The Renfroe Family gets to see Phil Robertson

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thank you so to make sure you get the point now if you saw me walking down the road you may say I look like some homeless guy I'm rich and famous boys but you want to know something all the money you've ever make or me it can't remove my sin and it can't remove yours right and you can become real famous but fame can't raise you from the dead Texas right I have one story that I've read what I've been on the earth this one we got one shot one escape route one from the grave that every last one of you and me two are going into you are going to die aren't you now if my college professors were correct and there is no God we're done boys we are done I'm not buying the motion the theory that a saline solution made all living things including me I ain't bad it salt water made us I might get out of here so we just Crowley oceans were before we crawled out where we were fish or tonight we fried an eighth or we used to be I don't get it they suppress the truth about God his wrath is poured out upon them because their godless and they are wicked they suppress the truth about him they claim to be wise but they become fools and they bow down and worship and serve creative things rather than the Creator and you know what happens to them you see what I got my hand right there you know what is that that's an updated report from the Center for Disease Control do you know how many Americans are running around with a sexually transmitted disease 110 million that's one out of every three to be exact tip 2.5 million are in men and fifty nine point five million are in wedding and you want to keep whoring around forty million of dad from AIDS you want to go down that road forty million are now dead worldwide 700,000 in the US it will kill you physiologically and eternally if you're a man find your woman they choose either clean them and if she's preen and you're clean and you look toward the heavens and say I'll take this one Lord to sickness and health for better or worse till death and I'm gonna keep my effects right there here's a newsflash you will never get a sexually transmitted disease if you'll do that safety boys safety go with y'all Maddie go with the almighty every time or you'll bring his wrath upon you now I doubt I hope not that any of you Texans over here are members of PETA but just in case some poor soul sitting in the audience is from PETA well let me give you a few scriptures I'm quoting up chapter 10 they were continuing on their journey and as they were approaching the city Peter brought upon the roof to pray and he was praying he fell into a trance he saw what seemed to be a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners Texas we got a giant movie screen coming out of heaven you there wasn't a what in the world only thing the heat contained all kinds of four-footed animals let's see now a deer I mean feet don't you have he's on the sheet what about a hog he's on the sheet squirrel he's on the sheet whoo possum four four four footers there on the sheet being let down Peter looking at it what in the world rip those up the earth these slithering creatures on the ground birds of the air now we're talking ducks any voice from heaven said get up Peter kill and eat therefore you may not like me kill him birds and animals but remember this I've got orders from headquarters that says if it Rob's crawls flies or swims ranking second that's two out of two find you somebody that remember the object X Miriam keep your facts right there no disease for you and you want to kill animals Blackmon stack them here's the point guys you have to vet everything through this book here all Scripture is god-breathed so I could commit to 316 by the way I gave you a quote Acts chapter 10 called my Peter seeing the Sheep write it down as your second Timothy 3:16 whatwhat would write it down you survive to verify what I'm saying you verify all Scripture is god-breathed it's useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be further equipped for every good work bet everything through the Bible Hebrews 5:14 the mature the mature they're mature because by constant use they have trained themselves to distinguish between good and evil that's when you grow up guys somebody's faith you say well when you were converted at 28 were you operating under that rule under that verse are you kidding I was getting high getting drunk and getting laid you know why no Jesus look at the Nazis they murdered millions they want to conquer the world look at the blood we share the driving back to where he came from you say any Jesus there no Jesus the Shinto is started in August at Pearl Harbor Japanese Empire murder and Heath and murderers brutal they want to conquer the world no Jesus with them either right number three the Communists they come up these wolves are fighting Vietnam Korea you say the Communists any Jesus there guys nope famous for murder Stalin kill millions and now this latest crop shows up what are they famous for Texas any Jesus with them I see a pattern don't you you say what about our own country feel we've killed 60 million unborn children in their mother's womb hey how are bad guns are the problem it takes a knife about that long little sharp scalpel 60 million you say they sound like the Nazis the Shintoist the Communists and is that their murderers killers you say what don't you get it any Jesus with them no Jesus guys sitting there it's tough on their face talking about selling body parts no Jesus so if you're in their audience and there's no Jesus in your life I'm gonna be out can't hear you up to no good no doubt about it I fell how I operated without Jesus what happened to us Dickies think about it did we run Jesus out of a Hollywood they know Jesus in Hollywood what about the institutions of higher learning no Jesus indoctrination that's why all these young people gather up listen to Bernie Sanders you say Bernie Sanders old burnout hip you'd sit around smoking dope breed the chicks you say what about all the people