Phil Robertson - Duck Commander @ BUMC - March 13, 2010

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for your information a couple of things some of you ladies that say oh boy looks pretty little rough around the edges there remember this the man appointed by God Almighty to pave the way for Jesus his son his name was John the Baptist he looked a lot rougher than I do right now I have on my very best clothes literally that I own I never bought a watch as in a watch nor a suit nor a cell phone and my family told me one time dad we're gonna have to have purchase a computer I said y'all buy the thing and do whatever you do with it I've never actually turned it on and looked at it now some of you are thinking you never want to watch how do where you tell time it's just about dark now that's what time it is we wait a while it'll be on up into the night then the day tonight the wee hours of the morning just for daylight sunup mid-morning sundown are you in here it leads for a lot less stressful life someone says but you don't understand Robertson what you've missed what you're missing but I do know see I know what I'm missing you understand what I'm saying I know exactly what I'm missing but to each his own as you can see I know what looked like a preacher I'm not an ordained preacher no neither was John the Baptist the preacher and the since you're thinking of no messenger I am ordained by men no it takes a lot of different kinds to make up the kingdom of God rich poor white black red yellow all types if you want to be a world champion duck caller this is basically what you're going to have to do unfortunately I've never heard a duck do that so they told me about thirty-five years ago they said listen if you want to be to sell duck calls in America mr. Robinson you're gonna have to learn and win the World Championship duck call contest over at Stuttgart I said well show me what they do in this cat you know he got in a stance and his eyes rolled back in his head listen to him and I said could a duck he said a duck could not even place in the thing you know Mississippi what a hand Mallard a mallard duck can't win a mallard duck duck call contest I said boys I tell you what I don't think I'm going so I've never been to one of those however you're looking at about 35 years of work it's impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible George Washington first president of the United States impossible to govern the world right without God in the Bible name the capital of your country after him it's what they all said anybody take a stand like that for God in the Bible let's name a capital after him everybody yeah why are we headed let's see wrecked a huge monument in his honor so we'll never forget where he stood and we did Bible verses from the bottom all the way to the tip top that capstone on the Washington Monument says pray he's God a reporter asked Andrew Jackson Old Hickory one time President Jackson why do you always carry your Bible with you everywhere you go he picked it up and he said that book sir is the rock the Republic rest on hey Mississippi I'm still there I'm in the company of George Washington Andrew Jackson I haven't changed a bit I'm not budging your forefathers would not buzz and all my stresses and sorrow reading the scriptures never fails to give me comfort robert e lee we owe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal they've been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights on limbal Rights Mississippi that's rights that God gives you that no government can take away from you no man can take from you god-given right some of these are life Thomas Jefferson your third president writer of the Declaration of Independence says some things you ought to just know they're self-evident that all men are created equal I'm thinking yeah no doubt about it we've been given these unable rights what I miss to be able to live yeah so what we do less than 200 years later we come along and we say I tell you what some woman doesn't like that fetus in her womb will rip him out throw it away say what you're gonna do what you're gonna rip a human being from a mother's womb you want to talk about shedding innocent blood it's it is the most horrendous low-down sorry Mississippi when you were a little speck inside your mother's womb it was you and look when you got the size of my little finger like this you know it was you when they got the size of my thumb my fist did seven or eight pounds in nine months or so come on it was you all the way that wasn't it somebody comes in there and tears you either a piece at a time you wouldn't be here tonight what kind of man would say it's really not anybody in there should I listen to God and Thomas Jefferson you have a god-given right to live we're going to pay for that the right to live to be free and the third one and to pursue happiness in Mississippi you know what makes me happy to blow him out of Drake's he had smooth off at about 10 feet whoa shoot a poor little duck in the head we got people running around the United States now so oh whoa you shouldn't kill any kind of meat and then consume that like what look if you're visiting from PETA tonight one we love you and two I'm just warming up and do we have a story for you I noticed they take their best-looking ones and they strip them naked in broad daylight young lady 20 years old this robes totally naked standing on a street