The Redemption Of Henry Myers | An Action Movie for the Family

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[Music] [Music] you're [Music] Weir [Music] [Music] find hurry up I'm suffocate hold on I swear hold on I tell you to put down that candy you better listen to me the first time going have to tell your PA about this when you get home I swear if he misses this up he's a dead man [Music] like turn around afternoon sir thank you very much sir appreciate you thank you on Everybody Get Down stay quiet get in and don't nobody even try going for help you got me up Dr now you know me I am not one to judge but I told that scallywag to leave my granddaughter alone and now she got a ward on her eye I said get down what was that gor I thought you said nobody was back there there there's nobody back there no shut up lady enough put you in charge of this outfit easy CL we came here to do a job let's do it [Music] clean what's wrong with you what are you waiting for [Music] finish we got to get [Music] [Music] do yourself a favor young man lay that weapon down [Music] no come on W men can change you can change you can change [Music] you can change come [Applause] you look like you could back a buzzard off a gut wagon you're a hard man to track down Henry Meyers how is it a fell can live 30 some odd years and not have one friend or relation that's Henry even when we was kids he always kept to his miserable Bowl on some s ain't that right Henry woo no wonder you ain't got no company I expected to P you plush it ended up good on all that money you stole from me I got no hope for good in my life anymore I ain't got no use for Bank Robin clay I could care less what you got use for I come for my money you want your money or not wello friend it's a good thing you ain't got nobody you care about cuz if you did they be dead now go get him go go you're dead man Mar a gotch you [Music] looks like he's leaking pretty good bleeding like a stuck pig he ain't got far [Music] our sorrows yet we did not esteem him stri but he was for our he was bruised for our not all hiss who forgive all th iniquities who heal all thy diseases who [Music] [Music] rede [Music] you slept a long time my brother will ate a mushroom one time and got sick real bad so I had to milk the cows for him you were as bloody as a squash sker when we found you well it was me who found you will and Ma set you up on your horse but I carried your boots back polished them too you want to see there was a lot of blood on your horse too M wouldn't let me help her wash him he's really a handsome horse does your arm H HT sure looks hurtful it's a good thing you was out cold when she dressed it are you hungry I'll go get mall so we can start supper [Music] [Music] my goodness come try to get oh you where were you go you just bleed all over my good floor huh come on back in bed there you go come on now back in bed there we go that one okay what's your name Henry well Mr Henry your wounds healed up proper think you'll be fine if you stay in bed my name's Marilyn how long I've been here 3 days and listen your saddle bag's by the bed and your Saddles up all am I going to be down me you lost a lot of blood you were pretty near death when we found you I'd say a couple weeks before you're healed up good look Mr Henry I don't know what caused a nasty wound like that and the Lord instructs me not to judge any man so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but I want you to know that my children are everything to me and I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe now I got a rifle in this house and I am not not afraid of pulling a trigger if a situation calls for it we understand each other you met my little girl Laura this is Mr Henry we made this arm do dad for you that's a sling to support your arm thank you now here put it around your neck stick your arm in the pocket like this easy easy ah easy oh stop being such a baby there it fits okay Laura that's enough let's get to dinner I'll bring you some when it's ready no man that's not necess now if you hurt yourself again you're just going to take longer to heal and then you're going to be no good to any of us no ma'am when you feel well enough we made a place for you in the barn thank you that's one my old dresses I won't tell [Music] nobody [Music] Mr Henry Mr Henry making you some food making you some food hope you don't hit vegetables like I do though I guess I like the corn a little how far you get on that fence today so he's awake then Hey listen he's our guest you be polite right cuz politness Works real good for us it's my boy will Laura come on let's pray all of us I'm going to lead the prayer Ma I'm a good prayer go on then child dear Lord thank you for this food be we are about to receive and thank you for Mr Henry that he didn't die in the desert like ma says You must have some unfinished business with him for to keep him alive like you did bless him and keep him and heal his arm hold up real good in Jesus name we pray amen amen so your name's Henry yeah sent her your first name or your last name Henry Mars who shot you in the back will ma if he staying here you ought to tell us what happened how was about checking my traps somebody must have staken me as an animal kind of had Furs on my back shot me must have ran off when I realized I was a man funny we didn't see none of them first when we found you William that's enough is this how your father would be treated guest I mean