What is a demon, according to an exorcist

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[Music] hey Chris here from the christophanic show where we talk about how to live out God's plan for you each and every day in your everyday life in a way that makes you more alive and more joyful check it out before we we dive into the topic at hand what is a demon uh technically speaking a demon is a fallen angel so when the Angels were first created um we might have talked about this on one of the prior interviews but um they had what the the Saints called the first three instances so the first instance is that they were Angels created in a state of innocence and goodness instantaneously in a full Act of comprehension and knowing of who they are who God was Etc so they could see everything whereas whereas we we it takes us years through life yeah and Learn and Grow or fall yeah and they saw it all with Clarity instantaneously yeah and then the second instance is they made their choice are you going to follow what God is asking you to do or not and then the third instance is uh the reward so either they were given the beatific Vision or they were immediately damned and so and even in session the demons will talk about these three instances one of the things I found I find interesting is is that in that first instance every single demon that would that if you do any protracted period of time and you're trying to force him to tell you certain kind of information you can force him to think about the Delight he had in that first instance and seeing how beautiful God's plan was and that that he had yet he still chose against it which is one of the reasons why they suffer so much because they've given this thing up so and they try to keep their mind off it but if you force them to think about it there's not a demon that won't cry over the whole thing right so they they'll they'll start crying but so Dave so the demon is basically someone he was a an angel who was created good who chose to refuse God's task to the task that God was acting asking him and um there's other things that go along with that that particular sin that they had but they ultimately just refused to accept God's assigned task now what's interesting though is that they're assigned task who a demon is his personal identity his very nature his Essence is his assigned task wow so when he refused his assigned task it was a perfect ACT of self-hatred so they hate themselves too which is why when I hear people sit here saying they hate themselves I'm like don't do that that's what demons do oh I just heart it's hard to come out come back with another question here but that's like I just want to chew on that for a while there's so much for the spiritual life in that there is because there's there's so much that mirrors my own Temptations or Falls that's like it's exactly what you see in them like they don't just want us to think things they think but as they think right and people think you know telling people to love themselves that's just pop psychology no no that's that's a part of Christian Life demons want you to hate yourself to love yourself that's right yeah man wasn't that great listen if you don't want to be happy be sure not to subscribe but if you want a more joyful life the kind of life that God created you for the kind of Life Jesus Promised when he said I came to give you life to the full then make sure you hit subscribe and share this Channel with everybody you know
Channel: Augustine Institute | The Catholic Faith Explained
Views: 288,105
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Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Id: gauxEmnkEgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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