Civil Love (2012) | Full Movie | Matthew Bellows | Joshua Bendoski | Bryce Bishop | Elise Groves

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[Music] [Music] the war with the South still rages for every woman not yet a widow there's hope for news that the world will be over and maybe their husbands would come home I wish I was still one of those women [Music] where is that boy oh hey girl how you doing hello Rachel Jonathan how are things in town good I'd offer to help you but I know how you feel about that we're making do fine Jonathan doesn't mean I don't worry about you so far from town then liked it out here I know my brother was always one for peace and quiet our Abigail incacha room knuckle Johnson good day ever go you're helping your mother run finally see what's taking Joshua so long mr. Joshua I'll help him mom sorry mom needed me more careful Joshua yes ma'am you knobby go finish your chores [Music] [Music] all done yes [Music] let's walk a little then [Music] I'll go get the children are sick we could walk alone something I'd like to speak with you about the children will be fine [Music] take your cover [Music] yeah yeah not behind the tree [Music] again hurry up [Music] hands cold no just sore from fixing the porch take care of those hands what with your sewing at all they'll be fine you don't have to do everything yourself you know I worry about you and the children these are dangerous ties to be so far out here on your own it's our land Benjamin's land he was a bit of a romantic all those idealistic notions you read that Walden book by Thoreau and started talking about nature and adventures Rachel I want you and the children to come and live with me you'll be closer to town and I can help out with whatever I can we can sell your place in you use the money for whatever you need I can't do that Benjamin built our house it's all I have left of him and I want Joshua and Abigail to have it someday when they have their own families so keep the homestead for the children one day but I still want you to come and live with me what would the town think I couldn't do that unless we were married I know Rachel I've always had feelings for you I buried them deep down when you married Benjamin I respected your union and I love my brother too much to give in to them but after he died I found that they were still there only stronger I've waited to give you proper time to grieve but now I want to take care of you and the children I want to protect you and provide for you perhaps in time you'll learn to love me as well but even if that day never comes I'll be content just to take care of you I'm grateful for your concern but it's too soon for me to even think about another man can be a marriage for propriety sake the rest can come in time or not if you want that's not fair to you you should have a woman who can love you the way you deserve to be loved I don't care about I don't know I care about you a lot have some time to think about it in the meantime if you need anything don't hesitate I want to help if you like me [Music] I think we got him good [Music] but we'll make it easier to track him and fee surprise either way I'm gonna make sure I'm fine [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I'm gonna get you I'll get you dinner's ready now Joshua didn't I tell you to always make sure the barn doors closed sorry my didn't really leave it open we're lucky the animals don't freeze I'll do it mom no Joshua needs to learn you go set the table for supper all right which way probably on the other side [Music] [Music] trails gone cold someone might have picked him up you'd pick up a Confederate maybe they took care of him for us look at the horses we'll hit it town tomorrow see if anyone's seen him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm this is the best way I've been in my whole life your whole life your whole 10 years I'm glad you liked it now let's pick up trapped what I didn't feed the horses yet you were too busy playing earlier I'll help in bundle up hang on now it's bothering the horses I don't know careful what are you doing here please what should we do go get mom hurry he's hurt [Music] mr. [Music] Abigale [Music] get away from him it's okay ma he's hurt still did you bring some bandages he's a Confederate he needs our help he's the enemy Abby what if he dies she don't we at least try to help him Abigail come away from him he's not dangerous we don't know that and you do well to listen to me yes help me with this blanket what's wrong with him he's been shot we need to clean and bandage the wounds [Music] looks like you already got the bullet out himself should I go fetch the doctor it's too dark I can do it it's not safe we'll get the doctor in the morning now fetch me a water basin some clean rags and the cooking brandy hurry both of you [Music] all the barns to come to [Music] is you really for the Confederacy MA I suspect is he one of the ones who killed Paul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take this into the house and put the rags in the wash bucket Abigail fetch me that rope ma we don't know who he is or what else he's done but he's asleep for now it's either this or he doesn't stay at all now run inside to have my enemy so close is the ultimate torture a rebel soldier a Confederate here I think of Benjamin until Abigail and Joshua we'll never see him again [Music] my blood boils how easy it could be to take my vengeance on the Confederacy right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] ma should I take this to the man no now listen you two I don't want either of you going near that man understand what about the barn I can't muck the stalls if he's there good point Joshua all right just this once you don't have to do your barn chores only this once it's see any better I don't know Abby can you ride into town to doc Porter's sure can what about school Joshua you're gonna have to go alone today behave tell mrs. Evans Abby can't be there but we'll be there tomorrow can't I stay home too no hurry up you have your other charts before school [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't move are you a dangerous man then why were you shot soldier I'm no harm to you I have my children to think of I'm just trying to get home you'll stay here away from my children one of them fetched the doctor any trouble and I will shoot do you understand I'm sorry if I scared you you didn't sheriff gently tailor Blackhurst marshal I'll bring two here marshal tracking some escaped prisoners we were down to the last one that's so get any strangers in town anyone looked like this no we'll keep our eye out for him what's he done soldier for the south you sure he's here nearby we shot him but he's still on the move blood trail led us to these parts don't we find him we'll arrest him he's one a debtor alive if he gives you any trouble like I said if we find him we'll arrest him sheriff where's the doctor the docs on rounds he won't be back for at least a week a week I left word with him to come as soon as he returns I need to go into town to take mrs. Davis's dresses to her you finished mm-hmm has he woken yet yes I want you to stay away from him unless I'm with you all right for now will you clean the cloths we used last night I won't be long mrs. Taylor how are you well ma'am your dresses are done let me see there's a lot here for the take definitely no one is watching good try a knight there's too many people there Oh beautiful now let me go get your money here you go thank you thank you mrs. Davis how are your bandages good enough let me see the doctor won't be around for a week or more I don't know much about medicine but I think we should change that come on goodnight don't talk - I'm just being polite [Music] this is the place I can't see anything come here you chose the same one with them gotta be moving make sure you have your gun ready it's ready it's always ready make sure she's alone where she's not all right down she'll hear us Abbi [Music] she's a she some what's here [Music] get out the bed is the soldier well then he's got it coming [Music] put your weapon down stop right there give us the money we've nothing of value for fire we saw you or that cash get out of my house do you know how to use that good enough that rifles got one shot they got more than that this is your last chance to leave before I fire are they dead no okay [Music] it's bleeding fresh now must've pulled it [Music] and you're getting a fever Joshua get the man some water yeah my name's Daniel [Music] I beat the quilt for my bet [Music] what's wrong with him he's sick and you'll get sick too if you don't get some rest I go to bed you two you have school tomorrow [Music] mr. [Music] Daniel [Music] thank you [Music] who is it your uncle [Music] Jonathan Rachel what's it had a little trouble last night how did you hear so fast I was gonna send Abigail into town for you I came to check on you good thing I did what happened they broke into our house tried to rob us in the middle of the night are you all right the children yes we're fine Rachel you can't stay here don't start that it's dangerous I came to warn you about an escaped prisoner but look at this prisoner Marshall came to town yesterday looking for an escaped Confederate soldier being out here all this way I was right to worry well fine I appreciate your worry but this is where we need to be then you've decided I don't know be careful promise me hi uncle Jonathan Abbi you all be safe alright and warn anybody you see about that prisoner we will you didn't tell him about Daniel who was it my brother-in-law Jonathan he's a sheriff could you help your brother get ready we all slept too late and you'll be missed at school what about chores they'll have to wait till you get home your fevers going away you should get some rest a bee Joshua don't dally after school come straight home yes MA don't gossip about Daniel we know Jeff don't suppose either of these two is who you're looking for now what they do try to steal for my sister-in-law you heard anything about our fugitive no I'm spreading the word appreciate it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you better sit down before you fall thank you for the clothes it's a nice-looking horse my husband's that'll just make it worse it's not too bad sorry about that don't be I think last night was proof enough that you can't trust just anyone why didn't you fire at the men it's not loaded well you fooled me first night you arrived I thought I might just shoot threat or no threat because I'm the enemy I got a letter a while back from a neighbor who fought alongside my husband then had surrendered but they shot him anyway there's not even a body in that grave so you want to tell me how you