Phil Robertson at Great American Outdoor Show, February 7, 2019

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so as you can see it a surprise for the air I can't go up there that my last says that I'm the best looking Robertson well which I appreciate your saying that but I got to tell you guys the bar is so low I'm not even sure this but I do have cancer my family because I do shave my beard trail where the owner at bathe regularly all those things maybe a little bit of a different animal on family but as you know if I ever watch the show no fallacy any commander fans before they even do that well you know the shadow obviously was a biggie and we felt like it was a platform that got built for us to give him some glory and we did it the best bit good we blew some things up as you know all the way we had a lot of fun doing it and the show never really popular people sort of comparing it to other shows because they were I want is this stuff Madison I gotta tell you guys when I first heard that the name of our shows would be the fantasy of oh is that a Chinese restaurant I didn't good and so when they explained it to us well this shows really you know got a potential let's apply it and so people started watching it it became a show that you can watch grandma grandpa son and daughter and grandchildren all together [Applause] so people say you know what is sort of like Andy Griffith - kind of reminds me of that and I saw what I could see that was you - hi Barney you know I have to say something that's a great show in this how I win when Andy Griffith meets the Waltons and they have added to a turnover for that's what they show us pretty good description me personally since I was the beardless brother I compared our show to the Munsters remember the monsters having to remember the most some people great show monsters right they had a beautiful cause of the can to live with him see my remember all right 18 people remember Mara how much see that's the problem she was beautiful living in a family of monsters so she had my identity complex I can completely relate to Marilyn it's already a beautiful motive and they're monsters right and then we do the best we can you guys are in for a treat today we have come to Pennsylvania to be here with you today that has a brand new book out called the theft of America's soul and I guarantee in our perilous times the times live to back this is a book that's very important so we're going to be signing some of those at two o'clock at the end of the main hall if you want to come by and grab one and even if you don't get one today please check it out because it's important to us hands since we're going to be here science of books you got to hear from the man himself so put hands together whoa [Applause] I won't get to town much I went in the New York City gave him a few words I've been taking some cousins they make cussing me out and covering mad mennies you know Wow our few paintings of you [Applause] about the following day is that we're continuing on their journey I'm quoting scripture here Peter up on the roof to pray and as he was praying he fell into a chance and he so much saved the look lapping water sheet being led down from its banks for colors here comes a giant movie screen it's been out of the heavens Peter you know what to do the sheet containing all comments are for putting animals let's see four-footed animal love them poor footer dear poor foot of Li Ren squirm whoo-ha-ha four-footers they're gonna see I was hoping at Berger to be a mere finger of the sheet now we're talking ducks geese right [Music] then there was a reference of the earth creeping in probably advance a voice from heaven said Peter get up kill Annie I have orders from headquarters this is it the quote sprawls final swingers why to the south [Applause] they did something several things I've ever purchased I've never on the soup soup time I never bought one of those either one of them I've never want to read a watch I've never turned a ring so far now someone says it's a billion turnover computer know better what's up ladies I work with my hands do it sir that's good so my letters gonna kind of thing I'm different but the Apostle Paul said dude make it ten base priming our minutes working hands you think it up with the respected Outsiders listen and you won't have to be dependent oh that's me amen a thermal somebody one of these political parties I'm not a politician and I do poverty I didn't have insurance for about 50 years of any kind someone says what if something had happened it didn't I'm still here no pictures I got went through high school I attended college I wrote the answers on the test I recovered degrees I've never heard not one person say they had word about Jesus God not a word if you want a while so I started out I'm educated as a Miss Katie buy me a place down on the river I said it's got to go to the Gulf of Mexico on a river that runs into the Gulf of Mexico in case we ever want to leave she was looking at me I've been in London with her since I was 14 she was she was like 14 years old on March 16 I said find us a place on the river is what we're going to do I'm going to miss the river Biscay we're going to sell the fish and that's how we're going to survive we don't catch too many we're not gonna be - it will waken and I have a look that dumb problem I have been I said the fish shovel having time to get this nut column on the market I said it'll be slower first but then the end up you'll be happy so I started a fish to the river this came back the truck up that way me and the boys get better took the tops of these to that 30 cents a pound - for good gar 70 cents on the cap pretty good so I'm a virgin - 250 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing son a peasant is then let's see the catfish or Berlin they said you have peace with God and myself life is good they drove up the road they totally idiot people just get a real job 35 40 years later they drop back up and they said Robertson you are a genius obvious because of capitalism hard work Feherty God Almighty I went from an idiot to a genius at 35 years you know some Pennsylvania hustle Fox News yesterday I was on the Kabuto the president calls me up on the way up here we ride along our president gives me a buzz so I ended up by the way I've never heard he'd had any other prison call the others this one time to thank you so I get rich and famous it can't remove Messina the money can't remove Messina right what are you famous soon you'll faint g20 speed from today only God do you want to snack while I'm trying to tell you you saying without Jesus his death on the cross for our sins without