Are you Ready? The Return of Jesus Pt.2 - Sunday Service

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all is well praise the lord amen praise god well if you have your bibles i'm i'm excited about this today i uh somewhere in this sermon i'm gonna show you the intensity of the signs of the time since the last time we met in other words i'm gonna show you i was blown away that there were a hundred and about 128 earthquakes in the last seven days around the world it's amazing how we don't hear about stuff like that but let's begin uh this morning as we we're talking about are you ready for the return of jesus and um we started this last week and um we decided not to try to get deep with all of the you know foreshadowing just read the bible see what the scripture says and obey it make it simple amen so father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody say it amen let's look at these two key scriptures this is our text scripture for this uh uh sermon this morning hebrews chapter 9 and verse 28 in the king james and then first john 3 verses 2 through 3. hebrews chapter 9 and verse 28 he says so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him something about christians looking for the return of jesus unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation jesus is going to appear there is uh two parts that we have to understand there is the appearing of jesus where he will appear in the sky the dead in christ will rise first and those who are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye you will take off mortality and put on immortality and you will be caught up to meet them in the air and at that point so shall you ever be with the lord now that's going to happen it's not all well many people say it's going to happen or how come it hasn't happened yet hopefully i'll get a chance to show you why it hadn't happened yet but it's going to happen and as christian people this is referred to in the scripture as our great hope and it's amazing to me that a a lot of christians have gotten to the point where this has become fantasy this has become you know something that's not going to happen i can i can assure you that this is going to happen and so what we're doing is going through the scripture and and looking at the signs of the time and getting an understanding of it and even answering the question because the bible prophesies there will be scoffers and their response will be that ain't never going to happen and so it's important for you as christians i want you looking for him every time some weird noise happened outside somewhere i started looking up the first oh there you go i'll drive one time and i'm like let the wheel go i'm ready to go i'm ready see that's the key don't don't try to get ready stay ready [Music] amen now most of the time when this thing is taught it's a lot of fear i'm we're not teaching it how many you were here last week did you have any fear about that you just were ready to go right now i'm saying now if you wasn't saved last week now you'll probably have some little issues with all that going on but if you're born again you're good to go but this is going to be pretty fascinating this morning let's go to first john 3 verse 2 through 3. let's look what he says first john three verses two through three and in verse two he says beloved now are we the sons of god and it and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear there is again in fact there's so many scriptures in the bible talking about him appearing and when he shall appear but we know that when he shall appear watch this he shall appear he says we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is that's exciting and every man that have this hope what hope the hope of the return of jesus christ every man that has this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure there is something purifying that happens when the christian has the hope of the return of the lord and when the lord told me to speak to he said i think you talk about this because many christians don't have the hope of this anymore there's a purifying uh something that happens when christian people begin to to to to walk in this earnest expectation that jesus is going to return and it needs to be talked and it needs to be shared amen and so there are some signs of the coming of the lord there are some signs of of the coming of the lord and so let's begin to look at this now i thought the best way to do this is uh you know i'm not trying to articulate so you can give me a grade i thought the best way to do this is just give you scripture for everything i say today just gives you scripture and and that we we see the scripture and there's something about knowing that it's here and getting a good contextual understanding of it that i think will help you out a lot so excuse me let's look at john saint john 14 2-3 jesus let's establish this jesus is coming again jesus is coming again and in saint john chapter 14 verses 2 he says in my father's house are many mansions or dwelling places if it were not so jesus said i wouldn't have said nothing to you i wouldn't have told you he says i go to prepare a place for who for you verse three and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and i'm gonna receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also so we need to just go ahead and get ready for that amen now there are signs of jesus's second coming there are signs of it luke chapter 21 and let's look at verse 29 through 31. there i'm going to read a lot more of this later but luke 21 verse 29 and 31 and here's what he says he says if you're there say amen verse 29 luke luke 21 verse 29 i'm going to read this in the new king james version he says then he spoke to them a parable looking at look at the fig tree and all the trees when they are already budding you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near and he says so you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of god is near so it compares it to the budding of a fig tree fig tree or all the trees he says you know when they start the bud that summer is near i i know when i've got some trees in my yard that when when they start blooming i know summer is near and so he says so likewise these things these signs that uh he's about to tell us when they start sewing up showing up know that the return is near so we looked at this last week so what are what are some of the signs what are some of the signs matthew 24 verse 3 again the new king james version uh matthew 24 and verse 3 some of the signs he says as jesus was sitting on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately and he said tell us uh you know when will be tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age he said tell us these things and so that's a good question right uh i'm sure a lot of people want to know all right so wow you know like the the fig tree blooms and these other things well tell us what what we should the thing we should be looking at and so matthew 24 if you're back up here to 23 and 24 one of the things he says is that check out men posing as jesus they're going to try to deceive