I'm sorry ASUS... but you're fired!

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ASUS basically spearheaded the whole โ€œcharge $500 for a motherboardโ€ thing so fuckโ€™em.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 652 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

People are gonna downvote because its jayz2c but its still a pretty big deal that a big tech youtuber is removing ASUS from its sponsors for anti-consumer practices. I have to wonder if the people downvoting even opened the link.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 937 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/skyline385 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Asus is selling a defective product and then trying to fool users into voiding their own warranty. The more tech sites that get that message out, the better it is for consumers. Given this guy is helping with that, I'd say play the ball, not the man.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 119 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ratcatcher7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

ASUS is budget quality hardware at a premium price, with zero regards to quality control and customer service. They've had this reckoning coming for a long time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 254 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SenorShrek ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dear Downvoters:

Please let this post slide. I'm no J2C fan, apologist, nor his target demographic; however, he is a major tech figure that (novice) PC users follow. GN can't be the only one pushing the narrative. It's time ASUS got what's coming to them in full force... please ๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 388 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PapaBePreachin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Oh man, im glad someone finally is making Asus accountable for their shitty actions.

Here is my story which is still ongoing :(

I work in a company that rents gaming computers. Last year we built a fleet of a 110 brand new PCs with 12700K/32GB RAM/Asus RTX 3070Ti TUF OC. We got the card recommendation from Asus representative who helped us with our prices/shipping etc. and he knew exactly how are we using the computers which means they are made for travel in special cases with wheels and foam inside. We always took their Dual (150 pcs) series but since we wanted to make more premium looks we went with TUF series. Of course such big cards had to be properly supported so we took Lian LI Anti sag brackets that are simple and stealthy.

After the first come back from an event that took around 3 months I had to sent over 25 cards for RMA. We contacted Asus and they told us its not possible and we sure were mining on them!! That was the sign that they are starting to back up from every responibility and we had to explain to them that these GPUs were sitting in computers and traveling from one event to another. Turns out their (GPUs) quality is so low that they start to bend during the shipping even with addition anti sag bracket (go look JayZTwoCents video about GPU sag and check for Asus and you will know what i mean). It has been almost a year and I sent them over 60 cards with unique serial numbers and many of them went over 2-3 times for RMA. Since we are a company and not end customer we cant simply return them so the game is still going.

Anyway, whoever is dealing with Asus right now I wish you all the best because lately it was a nightmare

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 65 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/m_nogal_pc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

As someone who recently built a 13700K system with an ASUS Strix Z790-E board a few months ago, I'm conflicted. I don't like what ASUS is doing, and I wouldn't recommend their AMD boards to anyone right now, but on the Intel side, the other brands are having their own issues.