corner in a major city people driving by that's a sign out in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken don't eat chicken Mississippi I don't get the getting naked part all right you don't want me to eat fried chicken but to strip naked and dishonor your body you say what kind of man does that they get it in their head that there is no God they claim to be wise but they become fools and they bow down to birds animals reptiles and each other they worship and serve created things birds of the air instead of the Creator who's to be forever praised that's the way it was in the Roman Empire you know what Mississippi things have haven't changed to be it therefore God gave them over to the degrading of their bodies to sexual immorality with each other any sexual immorality going on in the United States Mississippi who are you talking about and it went from goes from there it escalates into sexual perversion men's sleeping with me and committing indecent acts with them women with women they receive in themselves the due penalty for their perversion the Apostle Paul wrote you say what the world happened to us we forgot what our forefathers said more on that later I wonder what God says about shooting ducks because I'm fixin to blow the duck calls and the idea of Mississippi's to get him in within gunshot range kill him and eat him well I wouldn't want to violate the law and I'm not talking about the law men have AI don't want to make violate anything God has said so here's a quote it was about noon the day as they were continuing on their journey and approaching the city Peter went up on the roof to pray he became hungry and he wanted something to eat as he was praying he fell into a trance he saw what seemed to be a large sheet being let down by its four corners out of heaven they see the full screen here maybe a small one this is a giant movie screen being let down out of the heavens and Peter is standing there he's looking at it he was hungry he wanted something to eat while the meal was being prepared he falls into this trance and he looked at this big movie screen he's thinking we got a message coming here we got something coming out of heaven here and it's directed at me here's old Peter a Jew been under strict food laws for 1500 years and here comes a movie screen out of heaven the movie screen on it it contained all kinds of four-footed animals well let's add it up now Mississippi name the four-footers let's see whitetail deer that's a four footer bear four footer moose four footer and what scared old feeder hogs they got four feet to Dante Oh Peter second row down rabbit four footer squirrel the sheet also contained birds of the air now we're talking ducks he's a bird of the air right Mississippi quail doves they're on it and it contained creeping things like alligators bullfrogs and such crawfish probably I don't know who the first man was it walked up and looked down at a crawfish hold at Crawford looking at him I don't know who it was that said you know that looks like that'd be good to eat but if you just looked at what I'm you think whew but I know this we got four-footed animals birds of the air creeping things and a voice from heaven said get it kill and eat the Mississippi I'd be a c-plus man C+ in junior high c-plus in high school c-plus in college somebody says you're saying that like you're kind of proud of that I was smart and half up it's not a bad place to be but as a c-plus man I just quoted you Acts chapter 10 about 910 and following that says if you want to execute it properly that we got orders from headquarters that says if it walks crawls flies or swims wacom and stack them right therefore some lady comes along and says I don't think it's right to kill animals based on what Constitution of the United States let's start with that based on that it doesn't forbid the killing of animals and consuming them no the Constitution doesn't forbid it a declaration of independence now the Bible no any precedent in the court system no lady keep your clothes on I got to have my fried chicken or anything else that walks crawls flies or swims got I got orders from headquarters first thing we're doing to get in a duck blind since we now know that killing ducks is sanctioned I don't own a watch but somebody better have one because we can't fire a shot until 30 minutes for the Sun comes up ladies you say you mean when y'all duck hunt you cannot make the mistake of firing a shot 30 minutes exactly before that Sun comes up so you better find out what time that is you so you look at these it's all on the tables and you say okay in the morning it's 631 legal shooting hours we get the blind and I'll say I'll pour myself a cup of coffee what about it one of my sons I say six minutes I'll wait Jake my coffee what about it two minutes I just sit there I'm making sure I'm legal before I do what I'm fixed to show y'all because if you do this before legal shooting hours these Ducks are come in there why attempt yourself first thing I do is yes I'm not doing that loud there's the teal Drake the whistle that's all a teal Drake can do green-winged teal Drake and there's a little hand if she'll hear that off in the distance look I'll hear one sometime go answer me will they look at that gun bring it in bring it in close look you'll be sitting there you hear look up it's 30 minutes before the Sun comes up 29 now and look they just come out of nowhere and