10132019 Born Again Jase Robertson

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good morning I'm Jace I'm not really a preacher even though you might have confused me by the way I love I'm a believer it is interesting that our brother Clay McConnell I didn't plan on saying this but when I heard him get up and speak what a fantastic revelation of what God does in our life he's actually my partner in helping the world be a better place people will give on this planet they will give thousands up to $100,000 to go frog hunting in Louisiana with me and clay we've done it numerous times and you said why would people do that I have no idea I believe it's because there is a God he is alive and when you throw in some some danger when you throw in adrenaline where you're out in the wild especially in the Yuppie world so the last time we took a group of ladies from Chicago Illinois suburban moms yuppies what I didn't realize is that once this starts because when we take them out there they literally get on the front of the boat and they look a frog in the eye and you're thinking little frog if you don't understand these bullfrogs if you stretch them out there this long and they're strong and when you grab them they say wait a minute and you see the soul of human beings in that moment and they begin to scream nothing good and they scream and they scream some more it's a perfect setting to share while we help kids with special needs but it's a it's an even more perfect setting in sharing Jesus awesome surrounded by water you see where I'm going with this so thank you clay for those words got some bad news I'm sure most of you are aware of this forever21 went bankrupt some of y'all have yet to be with us here forever 21 it's a store that sells clothes for I guess people who want to look like they're 21 or who are actually 21 in that range so do you see the irony of this how could forever 21 go bankrupt we're talking forever 21 you have anyone in here this 21 we need to go share Jesus with some 21 year olds looks like to me or just embarrass you don't want to raise your hand I'm gonna tell you how you can be 21 forever Galatians 3:26 and 27 we're all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all of us who were baptized into Jesus have clothed themselves with him and then he says something really awesome it doesn't matter where you're from whether you're do are Greek it doesn't matter what kind of collar you have on your working-class blue collar white collar red collar doesn't matter if you're male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus you put on Jesus that's true that's really the only way on the planet to be 21 forever they'll start over they'll regroup they'll find some other niche I love this country I love this time of year I go through a process as a duck on her I get to duck-hunt three months out of the year and then you enter a time where you're getting ready to duck hunt that lasts for nine months but then almost all of a sudden it's like you're born again nine months okay maybe not I tried so I go around the country and I give duck call seminars that's fine my draw because duck calls are interesting people think they make noises and they call the Ducks the N over the decoys and they shoot them and they eat them and we base that on Genesis 9 I introduce these godly principles but one of the other things that I do is always try to think about our country and what makes it great because I use that as a draw and a lot of times I'll read the Declaration of Independence that says we hold these truths to be self-evident that our that all men all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness now talk about life where in our culture we should value an unborn human way more then whatever animal we're discussing and Romans 1 talks about chaos that ensues when that gets out of balance where you try to protect some animal and the human life is discarded this garbage that's a recipe for chaos it's amazing our founding fathers they were unashamed to say with it where we get these rights unashamed and that may be watered down from time to time but I believe it's our responsibility to remind people that's what that's what makes this country great so you say well does it work you eventually whether it's the Ducks and that makes me happy I pursue that happiness it may be LSU winning people were happy last night but God has given us way more than that to be joyful about you know we're a nation of laws we have the Bill of Rights but I got a newsflash for you we're not from here I want to read you Philippians chapter 3 and verse 18 we're just visiting I'll think about in Hebrews chapter 11 before I read Philippians 3 when you know Abraham said he was considered a stranger and an alien he was looking for a heavenly city that God had prepared and then Philippians 3 says this verse 18 for us a alton told you before and now say again even with tears many live as enemies of the cross of Christ I'm letting that soak in how could you be an enemy to that but it's true their destiny is destruction their God is their stomach what are they going to eat you realize that number one thing on a lot of people's minds er what are you gonna eat or maybe their six-pack ABS their glory is their shame you see this in all sorts of late-night activities how many people you could have sex with or what kind of party you can go to and it's waiting on the weekend or how much money I got this pursuit of temporary glory on a planet well you didn't choose life it was given to you and that you're just visiting