10 07 2018 Al Robertson 11 a m service

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thank you it is a pleasure for least not to be here and at least once you stand since you're down front with us here let you get a look at her my much better half one of the questions we get asked a lot on the road the guys or how did you wind up with such beautiful women and I don't know why they would ask that it's the implication is that you know something's wrong with us and I usually say well you can tell we all out kicked our coverage but I asked him I put it back on them I said why do you think we got such pretty wives and they said well must because you were all rich got a lot of money now it was like nope that's not the case at all cuz we met all our wives they supported us in the early days at least he can tell you stories so it must be our charming personality is all I can figure I am the beardless brother from duck dynasty if you didn't know that if you're just passing through and wondering who this guy is my wife says that I'm the best-looking Robertson but as you can see from the picture I don't know if that's really a compliment or not the bar is pretty low right it's not hard to shine with a group like that is it I mean when you think about it and towards attention because everybody has their own take lisa says her worst nightmares to roll over and see that somebody that looks like dad or Willie but then mom says if she rolled over and dad didn't have a beard she would think she committed adultery is what she says so just to give you the different perspectives of what that's light dad's beard has gone from jet black and thick to very wispy kind of like Spanish moss these days as you can see and he started trying to put a little color on it cuz he says he's wearing too many ducks so but you can tell Godwin back there he's got a deer flag for a goatee so we have to keep him covered up as well I can't grow beard I do choose to grow one from time to time usually every hunting season the problem is is that when I grow a beard I get all this grief from my uncle's side and from dad and they're like what you know Allison is yes or Arafat the phase of his beer that's what he always says so I thought I'd make a comparison for you guys first of all just to show you it's not true my beard is much more uniform than Yasser Arafat and he was a terrorist which I don't appreciate the implication so usually I put it back on dad and I was like have you two looked in the mirror lately you keep talking to me about yes or Arafat I want to know who looks more like a terrorist aller or psy and dad contrary to internet rumors we were not born with beards you can see that from the picture although we're not sure about uncle psychos there's no record of his birth anywhere so I'm thinking he was deposited here by aliens but we'll never know for sure Willy but I wanted to try to illustrate a little bit about our personalities by using Labrador Retrievers because we love our labs if anybody here is a lab owner I'm sure you love yours because they're great dogs and but we typically have always used black labs every once in a while we've used something different but for most of my life dad always had a black lab and the reason why is because the black lab is the go getter in the lab family there's no doubt about it I mean we got one right now named blue and he whimpers by the truck he yelps him but he cannot wait to get in that cold water and go get Doug's now that's a dog right that's a go-getter so in our family that black lab describes my dad the duck commander anytime your Adi anything it's a pretty big deal he's the duck commander and he's 72 years old and he's just he's gonna be just excited as excited on November 16th Friday night the night before duck season as he was when he was 10 years old that's never changed about it he loves it he's passionate about it the whole time he's not hunting ducks he's preparing to hunt ducks on our property that's what he does he's a black lab now my brother Jase is the same way Jase loves to hunt he's not quite as industrious about all his off time he likes to play golf but at the same time he's always thinking about shooting ducks that's what he does I was just with him at least an hour Jason and Missy up and Lake Tahoe and the whole time we were there he was doing what looking for ducks and geese you know it's just what he does he's a black lab so that's their personality 60 day season they're hunting 60 days now the yellow lab is a great hunting dog the yellow will go get your ducks no doubt about it I've seen some champion yellows fierce dogs but for the most part and you know if you have a yellow they're much more subdued they're great service pets there you see a lot with people that that need help with service pass they're great with kids they'll protect and look after kids they're domesticated as what they are in the lab family that personality describes yours truly beardless brother and it's easy to see when you look the way I do I don't have to hunt every day I have to wear face paint I'm forced to wear face paint so you can imagine I'm a yellow lap jump my babies sister if you've watched the show he's a bit sensitive but he's a yellow lab as well it's because Jeff and our philosophy is if we hadn't seen a duck in ten days probably time to sleep in you know and then you'll tell us about what happens