Being a negative person can lead you away from God

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[Music] hey it's Chris from the christophanic show we dive into how to live a more joyful life every day the kind of life that God created you for check it out what's the overlap of and I know this is a concern of yours and you've spoken extensively on it what's the overlap of just being a positive person so to speak again to borrow terms of popular psychology instead of a negative person with with your line of work as an exorcist and what you see in the spiritual Battlefield you know there's different levels to It ultimately but I think that um obviously the Earth is basically the intersection between Heaven and Hell and how much is like heaven is up to us and how much is like hell is up to us right so if we're going to commit a lot of sin then it's just going to become like it is in Hell or if we if we become very virtuous and very holy it's going to become more like it is in heaven and so ultimately what it really boils down to and this is something that we even see among people who come to us who are that are working through us that are actually possessed what they will um what will happen is is that they will um the demons will start driving the negative to get focused on something negative and it's to take them down and it the the as the person becomes focused on what's negative um to use optimistic psychology and the analysis of it that means that the object of evil is present to the faculty which then causes pain and then it also over the course of time weakens it so what happens is let's break that down for the Layman okay yeah the object of evil is present to the faculty what's that mean so when you're thinking of something negative you're thinking of something that's actually evil or bad and that means it's in your um it's in your intellect or it's it's in your imagination you put the visual screen up in front of your in front of your brain right exactly and so the emotions and in the will that are viewing that experience the same time it's in fact Define sorrow as presence of um evil and an appetitive faculty so as soon as it sees that evil then there's sorrow and then the person goes through um and then over the course of time it becomes habitual which then becomes a weakness and so what happens is we found that especially with people who are possessed it's really all about maintaining in their focus because if they don't if they once they get kind of sucked into you know when am I going to get liberated why isn't God love me as much as if he would just liberate me or which actually isn't the case or why is it you know or even that kind of self-loathing which we talked about in another episode if he that when they get focused on that what's happened is that as they do that the demon gains more and more power over them and he's able to control them much more easily than if their focus is on God or on something that's good because it's the opposite because the good if you if the demons are affecting your imagination and you start thinking about something positive it literally drives them out of your imagination and so they'll this is one of the reasons why it's one of the principal aspects of spiritual combat is don't get sucked into all the negativity and as I mentioned um you know when I work with people who are possessed when they start going down that path I I never address what they're dealing with like the self-loathing I just tell you've lost your focus if you keep your focus entirely on God whose goodness itself and all the things that pertain to God which are good then your the demons have less ability to influence you or to tempt you or to bring you down we get we get lost in Computing our way through the problems that's correct and the Lord is saying come back to me that's exactly it instead of just you know focus on the solution I I love again thinking of little kids you're scared you run to Mom yeah you run to Dad that's that's right you don't sit in what you're afraid of and try to figure it out and think about your own I think it's a pride in that that as if as if by my own faculties I will figure out yes how to solve the evil yes it's the it's the pride that drives it but Saint Thomas says that fear drives rumination he says because what you're trying to do is figure out how do I get around this evil right one important fact in spiritual warfare you're not going to figure it out most of the time in fact usually when people are under diabolic attack I tell them you will not gain Clarity especially with people who suffer from scrupulosity and things like that in the moment of attack you will not gain Clarity don't try and seek the clarity because if you do that the demons are just going to do running commentary on whatever you think they're just going to keep jading it and keep keep changing your perspective on it so the best thing to do is just get away from it and focus on God you just keep your focus on God and once it lifts then you'll have the clarity in relationship to it but it's that and this is something that you see even among possessed people too as well as the fact that they as I mentioned they lose that Focus but you can immediately you can tell they've lost their intellectual clarity about God and about about the world and about the re about reality ultimately man wasn't that amazing I get so much out of these conversations that I barely care if anybody else is watching but I prefer obviously to share this great stuff with the world so be sure to subscribe and share it with everybody you know and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Augustine Institute - Catholic Church Explained
Views: 99,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eucharist, Catholic eucharist, transubstantiation, catholic sacrament, 7 sacraments, augustine institute, formed catholic, ignatius press, lighthouse catholic media, lighthouse talks, Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Brant Pitre, Chris Stefanick, holy communion, catholic church, Catholic Faith, the augustine institute, catholic theology, catholic graduate school, christian theology
Id: WtM1ezwv7c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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