that's a universal truth we're kind of all illegal aliens if you think about it their mind is on earthly things so I'll talk about that in my speeches I'm like trees they don't need hugs there are trees you try to get people to focus on what matters it's like global warming yes I believe in global warming second Peter 3 is clear at some point you will hear a sound I practice making that sound and this place will get really warm simultaneously Jesus coming back so don't focus on earthly things now what's this next verse this is where we've come to in this moment our citizenship is in heaven that's where we're from act 17 verses not 25 and such says that God gives all men life you know David the psalmist said that we're knitted together in our mother's womb I believe that because all of a sudden I went to be from being lost and afraid with a poor self-image to thinking oh wait a minute God did this on purpose it's a good thought when you're looking at the mirror instead of a frown you're like oh yeah I did this and he did good it's okay you're bragging on God he determined the exact places where you should live in the exact times he did this so you'd reach out for him seek him and find him act 17 says that we are therefore God's offspring that's what it says you're made on purpose sons and daughters of God our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a savior from there the real forever 21 I just love that I try to take things that the world uses to make money they're like buy this shirt and you may perhaps be forever 21 why you want to be 21 forever yeah I want in on that well let me introduce Jesus tee I and look they have no shame when it comes to this they take toilet paper do the same thing Sherman has a new brand out it's a looks like a wagon wheel it's what I'm gonna get side for Christmas so I ruined the surprise you know what they call it forever forever roll Charmin forever Oh googly $8.99 $8.99 then it says in small letters it'll last you a month what happen is forever stuff you said well why did they come out with it they came out with it because their competitor has a brand called Angel Soft some of y'all are not getting this how in the world did you determine the softness of the spiritual world Angel Soft I think they just did that's a good buy our citizenship is in heaven we eagerly await a savior from there the Lord Jesus Christ who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control will transform our lowly body so that they will be like his glorious body and that's how you're forever 21 so I want to share something with you today because where our world what they need what we need in this audience is a way in this life to start over you just think about it there's no pause button there's no timeout okay life gets to going we make bad decisions in moments we do look at and focus on earthly things and we make mistakes and the world speeds up and you're not getting any younger and it's just hard to start over you know in our country what they do is if you break the law they'll put you in prison and rightfully so that's why it's a good place to live and when you die they put you in the ground and I didn't realize that that's a law it's good for the cemetery business I guess but with Jesus with God our Father he actually does the opposite we break the law and he says here's my grace that's what we just commune together it's the cross now you may be in prison but you can be free you can start over and they will put us in the ground but he proved that can't hold you so I want to share something with you today in the book of John chapter 1 I want to share with you our declaration as those who are waiting on Jesus to return and not surprised when he does come I want to share with you our declaration of dependence declaration of dependence yep I searched this to and fro to see how many rights we have in Jesus I came up with one that's a really good one I'm gonna read it first and then we'll see how we got there John 1:12 yet to all who received him Jesus to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God did that just say you that God gave you the right to become a child of God that's what it looks like it says children born not of natural descent doesn't matter where you from that's why starting Galatians 3:26 and 27 more not over natural descent nor of human decision or a husband's will but born of God you can be born again you can actually start over in life and you have the right to do it now where did that right come from you can always guess five letters and it's always right and this time it actually is right thank you we got one person following alone John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God in the beginning now the word became flesh in verse 14 we've seen his glory who came from the father and he was full of grace and truth you'll Moses verse 17 the law came I heard a guy say the other day that was a good mirror for us God gave us a mirror the law we looked and said we don't measure up and then here came Jesus and he brought a shower he gives you grace he gives you God's riches he gives you what you don't deserve the possibility the promise that you can be forever 21 and Redemption from your sins so why does he have that kind of authority I picked three things that our qualities about Jesus that are better than any other qualities you'll find in life firstly on this earth but you know Jesus had many names Emmanuel God with us he was deemed the Messiah and the Christ and but his favorite reference from me reading this was I am he'd get