The Transporter 2 | Jason Statham New Hollywood Action Movie in English 2024 | Jason Statham 1080p

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[Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry can you help me my tire sorry I have an appointment I don't like to be late well would you rather be late or dead you don't want to do this step out of the car let's go fell come on baby yeah take it easy the car's brand new no problem buddy I got this the baby your parents know the kind of company you're keeping shut up shut up man what's stop playing this [ __ ] ain't working man it's coded what's the code man I'm afraid I can't get well I'm afraid we have to beat out you get out this car get out the car [ __ ] come on what you got for me kick your ass on hold on just came out of the dry cleans [Music] hands up stop moving or I will shoot you don't you have homework to do why don't you go and do it okay I'm sorry late [Music] everything [Music] you [Applause] hey hey the game the game the game the game what's the first rule when entering a man's car respect a man's car a man respects you rule number two greet the man good afternoon Frank good afternoon Jack can we play the game now you think your brain will be too tired after a whole day of school you're just afraid I'm going to win I'm afraid you're going to be too War out to do your homework it's Friday I don't have any in that case the game yes but first it's the third rule of the car [Music] good Five Points I'm white I'm round but I'm not always around I tennis ball tennis balls are [Music] yellow four points sometimes I'm have sometimes I'm whole sometimes a slice of me is all you'll know AO for bread no three point sometimes I'm light sometimes I'm dark sometimes I'm both I know a light bulb no a pizza no [Music] [Music] [Music] it Audrey Audrey stop walking away from me listen I've got to finish this conversation I've got about where's he going okay look at me last clue for all the points everyone wants to wel on me but only a happy few you ever have take your time hey bud sh Mom it's the game I'm trying to think sorry hey Frank how are you today well Mrs Billings Frank can I team up with Mom I don't know it's not in the rules come on what's a point in having rules we can't bend them okay just this once yeah all right give me some Clues it's round but not always around it's light sometimes and dark sometimes and both sometimes everyone wants to walk on it but only a happy few ever have that is a hard one tell me about it the moon correct good job good job all right come on see you Monday bye Frank thanks keep your snacks in the kitchen Bye Mom bye honey hey he's really taken to you in the month you've been with us likewise it's too bad you can't stay on after Tony gets back it's just a favor I don't usually do this sort of a job I thought you were a professional driver a different kind of driving but we're all going to miss you when you're gone and and thank you for what you did for what for turning the car around so that Jack wouldn't have to see us fighting you really know kids don't you I know fighting he hasn't seen Jack in months and then when he gets back here all I can hear is what I'm doing wrong think that after being separated for a year that he would sorry um you don't have to hear this it's okay what it's worth I think you're doing a great job with Jack thank you any time I can be of help there's anything you need it's really sweet of you Frank I might have to take you up on it oh uh I almost forgot I'm supposed to take Jack to the doctor tomorrow morning for his annual checkup but I'm organizing a surprise party for him even though his birthday's not until next week thought it would be nice if Dad out so while I decorate and um his friends arrive I was thinking if you wouldn't mind I'll take him I feel kind of funny cutting into your weekend just picking up a friend at the airport later on in the day oh that's nice what is the guy's on security say you're a bit of a loner um so it's just it's just nice to hear you have a friend he's not really a friend he's French I'll call you back Audrey I'd like to finish our conversation well if anything comes up between now and then you have myself nothing will come up Mrs bellings Tre Tre yeah hello confirmed for tomorrow 9:00 a.m. [Music] St [Music] [Music] 9 here only change the driver de in the mother even better [Music] is it stable yes it's still the antidote see you tomorrow gentlemen and in other news the drug enforcement Ministers of six Latin American countries arrived in Miami today for a suit Frank 1156 palet waiting for an express delivery that's what you told me 45 minutes ago no I don't need anything else just get me the pizza I'm not paying for that hi hi so Mr Martin it's one p no moella extra olives and exies which amounts to 11.95 I hope you're hungry have no idea apologize for the delay sir B uh-uh Audrey what are you doing what does it look like I'm doing you've been drinking what all said if I needed anything I can't why because of who I am because of who I am I feel so lost so confused who isn't thank you Frank for the time respect I think it's what I needed the most am I going to get a shot I don't know jeez we're not open yet it's an emergency I need to see the doctor immediately right Dr cin uh if you'll come out here place we have an issue you'll have to fill out some paper stating the medical problem actually my