ended up in my barn me and some other soldiers escaped a union prison in New York we were caught again and things went bad a lot of us were shot and killed along the way I'm the last of them you got a marshal tracking you know so I've heard I try to avoid him in particular why didn't you tell the sheriff about me didn't seem right anymore I told you not to gossip it ain't gossip if it's true what are you gossiping about Joshua told everyone at school about the men last night you think the war was fought right here with how he told it Joshua I didn't say nothing about Daniel you know better now get to your chores the barn needs work this hunts gone cold it's cold when I say it's cold can we just forget about him no he cares if he goes on or not I'll care if he talks to anyone about what happened we're not down into it killed him we don't go home until then we'll go house to house if we need to are you willing Confederate soldier suppose so losses Confederates are traitors and murders Joshua eat your food I understand why she feels that way you fought much enough to know I don't like it where you from Georgia is it hot there in the summer you still got family there no not really not at all Joshua stuff that mouth of yours my wife died no one's really left what she died of what sorry it's all right ma since you're on the run Joshua quiet now I guess I am but if you have no family why are you running to Joshua before mom makes you sleep in the barn [Music] thank you I know it's the barn but it's fine I wouldn't feel right if you were I wouldn't either thank you for the blankets and for supper Rachel can I ask a favor of you could you keep the gun loaded tonight just in case somehow the idea that Daniel is a soldier like the ones who killed Benjamin doesn't work anymore he's simply a man for better or worse I'm still not sure you're up wreckin I should be by now you didn't come for breakfast I left a plate on the table thank you I need to go to town for some supplies let me help oh don't strain yourself I'll be back soon they brought Daniel and cast them into the den of lions now the King spake and said unto Daniel thy God who whom now serve vist kind contend continually continually he will deliver thee and a stone was brought and laid upon the mouth of the den do you know this story that's where I got my name from were you thrown in a den of wines too close enough really keep reading and it's Tilden is brought and laid upon the mouth of the den you already read that part so I'm practicing a 9 handle it Remy the horse just likes to test him besides law said you should rest it doesn't seem right with everyone working so hard besides he's just a boy Moss says he's the man of the house now and he needs to act like she pushes him some but he can do it if he tries and you MA needs us with Paul gone there's a lot to do besides it's good he keeps her mind off of it some of the time so how long ago did he pass about a year I'm sorry you didn't kill him hi children hi MA I saw doc Porter in town he's on his way to see Daniel yeah it's a ugly wound but I suspect it was a lot uglier before I got here well I've been under good care as luck would have it I came home earlier than I expected and heard word that I was needed out here I'm sorry to take you away from your home so soon oh no it's not a problem I've been on the road long enough that I appreciate having something so close you know looks like it's mending well you just keep it clean keep it covered so it closes over yes sir so how was it that you got shot uh we had some thieves Daniel fended them off oh you know I think you would have been just fine without them sorry to trouble you no problem at all today Sheriff doc everything's just fine out Rachel's no need for you to be concerned come again he's gonna be just fine here let me help you thanks MA it's just fabric for a skirt yes Abigail you're a girl and it's about time you start looking like one I won't wear it yes you will and one day you'll even thank me for it and I cost good money don't get it dirty Rachel Joshua Abigail it's going all right yes we're fine I just saw doc Porter you heard Josh away sorry to alarm you the doctor came to see me Rachel this is Daniel and Daniel is was hurt you weren't shot by chance were you Daniel Tim isn't it Jonathan he's an escaped prisoner a marshal is following him he's dangerous not to us he's just a soldier trying to get home a soldier a rebel soldier remember I remember just fine thank you you're the one always trying to tell me to let it go so don't start calling the kettle black criminal and then the south when they caught Benjamin he was considered the same look he's just trying to get home if this marshal is after a man of the law so with ones who had Benjamin if you take him in he could face the same fate and as much as I hate them I can't wish that upon him I'm the sheriff Rachel you're my brother-in-law first how can you trust him he saved us the night of those thieves he was here I came to round them up he didn't tell me you had a man hiding here calm down what are you thinking you have two children they need protecting and you're acting senseless are you looking at him as more stop it this is not the man you bring in to replace my brother don't what do you want me to do stop worrying about the children how about you I want you to let him be wake up you sack of bones we've