Why this exorcist has a deep love for Mary

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[Music] hey it's Chris from the christophanic show where we dive into how to live a more joyful life every day in your everyday life the kind of the life that God dreams of for you check it out what's something that you've you've had revealed to you recently that you've just that has built your spiritual life up that you've taken to prayer that's that you mull over that becomes the the stuff of meditation for you um well one of the things was I've mentioned it in other conferences is that revealed as I mentioned you know he says Susie sorry he knew he'd always be second basket yeah yeah is this great spiritual food for you it is because of the fact that he at a certain point he he said once I saw her she was so beautiful that like I said I also knew I'd be saying this just in the sheer sheer Beauty he's talking about her interior Beauty so at a certain point I said well that's a pretty broad statement yeah so I tell them well what about her beauty it was the purity of it I'm like okay that's pretty broad too what about the purity of her love was it uh or Purity and he said it was the purity of her love and I said well even that's a broad statement what was it and he said it was that when she sacrificed herself she never once counted the personal cost now think of that I'm always counting brother yes we all are but it tells you that this is one of the reasons why God's love for her is different than it is for anybody else he loves all of us obviously but it's different and there's a specific reason for it so a little bit later in the session he said it wasn't just that the fact she didn't count the personal cost it was the perpetuity of her sacrifice and what he revealed was is that through her whole life she sacrificed herself over and over and over again to God without ever once taking herself into the equation of the sacrifice and so what that means is the reason she's different from everybody else is because all human beings we count the personal cause so that means we're different that means we're different from her it's sin it's also natural ego it's a sense of self-awareness and like oh we just hurt my finger and it's like self-protection but with the angels they only got one opportunity to sacrifice where she did it over and over and over again and he said it was because of the in fact he even said he said his anger with God was the fact that he had um his anger with God was over the fact that he only got one shot and she got all these opportunities to sacrifice herself so I said what I said well you couldn't even do it once and of course he gets angry and it later later so this gives you a whole sense of you know what we can do to start building our own spiritual Life Starts sacrificing and stop counting the personal costs yes just do whatever God asks of you don't even release it do whatever he says she's do whatever she's not even asking me like think about it she's just no just do whatever just do it and but the other part of it was that it was also very revelatory so I I realized that his big beef in this uh possession case was our lady under the tile of spectrum used to say the mirror of justice so she's the mirror of God whose Justice itself wow so I said to him I said what you really saw in her was him wasn't it referring to god wow she was this perfect reflection of God the Father specifically and he said yes that's why I wanted to be God because I wanted that beauty for myself wow and so later I I beat out of him I said so really what it really boils down to is the two-fold sacrifice that is in God the Father the willingness the Eternal willingness to sacrifice his son and then the second component was the father's Eternal willingness to sacrifices never even thought about that he's willing to sacrifice his son from all eternity he's the pattern of of what Mary did and what all the saints do like don't count the cost that's within his nature exactly it's who he is he's love and then the second part of it was he also was willing to sacrifice because every time we sacrifice something we're willing to put aside some particular good in order to achieve a greater good that's the very nature of sacrifice what God did is he's willing to suffer the diminution of his external Glory his extrinsic glory in this life through our sins so that out of that he can bring us to a greater good so every single time he sins that that perpetuity of his sacrifices ongoing and he's and this is one of the things that he um so he just said yeah that he said that's the beauty that I wanted wow dude wasn't that amazing I don't want you to miss this great stuff go over to the Subscribe button and bring all your friends have a praise and worship session around that subscribe button light a fire near it toast marshmallows and offer a marshmallow to the Subscribe button whatever you have to do you can even just click subscribe and you'll never miss this great content again share it with everybody you know we'll see in 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Channel: Augustine Institute - Catholic Church Explained
Views: 28,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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