Cowboy Adventure | SHADOW IN THE WEST | Western Epic HD | MASSIVE ACTION FILM

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[Music] hold up boys hey Ain worth it bar let's go [Music] back looks like they gave up getting real tired of this D yeah they were plenty mad when I beat the big boy in arm wrestling and one day that tempering that big mouth of your going to get you in deep trouble Haven made the trouble I can't get out of run these horses long enough set up camp about a mile or [Music] two one dozen eggs fresh as they come thank you Mrs Evans [Music] h on Sheriff Holden what brings you out here making my rounds thought I'd look in on you and Cassie we're fine would you like some cool water no still got ground to cover looks like some repairs are in order we'll get to them I still don't need any hired help good enough your visits are always welcome elbow's been throbbing some looks like a Storm's blowing in really it's awfully Sunny Sheriff ELO never lies could be a doozy i' batting down the [Music] hatches so what you cooking up for supper there's plenty of game around here won't you get off your Duff and go check the menu California Hills are filled with gold when we hit our big strike I'm going to take my gold up to Oregon buy myself a ranch the size of Delaware huh find me a pretty little wife got a family what about you got catch one of them Steamers out of San Francisco I on up to China China what's in China I always want to see that great big wall of theirs after that who knows you can go hunting or I got to do everything yeah you sound like my mom best we built a shelter you always looking after me like a mother hand yeah well somebody got to you do what you want I'll be fine sleeping under the stars and when we strike a rich I'm going to have a butler Wrangle my food for me Cassie Cassie Cassie Ellen I'm over [Music] here where were you you're supposed to be waiting in the garden don't be in a huff I finished up in the garden and I went and put flowers on Ma and Pa's Graves and I know it sounds silly but stayed and talk to them for a while lost track of time it's not silly I talk to them too you do of course I do looks like there's a storm coming we best gather the laundry get the livestock in the [Music] barn how's it look out there what windy very windy it's a terrible storm I know that what I meant was is the barn holding up it's holding its ground how can you just sit there calmly sewing when the world outside is falling apart I promise Mrs Banks I get the skirt to her by tomorrow what if it's still raining finish drying the dishes it'll get your mind off of things Cassie you best sweep that up I'm sorry I'll be more careful the Thunder startled me the garden is a mess but we can salvage the tomatoes and squ go it'll take some time to get it back in shape it's a good thing you put the livestock in the barn last night well at least only the chickens got out where do we start we'll feed in the barn gather the chickens then we can go into town so I can get paid on my work for Mrs Banks's skirt what about putting this place back in order first things first we can go into town and get some new fence posts at the hardware at least I could stay and start cleaning up the garden Cassie you're coming with me Ellie you are my sister not my mother and it's not nice for Big Sisters to order their little sisters around all right Cassie would you care to accompany me to town today I would love to could we get some apple pie at Millies when we're finished taking care of business Cassie Barlo you can be one stubborn young lady I am your sister I'll gather the chickens [Music] [Applause] [Music] wa how you doing [Music] well that's the last one now can we go to Millie's well I guess you earned it come on let's go get some apple [Music] pie Ellen Cassie not used to seeing you two days in a row well Sheriff it looks like your elbow is right again well my elbow never fails me when it comes to a storm how'd your place weather it it did considerable damage maybe now you'll be looking for a hired man I could use some help around the place I can pay a proper wage you've been needing some help for some time now I suppose so trouble is all the Able Body men got Gold Fever and took off for California but I don't have to remind you of that sorry didn't mean to open up an old wound about Jake that wound is long healed well I'll certainly keep my eyes and ears open I appreciate it my pleasure [Music] [Music] to get the M's Cafe Homestyle Cooking sounds good to me ladies good day we're here to eat no trouble you ladies like anything else no thank you Millie where's Rose oh she just ran out to get some flowers she should be back anytime Millie I want to catch up on the town gossip you have time to sit down as soon as Rose gets back to M the [Music] store [Music] Hees well Trinity sure has some good-looking women Folk [Music] is there something I can get to you young man a hot meal a good hot meal we've been traveling a long time I've been doing most of the cooking Cassie quit staring it's not polite well the special today is chicken and dumplings sounds real good yeah I'll uh I'll take two orders all right three orders of the special anything to drink water fine thank you all right well this sure seems like a real quiet town I hate to be stuck here well a lot of people like living like that well now me excitement's what I crave ladies good day to you I I don't mean to be