got more houses to visit today stop whining get moving help no I'm fine put your feet a little further apart you want to pick a good spot on the wood soft spot not these knotted areas right here okay and when you swing you want to put your hand up closer the head all right then you just pull it back let it go a name for the spot you chose well done that's one it's pretty what's wrong with it it's first skirt you really don't like skirts do you well look at it Oh your mom didn't say you had to wear it every day but she knows I hate it one day you might not one day you might need a find skirt made of a material just like that that's not cheap either you sound just like ma why did she have to be a seamstress seamstress she must make some beautiful things she does I just don't want to wear them they can't be that bad no they're pretty she's made a whole bunch of things there under the bed mm-hm yeah take a look if you think they're so pretty why won't you wear them they're not me I mean would you wear them well if it's a dress no what are you doing those aren't yours I'm sorry put it back ma Daniel go to the barn now but mom stop not a word this is not your home I know do you yes and what were you doing going through my things Benjamin stink I didn't mean to you come here being so nice to my children trying to worm your way into a new home no not at all not at all I didn't mean to intrude you are not their father maybe you thought you were helping with Joshua and Abigail but when it comes to my family I'll thank you to not interfere I'll take care of my children you don't help understand Jonathan was right I can't let you in here one because of you my husband is buried somewhere in south you're wanted man I've done the Christian thing you're well enough now [Music] I think you should leave first thing [Music] I'll be gone by the morning see [ __ ] you are [Music] where's Daniel in the barn it was ready to cook [Music] Joshua it's freezing what are you doing out here Abigail thought I could sneak out better than her and ain't much thank you did you MA fight No are you leaving I need to get home but I thought you said you had known to go back - it doesn't matter anymore [Music] [Music] take care of your mother she's strong but she needs you go inside before you freeze [Music] how's the bread fine he's gone you know I know eat up [Music] [Applause] stay inside don't need to be alone ma'am I'm Marshall Blackhurst Marshall we've come about a fugitive perhaps you've heard about him yes that Sheriff warned me about him we're checking the area I think he might have come this way have you seen him no one dangerous like that pounds and tracks just off the main road lead it into the forest fresh well if you do see him you best be ready to shoot him he's one of dead or alive I mean like that don't take chances we prefer him dead anyways well Marv did they find Daniel No not yet his Dameron gonna be safe you two stay here alright and stay inside Oh [Music] there's tracks right here over this way [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] that's better be him I'm on huge anyways [Music] we're going down [Music] come on through here you better believe that right away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Strax go there if you want me to cross that thing well you go first hurry [Music] [Music] anything it's come this far keep heading downriver [Music] [Music] way to do what [Music] and freeze [Music] we shouldn't have come for me you complaining no but if they would have found you I think you should stay here until it's safe I don't want to be in the way you're not [Music] thank you [Music] I see you to help with the women's work hello Rachel hello Jonathan what brings you by brought you some rabbit for that stew you like to make that wasn't necessary the venison you brought last month was a good cut of meat I wanted to make sure you were all right and I needed to see you I'm sorry about the other night thank you you must be hungry why don't you stay for dinner I have a got past the butter please anything new in town Marshall hasn't laid up maybe news on our neighbors then huh mrs. Reilly's gotten sicker imagine doc Porter will stick around until she goes how about the war still fighting so how long were you a prisoner until you escaped Daniel well what was left of my regiment surrendered the end of last year you were taking a point and look out Maryland and then transfer till Myra prison this summer that's why I was until you escaped that's right Daniel got his name from the Bible Daniel in the lion's den yes just like you Joshua your name came from the Bible - do you mind if Daniel and I talk outside so is this the part where you take me out back and shoot me don't tempt me look I understand where you're coming from thousand your shoes I'd be worried too then leave it's too dangerous right now for you yes what about them you think about the danger you're putting them in suppose I haven't you seemed decent rachel is a good judge of character but I'm warning you if anything happens to her or the children the marshal won't be the only one after you you understand they're enough and Daniel when I shoot it's only to kill Joshua Abigail why don't you start cleaning up I hope you didn't make a fuss you know I don't approve if you're keeping that man here my goodness Jonathan you're worse than I am Benjamin was