that weren't what happened to the hippies you say a lot of them ended up in major institutions of higher learning that's whose indoctrinate those college kids and they all sit at Bernie's feet saying hey Bernie feel the Bern oh there's a Bern coming all right but burning I'll give it to him so you say I'm in a band feel I'm not a Jesus man well here's the verse first John 5:19 you have the children of God on this earth and the whole world is a is controlled by the evil one the whole world everybody outside Jesus don't kid yourself 1st John 5:19 the whole world is under the control of the evil one it explains the Nazis it explains the Communists the Shintoist it explains all these Muslim killers running around shooting up everything you say today one of the control of the Evil One and danfous what he's all about well yeah Jesus is about life Satan is about death you like they got their hand on the throttle Ephesians 2:2 the church at Ephesus you were dead in your sins and transgressions which you used to live you follow the ways of the world and you follow the spirit of the kingdom of the air you say the experience of the kingdom of the air who in a world of that may be the evil one he works in those who are disobedient that's 2 3 the whole world was a prisoner of fan that's Galatians 3 22 23 you're a prisoner of sin 2nd Timothy 2:24 the Lord's servant must not crawl he must be kind to everyone you must be able to teach not resentful those who oppose him he must gently instruct in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth you know the old say in Texas you'll know the truth and it will what set you free you say because you are under the control of Satan you're a prisoner of sin you are guilt-ridden you're under a law of works that you never came close to keeping and there's a grade coming up and there will be no escape without Jesus you think I need to be set free from Satan sin guilt wall and the grave itself how in the world can God help me out I want to remind you of the gospel I preach to you this is 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 you say feel we're noticing that you're giving these Bible verses in you're quoting this like there's nothing to it had you know that like that how do you know when somebody says well what about you know what about crushing Russell atps and forwards on the left hand side of my Bible about halfway up yep is why you're so quick to turn to it I have trained myself to know what God says and I've trained myself to know where he said it because how are you going to teach people if you don't need know where to find the verse is where you call that you call that being a man a man can stand there and help some poor soul out sure what they need to do sure what God said you'll find let me remind you of the gospel I preach to you you said have you preached it to us yet not really I usually give you the bad news first the bad news is you can raise your hand as everybody in this room sinned raise your hand it's a clean sweep somebody in the back back there might say I'll never see him he just lied but you defend right I'll be that I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you listen which you received you have to receive the gospel and on which you've taken your stand got to stand on it guys you stand on it that means I'm standing on this gospel and I'm not budging you know why because by the gospel you are saved from those things I mentioned Satan sin guilt law the grave if you're hold firmly to the word I preached to you got a hold of the guys and hold on to it for what I received I passed on to you of first importance you say Phil it's a pretty thick book what's the most important thing in there the Apostle Paul is fixing to tell you what I received he got it directing first one the road to Damascus you said what was he doing the guy who wrote most of the New Testament because somebody is saying field I messed up so bad dude you don't know realize what I've been into this guy was going around killing the sons and daughters of God Almighty murdering him just like Isis does he was like a 1 of 1 horse show but he had a bunch of people with him you say he was Isis going around killing people because of their faith in Jesus Jesus strike him down and said hey hey why are you persecuting me he says who are you lord he's blind throw around the road your eyes he called him Lord you hear a big racket and all of a sudden you're blind and you hear a voice coming out of heaven says well you're persecuting me you'll say Lord well whoever you are you way bigger than I am well you want me to do next you say how hard was it for Jesus to convince him that he was on the wrong road it didn't take too much he said get up I got a job for you to do he's the one that wrote most of the New Testament so if you're thinking you've sinned so rivas ly that the blood of Jesus won't take it away wrong it doesn't make any difference guys how bad you've been the blood of Jesus is more than sufficient for what I received I passed on you and the first importance that Christ died for our sins according to the scripture there's that one and that three days later he was Ray was buried and raised from the dead there's your one-way ticket out of the grave you missed that I can't tell you a good look because this ain't about luck you have another way you're going to escape the grade you got any other way you ever read about heard about on how you're going to come forth from the ground will stand up and state your case medical technology maybe Obamacare will do it all the doctors that treat all these ailments all this earthly healthcare at the end of the day they all go six feet deep to right you say the doctors that do all this treating and all this medicine and all this stuff you say at the end of the day they bite the dust - we got one shot Texas just one why do you think I'm all-in I'm all-in with it you know why I know what another right no other way to escape planet Earth alas none I'm asked to do two things love God Oh ain't that he frees me from Satan he said Phil did