The reason why Lucifer fell from grace is shocking!

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[Music] hey it's Chris from the christophanic show where we dive into how to live a more joyful life every day in your everyday life the kind of the life that God dreams of for you check it out Lucifer why did he fall specifically um literally wanted to be God what was it uh well did he reveal it to you I'm presuming here um what he what he did what he well it's actually what St Louis Marie demol for says kind of came out which is basically um one of the things we know is that every single demon fell in relationship to Christ but under a specific aspect so for example the demon Isis fell because he would not accept Christ's Mercy for men and so this is part of that that was beneath him yeah and that's one of the reasons why whenever you have him in a case the level of Cruelty because it's the inversion of Christ's Mercy level cruelty is just astounding um so they all fell in relationship to Christ under some of the aspect so according to St Louis meter Romford which actually Bears itself out at least in my experience in in caseload is that he fell in relationship to Christ under the aspect of our Lady he would not accept that there would be a woman who would outstrip him in Grace so much so that her grace would outstrip all intelligent creatures combined and he was he said I always knew once I saw her I would be second bounced so it gives you a sense of it but that's awesome that is yeah I love Mary I mean hearing that makes me love her more yeah it's and but part of it is too is it I mean there's all sorts of stuff that they'll reveal a relationship to her like you know one demon one time just looked at me and he said her power's in her humility wow so if you think about it that's why she's so powerful she has perfect coercive power over demons and yes she has perfect humility wow she was the one who really understood herself as the instrument the handmade but the instrument you're very close to me I could see it so you start talking about your voice jokes a little bit it does actually just yeah there's so much stuff that they've said about her but it's uh but you've Fallen more along with her because of what the demons revealed this is this is part of the uh of the how the demons are serving God they don't want to here's a priest who loves our lady morph because of them yeah well any Exorcist that does this for any length of time will admit that they can't help but have a have a strong Devotion to her if for no other reason then she is so involved in so many of the cases she's involved in the exorcisms itself well if our lady shows up two one of two things is going to happen the first is there's going to be a significant shift in The Possession which means the Demon's going to be much weaker something's going to come out it's that that that you're probably going to be it's going to speed things up significantly or they're just going to be gone so in about 70 percent of the cases that I've had um it's our lady that shows up that ultimately liberates wow so the she'll simply the most common appear the thing that people have experiences there's a specific look that demons get right before they're about to get kicked out there's a very distinctive look that they have it's Panic fear Etc but then um what will happen is is that the person who's possessed will see all of a sudden our lady will just appear the abyss will open up they feel the dimming getting ripped out it goes down they feel it being ripped down and then they close and part of that I think is because God wants to confirm to them you're liberated he's gone wow and then our lady just disappears she literally doesn't have to say a thing only in one case did she actually tell the demon it's time that's it and you you don't see our lady but you know it's happening that's right I can tell something yeah I can tell something's happening and then also you see there's a continence shift in the person's face so the demons manifested and also they'll shift to um just there's this continent exchange where there's just like this lightness to them a kind of a Brilliance about their face almost and you'll see this especially um like with women when they're possessed their features are much more angular and when they're liberated all of a sudden they become much more feminine much softer much rounder their facial features they look more feminine whereas the guys look more portioned more normal so you see that shift realize okay he's gone what was Lucifer's job supposed to be I'm just presuming you have some answers to these things so you're like I don't know yeah he he's uh when we he he's obviously the bearer of light so his original function was to Enlighten our minds um we know that that's part of it um the Saints haven't really chimed in too much on it he has told me but I'm not at Liberty yet to speak about it okay so but at some point um I would like to be able to tell you because it is it's something which I am going to actually ask the Archbishop at some point to be able to reveal because it's uh tells us something about our relationship that we were supposed to have with him which is the completed version of who he is because now he deceives he darkens our intelligence tonight and asking him if you can come back and talk about this yeah I just want to wait a little bit okay yeah and the um wow it's just this this stuff just blows my mind man wasn't that awesome be sure to smash the Subscribe button hit smash demolish the Subscribe button however you want to say it and share it with everybody you know I get so much out of these conversations I know you always will too so come join me in this journey to life to the full and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Augustine Institute - Catholic Church Explained
Views: 152,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Id: RGfTV627gVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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