rude my name is Daniel Whitaker well what are your names well don't that just say it all h I'm being real nice and these ladies are being rude how about we just eat and get out of here you know I'm being real friendly like to you women and I can't even get a simple hello in return hello excuse me you said you wanted a hello gave you one I wanted it from these ladies well it seems they don't want conversation with you well you two ought to mind your own [Music] business Now ladies you don't have to go nowhere d we ain't looking for no trouble no we're not it seems like these two boys are no we ain't looking for trouble but if you insist we can step outside look at it this way walk away now and you don't get hurt John Samuel what is going on what's it going to be streets walk [Music] away stop it stop it you listen to me I said stop it stop it I got the flowers [Music] a get off I will shoot the man throws the next punch matter of fact this little scatter shot ain't too cheesy she might just get all of you put your hands up and sit down Sheriff these two sit sit those out [Music] of M I can know what happened here well I was in the kitchen Ellen came to get me and came out just as fight started let's get this sorted out boys steing up gentlemen our horses are tied up on the street don't go Fring by your horses I'll see they end up at the Stables of course it'll cost you for board pick a bunk not sure how this is real Fair Sheriff those two boys are just as guilty as we were Witnesses say your friend here through the first punch well they provoked me that all you have have to say what about you what do you got to say for yourself never did get a chance to eat little hungry how old you up some food for Millies if she'll feed you after what happened much obliged Sheriff never did get a chance to eat that that's that's all you got to say we just got railroaded you caus this again and you know it next big wind and this is coming down that's why we'll have to get the new potins before then you and we aren't so good at digging post holes we'll learn grab the hammer and nails we'll get the plank up so we can get the horses back in the corow why did God bring such a terrible storm us P used to say the good Lord and the devil got credit for things they had nothing to do with sometimes things just happen natural course of events sometimes it's all so confounded that's why we have to have the faith of a child sure was exciting at Millie's today guess you could call with that what else would you call it crude and rude Behavior let's get the plank [Music] [Music] up hello Rose hello Sheriff mom made this for the prisoners go on in there harmless [Music] hello there little lady you are I'm Rose I'm Millie's daughter that smells tasty Rose you know Mama's mighty mad at you too for Wrecking her place but she decided to make that up for you anyways so it was the Christian thing to do thank you we're very grateful thank you Rose [Music] one good thing got our chicken and dumplings your boys want some water you can call the night deputy and you're finished with your food Slide the plates on near the door I'll see you in the [Music] morning hey Sheriff what's going to happen to us depends depends on what you plead guilty you pay the assessed damages plus to fine what are the damages I haven't calculated that yet the windows boarded up I had no idea how much the new glass last and their repairs will cost plus table chair or two we're pleading not guilty fine when the judge hits down we'll hold a hearing in the jail and the judge hits Town yeah Circuit Judge covers all the counties should be back here in about 30 days I ain't staying in this jail for a month well then you best plead guilty well that ain't Justice I I don't know what that is but it sure ain't Justice we'll plead guilty no we're not real I can see you boys need some time to talk it over take the night this ain't Fair Clark and we're not pleading guilty he did throw the first punch we got about $3 between us then that won't even cover a new window well maybe we can work it off not me old buddy I got bigger and better things to do places to go things to see in case you had noticed we're in a jail cell well there ain't a jail built I can't bust out of neither one of them has ever been locked up before what are you talking about you got no imagination Clark you never did it's part of your charm I guess just eat your food and go to bed [Music] [Music] I want more [Music] [Music] they'll shoot you that's not too late and come with me you really think you're going to get away with this use your head for once and let's pay our debt we didn't come this far just so we could sit behind bars if we don't get out of here now we're never going to make it to California grow up and be a man good luck Clark look me up when you get out west if you ever make it that far m [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] I gathered the eggs the hens didn't do so well lay in maybe the storm scared them they'll settle down do you want some help in the garden that would be great you know if we made the garden bigger we could grow more stuff to sell we could after we fix the shingles on the roof of the house and repair the barn door and get the new Corral posts up I weren't this close when PA was alive were we no why do you think that is I suppose it's the age difference and I was caught up in the Trifles that tend to divert a young woman you mean