people in the last days and i talked to you last week and showed you the stats around the world of men posing as jesus and were producing signs and wonders uh in matthew 24 let's look at 23 and 24 matthew 24 23-24 he says at that time if anyone says to you look here is the christ or there he is there he is do not believe it for false christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and they're going to perform miracles to deceive even the elect if that were possible so it says be careful and that's happening right now you know people are saying well that must be jesus because of what they did and i you know we talked a little last week about watch out for these prophets that you know come up to you and talk about well you know your address is this and you know and your family members is this all you got to do is go to facebook get that information that's a sign but now most of what we talked about last week was dealing with that appearing today we want to talk about the second coming of jesus and those signs there now matthew 24 and 6 back up there again i'm in the new king james now he said there will be wars though they may seem overwhelming it is not the end there will be wars and though it seems overwhelming it is not the end verse 6 says and you will hear of wars rumors of wars see that you be not troubled now this is important when all of these signs start showing up see that you be not trouble what is the implying you see that you be not troubled for all these things they must come to pass so you can't cast them out you can't pray them out you can't get an intercessory prayer and say well i know it's coming but we're going to stop it right now in the name no no no he said these things must come to pass he says but the end is not yet he talks about in verse seven and eight earthquakes and famines and all the signs are the you know the the all of these signs that will be showing up look what he said in verse 7 and 8 for nations will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom there will be famines pestilences earthquakes in various places wow he says all these are the beginning of sorrows somebody said look kobe took place and i'm going to talk about covert till i'm i'm going to answer some questions there yeah but see what here are the signs what are the signs he's telling you right now so the question is are we living in the last days well non-christians will find it hard to believe we are living in the last days of earth's history but it's in the bible look at ii peter chapter 3 verses 3 through 4 in the uh living bible second peter three verses three through four in the living bible they'll find it real hard to believe that we're we're at the uh the last days he says first i want to remind you that in the last days there will come scoffers who will do every wrong they can think of and they will laugh at the truth this will be their line of argument so jesus promised to come back did he then where is he he'll never come why as far back as anyone can remember everything has remained exactly as it was since the first day of creation that's what they're saying and that's what you're hearing and you've got to understand that that is what is supposed to happen and you get mad because nobody out you just should say that's the second peter 3 3 person the coming of the antichrist is the sign of the end in the bible first john chapter 2 18 in the new king james version first john chapter 2 and verse 18 he says little children it is the last hour and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming even now there are many antichrists that they have come by which we know that it is the last hour so there is this antichrist figure that's going to come which is supposed to be really uh satan in in flesh but then he says there are many antichrists if you just stop notice people that are picketing on the street they're they're they're against christ you've heard it priestly people don't believe in jesus anymore and they're finding every reason to be anti-christ well i don't believe in christ because he's a white man i don't believe in christ because you know what that what was used here and i don't believe in christ because you know i've heard people just just cuss cuz christ there are already many antichrists in in in the world okay so what other signs of the last days does the bible mention well let's go back to luke 21 and i'm just laying this out for you real plain luke 21 verse 25-26 let's read this in the niv luke 21 25-26 he says there will be signs in the sun i mean we've had several blood moons signs in the moon signed into stars on the earth nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and the tossing of the sea what does that sound like come on hurricanes the roaring and the tossing of the sea men will faint from terror apprehensive of what is coming on the world for the heavenly bodies talking about those that in in the second heaven the heavenly bodies will be shaken and so here he's talking about the roaring and the tossing of the sea he's talking about men's hearts failing them this is another scripture we'll see because of the fear that has come upon the earth all right so what's another sign well the talk of peace and safety are a sign of the last days think of that the talk of peace and safety is a sign of the last days in the bible in first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 2 through 3 first thessalonians 5 2-3 in the niv for you know very well that the day of the lord will come like a thief in a night while people are saying peace and safety destruction will come on them suddenly here's the key as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape now that's a huge key it's going to come like labor pains now the intensity doesn't show up all the time when any of you you know you're married you've seen this process works the water breaks and then you have contractions and they increase in frequency and intensity frequency and intensity frequency and intensity and then it comes to the point where it gets really intense and the baby comes so it says you know don't look around saying well there have been earthquakes quakes forever and there have been famines forever there have been no no no that's not what you're looking at you're looking at the intensity and frequency as it begins to increase and then in a generation where it becomes very intense like where we are right now the baby's born so that's what we should pay attention to the gospel will go to the whole world here's another sign the gospel will go to the whole world and the end will come see this is where we all come in at this is not the time to curl up and quit this thing's not going to end until this gospel has been preached throughout all the world it's in the bible matthew 24 and verse 14 in the niv he says in this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come will with the end will come when when this gospel has been preached and i tell you i want to be right slap dab in the middle of it praise god i want to broadcast on every avenue that's available if the spaceships that they are developing should reach