problem is not MediCal it's psychological yes Laura what seems to be the problem me I hate shot number one there's no guarantee you're getting a shot so there's no sense in getting all worked up over something that might not happen give me the good news doctor said I'm cured Frank it hurts a lot I'll never let anyone hurt you a lot promise you know my fourth rule never make a promise you can't keep come on close the door come on may I help you jack Billings to see Dr coblin I'm sorry he's out sick today he'll be seeing Dr tyberg I like Dr coblin don't worry Dr tybur is very nice now if you'll just take him into room three where's Miss Laura who you're standing at our desk that Miss Laura she's out sick too there's a lot of flu going around now come on doctor's got a busy day come on it'll be over before you know it heyy I'm Dr Tor can't I wait for my doctor unfortunately your doctor was called away on emergency enough said he had the flu that was the emergency he came down with flu very quickly so the sooner we start the sooner we finish come I show you something very cool I'm sorry doctor patient privacy in a room but you can wait in reception area or glass of water or hey trust me I am doctor wait it's phone yeah hello hello Frank I'm here you really we had fantastic TNS for two hours in my vacation just like that from now on it's the only way of life Frank twis are nothing where you you made it hello sorry Dr Junior's is not in today call back Monday listen inspector I'm a little tied up you mind taking a cab you have the address yes oh thank you oh you know I heard the F down here is fantastic I could make us a Bo you like me the best right now I got to go FR you know maybe it's better if we wait for his regular doctor to come back it's very important that he reive his immunizations well I'm sure it is but a week won't make a difference now we're doing it now keep going Jack [Music] [Music] look at me look at me remember my promise yes [Music] it's me get out [Music] [ __ ] the patient's not cooperating prep the vehicle come on hurry don't worry everything's going to be okay [Music] [Music] freeze drop your weapon get down put your guns on the wrong sh they got away Plan B yes Plan B oh you made it a what's that Jack's birthday present baseball uniform cleats glove and a bat what's his favorite sport it was last year he's on a soccer team now and he's actually really good you know you should see him sometime hello Mr and Mrs Billy they're coming hi everyone hi yes good morning Mr driver who is this look in your reiew Miro and you see who it is I know what you're thinking bulletproof glass so now you tell me in your experience which judging from the little performance you put on back at the office goes Way Beyond just driving children to school and back does a bulletproof glass stop a 7.62 armor ping round FR why' you stop the car don't bother L our triangulator over 300 ft away come on Frank pick up none of this would have been necessary if you had no screwed up my plan so now I'm going to tell you how to set things right someone is going to appear in a few seconds let her in rri good boy good boy hi leave it on personally I hate kids I don't know what your feelings are on the subject but if you ever want to have any make no moves mov but the moves I tell you to make you're in her hands now AO they can be very gentle hands but they can be the hands from Hell trust me on this one trust him on this one now Drive [Music] make a left I said left [Music] listen keep doing this your way no matter how many rights and lefts we' make they're going to catch us let me do this my way so no one gets hurt where's the fun of that let's save the fun for later [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] not bad did your mother ever teach you to say thank you yeah she tried and failed miserably no I think we lost them think again talk complete let's go [Music] [Music] what do you mean you can't find him he's one man in one car he's a shauer for Christ's sake not exactly sir you think there's a possibility you may have been in on it it's a possible how would you know he's been working here for a month he could have been setting this up the whole time and you wouldn't have known any different you are such an expert on knowing people his back PR he ex Special Forces headed an elite Commando unit for 5 years specialized in Search and Destroy been in and out of Lebanon Syria Sudan the man is a hunter I don't care what his skills are I don't care where he's from this is not a war zone this is an American city where's my son [Music] [Music] last stop all out you're quite a guy another time another place you and me baby the pleasure we can have Beauty Frank Frank not what you expected when you reported for work this morning is it um Frank no is that what passes for wit in the circle with this circle my friend wit is not a requirement of the job job brutality yes an ability to inflict pain absolutely certain psychotic moral ignorance blind obedience all required for not wait how was it fun only the beginning my love what's this all about a timely question Max pardon me hello put me on the speaker so you don't have to repeat the instructions in the next two hours you get $5 million in nonsequential $100 bills you put them in a waterproof suitcase you go to the Bayfront Park personally there will be a blue crysler parked on the sand you place the suit kit in the trunk and