Jake yes Jake do you miss him I try not to think of it it's been over 2 years and haven't heard a word from him do you think he's dead I don't know well if he wasn't dead he would have written or sent some kind of word from the gold fields we parted on disagreeable terms part that way with a loved one it tends to make any loss more Grievous was he your true love you need years with someone to know such a thing true love is born of experience not fairy dust do you think I'll find my true love yes you will but first I need your help clearing this [Music] Garden what do you got to say for yourself well I went back to check on them the cell door was open one was gone the other one was just sitting there excuse me I don't know how what happened I'll tell you how it happened you fell asleep in a prisoner escape using a dinner Fork I had to lock you up in his place get out of here I'll figure out to do with you [Music] later well Mr Clark Davis looks like you're on your own appears so Mr Whitaker skipped over the stable broke in took his horse and beat it out of town sounds about right don't suppose you know anything about this I'm here aren't I yes you are I was sleeping you and my Deputy both I woke up Daniel's foing with the lock I tried talk him out of it suppose you're going after him now wasting my time just end up on the wrong side of loss someplace else if devil don't get him first I will put his name out on the wire though we've been friends since childhood i' be careful who I call [Music] friend I pled guilty now what f for public nuisance is $10 and Pairs and Millies will probably be about [Music] 30 got a150 I'll cover about 3 weeks board on your horse over at this stable I'm go get you some breakfast until you'll be staying here Sheriff wait what is it now isn't there some way I could work it off [Music] [Music] millison can I have a word with you I'd like to run something by you concerning this young man I'm listening [Music] s so what's this all about where's the other one slipped out last night while my Deputy was sleeping came in this morning and this one's just sitting there doors wide open now why do you suppose he didn't leave I believe he's a responsible young man who would like to do right by you in the town in fact that's what I came to talk to you about I'm still [Music] listening won't be much further now you mind if I ask where we're going nope no you don't mind or no don't ask Barlo Farm Ellen Barlo lives there with her sister Cassie they've been looking for some hired help can't pay much but it'll suit your knees paying off what you w two women living alone P died last winter mom died giving birth to Cassie you're trusting me not to run give me your word you stay keep my word on it your word's good enough for me if you run I will find you and I may have to shoot [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make Camp up there supposed to work out lady's hair plenty of game up there you'll make do Ellen gy Ellen it's Sheriff Holden hello Sheriff good day to you Sheriff Ellen that fellow with the sheriff is the one that was in the fight at Millie yes it seems so Sheriff what can we do for you today is what I can do for you Ellen Barlo Cassie Barlo meet Clark Davis solution to your Hired Hand problem Sheriff Holden why don't you step down so we can talk in private yes ma'am Cassie sure you don't run off you and those other fellas should tore up Millie's Place yeah we sure did really sorry about that it was a grand fight grandest fight I ever saw in fact the only fight I ever saw Rose too Rose is Millie's daughter Cassie hold the horse stop talking why'd you bring that criminal here he's not a criminal and what is he he's an able-bodied man who will work for you to pay off million the law he started a brawl he can't be trusted first of all he did not start the brawl million you said so that is beside the point is not beside the point secondly I'm a good judge of human nature and that boy has a good solid character you have only known him for a day the other one broke out of jail and took off this one stayed to face the music that tells me a lot about his character we'll find someone else elen Barlo you're as stubborn as your own man besides there is no one else and you sorely need him fine but only on a child basis one week at a time m is $150 he already paid he owes $ 3850 month's wages ought to cover that dead told him he could camp up there on the hill thank you Cassie welcome Sheriff you leaving dear soul don't you worry I'll be back to check on you from time to time goodbye Sheriff stay out of trouble Cassie you too Sheriff Cassie SP I just want to tell you it's a pleasure to meet you and uh I really appreciate this job opportunity look Mr what's your name that's Davis Clark Davis Mr Davis I truly do not feel comfortable having The Lax of you around but we need some hired help and you're all there seems to be the LAX of me I heard your friend say you were going to the goldfields is there something wrong with that dreamers Chasing Rainbows looking for gold get rich quick well there is gold to be found look if you're going to work here you best get started half day's already gone if I'm going to pay you a daily wage I expect a full day's work yes ma'am you'll get a full day's work just tell me where to start well there's plenty that needs attention you can start by fixing the barn door okay she's not so Ary once you get to know her I might