my brother I'd be terrible to forget that and you think I have forgotten when Daniel first got here I struggled is that what you want to hear I hated him for who he was but he's better than that those men intend to harm him I know it's been hard for you you feel like you have to protect him she'll let him stay here perhaps it's best if you and the children come and stay with me I can protect you the soldier can stay here until it's safe for him to move on Jonathan I you promised you to think about it right now I haven't had a moment to think straight my head is so mixed up right now now is not the time to think about such things all right I just want what's best for you of course I want what's best for you to your family Jonathan I'll see you soon have a good evening those keeping you warm enough yes ma'am hiya Remy why Remy Remington my husband knew his guns and this is Henry the rifle [Music] does Henry need a right to [Music] haven't done this for a while what's that ride for enjoyment Benjamin and I used to ride but there's too much to do now so what did Jonathan threaten you with nothing short of my life that man cares a lot about you yes he wants me to move to town [Music] haven't told the children yet I think it's right it means well yes it's not what I want no this is our home [Music] Jonathan well he has his motivations too I have you told him you really think about it much besides jonathan is upset with me enough as it is right now ma how can a person tell when they're in love well when you love somebody they become the most important person to you you care more about their happiness than your own you start to become interested in things that they are interested in like when your paw tried to bake because he knew I enjoyed it what else when you're with that person you feel comfortable and at peace you feel you're your best self Abigail have you met someone oh no I'm not asking for me Abigail you think I'm in love you know your father was the love of my life I know but you've been so happy it's been so long since you have with Daniel coming you've changed it's nothing I'll get to bed [Music] you don't have to do that just about done would you like to take a walk Abigail and Joshua will be home from school soon but perhaps for a short while [Music] you sure are fortunate to have Abigail and Joshua the wonderful children yes it's good to have their help and their company of course they still have a lot of growing up to do [Music] Abigale is serious enough as it is and Joshua he's a lot more responsible than I was at his age things are different for him he needs to become the man his father was those are big shoes to fill especially for someone so young you think I'm too hard on him I think you love them both they want what's best for them oh hi uncle Jonathan hello Joshua where's your mother I don't know we just returned for school is it all right if I wait with you sure why break out of the Union prison why not just wait for the war to end being a prisoner isn't something you can wait out who knows when the war would be over if I had stayed I might not have lived this long that bad your barn was a welcome improvement but to be hunted now and those other men who are with you we all knew the risks we would have gotten away but a Marshall and his men caught up with us Blackhurst No he's not a marshal real marshal Coty's rounded us up black horse wanted to kill us and be done with it the marshal wouldn't stand for that that man had a badge [Music] Blackhurst killed the marshal I saw it happen we all did that's why he's hunted us down you should tell Jonathan no I don't want to put anyone else in danger as best of Blacker's just moves on I'm so sorry the war is bad enough without none of us wanted part of this war I have no problem with the Union or what they want then why join the Confederate Army tattoo every white male 20 to 50 years old besides in my neck of the woods everyone knew it was just me no family no one to miss me [Music] we would have missed you [Music] do you might have any important calls to make I don't think so [Music] [Music] here she comes [Music] stop them waiter with the children oh thank you Rachele of word now I know we talked about giving you time to think but I need an answer about us I think I deserve it your head doesn't seem so mixed-up anymore you're right I appreciate you looking out for us since Benjamin died don't think that I don't I just can't marry without love told you that doesn't matter to me we can grow to love each other it's not fair to you Benjamin and I had a wonderful kind of love the kind where you'd wake up each morning excited to greet the day because it meant another day with the one you love you deserve that if you'd say yes I'd have it I love you Jonathan just not that way yet some fugitive in your barn has your heart Daniel is kind honorable he has been nothing but I helped to us a comfort I think I love him please don't be upset with me [Music] once you were gone and I made a pact to myself to keep going no matter what just through the day to the chores take care of Joshua and Abigail and not think about the hole in my heart I can't do that anymore [Music] [Music] would you want me to move on is that just something people say who have never lost [Music] [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] quite a blister mr. worked pretty hard on that yeah