they hit that water right there next to em decoys you barely can make them out they're like shadows on the water you can't really make them out much at all but you hear you know the teal they were small just dart in there it'd be early the last thing you want to do here Mississippi is get support because if you make the mistake of jumping up say hey ducks to scare them up so that you can shoot them in the air the problem is when they get up at bat drop back and head behind that tree line they get up off that water daylight they just disappear they just gone you won't kill any of maybe one here's some good sound advice from the old duck man just ground solanum and get it over with sometimes a wait a minute I cannot believe a man of your reputation and stature would stoop so low as to shoot our poor bunch a little teal duck swimming on the water oh you misunderstood me I'll wait till they stop swimming you'll get more of them if you wait till they stop and kind of ball up into everybody together we used to have to count one two three but now I just reach it come up and now all my sons and everybody our cousins they all come up and nobody says anything we just raise boom boom boom boom boom I got a daughter to go and start bringing them back I can't tell what we got it's too early the dog finally stops swims around out to us at boys we got nine out of that bunch we start not good Mississippi I've never had anyone walk up take the lid off the pot and look at the Ducks that's cooking I've never had a person say I wonder if they were sitting or flying when they shot him the almighty said kill them and eat them that's exactly what we're going to do so don't worry about it there's nothing better than a good ground SWAT it's been a widget take your finger Louisiana we all have a little piece of meat hanging down in the back of our throat it's round y'all check I think you ought to have one Mississippi you look and you're still a piece of meat well the first time I saw that the hanging back that's it what the world is that I said why would the Almighty put that little round piece of meat here's a newsflash if you didn't have that you couldn't sound like a pintail so God gave you that so you can sound like a pintail duck that's what it's doing that so you go by the way if you didn't have it it'd be this that's heavy equipment backing up don't call nothing pintail you've got to break that so you go I'm breaking it up so that gives you pin tail teal widgeon and teal him you got the old gadwall gray duck we call them in Louisiana well one late wait about four seconds someone's calling what a hand call you just you mix that in with your hand call my son came up for that it's great on gadwal's the old Mallard Drake it's a whistle that I'm breathing a bass note real low I'm going I figured out that if you hummed a bass note into that pintail weeds and whistle are built with a stem and put it in a little housing I figured out you'd have a perfect Mallard Drake do you realize that no one in the world had ever thought of that no one so I thought about it figured it out I sent that off and got a patent u.s. department of trade commerce in washington DC mississippi i was the only one that had one and the only way you could get one is contact me for a nominal fee and I'd give you one that's when things started looking better you have to you harm a bass note times are hard the old woody if he's flying it's what he does but you want to be sitting because see if you're blowing a flying call on a flying wood here by flying nobody knows where to come back to so he may be flying you got to be sitting so you hear me coming across the top of the timber that's when they're sitting so as your woody when times are hard you get out there in the thicket and you hear them out there he's up there you get down underbrush get that gum bough stuck through there ready to go and look you give them that sit and call and look you shake the world a little bit you get them at sit and call they don't answer if you answer them back shake their watery hand shake the water a little bit get you some ripples coming out of there get you some ripples make you plenty racket but ever 5 to 10 seconds shake the water low that's it and called they'll ant you look you look up directly and they'll just swim single-file coming through them trees y'all do what you want to I said times were hard as far as amount of hands you've got those kind you've got like I use this one all the time we're that old duck picker by the way we name this duck call after all the fine women of the United States of America who picked their men's ducks when he bring him in I said let's name one of her duck calls duck picker and all these guys nationwide you got to remember this is about the 10th speech of about a loop of about 27 cities some I'm up in New York State Pennsylvania so I get up north and I ask him girl the Verity y'all picking me as ducks I said no so here's what I've concluded see I married Miss K she be 16 you ma'am at 16 they'll pick it up the problem with a lot of people is they're waiting to get to be 20 years old before the man that's way too old here's the deal you wait till a woman gets to be 20 and marry her I tell what's gonna get picked your pocket I'm just giving you a little river raft counseling here tonight trying to help you up check with mom and dad before you mayor you can't go wrong with a young one me and