it creates kind of this weird like kind of vibe where um I don't know like the zipper pocket kind of gapes open and you can see the zipper like I wouldn't mind it if it was more like this and you just see the liner or if the Zipper was more concealed so I think we're going to try and get it a little more buried in there so it looks more like a normal pocket still TBD whether we can get that absolutely nailed down but yeah I showed all the the zippers off earlier I really like these they're just kind of oh I'm also wearing a prototype LTD belt it's just a belt it's made of leather and it says LTT on the inside we're doing a belt uh maybe it depends if we can get it nailed down most of the belt suppliers that we've talked to so far they do this treatment on the edge that just cracks like within a week and just it looks stupid it feels cheap I don't like it so if we can find one that's better then we will if we can't then we won't cool all right I got four left here for you hit me um is there a timeline on an authorized reseller program for LTT I mean get in touch yeah not I I don't think we're opposed to it oh so do I do I not have that network connection I just changed the cable because it a network error appeared on screen oh were you using the yellow cable before yeah yellow cable doesn't work I have found that out yep cool swap to the black one and of course the game is dumb and can't figure out that I now have a network connection which is great I bet if I go to the shop it'll know how much you want to bet no I agree it's probably gonna be totally fine to buy stuff view battle passes like I mean that's the most important part of it is all this just pre-loaded okay I don't know I can't even I can't even tell but if I go to play and multiplayer nope I wouldn't so what alt alt function for yeah there we go we'll try and kick it back on I definitely have a connection now all right hit me down hey Linus the sandal shot earlier made me so thirsty I had to buy a water bottle have you solved the issues with your Sony HT A9 living room setup yet what would you buy instead if you could we're working on that video um we've collected I think two so oh that's a lot of wax we've collected I think two so far but we're gonna get some more um receiver based audio correction Solutions and see if we can find something that works as well for room correction as the Sony losing your mic again there you go I think I leaned the mute button onto here um so we're gonna try and find a solution that'll work as well as the Sony HTA nines and if we can then great and if not then um man I don't know let me just throw a sound bar in there and call it dang it uh throw a sound bar in there and call it a day I'm not sure I really haven't given it a ton of thought I try to encourage the family to go watch movies downstairs where they have a really nice home theater instead of watching upstairs they prefer upstairs it's an ongoing battle um but we have a theater go watch in the theater they don't care Dan it's too much effort phone is fine vertical uh love the mercy long time subscriber any advice for a cheap configuration to run a home assistant oh I mean that's uh the sky is the limit I mean you can run that on anything from a single board computer if your needs are fairly straightforward all the way up to running it in a VM on a top tier server configuration or whatever the case may be I think it all comes down to your your your reliability goals so you know obviously if you want like the most reliable thing you can have redundant power supplies and UPS backup and blah blah blah for most people that's not necessary as long as you back up your config then you can roll it back out again extremely quickly so I would start with something really basic and then like you know like just an old computer any old computer and then I would upgrade from there as you actually find that you need more I think that's something that doesn't get said enough you know people ask you know what do I need you need the minimum thing and then you need to find out if that's something that you're actually going to get into or not and if you do well you can always sell your minimum thing especially if it's something that you like picked up used in the first place like that's always what I would do going into a new hobby like paintball well you're gonna go buy a brand new marker do you know how fast that stuff depreciates no you go buy some used crappy marker and then if you actually play more than like three times that season you go oh okay well hey I bought this used for 200 bucks or whatever I turn around and sell it for 185 I'm out 15 and then I can pick up something better if I want right um when the time comes got him oops whoops whoops whoops do that the wrong way got him double cool and last message of the day last message of the day let's go hello ploof don't sit down and the tech tip guy with the YouTube money do you have anything resembling a pool yet [Laughter] gotta keep up with the pain oh dare you I'm gonna have to murder some red Spartans to make myself feel better here that's a great last message um whoops that weren't it no they've been working on it they've done some actual work on it over the last little while which is a lot better than what was going on before where there was no work being done on it but uh it's still a hole in the ground no plaster um the equipment's in so that's good dang it how did I not get either of those with those nades dang it we haven't recharged come on finish them off Pandora's Xbox I don't know I I don't even assume that we are going to swim this year at this point I obviously you know first world problem totally acknowledge that but it's still pretty frustrating whoops oh man a totally missed backslash double kill let's go okay I'm just gonna get this hill capture and I'm gonna abandon my poor team LTT Benchmark leading the team oh oh busy oh got him come on come on come on get over here nope nope okay yes yes yes yes yes yes got him oh where are you coming from where you at I don't even know where the new Hill is above this all right oh [Music] okay someone else finished and I finished the stream hey thanks for tuning in guys I died
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 897,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: DRHcTfTfEp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 35sec (7715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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