and walking out in the middle of nowhere what Billy akin okay this is quite a relief after working on some of the bloody wounds I've seen in this small town I bet you don't even get a musket shot done one just the other day is that so yeah pretty well healed over by the time I got there where was this at I have the Taylor homestead have some thieves or something broke in poor man got himself shot yeah what man you know I don't really know that mrs. Taylor's husband got killed is wild back she must have been a visitor relation I guess he's no relation I suspect he's the man you're looking for get your shoes on no my blisters [Music] when small getting back I'm hungry she'll be back after she drops off some ending at mr. Line hearts in town would you like me to fix you some eggs yeah let's get this wood inside Taylor I hope I didn't cause any problems what do you mean duck that man I treated are you and your family all right of course what are you talking about oh the escaped prisoner Jonathan said he was at your home he told you this not me some lawman from out of town don't drop him or we won't have enough for the meal I won't gained here [Music] hold it don't move whoa everyone real calm now whoa Rachel stay Adam Rachel I know you're upset you gave him up I did my duty Rachel it's justice we don't always like it justice Blackhurst is an impostor he killed the real marshal and has been hunting Daniel ever since who told you that Daniel yes he's the last of those prisoners alive Blackhurst and his men murdered the rest doesn't change the fact that he's an escaped prisoner is still lawful to hunt him down and kill him is that what the Confederates said when they shot Benjamin I'm the sheriff Rachel even the sheriff's no right for work where are you going where do you think Rachel stop think about it it's too dangerous all the more reason Daniel is out there surrounded by men eating to kill him or is that what you wanted with Daniel gone you can try to marry me you're even more in Benjamin's death or were you just happy that he was out of your way while they took him how long ago we're into the woods you both all right Abigail go get my gun and the extra rounds Joshua were the unhorse our foot on horse but Daniel is walking you two stay here [Music] now we can finally go at home almost stop right there you've caused us a lot of trouble you know that you cost your own trouble when you murdered that marshal oh I didn't murder him at least that's not what everyone will be told back home all them Confederate prison swells up and try to kill us poor marshal didn't survive no Zeke and I managed to overcome his killers ain't that rising just get on with it then on your knees now okay soldier any final words stop please release him revoke if you have any honor left you'll let him go you're getting your pretty little nose into things they don't concern you he concerns me you got to put that gun down before you get hurt let him go please he hasn't done anything wrong well the law would disagree with you on that one it also disagree with murder she's right I best leave that man on my custody mr. Blacker's its marshal Blacker's to you it's not what I hear Caleb you believe the word of a Confederate over a charlatan marshal yes you're out of line chef no you both are now I won't see you murder this man we close your eyes don't move it down you just called down put your gun on the ground do it alright then that wasn't so hard now was it please please let her go what do you care you ought to be more concerned about yourself please I am begging you don't do this like I told the sheriff if you don't want to see this [Music] I got enough bullets for you too but I'd rather not you [Music] are you a writer [Music] thousand oh you should have come for me complaining again no you could have been killed I can't with you No tell me to stay stay ever leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] marry me [Music] you look like a girl Oh Abbi it's beautiful I'm never going to wear it not even a surprise the boys at school Daniel you look beautiful do I have to wear it you just wear it once Jonathan you're early I have news what the war is over really when do I have to go to school tomorrow news just came to town it's pretty fast just talk of a ball to celebrate the piece you can wear dress Abby Confederates surrendered General Lee himself I wonder what will happen down south I don't know there's lots to rebuild north and south so really going to be a ball [Music] any fears we had disappeared with the wars act we could look to the future now with peace Daniel once said I'd given him a chance to start over really though he gave me a chance to live again to love again [Music] you
Channel: SunWorld Pictures
Views: 529,736
Rating: 4.798183 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, Civil Love, Civil Love - Full Movie, Matthew Bellows, Joshua Bendoski, Bryce Bishop, Elise Groves, Paul Hunt, Matthew Reese, Brit Colzeyo, Bryan Carzan, Civil Love | Full Movie, best family films, peace, Love Comes Softly, sheriff, children, Movie, good drama movies, war, forgiveness, family drama movies, trailer, best family movies, widow, Civil War, movie, good family movies to watch, death, full movie, full film, Drana, Romance
Id: 4Z08ZC4rJMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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