in a situation and he would just say you know before Abraham was I am when Thomas was wondering how they were gonna get there they were scared he was like I'm gonna leave and prepare a place for you same kind of place Abraham was thinking they're like well how are we gonna know the way John 14 he said oh I am the way the truth and the life I am life and you sent verse 2 through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made in him was life now I think he proved that you start reading you know John chapter 2 Jesus invented the hold my wine and watch this yeah see that water BAM wine you say what kind of person does that one who is life you look around this planet at the hundreds of thousands of life creatures so when it came to the end and he died Peter was trying to explain that he said well why did Jesus become a human because God can't die he's life he is life he didn't say you know what I think I'm gonna decide to live no he's just life he's eternal so he became a human so he could die but guess what x2 is a oh this is a head-scratcher Peters preaching after Jesus flies off without a spaceship how can you do that because he's just life he controls the atoms and the molecules verse 24 of Acts 2 says but God raised him from the dead freeing him from the agony or the frustration of death you see it was like an irritant to Jesus yeah you know why was an irritant because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him he can't die I just love that that's why he's the bridge to heaven Hebrews 7:16 that's what priest means the go-between between God and humans Hebrews 7:16 says that he's our high priest why based on the fact of being indestructible he says that what that says that's what it says here's life and he's given us evidence that point us to that fact in your body you have DNA it's a code complex code chemicals for chemicals they try to make sense of the code and it gives instruction to yourselves utilizing the history of civilization that there's no record of life coming from no life in information and instruction coming from nothing and we have the most complex code in our body where if you took a teaspoon of it of DNA you could hold all the knowledge all the books written in the world right there it reminds me of the last verse in John that says if everything Jesus did while he's on earth was written down there wouldn't be enough books in the entire earth to record what happened mind blown if you stretched out your DNA it could actually go throughout the galaxy gestures secondly he says I am light he said I'm the light of the world you ever think about light first thing God did was what let there be light so the atheist says and we love atheists because and I brought through the power of the Holy Spirit the message of Jesus many of them to the Lord because they're so passionate and they won't argue and you say well why because they see the same evidence of life you see and so they question whether there's a God because if they can out argue you then they don't have to worry about the existence of God they go out there and do it every they want to and they'll put you in the ground and it'll be over how encouraging I love them because they're seeking they're searching they're seeing the evidence when you read first Timothy I want to read this it's it's a must read first Timothy 6 listen to this and verse 13 in the sight of God who gives light to everything of Christ Jesus who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession Jesus said yeah I'm not from this world that was this good confession I charge you to keep this command without spot blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ which God will bring about in his own time God the blessed and only ruler the King of Kings the Lord of lords who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light we all agree on one thing there was a bang and this thing started I read the material not from the religious world I really I read the material from the non God believing world and they say there was an explosion of light now they focus on why where how when what I focus on hey they don't ask who you said what does this have to do them with Jesus being light did you know I read this the name of this study this is not a Christian publication the name of it was the human a study of biophotons the human body emits communicates with and is made from light that's what got my attention you have these particles in our body that worked with our atoms and molecules and he wrote this article trying to explain the healing process to us we know I know the source of that but to those without God who do not put their faith in trust of God the healing process gives them some problems because they can patch you up they put some staples and some sutures but guess what they do then they just wait and something magical happens and they see you know it's almost like matter is being created so this guy does a study and he says I figured it out these bio photons are working with your atoms and your molecules and with your belief system because they had to come up with a way to explain why some people they look at the x-ray and they say boy you got about three weeks to live and about three years later they say I thought only had three weeks to live and they said what's the power of being positive so we have these light particles and I agree with this guy even though he's not a Christian I believe that that light is in our bodies guess where it's found guess where these bio photons are found you have them guess where they're at in