you leave I don't know if I can get $5 million in 2 hours Mr Billings please I read the newspapers the day you were appointed to your current position your netw worth exceeded $100 million so you want to even feel the bite what guarantee do I have that you won't harm my son guarantee Mr Billings huh I'm not a car dealer don't let the Charming accent and my grammatically impeccable syntax mislead you I live in the jungle and in the jungle you either eat or be eaten but in the spirit of doing business here is the guarantee 10 minutes past the deadline if the money doesn't arrive I send a finger 20 minutes a hand 20 minutes a foot sounds like we have a deal don't we miss the you have a deal could we please speak to our son mommy mommy you have two hours Mr Billings starting now get my all right all right he you promised you will hurt me you promised never make promises you can't keep my friend I don't it's one of my rules wow Bravo a man who lives his life by the rules well in my world rules are meant to be broken not mine this time you're going to have to make an exception go prg go Hey Driver no no no wait wait little distance between us isn't a bad thing and the ammo now [Music] okay hold on I sign hello it's me got something here genten you son of a [ __ ] look I had nothing to do with this one scratch on his head one hair out of place I Mr B let me speak to who's in charge hello Frank This Is Us martial staph you have to act fast there are three boats crankies just tell us where you are get a plane up over the inter Coastal they're heading north just tell me where you are Frank tell us where you are hello Frank got it [Music] tone it's me get out of the house I know I we just pring some Med forget the med just get out and go where anywhere the beach go to the beach oh the beach the famous Miami Beach oh my dream I would love to go to the beach maybe not please who the [ __ ] are you I'm the cook oh that's a mistake a terrible mistake why we can't oh just get along [Music] know hello it's Frank don't hang up pretend it's someone else hi Susan uh no I'm just here at home didn't do it Audrey she had a gun on Jacka had no choice yeah I saw that what do you know it's more than a kidnapping they called and asked for a ransom the doctors they were fake they were trying to give Jack a shot when I interrupted them Audrey I promised Jacka wouldn't let anyone hurt him I'm not going to break that promise I'll call you back Audrey is everything all right it's a pretty stupid question to ask right now don't you think Jeff all right so tell me again inspector Tarone why you didn't immediately identify yourself as a police officer oh I was uh overwhelmed by the effectiveness of your Parish it's a sophistication of your equipment you know I work in a small office in a small town we only have small crimes I must admit I was a little insecure and you and Frank Martin are friends right a friend I wouldn't say exactly a friend I know him we have a relationship a long relationship not so long but they found you cooking in his house I'm French so we don't need to know someone for a long time in order to cook for them it's our way of breaking the ice take for example you this sandwich and coffee you so graciously offer me you will pardon me to sing so but it's not very good yeah I know it sucks but what does that got to do with anything do you have a kitchen El don't move Smith drop it are you sure this is safe look over your shoulder we got your cover [Music] as my mother used to say a meal is only limited by your imagination it's CR [ __ ] mure cranber CR [ __ ] [ __ ] mure [ __ ] mure we where are you cooking cooking can you talk speak up with my mother mom um please um do you mind thank you may I ask who you're cooking for for the US Marshalls once they found my badge they were very polite to give me a coffe and a sandwich you wouldn't believe what passes for food in this place Frank but I'm correct the situation while they wait for my chief to call back and confirm everything of course that might take a while he's never there anything about me yes they're very interested about you they want to know where you are where are you nowhere for very long Listen Hold on do you have access to a computer easier than having access to something decent to it oh handsome fellow who is he that's what I need to know do they have an ID program uh you'll forgive me but I'm not so used to this system back home there is one computer for 10 of us so how is it with you Frank it's a complicated story ah you mean you earns a [ __ ] you might say that in other words United States ah well a Russian biologist with Advanced degrees from the state laboratory for biological warfare in cber you have an address Miami bwest King Street number 11 [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a get [Music] [Music] what are you doing trying to catch a [Music] bus come on [Music] what are you doing driver not so good on the W today [Music] no okay tell me about the doctor's office what doctor the one way you try to stick the kid with this you want to tell me do you know what you have done do you know what you have done obviously something not conducive to your good health which is all I needed to know in the first place have a good life what's left of [Music] it Outpost to base The Ransom is still there thanks The Ransom still hasn't been picked up what does that mean don't worry right now it means nothing