the resurrection you not get out of here and either unless that's true your never believed in your life if it is true you have Wi-Fi in your mentor with peace of mind that's me if you have immortality I'm going far as the oh honey look down them now I used to get drunk and laid over regular basis said you were a great Ethan oh you better believe I was at 28 put on the brakes and I said what am i doing I hear about this Jesus coming down in the flesh y'all count I'm fine it's a windy show up 2019 years ago they're never going to counter my new army we're not big enough we didn't do it that all the people that ever birth count Thailand by just one up you say well the heaters come before Jesus got here they're called all the years before he died [Music] they put him in a cocoon of life where you're going three days later when I saw you know something I'm going with that right there you get it more tightly can you beat that I did I keep asking America wanna tell about a better steward what is y'all just keep breed never dating you for one Apollo and America there were 110 medium that have a sexually transmitted disease in in human time check the Center for Disease Control a dose that's what had three Sun pyramid ran a job so well how do you get around there what a man marries with a woman and keeps his sex between the two of them and it's plenty more than enough and you're never gonna kick some kind of disease they all right because to retain the [Applause] God gave them over to a depraved man to do what ought not to be done here's the list when you say I don't think they're this God then took them out of all the student systems you are these people you were smart smart educated yourselves we thought the brewery takes center of the public school system hey you said Wow no God wickedness evil greedy and depravity according what the Apostle Paul said 2,000 years ago Civic selves for media Pennsylvania they're full of EP listeners are we daughters [Music] we can we can jump [Music] they are the ones it's amazing the man has done a sin [Applause] [Music] you don't discuss matters it's in the book becoming flesh hey Ross I said I should go Jesus died for your sins you do have a sins don't you I would just check him out oh yeah I knew he was an honest man oh yeah I said well they put him in a tomb and that's pretty clear go on one of these days whether you I was talking to it when he was running for office that down I said whether you win or lose one of these days you're going down and to a casket into the grand Rite he said no doubt about it I said three days after that Quixote's that he saw Jesus do you understand what I'm saying your honor he had the current physical dead for us we're to be pitied that the puzzle Paul said if there's no resurrection fits we're the beginning since there is a resurrection I'm trying to challenge out what you go for if you can't stay in these church buildings he came to find God to church buildings that's not fortune that's a lot this much can begin you're not a virgin if you come back then another word which denied you saying is that biblical Sunday morning Sunday night what's mythical issue Aubrey and your God's mercy you offer yourself as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God that's everywhere if you are out of the time keeping home keeping up don't perform any that your spiritual act of worship Romans 12 and again ammonite read Romans chapter 12 over to the world stay pretty embrace good shun evil stay away honey that's the way you roll that's why I say what are we doing [Applause] [Applause] useless on me you touched you almost are a preacher you said I'm not sure to know anything that's how you know I'm not a preacher I've done the city and you say do you ever go to some kind of a seminarian scooter are you nuts I'm just some kind of digital more energy assume that she's bigger catch I have faith in God hi you are the gospel you say in permitting you convenience meal have you told to repent confess Jesus of you started in Acts chapter to start with the job and paved the way for Jesus the wood paving the way for Jesus I never really worried about baptism in the Bible until Jesus showed up which he just showed up the guy paving the way for him his name is John and they : first time never been meeting Jesus over and the guy hiding in the right part becomes famous mark that someone says so what do y'all do with Jesus that was married ladies from today and he said go make disciples of all nations baptizing of the Father Son and Holy Spirit guess what I do I think I've done the river in the back down that's my little silver bed it's free you miss that you miss eternal life you don't have to go to a structure on the side of the boat when they talk you can to speak you can close to speed in your house it's all for so if I put a brick the church that makes at their house ninth largest Greek the church that makes our house the church that meets at your house you don't have to just stay where you are get some friends over drink the wine eat the bread thank you Lord for your body that was mailed up for me thank you thank you for your love to remove my sin we're going to remember that every time they come together we're going to stop what we're doing that Jesus is the one that said don't forget me don't forget it remember this remember remember reach out so you do that get a few words about it nobody talked about peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control discussing look at the scriptures put them in your ears into your heart you become we can fight this a lot simpler a lot easier we have seen people in America in identity of we don't if we don't turn it back to God look at what your founders step forward this over and over don't lose Brittany because you lose your already talked about the sexual identity you lose your freedom that's my appeal duties and lack the grace of God it's free of charge check out the book and you will get this and more detail [Applause] [Applause] just trying so hard to get that out of the show really say what we really appreciate you guys being here they don't forget two o'clock into the main hall there but it looks Island the bet of America's soul if you do not have been come on here make sure and look for it on my buddy guys think [Applause]
Channel: TheMarkpee
Views: 25,071
Rating: 4.9092784 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, The Theft of Americas Soul, Duck Dynasty, Alan Robertson, Harrisburg PA, Great American Outdoor Show, GAOS, #GAOS, #gaos2019, NRA, Jesus, #Jesus
Id: UamOHMgYbwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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