you know you were controlled by Satan before you came to Jesus I had no idea it was only when I was set free from Satan and became a follower of Jesus and looked back where I had been and what I had been doing that's when I said what in the world was I thinking well what was I thinking just get jump put your faith and the death of Jesus you go have to repent like I did I told you what I used to be up to if we sit around the rest of the night and we all confess their sins to each other it's like the other night a few months back I converted a doctor a medical doctor well he's cardiologist he probably makes five six million a year doctors make big bucks he said feel I got I got a few things to say before you baptize me down in the river it was a dead of winter by the way you're cold I should suck it up they didn't he have heated bastard she's back there 2,000 years ago so the doctor looks down I'm seated right here my camouflaged chair and he said right there on the couch and he looks down at the floor and he starts confessing his sins I didn't ask you to do it but I told him he had to repent he said well I need to get some things off my chest and give them to the Almighty us before I go down there I said well now we're getting somewhere go ahead so I'm sitting there and he started confessing his sins and after about 10 minutes he still confessing them and I looked around at one time and I thought I didn't know doctors were doing all that I did good grief yeah he got done I said doc that was a lot and if there's some of them things I ain't him part of that he thought it as a rock now you say how many people have you brought to Jesus thousands you want to be a man you go out there and join in the battle it's spiritual warfare boys and find me if you repent there's two valleys you make some of you numbs girls got out there either a you know Laura lied she's about what I've told you take this woman having the whole you sickness and hell no with the Bible there I was looking at it till death six months later she changed father so I'll let it go what about that circle but you got well at some point Texas we got to love our wives but we got to be good to them I used to be meaning to miss Kay before I ran up on Jesus but when I say I repented to that there's no way oh yeah oh yeah well yeah no no I bet everything I say through the Word of God I bet listen to me everything I see through the Word of God you dudes out there that's got them black boxes look I don't own a cell phone I never have on the cell phone I don't have a computer he said why I want to live a peaceful life somebody here in a world you're making it without a cell phone or computer I said peacefully a child making it but there's some filth on them things I hear they tell me there's some stuff on there that you don't need to be looking at you know where are you buried we'll pull the cover back dude the real thing is there and it soldiers can go help you not only that that picture you're looking at and somebody else's woman that's somebody else's daughter you get married to one you keep your sex between you and your woman it's faith it's godly he gave you and you ain't kidding me it's more than you need they in their planning you sir but your couch about 70 years oh you've outdone anyway it's like I said old guy one time it was 85 I did it so all no there Carl what did this next thing play out because you know I'm crowding Sidney but you about 85 he said son you got to have someone old and I am made me feel pretty good you know what I'm saying so you put your faith in Jesus and you repent of your sins you confess with your mouth there's not the two confessions you made the reason I brought up the one you you your your vow about that woman you say so what happens now because I'm you know I'm three women in and you once you get about three women a divorcee them one or two more or Texas and there's going to be some people that might think it could be you God is forgiving it's simple to divorce your woman but it's not like unforgivable but if you keep that up as a pattern and you're looking at all this filth that's all around you all the time you say it's the evil one trying to steal my soul for me no doubt about it guys that everything you say through the Bible use well I just trust a little don't use profanity period I mean we got presidential candidates just talking like it but I mean they're running for the President of the United States for crying out loud he's 65 70 years old your profanities poured out of their mouths out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks good trees don't bear bad fruit right don't forget that and be careful to vet everything on what you do everything you do you say vet it through the Word of God everything that's why it's useful teaching rebuking correcting training some of you are younger in the faith or to take you longer you say will I ever reach a park field where I don't spend nope that's why through the blood of Jesus he brought you out from under law you don't have to be perfect once you get in Jesus you just try to be and the blood you should what happened to him he stayed forty days went back into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God he's there 24/7 to remove anything you will ever commit while you're on the earth that's why it's called grace there's provision for your violations under law you violate it the first time you're dead so if you're out in can you say I'm under a code of works I'm not under grace I don't know Jesus you're not goodnight the first time I got old and I see and I've been cut off ever since walking dead man you can make that right tonight you come down there you say I'm thinking of I'm thinking to put my faith in Jesus right here really some Satan yeah free from sin yep free from guilt who put my head on the pillar and my guilt is gone God took it away through the blood of Jesus you say he's gonna get me out manga co2 works all I need to do is trust God and try and the blood from heaven is there 24/7 to keep me cleansed you get in Jesus because he was perfect