Phil Robertson Declares STDs the 'Revenge of the Hippies'

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as your picks the hard way all of us ought to be able to speak freely where we didn't have to be awarded fight right miss Kay home are Ward for you potential candidates now look to keep you out of trouble and to keep the scandals down let me give you a little word of advice you carry two things with you wherever you go in case one of you gets to be the president of the United States make sure you carry your Bible with you and your woman now I'm just saying safety safety the good news is I'm not running for anything and as far as I know I'm not running from anything I'm gonna give you three little words that rarely if ever I'm trying to think of a last time the last time I heard a politician utter these three words was Scott Walker but I spoke I spoke before him at the same event and I reminded the people of the three words and he got up behind me and he said I'm fixing to move on to what that all dude said the three words that you've never heard from a politician I love you you ever heard that think about it when's the last time you heard a politician say I love you I racked my brain if they keep this up and they don't start telling us at least every once in a while that they love us I'm going to begin to conclude maybe they don't I sincerely love you and by the way my love for you is not contingent on how you feel about me you say well what if we hate your guts do you still love us sure you say you love us and you're not worried about how we feel about you not one bit don't forget that if you're ever let me worried it this way if you ever invite me some Christian people you invite me to a prayer breakfast you know what I'm gonna do as soon as I get there pray offer a prayer I'm going to shut up and sit down it's a safer course of action if you're wondering who I am by the way these are my church clothes I never got about around to buying a suit not yet I'm 68 you say Phil are you going to make it through this thing without a suit irregardless of me not being able to go on the floor of the House of Representatives without a suit on a cordon old John Boehner hey John I have my best clothes on Boehner here's a newsflash just make sure you pass good bills coming out of that house that affects my life and don't worry about the clothes on their backs just pass good legislation I feel better about you you say who'd you come with who you with what group were you with I'll be with the Father Son the Holy Spirit and Sam Panero he's yourself an arrow who's that in case two things here upped heart trouble our gunfire you won't sap an arrow there that's why he's with me he's seated in the audience I am a god-loving bible-believing gun-toting capitalist always remember when you hear a guy or a gal and infinitum attack the results of capitalism which is capital and you have a steady attack on those people who receive the capital that's what you get from capitalism you get capital when you hear someone bad-mouthing them and infinitum you can be sure of one thing he's not a capitalist I've never heard a capitalist bad-mouthed the result of capitalism have you not one when I got the news that I didn't build duck commander down there I'm like Miss K and I and my four boys down on the riverbank and some dudes telling me you didn't build that business I'm like yes I did our lad I will and we built that business with no government assistance I can guarantee you that now some of you are going to think as much as I love you you're gonna say feel a problem with a guy like you it's dude you're just a little too religious just a little too much so for you I'm gonna give you a few quotes the general most earnestly requires and expects due observance of those articles of war which forbid profane cursing swearing and drunkenness and in like manner requires and expects of all officers and all soldiers not engaged on actual duty a punctual attendance of divine services to implore the blessings of heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense no cursing in the American army and nobody getting drunk either George Washington said that he's the father of your nation for crying out loud I have a question for you here GOP no cussing and nobody getting drunk in the army I would say George Washington was a pretty religious what'd you think the time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans ought to be Freeman or slaves whether they ought to have any property they can call their own whether their houses and farms ought to be pillaged and destroyed and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human effort will deliver them the fate he said this in 1776 July the second the fate of unborn millions that be us down the line the fate of us will now depend under God on the courage and conduct of this army air cruel unrelenting enemy the brits leaves us no choice but a brave resistance are the most abject submission we have therefore to resolve to conquer our - our own country's honor calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion and if we now shamefully fail we shall become infamous to the whole world let us rely on the goodness of the cause and the aid of the Supreme Being in whose hands victory is to animate and encourage us to a great and noble actions all was he godly was he ever godly Almighty God we make our earnest prayer that thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protection and thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens I'm reading you grando party what the founding father of your nation said that the citizens will cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field the veterans finally thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice to love mercy to demean ourselves with that charity humility and Pacific temper of man which were the characteristics of the Divine author he's talking about Jesus of our Blessed religion and without a humble imitation of whose example on these things we can never hope to be a happy nation you must be godly and you must have Jesus grant our supplication we beseech thee through Jesus Christ our Lord amen that's the kind of Prayer the guy at the prayer breakfast should have said if I could have entertained or y'all listening if I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed by the convention where I had the honor to preside it fit the Constitution might possibly endanger the religious rights of any of our society certainly I never would have placed my signature on it he said I vow to read that Constitution didn't friends don't our religion I would have never signed that thing I have often expressed my sentiments that any man conduct him himself as a good citizen and being accountable to God Almighty alone for his religious opinions opinions or to be protected and worshiping the deity according to the dictates of his own conscience don't get in the way of religion according to the founder of your country there is no room for government to attack it for any reason according to George Washington president number two John Adams suppose a nation in some distant region your second president is speaking suppose a nation in some distant region he wrote this in his diary should take the Bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited every member would be obliged in conscience to temperance frugality industry to justice kindness and charity towards his fellow man and to piety love and reverence toward Almighty God what are you tapa what a paradise this region would be look at us now States with my dear sir I'm still quoting what your second president said I'm just giving you a picture of the ones who founded your country if