Exorcist explains how demons are created

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[Music] hey it's Chris from the christophanic show we dive into how to live a more joyful life every day the kind of life that God created you for check it out how do you extract information like this out of edema during exorcism and how do you know they're not lying to you um well dude well part of it is usually you don't you wouldn't get this kind of information unless God requires them to say certain things or you some the the church has said that you can't ask them questions unless it's directly or indirectly connected to getting them out so you can't go on you know theological Exposition Expeditions trying to get information but you but you can if it's something is actually connected to um the Demon's sin and it's the case is going to protract for a while so you need to get something on him then you can start asking him stuff A lot of times you also find out that God himself is determining what they can and cannot say in relationship to even to themselves but sometimes sometimes he tells them they have to reveal themselves or reveal some particular aspect of their sin which is very shameful to them and but they they do it because they they're perfectly obedient to God um but I think that the uh that um what was your first question so uh well how do you know that they're telling the truth how do you command them again so if God has come if God is willing it then you yeah so the way that you ultimately commanded is you can't command it on your own if I just tell the demon tell me this he'll just like man who are you where's our face say in the name of Jesus Christ or by the power of the Immaculate Conception or um by the humility with which Christ suffered his wounds we can that's one of those that was revealed I command you to do acts then those things the humility with which Christ suffered yeah because one time this demon just started bawling I was forcing him to consider certain aspects of Christ's passion and he said the thing that hurt him the most in Christ being willing to be pierced five times um wasn't the actual physical pain it was the humility with which he allowed it to happen that's what crushed the demon when he would just think of it and how and what is it what is it when demons crushed by that is it uh crushed in like seeing what they lacked what that yes that's right what they lacked how they are not that so it's Pride that's driving them to cry that's right yes it's not it's not a Contrition it's it's genuine like I I should have been that yeah they see the beauty in it or the goodness of it and so as a result of that they know that's not me and so that's what they sorrow at so it's a real there's a really narcissistic being totally yeah they're totally self-absorbed and then even when you because you know you would think that you know I mentioned you know I just checking in and checking out that they would just say well he's just doing his job he's his next oh no it's completely personal with them every interaction with them is entirely personal because they're so self-absorbed well so for you in a previous interview you got to watch it he said you know going to work as you're checking in you're checking out yeah and you try to stay detached from the work in some way you just do the job right but for them it's all about them which it could become for us if we're not careful yeah anyone feel the work that's exactly right A lot of it also has to do with the with the very nature of sin sin is ultimately just about yourself ultimately but this is um with them it was particularly so because um St Thomas talks about it it Bears itself out the other authors of various scenes also talk about it um St Louis Community De Montfort makes a reference to it in specific and specificity in relationship to Satan's sin or Lucifer's who became Satan so um but their their sin was that there was um that God gave him this assigned task that's who their nature was but they also perceived in that totality of saying everything that there was this other good that was above them that wasn't proper to their nature and so they had to be willing to to not pursue that not want it to basically to be willing to put that aside technically speaking it means that they had to sacrifice it to God that was in fact every demon the ultimate fall was because they were unwilling as Saint Thomas's they were unwilling to sacrifice their will to his so it was an act of their fall was essentially an act of religion against religion unwillingness to commit uh to do the act of sacrificing this thing and if they did then that then they were rewarded but they got to see God and that's where the malice comes in because they chose this lesser good over God who's the greater good but that those are good that that lesser good was never part of them and so they still when they chose no I still want that thing that was what their sin came it was and that's I want that thing for me it's all about themselves dang and so as a result their sin became entirely turned in on themselves entirely and they still want that thing they still want it even though they know they were never going to get it that it's never they're never going to get it and that it's just it's uh and then ultimately if they would have just given it up they would have been able to see him for all eternity wow uh so rather than just Delight in that good that's above them yeah whether it it's the good of a saint that's right God himself which they could have delighted and this happens with people too when we fall into jealousy that's right I have friends who are so much better at me at various things that they do and for me one of the great Joys is just watching them just wow look at you do your thing it's awesome yeah I could never do that that actually puts a smile on my face whereas the demons would see those things and think that good that that's not part of my nature I want that why can't I have that right and they know they know that if they just put that thing aside they could have seen him and then had and and this and herein lies the interesting part of it all good participates in the goodness of God in some way wow so ultimately if they would have just given it up they would have gotten that thing anyway but in an infinite way much more greater but they wanted that note they wanted that particular good man wasn't that great listen if you don't want to be happy be sure not to right but if you want a more joyful life the kind of life that God created you for the kind of Life Jesus Promised when he said I came to give you life to the full then make sure you hit subscribe and share this Channel with everybody you know [Music]
Channel: Augustine Institute | The Catholic Faith Explained
Views: 120,012
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Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Id: wCxMQt1tVYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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