mars and they discover that there's life on mars we need to buy a spaceship because they don't need the gospel so the question is what are people to do when they see these things taking place well the bible says matthew chapter 24 verse 42 through 44 in the let's look look at the living bible matthew 24 42-44 what are people to do when they see these things taking place he said so be prepared for you don't know what day your lord is coming so that's another thing we talked about last week if anybody comes and tells you jesus is coming on friday you can take it to the bank he's not if anybody were to even say well i know when jesus is going to come he not coming that day because if he were to come the day that somebody said he was going to come that means they knew what the day it was it's not going to happen he says nobody knows the day he says just as a man can prevent trouble from thieves by keeping watch for them so you can avoid trouble by always being ready for my unannounced return this is not time this is not the time to play church it is the time to wake up and to realize this world crazy people crazy this is not the time to be led by the philosophy of fools this is not the time for you to decide that nobody needs the bible anymore well ain't nobody want to read the bible because you know all preachers are the same well you know every area's got some bad apples in it but you better be careful holy please be better be careful i ain't gonna do like i did friday but better be careful [Music] look at luke 21 28 luke 21 28 the new king james version he says now when these things begin to happen he says when these things begin to happen look up your redemption draws near see we're the expecting christian when all these things begin to happen look up i'm looking up you're looking up and there's some people they don't even know what's going on they don't have a clue what's going on they don't have a god on their side and yet there's no need of you ignoring them because ain't nobody going nowhere until this gospel has been preached now here's something there's a good place to talk about this bible prophecy in fact does mention deadly viruses or pestilence that's what pestilence is it does mention about viruses and pestilence however does the bible specifically mention or predict the coronavirus covet 19. does it does it does the bible say or predict anything about that well let's let's look at what the word uh has to say jesus speaks of uh things in the future so let's look at uh chapter 21 luke chapter 21 now notice what jesus prophetically spoke about jesus speaks prophetically about the signs that would precede the end of the world and let's look at this in luke 21 and 11. jesus says that one of those signs would be pestilence he says and there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilences and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven so the meaning of pestilence according to the hebrew and the greek is a plague or a disease and so if you want to even add to luke before i say what i want to say look at matthew 24 matthew 24 8 and the nasb translation matthew 24 7 8 he says for nation will rise against nation and kingdoms against kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains so in several versions of the bible the word pestilences appears between famine and earthquakes now let's talk about the frequency of some stuff and and i went i went back just this week and i just i wanted to locate what happened uh between last sunday when we were talking about this and today so if you look at matthew 24 7 8 a notice he says but all these are merely the beginnings of birth pain so jesus was referring to a baby's birth he was explaining that just as a woman's contractions or labor pains are more frequent and severe as the baby is nearing birth so likewise these events and these signs will also become more frequent and severe as the world nears the second coming of jesus christ now you talk about it intensity let's just look at what happened this past week cbs news reports here's the headline largest wildfire in u.s history an excuse largest wildfire in the u.s spreads larger than the size of new york city and just seven percent is contained and i think the last time i heard it was now over two hundred and something thousand acres has another headline over 55 million americans at risk for flash flooding this weekend this weekend we're in a hundred year flood took place in europe in the countries of germany netherlands and belgium the death toll from europe's flood tops 150 as water recedes revealing the devastation that was caused this is since we met last sunday landslides swept through the through japanese city western wildfires range across 12 states the us the u.s at highest alert level reports nbc news the guardian reports over 400 000 people in ethiopia's t-grade now in famine and the u.n warns another 1.8 million people are on the brink of a famine i even saw reports with my own eyes of farmers shedding tears because they're like we're in this drought i'm talking about in the united states and i don't know if we're going to be able to harvest and now the grasshoppers are coming up from their dry place and eating four or five times their weight of food now can't you see it's coming whatever's happening on one side of the united states going to affect the other side well food prices going up they don't just go up there's a reason the supply and demand here's another report london and southern england hit by territor torrential rains and floods this is one that was shocking the great lakes the headline reads this shrinking lake levels threatened to kill micro biolites underwater reefs that's what it's it's kind of like a it feeds like fly the the the the brain flies and and shrimp and it also feeds 338 species of birds that visit there each year so the great salt lake is shrinking fast report cnn texas patient becomes u.s first monkey pox case since 2003 cbs news reports and this this is in the same family of viruses it's smallpox understand something when frequency and intensity is involved don't talk about well once covet is over we good now there's something right right behind it there's something right behind it you you must understand that people are only telling you what they know right now it's changing every week right behind it usa today headline mega drought water shortage global warning threatens u.s southwest and then i went to check for myself on earthquakes where they were uh what was the intensity of it in the last seven days we've had 128 earthquakes to occur in different nations of the world you're like well i hate it on news they don't they can't report on everything they got to report on stuff that'll keep you watching are y'all listening what i'm saying here we are in this time and the and the intensity you hear people say we've not seen a storm like this in a hundred years we hadn't seen fires like this ever that's showing you intensity for us who are christians look up your redemption draws near so now the question is is the coronavirus a sign of the end well since just since jesus mentioned pestilence