you think I'm just a little too religious for your blood States when my dear sir may plan and speculate for liberty and I mean is there a lot of them but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand the only foundation of a free Constitution is pure virtue and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure than they have now they may change their rulers in the forms of government but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty you lose your religion according to John Adams and there goes your morality we're almost there in fact I hate to admit since I'm giving you the State of the Union address I hate to admit I got my fax from the CDC day before yesterday 110 million 110 million Americans now have a sexually transmitted in Asst 110 me I'm looking at it and I said I don't want you America to get sick I don't want you to become ill I don't want you to come down with a debilitating disease I don't want you to die early you're the frizzies free and she's disease-free you're married you keep your sex right there you won't get sick from a sexually transmitted disease come home there is a penalty to be paid from what the beatnik Sandin morphed into the hippies you say what do you call 110 million people who have sexually transmitted illnesses it's the Revenge of the hippies sex drugs and rock and roll have come back to homeless in a bad way our report you decide I mean I'm reading this stuff from the CDC and it says how many sexual encounters does one have to have to catch a sexless trimming an illness it said one I'm like you know figure out the odds on that one how many seconds does it take to get genital herpes it said 30 seconds I'm not whoa what's pretty quick you want a godly biblical medically safe option one man one woman married for life and if you hate me because I told you that I told you my love for you is not contingent on how you feel about me I love you many way I don't want you to see you die early or get sick I'm trying to help you for crying out loud America if I didn't care about you why would I bring this up I wouldn't care two minutes and 55 seconds left I'm not even through with my introduction this is a warm up with a humble confidence and the mercies of the supreme and impartial God and ruler of the universe we must have vowed ly implore His divine goodness to protect us Thomas Jefferson father of your the Declaration of Independence George Washington to the father of our country now we've moved to James Madison father of the Constitution of the United States this Constitution was written for a religious and moral people it is wholly inadequate for any other you know what's happened GOP we got too many any others in the White House it wasn't for them some people study the Constitution to uphold it but there are some who study it so that they can circumvent it right stand on the Bible stand on the Constitution don't budge hold on to your weapons that's what brothers here we had to have all three to run the Brits to back where they came from we had to have all three when the Nazis reared their head you say the Nazis world domination it's what Hitler had on his mind territorial conquest there was no Jesus done and they were famous for murder right the Shintoist decided that start in on us they went up to Chinese they started running over China Manchuria they started conquering all the islands around them you say what was their game plan territorial conquest was there any Jesus with any of the Shintoist zero not a man and they were famous for murder just like the Nazis Joseph Stalin with the communists here they come what were they in - territorial conquest was there any Jesus among the Communists none what were they famous for murder look at the blood we shed with just those three groups stopping them and we look up and everybody starts wringing their hands on about this Isis thing and these Muslims you say what are they into territorial conquest they took over a whole half of Iraq and half of Syria there were allowed over there in Africa you say what in the world are they doing territorial conquest sound familiar any Jesus with them no sir what are they famous for I don't see a dimes worth of difference in any of them you have to stop them I believe Jesus came down from heaven in flesh 2015 years ago I believe he paid for all of my rotten sins and I have a lot but I'm not the only one every one of you seated in this audience has sinned a lot right that's what I thought I didn't think I was the Lone Ranger here so you have a sin problem you say what happened feel when I got old enough know right from wrong and I chose sin you sinned and you died spiritually you're a walking dead person you say what's next for me a 6-foot hole it's not if oh you've got a 6-foot hole coming up so you admit I'm a sinner yeah and I'm going six feet deep yep God became flesh 2015 years ago your calendar documented when an atheist says he writes a check on puts the date down he's saying Jesus was here you're counting time by Jesus of Galilee including you atheist in the crowd we're all counting time by you know what he did and he's the one through whom the cosmos was created Jesus died on a cross to take all your sins three days later raised from the dead that solves your grave problem so the blood takes care of you sin and the resurrection takes care of your fear of dying you say there's a way off planet Earth alive you got a better story lay it on me all of these isms atheism agnosticism humanism post-modernism materialism idealism naturalism see what he's all about about trying to get around what I just told you your founding fathers were godly so am i you say feel you're like George Washington yeah you're like Thomas Jefferson yeah I'm just saying they were godly they founded the greatest nation on earth for crying out loud and we're sitting around here Dilli down around you said Oh whew what's your overall thing love God stand on the Word of God his Bible hold on with both hands the Constitution of the United States hold on to your weapons that's what brought us here that's what will keep us here if you mess with that GOP if you don't have spiritual men like the guys I quoted in all of them yeah I could have been here three hours quoting you see if you don't have spiritual men making political decisions you're going to lose this country we are sliding at a scale like I have never seen in my lifetime you say this thing is in danger I haven't given up on it but the times are getting desperate we're gonna have to suffer through the next two years GOP we're just gonna have to suck it up and suffer through it you say but unless until and unless we get spiritual men in the White House to help turn this thing around we're going to lose it a nightmare is just beginning you see what I'm saying by the way if you run out of options you say you want to feel what you are gut these bureaucracies if they elected you yeah would there be any IRS no EPA gone somebody says wavin of the EPA I figure about four or five hands out there smoking whistling with some pickup trucks in each state seeing them somebody dumping pollution in the river that's it that is the EPA I met the state's educate our children and I would kick the federal government out of our every waking moment in our life and I would tell them quit blowing their money god help us
Channel: L R
Views: 59,200
Rating: 4.8293681 out of 5
Keywords: phil robertson cpac 2015, phil robertson stds, phil robertson hippies, phil robertson cpac 2015 full speech, duck dynasty phil robertson cpac, phil robertson herpes, phil robertson revenge of the hippies
Id: ZqePGpwZdKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 27 2015
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