Miss K I'll look back at it now but here we are 45 years later what a woman great woman great cook great mother and she's picked up many a duck this is a little finisher we use that in the timber all the time some are recipe some are smooth some are loud some are soft it's the duck part of me I recommend and I think you desperately need it and so does our country and our world I recommend you love God love your neighbor and shoot ducks in that order that's me you say how did you ever end up going around the United States of America talking about the Father Son and Holy Spirit of place one time I think it was a Superdome and New Orleans Louisiana they said will you give us a duck call seminar si yes sir they said you'll be standing under that big sign it said Budweiser king of beers I said okay I walked over there it's about 12 15 years ago I stood on that sign I gave him the duck call deal like you just heard and I'll let that and I said all these people I said I got to tell them love your neighbor to walk away without them knowing what I'm fixed to tell you I said I got to tell him so I did I told him I said I think I'm gonna preach you a little sermon and I'm not actually a preacher and there was a hush that fell over the crowd you could have heard a pin drop and I told them what I'm fixed to tell you after all the smoke cleared some fellows came up and they said that took some gall I said no you have to love him more than you fear them and that's what I did I love with him enough to tell him they said would you come to our church and do that I said call miss Kay well I never dreamed that that was going nationwide like that I thought well I know what you can do in the Almighty I put you on the road for sure tell them the good news about Jesus and man look out because the crowds get bigger and bigger the success of our new nation does not depend on does not depend on the power of government far from it the success of any nation depends on the ability of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments James Madison writer of the Federalist Papers present number four I think say what you mean if we strive to live as a nation by the ten commandments we'll have a great successful nation that's it he said that's it that's what you do Mississippi look around will they steal anything that ain't tied down or what is there some thievin going on in Mississippi you talk about steal thou shalt not steal they already paid any man anymore the Atheist goes into the courthouse in Alabama and he sees the 10 commandments in the in the rotunda there when you walk in the foyer he sees the 10 commandments edged in stone he said it's a violation of my rights it's been seven or eight years ago violation of my rights you know what they did Mississippi all the bother I'm like you took the Ten Commandments out of a courthouse our Supreme Court when they're seated right behind them there's a big Mariel God giving Moses the Ten Commandments it's within 10 feet of them these big doors when you walk in the Supreme Court chambers that's law being given at Sinai but they haul it out of the courthouse in Alabama to a little judge Rory mower no can do I'll just give you number five children honor your father and mother Mississippi when your children dishonor when they dishonor their father and mother drive too fast you smoke dope they go to an entire people's property I noticed when they dishonor their parents and the laws catch them you know where they end up courthouse juvenile court right yeah number six don't murder Mississippi you want to violate number six the laws catch you you trust me you're gonna end up at the courthouse as surely as I'm standing here right that's what they do with murderers they have a court date don't commit adultery gentlemen if your woman catches you committing adultery with another woman there's a good possibility you could have a court date for it's all over happens all the time that hey at the time it happens you say probably a will go to an end divide it all up yeah kids are cry yep some of you been through it yeah violated command my number six number seven ah don't steal you rob a bank the laws catch you you're gonna have to settle at the courthouse before it's over burglarized someone's home your courthouse Baughman to catch you don't lie what did they do with Martha Stewart when she told that little lie to the feds or a little stock deal where'd she end up Mississippi courthouse we don't care if you got fifty billion dollars Martha you lied to us honey and look we get you down in that courthouse you bet that lie when you get on that stand that's perjury that's really line and don't covet now I just gave you five or six of them that you're sure to end up at the courthouse Mississippi if you're going to end up at the courthouse anyway for violating most of the ten commandments that might be a pretty good place to put them what do you think I mean Martha you lied to us so guess what you're going to the courthouse where we where we took the commandments out of it because we didn't want to look on them but since you lied to us we got to take you to the courthouse put you in the courtroom and tell you you better not lie you better swear by something don't be land us cuz you already told one I've got you down here to court out so what is it Mississippi we don't want Martha to walk by and see it in stone thou shalt not lie I mean I don't think it