we think like yellow labs that's what we are and we're proud of it you take the black and the yellow you cross them and you begin to break down the breed of the dog a little bit and so you get a chocolate lab which doesn't mean that a chocolate is any less of a great dog it's just that sometimes they don't know what they're doing that they can be very clumsy and fall over themselves and don't even know what a duck is or they could be a champion retriever I've seen some chocolates that were fantastic hunting ducks you just don't know in our family believe it or not that describes my brother Willy now that may surprise you if you watch the show cuz you know wait a minute wasn't he Boss Hogg you need the one you know running the show and all that exactly some days he's putting it all together he's champion chocolate other days he doesn't know come here from Sikkim I mean that's just him and the reason why is because he put the a and D and a DD I mean he's just all over the place and it's his personality is what he is and so in those in the family Noma the show didn't really portray that as much as there's a reality but trust me it is and Lisa can convince for me so you got the black you got the got the chocolate but I really struggled to find a lab to describe my uncle sighs he's just he's so out there is only one I really know they'll probably work unicorn like that one a lot I see you laughing oh this she gets it she gets it yeah everybody asked me about uncle Silas I get asked more about silent anybody of course I is the heart and soul of our show there's no doubt about it and the interesting thing about sighs that shows you network executives don't always know what they're you know talking about Saba's not gonna be a regular on the show he was gonna be just like mountain man you know just like pop in every once in a while and it quickly within the first few episodes he said no psy is the show and there's no doubt about that that's true now side view notes from this picture here when he was going to Vietnam in 1968 versus today the years have been unkind to uncle sy he's quite the same looker he once was but in his mind he's the same guy he's a ladies man Jack you know that's what he is and he's a sighs been married to the same woman Christine for now 45 plus years and it was really interesting because SIA was the first year of the show you know nobody knew about Christine his wife because she's not on the show and so they thought he was a widower and so Silas did we get all these marriage proposals from around the country for sign it was mostly like a grandkids setting up his grandma was really cute you know the letters we got and dad looked at me one day he said al what I hear you're your uncle sy is getting marriage proposals all across the fruited plain and I said yep that's true dad and he said what is wrong with womanhood in America that they would desire to marry your uncle side and I said well dad I don't know but I can tell you this here's something else that strange 90% of the marriage proposals have come from the state of Alabama so I don't know what that means but every time I say that everybody lasts so you must know what it means size of trips has a great guy size very spiritual guide and guarantee this morning yeah it's a little late now but he was right there wife's railroad if he was in town Belton the mild as loud as he could he loves to sing in fact so much so that he started a music career in Nashville as a country singer and he has a band and they're called wait for it signed the psychotics is the name is BAM and when he comes out to perform he's wearing a straitjacket at the beginning so I think he's found his niche you know if you're you you wonder sometimes you got a millennial that a layabout we used to call them in the old days it just won't get out there and get going you're like what am I gonna do with this kid you know they got to get started it took sides till he was 63 years old to figure out what he wanted to do so just hang in there and and wait on that Molino you'll be fine I won't talk to you a little bit about my dad because his story and mom's story as well really are what became the impetus for our show and everything else and every success we've had and every difficulty we've had as well my dad he went to Louisiana Tech University when he was 18 years old on a on a college football scholarship and when you look at him and you see that sort of everybody's all-american look and pose you wonder how that guy became the duck man you know how does that transition happen do you go into local Tennessee high school and sit down to your guidance counselor say you know I'm thinking about letting myself go I'm not gonna ever shave again and you know bathe irregularly wear deodorant and frequently I mean my life will be just how I live it and yet I will be successful I will be a voice and I'll be one of the probably the the most credible the evangelical voices we have in our culture comes from my dad which is amazing so how does that happen it has to God has to be involved in that process because that doesn't just happen by accident right I mean we would say that wouldn't a winning opposition and yet that's exactly what happened with him when he was at Tech Terry Bradshaw was his backup which most people know that by now it's a pretty interesting story Bradshaw was talked about it on several occasions