I did a lot of research before deciding on a board considering how expensive they have become, and every single brand had at least one major flaw that made me rule them out; whether it was memory stability, buggy BIOS, or horrible coil whine. The ASUS boards aren't perfect by any means but they had the least amount of issues that I was prepared to deal with for that price. The biggest issues with ASUS' Z790 boards seem to be QC issues, but if you get a good copy, it's a darn good board.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 39 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zone15 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Never pledge your loyalty to something that will never pledge its loyalty to you.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThisCommentIsGold ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I fried Asus too and I think we all should do the same. Otherwise things won't change.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/drmonkey6969 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
dear Asus it's been real but it's over all right everybody so this is uh you guys have probably seen Steve's videos about all the ongoing drama with the 7800 X 3D blowing up um Steve's got multiple Parts on this video and it's funny because there are some issues I've been experiencing that are really kind of aligning with some of the issues that he's on Unearthed if you will actually I don't know if Steve has Unearthed it as much as Asus just made it super obvious that they are a they are they are a company that is no longer worthy of hours of allowing them to sponsor us or your money and my first obligation on this channel is to the consumer and so what we're going to do today is I'm just going to kind of spit out some some stuff about this some of my own personal experiences and what the future is going to look like regarding Asus as being a part of our channel uh so if it seems a little all over the place and discombobulated then bear with me this is only the second time I've had to do this in the last almost 11 years now that I've been running this channel Asus as you can see this is only some of the motherboards we've received just since this last launch technically last two launches it's a big deal for us to say hey uh keep your stuff it's a pretty big deal because we rely on a lot of parts sponsorships to do the builds and the videos and the the how to's and the tutorials and all that sort of stuff more often than not we'll receive way more product than we've asked for which is kind of as you can see right here the problem with Asus is the fact that over the last three or four generations it has been a steady decline in not only quality but backing their products RMA experiences for the general consumer and even our own personal experiences with us getting bad hardware and then terrible support um in in handling that bad Hardware so I don't even know where to begin right now Asus has thrown itself off a cliff it's thrown itself off a cliff when it comes to consumer confidence and I'm going to use that term consumer confidence I know that Asus is all about brand strength like how strong is our brand in the industry and no one has drugged their name through the dirt more than Asus themselves the most recent straw that has really broken the camel's back for me to make this decision about not allowing Asus to have any part in our Channel moving forward is uh the latest bios revisions that they have created for their x670e boards that are known to be overvolting the soc on the chips specifically the x3d chips causing catastrophic failure to both CPUs and motherboards and this so-called fix which Steve shows actually doesn't fix it the problem still persists void your warranty so because it is a quote unquote beta which by the way if it's not tested it even says in the language on the BIOS description that is still in testing and is not officially released it makes zero sense for a motherboard manufacturer to release a beta bios when something this serious is happening look beta bios exists and they've existed for a long time for graphics cards as well as motherboard but typically the beta features that you're dealing with here are maybe USB stability or maybe memory qvl updates or maybe like XMP slash Expo updates that sort of thing or docp Expos new to am5 not having it literally be a voltage change that can affect literally everything connected to your motherboard in a catastrophic way of cascading failure if it goes bad so to put out a bios that says this is supposed to fix the problem we think we're not sure we're still testing it feel free to try it oh by the way if you install this in your motherboard then you absolutely void your warranty and we're no longer responsible for any customer repair that may happen on your board so it's kind of like they're dangling the the carrot in front of you saying hey this will fix your board but it also allows you to uh void your warranty uh if you don't do the due diligence and read the entire description of the bios so that is that is so anti-consumer that is so we don't stand by our product that is so Frick you as a consumer all we care about is protecting our Bottom Dollar our bottom line screw you and your 700 board or 1200 board whichever board it is and this one here the Crosshair extreme 670 is a grand yeah this is one that's been blowing up stuff as well including the board I have in my system the x670e Crosshair hero that's another one okay but that's that's that's neither here nor there that's the latest thing I mean let's not forget about the capacitor issue being installed backwards on Intel motherboards for the 12th gen leading to actual burning and potential fire issues and the quiet let's protect our brand and not be too noisy about the fact that there's a recall on this when recalls are intended to be loud and heard so everyone knows so none of these accidentally end up in the wild causing some potential serious danger you guys remember my video about that and how they they're hiding it all behind Freedom of Information Act they don't want you to know what they found they just