Signs that someone may be POSSESSED by a demon

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[Music] hey Chris here from the christophanic show where we talk about how to live out God's plan for you each and every day in your everyday life in a way that makes you more alive and more joyful check it out uh someone texted him what is pre a great question by the way what does preter natural mean and what what would the example of that manifestation be yeah so it's something that's not Supernatural so it's not Divine in the sense of like say all of a sudden your arm is healed and the whole arm appears that would be something that's Supernatural okay these are but they're also things that are above nature so there are things that are above what human beings are capable of doing so the three primary printer natural signs are um yeah of possession or speaking um languages that they've never heard so this this the first case that I dealt with um one of the Prater natural signs is that he spoke a form of Phoenician that had been defunct for 3 500 years and he never finished high school yeah it's a pretty good sign the next one is how the heck did you even find out it was Phoenician we didn't even know it sounded quasi-aramaic so we we wrote it down phonetically and had a philologist take a look at it and he said we think this is how this language was spoken 3 500 years ago wow so um and then the other one is um occult knowledge this is comes in two forms it's information that they would never know so like the first time you'll meet somebody all of a sudden they start talking about things that happen in your childhood they don't even know who you are um but then the other one is um actually scientific knowledge so uh it's the case I'm working with right now the things that come out of this demons this person's mouth been under the control of the demon are theological distinctions that there's no way this woman could ever know these kinds of theological distinctions okay um there was one procedure that he had gave and then I'm just like there's no way she could ever know that distinction because it's such a fine-tuned distinction that you know unless you're knowledgeable about theological manuals in the last 100 years in Latin your largest coming across that distinction and practically so um so that's and then the last one is those things are Beyond human capacity the primary thing that we see is morphing it's where people change shape so in this first case that I had my nickname firm was Charlie Brown um he was a good kid he was a good guy I really liked him but as soon as he would manifest he had normal proportions facing his manifest his face was built completely around and instantaneously turn red like a beach ball so those are the so you'll see those kind of morphing or changing the facial features that are Beyond human capacity to do it can also be superhuman strength um levitation and stuff like that too yeah I have seen levitation it's one of those things though it's not we call it a secondary sign of possession it's not necessarily A a primary or a prayer natural sign and the reason being is because it can actually occur under two different things outside that context if you if you're in a building where the level of diabolic infestation is high enough that people have been known to levitate in those things they themselves are not possessed but right that's right they're going to possessed the other one is that actually Saints have levitated so that's not always evil it's not always evil and so um but once you see some other printer natural sign then you know that that stuff so I have seen it um if you people say well have you seen that stuff in Hollywood yeah I've seen pretty much everything you see in Hollywood but it's not um it it's in most of the time where you're doing sessions you're going to just see morphing and that's just about it because the god I think requires them so that you know they're present okay um and that you know you're talking to someone other than uh the person who's possessed but those other things you do see them but they're they're rare they don't occur and usually they might occur like in the beginning or towards okay it's what we call stage four which is towards the end you'll see them then but you just don't see them too frequently oh this is very tight-lander the Lord's control completely and he allows just enough to give you what you need to do your job that's exactly correct in fact that's one of the things that sometimes people will say maybe you just didn't pray for heart or father and that's why you didn't pray hard enough that's why you didn't see the sign no what that's a sign of is that Christ will make sure that I see something that I need to see in order to be able to realize okay now we need to proceed to Solemn exorcism I like starting with the ordinary questions I asked because it it helps paint the picture that you continue to paint right now that this is just a guy showing up to work but no one would expect that at all at all that's right you know well in their analysis the story because you know the thing is is in fact I had a very a childhood friend of mine once as he said he says you know you're you because he knew I was an exorcist and he said you're one of the most powerful people around I said no I'm not I have no power I have zero power in fact crisis without me you can do nothing you know that and then say some things yeah well they did nothing he said nothing yeah and it's totally true because you'll get in session and you'll command the demon juice he does nothing he doesn't have to do anything unless God tell 1000 but then he knows that he has to obey The Exorcist under circumstances because God has told him you have to do what he tells you to do and so they obey you so it's humbling yeah it it makes you realize that this is it's ultimately Jesus Christ that liberates not me it's ultimately him who makes them do anything um and you're just the you're the instrument I'm just the instrument there's something to carry all of us to whatever we accomplish it's it's the Lord it wasn't it a psalmist so that you've accomplished all that we've done that's right exactly that is and we sometimes confuse the secondary cause with the primary cause exactly right we make a false distinction that the Lord is just you can't make me do this and I'll just look at him and said no I can't but he can and then they comply immediately because they know that it's ultimately I recognize that it's ultimately God that's actually doing this this is one of the reasons why if you ever see an exorcist appropriating things like saying things like I liberated this woman no you didn't do anything of the sword Christ the greatest then they're falling into a dangerous yeah space did you like that clip be sure to click subscribe so you never miss out on our great content that's going to help you live life to the full [Music]
Channel: Augustine Institute - Catholic Church Explained
Views: 37,973
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Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Id: qxKM1t5c7WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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