Ep 9 - Veggie Beds, Baby Birds, A Stone Hunt & an Indecent Proposal?

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i know johnny's out here somewhere i've got some exciting news to tell him i can't wait to see his face stop stop stop leave it i've got some exciting news that's gonna change your life johnny well let me just finish unloading these at least they forecast rainfall today well i've got an even better forecast for you we'll pay somebody else to do it how does that sound pay somebody else to do it we've never paid anyone to do anything here oh you know well gabby g-a-b-i get a broken we get a bloking huh we'll get a broken [Music] so i just got a new patreon alert this morning some guy who wants to remain anonymous wants to donate a one-off large sum of money to us oh my god that's great news he calls himself mr x and he's from geneva hold on wait a minute mr x andy's from geneva but he says there's just one catch just one catch there's always a catch he says he wants to facetime you later to talk about it i must say i'm very intrigued hold on you mean facetime us though don't you well actually he just requested me hm oh take a look at this list i'll be right back so let's see chateau renovation dream list number one tractor had to be top of the list for sure but wait we spray p i've taken any color it comes in honestly number two new self-propelled mower definitely good one number three upgraded streamer definitely need a bigger base to tackle that bramble number four new boots yes please number five box full of work gloves she knows i'm always losing my work gloves and number six a monthly visit to a chiropractor you've really got to love this girl she's really looking out for me i wonder what mr x is talking to her about so how's the list have i left anything out that you need wait a minute we'll get to the list in a minute how did the call go well he was super nice he's watched all of our vlogs and he loves what we're doing here at the chateau and he's besotted with the sheep and abernathy abernathy i'm not feeling 100 with this guy and the catch was he wants to visit in person what's this guy's agenda it sounds like an indecent proposal if you ask me johnny johnny did i lose you johnny johnny johnny johnny i don't want your stinking money robert wait what what time is it it's 6 30 it's late here are your boots here are your gloves it's time to get to work huh oh the weirdest dream last night thing is i was really looking forward to getting a new pair of boots [Music] what should i do [Music] hello everyone how are you i've just um it's pretty late here and i'm actually asleep and i've just come to hide out in the lounge because i have my little brother staying with me at the moment and of course my little brother is a sweetheart but he has an amazing knack of um distracting me so harry's everyone hope everyone's well and safe um modern point has the weather where you are the weather here for the last two weeks has been crazy it really has we've had so much rain which just means obviously that we can't move forward with a lot of the projects that we had planned for outside um i mean tons of rain the garden and the grass is growing like you just wouldn't believe the upside however it just means that we are spending a lot more time on our videos filming a little bit inside of course and more to the point editing the editing takes a huge amount of time and on that note we both really do want to say thank you so much for joining us on our vlog journey the videos are amazing to make we do have a lot of fun making them and creating them and we sincerely hope you're enjoying the content if you are enjoying these videos and like to support us you can hop on to buy me a coffee.com where you can make a donation which would help support the making of these videos i'll put the link in the comments section just below now i do have some thank yous i would like to read out what i'm going to do is i need to go and grab some notes so i'm just going to set this up on the tripod um it's just going to be easier for me so just bear with me one second oh okay so where was i oh you see what i mean he's here now push it little brother it's open oh my days it is blowing a gal out there brother oh my days it is blowing and gower out there oh hi are you in the middle of can i please do this bit please i've got a note and everything i'll be fine watch this so my big brother would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the following founding patron members karen and glenn king martha de perez linda honeyset jane pooley jane lord samantha senna our wall judy adams and angela maduski on on behalf of myself ashley and my big brother essencia big thanks we really appreciate your support very thank you good job truly thank you ah thank you brother so if you would like to help support us with the ongoing work here and restoration at chateau's alumni please consider joining our patreon family there are five different donation tiers to choose from and the link is in the comments section just below or you can click on the video link at the end of this blog so with all that being said together thank you brother you've done good that was really helpful i told you i'd be dandy that was good fun anytime brother i think i'd tell that whiskey now i'm ashley and along with my partner johnny we're renovating this 18th century chateau in southwest france join us as we hunt for treasures across europe for our antique shop and art gallery taste the region's gastronomical delights anchovy peppers and olives create our own recipes from our land and bring chateau delaney back to life all under the watchful eye of our sausage dog abernathy and our flock of nine naughty sheep it's all about art antiques food and farm life in our french chateau come along and experience the art of french living