not live long enough to get to know her then there's tools and a ladder in the barn and the lumber is out back come on I'll show you Mr Davis I'll just call me Clark Mr my PA you best be careful up there I will thanks for the [Music] advice you sure you know what you're doing guess we're going to find out Cassie would you come here please got to go see what she wants [Music] do you need me of course I need you but I'm helping with the barn door come on inside the [Music] house do you want to talk about something I I think it's better if we maintain a distance from him until we get to know him how do we get to know him if we maintain a distance we know nothing about him except he started a fight and he got thrown in jail now please just stay away from him for now I best get back he may need my help Cassandra May did you hear a word I said every word Ellen Louise [Music] you fixed it hope so sometimes I have to remind Ellen that she is my sister and not my mother she's concerned for you I can take care of myself oh yes ma'am I'm sure you can [Music] heading to California that sounds so very exciting your sister don't seem to think so that's cuz of Jake Jake Jake Weller he was Ellen's sweetheart moved to California with Gold Fever about 2 years ago he wanted her to pack up and go with him but she didn't want that yeah what happened to him don't know haven't heard a word from him well it could Prejudice someone against their pursuit of goal yes sir it could she has very hard feelings against it too yeah it seems so bab would you grab that 2x4 and slide it right under this [Music] door thank you you're a real big help really really [Music] all fixed I believe so let's stay up so far [Music] it's working we staying on the hinges that's the important part Cassie we need to take my men into town and deliver it go pack the wagon and get ready to go can't I stay here I thought we go buy Millies for lunch you can catch up with rose I'm going I'll hitch the team well looks like you fixed it seems like it can I give you a hand with that team no that won't be necessary I can manage on my own what do you have in mind next Crow one of the posts is rotted out other three need mending new posts are behind the barn and all the tools you'll need are inside the [Music] barn I'll get right on [Music] it me and Rose are going to the dry goods store Rose and I all right Rose and I are going to the dry goods store and please remember to see if my gang of materials come in you be back in time for the supper Rush yes ma'am thanks have to admit that fight was pretty exciting oh I don't know take it you have a Hired Hand working for you now trial basis one week at a time I don't know how I feel about trusting a man who gets in a fight well Sheriff brought him by here seemed like a pretty solid fella we'll see and he's not too disagreeable to look at Millie please I hadn't noticed oh of course you haven't [Music] [Music] let your good and perfect will be done in Cassie's life let no one stand in your way not even me good night ma good night [Music] P good morning Miss bar good morning when you're finished with that post Mr Mr Davis don't forget the other three that are loose I won't forget Miss Barlo yes you I never intended on being here if I could have repaid that debt I would have but I gave the sheriff my word I would see this through your point is as long as I'm here I'm going to be civil to you all I ask is you do the same in return I am being civil with you Mr Davis [Music] he's a real hard worker a he isn't he he has motive to be once he pays off his debt he'll be on his way it's not like the other gold diggers we've met they're all the same after fortune and Adventure he Humes while he works P was always huming while he was working does this fell remind you of paw no I was just wondering [Music] [Music] M here's your lunch Ellen's the second best cook in the whole County next to Millie of course you know Millie's place real well yeah I'm afraid I do thank you Cassie this looks really good I appreciate it if you need a drink there's a tin hanging from the pump this suppos to solid you're doing a real Dandy job Dandy is a Dand l [Music] what my P used to say that all the time i' never heard anyone else say that before yeah i' heard he had passed on I'm really sorry to hear that no it's all right it's good to hear it [Music] again Cassie when you're finished I need you she just can't seem to get on without me it's good to be needed [Music] Cassie now please I have to [Music] go go on inside and put this on I took out the hamston why cuz you're getting so tall the dress is looking too short and I always want you to look your best besides the Dan is coming up I forgot about that [Music] new Caster's right you're real good cook thank [Music] you so away sis [Music] he's huming again I can hear that there's no law against it you know this time of year we could get another storm if a body was camped outside it sure would be miserable is that your way of saying we should allow Mr Davis to move to shelter oh do you think so your concern for his well-being it's duly noted is that a not yes now turn around I can see the back will you think about it would you hold [Music] still you turned out to be quite the farmer hear you R up my grandpa was half o AG you sneak up on a rabbit grab by the ears with one hand just riding by nope rote out to check on you like I said I would you holding up all right uh