would hurt her core you think in fact cut it any way you want to cut it it's a great code think about it just take stealing let's just quit let's all just quit stealing in Mississippi would you have a better state I mean you said what the world happened all that money apparel Wall Street what happened to the money what's the thieves they steal that's where it goes we're in a rose all that money going on Washington DC thievery stealing you think it goes all the way to Washington Mississippi really do you believe that it goes all the way to Mississippi why sure you say what if everyone quit stealing well there goes all your burglar alarm systems all your you know all these video cameras do I have to prove that evil eye bags just gonna quit on their own would it be don't have to lock your truck for what where we live we don't lock your trucks we don't like our house we lock nothing you say well you don't have any thievin oh I see the first line of defense are these terriers of Miss Kay's you got these dogs you got to get by if you get by them and you're still in one piece with in there I you know these ar-15 I got enough firepower that say is that boy ever gonna run out of ammo it's not one of the places you want to go to rob plus most people I'm sitting in my rig they come my parents are let's knock em off and they probably look I'll look up at em I say tell you why let's get on down just a little further good night no way they want to rob him or not but in it a sorry sad state that you put something down it's just gone well we're all laughing about how wicked the place is how have you done with the 10 commandments you know what the sad part is I haven't even come close to keeping the Ten Commandments and look I just mentioned about six of the ten student line coveting of the old tree murder dishonor and my parents that's all I mentioned there's six hundred jealousy fits of rage gossip hatred Envy you know who factions witchcraft the world you know what the bottom line is see I'm telling you about the law you say how many human beings are under law everyone outside of Jesus on planet earth are under that code of conduct you know what the law demands the law of Moses you know what it demands the law that God gave Moses it's Anna you know what its demands are Mississippi 100% flawless obedience no provision for mistakes none you say well wild all these animals get slaughtered for 1500 years just to let everybody know and remind them guilty guilty guilty all of you everyone who sins breaks the law I just gave you about ten of them and you have you done let's see have I ever been commode hooking drunk are you kidding you say you've been immoral feel yup you say did you kill too many ducks yeah you say well good night the old Apostle Paul before me murderer you see it doesn't make any difference if you've been a prostitute or just told a few white lies although you are a homosexual any of those things you say everybody breaks the law anybody in here that's 100 percent totally perfect as far as your works are concerned I don't think so that's where everybody is and since I don't know anybody from new Albany Mississippi that's where you are if you don't get in on what I'm fixed to tell you about I'm giving you the bad news first just one little bit of it everybody makes mistakes and nobody's perfect all have sinned fallen short true God count me is one of them number two not but two everybody sins this is the man who's cut off from God as soon as you commit that first scene you say how was I when I came from my mother you were wonderful no seeing then you know why you didn't know what lion was or stealing or adultery or coveting or fits of rage you might have been crying when you were about eight pounds right out of your mother's womb but all you wanted to be it was be fed right little baby the law didn't have any effect on you however you started to be a little taller and you got on up in years and uh oh there came a time in your life when you knew what was right and what was wrong even if you never had a Bible you say what about the Sioux Indians who never heard of Jesus and never had a Bible what about the far-off tribes in the Amazon jungle how could God say to every one of them sinners sinners lawbreakers you know why because when they stole from each other when they stole from each other this tribe steals from that tribe if they didn't know anything was wrong with it while they slippin up there in the dead of night to do their stealing why are you being so sneaky if you want to go steal that tribes horses who told you there was something wrong with it how do you know they're gonna get mad for you stealing their horses because everybody knew what stealing was didn't he they never rented thou shalt not steal God said I put it in their hearts to know what it is you reckon all the Indians running around knew who their woman was yeah they knew who their woman was because you missed where their woman and then we got we got to fight here then somebody killed over that woman see how it works everybody knows therefore we know that whatever the law says it says to the whole world so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God therefore no one will be justified by the law rather through the law we become conscious of sin he wrote it down in stone so we all know what it is we can read it but guess what we did violate it anyway nothing wrong with the law but