looks like our mulch has arrived we've got two two loans one load we are going to put straight down into the valley the little section we're going to have um what here you're going to double though didn't double load yeah so the first one's on the tipper this one it's um all hands on deck i'm afraid babe ah yes [Music] we had the mulch delivered um a couple of days ago we've got five cubit meters there's a whole bunch of it down here i got him to tip it down here because obviously it needs to go up on the other side of the valley i was thinking as opposed to me walking up and down that i will stand here and the ashley will just scoop it into a bucket and then i'll pull it up and um spread it at the top so it doesn't have to be a two-man job but i must say it's a beautiful day and i've got my girl with me who's loitering very suspiciously here hello you are you like creepy brand [Music] [Music] so i've just moved this um piece of timber here and obviously you know i looked up and i just thought was moss but it's actually a bird's nest i don't know look at this it's still an egg in there but i've just noticed here it's these little babies oh tiny babies oh my god how cute were they look at the hair on them my goodness let me just put them in there oh no there's one oh look at these little babies they just hatched oh come here baby oh they're crying oh they're so cute oh i wonder what kind of bird they are oh let's put you back in there oh look at this baby birdie okay oh they're fine they're okay oh look at these oh they're beautiful they're sweet i'm gonna put this here keep an eye make sure i don't climb out sweet can we just steady that as well yeah oh there we go they're gonna oh things birds aren't they oh there's another one here just in here look at them all right let me just move this yeah just just hold out for me oh look at this little baby oh sorry about that little guys yeah yeah i'm gonna put them straight back where they um they come from okay just put that against there this is their food stall that's why they're so noisy so how cute was that ah so how many was that it was one two three four plus an egg yeah okay so let me just put all this back together okay just need to double check i looked down i saw the um the nest i saw the egg in it and then i looked down and thought it was a frog first little baby chicks they've used the sheep's wall to make their nests they have and you know i said all my moss kept getting dug out yeah of our parts yeah well at least you know what went to good use look at that oh how cute were they oh they're not looking oh they're all cuddled up they are oh they're so sweet maybe they're starlings are they i don't know let me see one last thing they're so fuzzy not me can you do me a favor yeah can you pass about that moss yeah i think i need got it yeah i think it needs this first i mean how clever is that she's literally built it up so it's level with the wall yeah with that lip that's just moss it's just nice okay well the nest is still intact then oh little babies sorry mate all seem well they'll seem healthy and they're all back in their little home now hi so i just wanted to come in and check to see how the little babies are doing um it's been a good couple of hours now i'm sure they're okay but just for peace of mind i thought i'd come in and see how they're doing so i'm gonna flip the camera around and take you up there mother bird mother's not here but it doesn't mean that she's not gonna come back i will give it maybe one more hour i'm going to sit outside with a cup of coffee in my book i'll be keeping an eye out on these little babies because at the moment there's no mother here but i'm pretty sure mother being mother maternal instincts that she will come back sometimes i think we worry too much don't we but of course nature will do what it does to take care of the young just like we would so i think i've just seen the mother bird go in which has made me very happy bless a little heart so it's been 20 minutes since my last video and um yep i've just seen little um mummy bird with a um sorry look at my baby sheep we have a victory just there right in the corner and they love to rob up again they're just so funny oh babies anyway so yeah i've seen um i actually saw a little bird with a um woman's mouth flying into that store so happy man here and um baby's being fed which is great so although i disturbed him earlier i got a worry now because i know that mum's going back which is fantastic and now i just want to show you my little other babies i'll flip the camera around [Music] hey polly you enjoying that victory who else is there we've got sweet sorrows to the left and this other one here just poke the head around the corner is fleur hey baby i know darling but nothing for you today it's too much you get fatter and fatter weren't you they're called the reds of the west and they're quite a large sheep and of course they're um in need of shearing um it's still very cold at night so probably very soon then we get um sheared but at the moment that she's enjoying chilling with the victory and i could watch these sheep all day long i mean look at that tree look just a little slice into the farm life here sweet sorrows oh look at her anyway getting distracted happy chappie baby birds are fine i'm getting started today on a project that i'm really excited about and that is a veggie patch i've got super sweet cherry tomatoes with an eight ball of courgettes aubergine and then what i'm really excited about long peppers from this region and then i've got red basket peppers and a bunch of herbs you see this antique iron bed behind me i'm gonna start the veggies in that we don't actually use it as a bed so i thought why not use it to hold this so i have two of these and then i think i'm gonna use some zinc buckets for herbs on either