yes sir Ellen's a tad pushy and a bit headstrong but she's a good person she's guilty on the first two counts but I hadn't seen the nice part yet if you do guy's got a heavy burden what was keeping this place going and raising Cassie yes sir well I'm still here so you can rest easy I knew you were man your wor but I never rest easy you'll be seeing me again count on it got an answer back on that wire I sent out on Daniel Whitaker turns out he got himself arrested for rustling a few counties west of year they going to hang him could be funny how life is you've been with him you could be facing the news but here you are yeah here I am you make the best apple pie this side of the Mississippi what's wrong with my apple pie nothing it just comes second to Millies you are too kind so how's your Hired Hand doing he allows me to help and he treats me like an adult unlike someone else I know he seems to be a hard worker Ellen's being kind of arm with him he works for us we're not meant to be his friend well you can be kind of Ary with a lot of folks well some folks deserve [Music] it hello morning morning you're almost finished with the cral couple more planks it'll be there I'm going to go pick wild flowers in the meadow maybe one day you can pick some for me sure just tell me [Music] when Miss Marlo how are you fine you do good work thank you my Paul taught me a lot about carpentry coming real Handy around here so you have a trade yet you decide to waste your life on trivial Pursuits I guess you just got me all figured out don't you miss parlo I don't understand how a man can leave his family and his home and travel clear across the country in pursuit of a few little rocks no matter how much they're worth well I think some men are just in pursuit of a better life others want a shortcut I was in it for the adventure [Music] so what's next after you leave here probably keep heading west catch a steamer out of San Francisco head on over to China China new adventure new places new people it doesn't sound like you have any plans settle down anytime soon one day I would like to settle down have a family [Music] chickens have been laying real good since you got here I think they like you yeah guess that makes me a regular old rooster huh there's a danceing town this Saturday never been to a dance there's plenty of good food socializing and music are you and your sister going never miss it maybe you could go with us have to ask alen that ask alen what well I'm waiting could he go to the dance with [Music] us well if he wants to all right no that's all right I uh I don't have any fancy clothes anyway I think we could find him a suit to wear [Music] sure the suit looks all right looks better than all right it's you better than a big PA you look beautiful I haven't worn this dress in over 2 years not since Jake left you Cassie told me about him she can't keep her mouth shut to save her soul still look very fetchy I took it out of the closet Just For [Music] Today Ellen you all slicked up there'll be no trouble here boys oh no we ain't looking for any trouble Sheriff ain't that right John no just commenting on how different he looks what is it that your boys want I just wanted to shake this Fell's hand and to tell him we feel partial responsible for his trouble yeah you mean that a word on it by gon or by gon enjoy the dance you do look very spiffy come on let's dance John would you be a dear and get me a punch my pleasure no thanks I'm [Music] [Applause] fine so will we be seeing Mr Davis at Services tomorrow I mentioned it to him on the way here seems he's not spiritual man oh my that's too bad do you find him handsome you know I do I find imp passible at best okay slightly more than passible he's a hard worker good Craftsman seemingly of pleasant nature he's got a good spirit just needs a little cult and he'll be leaving [Music] soon thank you for the dance kind sir my pleasure [Applause] Madam some fine dancing out there Mr Davis you should dance with him Melon now Cassie normally the fella asked the gal to dance well ask her may I have this dance you may I'm going to go find [Music] Rose oh they make a fine looking couple that they [Music] do now Millie don't you go playing Cupid that boy is set on leaping we'll see Cassie is so eager to grow up I can remember wanting to grow up have you I think [Music] so I know what I want now so many of the things that I thought were the most important in the world well they turned out not to be I owe you an apology I don't think so when you first came in Our Lives I prejudged you but you're not the person I believed you to be I can't do that let me finish I feel like I'm getting to know you a real you not my perception of you and I like you I like you too [Music] my Cassie you best hurry we don't want to be late for service I'm [Music] coming good morning good morning saw the team hitched up figured y'all was heading off the church we don't have a church in the usual sense services are held outside in the common area I see well I invited you once before and I shall do it again did you care to join us I do appreciate the offer but I think I'm going to stay here in t of the garden we could all use an ounce of Faith Miss B I'm not even sure if I know what that word means faith means believing in something greater than oneself a higher power well if it's all the same I think I'll spend my day doing something a little more constructive worship is