there's a lot wrong with us we're the problem number two physical death is your second problem you said physical death heart attack cancer car wreck lightning gunshot trip a tree just falls on you happens all the time you're drowning you're like how many ways are there for us to physically die it's a list from here to Monroe Louisiana how you gonna fix it you know any way out of that it's gonna happen to everyone in this room including me we've all sinned and when I guarantee you and you know it to be true you say hemline and number two is you're going by physically well if you die physically Mississippi and you're already dead in your sins your fate sealed forever and ever and ever and ever so you laughs in shambles because of the sins that you've committed and physical death comes your way and you're standing that try and explain to God why you ended up like you ended up well I'm removing that excuse from you here tonight it's not that you're not going to know now you're going to know they way out the solution to your sin problem and your physical death problem your grave problem your casket problem I'll start with this now we're on the good news it won't take long and I'll shut up and go back to Louisiana what year is it Mississippi 2010 years that meant last year was 2009 the year before was 2008 the year before 2007 let's walk it back because it had to be a 1 since its 2010 years there had to be a 1 2 3 4 5 right well evidently something rather large happened 2010 years ago or we wouldn't all be saying it's 2010 years since it happened I want to know what happened 2,000 years ago that we all said ok what's today well I'd be uh March whatever 1890 20 2010 years there's a little a and a D after that 2010 a D a no domine I either what does that mean you're very Lord wait a minute all these atheists the sign and their checkbook so they write down that March at 20th 2010 years since Jesus got here I said wait I thought you didn't believe in Jesus well I don't believe in him I said well you count in time by blocking all the rest of us you count time behind me bound up in here now look you say well count on but Jesus when he got here yeah you say what would you have had to do that the rest of the world for the most part light um you know we just Kings we can't see that these college professors we got to call it something else just can't go with that what we going to call it let's call it 2010 seee what is that we'll call it Common Era Common Era everybody since constantine has been counting as about 250-300 been count on by Jesus of Galilee I figure for good reason I know this Mississippi he was here or we wouldn't be saying this 2010 here since he got here would we he was here you said why'd he come you'll know the truth about Jesus you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free well one thing I've already told you the sketchy by the throat the law gachi you said if you broke it yeah it killed you that's right the law of Moses have called the law of sin and death you say I violate that thing I'm a dead man I'm a walking talking dead person yeah Jesus came down to set you free from that put you on another system it's called grace therefore you say Oh what is grace to man trust God and try and when you blow it again it's removed not counted against him and it's free you say you mean every rotten filthy thing I've ever done can be removed by Jesus cuz look what did he do when he got to the earth what did he say the price would be in order to get you with all your sins removed and none ever counted against you you know what the price was his blood for your sins that's why God became do you think God the creator of the cosmos he created the cosmos through Jesus you say was Jesus there when it all started yeah in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God and the word became flesh you say God become a human being so they could get their hands on him yeah how you gonna crucify a God that breathed a cosmos into being you're not gonna touch him unless he allows you to so he sent Jesus in a human body built just like you and every way Jesus took a cross to remove all your sins blood for your violations my life God says for yours you won't in on that well I was 28 when I heard it I said all my rotten filthy sins taken away Lord Lord yep I said what about that grave how long did Jesus God in flesh stay in that tomb before he came out of that tomb three days you say why in three days time but God raised Jesus from the earth Mississippi if God removed your sins what good would it do if he could raise you from the ground it wouldn't do you any good why follow Jesus if he can't get you out of that hole you say why do you follow Jesus Phil Robinson because of the resurrection of the Dead that's why you say it's the resurrection that you're standing on here yeah everybody told told the cross of Christ I appreciate it greatly but to me the resurrection was proof that he had the power to remove my sin you say we're talking about dead men coming from the ground here they told me years ago son you get up there and you blow it in coal but you get to wave in a Bible around they said don't you figure that that's gonna hurt your business I said hurt my business we're talking about the resurrection the energising of dead flesh and bringing it out of the ground I said I gotta tell them about that not only did it not hurt my business Mississippi my business