does this mean that the coronavirus has been predicted as the sign that the world will end and jesus will come back tomorrow probably not throughout history there have been many plagues and diseases that have caused fear and it's caused death you remember the talk of the spanish flu the black death you remember ebola sars covet 19. notice frequency and intensity when i was praying about the the the coronavirus the lord said son this is just the this is just the dress rehearsal i said what he says just what scripture says this is this beginning i'm sorry this is just this is just just the dress rehearsal and uh i need you to begin to teach people so that fear won't come in so they'll understand that jesus has got their back you are now going to see a very clear distinction between those who are in christ and those who are not jesus didn't come back in the past because of these plagues however as epidemics including the coronavirus occurs more often and become more deadly we should pay attention as these are warning signs that jesus is coming back soon so the main point of what jesus is saying in luke 21 and in matthew 24 is to watch for the prophetic signs to increase in frequency he gave the sign but we watched the the increase of frequency and intensity this increase will signal the imminent coming of the lord just watch it it will come a time where it's going to be so intense you're going to be like whoa that's that that is a clear signal of the imminent return of the lord jesus christ now let me pause for a moment because you know for some people this could be kind of depressing it's not for me and it shouldn't be for you so let me give you reasons why it shouldn't be you should find your hope in jesus christ amen remember that jesus is always by our side go to hebrews chapter 13 and 5. he's always by side he will walk with us no matter what is going on and the bible says in hebrews chapter 13 and 5 he says let your conduct be without covetousness be content with uh with uh such things as you have for he himself has said i will never leave you nor forsake me you god is never gonna leave you nor forsake you in the middle of everything that's gone on this year and a half god will never leave you nor forsake you glory be to god and i know it's been tough for a lot of you but god will never leave you nor forsake you and you need to get that in your mind god's got my back he's never going to leave me he's never going to forsake me a thousand shall fall at my side let me stop we saw we are psalms 91 equipped we some 91 we've been declaring psalm 91 ever since everything's going on don't you know that god has put his armor on us we have been resisting with the shield of faith come hell or high water it shall not come near me for i dwell in the secret place of the most high i abide under the shadow of the almighty i say unto the lord he is my refuge he is my fortress and in god i trust before jesus was crucified he gave this promise to the disciples and by extension he said these things i have spoken unto you that in me you may have peace somebody say peace see you can have peace in the midst of a pandemic now you you're going to have to contend for it now you got to contend for it you have to get up every day when crazy stuff going on in your head and you got to say i received the peace of jesus i'm not looking for the peace that comes from the world because that stuff don't last long i'm looking for the peace of jesus i'm looking for the peace that came from jesus [Applause] the bible says in john 16 33 in the world you will have what tribulation you will have tribulation so all these christians who are saved and they think well i'm just a little you know christian this is the way we go to church no no no no no no see what happened when the church was closed you couldn't sing that no more he says but he said but in the middle of tribulation he said there's going to be tribulation so don't try to run from it don't try to act like it's not going to be it's going to be there but i'm going to show you how to handle tribulation when it comes he said here's what i want you to do be of good cheer for i have overcome the world and greater is he that is on the inside of you than he that is in the world and if he overcame the world for us you and i have overcome the world i will not be moved praise god i will not walk in fear [Applause] peace peace in fact i i release the blessing of peace over you right now i release the blessing of peace over you right now so what do you do by faith you receive it i have peace right now i receive that right now by faith i receive the blessing of peace right now i receive peace in the middle of a pandemic piece in the middle of a lost job piece in the middle of a bad diagnosis piece in the middle of not knowing how i'm gonna pay my bills i'm gonna pay to rent all my money spent a little bit to buy some food baby need a pass shoes look i got a light bill dude but i'm gonna have peace in the midst of the storm i'm not gonna let that devil take my peace it's all i got i gotta hold on to my peace hallelujah you had a trouble gonna come but i gotta hold on to my peace because everything the devil's trying to do is involved in trying to snatch the peace of god from you you can't let it you got to talk to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual some sometimes you got to walk in the bathroom just talk to yourself you might have to pace a little bit and say i have the peace of god everything going to be all right i got the peace of god he's never left me he won't leave me enough to save me i got the peace of god i know what's going on but i got the peace of god i would have lost my mind a long time ago i hadn't had it not been for the peace of god i'm not gonna let go now praise god the peace of god i got the peace of god i got the peace of god i got the peace of god i got the peace of god i'm just trying to make sure you got it i got the peace of god i don't even understand it but i got the peace of god i don't know i don't know how i can have this much peace in the middle of what's going on it looked like i'm standing in hell but i still got the peace of god it looked like i'm getting ready to lose everything i got but i got the peace of god it looks like it looks like something's attacking my body but i got the peace of god it looked like it looked like it looked like we don't live by what it looked like we live by what the word of god says hallelujah somebody shout i got the peace of god [Applause] i got the peace of god i'm gonna walk in my peace i'm gonna sleep in my peace hallelujah i'm gonna drive my car in my peace hallelujah i'm going to the grocery store in my piece hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus god will do great exploits for you hallelujah in egypt there was not enough straw to make bricks but in goshen there was a ample supply to make brits in egypt there was no light praise god but in goshen there was light praise the lord i am welcoming you this morning to goshen praise the lord you are no longer operating in egypt you are in goshen your god shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus excuse me for shouting but praise god i'm let praise the lord my god shall supply all is wealth in my house all this well [Applause] excuse me for getting excited but you you don't you don't know you don't know i can't tell it like you can tell it but but you can't tell it like i can tell you you don't understand what god has done you don't understand you don't understand the position that a lot of people have been in you don't know the ditch that they were in you don't know the situation you don't know the pain that they had you don't know how god reached down with his mighty hands and lifted them up out of that situation you don't know so excuse me for getting excited about a god who will keep his promise almost shouting how praise god because one day in a moment in a twinkling of an eye i'll be caught up to meet him in the air jesus is coming back jesus is coming back excuse me for shouting but jesus is coming back i know they said he's not coming back but he made a promise and he will he has never broken one promise [Applause] and he's not about to break this one [Music] come quickly lord jesus come on come on come on come on come on come on saint john chapter 14 and 27 jesus again tells us to not be troubled or afraid because he's with us no matter the situation or the circumstance peace i leave with you my peace i give you not as the word world gives you to you do i give you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid god repeats himself in several bible verses he's got your back he's got your back so all these things must come to pass but jesus has got you back now like i said before no one knows the exact time of christ coming matthew 24 and 36 says this but of that day and of that hour no one knows not even the angels in heaven but my father only jesus said he don't want those and also in matthew 24 24 42 he says watch therefore for you do not know what hour your lord is coming so watch now what is it that jesus does promise here well he promises us peace and we accept that but i've always wondered does the bible say anything about how he will come how will jesus return three ways visibly audibly and literally jesus will return visibly he will return audibly and he will return literally not know well in the spirit of your heart you'll feel like he's coming nah they ain't coming same way he left he coming back let's look at visibly revelations one and seven in revelation one and seven he says behold he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him now i think that it's not just going to be every eye on the earth i think everywhere going to be an audience to this so why would you say that he said even they who pierced him will see him oh lord have mercy and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him even so amen and in matthew 24 and 27 also says for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west so also will the coming of the son of man be coming from the east to the west oh my goodness i'm on the east coast thank you secondly he's coming back audibly you're going to hear something when he comes back yeah you know it's not going to be no secret return first thessalonians chapter 4 16-17 he says for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout or command with the voice of an archangel now if you ain't never heard of archangel before you all know you don't know how loud that's going to be and with the trump of god you ever heard god's trump i but how loud is it going to be the dead in christ will rise first it's going to be so loud dead folks going to hear it's going to wake the dead get above shout out that's why he said let's sleep because he's going to wake him up my god my god allah thank you lord thank you jesus the dead in christ now he see how this gonna go now he got some order the dead in christ gonna rise first now now check this out all of us who save oh would it be cool to be in their cemetery that day glory be to god well pastor ken we sitting there saying earth to earth ashes the ashes dust the dust and all of it come together and get up in front of us when oh lord have mercy i mean i'm sitting there and that casket busts open and they come alive i know what's going to happen the next i'll be like [Applause] i'm going to grab me a sinner on my way up and say you better repent or i'm going to drop your praise god [Applause] [Music] the dead in christ will be raised first i don't think you understand how amazing that's gonna be everything's gonna be impacted you got you got ashes in that valiant ashes in that body of water you got grays where they're not even marked your house might be near one [Music] you got mausoleums and do you understand when that command comes forth everything's got to get in order now once they're up there then those who are alive and remain now watch the order shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye so we're walking and we're alive changed whoa whoa don't let him find your cussing you don't want to see jesus right after you don't cut somebody else his grace is sufficient but you know you're going to be changed in a moment and twinkling in the eye and you're going to join the meeting there's a meeting on god's schedule that no one knows about but him my god then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord thirdly he's coming literally acts chapter 1 verse 10 11 through 11 he says and while they look steadfastly towards heaven as he went up this is when jesus left the disciples behold two men stood by them in white apparel i'm thinking these are angels who also said men of galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven they're saying jesus they saying jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven see people try to make all these movies you know jesus showed up he was born then nobody knows he he came in incognito and he walking around with a quarrel bone do you know how that's gonna happen he said you're gonna see this why are you looking at heaven same way he left he coming back the same way so why is jesus taking so long second peter 3 verse 8 through 9. let's see why is it taking so long they will talk about this in the book of acts second peter chapter 3 verse 8-9 but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the lord one day is a thousand years oh wow so prophetically when you see something a thousand or two thousand it's just two days in heaven oh some of y'all relatives who went on beat the lord ain't even been a couple hours yet he said in a thousand years this is one day he said the law is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but he's long-suffering towards us long-suffering how not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so god is long-suffering because he don't want nobody to perish so it keeps it being extended to try to get as many people as possible into this thing every person you think is the craziest person you have seen for in your life god working like staff said this morning he looking for him he's searching for them you know i realize you got to be careful preachers got to quit assuming stuff and acting and it's almost taught like a