to be in any trouble man I'll be on my way as soon as I'm able really don't deserve the kindness everyone deserves kindness Mr Henry I apologize for my son and for myself unless we go to town we just don't see people much and we don't go to town that often anymore I guess we've forgotten how to trust strangers maybe you shouldn't trust strangers so much man you never know what they got lurking in their past that's right but I do know what a man is capable of in his future he can become what God meant him to be man can always change I'll leave you be let you finish your supper we've done all we can W you think it's time you leave it be no I'll never leave it be things like this ain't supposed to happen you I I've seen that Outlaw mcinville chasing a fell through the woods a few days back thought y'all might want to know about it [Music] [Music] no [Music] what you doing Mr Henry just trying to get a little fresh hair go in girl you don't need you don't need to lean out like that get hair why don't you run on back to bed now good night Mr [Music] Henry but when when he was a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him and the son said unto him father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son but the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be marry for this my son dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to be marry I don't understand why was the daddy so happy to see him ain't this the son who had himself a riot live rly ding bat will what Jesus is saying here is that no matter what awful things we've done they can be forgiven he's saying that if any one of his children seeks him father Waits with open arms so he'd forgive anything anything even if if if someone pretended to eat their beans and spit them into their pocket when no one was looking Kiss The Taste made her just about gag well I suppose he would forgive a lot worse than that although that someone may get in trouble with their mother if it happens again and you remember forgiveness and a changing of our ways goes hand in hand Mr Henry you're on your feet again yes ma'am feeling a little bit better I think it's about time I go to that Barn room you've been talking about and get your old bed back are you sure oh you'll like it in the barn Mr Henry you don't got to stick your body out the window to get air you all done I wanted to get the dirty clothes just a minute man' um thank you for the clothes well I I'll just I'll get these into the wash [Music] [Music] somebody got shot [Applause] PR sure take a look this may be excused Mr Henry are you a field tant no really why yes cuz when I atat like that Mama says I'm eating like a field hand guess I ain't used to eating around people outside the Riff I ran with it when's the last time you shared a meal like this the family had a table never that I can remember how about that all I need now is a CHP [Laughter] hat [Music] [Music] you mostly had it Henry we're going to be reading from the Bible tonight we'd love for you to be a part thank you ma'am but I think I'll go off to bed well you're welcome if you change your [Music] mind so what story are we going to read tonight mom well I thought it might do will a bit of good to hear a fresh telling of the Good Samaritan how come Mr H doesn't stay with us to read well first of all he's still not quite healed up so it's just more comfortable for him to lay down in his bed and I suppose also it must be a little uncomfortable being in somebody else's home or feels guilty for lying to us [Music] William from Luke chapter 10 and Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jero and fell among Thieves which stripped him of his reignment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side and likewise a levite when he was at the place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to him and and bound up his wounds pouring in oil and wine and set him on his own beast and brought him to an end and took care of him that's one of my favorite stories ma mine too I don't know yet what it is but I know that there's a purpose in Henry being here let our lives be a light to [Music] Him Father I'm still so I feel so angry help me help me find a way out of this Darkness you can I can change you can change [Music] is a broom in here yes mhm does that look right to you there no one told me we had musicians in the family is this yours Laura uh-huh but I can't play nothing well I can play of course might be kind of tough to teach it with this bum arm but we give it a shot what she didn't know you had teeth I want to learn this song this is what Paul was going to teach me um I can't read notes I can read notes silly Every Good Boy just fine I just can't play guitar I'll read you the chords and you can teach me that be all right all right then let's give it a [Music] shot [Music] come it's been around [Music] good to see thy power and thy Glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary because thy loving [Music] kindness must be tough what stepping into your paw shoes like you did doing a good job will taking care of your mom and La I reckon your Paul would be real proud of you Henry you ever killed a man what I want to know what it's like cuz I'm going to do it as soon as I find the man that killed my paw let tell you something you don't want to do that what you got with your mind Laura that's a gift and you don't want to mess that up you understand I lost my dad in mine when I was seven I