constructive Mr Davis it's the most important work of all if it's okay with you we'll just agree to disagree on that one but I do appreciate the offer that dance you're [Music] welcome Cassandra War Clark Cassie please in the wagon I don't want to be late [Music] help we always have a PO hot luck after Services you'll have to scr for your lunch I'll make [Music] do Mr Davis Miss Barlo it's the end of the week your pay what Miss mil at the service she was you just give it to her no it's not my place it's better if you do all right thank you Garden is looking wonderful thank you the uh tomato is looking real ripe eggplant just about ready to be picked we can take it into town tomorrow I sell most of my crops at the General Store you can visit Millie then sure thing you know I'm just about done here so I'll probably pack up my stuff and head back up to Camp we're just about to sit for Sunday supper is that an invitation it's the proper Sunday thing to do Mr Davis well then I'd be obliged to accept Miss Baro perhaps since you and I are going to share Sunday supper together maybe we can call each other by our given names all right you best wash up before you come inside sure thing Ellen Cassie did you pick those letter for you just like you asked hey you wouldn't mind if I took them tomorrow when we go into town would you they're your to do as you like with them I find gardening very relaxing and enjoyable plant some seeds add some water a little sunlight and life magically Springs from the ground that sounds so very poetic I get what you're saying I feel the same way we've been wanting to expand our garden grow some more vegetables might be able to help with that the boss our mission I suppose that would be all right probably just need some wildflower seeds we'll plant around the garden look real nice who wants to say grace I'll say it it's my turn anyway Mr Davis I mean Clark would that be all right with you it's perfectly all [Music] right Lord thank you for this food that we are about to receive and thank you for our new friend Clark please watch over him even though he doesn't much believe in you he's still a kind and decent man also please keep watch over Ma and Pa your friend Cassie Barlo amen see that wasn't so hard I really appreciate the hospitality yeah I really enjoy the meal and the company especially the company you're quite welcome maybe maybe we can do it again it was special for Sunday maybe again next Sunday maybe Cassie was thinking you'd be more comfortable sleeping in the barn instead of outside there's an old cot and everything you'd have a roof over your head are you sure she asked you of course she's sure well I uh I better be up early get the squash and tomatoes picked and packed up for town I'll help you after your house chores after my house chores ladies thank you'all again you're [Music] welcome he's Hing again yes I I can hear that we should put the dishes up are you going to help me or am I your slave [Music] go go help [Music] [Music] [Music] well beat sleeping on the ground [Music] they're a little wilted but hope she likes them all women like flowers wilted or not it's the thought behind them that counts so I'll meet you all back here then we're going by the dry good store and then a few other places will an hour do you that's plenty enough time see you on an hour do you suppose those flowers are for I don't know some gal I guess he said she Ellen are you just curious or are you a little jealous jealous Ru the day just curious let's go by the dry good store and check on that material then we can go by mes I'm planning it Tuesday thank you uh ma you'd best get out here [Music] oh you folks can get back to eaten Rose you mind the stove oh these are free sorry they're a bit wilted nothing a little fresh water can't fix you know I never truly apologized to you but I am now well if you feel the need that apology accepted these are very pretty flowers uh Cassie she picked them you and Cassie getting along all right yes ma'am just fine would you like to sit down maybe have a piece of pie oh I probably shouldn't stay too long the ladies are waiting on me and they're doing a bit of shopping well if they're shopping and it's going to be a while come on Rose would you bring me a piece of apple pie yes [Music] ma'am I also brought your payment you are a young man of principle my father be a man of principle and responsibility in the old days I would have told you to forget it I lost a lot of money that way now I read the good book and it tells me to be a cheerful Giver and receiver so I will cheerfully receive this money and give you a piece of pie that's very kind of you no not really I figured this is the only money you've got and you probably couldn't afford to pay for the [Music] pie Rosie would you do me a favor and go polish the silverware oh yes ma'am teenage girls full of curiosity and mischief [Music] life can be very confounding Miss Millie something Weighing on you Clark it is an everchanging adventure we are on sure is a fact be diligent give life time we never do know what's right around the corner well lookie who dropped in with Clark here I was wondering if you two were going to stop by well if I'd known he was coming here he would have come with him brought me those flowers over there kind of an apology gift well isn't that sweet roses in the kitchen Ellen come sit yep I best be checking on the team no stay they'll be all right it was