and even when they were honored together a few years ago first time dad had been with Bradshaw and 44 years since college and it was really neat to see them and hear them telling stories about the old days and they both respect each other greatly dad of course has had a better spiritual impact than Terry has but Terry's a good man who helps a lot of people that night they honor dad with the 2014 the alumnus of the Year award for Louisiana Tech and they have what they call a Louisiana Tech Hall of Fame and so they hear all these plaques these brass plaques of the different people and trust me dad look the most unique in terms of his look from everybody else's but even on the other side about what was said about him was very unique as well there were about a hundred plaques and so when I went to take this picture I looked at all the other plaques and I was just kind of reading what was said about him and they were you know industry and great achievements and education and in the government and of course she had country singers and pro basketball and football players and I looked at dads and his was unique from everybody else's as you can see is this duck hunting icon which is unique because he's a famous duck hunter television personality I mean there were a few other TV people but here's the one that was unmatched servant of Christ I noticed and I'm sure there were other Christians on that wall but dad was the only one that mentioned the name of Christ about himself and actually was me because I'm the one that's in it in but the reason why is because that's what he wants to be known for not the duck hunting not the TV not the show he wants to be known as a servant of Christ and so dad's story is amazing incredible and it was mainly because he had lived for a period of time about 10 years from 18 to 28 and not being a Christian now he grew up in the church so he knew the right way but he left it and he's not the only college kid that's ever done that it's why it's such a difficult trying and time when we're really pressed about our college students and it's even now from dads that was 50 years ago it's even much more difficult now and we know why I mean we look at college campuses around America and it's frightening as to what happens there it's hard to go in there as a son or daughter of the almighty and keep it together during that period of time in your life there's so much pressure well dad felt that pressure as well and so even after he got out of college and was coaching and teaching at a little high school that was just north of where he went to school his life began to just take a spiral down every year that went by he got worse than the year before finally so much so that he and he decided and his wisdom of the moment that he was gonna run a bar on the Arkansas Louisiana line and mom would be the barkeep and he'd be the guy with a pistol and his belt and the shotgun nearby and that's what we were going to do that was gonna be our life and we will make a ton of money running this bar and that's where we were in 1972 and our little family was in a real crisis situation you can see me there in Jace and mom is pregnant with Willie and this family was about to blow apart it did but in this picture this is right before it happened and so I love showing this picture to audiences because most people only know us as the duck dynasty family people of strong faith and character and conviction someone willing to stand up when the culture is saying you can't say that and you say it anyway that sort of thing which I appreciate I'm glad that people look at us that way but people need to know this picture as well because without Christ this picture this family was headed to disaster it wasn't too long after that our family split apart because dad kicked us out one night and mom finally in this terrible place of just not having her husband and not having any man to lead her finally just turn to Christ and said you know what if it's just me and you Christ that's what it'll have to be and you helped me raise my boys so when dad kicked us out she went West Monroe Louisiana and there was a church there White's very Road Church Christ and that's where she was introduced to Christ ironically it would be the same Church I would work for for 25 years and went there is even a small child the church took us in the church helped us get an apartment the church helped feed us because we didn't have dad around we had nothing literally the clothes on our back the night we left and yet this church took us in and the man that mentored and helped my mom is the same man that would later lead my dad to Christ the but that also would mentor me for the first 10 15 years of my ministry you see God had a plan for us in that and he used the church to do that I know some of you may be here without a church home you need that it's stable and you never know when a church is gonna reach out to help a family I can't tell you how many times I said in my office and a young broken family came in somebody split up some bad situation and you know how much compassion I had for them because I could remember back when I was on the other side of that desk you just pay it forward and you help people so the family of you know duck dynasty this family on the screen couldn't imagine that family in this moment but the Bible says God gives us more than we can ask or imagine and that's