went out the roof God blesses those who do right so Jesus came we're counting time by me died on the cross to take away all your sins you say you mean every rotten thing I've ever done y'all all gone y'all well remember many more no removes them forgets them you say what about any sin I committed in the future Jesus died was buried raised from the dead that's the good news forty days he spent on the earth to prove he was alive a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones as you see I have he had flesh bone a glorified human body that's where you'll be we don't yet know what will be but we know when he appears we'll be like him you say what was one of the things he could do well he went through walls just he appeared to the disciples another thing he did is he went back into heaven where he came from without a rocket booster you say that it's getting out of Dodge there's some kind of power going on there you him it's wanting in on this action or what see y'all I'm coming back in the same way I'm going these angels are telling you I'll be back realistically what chance do you have unless there's divine intervention see I've heard them tell me we feel I think I'll take my chance without Jesus I say what change is that you're going six feet deep yo so then what if there's not divine intervention Mississippi we're never coming out at ground you said we got one shot here and I've just told you what it is you say I'm going to double check you on that I'll welcome you to double check me on that you're a sinner and you're gonna die one day Jesus came to die was buried and raised from the dead to solve your problems for your charge you say and the blood of Jesus where Jesus is now constantly cleanses me from any sin that I will ever commit while I'm on planet Earth do you think people become Christians and just stop sinning look I quit being tomorrow I quit getting drunk you say but have you sinned as a Christian yeah trying not to you say what's the difference between that and law now I have one Jesus my lord to speak to the father on my behalf takes away all my sins anything you say Ashwin's remove no future ones counted against you you got it guaranteed to be raised from the dead you got it give them the Holy Spirit to help you while you're here you got it the Bible to guide your ways yeah you say what'd I do to get in on that I've told you the message I'm a messenger you say how do I get in on that message gotta believe it I can't help you there I am the messenger faith comes from hearing the message I'm just your messenger I would never condemn you but never judge you not my job I just give you the message it's up to you whether you accept it by faith or not world all can you scientifically prove that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth no my college professor said a large explosion got it here if God put it here and they're wrong they're going to get in a big band if there is no God everybody loses and nobody's ever coming out of the ground you can't win if there's no God so therefore I've said well let's see you in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth I'll accept that by faith I know this can you scientifically disprove that's what happened you say oh no it's only changed we got faith you got to repent like everybody else you say a smokin dope that's out getting drunk as the end of that all right now I'm shacked up what do you recommend sign a dotted line you'll be unchecked you'll be married he said what got to haven't fixed didn't take long either a lot cheaper to get into marriages than it is to get out of them make Jesus Lord of your life and finally look I'm just a man c-plus man I never read a word from Genesis all the way to Jesus come in not a word about water baptism so you say I believe the message I've heard tonight I'm making a decision to repent of my sins I tell you what Jesus you'll be the Lord of my life from now because the evil one has been ruling me my entire life you renounce evil one and the power of God trounces him gives you his Holy Spirit instead of that evil spirit the evil one and you say I'm marked forevermore yep you say when does that occur I never read a word about water baptism - Jesus showed up and I've already told you that the fella appointed to pave the way for the savior of the world became famous for one thing I never read about it until he showed up Jesus and the one paving the way for him his name was John the what that's interesting that every we're too worried about it so God becomes flesh in the fella who paving the way for the savior of the world becomes famous for baptizing people in water now what a third of you doing these miracles they asked Jesus jesus said John's baptism was it from heaven or men they said we can't say from heaven because he's going to say why didn't he let him baptized he and we can't say for men because all these people that John is baptizing they think he is from God which he was they said we don't know where it came from water baptism we don't know where it come from he said I'm not gonna tell you but what authority I'm doing these miracles either you said what's the point they wouldn't believe John he couldn't say anything - they rejected God's purpose for themselves cuz they wouldn't let John baptism Jesus post-resurrection standing in a glorified body all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore you go make disciples of