yet what if it's not just a kidnapping ma'am I've worked in over 15 kidnapping cases in the past two years you think that if they don't take the ransom I'm going to get my son back Audrey don't make this any more complicated than it already is I'm not making this complicated Jefferson it's because of your job what does my job have to do with any of this has everything to do with it don't you understand because you became famous we became the targets and what any of you all think the only one who's out there trying to get Jack back is Frank Frank the chauffeur you spoke to Frank Martin you didn't tell us about the hell are you doing talking to him because he's the last person who saw Jack alive we found the boy [Music] [Music] get shut down hard drive blue we get another one in there yes sir how long is it going to take ma'am we're going as fast as we can he can suffocate in there ma' stay calm it's my sonre let them work are you just going to sit there and do nothing H they're experts everyone is an expert I've had it with all of you you [Music] [Music] [Music] Andre okay there you go little budy breathe come on breathe you're the devil I wish [Music] [Music] who [ __ ] Demitri you scare [ __ ] me where is sonov he's in chamber I need to speak with him he won't beong I need to speak with him sit down listen Panasonic his rap music is good a h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what was that I don't know [ __ ] what are you doing here I need antidot the driver he inject me with virus look Demitri where would he get the virus the one we left in doctor's surgery please I need anti I'm sick calm down you're not sick you have 4 hours before the virus is active you know that you work on creating it open fridge I'm telling you is the here open the fridge open the fridge yes insurance policy how many you have two doses enough for Tipper than myself people's policy canceled there is one for me and I want it now come on come on let's do it let not who are you driver there is enough for two of us you don't need it but you injected me with water I'm not sick not sick water water son of a [ __ ] [Music] good a problem is solved one does for each of us it's not for US ah one for you one for the child your devotion is touching my patience is about to run out tell me about the virus okay what you want know everything the Stars what is it it's a re combinant retro immune double polymorphing air the child will die anyone he breathes will die and then it's over what do you mean it's over Theus is designed to go inert after 24 hours thanks for the lesson now give me the files you really want to play superhero don't you well let's see if you can fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you okay I'm okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's nothing to worry about it's just a simple viral infection combined with the stress of what happened it should pass in a day or two I gave him something to help him sleep call me if anything arises thank you thank you Doctor you know Audrey all this is well it's made me realize what a fool I've been with Jack and with you are you okay Mr Billings we're running late I'll be right out i' like to come by after the conference check on Jack check on you good I'll see you soon they're here if you need them are you all right ma'am I'm fine hello it's me you okay Mrs B going to your bedroom hi Susan how are you I'm alone Where Are You Frank 10 around Frank you were wrong it was a kidnapping Jack is fine Jack's been infected with a deadly virus surgery now anyone who comes into contact with him will die what are you telling me are you telling me that my son is going to die no he's not once incubated the virus becomes Airborne so anyone who breathes out gets infected the son was a weapon the target is his father Jefferson but why because of the conference it's the only logical answer a drug enforcement agency in the hemisphere in one room your husband breathes the room dies please you got to trust me Audrey can you get to him what are you going to do find the guy responsible here's more of this for you and everybody else for you now we have a guest they burning up okay you got to go go don't move a [Music] [Applause] is the governor here everybody's going to be here the governor delegates from all over the world just say hello you can't go to the conference is everything all right to give him a deadly Audrey I can't hear you I'm inside now I've got it and and so do you Audrey I can't hear you their plan is to infect everyone at the comp I'm going to have to call you back Jeff Mr Billings you all right I'm all right come on let's go sure yeah okay I know you still a guest of the government they gave me the F accommodation let me guess you need my help you know the computer it's practically my pillow so how do you want to start I don't know I have nothing ah my favorite type of investigation let's see H all now I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my delegates breath that's right breathe my friend breathe tomorrow once this mustards are out of the way and their cooperation Agreements are dead and buried you know what your biggest problem is going to be what counting the money can wait for tomorrow it's easy with you Johnny CH he hires himself out to anyone looking to make trouble like the red brigades The Shining path someone accessed the database on the 15th floor that's Gonzalez he's on