want you to go away as a customer to break in the third wall here we just rearranged the boards because I had to find the one that I'm about to reference anyway third wall fourth one seventh wall I don't know the third ball back there it takes seven boards to get a good one from Asus let me explain so when I started the Mega Man build um I wanted to use a white motherboard because of the fact that Asus has white motherboards they're not as common but they do have them and thank God this all went down the way it did because now I have an MSI board in there so I'm free and clear from all this crap moving forward we'll talk about what's in this box in a second because this box was a replacement for something that I had received so I had requested the Rog Maximus z790 Apex and the entire reason for that is the fact that it has it's a white motherboard here it is well it's technically silver like kind of a metally color so this board I think would have been perfect for the Mega Man build well do you want to know what happened when I opened it up there's an entire row of Smash pins at the bottom an entire row so of course I immediately have my uh my brand manager who works internally with me here um he's actually the one the board is the the build is for so this is his motherboard I said yo get Asus on the phone and ask them what the frick I mean I'm just like what the hell location was we're so sorry and I'm not like I'm obviously being dramatic with the tone they weren't like we're so sorry but they were like oh we apologize because I was like how the hell do we receive something like this we've always received product that's new right they were like we're so sorry somehow that particular board was an Army return I mean how so many rmas are like void due to smash pins and there's always been claims of like people assuming that the brands are smashing the pins themselves because they can just avoid it anyway that's anecdotal and I can't prove it I digress that board somehow ended up in a in the wrong shelf and it was supposed to be a warrantied slash returned item for recycling Etc et cetera and it somehow got put into the Creator slash influencer stack where we send stuff to influencers when they request product and I'm like okay that's that's not good that's not okay because what if that had ended up in a resale stack this look this is the kind of thing that Newegg was also known to do and got in trouble for was taking back rmas and known bad product and reselling it again and then it's it's just anyway moving on so this was my replacement this is also there's a white box that came from China had china labels China Post crap all over it DHL et cetera et cetera I opened it up and you know what it's just the board with a random piece of foam in there so moving on no accessories or anything else that went with it so fine this was from an RMA I now know okay the motherboard is not going to be new at this point like they just and I think this came down to a supply issue because they didn't have enough white ones this one also has something going on with the socket where I don't know if it's a bit I've looked at it on the microscope yet I don't know if it's a bit pin if there's fuzz in there or something but it's also got scratches and stuff on it so this is also not a so this was like the final straw where I basically was like okay Asus we got on the phone again I'm like this is not okay what the hell is going on and of course falling all over themselves apologizing apologizing and I feel bad for our rep because it's not her problem it's not she's not the one sending us the stuff she's putting in the orders and then Asus corporate wherever they are this was obviously this one came from Taiwan this one came from Stateside the original smash pin one moving on I requested another whiteboard and we got a black one so that's when I finally and it didn't fit as you guys saw so that's why I finally moved to MSI that was our most recent experience my personal rig if you guys watch my live stream on Twitch twitch.tvsense my most recent live stream you guys know I'm running a 7950x3d and I've got the x670e Crosshair hero which is one of the boards that has been identified as blowing up the 7800 x3d CPUs so far everything's been fine with my 7950x3d my voltages all seem to be okay it seems to be potentially a bios issue with the 7800 x3ds you guys know I've been having nothing but crazy Ram stability issues I've updated the BIOS once since all this happened and I haven't touched it again because it's been fairly solid couple days back I received I had a random blue screen my system had been on all day no problem I had a random blue screen I'm like that's really odd so then I turned on the system went about my day fired up my live stream you guys know the second I went live this happened um camera where did you go so while trolling and trying to troubleshoot that I restart the system when my camera comes back but upon restart I end up dealing with my go XLR app kept crashing just kept saying could not connect to device um my mouse and keyboard even though they're Wireless that the wireless dongles were connecting and disconnecting I loaded up audacity because I was trying to modify an audio clip that I was trying to load onto my XLR because I like to play fart and stupid immature sounds opening up audacity just put my system into a complete fit [Music] it's erroring all over the place God why is it so loud I didn't touch this system this is my last stream I haven't touched anything which led to me I'm gonna shut down again and then I ended up reducing my memory clocks again because I was running a custom profile that I had made that was solid and working and it didn't meet the Expo stuff and you know and especially x3d CPUs if you're not running the Expo settings you are leaving a ton of performance on the table uh depending on your resolution anyway upon restarting it playing and everything's fine until my system sound started crackling and literally going out and when I say going out only the game audio went out okay I lost all the game sounds what happened how did I lose all the game sounds I know what