pretty hot outside so I might need some water thank you for the pie [Music] looks like I run him off he's very nice young man not at all like the ones who caught that Gold Fever he's responsible it would seem that way there's a big difference between just having a crush on somebody and truly being in love I dried out the vegetable seeds like you said all I have to do now is go get some wildf flower seeds from the meadow be careful on that tall grass Rattlers are out this time of year oh well the garden is going to be great she's very excited about the garden thank you my pleasure ready to plant soon yeah just keep turning the soil for a bit had some of that dry manure from the milk cow water it for a couple days and plant you sure know a lot about everything just basic things you read a lot some mostly I learned from my Paul he tried to teach me to be a well-rounded man you close to him very I'm all too you know we had some problems when I was growing up but nothing we couldn't get through without him shooting me that would have been awful and you wouldn't be here digging in the dirt and playing and drama new your paw laugh a lot yeah mine too you miss him I do almost every day sometimes I think I hear him laugh and I turn around expecting him to be there silly huh no oh it's not silly those are memories memories are what our lives end up being your P teach you that and he learned it from my mom we got to hang on with the good ones let the bad ones go never let them haunt [Music] us shoot K me your move [Music] I wouldn't move there if I were you I know what you're thinking who you Cassie's forming an attachment Cassie told rose that Clark Davis reminds her of her father a did as much he'll be leaving soon moving on to California following his dream he's not like all the rest of them what you said so yourself oh oh my oh Millie now don't go jump into conclusion you're sweet on him no I'm not sweet on him I don't have the time nor the inclination for such [Music] luxuries he's a good man which will make it all the more difficult when he leaves you've got to think about Cassie she never knew her mother she lost her father how's she going to handle him leaving [Music] have you seen Cassie she told me she was going to pick some flowers and visit your folks talking to them gives her peace we all could use an answer that from time to time she's become really fond of you it's a special young lady your commitment here will be over soon reckon it will you'll be heading out west to California it's been the plan for a long time I don't think it'll set well with Cassie's going to S well with me either and you what about [Music] me my mom always told me that person who answers a question with a question just avoiding the first question you must be getting hungry now go fix your lunch [Music] [Music] do you think the Lord holds a grudge against Clark for not keeping the Sabbath I don't think the Lord holds grudges I think that's something we human beings are inflicted with that was service they were wonderful Millie Made bread pudding for the pot luuck it was scrumptious she asked about you rasted too Cassie go on inside and change and put some flour on the chicken I'll be right into to mash the potatoes heyday [Music] everything all right yeah thank you for the money you more than earned it I wish it could be more it'll do it's fine Sunday that it is will you be joining us for supper is that an invitation well remember what your mother said about an answering a question with a question yes I'd love to join you for supper tidy up I've got chicken to fry I in his team for [Music] you what happened next so there were Daniel and I we were creeping right behind these grave robbers on this road so dark you couldn't even see your own two feet were you scared a little bit them old boys they got thirsty so they laid that corpse down the road and they headed off to the creek to get a quick trink and then what happened Daniel now we grabbed that old poor dead fell we flung him in the ditch and then Daniel gets down just like this he stretches out in that corpses place no fooling no fooling and more boys came back they didn't realize their corpses a few inches shorter and there was Daniel lying back just like this what did Daniel say he said not getting heavy fellas I was a bit Rowdy in my younger days I bet you [Music] were hello Clark smly is it that day already yes ma'am time just slips by such a precious thing we can never get back seems to be going faster too probably cuz I've been so busy being happy can cause time to fly too yes ma'am so it won't be long won't be an indentured servant anymore well I guess I never thought about it quite like that suppose you be head heading west following your dream I reckon thought about it a lot as late it's been my plans for a long time plans can change yes ma'am [Music] hold up there Mr Davis Sheriff got some news for you on uh Daniel Whitaker they hang him nope Escape news this time got 6 months on a chain gang that's good news could be maybe they just postpone the inevitable I'm obl you told me yeah good seen you at the dance the other night hen look mighty pretty yes sir yes she did [Music] mhm elbows acting up Big Storm Brewing mind that old ladder wouldn't want you to break your neck very funny Miss Cassie good morning Clark good morning beautiful day isn't it that it is none better you fixing the shingles probably take a few days to tighten them