never knew my mom no ever read you the Bible huh I can tell by the way you listen no I guess not I thought I knew what it was about though thought it was about a bunch of rules of how you can be just good enough to get in heaven it just doesn't sound that way when you listen to the words don't listen too much won't end up doing you no good anyhow them stories are so far-fetched I don't know about that least not the stories I've heard anyways you take that good marit that ain't a story that there's the truth I know cuz I lived it what do you mean well there's been times in my life when I needed help real bad and the good people in my life they just passed me by there I was lying half dead in the desert three strangers came up and saved my life even though they didn't know me even though I had a bullet hole in me near as I could tell those three strangers had the love of that Jesus in them that got me wondering what well maybe it's that love that keeps him strong that keeps him keeps him good you believe don't you will I suppose but ever since I mean I just have to wonder about God when there's so much evil in the world there's a lot of evil people in this world will [Music] you don't let him take away the good you hear me you sit here Mom okay sit there ready let me count it off one two three so sweet to trust in Jesus sing mama you know this one so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise and to know the the [Music] Lord remember Jesus Jesus how I trust him oh I remember Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I him more and more Jesus Jes preious Jesus Oh for gra [Music] to oh that was wonderful oh you did great you did [Music] good hey you all right I was thinking about those words in that song how do you trust somebody you've never met well I suppose you need to meet him see Henry Jesus says that he's standing at the door knocking and we that door is your heart and if you'll open it to him he'll come on in well I guess that is something to ponder about that's the most important thing to ponder in your life life [Music] Henry good night good night you believe when they said they ain't seen Henry they didn't talk did they another Ranch are too east of you we could head West go into town see if he's showing his face there down that don't sound like a good idea clay we're going [Music] back [Music] give me that rifle boy laa oh did I miss it I wanted to help hunt you're supposed to be home helping ma Laura stay still I want you to listen to me honey don't look down when I tell you to I want you to move to your left real slow like okay start moving start moving slowly girl slowly run to your brother one shot you're safe [Music] now [Music] Mama Laura Mama Laura oh my goodness child what were you doing out there with them you had me worried sick I'm so sorry Mama I won't do it never again I promise she's all right man she just came out looking for us that's all they're safe with me okay okay well you listen to me you will have some extra chores until you learn how to listen okay all right I'm go get inside the house look at the rabbits shop M we have some tonight of course H well I guess I have some thanks to offer you Henry oh I didn't do anything but point a rifle in the right direction no I mean for being there for my children it's been so hard for them and what about you but you know I think I think I'm starting to come out of the darkness a little e no we'll just throw Rabbits Foot at me well they're playing together again I better get to the stew thank you again [Music] oh [Music] Ma'am just so you know where I stand you pretty much all the way out of that [Music] Darkness greatest gift of God to man is the gift of [Music] change chapter one sh Laura open Adam [Music] now listen you be careful straight into town and back okay Ma I've been doing this nearly a year don't fret I know well good morning morning M love you love you I'm sorry for that let me do no no it's no problem it's already done sit down everything okay Marilyn do you believe in all that confession stuff and forgiveness well sometimes it's hard to believe it God can forgive certain things but yes I do believe it don't you I don't think I can there's no forgiveness for what I've done you know those pigs out there now no matter what what you get them or do for them they are always going to go back to that mud hole you can't expect them to be anything other than what they are they are always going to be pigs but Henry men alone have the power to choose something different for their lives change is a wonderful gift there is hope for you Henry oh was like pulling teeth to get Shane to make time for that photograph I'm so glad we did it before do you hate him man it took him no no I don't hate it I forgive him you forgive him how can you forgive him a be honest I did hate him for a long time Shane used to say unforgiveness was like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die I just couldn't hold on to that bitterness any longer and the Lord's love washed it away what that man did yeah and he loves him too nothing is too big that it can't be forgiven there is hope and Redemption for all of us even him something I have to tell you a I'm thirsty okay maybe you get to meet my papa today Mr Henry he's coming today right ma tomorrow sweetheart I wish he'd come more well he does too but he's a very busy man my my father-in-law's the county sheriff his work's been more personal of late you're going to