vacation was behind the host taking of the H ministers in Geneva that was a nice piece of work give me an address Miami is Thailand P Drive number 26900 we found the car one great C thank you for the compliment now I'm going back to sleep maybe not man the witch what do you [Music] mommy you feeling better a little bit you try to go back to sleep okay man are you all right [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] oh okay do it what are you doing you know last night got me thinking how do we transport the antidote safely we need something that won't break something that can't be stolen something Totally Secure me [Music] impressive get dressed stop [Applause] him is your friend not yet where'd they go garage I'm out of amor me too so am I where are the reloads the [Music] garage so B sh go [Music] [Music] it's don't up something it's a new oh no sh by my it's a new [Music] [Music] up up it's a new day it's in the it's [Music] it's a new day don't feel up it's a [Music] new the sh by my it's a new day [Music] [Music] oh don't move oh Mr driver I'll blow you into tomorrow but then I bleed what you came from for all over the floor he wouldn't want this would you not after you work so hard try to get to the antidote take a good look Frank Martin I'm a cure for what HS you I'm the only cure for what ails you I am the antidote well nice try I'm impressed didn't give you enough credit took more than a driver to figure this out i't figured it all out yet Perhaps I can help you what part are you a little how you say thick on you why no that's the easy part it's a business deal pure and simple I'm for higher to the highest bit and in this case the highest bid was the Colombian COC cartels that wanted this pesky Loman off their backs you really think killing all these politicians is going to make things easier for them that's not my problem I was hired to do a job I did the job like you just my pay is better my hair and my suit too well Lola now if you'll excuse me I have a plane to catch kid him chow chow don't even blink what's in this for you pleasure I'm killing you [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're coming to you live from the K skin Causeway where at least 10 police cars are in Hot Pursuit Of The Stolen red pickup truck oh my this is just not Jim are you getting that there's another car that is sing past the police as if they were standing still look like on this one yes you can [Music] w [Music] we have clearance for take off Mr chelini sit back enjoy your flight and we will be in Colombia before you know it [Music] [Music] [Music] we have a problem with the landing gear won't come up I'm turning back to land and we fly with a problem yeah theoretically then you Lear when we get to Colombia want to see if you can lift it manually sorry for the inconvenience Mr chelini nothing to worry about sorry flight's been cancelled I'm sorry toing for you that you have been cancelled have a seat relax dring something let's get to know each other I think I know everything I need to know oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] get [Music] Five Points what has eyes but no ears skin but no hair it's white inside and brown outside mom wor wrong dad a caterpillar wrong a potato may I help you I was just leaving'll be out of here a cple wrong uh snake wrong a peut yeah a hot dog that's West vest yeah didn't want you to miss your plane Z's very thoughtful of you you w believe what happened to me last night br I have something for you figure since you never got to the beach I know water is water sand is sand here is there it's all the same thank you Frank it was an interesting vacation what more could one ask for my friend have a good flight I doubt it I said it is all edwins I guess we can have everything we wish for can we no we [Music] can't yeah I'm looking for a transporter [Music] I'm listening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] me soul there's only [Music] fall behind asking to be something I it's around Wai again I know that so let it be res me before I lose my head res me from the side don't reget cuz only stop for day AI you're myi [Music] only and I ain't going to f orret the I from Frid to till best baby come on right to the and back around again ain't [Music] about the super that I don't want to break just it baby we got to roll don't let the sun Ste your soul been [Music] this brilant super I don't want to break give it up baby you're not in control don't let the your [Music] soul [Music] got don't let it Ste your soul out of control [Music] I don't you know I'm so lonely [Music] dreams I F don't you [Music] [Music] know the ground something don't lay down [Music] [Music] and [Music]
Channel: MTFUN
Views: 123,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Transporter, Jason Statham New Hollywood Action Movie in English 2024, Hollywood Action Movie in English 2024, Jason Statham, jason Statham Movies 2024, hollywood english movies full action hd, usa hollywood full english movie, action hollywood movie, hollywood action in hd, english movie, full english movies, youtube free movies, action movies full movie english, best hollywood movies, movies, free movie on youtube, Transporter, transporter 2, the transporter 2
Id: 13FuD96PqwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 18sec (5238 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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