you're doing to your AMD building my AMD build is still working and I basically was like guys I'm being amd''d right now I'm by AMD really Asus enough is enough I don't have any confidence in this brand I don't have any confidence in Asus whatsoever I think they make it beautiful product I think the hardware design is absolutely gorgeous even their box presentation if they would put half the effort into making a quality product in terms of its software support that they do in their Hardware then I wouldn't feel like I have to literally fire one of our sponsors now fortunately I don't have to refund any money because at the start of this year they put us through such hassle on even trying to get contracts figured out and agreed upon that we are in May and we still hadn't finalized 2023 yet and every brand we're working with had already been finalized by January we start the year prior so we started these discussions in 2022. we are in May and we still have not been able to solidify anything so it was very easy to say Asus it's been real but we're done I will not I have a cup I don't think I have any builds right now no I don't have any builds right now that are in the in the works that were involving any Asus product yeah the Mega Man X build or Mega I don't know if it's gonna be Mega Man X but Mega Man build um that's MSI my personal work at home not having problems with I've already talked about potentially going back to Intel not necessarily for amd's fault but just I was in this position where I don't know if a lot of what I'm experiencing is it AMD or is it Asus but it really is starting to lean that it's Asus because guess what I have a Tai Chi x670e motherboard from ASRock sitting on my test bed and it has been solid as a ASRock yes pun intended since the moment we used it and that goes all the way back to our 7950x non-3d review when the 7000 series first launched last year it has been Rock Solid only reason I didn't use it in my personal build and I've already said this is the Aesthetics of the Tai Chi don't match what I was going for with my nebula 2 build with the purple and and uh and blue I needed an all Blackboard for that to work and that's like brass accents on there the point is when you can say that ASRock is more stable and reliable than Asus I think that's self-explanatory do you know what's happened here as rock used to be the avoid the brand at all cost brand and they didn't like that they made honest effort of improving their image and improving their stability and their quality and their build quality Asus on the other hand has become so complacent by being a money printing Factory through their Rog branding bull stuff that they just rake in the money because by the time you figure out your board is actual garbage it's too late and they've probably voided your warranty by you doing something that you didn't even notice which could potentially even be updating your bios to fix a problem where it could destroy your CPU but Asus wants to wash its hands of any sort of liability so that's why we are washing our hands of any sort of Asus I guess technically with the exception of his tricks card because yeah it's unfortunate the graphics card side has been really solid the problem is they're all still attached to the same corporate entity that is actual actual garbage all right guys this one I just wanted to put this out there and let you guys know you guys have been hitting me up in the left and right have you seen Steve's video have you seen NBC what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do I cannot boycott every brand someone has a problem with I would literally have to sit in the corner with my lights off and never talk or move or touch or anything because guess what there's another brand on the planet that doesn't have problems we don't grade brands on their problems we BR we grade brands on how they handle those problems I have stood by far too long gave it Asus the benefit of the doubt and it was really the backwards capacity issue that had me starting to waver in my confidence in Asus especially the emails that took place afterward um because it it was really a whole lot of like we can't tell you any of the details if you want the details you have to go through the Freedom of Information Act to get those but we can tell you that we've done stuff the emails I got regarding my motherboard problem on the 7950x3d that did in fact turn out to be a 100 a motherboard problem because after replacing that board everything has been fine with the exception of the memory stuff I've been dealing with the amount of condescending will have you tried this kind of email that was in there was like you know what Asus is is so high on their own horse that they can't even see the ground anymore and the thing is this is an open letter to Asus at this point we have seen bigger Brands than you fail because of the arrogance that exists at that level so I suggest you start climbing down the ladder now so you have a softer Landing because you're heading down the wrong path that's all I have to say guys you guys expect us to represent and stand up for you guys and that's what we're doing until Asus has shown us that there is brand confidence that's restored and it starts with guaranteeing anyone that has a motherboard problem using any PSL software they've ever put out or bios on their website ever you gotta at least start there the problem that Steve has identified they can put that bios out have it break motherboards and then yank it off the site at any time that they want and say well you shouldn't used it you shouldn't have put it out there and you should have at least half-assed effort into any of this right now and you don't and that's why you are officially fired from this channel but you don't care
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,899,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rog, rog issues, asus issues, 7800x3d, 7800x3d dying, asus killing cpus, asus, asus rog, x670E, asus is the worst, asus customer service, jayztwocents fires asus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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