side now i will say that johnny created a design for an amazing vegetable garden out in the walled garden essentially a big greenhouse with beds inside but for now i thought instead of waiting let's just start small do it now and at least we'll have the essentials so i particularly really am enjoying this project because ashley has said it's her project and um she doesn't want any assistance it's something that she's been really passionate about for a really long time and um look at us going around like a little little squirrel good job babe are you enjoying it i'm enjoying it delicious yep so yeah it's been said we've been meaning to do and wanting to do for such a long time we're starting small purely because of the time factor as i'm sure ashley's explained so she found these online and i was really um hesitant purely because i want to build a bit more bespoke and timber and have some trellis etc and then these rocked up these body bags and um like always i'm always like we should have gone we're stuck with our original plan however it's time isn't it i love the idea that right out here it's all the peppers tomatoes what else courgette we have uh zucchini we have eggplant what's excited yeah about the hot peppers that i got at the amsterdam airport they have a little shop at the amsterdam airport and all they sell so strange but all they sell are hot peppers is that right yeah amsterdam and they have every kind of hot pepper you can imagine so i think i bought this peppers i'm sorry but are you sure it's perishable from amsterdam airport there you go not that we know so what are you going to call this babe i have to name it well no i was thinking it's i mean it's a flower bed right it's a garden bed within a bed boom boom look at that all right i'll let you get on [Music] they're so very um tell me more about that where's patrick swayze when you need him oh my love my darling do you like that i love it but maybe you stick to being an artist well actually thinking about it you are meant to talk to your plants and one of the um so if there are a song is that their song huh it could be it should be now i think yeah so if there are any viewers out there watching no in all honesty if you do talk to your herbs and vegetables to help them grow please a leave a comment and tell me what you discussed with them that would put a big smile on this little man's face really is that okay it's your vlog yeah that's great i'm looking forward i love that all right so please leave a comment thank you in advance look at that beautiful soil good job oh no i'm joking i just can't i can't get the image out of my mind now how comes you make garlic look so essential i have no idea [Music] all right well uh it's looking good good job so i think what i'm going to do now is i'm going to place these where i think that they might want to live tomatoes are going to go there in the back little sticks of bamboo because we know that we have lots of bamboo right oh wow are you not terrified though even if it's dead bamboo that we might we might be starting something that we your bamboo city is going to start growing here maybe my beautiful little tomatoes making good hey hey dave hey wait making good hallway you have a surprise for me the guy your face just lit up yeah there you go my darling oh little snack as well merci oh and a pringle nothing there's two there is that right that's my girl cheers cheers darling here's some good harvest good job so today we are on a stone hunt for a fire pit but we do know that dotted around this chateau on the grounds there is a huge amount of stone and they're all scattered in different pockets so that's what we're doing today looking for the perfect stone for hopefully our perfect fire pit there's one stone right there oh that's a big one look at that isn't it wow uh well ladies first why don't you um no that that's going to wear a tongue oh you're going to get hernia [Music] oh look at that it moves it can be lifted but i think it's a two-man job i can get it up oh yeah yeah imagine trying to get that into the van i mean you think you can help me that's that's nasty though i think he just goes in a wheelbarrow yeah each one no you're gonna drive the van across this land yeah okay oh i know oh i've got a great idea zack trolley seriously yeah it'd be easier than a wheelbarrow but sackcharlie easy peasy one at a time abernathy agrees [Music] yeah okay so i think the others are through their bramble pass this is what is known as bramble path and over here to the left is bramble mountain hello bramble my old friend you drive me right round the bends just when i think i am getting on top my pleasure and my joy you quickly rob but now i will cut you while you sleep oh yes and this is the pass of brambles anyway oh look at these lovelies here i think that one's good that one yep i love this one [Music] that one i don't think you're gonna be able to lift babe one here sweet that one is oh that's really long babe look how long that one is this one yeah oh look at that yeah oh that's a great lymph node how heavy is it they're heavy they're okay to to get over there let's just get them up you know let's just check this one out first okay careful for snakes we have a snake that lives on the land and i've named him mr percival i think that scary animals with cute names make them less scary i can't get them in with the van let's take these round okay and then we'll come back for these two should we yeah sounds good so we've picked these four and then some in a pile over on the other side of the van [Music] this is caveman style [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not yet a little bit closer okay no i do yes [Music] almost there [Music] how are you feeling well that wasn't too bad actually still have my manhood which is the most important thing [Music] this