what he did in our case and so it was a great blessing dad came back asked mom's forgiveness said I want to find what you have I want to know that peace but I don't know how and she said well I know a guy that you needed to talk to and she took him to Bill Smith the same guy that TED talk to her three nights later he was baptized and our lives were changed my dad went from me in a complete heathen to John the Baptist and it didn't take him on to get there either because he was inspired and fired up about I want to read you a text from Hebrews chapter Tim and I love this text because to me it's exactly a picture what happens in any of our lives when we totally give ourselves to God but it definitely happened in my dad's life let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings my dad when he was first confronted with the gospel and mom telling him you you know feel you gotta listen to this he said I don't know how I can believe it I don't trust anybody and that's what has to happen faith has to then arouse that trust in you that the Almighty means what he says having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience see that's what happens worrying in our mind terrible thoughts how can I keep thinking this way we can be cleansed through Christ in his blood and having our bodies washed with pure water a total submission to him let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful and so that's what happened in our lives when dad finally became a Christian he and mom were walking this walk together now and that just had an awakening I mean he just like he's like you know the binders have come off I see it for what it is so he thought he would just take the path that he was always laid out before I'm just gonna be a teacher and a coach you know but then after it like a year of that he was my homeroom teacher with a little Christian school and it was great I mean we drove to school together every day and so finally I had my dad that I never had when I was a young kid but he hated it it wasn't what he was called to do and he just was trying to figure it out how do I make a living and support my family but I want to hunt I want to fish I want to make a living off the land my dad was born 100 years too late he would have been he would have been really something back in the late 1800s he's probably pretty good in the late nineteen hundreds as well anyway out of that Awakening he told mom he said well equipment job miss cave and she said do you what equipment job I'm will fish the Washita River me and the boys and we're gonna start duck commander I'm gonna start my own duck call business she said Phil do you even know how to build a duck I always said nope but I know how to make one sound like a duck and God will do the rest and that's exactly what he did our business slowly built as we were doing all the work ourselves and our family unit was the whole work crew and we learned everything about trial and error and trust in God now I didn't realize that fishing is a faith-based business until we start a commercial fish in the river but we went a lot of times we started out the day down there on our knees on the front of that boat asking the almighty to send some Opelousas catfish into our hoop nets that day and I can't tell how many times we raised those nets up and they were full you see that's the way Jesus did it didn't he he picked four of his 12 or fishermen and had the impress him by catching fish that's what happens when we trust in God even in the little things of life he does amazing things that's what he did for us my dad not too long after he was converted had an opportunity to speak in New Orleans and this was a big deal because we were really just selling calls kind of a half dozen or dozen at a time usually store to store so it was a rough go starting our business getting it off the ground because duck calls were typically regional not national but down was in New Orleans and I'll never forget it we had a group about this size there's about 400 Cajuns and we're in the floor of the Superdome and a little section over there and dad's up doing his duck calls and he was standing underneath their sign that said Budweiser king of beers like the one you see on the screen in a big banner and trust me about you know three hundred and ninety eight out of the 400 Cajuns sitting out there were sampling the king of beers that day as Cajuns tend to do and so dad gets up and he does his duck Harmon demonstration they're all they're all those Cajuns are and then he as he's about to wrap up because I've heard it now a few times he takes his Bible out of his bag and if you've ever seen dad's Bible before he doesn't have a very long before it's got duct tape all over it and because he just he uses it daily to share with people so they fall apart I just Lisa just bought him one off of ebay that has some other guy's name on the front of it I said well dad I can't find revival anymore now you got to do these assumed names I guess to be able to use them that's how many Bibles he goes through he pulls out that bomb he says boys I'm gonna tell you all something today oh man how's her Bush and he nodded up at that banner he said he definitely is the king of beers and a boy I've had him any one of them back the day he said but I gave all that up because in here this book tells you about the king of kings and that's way better