colleague paul acting uh they got they got to keep they got to stop assuming stuff and then presuming that it's in the bible a lot of stuff i heard in the past say it ain't no way in the bible it's somebody's assumption a wrong one when you're flying an airplane if you get one degree off and don't correct it the longer you're going the farther and farther away from your destination you get that's what's happened to the preaching of the world especially in this area we got one degree off because somebody thought they had a revelation but it was error and for years we never made the correction and we kept going off and so far away from it now it's sad but you guys say you got you got sinners that that that are closer to the truth than some church folks and that's sad now when jesus comes back what is the world going to be like now you check this out matthew 24 37-39 what will the world be like he says but as the as the days of noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating they were drinking they were marrying they were giving in marriage until the day that noah entered into ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will be the coming of the sun and man nobody's most people they're just not looking for it they're not expecting anybody gonna be carrying on what they normally carry on and you know all the days and stuff and then it's gonna happen it's not gonna be some little special setup no one will be announcing prepare thyself the lord is about to break through the cloud no you're just going to be moving and and for some of you you're going to be walking whoa what's going on now now the the scary part is if you are unbelievable next to a believer when that happens you're going to need therapy [Applause] you know why i was gonna get saved i was gonna get saved i was gonna get saved i was gonna do it i was gonna do it i was gonna do it i was gonna do the torment is going to be jesus offered you forgiveness and you turned it down the torment is going to be he paid the price for your sin through grace he allowed you to come in and you wouldn't do it he wasn't asking you to do nothing to earn it he said just come in and let me work on you and you wouldn't even do that he didn't ask you for nothing he came to serve you in this new testament and you turned him down and he gave you years and years and people prophesied to you and you came to church and you put it on stream but then you didn't like something i said so you disconnected me and went out the back door you talked about church hopping boy you they doing church hopping big time online because it's easy to church hop online you could be watching me and just church hop right out the front door and go somewhere else [Applause] i don't want to hear this i don't believe this let me go somewhere else i want to hear i want to have some church and then you go somewhere where they plan to hammer that's what i'm talking about that's church right there but what you turning that forward you don't even believe you're just religious are there additional warnings that he gives us well i think i found one in luke 21 verse 34 through 36 luke 21 34-36 he said but take heed to yourselves let your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and the cares of this world take heed to yourself that the day come on you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the son of man so while we wait for jesus how should we live titus this is so good titus chapter 11. titus chapter 11. somebody at your door answering if you're there say amen i'm looking for another scripture while y'all got that um he says for the grace of god that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age so the grace is teaching you how to live this way looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great god and savior jesus christ now you see why this teaching of grace is so important this grace will begin to teach us to live a sober life and a righteous life and a godly life as we look for the appearing of jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people zealous and of good works what will the earth be like and this is really intensifying men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money disrespectful to parents dishonorable just look at these things we have a society and we have an age of young people now who are so disrespectful you will be blown away if you heard just the parents in this room give you a testimony of the hell they've had to go through from disrespectful dishonorable children that's a sign of the time but let me encourage you the children will return to the fathers [Applause] god got him because of you pray for them love them speak good over them god got them oh my god they will fulfill the will of god on this place they will carry the will of god out like never before don't be moved by what you see [Applause] jesus is coming back i said told taff i said i said we're going to be ready she said i'm already ready i said i know that's right he's coming he's coming and with that i say this something's coming god said pray that you might be taken up quickly for what is about to come on this earth i won't tell you a lie everybody's looking for everything to it's going to get better we're going to go back the way it used to be open your eyes more murder than we've ever seen in fact i think i got a stack this morning at fulton county right now is lead them do you know the you know the number of lies through murder and on-purpose killings taking place you notice after the pandemic these folks came out you you can't even drive your car good without somebody shooting it up what's happening with all of that demon possessed people that carry these demons and church folks don't know enough about it to cast them out and get them delivered but that's going to change you got to understand that's going to change god is getting you ready and the miracles won't take place as much in the church building as it takes place in your house get ready to have church on the streets on the beach get ready to have church in the restaurant get ready they're going to be people that get so hungry for god they might be serving you in a restaurant and bow down on their face and say please pray for me i need jesus i'm gonna prophesy some stuff your children are gonna end up in clubs and god's gonna open their eyes and they'll see the demons that are on those people and they'll never somebody says that ain't gonna happen it happened to my wife taffy what are you talking about i'm talking about an experience that can't be denied that god loves this generation so much there's going to be an experience that cannot be denied god knows how to get you god knows what has got to happen god knows what you got to see god knows what you got to go through i trust god got time to be playing no more church we we do church so well that jesus has to ask a question what's that it's time to get in this word and learn how to do life i'm ready i'm gonna stop preaching no i'm preaching with everything in me now every year god give me i gotta turn it up some more i am not going to be satisfied until i have preached to