all nations and you baptize them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit duh you say so when people say I want to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior I believe the gospel what do you do with them if we're in one them duck blinds I say come out of them waiters you want to receive Jesus as Lord yeah I'll do to get out of them waiters like you came here mama because you're gonna need some drier clothes I'm unlocking decoys out of the way we're gonna get it on like a chicken bone and some of them say well good night that's pretty cold out there 30 degrees I said hey Jack they didn't have heated Baptists in the first century suck it up who's a man I'll walk out there usually with my waders owned though usin both of us get wet I've already been baptized down they go in the watchtower River and they leave they're rejoicing put the dryer clothes back on we turn the heater up a little bit a little charcoal booking and everybody's happy and he write me letters years later saying what could I ever do to thank you I said hey just doing my duty my man I love you don't forget that what part of go make disciples and baptize them are we not getting in the 21st century come on Mississippi shake ever converge the story in the book of Acts right you're at it what they do when they heard the message what did they do tell it where did they take them what do you do with them when they why sure I mean duh so people are gonna America say well you know I don't know whether let's do what too simple to miss I love you and if you're not in Jesus don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus baptized into his death we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that just like he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father we too may live a life a new life you died of sin you're buried with Jesus can you resurrect you with him come on simple simple simple it's all about a fifth or sixth grade level for the ones you have you're not who have not done that you say I need to move on that you said what be wrong we'll going over here on Sardis tonight nothing I'll Drive you by that little first a little River we got onto I'll Drive you down and I'll do it for you if you're scared you say you mean only way back to Louisiana yeah I felt I wrote the other day from North Carolina he said Miss Robinson heard you speak over in North Carolina yeah he said listen he told me something he'd been with some group whatever he said you don't have to come to me I'm coming to you he said I'm coming from North Carolina if you'll allow me to all the way to the mouth of Cypress Creek and lose in if you'll take me out in that river and baptize me I told my wife I said tell me come on you say how many have done that a throng more than I could count don't forget that Mississippi you do that put your faith in Jesus there that old man that knew what's come for seal with the Holy Spirit of God look your individual life would be way better I've been on both sides of this thing 28 years know Jesus woo this second half has been better way better look individual life would be better your little community the neighborhood you live here to be way better when they all follow Jesus you trying to tell me New Albany wouldn't be better everybody follow Jesus how about Mississippi how about the United States how about the world you know we'd be better off to do what our forefathers said so let's all get on our feet and say one I've had enough of this stuff I say Jesus number one we love God it's all required of you love God love your neighbor shoot your ducks in the deer and catch you fish got it father I pray for anyone here that might not have ever met Jesus until tonight father I pray that you would open their heart they talk to these brothers here talk to these preachers here and get it on right for the first time in their life father I pray that they would accept the message through faith put that old person to death bring that new one up with the help of God father I pray that they receive your spirit I pray that they move on what they've heard the message father without divine intervention as the Apostle Paul said we are to be pitied pitied if there's no resurrection of the dead so father we thank you for the blood that was shed to remove all of our sins and we are really thankful father for that mighty resurrection that guarantees gives us hope to live beyond that grave father for all our loved ones who have gone on before us we are thankful for that they're not lying there without hope they've just simply fallen asleep no time has passed for them and they're just waiting on the resurrection day thank you Father for giving that hope to us through Jesus so I pray that if there's anyone here tonight father that they'll come forward I'll be happy to pray with them father's one of your servants and I would hope father that you would prick their hearts to do so it's through Jesus who made all this possible with the help of your spirit father who lives in me that I asked his prayer on behalf of these good folks of Mississippi here tonight amen I'm done
Channel: Bethlehem UMC New Albany
Views: 87,506
Rating: 4.6602564 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Duck Commander
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 45sec (3945 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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