your DNA just right there right next right beside the most complex code ever devised in the history of mankind and third God is love first John four just comes out and says it god is love and this is love for God now that you loved him that he sent His Son Jesus to die and you see that even on our planet you see the DNA of God on our planet when a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his friends but he's a believer or not you see that kind of love you see it when a fireman goes into a house you don't care what color you are where you from he's all he's doing that because he's getting paid to do it no not at that moment he's displaying unconditional love we just saw our brother from Harding who was shot in his apartment eating ice cream by a cop who thought she was in her apartment we just solved a couple weeks ago they sentenced her to ten years and the brother of our brother gets up there and now he gets to share how he feels about this situation this cop taking his brother's life and he said I want to forgive you I want you to come to Jesus and I want to give you a hug and then the judge his move gets this on national TV goes over there and does what reads John 3:16 I was gonna show that on video but you know a guy lost his life and we want to respect these commentators it was so funny cuz it was like there's some the judge has some book it's some statute and you know I've never seen this Ron have you know I have no idea what's going on they're sharing Jesus they're displaying unconditional love a father will cover his two kids during a tornado he loses his life his kids were saved Jesus himself said no greater love has a man than he lay down his life for his friends he proved that didn't he we said all that to say you look around that's the evidence that there is a God light life love Jesus showed us the way you ever think about why Jesus was baptized wasn't cuz he had any sin the Holy Spirit descended on him he never did a miracle without it and God said three things this is my son whom I love and this pleases me he showed us that we can exercise that right because the next chapter in John chapter 3 he shared the way Nicodemus came to him evidently he was at the party where the water got turned to wine he's like are you doing these miracles and Jesus said you need to be born again can't see the kingdom without it there's your right exercise your right you can start over can you imagine going to a religious leader and he's like how do you you know put on such a great performance he said well you need to be born again he said well I don't understand how can a man be born when he's old and he goes to the spirit because those three qualities life light and love that comes from heaven that comes from the Spirit of God verse 9 Nicodemus said how can this be verse 12 he said I've spoken to you of earthly things and you don't believe how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things then he says this famous passage for God so loved the world there's the love you said where's the light verse 19 this is the verdict light has come into the world but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds for evil everyone who does evil hates the light will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed John 3:21 whoever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has done through God so we said all this to say this Jesus is the way God is pursuing you if you do not make it to forever being 21 it was not God's fault he gave you the evidence he gave you his son and he gave you the right to say yes I want to be born again that's why the unit when he was traveling around with Philip he said here's some water he doesn't say you think harder do this I'd have felt I asked me one time he said well you know what happens if I I'm in a place where there's no water and my redneck buddy dead you won't be there long some of you are just now getting that gotta have water Jesus went to a cross for you jesus said I've spoken openly to the world and when Jesus said this one of the officials struck him jesus said I'm King I'm not from this place everyone on the side of truth listens to me and they twisted a crown of thorns they put a purple robe on him they spit on him they mocked him they struck him they drove nails in his hands and feet and he said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing the rulers sneered the soldiers mocked him save yourself if you're God Jesus called out with a loud voice father into your hands I commit my spirit he surrendered his surrender for your sins was our ultimate victory the same thing happened right there you hear what Jesus did and you run to the water you got back me Genesis 1:1 the earth was formless and empty like some of our lives and it said the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters Genesis 1:1 I believe the Holy Spirit still hovers over the waters it's still hovering over the waters I see the light I see the life I see the love we're not from this place forgot the Holy Spirit of God in us I will guarantee you there's somebody in here that missed that so I'm gonna ask you at this moment to exercise your god-given right and start over in Jesus if you need to do that I may ask you to come as we gather stand and sing this song
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 27,442
Rating: 4.9146342 out of 5
Keywords: Whites Ferry Road, WFR, WFR CHURCH, Church of Christ, Duck Dynasty Church
Id: 6g3UDs20MQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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