all down sher's predicting rain I think his elbow is wrong this time at least not for a few days [Music] looks like Sheriff Holden's elbow was right again apparently so could have held off a few days so I can get those shingles fixed looks like the old roof's holding up just fine true move will the stock be all right put him in the barn before it even started raining it's tell your [Music] move still your move Storm's getting worse it seems that way oh I knew I should have fixed that when I first got here where are you going everything I need to fix it still up on the roof it can wait it's raining outside well little bit of water never hurt nothing except to go check her game Clark please stay inside lightning can hurt you especially if you're on a roof do you think he'll be all right up there Lord I hope so you need to tell him to get down all right I'll try if you haven't noticed you can be a little [Music] stubborn happy [Music] is he dead I probably wish I'd be tomorrow I'm sorry I'm going to get back up to the barn no no no you'll sleep here tonight we'll sleep by the fireplace right Ellen you'll stay here tonight how does your head feel is it sore you have a headache no good that's not a concussion Cassie will you go and fix Clark some [Music] coffee I was so scared when you fell I thought I lost you but I should have had faith that the good Lord who brought you here wouldn't take you away I prayed and he answered he did [Music] answer rest now my [Music] love Lord You Deliver Us from Evil you allow no weapons formed against us to prosper thank you for protecting Clark Clark are you sure you should be out of bed how's a stock everything's there up the milk cow storm blew the door open last night she won't go far I'll check the meadow I'll check the woods she probably ran for cover I'll go with you you know her milk might be spooled for a couple days fright tends to do that to a cow it's no matter you're walking a little stiff feel a little stiff yeah sore I was so frightened when you fell last night lucky I ain't crippled or worse but nothing happened it was a miracle plain and simple he is faithful who promised you late last night After the Storm one got quiet I said a prayer I haven't done that in years Clark you know I think I might have gotten back some of that faith I used to have when I was a kid mom andpa took me to church you never told me you used to go to church I don't know what happened I just sort of fell away from church last night you kiss me on the forehead you called me your love I thought you were sleeping did you mean it yes I meant it and I mean it [Music] now thanks for breaking the mood Sarah [Music] all right over so you're really not going to California I've been thinking on it you like Millie said sometimes plans change something special changing those plans all right let get out folks good to see you too how you doing how you [Music] doing my gosh so just need to get your signat that's [Music] him who Jake Weller [Music] what are you going to do I guess I should go talk to him what will you say I don't know Clark I no no it's uh you do what you must that's fine [Music] hello Jake hello Ellen you're alive why would I be anything else I never expected to see you again well I told you I would come back that was over 2 years ago not a word from you since I thought you were [Music] [Music] dead so good to see you Cassie won't you wait on Ellen I'm going ride back I'll take you all the way to St Louis yes ma'am don't you want to see what happens ain't nothing I need to [Music] see hey is Millie still in business um yes okay well let's go there have someone to eat we can catch up on last time all right we can catch up on things no we're good all right I hit the big one enough gold to buy a small country I bought a big beautiful house in San Francisco up on a hill you can watch a Pacific Ocean all day I'm real happy for you Jake oh well you're going to love it there I can't imagine living in San Francisco well neither could I but look at me you seem very happy and sure of yourself yeah well now I'm back Ellie a rich man just like I promised and I'm sitting across a table from you asking you to marry me are you proposing yes yes I am Ellen Baro will you marry me [Music] [Music] Clark I'm so sorry me too I'm going to go back up to the hill camp I'll finish my commitment down [Music] there I know you must be feeling confused and hurt could be I'll be all right Millie once told me there's a difference between a crush and true love and I understand now what she meant you told me about bad memories that can haunt there's only room in my life for one man and he's the man I want to Mary and that man is Clark [Music] Davis are you sure I've never been more sure about anything in my entire [Music] life nothing I thought I wanted batters anymore only you will you marry [Music] me I Now Pronounce You man and wife son you may kiss your bride [Music] a Clark Davis never did make it to California he never made his fortune and gold nor saw the Great Wall of China instead he found his way to the Barlo farm and into our lives and hearts for where your treasure is there will your heart be also [Music]
Channel: VLG Cinema
Views: 3,215,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D18kD4FKhxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 57sec (5157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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