this entire planet again i got almost eight million miles under my belt i'm ready to get about 10 more i am not going to stop preaching i'm going to preach in my house i'm going to preach in your house if you let me if they let me go to the white house again i'm going to preach to them i am not i am a preacher i'm not gonna be going around here talking about well you know i am a motivational speaker now i'm a preacher i preached jesus him crucified dead and very went to hell on the third day got up with all power there's something that happens through the foolishness of preaching that god can come and deliver may you walk in the provision that jesus has prepared for you all i can do is tell it all i can do is preach it i'm not the same you not the same we got a charge to keep and we got a god to glorify so i'll give you this implication come come and go with me to my father's house [Applause] come and go with me to my father's house now if you come to church one of these sundays and you can't find me and taffy and a whole lot of folks who see you in fact if you come and there's a bunch of clothes just lying on the this line on the seat you can have them you can have the clothes you can have my wallet you can take the credit card go ahead and spin them if you come and like there's a pile right standing right here underwear and all just a pile just standing right here i'm gone if you come out there and there's some cars right in the parking and you can find the keys on the seat help yourself i'm gone if you walk in a house hey and ain't nobody there you need to make sure they're gone this is going to happen prepare yourselves ready yourselves i'm ready amen give the lord a big hand clap lord we praise you we praise you to lord jesus the praise of the day lord we praise you lord we praise you bow your heads with me real quick those of you who are in the dome those of you who are on stream if you could just pause what you're doing at home and let's think about something [Music] oh god [Music] we absolutely know for sure that we can't do anything without you we've made a mess of so many things in this life but your grace has been sufficient for us your grace and your love and the blood and you've been good to us you just keep staying with us but now lord we have faith in the mercy of god and we have faith in the grace of god and and we have faith in your word help us to believe and to trust all that you've already done that the power of your holy spirit now begin to manifest in all of us lord help us to see what we've not been able to see help us to understand what we've not been able to understand use us useless god the gifts that you've deposited on the inside of us use us lord we want to serve you o god with what you have given us deliver us from the filthiness of mammon let that not be our pursuit but that we may serve somebody that they may see you we give you praise now if you're here today if you're on stream today and you've never made jesus the lord of your life this is a very important moment one decision your whole life one decision make jesus lord of your life if you're ready to do that if you'll pray with me and repeat this prayer after me i'll lead you i'll lead you right now let's pray those of you who are ready to get saved say this after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i accept the forgiveness of jesus [Music] glory i ask you to come into my heart save me i need a savior thank you lord that today you are my savior and i thank you that by faith today i am saved in jesus name amen now if you prayed that prayer with me just now that's it i do all know deep stuff you got to go you know and and feed a thousand people that ain't that how you get saved you just you just got saved you just accepted him as your lord and personal savior and i want to welcome you to the family of god if you were to die right now heaven would be your home now if you just prayed that prayer with me i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to five one five five five provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today go in the comment section and tell people i just got saved world changers go in and minister to those and rejoice with those who who just got saved online now if you're here today and uh you've made jesus your lord personal savior uh i double dog dare you to just say you know what from this day forward i'm never gonna be ashamed of the lord jesus christ you have an opportunity to come to an altar so if you're if you're saved and you just prayed that prayer with me would you come down to this altar secondly if you're here and you feel like well man i believe i'm supposed to be a member of this church and i want to join this church those two things i invite you to this altar to do right now so come those of you who online god bless you and we rejoice with everybody praise god the goodness of the lord will change your mind about a whole lot of things a whole lot of things amen and i'm just grateful for that right now in the name of jesus well we rejoice with you guys and i want to take some time to send you to the prayer room there's some things we want to get from you and some things we want to give to you and if you want extra prayer we'll have our deacons up there as well ready to pray for you and believe god with you and we just think that the best is yet to come the best is yet to come in your life amen you don't have to continue to live a life in the pain of what's going on around the world amen the best is yet to come the best is yet to come amen and i speak the joy of the lord over your lives amen so father i just released the blessings on the lives of those who come to this altar i thank you that they will never be the same again in jesus name amen at this time guys if you can turn this way and follow this gentleman to the prayer room they're going to take you and and uh provide more ministry for you if you need it and we thank god don't you appreciate those who come up to the author praise the lord thank you lord it's just good to see the office still alive amen amen let's go ahead and conclude our worship with our giving the bible makes it very clear amen i mean you got it right when when the lord is ministered to you and when god has done things for you you are motivated through thanksgiving and gratitude and and being gracious to god father i want to give to you giving is an honor act and the bible makes it clear he says you know i will multiply what you give in other words he's like you know what if you don't give i can't multiply it i can only multiply what you give i can't multiply what you consume if a farmer consumes his seed rather than planting his seed then that which he consumed can't be multiplied and so we give not to get blessed we give because god's already provided his blessing abraham got the victory first and then after the victory he was led to give and i'm telling you i am so glad for this opportunity to to be grateful and thankful to god through the giving of gifts when the magi was looking for jesus and they found him finally he was probably two at the time the bible says they fell to