than a cold Budweiser well it got quiet and all the beer was going back behind the legs of the chairs you know never because you're everybody gets in a situation I thought they told I'm not drinking here so dad just went through the gospel and they were stunned they were quiet they didn't know what to do do we clap too each year we never you know most of them have any religious background and all were mostly Catholic but most of them I came here to drink listen to duck calls they didn't know what to think but it was a watershed moment for dad when he went to walk off the stage there was a guy there that was selling duck calls whether this name was do Busan and good guy but he he didn't realize but in that moment the evil one was using him as a test or a roadblock for dad because when he walked off he's a Phil Phil you can't do that you can't do that he said do what he said you can't mix religion business you failed you know looking at from a worldly point of view dad said dooba son did you hear what I've just said up there I was telling my dad man coming out of the ground I was telling my sins being cleanse forever without Christ I would have no business I will always talk about him and that set the culture right there boom for 40 years of our company and our Christianity and our family we don't back down we talk about it now in the public squares oh you just go to your churches and talk about that we don't want to hear that we don't to hear that in school or some public setting we will talk about it everywhere because Christ has saved us how can we not how could we hold it in when he's done so much for us so he's been doing it ever since on the show the first prayer happened because dad said that's what we do we pray and we did and most of you that watch the show and like that I guarantee that was one of the things that first hooked you in was that a family was praying on national television unless and it was different because we hadn't seen that now I'm seeing it on other shows praise the Lord I hope it catches his own everywhere and then of course dad got in the middle of a national controversy because a man asked him was homosexuality a sin he asked him in his own living room in his own chair and he said well let me tell you what the Bible says about it and two hours later we have an article that comes out that all of a sudden our network is backing away corporations are backing away you realize that from the day dad the interview broke to the next day about twenty million dollars vanished from our family out of deals that were there that all of a sudden corporations do what they do they run and hide because we don't want truth you know what we own the whole universe was twenty million to us I mean we're co-heirs if the whole thing are you kidding me money it's not gonna be the difference-maker for us so that's where we learn that's how we learn just like Moses been about forty and forty years out the Midian Hilton learning about what pride was versus trusting in God the Robertson family lived on the side of the riverbank hauling fish up and slowly building duck calls as a humility training for what God would do in us God knew one day that we would have a national platform to proclaim this message but we had no idea so he knew in his infinite wisdom that for us not to think that we were a big deal he would train us in humility to know that it was him and not us that built it so how can I take credit for what the almighty is done I'm 53 years old so from an early age I saw a lot of stuff that my brothers didn't see which is a great blessing for them but those things impact you those things have a tendency to come back at some point they did with me our family finally had it all together I had my dad back we're in a great church now we're involved we're active and all of a sudden what happened now disappeared not only outside because I look great on the outside on the inside I checked out it was just a darkness you know first it was girls you know and then it spread to everything else all the usual suspects and so from time I was about 14 until I was 18 first double secret agent in church on Sunday in the youth group active but gone not there in fact I was an evil influence on other people and I regret by the way those four years of my life and I regret the most of what I did to now my wife by breaking her heart during this period of time she needed someone to guide her out of a bad place in this debt I took her into a darker one that's something you live with the rest of your life the blood of Jesus has taken away everything from me and from her but that doesn't mean I don't have regret I hated I wasted an opportunity I wound up becoming a prodigal son I went to New Orleans to squander the blessings that God had given me and I did a great job of it I found myself one day on the wrong end of a jealous husband's crowbar and I realized in that moment that if I stayed here any longer I would die I was dead spiritually but I would die physically and I would just be another statistic of a person in New Orleans kill another teenager happens every day there and I was right there ready for the evil one to take away every blessing I've had since but as it so happened that day God put a police officer in my life that obviously was a believer and talked to me about home and he talked to me in such a way that I became very emotional which