love my papa Mr Henry he's the greatest I'm sure I will sure I will um I need to get back to the barn and finish some [Music] work when we arrested this one I remember that letter you had sent out following up links to Thompson and macale I don't know how much he can help but I appreciate you thinking about it Frank you know I lost a son at a young age too ain't natural us being here and and them not test a man's faith yeah can you handar me that sheet there thank you you were going to tell me something before weren't you Laura came in Marilyn I think it's time I left get on with my life and let y'all get on with yours now why so sudden it's not s my arm's better and it wouldn't be fitting for me to stay where will you go I don't know somewhere anywhere I just need what I need some peace you still don't have it in [Music] here Henry you won't find it even if you ride from here to China I'm leaving [Music] tonight you wouldn't happen to Hur of a fell by the name of Henry Myers would you all right now no can't say that I have sorry hey there's a general store over y under let's at least go stuck up on some grub these britches are going to be a slot too big for you aren't they will no Mr Jim those are for Henry he's been working out at our place thank you well guess it better be getting home mom wants me home before dark pass on my guards to your mom we'll do afternoon Mr Jim hey B how are you right thank you you know I'm glad I caught you son why the sheriff just went off the s T is falling a lead up on somebody may have shot your PW hey William I want to have a word with you hello Marbell nice to see you very nice to see you as well and we've got a little problem with my okay hey there friend no manners I tell you this here I cover what my compadre here sampling now that uh boy that just left here will I believe he said his name was you wouldn't have to know where we could find him would you he uh seems our friend Henry is staying with him oh I'm sorry I'm afraid I don't know is that right h h [Music] a hey Mr Henry what you doing oh are you sh in your horse can I help please I want to help it'll be fun should I make some lemonade girl I a't even answer your first question yet what's wrong Mr Henry nothing I been thinking think about chickens I have something that might make you happy I made this for you look I put your initials on it [Music] Lord that's a nice thing anybody's ever given me that's cuz I made it with love you're a special little girl you know that yep Laura come here I need you to go inside the house so I can talk to Mr Henry okay what's wrong mama just get inside the house I have some carrots for you to clean on the counter go why do you have my husband's Bible Give Me A Reason Henry tell me it's not what I fear I'm so sorry you're running aren't you you're not going anywhere you're not searching for peace you're just running there I swear to you I swear to you was an accident gun just went carrying a gun is an accident Robin a bank is an accident no those are choices Henry they're bad choices and because of them others have suffered we have suffered just go if you're going to run then run [Music] mama what happened why are you crying where's Mr Henry going it's okay dear it's just it's time for Mr Henry to be on his way wa but but he can't go Aura we all knew that as soon as Mr Henry was well he'd be moving on but why' you slap him I don't want him to leave Mar Mr Henry can't stay here any longer but mama not another word but he saved my life what laa explain yourself you're going to be so mad Mara now you know when I disobeyed you and find whe Mr Henry well I walked and walked in just when I was about to get to them this rattlesnake almost killed me but Mr Henry killed him first how how did he do that yep it was a sight to see Mama Mr Henry Drew down on that snake with Will's rifle I know will can't shoot that good so if Mr Henry wasn't there I'd be dead for sure mama he done it in one shot one shot [Music] mama no mama Mr Henry just can't leave why are you so mad at him because he he did some really awful things he did bad things but he doesn't do bad things no more he's been doing lots of good things and and Pa always said that bad men can change to good please make them stay [Music] [Music] mama Mr Henry Mr Henry Mr Henry come back don't leave Mr [Music] Henry I've got to send a telegraph right I'm going to head home tonight you won't make it before midnight well it's a full moon I'll be all right can you send that to my deputy [Music] M you'll never guess what I heard I ran to Deputy Bob and he told me well good evening to you too now wash up and speak calmly please yes ma'am but Bob said that he and paa think they're getting close to the man that killed paw what where's Henry what exactly did he say well he and papa found a cabin in the woods and there' been a dust up and well two of them made just kill the third before the law gets them Bob said that the men got to the clany at their Farm the other night and they was hurt real bad why don't you wor M we'll be fine we got Henry and me Mr Henry isn't here no more more what I should have died why are you let me die [Music] I hate my life I've bed them bad choices I've hurt some good [Music] people this book says that you died on the cross for us I believe [Music] that I need your help I need you to save me I need please please give me the strength is the right [Music] thing [Music] Laura come with me will get your rifle what's