their knees reaching into the treasury remember they bought gold uh frankincense and myrrh and they said they began to worship him with those gifts as they laid it down to his feet and that's how i see offering right now it's not about trying to manipulate god or you know many people say well i pay my tithes i deserve that that's the real wrong attitude what are you talking about that's so wrong i got i got to correct that there's so much wrong in what we've uh taught you about giving and what you've learned about giving you have to make up in your heart what to give and when you do it you do it out of gratitude the bible says give out of what a cheerful heart the bible says don't give out of necessity oh i feel that's necessary for me to give in order to get blessed i feel like it's necessary for me to give in order for not good health that ain't that ain't that what the scripture says that's what we've been taught that's all we knew at the time but thank god for revelation thank god that we're making progress and we're understanding him and through that relationship we see clearly now so your gift absolutely should be a celebration of gratitude for what god has already done in your life and we sow when we give in that thanksgiving if you need an offering envelope if you're here in the dome would you lift your hands and the ushers and get one to you those of you who are at home if you're participating in this time and i and i urge you if you if you were fed this morning or if you've ever been fed through the stream you figure out one of these ways where you can sow into it praise god so god can multiply what you sow if you're given through text just text world changers space and then the amount to 74483 if you're on stream and you want to call that number on your stream on the screen one eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three or if you want to mail in 2500 burden road college park georgia 30349 and you can also give on online you can go to the website you can go to or if you have paypal you can use that online as well so those are four ways you can give uh online now you can also scan to give you can see that little code right there if you'll put your phone up there and scan that it'll take you directly to the text to give you just uh put in your mountain and uh mass send and so it makes it easier for you to do that you can do that here i think they have a code outside in the lobby where you can do it we're trying to use as much technology as we can to give people opportunities to give in the way that they they want to give so we are grateful and we are thankful for for all of that what are we we have had a quite a week on this campus this week man and i'm just so grateful and thankful for the time that we've had this week oh i think i hear the lord saying pecan pie my god no no it was apple it was apple it oh oh oh it's a combination pecan apple pie no jesus jesus said i ain't saying nothing you stop playing hey man if you're prepared uh with your um what are these things called the envelopes uh let's just go ahead and receive them right now thank you we're almost com to complete our understanding series on wednesday night it has been an amazing time together and um we got a couple more things to go through on wednesday nights and and we'll be finished with that and we'll make it available to our entire world changers nation for new believers to understand the things they think they that i think they need to know as someone who's just come into the body of christ and um somebody says are we finished with this series i don't know i don't pray about it and see if the lord give me anything else but i'm not gonna get into you know the different prophetic stuff i i'm not going to get into all of that it's it's this is the most important one get ready stay ready look for jesus i don't want to get anywhere what that horse mean that and that horse mean that and that's the black one and there's that's good stuff but i i got to stay where i'm anointed no no need to be getting in this on my own no none about uh one time i was looking at all them horses and i'm like okay i'm ready i'm ready i do i may get into the great white throne judgment that's pretty important to show you how awesome it is to be living life under grace and uh versus dying without jesus and what was that second resurrection all about from the dead it's pretty interesting because he's telling people you depart for me you work of iniquity you go over here and enter into eternal life whoa who are these people whoa whoa whoa i thought everybody was saved got raptured up well there will still be people on the earth and there'll still be people getting saved and all that kind of stuff and then there's the rapture of the 144 thousand and then there's the rapture of the witness of the two witnesses uh enoch and elijah there's just a couple of it's not it's not gonna be the only one in fact there's already been what you've got enough that was raptured up you had um jesus himself who was raptured up you had elijah who was raptured up so it's like it's not like god is a rookie when it comes to rapturing people don't like to use that word rapture well you know that word's not in the bible i don't care it you know you it means say caught up and all that nobody got time to talk about that little bit of stuff caught up taken away and then you want to fuss about where the rapture ain't in the bible boy don't get me started praise the lord amen listen i enjoyed your presence today let's stand i'd like to offer you a final blessing as we dismiss those of you who are online the same thing this is our benediction and so father i pray over every person here and the families that they represent i pray the blessings of god in their life right now that blessing is working in them and on them and through them and that blessing is working for them i declare divine safety and protection over their lives i pray that you protect them in every way every every area i thank you that they walk in divine healing in the name of jesus and that any virus or any sickness or disease touch their body i declare it will die instantly in jesus name i thank you that the anointing of god is working in their life to remove every burden and destroy every yoke father i declare favor over their lives this week that they walk in supernatural favor and the favor of god will go ahead of them to divinely arrange things before they even get there and so father i give you praise right now for the holy spirit walking with them speaking to them showing them things to come and father i pray that they are blessed i declare that blessing right now and i shall peace peace over their lives and now unto them on him who is able to keep us from falling and to present a faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you everybody have a great
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 119,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: A--2GMcBSBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 46sec (5026 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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