he use you as perfect in him there is no sin that's where you have to get in him and finally I didn't write this I'm just quoting it here's a quote I'll post resurrection standing up on the earth they're all looking at first they thought he was a ghost he said hey come up here he said touch me a ghost on that flesh and bone he just come out of the ground then I goodnight he said y'all game think you'd eat they said huh go get me some meat they run over and get him some peace he said hey he's been underground for three days any decent dish when I heard that I said I picked the follow him now all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me well if you would just beat Dan you got the party no doubt about it right all Authority has been given me there for you go make disciples and you baptize them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit teach them to obey everything I have commanded you that's why I'm telling you you say you're telling us teaching us that what we say that what we see that what we do through the Word of God teaching you to obey your teacher Jesus you got it you go back at them teach them to obey everything I have commanded you and I'll be with you to the end of the age that's what Christianity is about Texas right there your baptism is your starting point what shall we say I'm quoting again that of them was Matthew 28:18 and following this one's Romans 6 1 through 4 you said where you sit on your Babel bottom of the page right-hand column you sure how'd you know that I've looked at it a lot I've read it a lot you say I need to get into this Babylonia know where the verses are here's the good news I'm a c-plus man you said well you're saying that like you're proud of it I'm smarter and half him you understand what a bit I feel really good about it but a paintbrush man can figure out what these pictures are watch everything share we go on sinning just add in the fence you're double minded man shall we go on sinning because we're not under law but under grace I know means I'm quoting we died to sin we died to it we died to sin how can we living any longer don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death that's where the blood was shed so we died with him the old us we were therefore buried with him it's a great it's a lot better than what he went through way easier because you're doing it through faith Texas you believe in Jesus died was buried raised from the dead Jesus held us well then you died to see them because you know like that Ahram you're like get me in that grave let's get rid of this one and what will happen Lord be with him through baptism into death and all of that just like he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father we too may live a new life you got it if you ever get any seminary training no sir you say you some kind of preacher no you say by the way do I look like a preacher you know I'm not a preacher this is free just kidding I'm not passing the Hat boys you say why'd you tell us the bad news and the good news about Jesus come and get us a stand on our feet like growing me in order to because the country is going to hell quick why don't you tell us that I love you I love you you say what if we don't like you I love you anyway you say your love for Ellis was not contingent on how we feel about you God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son you just heard the story about it that whoever believes in him they won't perish we'll turn it around what if you don't believe in him you will perish he didn't come to condemn the world that's John 3:17 most of us leave that one out he didn't come to condemn the world I'm not going to condemn you Texas I don't know where you stand in Jesus or out you say but it's not going to be up to you to condemn me you say you're going to judge me field no sir I just said you were thinner and one of these days you're going to die is that true your calendars based on Jesus forgotten a Texas it's 2016 ad a no don't be not year of our Lord is what that means we're all counting on by Jesus even the Atheist count time by Jesus you can't get away from him if it's 2016 years since Jesus showed up he must have shown up or we wouldn't be saying it's 2016 years since you showed up right father I pray that if there's anyone here we have not responded to the gospel by faith I promise they would do so here and now give their lives to Jesus father in front of all these other men they want to be a man this will make him a man father a good man a godly man lord knows brother the country needs him I pray that they would move on this turn from their sinful life be set free from the old evil one who's had him he had me father I remember and I remember when I was dead in my sins and I remember what I was bad guilty and I remember when I was under a law of works that I didn't come close I date him I couldn't keep three of the top ten in front of the grave that's coming up this is the only thing I've ever heard of father the power of the resurrection of your son Jesus is the only chance we have I'll pray if there's anyone here they would respond brother I'm on my way out of here I've been doing this now for three days and half a night I pray for anyone who does belong to Jesus and maybe they got on the wrong track father help them understand all they have to do is confess their sins and repent and turn back to you in faith help them father be honest with you and honest with themselves thank you Father for the opportunity I pray that finally in our country there would be an awakening for a real man would stand up and quit listen this politically correct crap this world is going on a helpless father help us dear God to live by biblical correctness in the name of Jesus I pray for all these good Texans David I'm done
Channel: The Renfroe Family
Views: 50,420
Rating: 4.8963284 out of 5
Keywords: the, renfroe, family, jason, phil, robertson, duck, dynasty, bar, none, testing, of, bulls
Id: mpYiLAsdZnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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