going on Mama take your sister to the barn but Mom no take her now and hide yourselves good evening ma'am we're looking for a fell by the name of Henry Meyers yes ma'am he's a friend of ours from way back I'm afraid I can't help you that's not what I heard can't will what's happening I'm scared don't worry Laura you just stand under there and no matter what you hear don't move or call out but will Mama no buts you stay under there until we come get you will what I sure wish Mr Henry were here me too short stack me too he had to hide in here somewhere where's Henry I told you I don't know yellow belly took off when he saw us coming I'm going to go check the barn no sit down something you don't want me to see out there maybe you and me are to going out there and take a look together that was a warning you leave her be this one's for real don't need to hold that gun up boy if everything's okay here we don't want nothing to do with you or you mom don't come no closer we're just looking for Henry that's all someone's coming watch him I know you out there Mars lay your gun down step on out you don't want this nice lady and getting hurt now do you craw out that back Wonder R him around front I'll be waiting by the door what about them Tom [Music] nice to see you Henry shut up where's clay your girl sh is pretty come on out clay you want your money you come to face [Music] me where is he where is he got you now that there was for the shovel to the face now this one here is for the gun to the head that's enough M he's come too well something tells me these folks are quite valuable though Henry what do you think M Henry here trying to steal Another Man's family sure looks like it they know what you done I'm a Jam's man clay ain't the man you knew well ain't that grand well I sure hope you trust him good Henry cuz something tells me you're going to be meeting Jesus a whole lot sooner than you think I'm ready for whatever he has planned for me just let him go you ain't fooling me Henry first you kill this family's Paul then you go to getting religion what oh yeah boy old Jim down at the store told us this here used to be the pastor's house the dead Pastor that you snuffed out shut up shut up I believed in you him out son well all right all right that's enough that's enough give me that big sticker leave alone CL you shut your mouth I'm going to do you a favor son I'm going to hang this here gun you going to killed the man that shot your ball we'll know well you got two choices here you can take the path and be a man like me you could take the path and be a man like your ball was what am I do Jo ah knew it you ain't got the guts I to see gun wasn't loaded anyhow I just playing with [Music] y'all now where's my money let him go clay I'll tell you where your money is no please please not way don't that's enough clay that's enough I hit it in the church in the church ain't that ironical we're in the church it's on a map and you ain't never going to find it without me so here's what we're going to do if you're going to let him go and I'll take you to it they're coming with us that ain't the deal clay it's the deal [Music] now Papa Pap honey oh hey me Laura what's going on [Music] [Music] everything's pretty quiet don't fret man you're lapsing Henry's hands now long as he gets me my money he'll be just fine get to it move heavier knife what is this clay you think this is a game you think I'm not serious s it was there I put it right there oh yeah then where is it where is it Henry just shooting no no no I'll tell you what I'm going to do first I'm going to kill the lady then the boy unless you tell me where that money is hey I put it right there I don't know where it went this is between me and you just let him go you don't think I'll do it do you drop them right now if you're looking for the bank money you're about a half a day late my deputy he already retrieved it you want it let them folks go and we'll talk about it you think I'm stupid law [Applause] man [Music] [Music] [Music] come Mar I'm sorry you please forgive me I forgive you will that was an accident son I tripped I believe you Henry Henry look at me okay you fight to live all right you can't leave this don't leave us don't leave us who have delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have Redemption through his blood even the Forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or Powers all things were created by Him him and for him and he is before all things sure heay by him all things consist and he is the head of the church the body who is the beginning the first the dead Margaret says it wasn't him pulled the trigger on George he even tried to stop it what about the bank well they're happy to have their money back and have Clay and Mac out a commission I guess that gives me some leeway with the charge the law gives me sole discretion in this County he could hang he could get life ory could get a second chance Mama Mr Henry's waking up am I dead no manry you're very much alive how do you feel I got shot in the gut I found peace God is good yes yes he [Music] is [Music] you really think a man can change [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ocean Avenue Entertainment
Views: 1,379,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZVtaVQn4ewM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 25sec (6085 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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