is what i love about johnny most people would look at those stones and think no i need to find somebody to help me they're way too heavy but he will just do the impossible gotta love that in a man [Music] so we have decided to take the camion through the carriage house we just moved everything out of the carriage house in order to do that [Music] wait wait babe that is a big hole where our geothermal heating is good thank you yeah you're going to hit the top of the stable yeah i think if you just leave it here you're good oh my goodness okay good job what do you think about nafi good job good job daddy oh yeah yeah okay that was a lot of work for two stones three three still a lot of water yeah i think just shove it out and then roll it shove it out and roll it shove it out and roll it yeah that's going to be the easiest thing roll it caveman style roll it tumble it don't roll it roll it you can't roll there no if i'm if i can get it on here i'll just try to keep it nice and low like this okay so far so good i still have ten toes see who said sex rally [Music] know part of me is thinking we just go back to the sanctuary and walk around i think so this is much easier than trying to navigate that van over the grass and the stones and yeah it's a much better idea the last two though they're the biggest and the heaviest oh it's okay ah take a little break [Music] look at the brown balls so to my left we have rambles to my right we have rambles so i think the guy we bought the chateau from he was gonna put a pool here i'd love to have seen the plans for it wouldn't you yeah a little bit different oh it would be a sweet spot for a pool we're doing all the work ourselves right so you know this could be a project for two years time we're a bit more settled and jobs are our priorities you know they're getting done when they're finished if this is not totally enveloped we can tackle it the list is never ending and you just have to you can only do what you can do yeah that's true okay all right so this is going to be interesting this little maneuver here all right so the idea is to stand up on its end here and then i'll just drop it here and then i'll append it one more time and drop it here so three here's okay okay [Music] that wasn't too bad was it our very own stonehenge you're not going to change your mind are you telling me it's going to look lovely it's gonna look beautiful it will win it it will it's 960. it's 960 yeah i know why you laughing on me weight 960 divided by two 480 right 480. all right so we just mark here the way johnny gets to the end of a math equation is hilarious that wasn't bad though was it you see this face demon smiles you're just thinking about that juicy steak you're gonna put on there okay oh we should do s'mores smalls yeah marshmallows don't tell me you've never heard of a s'more i've heard of um never heard of a s'more i just had to tell you what a tomorrow is this a s'more is a graham cracker with a piece of chocolate and a toasted marshmallow and you put it over the fire this is delicious yeah and the chocolate melts and the marshmallow gets all melty and crispy and then you put it in and you squeeze it down in the graham crackers that's a s'more 900 this stone's changed tell me i've got the right stone i'm so tired honestly all right so should we leave that bead just for now and bring some of these yeah bring bring the sides over first and you want them on the inside or the outside i think the outside the outside okay let's find this way up isn't it yeah look at that it's looking like a fire pit i think maybe one more tier right i think just put this there and voila it's tiny though isn't it it's not tiny it's normal fire pit size what do you mean it's normal what do you mean it's one more fight when's the last time we built a fire pit i sit by fire pits all the time yes sir i'd like a fire pit please and i wanted normal fire pit soys i gotcha wanna see my drawings no no more will do me all right why don't you why don't you put this where it goes and then we'll see yeah okay [Laughter] a little bit of a swivel going on there with the stones we've got some playful stones all right let's get this in place looks like i make some burial brands uh that's quite comfortable though sit here my whiskey my little vape my book oh hey baby boy is that my dark bed daddy baby boy i don't like here oh i think it'd be awesome if it's all stainless color don't you oh [Music] it does it'd be perfect for halloween oh no the lighter but you know what um they will clean up really well jet wash they will i mean look at the steps i bet you underneath the same color as the steps and the same color as them yeah would you like a s'more on her and a great stone a small and a new back please he's not a very good dancer this one is she well i'll tell you what if all else fouls it would make an amazing cat litter tray [Music] all the cats communal worm cat litter tray too but we don't have any guns we'll put it on why we have that ginger one that comes oh yes we get making progress we are making progress so as is is that correct that is correct yes yes we're rocking there baby so the great thing about this it's got multi uses multi as in multi uses sacrificial water smoke bearer roman bath typical eyesore flower bed barbecue fire pit and if i misbehave and you need to get rid of the carcass just throw me in here i'll be quite happy all right here we go this side yes if you enjoyed this episode don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button and for exclusive videos and behind the scenes tours check out our patreon page as always thanks for watching
Channel: Chateau de Lomenie: The ART of French LIVING
Views: 5,901
Rating: 4.9188404 out of 5
Id: sU3_roxUlaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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