I didn't rarely ever do and I went home I heeded his advice mom and dad knew I was coming and they met me in the yard and I had a speech worked out and I never got a chance to give it they were just like the father described in Luke 15 by Jesus they met me in the driveway and they've been looking for me and they said welcome home son dad said we got duck calls to Bill so that night we killed the fattened catfish and have a celebration because the lost son had come home and I've never looked back what not long after that I'm placed a faithful call to Lisa she was dating some guy pretty seriously I'd heard about it and so I still pretty you know proud of myself I guess so I called her naturist she wanted to go out on Friday and she's first I said you know heard you're serious with this guy she said yeah we're time I get married I said well you want to go out Friday and she says you bet I do so she dropped that guy like a hot rock you know I always felt bad for him but not really and dad and I now have such a close relationship it's great we do the show together we've did a Bible project together which we have a few more left I think out back we're doing a show now called in the woods with Phil it's on see our TV it's fantastic I started a company that produces the show dad of course is the is the show and then I do it sometimes with him we're about to start a new podcast see our TV it's amazing the opportunities we have together I mean we're very close and that wasn't a case for a you know the early part of my life so I always like to to talk about that because I know around this large with this many people I'm guarantee somebody there is some mama or daddy issues we all do and maybe some of you haven't resolved them but I'm telling you they can be in a great and wonderful way if you let God be in control of it and you don't let her own pride keep us from that our stories the Robertson family intersected these story and that's the story of Jesus Christ his coming here his dying for us his resurrection his return to the right hand of the Father and his promise to come back that story encapsulate life change in transformation least and I've been working a lot with a group called ADF Alliance defending freedom and you see though those are guys that defend the Baker out in California Jack who's a wonderful guy baron Lu maybe these stories this group of lawyers in fact I quit doing lawyer jokes because I finally met some Christian lawyers that are awesome that's that that we defend these folks and one of the cases they were talking about was just blew me away it hasn't happened praise the Lord but they'll come back in California they were going to propose a law this year they've since backed away that says you can't write a book give a speech or sit down with somebody and counsel any transformational life process now there was going to be a law in California and they backed off because the implications got big as you can imagine as you're sitting here thinking about today now you know what that was aimed at it was aimed at the transgender stuff so you can't tell somebody they can be transformed into a man or a woman that was the purpose of the law but think about where that puts us as the body of Christ our entire message is about transformation it's about what God has done in us and I stand before you as a transformed man I was a sinner lost going to hell and was going to die and get there as quick as I could and I was transformed by the blood of Christ now the minute a state in our Union makes that illegal we're gonna have a problem with the law of that state and I don't know about you but I'm gonna keep preaching transformational message it's not gonna stop that's where we are when we get so far away from the gospel story so what we have to do as men and women of Christ is first of all we've got to obey that ourselves we've got to live that and be impacted by that and then we've got to be willing to tell anybody they'll listen and we all know people that need to know what we know and so that's why I want to encourage you this morning I hope our family continues to be an inspiration to you that that love watching the show and love what you've read about us but only in that it was what Christ did in us and he does the same thing for any of us and so we want to extend an invitation to you this morning if you are not a Christian and we have some visitors here I know maybe you've never made that step to Christ we want to give that opportunity to do that today to confess him as Lord to say I want to live for him and to be baptized right here I mean we got the waters ready around here I like that and by the way if you don't have a church home I've been here about 2 and 1/2 hour that these people have been wonderful to me preacher seems to be a wonderful guy and his wife so I mean you need a church um this seems like a pretty cool place so I want to encourage you if you don't have a church home if you need to make some personal confession yourself once you do that and we will have an opportunity while we stand and while we saying if someone wants to come forward and talk to some of the leaders here you're welcome to do that let's Diana let's see
Channel: Linary Church of Christ
Views: 192,583
Rating: 4.8471336 out of 5
Id: Jfamoh8BngA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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